Johnson Etal 2017 Gold in Nubian Shield PDF
Johnson Etal 2017 Gold in Nubian Shield PDF
Johnson Etal 2017 Gold in Nubian Shield PDF
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P.R. Johnson
6016 SW Haines Street, Portland, OR 97219, USA
B.A. Zoheir
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Benha University, 13518 Benha, Egypt
W. Ghebreab
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences, Columbus State Community College,
550 E Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215, USA
R.J. Stern
Geosciences Department, University of Texas at Dallas, Box 830688, Richardson, TX 75080, USA
C.T. Barrie
CTBA Geoconsulting, 12 Burnham Road, Ottawa, ON K1S 0J8, Canada
R.D. Hamer
Manafai International Trade, P.O. Box 136533, Jeddah 21313, Saudi Arabia
The Nubian Shield is a large region of juvenile Neoproterozoic rocks that, together with its counterpart in the
Arabian Shield, is part of a major accretionary orogen. It originated as late Tonian-Cryogenian island arcs on the site
of the Mozambique Ocean formed by breakup of Rodinia. Arc collisions, subsequent magmatism, volcanism,
sedimentation, and orogeny, associated with Cryogenian-Ediacaran convergence of cratonic blocks during the
assembly of Gondwana, converted the region into the East African Orogen. The Nubian Shield region also has
important Paleozoic-Neogene strata, including significant flood basalt, that conceal large areas of the basement.
The Shield contains hundreds of gold occurrences and evidence of a 5,500-year history of gold mining. The main
deposit types are orogenic gold and gold associated with volcanogenic massive sulfides (VMS). The juvenile
subduction-related origin of the Shield rocks and the pervasiveness of shearing and greenschist-to-amphibolite
facies metamorphism associated with late Neoproterozoic orogeny are geologic features highly favorable for the
development of these types of deposits, and make the combined Arabian-Nubian Shield the Earth's largest
Neoproterozoic gold resource. Gold-bearing VMS deposits are currently mined at Bisha (Eritrea) and are soon to be
SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY 2017 • VOLUME 120.1 PAGE 63-76 • doi:10.2113/gssajg.120.1.63 63
mined at Hassai (Sudan). Orogenic gold is mined at Sukari and Hamash (Egypt), Qbgbih and Kamoeb (Sudan),
Koka (Eritrea), and Lega Dembi and Sakaro (Ethiopia), and mining is due to start at Gupo (Eritrea) and Tulu Kapi
(Ethiopia) in the near future. More than twenty companies are actively exploring for gold in the region and
potentially important deposits are known in Egypt (Hamama-VMS), in northern Sudan (orogenic gold and VMS),
along strike from Bisha and in the Asmara area, Eritrea (VMS and orogenic gold), in northern Ethiopia (VMS), and in
western and southern Ethiopia (orogenic gold and sparse VMS).
Gold has been extracted from the Nubian Shield of northeast syn-, late-, and post-tectonic Tonian-Ediacaran mafic to felsic
Africa for over 5,500 years (Klemm et al., 2001; Klemm and intrusions (here using the Tonian and Cryogenian age ranges as
Klemm, 2013) from hundreds of ancient mines and, today, from currently defined; Cohen et al., 2013 updated). Deformation,
extensive artisanal workings and eleven modern, operating or metamorphism, and accretion occurred between ~850 Ma and
planned, large-scale mines (Figure 1; Table 1). Gold occurs in 550 Ma, but peak metamorphism and pervasive shearing mostly
alluvium, altered ultramafic rocks (listwaenite), banded-iron occurred between 650 Ma and 500 Ma, concurrent with final
formation, and Sn ± W ± Mo-bearing granites, but the dominant ~620 Ma assembly of the Nubian Shield (see reviews by Johnson
deposit types are: et al., 2011; Fritz et al., 2013). The Nubian Shield and coeval rocks
Ÿ gold-bearing quartz vein systems or orogenic gold (Böhlke, of the Arabian Shield, in the western part of the Arabian
1982; Groves et al., 1998; Robert et al., 2007; Dubé and Peninsula, represent a vast tract of juvenile Neoproterozoic
Gosselin, 2007), rocks that were embedded in end-Neoproterozoic Gondwana
Ÿ gold-bearing VMS (e.g., Dubé et al., 2007) and and together constitute the world's largest resource of
Ÿ oxide gold in weathered zones above gold-bearing VMS Neoproterozoic gold.
