Jf00023a036 PDF
Jf00023a036 PDF
Jf00023a036 PDF
Aroma components and free amino acids of strawberry Fragaria ananassa X Duchesne var. Chandler
were studied a t different ripening stages. Ethyl esters were the major volatile compounds in all ripening
stages studied, ethyl butanoate and ethyl hexanoate being the two main esters identified in fully ripe
berries. Asparagine, glutamine, and alanine were found to be the most prominent free amino acids in
the HPLC profile. A comparison of ethyl ester concentration and alanine contents during Chandler
ripening shows that, from 41 to 46 days after blooming, ester biosynthesis increased about 3-fold while
alanine levels decreased from 16.7 to 1.6 mg/100 g.
j.L 16
sum 50.5 489.2
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