Patons SilkBamboo500865 07 CR Cardigan - en US
Patons SilkBamboo500865 07 CR Cardigan - en US
Patons SilkBamboo500865 07 CR Cardigan - en US
S t i t c h g l o S S a ry
Finished bust approx = Approximately.
ch = Chain(s).
extra-Small / Small cluster = (Yoh and draw up a loop. Yoh
36 ins [ 91.5 cm ] and draw through 2 loops on hook)
Medium 3 times in next space. Yoh and draw
through all loops on hook.
39.5 ins [ 100 cm ]
Dc = Double crochet.
large hdc = Half double crochet.
431/2 ins [ 110.5 cm ] Pat = Pattern.
rem = Remaining.
rep(s) = Repeat(s).
471/2 ins [ 120.5 cm ]
rS = Right side.
2/3 extra-large Sc = Single crochet.
541/2 ins [ 138.5 cm ] Sl st = Slip stitch.
Sp(s) = Space(s).
4/5 extra-large
St(s) = Stitch(es).
621/2 ins [ 159 cm ]
WS = Wrong side.
yoh = Yarn over hook.
Crochet Cardigan 53
M at e r i a l S
54 Crochet Cardigan
Sizes XS/S, M, l, Xl and 4/5Xl only: Sizes XS/S, M, l, Xl and 2/3Xl only:
1st row: Ch 1. Sc2tog over first 2 sts. 1st row: (RS). Ch 1. Sc2tog over first
1 sc in each sc to last 2 sc. Sc2tog 2 sts. 1 sc in each sc to end of row. Turn.
over last 2 sts. Turn. 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to last
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across. 2 sts. Sc2tog over last 2 sts. Turn.
Turn. 3rd row: As 1st row.
Rep last 2 rows 15 (12-9-7-1) time(s) 4th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across.
more. 35 (35-37-37-39) sts. Turn.
Rep 1st to 4th rows 0 (2-4-6-4) times
all sizes: Fasten off. more. 33 (30-29-26-30) sts.
56 Crochet Cardigan
Size 2/3Xl only: 1st row: (RS). Ch 1. right Front
Sc2tog over first 2 sts. 1 sc in each sc Work as for Left Front noting RS is WS,
to end of row. Turn. thus reversing all shaping.
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc to last
2 sts. Sc2tog over last 2 sts. Turn. 28 sc. loWer BoDy
(worked in one piece down from lower
Shape neck: 1st row: (RS). Ch 1. edge of Back and Fronts)
Sc2tog over first 2 sts. 1 sc in each of Sew short side seams (2 rows).
next 15 sc (neck edge). turn. Leave
rem sts unworked. With RS facing and larger hook,
2nd row: Ch 1. Sc2tog over first 2 sts. working into rem loops of foundation
1 sc in each sc to end of row. Sc2tog ch, work 36 (40-43-49-56-62) sc across
over last 2 sts. Turn. lower edge of Left Front, 76 (82-90-99-
3rd to 5th rows: Ch 1. Sc2tog over first 113-129) sc across lower edge of
2 sts. 1 sc in each sc to last 2 sts. Back and 36 (40-43-49-56-62) sc
Sc2tog over last 2 sts. Turn. across lower edge of Right Front.
Rep last 2nd to 5th rows once more. 148 (162-176-197-225-253) sc. Turn.
2 sc.
next row: Ch 1. Sc2tog. Fasten off. Proceed in Lace Pat as follows:
**1st row: (WS). Ch 4 (counts as dc
Size 4/5Xl only: Shape neck: 1st and ch 1). Miss first sc. 1 sc in next sc.
row: (RS). Ch 1. Sc2tog over first 2 sts. *Ch 3. Miss next sc. (1 sc. Ch 3. 1 sc)
1 sc in each of next 15 sc (neck edge). in next sc**. Ch 3. Miss next sc. 1 sc in
turn. Leave rem sts unworked. next sc. Ch 3. Miss next 2 sc. 1 sc in
2nd to 5th rows: Ch 1. Sc2tog over first next sc. Rep from * to last 6 sc. Rep
2 sts. 1 sc in each sc to last 2 sts. from * to ** once. Ch 1. Miss next sc.
Sc2tog over last 2 sts. Turn. 1 dc in last sc. Turn.
6th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each st to last 2nd row: Ch 2 (counts as hdc). 1 dc in
2 sts. Sc2tog over last 2 sts. Sc2tog next ch-3 sp. *Ch 3. Miss first ch-1 sp.
over last 2 sts. Turn. (Cluster. Ch 3. Cluster) in next ch-3 sp.