deposits (Cottard et al., 1986) (Figure 2). Variations in the interplay of structural styles during
Ediacaran assembly of the Nubian Shield resulted in a tripartite
Gold-enriched weathered caps (oxide gold) extending to depths tectonic division (Figure 1, inset; Fritz et al., 2013). Pure shear-
of 100 m above primary sulfides are distinctive features of the dominated transpression and lateral extension in the southern
central part of the Nubian Shield. Weathering involved oxidation Nubian Shield resulted in a pervasive north-south structural
and supergene processes that produced gold-rich gossans and trend represented by north-trending shear zones and greenstone
quartz-kaolinite-barite rock (SBR) (Figure 2). Gold enrichment in belts. The central Nubian Shield experienced oblique and
weathered zones above VMS deposits is, of course, a worldwide orthogonal east-west compression and north-south stretching,
phenomenon, but the degree of gold enrichment in the Nubian leading to the development of the Oko and Hamisana shear
Shield appears to be unique and makes occurrences of zones and contemporaneous Keraf suture (Miller and Dixon,
Nubian Shield oxide gold an especially valuable and intently 1992; Abdelsalam, 1994; Abdelsalam and Stern, 1996;
sought gold ore. At Bisha (Eritrea), the oxide zone contains as Abdelsalam et al., 1998) (Figure 4). The northern Nubian Shield
much as ~7 g/t Au, representing a ten-fold increase in gold grade underwent shearing and northwest-directed thrusting,
from the primary sulfides (0.76 g/t Au) (Barrie et al., 2007). extension, and tectonic escape, which resulted in a dominant
Grades in the oxide zone in the Ariab Mineral District (Sudan) northwesterly structural trend and extension into the Nubian
reach 5 to 10 g/t Au, whereas the primary sulfides have grades of Shield of the Najd fault system found in the Arabian Shield.
~1 to 1.5 g/t Au (Bosc et al., 2012). Basement rocks in the Eastern Desert of Egypt include:
Artisanal gold mining is important in Sudan and Ethiopia, but ~750 to 730 Ma ophiolites and arc-assemblages composed of
details are not available and artisanal mining is not further greenschist- to lower-amphibolite-facies basalt, andesite, tuffs,
discussed. Sukari, Hamash, Lega Dembi, and Sakaro mines are tuffaceous metasedimentary rocks, and local banded-iron
working orogenic-gold deposits; Bisha mine and the Ariab group formation (BIF) (Ali et al., 2010). The arc rocks host gold-bearing
of mines are working gold-bearing VMS and oxide gold. The VMS, whereas steeply dipping northwest-trending shear
purpose of this paper is to illustrate the scope and style of gold zones and thrusts controlled the emplacement of orogenic gold
mineralization in the Nubian Shield by reference to selected (e.g., Helmy et al., 2004; Zoheir, 2012a). Some orogenic gold may
occurrences in different parts of the region and to summarize be reworked from older VMS deposits.
their structural and tectonic settings. Volcanic-arc rocks and arc-related intrusions in the central
Nubian Shield range in age from ~900 Ma to 720 Ma. The Hamisana
Geologic Setting shear zone overprinted and displaced the Allaqi-Heiani-Onib-Sol
Hamed suture at the southern end of the Eastern Desert terrane
The Nubian Shield (~1.9 million km ) is part of an accretionary (Figure 4) by as much as 50 km (Stern et al., 1990). The Oko shear
orogen at the northern end of the East African Orogen (EAO). It zone overprinted and sinistrally offset the Nakasib suture by as
extends from Sinai to Kenya (Figure 1) and comprises juvenile, much as 10 km. The main controls on gold mineralization in this
late Tonian-Cryogenian suprasubduction ophiolites and island- part of the Nubian Shield are the Hamisana and Oko shear zones,
arc rocks that formed in the Mozambique Ocean during and after the Keraf suture zone, and volcanic assemblages along the
Rodinia breakup, Ediacaran volcano-sedimentary basins, and Nakasib, Allaqi-Heiani-Onib-Sol Hamed, and Keraf sutures.
