Maria Clara Doña Victorina

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Maria Clara Doña Victorina

She is Ibarra's girlfriend. She is the ridiculously pro-Spanish

She enlisted in the nunnery when woman who is going to Laguna in
she learned that Ibarra was already search of her henpecked husband.
dead. Simoun planned to sneak her Her search for her husband
out of the convent; she died before the symbolizes her search for the foreign
plan was put to action. identity that she did not have.

Juli Paulita Gomez

Basilio's sweetheart. The beautiful niece of Doña

Chose death over the loss of honor Victorina.
and dignity. She rejected Isagani because of his
She represents the Philippines liberal ideas.
which would rather suffer with pride She represents the women who have
and honor. no sense of nationalism and sympathy
towards others.
Simoun Basilio

He is Juan Crisostomo Ibarra of Noli Me He is the son of Sisa.

Tangere in disguise. He fled to Cuba where he A very promising medical student.
became rich and consequently befriended many At first he refuses to join Simoun's
Spanish officials. plan of overthrowing the Spanish
Unlike Ibarra in Noli, he is now vigilant; he government; in this, he represents the
now embodies the Filipinos who had had young educated Filipinos who are
enough of the cruelties of the Spaniards. apathetic to the needs of the society.
Outwardly, he is a friend of Spain, but deep Juli's death makes him decide to join
in his heart, he is bitter and ruthless, secretly Simoun's troop.
planning a revolution against the Spanish

Isagani Señor Pasta

He is the nephew of Padre He is an old Filipino lawyer who

Florentino and the lover of Paulita refuses to help the Filipino students in
Gomez. their clamor for educational reforms.
Once a person full of hope and He represents the part of the society
aspirations for his country, he was that is only generous and sympathetic
disheartened and let go of his ideals in to the rich and powerful.
favor of personal gains. His self-centeredness overshadows
He symbolizes the youth who, his patriotism.
despite their being very aggressive
and idealistic, cannot be relied on in
times of adversity. Father Irene

He is a kind friar who is a friend of

the Filipino students. He supports the
Placido Penitente and Pecson students who appeal to the
government for an academy of
They are the students who asked for Spanish language.
educational reforms. He embodies the few Spaniards
They represent the people who have who are sympathetic to the Filipinos.
yet to cultivate their nationalistic

Father Florentino Kabesang Tales

He is a retired scholarly and Juli's father.

patriotic Filipino priest. The friars dispossessed him of his
He believes that the Philippines will land; in real life, Rizal's father met the
have its freedom. same fate.
He symbolizes the natives and
farmers whose lands were seized by
the friars.
His story presents the cause of the

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