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paralizan permanente a su hospedero. En contraste, los exhaustiva, la clasificación en subfamilias ha sido inestable
endoparasitoides quienes se alimentan internamente de su y conflictiva, con algunos linajes bien definidos y otros
hospedero son koinobiontes, es decir, permiten al hospe- propuestos como una solución práctica. Mientras
dero seguir viviendo hasta el final de su desarrollo, alimen- Achterberg (1993) reconoce 43 subfamilias, Sharkey (1993)
tándose internamente. Se sabe que algunas de éstas espe- reconoce 29 y Wharton (2000) sólo 6. En general las pro-
cies endoparasitoides han establecido una simbiosis con puestas de clasificación de subfamilias han sido problemá-
virus para contrarrestar el sistema inmune de sus hospede- ticas por las tendencias a convergencias, en su mayoría por
ros represando una de las relaciones más complejas y espe- reducción de caracteres (Achterberg 1984a). Existen pro-
cializadas dentro de los insectos (Whitfield 1992; Quicke puestas que intentan esclarecer las relaciones de los gru-
1997). La estrategia de parasitismo que presenta es una pos establecidos empleando metodología cladística, como
característica que permite establecer gremios, un concepto Quicke & Achterberg (1990) y Belshaw et al. (1998), pero el
útil en el estudio de comunidades de parasitoides (Gauld & tema aún esta en debate y controversia (Wharton et al.
Bolton 1988; Kato 1994). 1992; Achterberg & Quicke 1992; Quicke et al. 1999). Es
muy probable que esta problemática resida en el vacío de
En particular los bracónidos atacan exclusivamente conocimiento en regiones como el Neotrópico muy pobre-
lepidópteros, coleópteros y dípteros en diferentes estados mente exploradas, con grupos que pueden ser críticos a la
de desarrollo y la gran mayoría de especies tienen hospe- hora de hacer estudios filogenéticos y biogeográficos.
deros específicos (Matthews 1974; LaSalle & Gauld 1991),
característica que los convierte en uno de los grupos más El trabajo más reciente por Wharton et al. (1997), represen-
utilizados en control biológico de plagas y que les da la ta la principal herramienta para el conocimiento de la fauna
cualidad adicional de tener un gran potencial como Neotropical, existen algunos trabajos de revisión (Sharkey
indicadores de riqueza y estabilidad de un ecosistema (Shaw 1988, 1990; Quicke et al. 1996; Berta de Fernández 1998;
& Hudleston 1991). Por otra parte, algunas especies de Dangerfield et al. 1996; Mason 1979; Sharkey 1983; Quicke
bracónidos son utilizadas como modelo de la interacción 1988a, 1988b, 1989a, 1989b, 1989c, 1994, 1995; Gibson 1974;
parasitoide-hospedero. Este y los motivos antes expuestos Achterberg 1989, 1992b, 1995a; Achterberg et al. 1997) y
hacen que el avance en el conocimiento filogenético de algunos trabajos regionales para México (Hernández et al.
este grupo sea clave para entender la evolución del parasi- 1987; Calderón & Ruiz 1990; Thompson & Ruiz 1990;
tismo (Whitfield 1992; Slotz & Whitfield 1992; Whitfield Briceño & Ruiz 1991; López 1997; Ruiz 1993, Peña et al.
1997). Avances en su conocimiento permitirán esclarecer la 1992, Peña & Ruiz 1993; Delfín & Wharton 1996; Delfín &
biología, ecología y filogenia de los himenópteros León 1997; Mao 1945; Wharton & Mercado 1989; Gibson
parasitoides (Wharton 1993a). 1972b; Labougle 1980; Starý 1983; Starý & Remaudiere 1982;
Lomelí & Peña 1995; Sánchez et al. 1998), Costa Rica (Shaw
Sistemática 1995), Perú (Redolfi 1994) y Venezuela (Briceño 1999).
En un contexto mundial, desde que fue descrito el primer En la mayoría de los géneros, las especies descritas son
espécimen por Latreille en 1802 hasta hoy, el estudio de los muy pocas con relación a las especies sin describir, básica-
bracónidos ha sido facilitado por un extenso volumen de mente el conocimiento de los géneros en el neotrópico es
literatura, donde se destacan catálogos mundiales y regio- precario o escaso y hasta el momento es muy difícil hacer
nales (Mackauer & Starý 1967; Mackauer 1968; Shenefelt estimaciones sobre el número de especies.
1969, 1970a, 1970b, 1972, 1973a, 1973b, 1974, 1975, 1978,
1980; Fischer 1971, 1972, 1977, 1987; Shenefelt & Marsh Aún son muchas las regiones completamente desconoci-
1976; Marsh 1979b; De Santis 1967, 1980); claves para das. Tan solo hasta ahora se empieza a explorar la magnitud
subfamilias (Shaw 1995; Achterberg 1993; Sharkey 1993); de los grupos hiperdiversos en la región neotropical y aún
claves para los géneros neárticos (Marsh et al. 1987) y se necesitan trabajos de revisión que permitan conocer la
revisiones exhaustivas de literatura (Shenefelt 1965; Starý verdadera dimensión de la diversidad de los grupos más
1987). abundantes y diversos del planeta en el neotrópico.
Aunque se han realizado estudios taxonómicos de manera
ity of ecosystems (Shaw & Hudleston 1991). On the other Achterberg & Quicke 1992; Quicke et al. 1999). Problems
hand, some braconid species are used as study models for like this might be caused by the knowledge gap in regions
the parasitoid-host interaction. Such circumstances make such as the unexplored neotropics, which could certainly
the phylogenetic knowledge of this group a keystone com- contain critical groups that facilitate the enhancement of
ponent to understand the evolution of parasitism (Whitfield the current knowledge on biogeography and
1992; Slotz & Whitfield 1992; Whitfield 1997). Advance- phylogenetics.
ments in that area will help to clarify the biology, ecology
and phylogeny of the parasitoid Hymenoptera (Wharton The most recent work by Wharton et al. (1997) represents
1993a). the main tool to increase the knowledge of the Neotropi-
cal fauna. Additionally there are some review works
Systematics (Sharkey 1988, 1990; Quicke et al. 1996; Berta de
Fernández 1998; Dangerfield et al. 1996; Mason 1979;
In a global context, from the time when Latreille described Sharkey 1983; Quicke 1988a, 1988b, 1989a, 1989b,
the first specimen in 1802 until today, the study of bra- 1989c, 1994, 1995; Gibson 1974; Achterberg 1989, 1992b,
conids has been greatly facilitated by an extensive body 1995a; Achterberg et al. 1997) as well as some regional
of literature, among which the following are some of the studies for Mexico (Hernández et al. 1987; Calderón &
most remarkable: regional and world catalogs (Mackauer Ruiz 1990; Thompson & Ruiz 1990; Briceño & Ruiz 1991;
& Starý 1967; Mackauer 1968; Shenefelt 1969, 1970a, López 1997; Ruiz 1993, Peña et al. 1992, Peña & Ruiz
1970b, 1972, 1973a, 1973b, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1980; 1993; Delfín & Wharton 1996; Delfín & Leon 1997; Mao
Fischer 1971, 1972, 1977, 1987; Shenefelt & Marsh 1976; 1945; Wharton & Mercado 1989; Gibson 1972b;
Marsh 1979b; De Santis 1967, 1980); subfamily keys Labougle 1980; Starý 1983; Starý & Remaudiere 1982;
(Shaw 1995; Achterberg 1993; Sharkey 1993); neartic Lomelí & Peña 1995; Sánchez et al. 1998), Costa Rica
genera keys (Marsh et al. 1987) and extensive literature (Shaw 1995), Peru (Redolfi 1994) and Venezuela (Briceño
reviews (Shenefelt 1965; Starý 1987). 1999).
Even though many extensive taxonomic studies have been
carried out, the classification at the subfamily level has In most of the genera, the undescribed species surpass the
been unstable and controversial, with some well-defined described ones, basically because the knowledge of the
lineages, and some others proposed only as practical so- Neotropical genera is rudimentary and scarce; thus, it is
lutions. Achterberg (1993), for instance, recognizes 43 difficult to make estimations of number of species at the
subfamilies, while Sharkey (1993) recognizes 29 and moment.
Wharton (2000) only 6. The proposed classifications at
the subfamily level have been generally problematic, due There are still many entirely unexplored regions; although
to convergence, usually caused by reduction of charac- we are now starting to explore the magnitude of the Neo-
ters (Achterberg 1984a). Works by Quicke & Achterberg tropical hyperdiverse groups. Hence it is imperative to
(1990) and Belshaw et al. (1998) implemented cladistic produce more revision works that reflect the real diversity
methods to clarify the relationships among the established of the most abundant and diverse groups of the world,
groups; however, no consensus has been reached, leaving many of which are present in the Neotropics.
the topic under current debate (Wharton et al. 1992;
Cuadro 1. Número de especies descritas y estimadas para cada género en el Neotrópico. Debido a la ausencia de
trabajos de revisión en el Neotrópico en muy pocos casos se cuenta con una estimación precisa del número de especies.
Box 1. Number of described and estimated species within each genus in the Neotropical Region. Due to the lack of
review works of Neotropical taxa, in very few cases there is a precise estimation of the total number of species .
Subfamilia Adeliinae - -
Adelius Haliday, 1833 3 -
Paradelius de Saeger, 1942 2 -
Subfamilia Agathidinae - -
