Annexure-2 Concepts and Definitions: Higher Education
Annexure-2 Concepts and Definitions: Higher Education
Annexure-2 Concepts and Definitions: Higher Education
For the purpose of this Survey, Higher Education is defined as the education, which is
obtained after completing 12 years of schooling or equivalent and is of the duration of
at least nine months (full time) or after completing 10 years of schooling and is of the
duration of at least 3 years. The education may be of the nature of General, Vocational,
Professional or Technical education
All Institutions, where higher education as defined above is imparted, will be covered
in the Survey. The Institutions, covered in the Survey has been classified into three
broad categories:
Under the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956, “University” means a
University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State
Act, and includes any such institution as may, in consultation with the University concerned, be
recognized by the Commission in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf under this
Various Provisions under UGC Act, 1956, which are relevant for the Survey are
mentioned below:
Under Section 22(1) of UGC Act, 1956, the right of conferring or granting degrees shall be
exercised only by a University established or incorporated by or under a central Act, a Provincial
Act, a State Act or an institution deemed to be a University under section 3 or an institution
specially empowered by an Act of Parliament to confer or grant degrees.
Under Section 22(2) of UGC Act, 1956 states that Save as provided in sub-section (1), no
person or authority shall confer, or grant, or hold himself or itself out as entitled to confer or
grant, any degree.
Section 12 of the UGC Act, 1956 states Power and Functions of the University Grants
All India Survey on Higher Education
It shall be the general duty of the Commission to take, in consultation with the Universities or
other bodies concerned, all such steps as it may think fit for the promotion and co-ordination of
University education and for the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching,
examination and research in Universities, and for the purpose of performing its functions under
this Act, the commission may :
(h) collect information on all such matters relating to university education in India and
other countries as it thinks fit and make the same available to any university;
(i) require a University to furnish it with such information as may be needed relating to
the financial position of the University or the studies in the various branches of learning
undertaken in that University, together with all the rules and regulations relating to the
standards of teaching and examination in that University respecting each of such
branches of learning.
Thus the following degree awarding Institutions are covered in this category:
The Parent University awards degrees to the students, evaluated and recommended by
colleges. Autonomous colleges that have completed three year terms can confer the
degree under their title with the seal of the university.
All India Survey on Higher Education
2.2 Institutions Recognised by the University: These are the institutions attached
with the University for the purpose of awarding degree in respect of programmes being
run in these institutions. e.g. Army Cadet College Wing, Indian Military Academy, Dehradun
is not affiliated with any University but the degree in respect of Programmes run in the institute
are awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Evening College – The College in which education is imparted in the evening. It may
be noted that in a few colleges, using the same infrastructure, education is imparted in
two sessions-morning or day and evening. Generally, for all practical purposes these
are treated as two colleges.
There are several institutions which are outside the purview of the University &
College. These Institutions generally run Diploma/PG Diploma level programmes for
which they require recognition from one or other Statutory Bodies. For the purpose of
this survey, such Institutions will be referred as Stand-alone Institution. Such
Institutions mainly fall under following categories:
All India Survey on Higher Education
- Diploma awarding Institutions under the control of Indian Nursing Council (INC).
- Government or Government recognised Institutions to conduct Teachers Training
courses whose entry qualification is 10+2 e.g. District Institute of Educational and
Training (DIET) or similar institutes.
- Polytechnics.
- Company Secretary, Charted Accountancy, Actuarial Science etc.
Institution for Women: An Institution which enrolls only female students in all its
programmes is categorised as Institution for Women. Such institutes may or may not
have male teaching and non-teaching staff.
For the purpose of survey, the School will be treated similar to Faculty and Centre will
be treated similar to the Department.
Levels of Programmes:
All India Survey on Higher Education
For example in case of M.A. in Geography, M.A. is a Programme and Geography is a discipline.
Regular Mode i.e. Formal system of Higher Education - Education provided in the
system of Colleges, Universities and other formal educational institutions where the
students getting education in a classroom in direct contact with the teachers and also
make use of other infrastructure facilities like laboratories, library etc to enhance its
learning capacity.
All India Survey on Higher Education
Local Body - Colleges/Institutions which are managed by the local body such as
Panchayats (as defined in Art 243 read with 243 B of the Constitution), Municipalities
(as defined in Article 243 P read with 243 Q of the Constitution), Cantonment Boards,
Town Area Committees and any other bodies of the local self government constituted
under a law. e.g. Firoz Gandhi College & C.P.Verma College, Patna affiliated to Magadh
Student means a student of the Institution and includes any person who has enrolled
himself/ herself for pursuing any programme of study conducted by the Institution.
Foreign Student means those students who are citizens of a country other than India.
Grade Pay – Grade Pay is a fixed amount attached to each post in the hierarchy. Grade
pay determines the status of a post.
Non-teaching staff are staff other than Teaching staff engaged in Administrative,
Secretarial, Laboratory, Library work etc. of the University/ Institution/ College in
different level Groups i.e. Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D as defined by
Department of Personnel & Training.
Person with Disability (PWD): A person suffering from a disability as defined in the
“Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full
Participation) Act, 1995”. As per Section 2 of this Act:
“Person with disability” (PWD) means a person suffering from not less than forty per
cent of any of the following disabilities as certified by a medical authority;
i. Blindness;
ii. Low vision;
iii. Leprosy-cured;
iv. Hearing impairment;
v. Locomotors disability;
vi. Mental retardation;
vii. Mental illness;
All India Survey on Higher Education
Other Backward Classes means the class or classes of citizens who are socially and
educationally backward, and are so determined by the Central/ State Government.
Scheduled Castes means the Scheduled Castes notified under article 341 of the
Scheduled Tribes means the Scheduled Tribes notified under article 342 of the
Out-Turn means number of final year students of a particular programme, who have
successfully completed the programme i.e number of students who have passed the
final year examination of the programme.
Academic Year - The academic year is the period, during which one year or two
semesters or three trimester of a Programme is completed.
Financial Year - The financial year is the period from 1st April of the Year to 31st March
of the next year.
Reference Date - 30th September of the Academic year is taken as the reference date for
filling up the all the Blocks of DCF, except the block on Examination Results and
Financial Information. Generally all the admissions in various courses in a University,
College & Stand alone Institutions are completed before 30th September. Reference
period for financial data is Financial Year and for examination result is Academic Year.
Examination Year – It is the academic year prior to the reference date, for which
Examination Results are declared. Examination results include the final and
supplementary examination conducted during that year. In case of Ph.D, the out-turn is
the number of students, who are awarded degree during two convocations falling prior
to the reference date.