7th row: Ch 1. Sc2tog over first 2 sts. Ch 3. Yoh and draw up a loop in next
1 sc in each sc to last 2 sts. Sc2tog ch-3 sp. Yoh and draw through 2 loops
over last 2 sts. Turn. on hook. Miss next ch-3 sp. Yoh and
Rep 6th and 7th rows once more. 2 sc. draw up a loop in next ch-3 sp. Yoh and
next row: Ch 1. Sc2tog. Fasten off.
Crochet Cardigan 57
draw through 2 loops on hook. Yoh and Shape raglans: 1st row: Sl st in each
draw through all loops on hook – dc2tog of next 3 (3-3-4-4-4) sc. Ch 1. 1 sc in
over 3 ch-3 sps made. Rep from * to last same sp as last sl st. 1 sc in each sc
2 ch-3 sps. (Cluster. Ch 3. Cluster) in across to last 2 (2-2-3-3-3) sc. turn.
next ch-3 sp. Ch 3. 1 dc in next ch-3 sp. Leave rem sts unworked.
1 hdc in 3rd ch of turning ch. Turn. 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across.
3rd row: Ch 4 (counts as dc and ch 1). Turn.
1 sc in next ch-3 sp. *Ch 3. (1 sc. Ch 3. 3rd to 5th rows: Ch 1. Sc2tog over
1 sc) in next ch-3 sp. (Ch 3. 1 sc in next first 2 sc. 1 sc in each sc across to last
ch-3 sp) twice. Rep from * to last 2 2 sc. Sc2tog over last 2 sc. Turn.
ch-3 sps. Ch 3. (1 sc. Ch 3. 1 sc) in next 6th row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across.
ch-3 sp. Ch 3. 1 sc in last ch-3 sp. Ch 1. Turn.
1 dc in top of turning ch. Turn.** Rep 3rd to 6th rows 3 (2-4-4-4-6) times
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows for Lace Pat more. 32 (38-33-38-38-33) sts.
until work from joining row measures
approx 151/2 ins [39.5 cm], ending on 1st row: Ch 1. Sc2tog over first 2 sts.
a 3rd row. 1 sc in each sc to last 2 sc. Sc2tog
over last 2 sts. Turn.
next row: (RS). Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc. 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across.
Ch 2. 1 sc in next ch-3 sp. *[(1 dc. Turn.
Ch 1) 4 times. 1 dc] all in next ch-3 sp. Rep last 2 rows 9 (12-9-11-11-8) times
1 sc in next ch-3 sp. Ch 2**. 1 dc in more. 12 (12-13-14-14-15) sts. Fasten
next ch-3 sp. Ch 2. 1 sc in next off.
ch-3 sp. Rep from * to last 2 ch-3 sps,
then rep from * to ** once. 1 sc in top loWer SleeVe (worked down from
of turning ch. Fasten off. lower edge of Sleeve).
With RS facing and larger hook,
SleeVeS working into rem loops of foundation
With larger hook, ch 61 (61-68-75-75- ch, work 60 (60-67-74-74-81) sc across
82). lower edge of Sleeve. Turn.
1st row: (RS). 1 sc in 2nd ch from
hook. 1 sc in each ch to end of ch. 60 Work from ** to ** as given for Lower
(60-67-74-74-81) sc. Turn. Body.
2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across.
58 Crochet Cardigan
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows for Lace Pat Button band: 1st row: With RS facing
until Lower Sleeve measures approx and smaller hook, join yarn with sl st at
41/2 ins [11.5 cm], ending on a 3rd row. corner of left front neck edging. Ch 1.
Work 93 (93-93-103-103-103) sc evenly
next row: (RS). Ch 1. 1 sc in first dc. down left front edge. Turn.
Ch 2. 1 sc in next ch-3 sp. *[(1 dc. Ch 1) 2nd row: Ch 1. 1 sc in each sc across.
4 times. 1 dc] all in next ch-3 sp. 1 sc in Fasten off.
next ch-3 sp. Ch 2**. 1 dc in next ch-3 sp. Sew on buttons to correspond to
Ch 2. 1 sc in next ch-3 sp. Rep from * to button loops.
last 2 ch-3 sps, then rep from * to **
once. 1 sc in top of turning ch. Fasten off.
Sew sleeve seams. Sew raglan seams.
Pin garment to measurements. Cover
with a damp cloth, leaving cloth to dry.
60 Crochet Cardigan