Campus Registration Outside Students 07112024

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M. J. P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly

ISO certified: 9001:2015& 14001:2015
NAAC Accredited A++ Grade
Category-I University (University Grants Commission, N. Delhi)
1. Preamble:
National Education Policy-2020 has provided students the academic flexibility coupled with
multidisciplinary approach and an option to the students to switch over from one institution to
other with the aid of transfer of credits from one institution to other. The NEP-2020 has also
provided the students a freedom to co opt on or more courses of their choice/interest from other
institutions to enhance their knowledge and skills. With the implementation of NEP-2020 there
is a consistent demand from various students studying in other institutions and willing to
undertake/ co-opt one of more courses from M. J. P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. Realizing the
need of hour and the demand from various stake holders a proposal was moved in the meeting
of academic council dated 26-09-2023 for consideration and approval. Where the approval was
accorded with appreciation (Annexure-1). The details are mentioned below:
Proposal submitted to Academic Decision of Academic Council dated 26-09-2023
Council dated 26-09-2023
राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति -2020 के अनुरूप निर्णय- राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति -2020 के सफि कक्रयान्िन हे िु
समकक्षिा के आधार पर दे ि/विदे ि के के बाहर के दे ि-विदे ि के छात्रों को आकवषसि करने एिं
ककसी संस्थान में अध्यनरि एिं की अंिरासष्ट्रीय पहचान स्थावपि करने के उद्दे श्य से
में संचाशिि स्नािक ऐसा ककया जाना आिश्यक है एिं समय की मांर् है जजसका िाभ
/परास्नािक एिं प्री पी एच डी कोसस िकस आर्ामी िषों में राष्ट्रीय एिं रैंककं र् में भी को शमिेर्ा
इत्यादद पाठ्यक्रमों के अंिर्सि ककसी भी I के उक्ि प्रस्िाि का पररषद् के समस्ि सदस्यों
प्रश्नपत्र/विषय को महात्मा ज्योतिबा फुिे ने स्िार्ि ककया एिं उक्ि प्रस्िाि को अनुमोददि ककया I
रुहे िखंड बरे िी से पर्
ू स करने
हे िु, तनधासररि िुल्क जमा करने के उपरांि
उक्ि विषय/ प्रश्नपत्रों के पठन- पाठन एिं
परीक्षा करने की अनुमति पर विचार I
In the better spirit and for effective Decision: For effective implementation of NEP-2020 and to
implementation of National attract the students outside university from other
Education Policy-2020 and based on national/international institutions and with an objective to
the equivalence of contents a establish global image of university, it is essential as well as
proposal to allow students from need in the present scenario whose impact shall be visible in
national/international institutions to years to come and by this the university shall be benefitted in
study and complete any national and international rankings also. The academic council
subject/paper from M. J. P. appreciated this proposal of university and accorded its
Rohilkhand University by studying approval.
and appearing in the examination
after paying requisite fee.

The minutes of academic council were approved by Executive Council dated 07-11-2023
2. Proposed action Plan
In light of above decision of academic council and executive council as stated above herein
the fee structure and other details are being framed for approval from executive council
for notification and implementation without further delay in the interest of students and
the university.
3. Credit Transfer
The credit transfer shall be as per credit transfer policy of university which is in accordance
to National credit frame work policy of University Grants Commission, N. Delhi (Annexure-
3 and 4)
4. Fee structure:
It is proposed to implement the fee structure as per details given below:-
Fee per course:

Fee of the course/courses Total fee of the Programme x No. of courses

opted by the student
Number of total courses
Example 1: If a student opts two courses from the same programme
The fee of Programme= Rs 50,000/=
The total courses in Programme= 5
The No of programmes opted by the student out side institution=2
The total fee= 50,000 x2
= Rs 20,000/= (in case if the student has opted two courses
5 from the same programme)

Example 2: If a student opts two courses from the different programmes

i. One course from a programme where the annual fee is Rs 50,000/=
The total courses in programme= 5
Fee for one course will be Rs 10,000/=
ii. One course from a programme where the annual fee is Rs 100,000/=
The total courses in the programme=4
The fee for one course will be Rs 25,000/=
iii. The total fee to be paid by the student for opting courses at I and ii will be Rs.
10,000/=+ Rs 25,000/=: Accordingly, the total fee will be Rs. 35,000/-

