Chemical Engineering Journal: Yafei Guo, Chuanwen Zhao, Changhai Li, Ye Wu
Chemical Engineering Journal: Yafei Guo, Chuanwen Zhao, Changhai Li, Ye Wu
Chemical Engineering Journal: Yafei Guo, Chuanwen Zhao, Changhai Li, Ye Wu
h i g h l i g h t s
The CO2 sorption capacity of the desired K2CO3/AC was 1.015 mmol CO2/g, and the carbonation conversion was 79.0%.
The CO2 sorption capacities of K2CO3/AC decrease as the temperature increases from 20 to 60 °C.
The CO2 sorption performance of K2CO3/AC is enhanced with the increase in C H2 O : C CO2 .
The sorbent retains stable CO2 sorption capacity during 20 carbonation-regeneration cyclic operations.
K2CO3/AC shows a higher utilization efficiency of active compound and a higher thermal stability.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Reducing or removing CO2 is critical to the confined spaces such as submarines, space-crafts or aircrafts
Received 10 July 2014 while using solid sorbents has been regarded as a promising method. In this work, K2CO3 loaded on acti-
Received in revised form 13 September vated carbon (K2CO3/AC) was developed as a new and regenerable sorbent for CO2 removing in confined
spaces. CO2 sorption performances of K2CO3/AC were investigated under different conditions by varying
Accepted 15 September 2014
Available online 22 September 2014
the K2CO3 loadings, CO2 concentrations, H2O concentrations, CO2 sorption temperatures and water pre-
treatment durations as well as the purge gas flow rates. The CO2 sorption capacity and carbonation con-
version of K2CO3/AC decrease with increasing temperature and increase with increasing mole ratio of H2O
CO2 removal
concentration over CO2 concentration. Sufficient water vapor pretreatment is found to be beneficial to the
Confined spaces sorption-enhanced performance. Increasing flow rate will weaken the CO2 sorption performance. The car-
K2CO3/AC bonation kinetics was also investigated with the correlation between the shrinking core model and
CO2 sorption performance experimental data. Additionally, the sorbent is proved to be regenerable and stable during 20-cycle
CO2 sorption–desorption experiments. K2CO3/AC presents high carbonation conversion efficiency, high
thermal stability, and low dependency on CO2 partial pressure. Therefore, it can be considered as a
new option for CO2 removal in confined spaces.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1385-8947/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Guo et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 260 (2015) 596–604 597
where qCO2 is the amount of CO2 removed (mmol/g), W is the weight different kinetic models including homogeneous model, shrinking
of sorbent (g), gCO2 is the CO2 sorption efficiency calculated core model and deactivation model for simulating the reaction
using Eq. (1), Qg is the gas flow rate in the CO2 sorption process kinetics of CO2 with K2CO3. They found that the deactivation model
(mL/min). T0 is 273 K, T is the gas temperature (K), and Vm is showed promising results in correlating the experimental data.
22.4 mL/mmol. However, the deactivation model is applicable based on the
As 1 mol of K2CO3 can react with one mole of CO2 and produce assumption of substantially higher H2O concentration compared
two moles of KHCO3, f(t) is calculated as: to that of CO2. Actually, for the non-catalytic heterogeneous
gas–solid reaction, the internal diffusion resistance cannot be elim-
qec ðq qep Þ MK2 CO3
f ðtÞ ¼ 100% ¼ 100% ð3Þ inated, especially for the sorbents with underdeveloped pore struc-
nCO2 b 1000 tures. Therefore, the shrinking core model is adopted to correlate
where f(t) is the carbonation conversion, qec and qep are the amounts the experimental data in this paper. It is reported that the carbon-
of CO2 removed (mmol CO2/g) by chemical sorption and physical ation reaction of K2CO3 can be divided as the surface chemical
adsorption, respectively. b is the K2CO3 loading in the sorbents (it reaction-controlled region and the internal diffusion-controlled
is 1 for pure potassium carbonate). Here, the chemically absorbed region [31]. For the carbonation kinetic of KACIs, the global reac-
CO2 is determined as the total amount of CO2 removed deducting tion rate can be expressed as the sum of the internal diffusion rate
the amount of physically adsorbed CO2. in the product layer and the reaction rate on the reaction interface.
