Science Shadows Lesson Plan
Science Shadows Lesson Plan
Science Shadows Lesson Plan
Appendix 1
Year Level: 3 Time: 11:30-12:15 Date: 15/05/2018 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
*If the weather does not allow for the effective use of game (rain or What a wonderful world
thunderstorms), the video ‘What a Wonderful World- Bob Stromberg’ will be Shadows
viewed as motivational activity.
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
3. Teacher then introduces next activity, switching off classroom lights and
pulling blinds closed.
“Now because we know that a shadow is caused when an object blocks light or
sunlight, we are going to create our own shadows in class using a torch and
11:50 4. After activity has been explained, students are grouped in pairs and given a
torch, four popsticks and their whiteboards to draw what shadows they have
created. Focus of this activity is to experiment with making different shadows
using given objects.
5. After fifteen minutes of students experimenting with shadows, teacher places Students Science Journals
12:05 Session Three on eboard for students to individually complete in their science Link to Session Three work
journals. The worksheet requires two questions and a picture explaining the page
activity undertaken.
Questions in Session Three. document/d/10qOtUyVA
1. What causes a shadow? C7dZ2v7qSUYqMHtezKET
2. Why do shadows change shape and size? jYLcwj6CX6mFcl8/edit
6. Once students have been given ten minutes to complete the session three
questions, students are instructed to leave materials/resources at their desk
and sit on mat for closing discussion.
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
1. Teacher reviews session by asking reflective question:
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Formal Assessment- The Session Three worksheet will be marked by the
teacher once completed. Two student samples have been provided to
demonstrate high competence and low competence.
Informal Assessment- Observations and anecdotal records will used to assess
students during the activity. More specifically, teachers observe and note
student levels of understanding in how they create shadows and manipulate
Lesson Objectives
1. Identify and explain what a shadow is.
This objective will be formally measured using the Lesson Three worksheet,
where students must give detailed sentence answers to the two questions, and
provide a simple labelled diagram on what causes a shadow. Teachers should
aim to help fix mistakes or errors before assessing piece with rubric
Below is a simple rubric to follow when assessing objective one: