Sal Zanimljiv

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Friendship Scarf
Design by Marcy Smith, Sarah Read and Sharon Zientara

Finished Size:
about 3" by 50".

Ripple Strip Red Heart
Eco-Ways (70% acrylic, 30%
recycled polyester; 186 yd
[170 m]/4 oz [113 g]; ): 3533
misty violet, 1 skein.
Wattle Strip Lion Brand
Wool-Ease worsted (80%
acrylic, 20% wool; 197 yd [180
m]/3 oz [85 g]; ): #151 grey
heather, 1 skein.
Shell Strip Bernat Satin
(100% acrylic; 200 yd [182
m]/31⁄2 oz [100 g]; ):
#04222 fern, 1 skein.

 ipple Strip I/9 (5.5mm).
Wattle Strip G/6 (4 mm).
Shell Strip H/8 (5 mm).

is not critical for this pattern.
Photo by Joe Coca

Skill Level:

Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

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Friendship Scarf
m a r c y s m i t h , s a r a h r e a d a n d s h a r o n z i e n t a r a
Learn crochet techniques with a couple of Ripple Strip Shell strip
friends by making long skinny “swatches.” Then Fsc 180 (see Glossary). Ch 14.
braid your swatches to make each of you a cool Note: Work first and last st through both lps, Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, [sk next 2 ch,
scarf! We used a medley of yarns. Dive into your for stability. Work all other sts blo. 5 dc in next ch, sk next 2 ch, sc in next ch] 2
own stash. Rows 1–4: Ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in first st, times, turn.
Getting Started *dc blo in next 3 sts, [dc2tog blo over next 2 sts] Row 2: Ch 2 (counts as dc), 2 dc in first sc, sk
2 times, dc blo in next 3 sts, [2 dc blo in next next 2 dc, sc in next dc, sk next 2 dc, 5 dc in
Ripple Strip Finished size about 3" st] 2 times; rep from *, ending with 2 dc in last next sc, sk next 2 dc, sc in next dc, sk next 2
by 50". Yarn Red Heart Eco-Ways (70% st, turn. dc, 3 dc in last sc, turn.
acrylic, 30% recycled polyester; 186 yd Row 5: Ch 2 (counts as sc), sc in first st, *sc Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first dc, [sk next 2 dc, 5 dc in
[170 m]/4 oz [113 g]; ): 3533 misty blo in next 3 sts, [sc2tog blo over next 2 sts] 2 next sc, sk next 2 dc, sc in next dc] 2 times, turn.
violet, 1 skein. Hook Size I/9 (5.5mm). times, sc blo in next 3 sts, [2 sc blo in next st] 2 Rep Rows 2–3 for 50".
Gauge is not critical for this pattern. times; rep from *, ending with 2 sc in last st. Fasten off. Weave in ends. Block.
Fasten off. Weave in ends. Steam block, shaping
Wattle Strip Finished size about 3" ripples on first row. Edging
by 50". Yarn Lion Brand Wool-Ease Align strips next to each other, with one end
worsted (80% acrylic, 20% wool; 197 yd [180 Wattle strip even. With hook and yarn of choice, join in
m]/3 oz [85 g]; ): #151 grey heather, 1 Ch 15. first row-end of right strip, hdc evenly across
skein. Hook Size G/6 (4 mm). Gauge is not Row 1: (Sc, ch 1, dc) in 2nd ch from hook, *sk row-ends of all 3 strips, turn, ch 1, sc in each
critical for this pattern. next ch, (sc, ch 1, dc) in next ch; rep from * hdc across, changing colors in last st. Ch 1, sc
across, turn. in first sc, [ch 10, sc in next sc] across. Fasten
Shell Strip Finished size about 3" by Row 2: Ch 1, (Sc, ch 1, dc) in each ch-sp across, off. Braid strips loosely enough to allow them
50". Yarn Bernat Satin (100% acrylic; 200 turn. to lie flat; 2nd ends may be uneven. Thread a
yd [182 m]/31⁄2 oz [100 g]; ): #04222 Rep Row 2 until strip measures 50". length of scrap yarn onto yarn needle, and sew
fern, 1 skein. Hook Size H/8 (5 mm). Fasten off. Weave in ends. Block. first and last 6" of strips tog to secure braid. Cut
Gauge is not critical for this pattern. scraps of different colors and lengths to attach
to uneven ends of scarf. Re-block.

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2 Interweave Crochet • Fall 2011 © Interweave Press LLC, Interweave Crochet magazine.
Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.

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