Aerophilus Szépligeti, 1902 1 -
Alabagrus Enderlein, 1920 ? 100
Bassus Fabricius, 1804 - 400
Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892 - 100
Crassomicrodus Ashmead, 1900 - 10
Cremmops Foerster, 1862 - 40
Dichelosus Szépligeti, 1902 7 -
Earinus Wesmael, 1837 - 40
Labagathis Enderlein, 1920 1 -
Liopisa Enderlein, 1920 1 -
Marjoriella Sharkey, 1983 4 -
Mesocoelus Schulz, 1911 2 -
Pharpa Sharkey, 1986 3 -
Plesiocoelus van Achterberg, 1990 1 -
Sesioctonus Viereck, 1912 1 30
Trachagathis Viereck, 1912 2 -
Zacremnops Sharkey & Warton, 1985 4 -
Zamicrodus Viereck, 1912 - 15
Subfamilia Alysiinae
Alysia Latreille, 1804 - -
Alysiasta Wharton, 1980 4 -
Aphaereta Foerster, 1862 16 -
Asobara Foerster, 1862 8 -
Aspilota Foerster, 1862 15 -
Chaenusa Haliday, 1839 10 -
Chorebus Haliday, 1833 18 -
Coelinius Nees, 1818 40
Coloneura Foerster, 1862 - -
Cratospila Foerster, 1862 1 -
Dacnusa Haliday, 1833 - -
Dapsilarthra Foerster, 1862 - -
Dapsildiastema Wharton, 1994 - -
Dinotrema Foerster, 1862 40 -
Exotela Foerster, 1862 - -
Gnathopleura Wharton, 1980 12 -
Hoplitalysia Ashmead, 1900 1 -
Idiasta Foerster, 1862 1 -
Ilatha Fischer, 1975 5 -
Mesocrina Foerster, 1862 1 -
Microcrasis Fischer, 1975 2 -
Oenonogastra Ashmead, 1900 1 -
Orthostigma Ratzeburg, 1844 9 -
Pentapleura, Foerster, 1862 4 -
Phaenocarpa Foerster, 1862 2 -
Symphya Foerster, 1862 6 -
Tanycarpa Foerster, 1862 4 -
This checklist shows the known genera of Braconidae that occur in Colombia and the Neotropical Region and includes
additional information and references on their biology. Neotropical distribution records are mostly based on Wharton et
al. (1997) and Shaw (1995). The Neotropical Region is regarded on its broad sense since this group has been poorly
studied and the distribution boundaries are not clear; some of the distribution records make reference to the country
where the type specimen was found. The genera checklist for Colombia is preliminary according to the known distribu-
tions per natural region. Distributions with an asterisk (*) are new findings for the Neotropics and/or Colombia. The
checklist also includes references, some of them showing in parenthesis the former name used at the time of the study, but
that has become a synonym (for details consult the appendix containing the synonymic list). Likewise, host information
and notes on the biology are included: (Endo) endoparasitoid; (Ecto) ectoparasitoid; (K) Kionobiont; (I) Idiobiont and
(D) Unknown. Other abbreviations appear under Neotropical Distribution: ne = Neotropics, sa = South America, cam =
Central America, ica = Caribbean Islands and rd = Dominican Republic.
Adelius Haliday, 1833 ne Whitfield Lepidoptera Endo D
& Wagner 1991
Paradelius de Saeger, 1942 cam Whitfield 1989 Lepidoptera Endo D
Aerophilus Szépligeti, 1902 sa Sharkey 1992 D Endo K
Alabagrus Enderlein, 1920 ne amz and car Sharkey 1988 Pyralidae Endo K
ori pac
Bassus Fabricius, 1804 ne and car ori pac Sharkey 1985 Gelechiidae, Noctuidae, Endo K
Pyralidae, Tortricidae,
Tineidae, Coleophoridae
Coccygidium de Saussure, 1892 ne amz and car ori Sharkey 1992 Endo K
Crassomicrodus Ashmead, 1900 ne Sharkey 1992 Noctuidae Endo K
Cremmops Foerster, 1862 ne and car Berta de Fernández Pyralidae Endo K
1998, Marsh 1961
Dichelosus Szépligeti, 1902 cam sa amz and ori pac Sharkey 1992 D Endo K
Earinus Wesmael, 1837 sa and pac Sharkey 1992 Gracillariidae, Tineidae, Endo K
Noctuidae, Geometridae,
Coleophoridae, Trorticidae,
Labagathis Enderlein, 1920 sa Sharkey 1992 D Endo K
Liopisa Enderlein, 1920 cam sa and Sharkey 1992 D Endo K
Marjoriella Sharkey, 1983 sa amz Sharkey 1983 D Endo K
Mesocoelus Schulz, 1911 cam sa van Achterberg 1990 Gracillariidae Endo K
Pharpa Sharkey, 1986 cam sa and pac Sharkey 1986 D Endo K
Plesiocoelus van Achterberg, 1990 cam sa van Achterberg 1990 D Endo K
Sesioctonus Viereck, 1912 cam sa amz pac car Briceño 1999 D Endo K
Trachagathis Viereck, 1912 sa and Sharkey 1992 D Endo K
Zacremnops Sharkey & Warton, 1985 ne car ori pac Sharkey 1990 Pyralidae Endo K
Zamicrodus Viereck, 1912 cam sa amz ori Sharkey 1992 D Endo K
Alysia Latreille, 1804 me and Wharton 1988b Anthomyiidae, Tephritidae, Endo K
Calliphoridae, Muscidae,
Alysiasta Wharton, 1980 cam Wharton 1980 Sarcophagidae Endo K