Figure 1. Gold occurrences and operating mines in the Nubian Shield and its counterpart in the Arabian Peninsula, the Arabian Shield. The occurrences
are predominantly late Cryogenian-Ediacaran orogenic gold in a variety of structural and lithologic settings, but include Tonian-Cryogenian gold-
bearing VMS. After Botros, 2002 (for the Eastern Desert, Egypt); Klemm et al., 2001 (for northern Sudan); Tadesse et al., 2003 (for Ethiopia); Jelenc, 1966
(for Eritrea), and the Saudi Arabian Geological Survey (for the Arabian Shield). Selected deposits are named; operating and planned mines shown by
crossed hammers. The inset shows tectonic domains characterized by differing orogenic styles (after Fritz et al., 2013). Boxes show the locations of
Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Bisha Surface mine Eritrea As of February, 2015: Resources (inclusive of reserves): 2.3 Mt ore in 2014
Measured and indicated 26 Mt containing 18 t Au; Inferred (Nevsun press release, 3-2-2015)
3.5 Mt containing 3 t Au (Nevsun press release, 3-2-2015)
Ariab Mineral Surface mine; Sudan As of 12-31-11: Indicated VMS resources 81 Mt @ 1.26 g/t ~1.4 t Au in 2013
District underground Au; Inferred VMS resource 37 Mt @1.17 g/t Au. Figures for (La Mancha, 2014)
mine Hassai S., Hadal Awatib E., and Hadayamet (Bosc et al.,
Orogenic gold
Sukari Surface mine; Egypt Surface mine resources (inclusive of reserves) 198 Mt ~11 t/yr Au
underground mine grading 1.31 g/t Au (cut off 0.5 g/t Au). Underground (Centamin, 2014)
measured and indicated resources (inclusive of reserves)
2.9 Mt grading 5.2 g/t Au
(Centamin Annual Report, 2014)
Hamash Surface mine Egypt Figures not available Produced ~0.5 t Au in 2010;
recent figures not available
(Taib, 2012)
Kamoeb Surface mine Sudan Resources 2.7 Mt @2.9 g/t Au, containing 6 t Au Producing; figure not available
(Bosc et al., 2012)
Koka Surface mine; in Eritrea Probable reserve 4.6 Mt @ 5.1 g/t gold, containing 21 t Au Planned milling rate of
production since (Carville et al., 2010; Eritrean Mining Journal, 2014). 660,000 t/yr
Gupo Surface mine Eritrea Resource 2.8 Mt @ 1.7 g/t Au, containing 4 t Au Production envisioned for 2017
(Ross and Martin, 2012)
Lega Dembi Surface mine; Ethiopia Surface mine reserves ~66 t @ 3.7 g/t Au. Underground ~3.5 t/yr Au (4.5 t gold-silver
underground reserves estimated ~11 t @3.6 g/t Au doré; 78% Au, 21‰ Ag)
mine (MBendi's email mining news, downloaded 3-6-2014) (Midroc Gold Mine website,
downloaded 28-4-2015)
Tulu Kapi Open-pit mining Ethiopia Indicated resources 18.8 Mt @ 2.67 g/t Au containing 46 t Au Definitive feasibility study in
planned for 2015 Inferred resources 5.33 Mt @ 2.3 g/t Au containing 11 t Au progress; planned production
(Kefi Minerals website; data downloaded 29-4-2015) 2.4 t/y Au
(Kefi Minerals website; data
downloaded 29-4-2015)
The southern tectonic domain in the Nubian Shield graphitic schist, quartzite, and marble (Grenne et al., 2003;
comprises north-trending, Tonian arc-assemblage greenstone Woldehaimanot and Behrmann, 1995). The flanking gneiss
belts, and flanking domains of gneiss and schist. The arc domains include quartzofeldspathic gneiss, amphibolite,
assemblages range in age from 890 to 840 Ma in the Southern sillimanite-kyanite-bearing schist, diorite, granite, and pegmatite
Ethiopian Shield (SES) (Tsige 2006; Woldehaimanot and (Worku and Yifa, 1992; Woldehaimanot and Behrmann, 1995;
Behrmann, 1995), to ~875 Ma in the Western Ethiopian Shield Tsige, 2006; Abdelsalam et al., 2008; Stern et al., 2012). Gold
(WES) (Grenne et al., 2003), and ~850 to 800 Ma in northernmost occurrences in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia are concentrated in
Ethiopia and Eritrea (Teklay et al., 2002a, b). They include the two north-trending, curvilinear greenstone belts of
tholeiitic to calc-alkaline basalt, andesite, dacite and rhyolite transpressional deformation shown in Figure 5 (Ghebreab et al.,
together with variable amounts of volcaniclastic wacke, pelite, 2009). Gold in the western Augaro-Adobha belt occurs
Figure 2. Models of gold mineralization types in the Nubian Shield. (A) Orogenic gold, typically associated with low-grade, sheared volcanic,
volcaniclastic, and epiclastic rocks (after Groves et al., 2003). (B) Primary VMS deposit showing a stratiform lens of massive sulfide overlying a discordant
stringer sulfide zone within an envelope of altered rock (alteration pipe) (py = pyrite, cp = chalcopyrite, po = pyrrhotite, sp = sphalerite, and gn = galena)
(after Gibson et al., 2007). (C) Oxide-gold mineralization in weathered profiles developed above Cu-Zn-Au VMS mineralization in the Ariab Mineral
District (Sudan), showing zones of gold-rich gossans and quartz-kaolinite-barite “SBR” rock (after Cottard et al., 1986).
