Rubric Portfolio

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Rubric for an English Portfolio

Criteria Outstandin Very Good Good Fair Poor

g (4) (3) (2) (1)
Demonstrat Shows good Shows basic Shows Shows very
es excellent writing writing weak weak or no
writing skills with skills with writing writing
skills with mostly clear some skills with skills.
Writing clear organizatio organizatio poor
organizatio n, proper n, basic organizatio
n, proper grammar, grammar, n, frequent
grammar, and some and limited grammar
and varied varied vocabulary. errors, and
vocabulary. vocabulary. limited

Demonstrat Shows good Shows basic Shows Shows very

es excellent understandi understandi weak weak or no
understandi ng of texts, ng of texts, understandi understandi
ng of texts, mostly but may ng of texts, ng of texts.
Reading accurately answering have some frequently
Comprehens answering questions difficulty struggling
ion questions accurately answering to answer
and making and making questions questions
connections some accurately accurately
to the text. connections or making or make
to the text. connections connections
to the text. to the text.

Demonstrat Shows Shows Shows Shows

es mostly some frequent numerous
consistent consistent correct use errors in errors in
Grammar and correct and correct of grammar grammar grammar
and use of use of and and and
Punctuation grammar grammar punctuation punctuation punctuation
and and , but may . .
punctuation punctuation have
. . occasional

Demonstrat Shows a Shows a Shows Shows

es a wide good range basic range frequent numerous
range of of of spelling spelling
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary errors and a errors and a
and and mostly and has limited very limited
Vocabulary consistently uses correct some range of vocabulary.
and Spelling uses correct spelling. spelling vocabulary.
spelling. errors.

The The The The The

portfolio is portfolio is portfolio is portfolio is portfolio is
neat, well- mostly neat somewhat messy or very messy
organized, and well- neat and disorganize or
Cleanliness and free organized, organized, d, with disorganize
from any with but may noticeable d, with
dirt or minimal have some dirt or significant
stains. dirt or dirt or stains. dirt or
stains. stains. stains.

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