Anisocyrta Foerster, 1862 me Wharton 1984a; D Endo K
Achterberg 1986
Aphaereta Foerster, 1862 ne and Wharton 1994 Diptera Calliptrata Endo K
Asobara Foerster, 1862 ne and Wharton 1984a, Drosophilidae, Sepsidae, Endo K
1994 Tephritidae
Aspilota Foerster, 1862 ne and van Achterberg Phoridae, Platypezidae Endo K
1988a; Wharton 1985
Chaenusa Haliday, 1839 ar ch Griffiths 1964 Ephydridae Endo K
Chorebus Haliday, 1833 ne Griffiths 1964 Agromyzidae, Ephydridae Endo K
Coelinius Nees, 1818 me Wharton 1994 Chloropidae Endo K
Coloneura Foerster, 1862 me Griffiths 1964; Agromyzidae Endo K
van Achterberg 1976a
Cratospila Foerster, 1862 cam sa and Wharton 1980 D Endo K
Dacnusa Haliday, 1833 me ch Griffiths 1964 Agromyzidae, Endo K
Dapsilarthra Foerster, 1862 cam van Achterberg 1983a, Agromyzidae, Endo K
Griffiths 1968a, 1968b Anthomyiidae
Dapsildiastema Wharton, 1994 sa Wharton 1994 D Endo K
Dinotrema Foerster, 1862 ne van Achterberg 1988a; Phoridae Endo K
Wharton 1985
Exotela Foerster, 1862 me Griffiths 1964, Agromyzidae Endo K
1966a, 1966b, 1968a
Gnathopleura Wharton, 1980 ne amz and Wharton 1980 Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Endo K
Hoplitalysia Ashmead, 1900 me Wharton 1980 D Endo K
Idiasta Foerster, 1862 sa and Wharton 1980 D Endo K
Ilatha Fischer, 1975 ne and Wharton 1980 D Endo K
Mesocrina Foerster, 1862 me Wharton 1980; D Endo K
van Achterberg 1983a
Microcrasis Fischer, 1975 cam sa and Fischer 1975 Lonchaeidae, Tephritidae Endo K
Oenonogastra Ashmead, 1900 ne and Fischer 1974 Agromyzidae Endo K
Orthostigma Ratzeburg, 1844 cam Wharton 1980; Phoridae Endo K
van Achterberg 1988a
Aphidius Nees, 1818 ne and Pungerl 1983, 1986 Aphididae, Thelaxidae, Endo K
Binodoxys Mackauer, 1960 ne Starý 1995 Aphididae Endo K
Diaeretiella Starý, 1960 ne Read et al. 1970 Aphididae Endo K
Ephedrus Haliday, 1833 ne Gardenfors 1986; Aphididae, Drepanosiphidae, Endo K
Starý 1995 Pemphigidae, Anoeciidae
Lysiphlebus Foerster, 1862 ne and pac Smith 1944; Aphididae, Anoeciidae Endo K
Monoctonus Haliday, 1833 me ch Gardenfors 1986; Aphididae, Thelaxidae, Endo K
Starý 1995 Drepanosiphide
Praon Haliday, 1833 ne Johnson 1987 Aphididae, Lachnidae, Endo K
Thelaxidae, Drepanosiphidae
Pseudopraon Strarý, 1975 me Starý, 1975 Aphididae
Pseudephedrus Starý, 1972 ne Starý 1972, Aphididae Endo K
1976, 1994
Quadrictonus Starý me Starý & Remaudiere Aphididae Endo K
& Remaudiere, 1982 1982; van
Achterberg 1989
Adialytus Foerster, 1862 me Marsh 1979a Aphididae, Thelaxidae,
(como subgénero de Drepanosiphide
Lysaphidus Smith, 1944 me Smith 1944; Aphididae
Marsh 1979a
Trioxys Haliday, 1833 me Smith 1944; Aphididae, Thelaxidae,
Starý 1981 Drepanosiphide
Apozyx Mason, 1978 ch Mason 1978; D D D
Sharkey & Wahl 1992
Conobregma van Achterberg, 1995 ica rd van Achterberg 1995b D D K
Jannya van Achterberg, 1995 cam sa van Achterberg 1995b D D K
Apoblacus van Achterberg, 1976 ch van Achterberg D D D
1976b, 1988b
Blacozona van Achterberg, 1988 ar van Achterberg D D D
1976b, 1988b
Blacus Nees, 1818 ne and amz car van Achterberg 1988b Coleoptera D D
Chalarope van Achterberg, 1988 ch van Achterberg 1988b D D D
Glyptoblacus van Achterberg, 1995 ho van Achterberg 1995a D D D
Grypokeros van Achterberg, 1988 ch van Achterberg 1988b D D D
Mesoxiphium van Achterberg, 1976 ch van Achterberg D D D
1976b, 1988b
Stegnocella van Achterberg, 1976 ch van Achterberg D D D
1976b, 1988b
Alienoclypeus Shenefelt, 1978 me Mason 1978
Atanycolus Foerster, 1862 cam sa and Shenefelt 1943 Cerambycidae, Buprestidae Ecto I
Bracon Fabricius, 1804 ne amz and car Muesebeck 1925 Larvas de Lepidoptera, Ecto I
ori pac Coleoptera y Diptera
Aulacodes Cresson, 1865 ica van Achterberg 1994a D Endo K
Capitonius Brullé, 1846 ne amz and ori pac Saffer 1977, 1982; Curculionidae Endo K
van Achterberg 1994a
Cenocoelius Haliday, 1840 ne amz and Saffer 1982; Curculionidae, Cerambycidae, Endo K
Buprestidae, Scolytidae
van Achterberg 1994a
Evaniomorpha Szépligeti, 1901 br van Achterberg 1994a D Endo K
Foenomorpha Szépligeti, 1904 su pe van Achterberg 1994a D Endo K
Ascogaster Wesmael, 1835 ne Shaw 1983 Tortricidae Endo K
Chelonus Panzer, 1806 ne amz and car pac Gelechiidae, Pyralidae, Endo K
Dirrhope Foerster, 1861 cam van Achterberg 1984a D D D
Acanthorhogas Szépligeti, 1906 ne Shenefelt & Marsh D Ecto I