5. Honorarium to faculty members for offering such courses:

1. The courses offered to such students may either be the existing courses or the new
courses may be framed and duly approved by the respective BoS.
2. The faculty member/ members offering such course/courses shall be termed as course
coordinator/coordinators and shall be responsible for awarding sessional and
completing curriculum as per ordinances governing the programme.
3. Out of 100 maximum marks the sessionals shall be of 40 marks and end semester
examination shall be of 60 marks.
4. The grading system shall be on UGC 10 Point scale as per CBCS ordinance governing the
5. Maximum of 30 hrs. shall be allocated for a 3 credit course and 40 hrs. for a 4 credit
6. Each faculty member offering such courses shall be paid honorarium as per detailed
guide lines given below, which are at the same rates as already prevailing in the Ph.D.
course work honorarium paid by the university.
i. Assistant Professor @ Rs 400 per lecture of 55 minutes duration (up to maximum
of Rs 12,000/= for 3 credit course and Rs 16,000/= for 4 credit course)
ii. Associate Professor@ Rs 500 per lecture pf 55 minutes duration (up to maximum
of Rs 15,000/= for 3 credit course and Rs 20,000/= for 4 credit course)
iii. Professor@ Rs 600 per lecture of 55 minutes duration (up to maximum of Rs
18,000/= for 3 credit course and Rs 24,000/= for 4 credit course)
Credit Transfer Policy 2024
1. Aims
This policy shall govern the transfer of academic credits earned by students of M. J. P. Rohilkhand
University, Bareilly, U.P. while being enrolled at the University, to other educational institutions (outward
transfers) and the transfer of academic credits earned by students of the University at other institutions
to this University (Inward transfers). Transfer of credits are normally anticipated to take place under the
following conditions:
a. Early exit of students from the University.

b. Lateral entry of students to the University.

c. Students of the University earning credits from MOOCs approved by the University through UGC
SWAYAM or other approved platforms.

d. Students of the University earning credits for other stand-alone courses approved by the
University at other higher-education institutions.

e. Students of the University participating in approved exchange programs with Indian/foreign


2. Applicability:
a. This Policy Shall come into effect subsequent to its approval by the competent authority.

b. The Policy should be read together with any applicable regulation issued by the UGC or other
statutory bodies.

3. Inward Transfer of Credits

a. Sources

Inward transfer of credits will be permissible from the following institutions:

i. Universities recognised under Section 12(b) of the UGC Act;

ii. Universities that are members of the Association of Indian Universities or recognized by
iii. Institutions granted Category-I autonomy by the UGC.
iv. Such foreign Universities, the Courses/Programmes of which are recognized as equivalent to
those of Indian Universities by the Association of Indian Universities;
v. Indian Institutes of Technology (HT);
vi. Indian Institutes of Management (UM);
vii. National Institutes of 'Technology (NIT);
viii. Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISER);
ix. Indian Institutes of Information Technology (HIT);
x. Schools of Planning and Architecture (SPA);
xi. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS);
xii. National Law Universities (NLU);
xiii. Such Indian or Foreign Universities/ Educational Institutions/ Research Institutions with
which the University has signed an MOU for student exchange;
xiv. Any other University/ Educational Institution/Research Institution that has been recognized
and approved for the purpose of credit transfer by the Academic Council of the University.

b. Level

Inward transfer of credits will be permissible only for credits earned at the same level (undergraduate,
postgraduate, etc.) as the course in which the student is

enrolled at the University.

c. Time Limit

Only credits earned in the period of programme duration prior to the date of application for transfer shall
be eligible for the inward transfer of credit in consonance with UGC regulation on the Academic Bank of

d. Credit Limit

Not more than 25% of the credit requirements for a degree/diploma/certificate of the University may be
fulfilled from credits transferred inwards from other institutions.

e. Conversion of credits

For credits earned at institutions conforming to the National Credit Framctwork, each credit earned at that
institution shall be transferred as one credit. In other cases, one credit earned in another university shall
normally be transfred as one credit unless it is felt by the authority recommending the transfer that the
requirements for earning one credit at the granting institution differs markedly from the requirements
specified in the National Credit Framework. In such cases the authority shall recommend with grounds
specified in writing a formula for the conversion of credits.