The integral expression can be derived as:
3.2. CO2 adsorption kinetics of KACIs
R 1=3
C K2 CO0 R2 2=3
t¼ ð1 ð1 f ðtÞÞ Þþ 3
ð1 3ð1 f ðtÞÞ
For the sake of accurate prediction of physical adsorption, the ks C 0CO2 C 0H2 O 6DeC 0H2 O
CO2 adsorption kinetics of KACIs should be investigated. Currently,
þ 2ð1 f ðtÞÞÞ ð6Þ
many attempts have been carried out to develop a general expres-
sion describing the adsorption kinetics of gases on solid surface, where R (cm) is the radius of particle, ks is the reaction rate constant
and the most commonly used ones include the pseudo-first order per unit reaction interface, C 0CO2 (mol/cm3) and C 0H2 O (mol/cm3) are
equation [18], pseudo-second order equation [19] and the Avrami the initial concentration of CO2 and H2O, respectively. C 0K2 CO3 (mol/
model [20]. Recently, a linear driving force (LDF) mass transfer cm3) is the initial concentration of K2CO3, De is the diffusion coeffi-
model is proposed to describe adsorption behaviors of gases on cient for H2O in the product layer, and f(t) is the carbonation con-
activated carbon [21–24]. Particularly, the diffusion and adsorption version. The specific derivation of the expression can be found in
kinetics of CO2 on activated carbon is found to follow an LDF mode Ref. [31].
[25]. Thus, the LDF model is selected to correlate the experimental
adsorption data to reveal the CO2 adsorption kinetics. The LDF
model is proposed to be effective for describing the adsorption 4. Results and discussion
dynamic data based on the assumption that the adsorbent particle
temperature is uniform at all times [26]. The model is generally 4.1. CO2 adsorption performances of KACIs in 1.0% CO2
expressed as:
To determine the CO2 adsorption performances of K2CO3/AC at
¼ 1 expðktÞ ð4Þ ambient temperature, the support of AC, KACI5, KACI10, KACI15,
qe KACI20 and KACI25 were tested in the conditions of 1.0% CO2 with
where qt and qe are the adsorption amount at time t and equilibrium balanced N2, and the reaction temperature was maintained as
adsorption amount, respectively. k is the kinetic constant. 20 °C. The results are discussed as below.
In order to verify the statistical correctness, the sum of error Fig. 2(a) shows the CO2 adsorption breakthrough curves of
squares (SSE (%)) is given by: KACIs versus time. The CO2 adsorption capacities can be obtained
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi by integrating the CO2 adsorption breakthrough curves. The sup-
P 2 port of AC shows the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of
qe;exp qe;pred
SSE ð%Þ ¼ ð5Þ 0.2117 mmol CO2/g. The CO2 adsorption capacities of the sorbents
gradually decrease as 0.1934, 0.1830, 0.1585, 0.1572 and
where qe;exp and qe;pred are the experimentally measured and model- 0.1497 mmol CO2/g, with the increase in K2CO3 loadings from 5%
ing predicted adsorption capacity, respectively and N is the number to 25%. Since CO2 adsorption performances of all the sorbents are
of data points. mainly displayed as physical adsorption in this condition, the
microscopic structure of the sorbents plays an important role in
3.3. CO2 sorption kinetics of KACIs this process, thus the more K2CO3 is loaded the less porous of the
sorbent will be, and the smaller CO2 adsorption capacity of the sor-
There are little researches focusing on the kinetics of carbon- bent should be [16].
ation process of potassium-based sorbents. Onischak and Gidas- The CO2 adsorption amount of each sorbent versus time is cor-
pow [27] proposed a first order homogenous reaction kinetic related using the LDF model, as presented in Fig. 2(b). The CO2
model describing the kinetic characteristics between CO2 and solid adsorption behaviors of KACIs can be well described by the LDF
K2CO3. The first order model is dependent only on CO2 concentra- model, as indicated by the good correlation regressions. It is
tion while independent of sorbent and H2O concentration [28]. CO2 reported that the adsorption of gases on carbon materials, where
sorption on potassium-based sorbents is more likely to be a chem- the primary transport resistance occurs at the restricted pore
ical sorption process, which involves the diffusion of CO2 into the mouths of the carbon, can be exactly described by the LDF model
surface and pores, reaction with the active sites and the formation [26]. This has been proven by the good correlation regressions
of compact products layer. The formed products layer would make between the experimental data and the LDF model.