Achterbergia Marsh, 1993 cam sa pac Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Acrophasmus Enderlein, 1912 ne Marsh 1968; Lyctidae, Bostrichidae Ecto I
Shenefelt & Marsh
Aivalykus Nixon, 1838 ne Marsh 1965 Scolytidae Ecto I
Aphelopsia Marsh, 1993 cam sa Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Araucania Marsh, 1993 sa ori * Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Atopodoryctes Marsh, 1993 ica Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Binarea Brullé, 1846 ne Shenefelt & Marsh D Ecto I
Bohartiellus Marsh, 1983 cam sa Marsh 1983b D Ecto I
Caingagia Marsh, 1993 br Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Callihormius Ashmead, 1900 ne Marsh 1966 Buprestidae y Cerambycidae Ecto I
Coiba Marsh, 1993 cam ica car Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Curtisella Spinola, 1853 ne Shenefelt & Marsh D Ecto I
Cyphodoryctes Marsh, 1997 br Marsh 1997 D Ecto I
Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838 ne Marsh 1967; Shenefelt Scolytidae Ecto I
& Marsh 1976
Donquickeia Marsh, 1997 br Marsh 1997 D Ecto I
Doryctes Haliday, 1836 ne Marsh 1969; Shenefelt Larvas de Coleoptera Ecto I
& Marsh 1976 barrenadores de madera
Ecphyloides Marsh, 1993 br Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 cam Marsh 1965 Scolytidae, Bostrichidae, Ecto I
Evaniodes Szépligeti, 1901 br pe ori Shenefelt & Marsh D Ecto I
1976; Fischer 1981a
Fritziella Marsh, 1993 br Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Glyptocolastes Ashmead, 1900 ne Marsh 1968; Bruchidae, Bostrichidae Ecto I
Marsh 1993
Guaygata Marsh, 1993 ica Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Gymnobracon Szépligeti, 1902 ne and Shenefelt & Marsh D Ecto I
Hecabolus Curtis, 1834 ar Shenefelt & Marsh Scolytidae, Bostrichidae Ecto I
Heerz Marsh, 1993 cr br Marsh 1993 D Ecto I
Heterospilus Haliday, 1836 ne and pac amz ori Marsh 1982a, 1982b Larvas de Coleoptera Ecto I
barrenadores de madera
Aridelus Marshall, 1887 ne ori Papp 1965 Pentatomidae Endo K
Bracteodes de Saeger, 1946 cam Shaw 1985 D Endo K
Centistes Haliday, 1835 ne and Shaw 1995 Curculionidae, Endo K
Chrysomelidae, Carabidae
Centistina Enderlein, 1912 ne Shaw 1985 D Endo K
Centistoides van Achterberg, 1992 su Acherterberg 1992a D Endo K
Chrysopophthours Goidanich, 1948 cam sa ica Mason 1964 Chrysopidae Endo K
Cosmophorus Ratzeburg, 1848 ica Shaw 1985 Scolytidae Endo K
Cryptoxilos Viereck, 1911 ne Shaw 1985 Scolytidae Endo K
Dinocampus Foerster, 1862 ne and Shaw 1985 Coccinellidae Endo K
Euphoriella Ashmead, 1900 ne and Loan & New 1971 Pscoptera Endo K
Falcosyntretus Tobias, 1965 ne Tobias 1965; D Endo K
Shaw 1985
Holdawayella Loan, 1967 ne Loan 1967 Tingidae Endo K
Lecythodella Enderlein, 1912 ne D Endo K
Leiophron Nees, 1818 ne Loan 1974 Miridae Endo K
Litostolus van Achterberg, 1985 cam van Achterberg 1985 D Endo K
Marshiella Shaw, 1985 cam cam Shaw 1985 Anthicidae Endo K
Microctonus Wesmael, 1835 ne and Loan 1969 Curculionidae, Endo K
Chrysomelidae, Carabidae
Orionis Shaw, 1985 cam car and pac amz Shaw 1987 D Endo K
Perilitus Nees, 1818 ne and Shaw 1985 Curculionidae, Endo K
Peristenus Foerster, 1862 cam Loan 1974 Miridae Endo K
Plynops Shaw, 1996 cam sa pac amz Shaw 1996 D Endo K
Pygostolus Haliday, 1833 ne van Achterberg 1985 Curculionidae Endo K
Syntretus Foerster, 1862 ne Marsh 1979b; Ichneumonidae, Apidae Endo K
Shaw 1985
Townesilitus Haeselbarth & Loan, 1983 ne and Haeselbarth Chrysomelidae Endo K
y Loan 1983
Wesmaelia Foerster, 1862 ne Shaw 1985, Nabidae
Shaw 1997
Gnamptodon Haliday, 1833 ne Fischer 1977, Nepticulidae D D
Achterberg 1983c
Pseudognaptodon Fischer, 1964 ne and * Whitfield & Wagner Nepticulidae D D
1991; Fischer 1977
Aliolus Say, 1836 co and Martin 1956 Cerambycidae, Endo K
Curculionidae, Mordellidae
Baeacis Foerster, 1878 ne and Marsh 1979b Anobiidae, Cerambycidae Endo K
Diospilus Haliday, 1833 ne Mason 1968 Anobiidae, Nitidulidae, Endo K
Eubazus Nees, 1814 ne and amz ori Mason 1974 Curculionidae, Bruchidae Endo K
car pac
Helcon Nees, 1814 ne Marsh 1979b Cerambycidae Endo K
Nealiolus Mason, 1974 ne and Marsh 1979b Curculionidae Endo K
Schizoprymnus Foerster, 1862 ne and car Mordellidae Endo K
Topaldios Papp, 1995 ar ch Papp 1995 D Endo K
Triaspis Haliday, 1835 ne and ori car pac Martin 1956 Curculionidae, Bruchidae Endo K