intermittently over a strike length of about 75 km, centered on and SES, particularly in or close to north-trending shear zones
the Bisha VMS deposit (Barrie et al., 2007); gold occurrences in (Figure 6).
the Asmara-Nakfa belt and its continuation in northern Ethiopia
extend over a strike length of >200 km. Both belts are prime Gold-bearing VMS and oxide gold
targets for VMS and orogenic gold and are extensively covered
by mining and exploration licenses (Eritrean Mining Journal, Gold-bearing VMS deposits in the Nubian Shield are known at
2013). Gold occurrences in western and southern Ethiopia, Hamama, in the Eastern Desert of Egypt, in the Ariab Mineral
dominantly orogenic gold, are in greenstone belts of the WES District along the Nakasib suture in northeastern Sudan, and at
Figure 3. Gold occurrences in the Eastern Desert, Egypt, compilation by Basem Zoheir (this study) with additions from Botros (2004) and Alexander
Nubia International Inc. ( Sukari and Hamash are producing mines; Hamama is a promising exploration project. Orogenic-
gold in BIF and listwaenite and intrusion-related gold are shown for completeness, but are not further discussed. Inset, after Helmy et al. (2004), illustrates
the structural control of orogenic gold in the central Eastern Desert.
Bisha, Debarwa, and elsewhere in Eritrea (Figures 3, 4, 5). Recent grading ~5% Zn, 0.25 to 0.4% Cu, 0.30 to 1.18 g/t Au, and
discoveries of hydrothermal alteration zones and gossans ~37 to 69 g/t Ag, and 38 to 43 m of semi-massive sulfide grading
indicate potential VMS mineralization at Tanashieb, along the 1.1 to 1.2 g/t Au and 25 to 65 g/t Ag, with grades increasing with
Keraf suture ( Johnson, 2014), and at Kata, Abetselo, and Azale depth (Alexander Nubia, 2013; 2015).
south of the Dish Mountains in the WES (Tadesse et al., 2003). Mining has been conducted in the Ariab Mineral District
The Hamama deposit, currently under exploration (Figure 4) since open-pit operations in oxide gold ore began in
(Alexander Nubia, 2015), comprises disseminated and semi- 1991. By 2012, 2.3 Moz Au had been mined from the upper gold-
massive Au- and Ag-bearing Zn sulfides capped by a gold-rich rich oxidized cap rock of multiple deposits (Bosc et al., 2012), but
oxide zone ~35 m thick, and locally by a supergene silica-barite most oxide gold in the district is now depleted. The district
rock similar to that known in the Ariab Mineral District. The contains as many as 13 VMS deposits, 12 of which are exposed in
deposit is hosted by altered and bleached metavolcanic rocks, the floor of open pits in the oxide zone. Ariab VMS deposits cluster
underlain by argillaceous metasedimentary rocks and BIF, and in discrete areas, each containing several small sulfide bodies.
