Chemdur 30 A
Chemdur 30 A
Chemdur 30 A
Chemdur 30-A
Epoxy Putty for Wall and Floors
Product Chemdur- 30-A is a solvent-free, thixotropic, epoxy
mortar, based on a combination of epoxy resins and
specially selected fillers.
Uses Chemdur-30-A can be used as:
- Adhesive compound for concrete, stone, ceramics, mortar,
renderings, steel, iron, aluminium, wood, woodchip boards,
polyester, epoxy and glass
- Epoxy Putty for Concrete Floor & Walls
- Concrete repairs
- Blow hole filling
- Structural adhesive for precast concrete elements, columns,
kerbstones etc.
- Crack and surface sealing
- Anchoring bolts and steel dowels
Advantages Chemdur-30-A is an extremely versatile product that
offers the following advantages:
- Easy to apply
- Suitable for use on both dry and damp surfaces
- Non-sag product, even at high temperatures
- Hardens without shrinkage
- Excellent mechanical strengths
- High early strength
- High abrasion and impact resistance
- Solvent free
Test Complies with ASTM C 881-78 Type I, Grade 3
Class B+C
Product Data
Type Epoxy Resin and hardening Agent
Form(mixed) Grey
Packaging 6 Kg units (A+B) and 30 Kg pails (A/B) available
to order, minimum 500 Kg.
Storage Store in a dry area between 5C and 35C. Protect
Condition from direct sunlight.
Shelf Life 12 months minimum from production date if stored
properly in original unopened packaging.
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Technical Data
Density Comp. A: 1.65 Kg/Lit
Comp. B: 1.65 Kg/Lit
Pot Life Chemdur 30-A Norma Chemdur 30-A Rapid Chemdur 30-A LP
40C - - 25 min
30C 20 min - 50 min
20C 40 min 20 min 90 min
Mixing ratio Comp. A: B = 2: 1 by weight and volume
Modulus of 4, 300 N/mm2 (static)
Coefficient of 50 x 10-6 per C (temp. range: - 20 C to + 40 C)
thermal expansion
Mechanical Normal/Rapid Type L.P Type
Strengths (after 10 days at +10-20C) (after 10 days at +20-30C)
Compressive strength 60 -70 N/mm2 50 60 N/mm2
after 24 hrs. at + 20C ~ 40-45 N/mm2
after 24 hrs. at + 30C ~ 35-40 N/mm2
after 24 hrs. at + 50 C - ~ 40-45 N/mm2
Flexural strength 30-40 N/mm2 20 25 N/mm2
Tensile strength 15-20 N/mm2 15-20 N/mm2
Bond strength to 3.5 N/mm2 3-3.5 N/mm2
Concrete (concrete failure)
Bond strength to steel ~ 15 N/mm2
Application Details
Substrate All surfaces must be clean, free from frost, standing
Preparation water and all loosely adhering particles. Cement
laitance must be mechanically removed. Concrete
must be at least 3 weeks old, depending on
Climate. Metal surfaces (steel and iron) should be
free from scale, rust, oil and grease.
Priming Priming is not required
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Mixing Mix components A+B together for at least 2
minutes with a mixing paddle attached to a slow
speed electric drill (max. 600 rpm) until the material
becomes smooth in consistency and a homogeneous
grey colour of the mixture is obtained. Material in
industrial packing must be stirred well before
proportioning and mixing. Avoid aeration while
Application When using a thin film adhesive, apply the mixed
adhesive to the surfaces with a trowel or spatula.
When applying as repair mortar, take into account
any formwork that may be required. On vertical
surfaces it is non-sag up to 10 mm in thickness. On
damp surfaces, ensure that the material is well
rubbed into the substrate.
Maximum layer thickness: 30mm
Cleaning Clean all tools immediately after use with a suitable
solvent (e.g. Xylene). Hardened material can only be
removed mechanically.
Remarks Optimal working temperatures for each grade are:
Chemdur 30-A Normal 10C-30C
Chemdur 30-A Rapid 5C-15C
Chemdur 30-A LP: 20C-40C
When working at a higher temperature than
Recommended, the pot life will be shortened.
Similarly when working at lower temperatures, the
material will become more difficult to apply and takes
longer to harden. When applying to damp concrete,
work well into substrates.
Precautions Accidental splashes to the skin must be washed
off with water and soap. Accidental splashes to the
eyes must be rinsed with clean warm water. Seek
medical attention without delay.
Skin barrier cream, safety goggles and rubber
gloves are recommended.
Ecology Do not dispose off into water or soil in a liquid
Toxicity Non toxic.
Transportation Non hazardous.