f. Conversion of Grades

Inward credit transfers will be permissible only for courses where either a numeric mark/ score is awarded
or a letter grade is awarded with a numeric value specified by the granting institution. Credits may not be
transferred for courses where a non-numeric evaluation such as "Pass" or "Satisfactory" is
granted. During inward transfer, grades will be converted as follows:

a. If the granting institution follows the same UGC 10-point scale as the University, the grades will be
transferred without any conversion.
b. If the granting institution lays down a procedure for converting grades to percentage then the
grade shall be converted to percentage P according to that rule, a numerical value shall be
obtained by rounding (P/10) to the nearest integer and the transferred grade shall be the letter
grade corresponding to that numerical value on the UGC 10-point scale followed by the university.
c. In all other cases, if M is the maximum numerical value of the grade obtainable for that course in
the granting institution's scale, and G the numerical value of the grade obtained by the student, a
numerical value shall be obtained by rounding (G/ M*10) to the nearest integer and the
transferred grade shall be the letter grade corresponding to that numerical value on the UGC 10-point
scale followed by the university.

g. Transcripts

Each course for which inward credit transfer has taken place shall be shown separately on the student's
transcript together with the course name and an indication that the credits were earned at another

h. Procedure

All inward credit transfers must have approval under one of the following clauses:

i. In case of MOOCs or other courses duly approved for students of a particular program by the
statutory bodies of the University, approval for credit transfer may be considered to be part
of the approval of such courses.
ii. For duly approved student exchange programs between the University and other Indian/
foreign institutions approval for credit transfer may be considered to be part of the approval
for the program subject to any conditions that may be laid down as a part of the program.
iii. In the case of lateral admission, a proposal for credit transfer must be recommended by the
Dean of the Faculty and the Dean Academics and subsequently approved by the Vice-
Chancellor prior to approval for the grant of admission.
iv. In all other cases where a student currently enrolled in the University wishes to transfer credits
to the University for a course they have completed or they are registering for at another
institution, they must apply for the same to their Department/Faculty. Department/Faculty
shall have complete discretion to accept or reject such requests based on the academic
requirements of their program. If accepted by the Department/Faculty, the same shall be
forwarded to Dean Academics for approval.

For approved credit transfers, once grade records have been obtained by the Department/Faculty from
the granting institution, they shall be forwarded by the Department/Faculty to the Academic section for
inclusion in the student's academic record. The Academic section may from time to time lay down the
format in which such information is to be transmitted. Wherever possible grade/credit data shall be
transferred through the Academic Bank of Credits. Where this is not possible, official transcripts or grade
records certified by appropriate authorities of the granting institution must be provided. The Academic
section may at its discretion verify such records with the granting institution before transferring the
grades. Communications regarding course grades from course faculty at other institutions will not be
considered for the transfer of credits/grades.

i. Fees

The University may from time to time lay down fees or charges to be Paid by students for the inward
transfer of grades.

3. Outward Transfer

i. Eligibility
1. Students currently enrolled in any program of the University shall not be eligible for outward
transfer of credits earned as part of that program.

2. For students who opt for early exit from academic programs of the University by obtaining
/diploma/certificate as applicable the credits required for the degree/diploma/certificate granted
to them shall be deemed to be redeemed and shall not be eligible for outward transfer.

3. Students who withdraw from an academic program of the University without obtaining any
degree/diploma/certificate may apply for the outward transfer of the credits earned by them at
the University.

4. Students who exit a program of the University after obtaining a degree/diploma/certificate etc.
may apply for outward transfer of credits earned by them over and above the minimum credit
requirements of the said degree/diploma/certificate.

5. For MOOCs offered by the University or in other cases where the University permits enrollment
for individual courses, outward transfer of credits shall happen as a matter of course.

6. Outward transfers of credit shall be permanent. Once a transfer has been carried out the credits
in question shall not be available to the student to fulfill the requirements for any
degree/diploma/certificate etc. of the university.

ii. Time Limit

Application for outward credit transfer shall be made within one year from the date of exiting in a program.

iii. Procedure

Once a student has completed, opted for early exit or withdrawn from a course/program, on their
application where applicable, the concerned Department /faculty shall forward a recommendation to the
academic section for outward transfer of credits. If found permissible under the rules, the Academic
section shall carry out the outward transfer. The transfer shall be through the Academic Bank of Credits,
wherever possible.

iv. Fee

The University may from time to time lay down fees or charges to be paid by students for the outward
transfer of grades

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