overlain by basaltic andesite, all belonging to the late Tonian- They are tabular and mostly 0.3 to 25 m thick although,
Cryogenian island-arc assemblage found in this part of exceptionally, may be as much 200 m thick because of structural
the Nubian Shield. The mineralized rocks dip moderately to the repetition. Ore bodies extend up to 2,500 m along strike and 400 m
north and extend as much as 3 km along strike in a westerly down dip (Plyley et al., 2009). The deposits are stratabound in a
direction. The oxidized cap averages 41 m in width, with grades discontinuous stratigraphic unit of altered felsic tuffs 10 to 100 m
of 1.2 to 3 g/t Au (Alexander Nubia, 2013; 2015). The sulfide zone thick that is part of a regional sequence of intermediate to mafic
is as much as 75 m wide and is open at depth. Examples of drill- calc-alkaline and tholeiitic lavas, tuffs, and volcaniclastic
hole intersections include 8 to 13 m of semi-massive sulfide sedimentary rocks assigned to the Ariab Series and dated
Figure 4. Selected gold occurrences in the Nubian Shield in Sudan and part of southern Egypt, after Klemm et al. (2001), Gaskell (1985), Lissan and
Bakheit (2010), and La Mancha Resources Inc. and other company websites. Structural trends after Abdelsalam et al. (1998), and Kusky and Ramadan
(2002). Inset diagrammatically shows the style of shearing and loci of orogenic gold mineralization at the intersection of the Allaqi-Heiani and Onib-Sol
Hamed sutures and the Hamisana shear zone (after unpublished map by Basem Zoheir).
Figure 5. Selected gold occurrences in the Nubian Shield in Eritrea and northern Ethiopia, showing the prevalence of north to north-northeast structural
trends. Transpressional belts in Eritrea after Ghebreab et al. (2009). Extension of the Asmara-Nakfa belt into Ethiopia is inferred from geologic maps and
project reports (e.g., Archibald et al., 2014).
~880 Ma (Cottard et al., 1986; Deschamps et al., 2004; Abu Fatima, mining of the primary Zn-Cu ore is planned for 2016 (Nevsun
2006). The sulfides are mostly massive, fine grained, layered, and Resources Ltd news release
locally brecciated. They include pyrite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite bisha-main downloaded 4/28/2015). The deposit comprises an
with lesser pyrrhotite, galena, tetrahedrite-freibergite, and oxide zone or near-surface gold-enriched oxide cap 35 m thick
arsenopyrite, and contain ~1 to 1.5 g/t Au (Plyley et al., 2009; Bosc (8.5 g/t Au; 206 g/t Ag); a supergene zone containing a copper-
et al., 2012). Wall-rock alteration includes proximal silicification enriched massive sulfide horizon (3.7% Cu, 0.03% Zn, 0.6 g/t Au,
and more distant chloritization, sericitization, and local 23 g/t Ag); and a primary massive sulfide zone containing high
carbonatization (Abu Fatima, 2006). As shown in Figure 2, as much grade zinc and appreciable gold and silver (1% Cu, 5.7% Zn, 0.7
as 10 g/t Au has been found in the oxide zone. g/t Au, 45 g/t Ag). This zone is open at depth to below 450 m. The
The Bisha deposit (Figure 5) is well documented as a world- Bisha deposit is hosted by felsic ash and lapilli ash tuffs in the
class gold-bearing VMS deposit (Barrie et al., 2007) and is, middle to upper part of a regional sequence more than 3000 m
currently, the largest such deposit known in the Nubian Shield thick containing crystal tuffs, minor rhyolitic flows and flow
(see Table 1). The deposit was discovered in 1998. Mining of the breccias, basalt and volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks (Barrie
copper-rich supergene ore commenced in 2013, and open-pit et al., 2007; Gribble et al., 2013). Based on this lithology, the
Figure 6. Gold occurrences and producing mines plotted on a simplified map of Precambrian geology in western and southern Ethiopia. Gold
occurrences after Tadesse et al. (2003); geology after “Geology of Ethiopia”, Ethiopian Ministry of Mines, Geological Survey of Ethiopia. Subdivisions of the
Western Ethiopian Shield after Woldemichael et al. (2009): WMGT=western migmatitic high-grade gneissic terrane, CVST=central volcano-sedimentary
terrane, EMGT=eastern migmatitic high-grade gneissic terrane. Subdivision of the Southern Ethiopian Shield after Tsige and Abdelsalam (2005). Inset
schematically shows the structural setting of gold occurrences in the Southern Ethiopian shield, with a concentration of mineralization between sinistral
and dextral shear zones (after Worku and Schandelmeier; 1996).