the CO2 diffusion process rather difficult. As the carbonation In order to evaluate the CO2 adsorption kinetic characteristics
reaction goes on, the sorbent will gradually deactivate, and the car- and quantify the physical adsorption capacity at different temper-
bonation reaction kinetic will be impaired [29]. In recent investiga- atures, CO2 adsorption experiments of KACI15 sorbent were per-
tions, Park et al. [30] performed a systematical comparison of formed in 1.0% CO2, 2.0% H2O, and balanced N2, while the
Y. Guo et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 260 (2015) 596–604 599
AC 0.10
0.4 KACI5
0.2 KACI15 0.05
KACI25 (a)
0 5 10 15 20 0.00
Time, min 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time, min
(b) -0.7
Adsorption amount, mmol/g
R =0.9735
0.15 -0.8
ln k
0.10 KACI5 -0.9
0.05 KACI20 -1.0
0 5 10 15 20 0.0030 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034
Time, min -1
1/T (K )
Fig. 2. CO2 adsorption performances of different sorbents [(gas flow rate: 500 mL/
min; CO2 concentration: 1.0%; temperature: 20 °C). (a) CO2 adsorption break- Fig. 3. CO2 adsorption kinetic characteristics of KACI15 [(gas flow rate: 500 mL/
through curves; (b) CO2 adsorption amount fit to LDF model]. min; CO2 concentration: 1.0%; temperature: 20–60 °C). (a) CO2 adsorption amount
fit to LDF model; (b) Arrhenius plot of adsorption rate constant].
kinetic equation is determined as:
7:09 0.8
k ¼ 6:41 exp ð7Þ
4.2. CO2 sorption performances of KACIs in 1.0% CO2 + 2.0% H2O KACI5
0.4 KACI10
As reported in previous publications [8–14], K2CO3/AC can be KACI15
used to capture CO2 to form potassium bicarbonate in the reaction 0.2 KACI20
conditions of 5–20% CO2 and 5–20% H2O at 50–100 °C. However,
the CO2 sorption performances of KACIs at low CO2 partial pres-
sures and low temperatures have not been revealed. Thus the 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25
regrading experiments were conducted and the results are shown
Time, min
in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4 presents the CO2 sorption breakthrough curves versus Fig. 4. CO2 sorption performances of different sorbents (gas flow rate: 500 mL/min;
time. It can be seen that support of AC shows fast breakthrough CO2 concentration: 1.0%; H2O concentration: 2.0%; temperature: 20 °C).
600 Y. Guo et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 260 (2015) 596–604
Carbonation conversion, %
5.2 2
60 R =0.9916
ln ks
20 °C
30 °C 4.4
40 °C
50 °C
60 °C
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
-3 -1
Time, min 1/T (10 K )
ln De
Table 2
Kinetic parameters obtained from shrinking core model for carbonation at different -16.0
T (°C) 20 30 40 50 60 -16.5
ks 244.11 151.59 96.56 61.97 48.95
De (107) 5.81 2.40 1.54 0.82 0.42 (b)
R2 0.9977 0.9951 0.9970 0.9980 0.9965 -17.0
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
-3 -1
1/T (10 K )
for the physical adsorption process. The sorbent of KACI15 shows Fig. 6. CO2 sorption kinetic characteristics of KACI15 obtained from the fitting
the best sorption performance with the longest sorption break- results of shrinking core model [(gas flow rate: 500 mL/min; CO2 concentration:
through time. Further increase in loading amount leads to a 1.0%; H2O concentration: 2.0%). (a) Arrhenius plot of the reaction rate for surface
decrease in sorption breakthrough time. The CO2 sorption capacity chemical reaction-controlled region; (b) Arrhenius plot of the rate for internal
diffusion-controlled region].
of AC is calculated as 0.2015 mmol CO2/g, which is close to the
physical adsorption capacity. The CO2 sorption capacities for KACIs
are calculated to be 0.4027, 0.5301, 1.0147, 0.6558 and
0.4481 mmol CO2/g, respectively. Deducting physical adsorption that the internal diffusion is the rate limiting step for the whole
capacity and considering the complete conversion of K2CO3 to carbonation process.
