Chemdur - 32
Chemdur - 32
Chemdur - 32
Chemdur – 32
Epoxy Bonding Agent
Product Description Chemdur- 32 is a solvent-free, two component bonding agent,
based on selected epoxy resins.
Uses Chemdur-32 provides a bond of far greater strength than the
tensile strength of the concrete itself. Therefore it is suitable for
use wherever structural bonding of new to existing concrete is
carried out.
Advantages Chemdur-32
-- Easy to apply
-- Solvent-free
-- Unaffected by moisture
-- Highly effective, even on damp surfaces
-- Workable at low temperatures
-- High tensile strength
-- Suitable for concrete, mortar, steel
Product Data
Type Epoxy Resin and curing Agent
Form Light Grey
Packaging 5 Kg units (A+B)
Storage Condition In a dry area between 5°C and 35°C. Protect from direct
Shelf Life 12 months minimum if stored properly in original unopened
Technical Data
Mixing ratio Parts by weight: Comp. A: B = 2:1
Chemdur - 32
Density ~ 1.4 Kg/Lit
Coverage 0.3-0.8 Kg/m2, depending on substrate condition
Mechanical Strengths -- Compressive strength = 60-70 N/mm2
-- Flexural strength = 30-35 N/mm2
-- Tensile strength = 18-20 N/mm2
-- Bond strength to concrete = 2.5-3 N/mm2
-- Bond strength to steel = 18-20 N/mm2
Pot Life
Test-Temperature Type Normal Type L.P
40°C - 20 min
30°C 15 min 40 min
20 °C 25 min 90 min
10 °C 60 min --
5 °C 120 min --
Open Time
Test-Temperature Type Normal Type L.P
40°C -- 4 hrs
30°C 1 hrs 8 hrs
20 °C 3 hrs --
Application Details
Substrate Preparation All surfaces must be clean, free from frost, standing water and
all loosely adhering particles. Cement laitance must be removed
and the surfaces to be treated must be mechanically roughened.
Metal surfaces (steel and iron) should be free from scale, rust, oil
and grease.
Mixing Mix components A&B together with a mixing paddle attached to
a slow speed electric drill (max. 600 R.P.M.) until the material
becomes smooth in consistency. Avoid entrapping air.
Application After mixing apply directly to the prepared substrate by brush,
roller or spray. On damp surfaces, ensure that it is well brushed
in. Pour new concrete within specified open time, as long as
material is still tacky.
Chemdur - 32
Cleaning Clean tools with a suitable solvent (e.g. Xylene) before
hardening of the adhesive. Hardened adhesive can only be
removed mechanically.
Precautions Accidental splashes to the skin must be washed off with water
and soap. Accidental splashes to the eyes must be rinsed with
clean warm water. Seek medical attention without delay. Skin
barrier cream, safety goggles and rubber gloves are
Ecology Do not dispose off into water or soil.
Toxicity Non – toxic.
Transportation Non – hazardous.