The Sukari deposit in the Eastern Desert of Egypt is at the a strike length of >10 km. The mineralization comprises a system
southern end of the major belt of Najd shearing (the “Najd fault of quartz veins in tension gashes and shear zones, and swarms of
corridor”) that extends obliquely across, and controls much of, veinlets in well-foliated and folded, schistose volcano-
the orogenic gold in the region (Figure 3, inset; Helmy et al., sedimentary rocks ( Johnson, 2014). Examples of drill-hole
2004). Other deposits along this belt include El Sid and Fawakhir intersections include 23 m grading 2.34 g/t Au and 49 m grading
(Zoheir et al., 2014). Modern mining began at Sukari in 2009. The 1.90 g/t Au ( Johnson, 2014).
deposit comprises an array of quartz veins in the Sukari pluton, As mentioned above, orogenic-gold occurrences in Eritrea
an intrusion of granodiorite and tonalite weakly constrained to and northern Ethiopia (Figure 5) are concentrated in belts of
630 to 580 Ma (Harraz, 1991). The deposit is elongated north- transpressional deformation, the same belts that contain VMS
northeast - south-southwest; it is ~2.3 km long, 100 to 600 m deposits. The Koka deposit comprises an elongate stockwork
wide, and extends to a depth of at least 1200 m. The pluton is >600m long and 20 to 30 m wide in microgranite in the Augaro-
located in a local flower structure developed in brittle-ductile Adobha belt (Chalice, 2010; Eritrean Mining Journal, 2014). The
shear zones within a stack of north-northwest-verging thrusts on sulfide mineralogy includes pyrite, sphalerite, galena and
the northeastern flank of the Hafafit gneiss dome (Helmy et al., chalcopyrite, and gold is present as tiny blebs within the galena.
2004). The ore mineralogy in the veins includes pyrite, The Konate prospect is an area of artisanal workings on quartz
arsenopyrite and, less common, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena stockwork in silica-sericite altered microgranite, ~6 km south
and gold grading as much as ~5 g/t Au. Grades of 2.5 g/t Au are of and virtually along strike from Koka. The Gupo deposit
reported from the alteration zones that surround the quartz veins comprises gold and sulfides in quartz veins along a shear zone in
(Khalaf and Oweiss, 1993). the Asmara-Nakfa belt (Ross and Martin, 2012). Adi Goshu and
The Fawakhir deposit is a quartz-vein system in the Fawakhir Lihamat, along the same belt in northern Ethiopia, are close to
pluton and adjacent sheared ophiolitic rocks (Zoheir et al., 2014). the contact between a northeast-trending elongate body of
The pluton and ophiolitic rocks are in the belt of northwest- quartz-feldspar porphyry and sericite-altered mafic and felsic
trending strike-slip shears and thrusts belonging to the Najd fault volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, and local BIF (Archibald
corridor, mentioned above. The mineralization consists of et al, 2014).
subparallel, easterly trending and south-dipping, sulfide and Orogenic-gold deposits in the Western and Southern
gold-bearing quartz veins within a ~40 m wide zone of shearing Ethiopian Shields are exemplified by Tulu Kapi and Lega Dembi
and hydrothermal alteration. The veins, as much as 400 m long (Figure 6). The Tulu Kapi deposit is a historic gold mine and a
and 1.3 m wide, consist of massive and laminated quartz with definitive feasibility study is in progress in preparation for
subordinate calcite and sericite. They have a mineral assemblage renewed surface mining and planned processing of 1.2 Mt/a ore
of pyrite-arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite-sphalerite-galena-chalcopyrite- at a grade of 2.4 g/t Au for an estimated 2.4 t Au per year
electrum ± Ag-Au-Bi tellurides, and have grades of 1.5 to ~23 g/t (Kefi Minerals, 2014a, b). The Tulu Kapi deposit is hosted by
Au (Gabra, 1986). syenite emplaced in strongly sheared metavolcanic and
Orogenic gold farther south is concentrated along the metasedimentary rocks belonging to the central volcano-
Hamisana shear zone, and the Keraf, Allaqi-Heiani-Onib-Sol sedimentary terrane greenstone belt (CVST) (Figure 6).
Hamed, and Nakasib sutures (Figure 4). Mining is reported to Mineralization is known over an area of 1500 m by 400 m, and
have started at the Qbgbih deposit along the Keraf suture but extends for >400 m beneath the surface. It consists of gold-
little information is available. Exploration is underway elsewhere bearing quartz-carbonate veins, veinlets, and stockwork in a
along the Keraf suture at the Galat Sufa, Negeim, Kimaweit, series of stacked subhorizontal lodes (or lenses). The upper
Artoli, and Umtrambiesh prospects, and along the Nakasib lodes are characterized by gold, pyrite, and minor sphalerite and
suture at Kamoeb. The Romite deposit (Zoheir, 2012b) is an galena, whereas the lower lodes contain significant amounts of
example of orogenic gold in the structurally complex area east of sphalerite, galena and minor arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite as
the intersection of the Allaqi-Heinai-Onib-Sol Hamed suture by well as gold (Nyota Minerals, 2014). Based on its setting in a
the Hamisana shear zone (Figure 4). It is located in a north- strongly sheared greenstone belt close to the Tulu Dimtu-Baruda
northeast-trending sinistral shear zone that splays off the shear zone, Tulu Kapi has the character of a typical orogenic-
Hamisana shear zone. Gold, grading as much as 7 g/t Au, occurs gold deposit. However, its occurrence in syenite raises the
as free grains in north-northeast-trending quartz and quartz- possibility that the deposit may belong to the class of intrusion-
carbonate veins in quartz diorite and as disseminations in iron- related gold. This possibility requires further study and work is
stained, carbonate-altered and silicified wall rock. Sulfides in the underway to locate an intrusion that may have acted as the metal
veins include pyrite, arsenopyrite, and lesser chalcopyrite and source (Nyota Minerals, 2014).
pyrrhotite (Zoheir, 2012b). The morphology, pinch and swell Orogenic-gold occurrences in the Southern Ethiopian Shield
structure, and quartz texture of the veins suggest vein formation are in greenstone belts and sheared gneiss and schist in a
was synkinematic with north-northeast-shearing (Zoheir, 2012b) structural scissor between north- and northwest-trending shear
and it appears that quartz precipitated in spaces created at zones (Figure 6, inset). They include Lega Dembi, a surface and
releasing bends in the shears. underground mine, and Sakaro, an underground mine. The Lega
At Galat Sufar, currently the best known example of orogenic Dembi deposit is located in strongly sheared rocks at the eastern
gold along the Keraf suture ( Johnson, 2014), mapping and margin of the Megado greenstone belt (Billay et al., 1997;
drilling reveal mesozonal, shear-zone-hosted orogenic gold over Ghebreab et al., 1992, 2009). The deposit is related to tabular and
lens-shaped bodies of quartz pods and quartz veins, and Stratiform VMS and barite mineralization in the Ariab Mineral
abundant quartz stringers, stockworks, and quartz breccia in a district have a galena, cerrusite and anglesite mineral lead model
matrix of silicified and sulfidized host rock (Tadesse, 2004). age of 702 ± 15 Ma (C.T. Barrie, unpublished data). In contrast, a
Wallrocks include quartz-feldspar-mica schist, quartz-feldspathic probable basement granite intrusion structurally adjacent to gold
gneiss, and massive to foliated metagabbro (Tadesse, 2004). The mineralization at the Kamoeb gold mine has a single zircon
207 206
deposit extends over an area of about 1000m by 100m, and Pb/ Pb -evaporation age of 888 ± 4 Ma (Deschamps et al.,
individual veins, a few centimeters to 3 m in thickness, extend for 2004). No age dating has been reported for the Hamama VMS
hundreds of meters along strike and down dip (Tadesse, 2004). deposit, but volcanic-arc rocks in the Eastern Desert have a
Overall, the quartz vein system grades between 3 and 4 g/t Au; general age of ~750 to 730 Ma (Ali et al., 2009) suggesting that
highest gold grades are in quartz veins, stringers, and stockwork; Hamama mineralization may be late Tonian-Cryogenian.
lower grades are in sheared and altered wall rocks. The ore Orogenic-gold occurrences are widespread in the Nubian
minerals include gold, sulfides (pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, galena, Shield. They are characterized by native gold or gold-sulfide-
pyrite, arsenopyrite), tellurides (altaite, hessite, petzite), telluride assemblages disseminated in silicified, brittle-ductile
sulfosalts, and lesser amounts of cubanite, tetrahedrite, shear zones. The ore mineralogy includes pyrite ± arsenopyrite
mackinawite (Tadesse, 2004). ± chalcopyrite ± sphalerite ± tellurides in a matrix of quartz ±
carbonate. The hosting shear zones belong to the episode of
Discussion transpressional deformation, strike-slip shearing, and shortening
that characterized late Cryogenian-Ediacaran, tectonic escape,
The gold-bearing VMS deposits in the Nubian Shield are hosted extension, and orogenic collapse in the Shield. The shear zones
by juvenile, submarine, arc-related volcanic, volcaniclastic, and and quartz veins occur within granitoid plutons, and in adjacent
sedimentary rocks. The deposits are enclosed by alteration zones zones of sheared and strongly altered volcano-sedimentary
and exhibit some degree of metal zoning. They comprise lenses and/or ultramafic rocks. In the northern Nubian Shield, shear
of massive to semi-massive sulfides of iron, copper, zinc, and structures are mainly those of the northwest-trending Najd fault
lead and have variable amounts of telluride. The primary sulfides system; farther south, they include the north-trending Hamisana
grade ~1 to 1.5 g/t Au. Gold enrichment occurs in the oxide and and Oko shortening zones and Keraf suture, and in Eritrea and
supergene zones and is particularly notable in the central part of Ethiopia they include north-trending sinistral and dextral shear
the Nubian Shield with grades of 5 to 10 g/t Au. A feature of the zones in, and at the margins of, greenstone belts.
distribution of known occurrences of gold-bearing VMS deposits The ages of orogenic gold formation in the Nubian Shield are
in the Nubian Shield, is their apparent confinement to arc not well established. Broad inferences can be made by
assemblages in the northern half of the Shield, from northern correlating gold mineralization with shearing and adjacent
Ethiopia northward. The greenstone belts of western and magmatic events, but the results are not sufficiently robust to be
southern Ethiopia contain Neoproterozoic juvenile, submarine satisfactory from a metallogenic point of view. Arsenopyrite in
volcanic rocks, but have only sparse indications of VMS quartz veins at Fawakhir, which is interpreted as the most likely
mineralization. The reason for this is uncertain, but the age of mineralization, yields a Re-Os age of 601 ± 17 Ma (Zoheir
distribution raises interesting questions about whether it reflects et al., 2014). This age is consistent with the inferred age of
an original difference in geologic history between the south and shearing at the deposit, and also overlaps with the 598 ± 3 Ma U-
the north, so that VMS deposits never developed in the south, or Pb zircon age of the host Fawakhir pluton (U-Pb TIMS on zircon;
whether it is an effect of preferential preservation of VMS Andresen et al., 2009). However, the Re-Os age has a large error
deposits in the north because of less intense exhumation and and is not definitive evidence for a genetic relationship between
erosion of the volcanic-arc host rocks. mineralization, shearing, and/or granite magmatism. Rubidium-
Direct dating of volcanic assemblages hosting gold-bearing strontium analysis of sericite concentrates obtained from gold-
VMS deposits in the shield is not widely available. Zircon- bearing quartz veins at Lega Dembi gives an age of 484 ± 67 Ma
207 206
evaporation Pb/ Pb dating of granitoids in the western part of (Billay et al., 1997). But the result is an errorchron (MSWD=32)
the Nakfa terrane of Eritrea at 849 ± 20 Ma suggests a major and is not compatible with the result of structural analysis, which
intrusive event at ~850 Ma (Teklay et al., 2003), compatible with suggest that gold mineralization occurred during active shearing,
indications elsewhere in the region of magmatism at 850 to 800 Ma concurrent with 660 Ma amphibolite-greenschist facies
(Teklay, 2006; Teklay et al., 2002a,b; 2003). Galena, cerrusite, and metamorphism (Ghebreab et al., 1992). Galena at the Koka
anglesite lead-isotope analysis from the Bisha district give a mean deposit yields an anomalously young lead-model age of 495 ±
model age of ~780 Ma. Galena from the Adi Nefas deposit in the 30 Ma, and lead data for one sample from the Kamoeb gold-
Asmara-Nakfa belt, ~170 km to the east of Bisha, yields a lead quartz vein system at Ariab give an anomalously old age of
model age of 720 Ma (Barrie et al., 2007), broadly similar to detrital 881 Ma (C.T. Barrie, unpublished data).
zircons in Neoproterozoic diamictites and Ordovician
siliciclastic rocks in northern Ethiopia that yield U-Pb SHRIMP Conclusions
ages of ~740 Ma (Avigad et al., 2007). Perhaps the VMS volcanic
host rocks in Eritrea are actually younger than currently The Nubian Shield evolved as an accretionary orogen through a
interpreted; alternatively, the discrepancy may be resolved by ~300 million year process of arc-ophiolite-TTG magmatism, arc-
dating both host rocks and mineralization with greater precision. arc collision and terrane amalgamation, greenschist-amphibolite
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