KHCO3 via carbonation reaction, the corresponding conversion effi-
ciencies are determined through Eq. (3) as 58.0%, 48.0%, 79.0%, 4.3. Factors affecting the CO2 sorption performances of KACI15
34.4% and 16.5% for KACI5, KACI10, KACI15, KACI20 and KACI25,
respectively. The above results can be explained that the higher Compared with other KACIs sorbents in this study, KACI15
K2CO3 loadings will result in less dispersed K2CO3 thus less conver- presents both higher carbonation conversion efficiency and CO2
sion, as elaborated in Ref. [16]. sorption capacity. Consequently, it was utilized for further investi-
In order to investigate the CO2 sorption kinetics of the sorbent, gation on the effect of reaction conditions including carbonation
CO2 sorption performance of KACI15 were studied in 1.0% temperature, gas composition, water pretreatment and flow rate
CO2 + 2.0% H2O at the temperature range of 20–60 °C. The carbon- on the CO2 sorption performances.
ation conversions of the sorbent at different temperatures are cal-
culated and correlated using the shrinking core model, and the
results are plotted in Fig. 5. The corresponding kinetic parameters 4.3.1. Temperature
obtained are tabulated in Table 2. The CO2 sorption processes of KACI15 in gas flow of 1.0% CO2,
Good correlation regressions are achieved between the kinetic 2.0% H2O, and balanced N2 were carried out at different tempera-
model and experimental data, as indicated by the high R2 values. tures. The results are presented in Fig. 7.
This implies that the sorption kinetics of CO2 can be well described Fig. 7 presents experimental CO2 sorption breakthrough data
using the shrinking core model. Based on the kinetic parameters, measured at different temperatures. It can be seen that the break-
the Arrhenius plots of kinetic constants for surface chemical reac- through time is reduced with increasing reaction temperature and
tion-controlled region and the diffusion-controlled region are it presents a faster breakthrough pattern. The best sorption perfor-
found to satisfy linear correlation, as presented in Fig. 6. mance is achieved when the temperature is 20 °C. This indicates
Related parameters can be obtained from the values of the slope that a lower temperature is favorable for CO2 sorption performance
and the intercept of the fitting lines. The apparent activation ener- of KACI15, which is ascribed to the exothermic nature of carbon-
gies for the surface chemical reaction-controlled region and the ation reaction. This is in conformity with the change of carbonation
diffusion-controlled region are determined as 33.42 and 51.30 kJ/ conversion with temperature shown in Fig. 5. It is reported that the
mol, respectively. The corresponding pre-exponential factors are sorption of CO2 should be more economically promising when
calculated as 2.61 104 and 3.90 1016 cm2/min. This indicates operated at ambient temperature. Thus, KACI15 sorbent turns as
Y. Guo et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 260 (2015) 596–604 601
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 30°C 0.4 1:1
40°C 1.5:1
50°C 0.2 2:1
60°C 2.5:1
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time, min Time, min
Fig. 7. Effect of temperature on the CO2 sorption performances of KACI15 (gas flow Fig. 8. Effect of C H2 O : C CO2 on the CO2 sorption performances of KACI15 (gas flow
rate: 500 mL/min; CO2 concentration: 1.0%; H2O concentration: 2.0%). rate: 500 mL/min; CO2 concentration: 1.0%; temperature: 20 °C).
a potential option in application of ambient CO2 removal from con- capacity and carbonation conversion. This should be deduced as
fined space. the increasing quantity of CO2 in the quasi-liquid layer between
The CO2 sorption capacities under different temperatures are bulk gas and solid phases in the heterogeneous CO2 sorption sys-
calculated as 1.0147, 0.5434, 0.4022, 0.3117, 0.2548 mmol CO2/g. tem, due to the increase in H2O concentration [32]. Besides, It is
Noticeable drop in CO2 sorption capacity can be observed when reported that K2CO3 will be converted into K2CO31.5H2O in the
the reaction temperature increase from 20 to 60 °C. The low CO2 presence of water vapor with low partial pressure. While it is more
sorption capacity at high temperature is attributed to the reduction likely to be converted into K4H2(CO3)31.5H2O when exposed in
of concentration driving force because the reaction is reversible water vapor of high concentration. The unstable intermediate of
and exothermic. It was reported that the CO2 sorption capacity of K4H2(CO3)31.5H2O is readily to trap CO2 to form KHCO3, which
amine-based sorbent of CNTs-TEPA-30 in similar confined space immensely facilitate the CO2 removal process [10,33]. The
atmosphere increased steadily from 2.0 to 3.56 mmol CO2/g as improvement in carbonation kinetics might be another reason for
the temperature increased from 10 to 40 °C [17]. This indicates that the sorption-enhanced process.
the effect of temperature on the sorption capacity of KACI15 and
amine-based sorbent is opposite. Besides, amine-based sorbent 4.3.3. Water pretreatment
shows more stable performance for CO2 sorption with the change Water vapor at high concentration is beneficial for improving
of temperature. the reaction activity. A suggested way to obtain effective CO2 sorp-
Deducting the physical adsorption amount (Fig. 3), the corre- tion performance is to increase the carbonation conversion and
sponding carbonation conversion efficiencies of KACI15 under each reaction kinetic involving sufficient water pretreatment. To inves-
temperature can be calculated as 79.0%, 33.0%, 20.4%, 17.4% and tigate the effect of water pretreatment on the CO2 sorption perfor-
14.1%, respectively. It is found that the carbonation conversion effi- mance of KACI15, the sorbent are pretreated with water vapor of
ciency of KACI15 decreases from 79.0% to 14.1%, when the temper- 2.0% for different durations prior to CO2 removal. The CO2 sorption
ature increases from 20 to 60 °C. The carbonation conversion has breakthrough curves measured under different pretreatment dura-
previously been reported to be higher than 90% for K2CO3/AC at tions are presented in Fig. 9.
the reaction temperature of 50–80 °C [8–14]. The reason is that The CO2 sorption capacities of the sorbent are integrated as
the CO2 concentration and H2O concentration greatly decreased 1.0147, 1.1017, 1.1592, 1.1826 and 1.0797 mmol CO2/g when the
from 10–20% to 1.0–2.0% (in this paper), respectively. H2O concen- time for water pretreatment increases from 0 to 80 min. The
tration is not changed for all these processes, but RH decreases
from 78% to about 15%, when the temperature increases from 20
to 60 °C. This may be another reason for the decrease of CO2 sorp- 1.0
Dimensionless concentration of CO2
corresponding carbonation conversion efficiencies are determined necessary flow rate needed for CO2 diffusion in pore channel and
as 79.0%, 86.8%, 92.1%, 94.2% and 84.7%. Previous investigation adsorption onto active sites during mass transfer process and the
indicated that the K2CO31.5H2O phase could be formed from the adverse effect of high flow rate on CO2 sorption performance, the
new species of K4H2(CO3)31.5H2O during water vapor pretreat- designing of the CO2 removal process should take the parameter
ment process. Besides, sufficient water pretreatment had provided at moderate level in practical application.
high relative humidity to activate the sorbent as well as to prevent
the new formed active species from transforming to K2CO3 phase
[10,33]. These are favorable for achieving higher CO2 sorption 4.4. Multiple-cycle behavior of KACI15 for CO2 removal in confined
capacity and carbonation conversion. However, this does not nec- space
essarily mean that CO2 sorption performance can be everlastingly
improved with water vapor pretreatment as sufficient as possible, In order to evaluate the long-term stability of KACI15 in cyclic
for overexposure of sorbent to water vapor would eventually result operations, 20 carbonation-regeneration cycles were carried out.
in agglomeration of active components [34]. This is not beneficial The CO2 sorption process of KACI15 was carried out in simulated
for maintaining adequately high reaction activity. This should be confined space atmosphere of 1.0% CO2, 2.0% H2O, and N2 balanced
reasonable interpretation for the declined CO2 sorption capacity at 20 °C. The regeneration process of the sorbent was carried out in
and carbonation conversion of the sorbent with 80 min water 100% N2 at 130 °C. The CO2 sorption capacities and the carbonation
vapor pretreatment. conversion efficiencies of KACI15 changing against the cycle num-
bers are shown in Fig. 11. In order to investigate the change of
4.3.4. Flow rate microscopic structure with the cycle numbers, the samples after
Flow rate is a critical factor affecting CO2 sorption performance every 5 cyclic intervals were characterized by N2 adsorption–
of potassium-based sorbents in fixed bed reactor. To evaluate the desorption analysis. The BET surface areas, pore volumes and pore
effect of flow rate on CO2 sorption performances of KACI15, several size distributions of these samples are shown in Fig. 12.
experiments were carried out in the conditions of 20 °C, 1.0% Fig. 11 shows that the CO2sorption capacity of KACI15 decreases
CO2 + 2.0% H2O, to measure the CO2 sorption breakthrough curves from 1.0147 to 0.9866 mmol CO2/g after 20 cycles. In comparison
at different flow rates of 300–700 mL/min. The results are illus- to the theoretical value, it is found that the carbonation conversion
trated in Fig. 10. efficiency decreases from 79.0% to 77.6% as the cycle runs from the
The CO2 sorption capacities of KACI15 are confirmed as 0.9896, 1st to the 20th. KACI15 retains considerable long-term stability
0.9838, 1.0147, 0.8107 and 0.7029 mmol CO2/g as the flow rate with slight decreasing percentages of 3.0% and 1.8% after 20 cycles
increases from 300 to 700 mL/min. The carbonation conversion effi- for CO2 sorption capacity and carbonation conversion efficiency,
ciencies of KACI15 are determined to be 76.5%, 76.0%, 79.0%, 60.0% respectively. It was reported that the CO2 sorption capacity of
and 52.2%. It is noticed that when the flow rate is kept at lower HSC+ diminish quickly to 68% of its original value in the second
value, the CO2 sorption capacity and carbonation conversion are cycle [6]. The sorbents using SBA-15 and MCM-41 impregnated
not significantly affected. When the flow rate increases to a high with tetraethyenepentamine suffered from amine loss as the sorp-
value, both the CO2 sorption capacity and carbonation conversion tion capacity decreased by 8.6% after just 6 cycles of regeneration
show a decline tendency. For the condition of larger flow rate, the at 100 °C [35–37]. It was also reported that the CO2 sorption capac-
space time of the gaseous reactant is shortened. The shortening of ities of SBA(P)-50 [35], MCM-41-PEI-50 [38,39], amine-functional-
effective contact time between gaseous mixtures and solid reactant ized SG [40], AM-50 [41], amine modified activated carbon [42],
will result in insufficient carbonation conversion and eventually and Y60(TEPA) [43], KIT-6-PEI [44], supported amine sorbents
cause the decrease of CO2 sorption capacity. However, for gas–solid (TEPAN and ME-100) [45], aminated-SBA-15 [46] dropped drasti-
non-catalytic heterogeneous reaction, the mass transfer should cally as the number of cycles increases. All these conclusions show
take an important part in the whole reaction process. The mass that compared with the amine-based sorbent, KACI15 retains more
transfer process is primarily induced by the difference of gaseous stable CO2 sorption performance for long-term cyclic operation.
reactant concentration between gas bulk and external surface of Fig. 12 shows that the surface area and pore volume of KACI15
sorbent. For the reactions controlled by mass transfer, the reaction decrease as the number of cycle increases. After 20 cycles, the
rate will increase as the flow rate increases. Considering the reduction in surface area and pore volume are 20 m2/g and
Dimensionless concentration of CO2
Carbonation conversion efficiency, %
0.8 1.0
Fig. 10. Effect of flow rate on the CO2 sorption performances of KACI15 (gas flow Fig. 11. Multiple sorption–desorption performances of KACI15 [sorption (gas
rate: 300–700 mL/min; CO2 concentration: 1.0%; H2O concentration: 2.0%; tem- composition: CO2-1.0%; H2O-2.0%); gas flow rate: 500 mL/min; temperature:
perature: 20 °C). 20 °C), desorption (N2 flow rate: 833 mL/min; temperature: 130 °C)].
Y. Guo et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 260 (2015) 596–604 603
600 0.40 sorbent is found to retain stable CO2 sorption capacity and carbon-
surface area (a) ation conversion efficiency during 20 carbonation-regeneration
pore volume
cyclic operations. Due to the features of high CO2 sorption capacity,
560 0.32
preferable carbonation conversion efficiency and excellent long-
BET surface area, m /g
520 0.24 removal in confined spaces.
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