Narrative Rubric

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Narrative Rubric

Criteria Excellent Highly Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs

Structure/Format All 5 components of 4 out of 5 3 out of 5 Less than 3
a narrative are components of a components of a components of a
clearly covered: title, narrative are clearly narrative are clearly narrative are clearly
orientation, covered: title, covered: title, covered: title,
complication, orientation, orientation, orientation,
resolution and complication, complication, complication,
conclusion resolution and resolution and resolution and
conclusion conclusion conclusion
Engagement/Wow Presents a super Presents a very Presents an engaging Presents a somewhat
Factor engaging narrative engaging narrative narrative engaging narrative
Neatness/Layout Narrative was, at all Narrative was, at Narrative was, at Narrative layout
times, neatly laid out nearly all times, most times, neatly needs improving
with correct neatly laid out with laid out with correct
sentence and correct sentence and sentence and
paragraph spacings paragraph spacings paragraph spacings
Vocabulary A wide range of A range of Some interesting More interesting
interesting interesting vocabulary was used vocabulary could have
vocabulary was used vocabulary was used been used
Speech Speech marks were Speech marks were Speech marks were Speech marks needed
correctly used, at all correctly used, at correctly used, most to be used more often
times, to show nearly all times, to of the time, to show to show character
character dialogue show character character dialogue dialogue
Tense- Past The whole narrative Nearly the whole Most of the narrative Little to none of the
was written in past narrative was written was written in past narrative was written
tense in past tense tense in past tense
Sentences Sentences were Sentences were very Sentences were well Sentence structure
extremely well well structured and a structured and needs work and a
structured and a variety of different different sentence larger variety of
wide range of sentence starters starters were used sentence starters
sentence starters were used needed
were used
Spelling All spelling is correct Nearly all spelling is Most spelling is Too many spelling
correct correct errors
Punctuation All punctuation is Nearly all Most punctuation is Need to edit
correct punctuation is correct punctuation
Editing Skills Draft copy of Draft copy of Draft copy of Draft copy of
narrative shows narrative shows narrative shows narrative shows little
amendment of all amendment of amendment of most amendment of
structural, spelling nearly all structural, structural, spelling structural, spelling
and punctuation spelling and and punctuation and punctuation
errors. Also shows an punctuation errors. errors. Also shows a errors. Also shows
excellent effort to Also shows a highly satisfactory effort to little effort to improve
improve the use of satisfactory effort to improve the use of the use of descriptive
descriptive language improve the use of descriptive language language
descriptive language

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