Urosigalphus Ashmead, 1888 ne and amz Gibson 1972a, Endo K
1972b, 1974
Vadum Mason, 1987 co * and Mason 1987 D Endo K
Wroughtonia Cameron, 1899 co * van Achterberg 1987a Cerambycidae Endo K
(como Wroughtoniay
Charmon Haliday, 1833 me van Achterberg 1979 Tortricidae, Gelechiidae,
Oecophoridae, Pyralidae
Charmontia van Achterberg, 1979 ch van Achterberg 1979 D
Exasticolus van Achterberg, 1979 cam sa and amz car ori van Achterberg 1979 Lasiocampidae Endo K
Homolobus Foerster, 1862 ne and amz car ori van Achterberg 1979 Noctuidae, Geometridae Endo K
Acrisis Foerster, 1862 cam Belokobyl’skij 1993a; D Ecto I
Tobias 1993
Allobracon Gahan, 1915 ne Wharton 1993b, Lepidoptera, Buprestidae, Ecto I
Clark 1965 Chrysomelidae
Aspilodemon Fischer, 1966 cam sa and Fischer 1966; D Ecto I
Wharton 1988a
Cantharactonus Viereck, 1912 cam sa Whitfield & van Lyonetiidae Ecto I
Achterberg 1987
Chremylus Haliday, 1833 ch Belokobyl’skij 1987a, Coleoptera
1987b, 1993a,1993b;
Wharton 1993b
Colastes Haliday, 1833 me br Belokobyl’skij & Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Ecto I
Tobias 1986; van Hymenoptera, Diptera
Achterberg 1983b
Hormius Nees, 1818 ne and amz car ori Hedqvist 1963; Gelechiidae, Tortricidae, Ecto I
Wharton 1993b; Coleophoridae
Infante et al. 1995
Hydrangeocola Brethes, 1927 ch co and * Wharton 1988a, Formador de agallas Ecto I
1993b, Fischer 1968b en Hydrangea
(como Kephalosema)
Lysitermus Foerster, 1862 cam ica Wharton 1993b Psychidae Ecto I
Monitoriella Hedqvist, 1963 cam sa Hedqvist 1963; Formador de agallas Ecto I
Wharton 1993b; en Philodendron
Infante et al. 1995
Oncophanes Foerster, 1862 me Belokobyl’skij Tortricidae
1993a, 1993b
Pambolus Haliday, 1836 cam sa and amz car pac Belokobyl’skij 1986, Buprestidae Ecto I
1987a, 1987b, y Chrysomelidae
1993a ,1993b
Parahormius Nixon, 1940 cam Wharton 1993b Coleophoridae, Ecto I
Gelechiidae y Lyonetiidae
Proacrisis Tobias, 1983 me Tobias 1983; D
1993a, 1993b
Hebichneutes Sharkey & Wharton, 1994 cam sa Sharkey & Wharton D Endo K
Helconichia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994 Sharkey & Wharton D Endo K
Lispixys Mason, 1994 ne Mason 1969, 1991; Endo K
Sharkey & Wharton
Masonbeckia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994 cam sa Sharkey & Wharton Argidae Endo K
Muesonia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994 ne Sharkey & Wharton D Endo K
Oligoneurus Szépligeti, 1902 ne Whitfield & Wagner Lyonetiidae Endo K
1991; Sharkey
& Wharton 1994
Paroligoneurus Muesebeck, 1931 ne Whitfield & Wagner Nepticulidae Endo K
1991; Sharkey
& Wharton 1994
Proterops Wesmael, 1835 ne Whitfield & Wagner Argidae Endo K
1991; Sharkey
& Wharton 1994
Austrozele Roman, 1910 cam sa Mason 1977 Geometridae Endo K
Dolichozele Viereck, 1911 ne amz and ori van Achterberg 1993 Arctiidae Endo K
Hymenochaonia Dalla Torre, 1898 cam sa and ori van Achterberg 1993 Pyralidae, Tortricidae Endo K
Macrocentrus Curtis, 1833 ne Muesebeck 1932 Pyralidae, Tortricidae Endo K
Masona van Achterberg, 1995 br co amz * van Achterberg 1995b D D D
Epsilogaster Whitfield & Mason, 1994 cam sa Whitfield & Mason D D D
Mendesella Whitfield & Mason, 1994 sa ori * Whitfield & Mason D D D
Meteoridea Ashmead, 1900 ne van Achterberg 1990 Larvas de Lepidoptera Endo K
Meteorus Haliday, 1835 ne and car ori amz Huddleston 1980, Larvas de Coleoptera Endo K
1983 y Lepidoptera
Zele Curtis, 1832 cam sa and pac Mason 1973; Larvas de Lepidoptera Endo K
van Achterberg
1979, 1984b
Alphomellon Mason 1981 ne and amz Muesebeck 1920 Hesperiidae Endo K
(como Apanteles);
Mason 1981
Apanteles, Foerster, 1862 and car ori pac Muesebeck 1920, Lepidoptera Endo K
1958; Nixon 1965,
Mason 1981
Austrocotesia Austin cam sa Austin & Dangerfield D Endo K
& Dangerfield, 1992 1992
Choeras Mason, 1981 ne Nixon 1965 (como Lepidoptera Endo K
grupo de Apanteles,
Hypomicrogaster y
Mason 1981
Clarkinella Mason, 1981 ne Mason 1981 D Endo K
Cotesia Cameron, 1891 ne and ori Muesebeck 1920 Lepidoptera Endo K
(como Apanteles);
Nixon 1965 (como
grupo glomeratusde
Apanteles); Papp
1986a, 1986b, 1987
(como grupo
glomeratus de
Dasylagon Muesebeck, 1958 sa Nixon 1965 Sesiidae, Thyrididae Endo K
Deuterixys Mason, 1981 ne Whitfield 1985 Bucculatrigidae, Lyonetiidae Endo K
Diolcogaster Ashmead, 1900 ne Mason 1981 Lepidoptera Endo K
Distatrix Mason, 1981 ne Nixon 1965 (como Lepidoptera Endo K
grupo formosusde
Apanteles); Mason
Dolichogenidea Viereck, 1911 ne and pac Muesebeck 1920 Lepidoptera Endo K
(como Apanteles);
Mason 1981
Exix Mason, 1981 ne Mason 1981 Noctuidae Endo K
Fornicia Brullé, 1846 ne and Papp 1980; Mason Limacodidae Endo K
1981; Austin 1987
Glyptapanteles Ashmead, 1904 ne and Muesebeck 1920 Pyraloidea Endo K
(como Apanteles);
Mason 1981
Hypomicrogaster Ashmead, 1898 ne and Nixon 1965 Lepidoptera Endo K
Iconella Mason, 1981 ne and Muesebeck 1920 Lepidoptera Endo K
(como Apanteles);
Nixon 1965 (como
grupo sundanus y
merula de Apanteles);
Mason 1981
Illidops Mason, 1981 ne Mason 1981; Psychidae, Pyralidae, Endo K
Wharton 1983 Scythrididae
Larissimus Nixon, 1965 ne Penteado-Diaz 1997; Arctiidae Endo K
Mason 1981
Lathrapanteles Williams, 1985 ne Williams 1985 Noctuidae Endo K
Microplitis Foerster, 1862 ne and Muesebeck 1922; Noctuidae, Sphingidae Endo K
Nixon 1968; Papp
1984; Austin
& Dangerfield 1993
Papanteles Mason, 1981 ne Nixon 1965 (como D Endo K
el grupo virbius de
Mason 1981
Neomicrotypus van Achterberg, 1992 ch van Achterberg 1992b D
Mirax Haliday, 1833 ne and Whitfield & Mason D Endo K
Biosteres Foerster, 1862 me Wharton 1987, 1988a Anthomyiidae
Diachasmimorpha Viereck, 1913 me Pemberton & Willard Tephritidae
1918a, 1918b;
Ramadan et al.
1989a, 1989b
Doryctobracon Enderlein, 1920 ne and Fischer 1977; Tephritidae Endo K
Wharton 1988a;
Marsh 1979b
Eurytenes Marshall, 1862 me Fischer 1972; Agromyzidae
Wharton 1988a
Antestrix van Achterberg, 1987 ch van Achterberg 1987b D
Bentonia van Achterberg, 1992 cam sa amz and car van Achterberg 1992c Noctuidae Endo K
Orgilus Haliday, 1833 ne and pac van Achterberg 1987b D Endo K
Podorgilus van Achterberg, 1994 br bo van Achterberg 1994b D Endo K
Stantonia Ashmead, 1904 ne amz and van Achterberg 1987b Tortricidae, Pyralidae Endo K
Aleiodes Wesmael,1838 ne amz and car ori van Achterberg 1991; Noctuoidea, Geometroidea, Endo K
Shaw et al. 1997 Arctioidea, Sphingoidea
Psephalanus Szépligeti, 1902 sam van Achterberg Noctuidae Endo K
1992d; Sharkey
& Janzen 1995
Sigalphus Latreille, 1802 ne and amz car ori van Achterberg Noctuidae Endo K
1992d; Sharkey
& Janzen 1995
Embobracon van Achterberg, 1995 pa van Achterberg 1995b D D D
Termitobracon Brues, 1923 pa gf Brues 1923; van Termitidae D D
Achterberg 1995b
Ypsistocerus Cushman, 1923 bo Cushman 1923; van Termitidae D D
Achterberg 1995b
Agradecimientos / Acknowledgments
Deseo agradecer al Proyecto Diversidad de Insectos en áreas protegidas, desarrollado en conjunto por el Instituto Alexander
von Humboldt (IavH), Unidad Administrativa Especial del Sistema de Parques Nacionales Naturales de Colombia (UAESPNN),
Universidad de Kentucky (UK), Museo de Historia Natural del condado de los Angeles (LACM) y patrocinado por la
National Science Foundation (NSF) DEB 9972024; también agradezco a la Sociedad Colombiana de Entomología (SOCOLEN)
por el apoyo a través de la beca Incentivos que promueve la investigación entomológica en universidades colombianas;
agradezco a todas las personas de las colecciones visitadas que permitieron la revisión del material; finalmente agradezco al
Dr. Michael Sharkey, Fernando Fernández y Eduardo Flórez por su apoyo incondicional, a los evaluadores del manuscrito y
a Diana Carvajal y Claudia Reina por su valiosa ayuda.
I wish to thank the Project Diversity of Insects in Protected Areas, managed through Alexander von Humboldt Institute,(IavH)
Special Administrative Unit of National Natural Parks System of Colombia (UAESPNN, Kentucky University (UK), Los
Angeles county Museum (LACM and sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) DEB 9972024; I also wish to
thank the Entomological Society of Colombia (SOCOLEN) for their support through the scholarship Incentivos that
promotes the entomological research in Colombian universities; I thank all the people from the visited collections for
allowing the revision of material; and finally I express my gratitude to Dr. Michael Sharkey, Fernando Fernández and
Eduardo Flórez for their unconditional support, to evaluators of manuscrit and to Diana Carvajal and Claudia Reina for
their valuable help.
Achterberg C. van (1992b) Revision of the genera of the Belokobyl’skij S.A. (1986) A review of the Palaearctic species
subfamily Microtypinae (Hymenoptera: of the genera Pambolus Hal. and Dimeris Ruthe
Braconidae) Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) Proceedings of the
66:369-380 Zoological Institute Leningrad, 159:18-37 (In
Achterberg C. van (1992c) Bentonia gen. nov. (Hymenoptera: Russian)
Braconidae: Orgilinae) from Brazil Zoologische Belokobyl’skij S.A. (1987a) Structure of the male genitalia
Mededelingen 66: 339-344 in the braconid subfam. Doryctinae (Hymenoptera,
Achterberg C. van (1992d) Revision of the genera of the Braconidae)- its evolution and significance in
subfamily Sigalphinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), classification of the group Morphological
including a revision of the Australian species Foundations for Insect Phylogeny 69:209-219 (In
Achterberg C. van (1993) Illustrated key to the subfamilies Russian)
of the Braconidae Zoologische Verhandelingen 283 Belokobyl’skij S.A. (1987b) On the status of the genus
Achterberg C. van (1994a) Generic revision of the subfamily Dolopsidea Hincks (Hymenoptera, Braconidae,
Cenocoeliinae Szépligeti (Hymenoptera: Doryctinae). pp. 73-78. In: Storozheva and Kusakin
Braconidae) Zoologische Verhandelingen Leiden (eds.) New Data on Insect Systematics from the
292:1-52 Soviet Far East USSR Academy of Sciences,
Achterberg C. van (1994b) Two new genera of the tribe Vladivostok. (In Russian)
Orgilini Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Belokobyl’skij S.A. (1993a) On the classification and
Orgilinae) Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden phylogeny of the braconid wasp subfamilies
68:173-190 Doryctinae and Exothecinae (Hymenoptera:
Achterberg C. van (1995a) Glyptoblacus gen. nov. Braconidae). Part I. On the classification, 2.
(Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Blacinae) from Hondu- Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 72:143-164 (In
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Betylobraconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and phylogeny of the braconid wasp subfamilies
other groups with modified fore tarsus. Zoologische Doryctinae and Exothecinae (Hymenoptera:
Verhandelingen Leiden 298:1-242 Braconidae). Part II. On the phylogeny.
Achterberg C. van, K. Maetô (1990) Two new and aberrant Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 72:891-914 (In
species of Braconidae (Hymenoptera) from Japan Russian)
Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden 64:59-70 Belokobyl’skij S.A., V.I. Tobias (1986) Subfamily Doryctinae.
Achterberg C van, D.L. Quicke (1992) Phylogeny of the pp. 21-72. In: Tobias V. I. (ed.) Identification of
subfamilies of the family Braconidae: a Insects of European U.S.S.R. Vol. III, part V.
reassessment assessed Cladistics 8:237-264 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) Akademia Nauk,
Achterberg C. van, A.M. Penteado-Dias, D.L.J. Quicke Leningrad. (In Russian)
(1997) Pseudoyelicones (Hymenoptera: Belokobyl’skij S.A. (1995) Main evolutionary
Braconidae: Rogadinae) a new genus from Brazil transformations of the morphological structures in
and Costa Rica Zool. Med. Leiden 71 (1):1-8 the subfamilies Doryctinae and Exothecinae
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(Hymenoptera) that parasitize Limacodidae in classification, 1. Entomolgischeskoe Obozrenie
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Godfray H.J., Holloway J.D. (eds) Slug and Nettle (1998) A phylogenetic reconstruction of the
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group of genera (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Zettel H. (1990b) Beitrage zur Kenntnis Neotropischer Arten
Rogadinae) with description of a new Neotropical der Gattung Phanerotoma Wesmael: 4. Die Ph.
genus Proceedings of the Entomological Society Fuscovaria-gruppe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae,
of Washington 92:36-43 Cheloninae) Linzer Biologische Beitrage 22:3-19
Whitfield J.B. (1992) The polyphyletic origin of Zettel H. (1991) Beitrage zur Kenntnis Neotropischer Arten
endoparasitism in the cyclostome lineages of the der Gattung Phanerotoma Wesmael: 5 Die Ph. Mi-
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17:273-286 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Cheloninae) Linzer
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Zettel H. (1992a) Revision der Phanerotoma-Arten Zettel H. (1992b) Beitrage zur Kenntnis Neotropischer Arten
Nordamerikas (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, der Gattung Phanerotoma Wesmael: 7. Die Ph.
Cheloninae) Linzer Biologische Beitrage 24:275- Atriceps-gruppe (Hymenoptera:Braconidae,
330 Cheloninae) Linzer Biologische Beitrage 24:663-
Anexo / Appendix
Listado Sinonímico / Synonymic List Alloea Haliday, 1833 =
Diaspasta Foerster, 1862
Acrisis Foerster, 1862 = Lamadatha Cameron, 1900
Episigalphus Ashmead, 1900
Euchasmus Marshall, 1988 Allorhogas Gahan, 1912 =
Austrodolops Blanchar, 1936
Acrophasmus Enderlein, 1912 = Catolestes Bretes, 1922
Concurtsiella Roman, 1924
Alysia Latreille, 1804 =
Adelius Haliday, 1833 = Cechenus Illiger, 1807
Anomopterus Rohwer, 1914 Goniarcha Foerster, 1862
Myriola Shestakov, 1932
Apanteles, Foerster, 1862 =
Ademon Haliday, 1833 = Allapanteles Bretes, 1915
Analostania Viereck, 1916 Cecidobracon Kieffer & Joergensen, 1910
Giardinaia De Stephani, 1902 Urogaster Ashmead, 1898