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2292 J. Agrlc. Food Chem.

1992, 40, 2232-2235

Aroma Components and Free Amino Acids in Strawberry Variety

Chandler during Ripening
Ana G. PQez, Jose J. Rios, Carlos Sanz, and Jose M. OUm'
UEI Fisiologfa y Tecnologfa Post-recolecci6n, Instituto de la Grasa y sua Derivados, CSIC, Apdo 1078,
41012 Sevilla, Spain

Aroma components and free amino acids of strawberry Fragaria ananassa X Duchesne var. Chandler
were studied a t different ripening stages. Ethyl esters were the major volatile compounds in all ripening
stages studied, ethyl butanoate and ethyl hexanoate being the two main esters identified in fully ripe
berries. Asparagine, glutamine, and alanine were found to be the most prominent free amino acids in
the HPLC profile. A comparison of ethyl ester concentration and alanine contents during Chandler
ripening shows that, from 41 to 46 days after blooming, ester biosynthesis increased about 3-fold while
alanine levels decreased from 16.7 to 1.6 mg/100 g.

INTRODUCTION Berries from this cultivar have excellent organoleptic

properties with strong aroma; however, to the best of our
Typical flavor of most fruits, including soft fruits, is not knowledge, no study of the volatile composition in
present during early fruit formation but develops during Chandler has been reported. The aim of this work is to
a rather brief ripening period. During this period, study the changes in the volatile components of straw-
metabolism changes to catabolism and volatile compounds berries (var, Chandler) and their potential precursors
are formed from major plants constituents (e.g., carbo- during ripening.
hydrates, lipids, and proteins) under genetic control.
To understand the aroma of a fruit, it is therefore EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
necessary to know not only the nature of the constituents Materials. Strawberriesvar. Chandler were greenhousegrown
but how the pattem of the significant constituents changes and harvested at four ripening stages (30, 36, 41, and 46 days
in kind and quantity during the development of the fruit after blooming). Fresh fruita were used for chromatographic
and also how each constituent arises and is in turn analysis of volatile compounds (250 e;) and for ethanol extract
metabolized. (109 ) .
Strawberry aroma is mainly determined by a complex Sampling Technique of Headspace Volatiles. Samples of
mixture of esters, aldehydes, alcohols, and sulfur com- headspace volatiles were obtained according to a method de-
scribed by Olias et al. (1991). Strawberries were placed in
pounds which have been extensively studied (McFadden desiccators (h5L) housed within a thermostated water bath (25
et al., 1965;Drawert et al., 1973;Dirincket al., 1977,1981). "C). The vessel was continuously flushed with nitrogen (99.9%
2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone(Sundt et al., pure) (333 mL/min). For sampling, a standard charcoal tube
1970; Pickenhagen et al., 1981) and 2,5-dimethyl-4- (ORBO-32,Supelco) was attached to the outlet of the desiccator
methoxy-3(2H)-furanone (Pyysalo et al., 1979) are con- (sampletime 4 h). Extraction of the trapped headspace volatiles
sidered to be among the most important volatile com- was carried out with carbon disulfide (0.3 mL).
pounds reported in wild strawberries, although these two Gas Chromatography. The volatiles were separated in a
compounds have not been found in all cultivated varieties HP5890 gas chromatograph equipped with a flame ionization
(Douillard and Guichard, 1989). Dirinck et al. (1981) detector, a programmable cool on-column inlet, and a 60 m X
worked on 30 Fragaria ananassa cultivars and concluded 0.25 mm i.d. fused silica capillary column SPB-1. Operating
conditions were as follows: Nz carrier gas, 30 cm s-l; detector,
that esters were qualitatively and quantitatively the most 250 "C; injection volume, 0.5 pL. The column was held for 15
important class of volatilea in strawberry flavor. The main min at 40 O C and then programmed at 2 "C/min to 160 O C ; inlet
components are those formed from volatile organic acids temperature followed oven temperature. Identification of com-
with an even carbon number such as acetic, butanoic, and pounds was made by means of gae chromatography-mass
hexanoic acid. spectrometry using a MSdO/?O-VG. Structures were assigned
The biogenetic pathways of most of the aromatic by comparison of the spectra with those of authentic standards.
components described are still not well understood. Quantitative determinations were obtained using methyl oc-
tanoate as external standard. Known quantitiesof this compound
Among the plant nutrients that can be flavor precursors were added to carbon disflide before extraction of the volatiles.
(Salunkhe and Do, 19761, we have focused our attention Peak areas were expressed as nanograms of volatile per gram of
on free amino acids. Amino acid metabolism in relation strawberry per 80 L of headspace.
to aroma biogenesis has been studied in fruits such as Ethanol Extract. Fruit sectors from 10 strawberries were
tomato (Yu et al., 1967) and banana (Myers et al., 1970; blended with 20 mL of 95% ethanol. The residue was washed
Tress1and Drawert, 1973). In strawberry, free amino acid three times with 80%ethanol. Combined extractswere brought
composition could explain the distribution of different to a 50 mL final volume with 80% ethanol. Aliquota of this
types of esters in its aroma. extract were used for the amino acid analysis.
Fragaria ananussa X Duchesne var. Chandler is a Amino Acids Analysis. Ten millilitersof the ethanolextract
was evaporated at 60 "C in an air-draft oven to remove ethanol.
California strawberry cultivar, obtained by back-crossing The aliquot was passed through a Dowex 50-X4 (H+form) to
var. Douglas with 55~72.361-105(US.PL Pat. 44811, trap free amino acids. The column was eluted with 20 mL of 2
which has many advantages over Douglas such as firmer N NH,OH. Eluent was evaporated, and the residues were
fruit and about 1&20% greater yield. Chandler is the dissolved in 1 mL of 0.1 M sodium bicarbonate buffer, p H 9.
strawberry cultivar most extensively cultivated in Spain. Amino acid derivatives were prepared according to a method
0021-0561/92/1440-2232$03.00/0 @ 1992 American Chemlcai Soclety
Components In chandler Strawberry J. Am. Foodchem., Vd. 40, No. 11, 1992 2233

td Table I. Volatile Compoundr Identified in Strawberry

Variety Chandler at Four Different Rimming Stage@.
ripening stage
volatile compound 30 36 41 46
(peak no.) DABb DAB DAB DAB
ethyl propionate (2) 9.9 7.7 30.2
methyl butanoate (3) 2.9 61.2 54.4 251.4
dimethyl disulfide (4) 1.0 8.1
isopropyl propanoate (5) 6.4 4.9 16.1
methyl 2-methylbutanoate (6) 4.0 5.2 9.9
11 ethyl butanoate (7) 18.1 81.9 88.4 317.2
butyl acetate (8) 9.4 9.7 26.2
isopropyl butanoate (9) 5.4
ethyl 2-methylbutanoate (10) 3.2 29.2 15.8 48.8
ethyl isopentanoate (11) 23.0 21.9 41.0
amyl acetate (12) 13.1 5.7 13.0
isoamyl acetate (13) 17.7 4.7 15.3
propyl propanoate (14) 3.3
methyl hexanoate (15) 30.5 32.6 116.8
sec-butyl butanoate (17) 2.0 17.7
ethyl hexanoate (18) 18.7 82.0 110.2 392.8
3-hexenyl acetate (19) 13.5 9.0 4.6
17 hexyl acetate (20) 7.5 107.4 26.8 61.5

j.L 16
sum 50.5 489.2

Table 11. Free Amino Acids in Strawberry Variety


Chandler during Ripening (Milligram per 100 g of Frerh

a Relative amounta are expressed as nanograms per gram of freah
weight per 80 L. b DAB, days after blooming.

amino ripening stage

acid 30DAB' 36DAB 41DAB 46DAB
Time (rin)
ASP 4.0 1.2 0.7 0.8
Figure 1. Typical gas chromatogramof strawberry var. Chandler Glu 11.4 7.3 2.3 3.6
volatile8 collected by dynamic headspace. Asn 52.4 47.8 47.4 30.6
Gln 13.0 7.4 23.6 10.4
described by Chang et al. (1981) with slight modifications. To Ser 3.0 2.4 5.6 2.0
200 pL of amino acid solution was added 100 pL of 4-(dimeth- Ala 9.7 18.2 16.7 1.6
ylamino)ezobenzena4'-sulfonyl chloride(DABS-C1)solution.The Pro 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.0
mixture was heated at 70 OC for 12 min and dried, and the residue Val 2.0 1.3 1.5 1.0
waa dissolved in 1 mL of 70% (v/v) ethanol. Amino acid Trp 2.2 1.7 b b
derivatives were then chromatographed into a high-performance His 2.4 b 1.5 1.4
liquid chromatograph (HPLC) H P 1090 equipped with a ODS a DAB, days after blooming. Values lower than 0.25 mg/100 g of
5-pm(2 mm X 250 mm) column and detection at 460 nm (Stocchi fruit.
et al., 1985). The mobile phase utilized for the separation of
DABS-amino acids consisted of two eluente: 25 mM potassium
dihydrogen phosphate, pH 6.8 (solvent A), and acetonitrile/2- only sulfur compound which was determined in Chandler
propanol (80:20) (solvent B). A 6-pL portion of the derivative was dimethyl disulfide (the FID detector is not very
waa injected into the HPLC at constant flow of 0.5 mL/min. sensitive). Relative amounta of flavor components in the
After 22 min of isocratic flow at 22% B,a linear gradient was dynamic headspace of strawberries var. Chandler in four
begun that reached 34% B .at 48 min, followed by a second ripening stages are presented in Table I. Sulfur com-
gradient at 1% B/min to 84 min. pounds are quantitatively minor constituents of fruit
flavor, but because of their extremely low threshold valuea,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION they have to be taken into account in some strawberry
A typical gas chromatogram of the dynamic headspace cultivars, especially in "older" varieties (Dirinck et al.,
of the strawberry variety Chandler used in this work is 1981).
depicted in Figure 1. The peak numbering is related to Yamaehitaet al. (1977) reported that formation of esters
identification in Table I. Peaks 1,16, and 21-24 are not in strawberry was found only at mature stages because of
included in further discussionsbut were identified as ethyl the lack of ester-forming enzyme activity at immature
acetate, isopropyl pentanoate, hexyl butanoate, butyl stages. As Table I shows,only when fruits reacheda certain
hexanoate, ethyl octanoate,and octyl acetate, respectively. maturity stage, 36-41 days after blooming, was volatile
Dynamic headspace analysis allows the study of repre- biosynthesis enhanced. Although 30-day-old fruits did
sentative samples of primary aroma components (Dirinck not have a significant aroma, they were included in Table
et al., 19841, but with this technique it is possible to I. We found that there were qualitative as well as
determine only the readily volatile compounds. Using this quantitative differences. In 36-day-old fruits, esters with
concentration method and working with intact fruits, we CS alcohols represented 25%, while in 46-daysld fruits
did not detect 2,S-dimethyl-4-methoxy-3-(!2H)-furanone these esters were only 4.8%. There was even a slight
or the corresponding hydroxy compound. These com- decrease in total volatile compounds from 36 to 41 days
pounds are, however, somewhat unstable (Hirvi et al., which was mainly caused by less production of 3-hexenyl
19801, and different growth conditions (Hirvi and Hon- acetate and hexyl acetate. This would explain why
kanen, 1982) or cultivars (Douillard and Guichard, 1990) immature strawberries have a green odor very different
may cause variations in its concentration. Similarly, the from the rich and pleasant flavor of a fully ripe one. There
2284 J. A@. Food"., Vol. 40, No. 11, 1992 P&er et el.
r I
Amino acid metabolism generates aliphatic and
branched-chainalcohols,acids, carbonyls, and esters. The
earliest work was that of Hultin and Proctor (1961),who
demonstrated that aroma production in banana puree was
increased by the addition of valine. Conversion of alanine,
leucine, and valine to volatile products by tomato enzyme
extracts has also been described (Yu et al., 1968). Soft
fruit are not rich sources of nitrogenous substances; total
amino acid content is considerably lower than those of
banana, peach, or orange (Drawert et al., 1970; Kuneman
30 34 38 42 46
et al., 1988). The free amino acid profile of strawberry
var. Chandler in four ripening stages is shown in Table 11.
D a p after bloorin(( Ten amino acids could be quantitatively determined,while
Figure 2. Free alanine and ethyl ester levels in strawberry var. threonine, glycine, leucine, isoleucine,phenylalanine,and
Chandler during ripening. lysine were found to be present in lower levels, less than
0.25 mg/100 fruit. Most of the common amino acids in
were a few compounds, dimethyl disulfide, isopropyl fruits were present (Borroughs, 1970), asparagine,
butanoate, propyl butanoate, andsec-butylbutanoate, that glutamine, and alanine being the three most prominent.
were not found in the dynamic headspace of Chandler in Asparagine and glutamine are the major N-transport
the early stage harvested, isopropyl butanoate and propyl compounds found in plants and consequently in fruits
propanoate were only detected in fully ripe strawberry. (Atkins et al., 1975). In the ripening stages studied,
Ethyl esters were the major volatile components in all asparagine represented about 50% of total amino acid
ripening stages studied and reached 60% in 41- and 46- content; in fact, strawberry might be distinguishablefrom
day-old strawberries. The main esters identified in mature other soft fruitsby examining asparaginevalues (Kuneman
berries were ethyl butanoate and ethyl hexanoate. The et al., 1988).
fruits also contained high concentrations of methyl esters There seem to be few studies on the changes of free
(ca. 25% at 46 days after blooming). In view of these amino acids in ripening fruits. Valine, leucine, and
results, ethyl and methyl esters could be considered the isoleucinehave been studied as flavor precursors in banana
most significant components of strawberry aroma. Bio- tissue (Tressl and Drawert, 1973; Drawert, 1975; Drawert
synthesis of both esters sharply increased when Chandler and Berger, 1981). Radioactive labeling studies have
reached the optimum ripeness stage. The ratio of methyl/ proved that these amino acids are transformed into
ethyl esters depends on the variety. Gorella, Jesco, Senge branched-chain alcohols,2-propanol,3-methylbutanol,and
Gigana, and Sivetta have a volatile composition in which 2-methylbutanol,respectively. The scheme of biosynthesis
methyl esters represent 60-70% (Dirinck et al., 1981). starts with an initial deamination of the amino acid
Confitura, also studied by the same author, has higher followed by decarboxylation and various reductions and
levels of ethyl esters (ca. 50%) and lower levels of methyl esterifications which lead to a great number of volatiles
! ), similar to Chandler. Senga Sengana and
esters (ca. 25% (Heath, 1986). Tressl and Drawert (1973) have shown
Senga Litessa (Schreier, 1980) also have ethyl esters as that leucineand valine concentrations increase about 3-fold
main aroma components. following the climateric rise in banana. Leucine was
The current goal of aroma analysis is not only to identify detected only in trace amounts in Chandler. Yamashita
the components but also to determine their importance et al. (1975) found that leucine in strawberry was 0.4 mg/
to the flavor of the product under investigation. Using a 100 g; leucine in banana was 16.8 mg/100 g. These
gas chromatograph adapted with a sniffing detector differences are responsible for the different content of
(unpublished results), we found ethyl butanoate, ethyl isoamyl acetate in these fruit aromas. Isoamyl acetate
2-methylbutanoate, and ethyl hexanoate to be the major was detected as a minor component in the dynamic
contributors to Chandler aroma, although the possibility headspace of Chandler (Table I); the low levels found in
of an underlying minor component strongly influencing all ripening stages studied could be explained by the low
the sensory results can never be ruled out. Data obtained amounts of free leucine available in the fruit. Phenyl-
agree with those reported in the literature for other alanine also increases during ripening of banana. In our
cultivars. Dirinck et al. (1977) included ethyl butanoate studies of strawberriesthere were not significativeamounts
and ethyl hexanoate among the organolepticallyimportant of this amino acid the corresponding volatile compounds,
compoundsof var. Gorella. In a study of two new varieties, phenolic alcohols and esters, which are supposed to be
Annelie and Alaska Pioneer (Hirvi and Honkanen, 1982), derived therefrom. Alanine was the amino acid that
obtained by back-croasing of cultivated strawberries with exhibited more significative changes during strawberry
wild strawberries,the most important volatile compounds ripening. Alanine content sharply increased in fruits from
liberated while the fruit was macerated were found to be 30 to 36 days, remained almost constant until 41 days, and
ethyl hexanoate, ethyl butanoate, 2,6-dimethyl-4methoxy- decreased in the fully ripe stage. Slices from ripe
3-(W-furanone, and trans-2-hexenal. Recently, ethyl strawberry fruit metabolize L-alanine, pyruvate, and
butanoate, ethyl 3-methylbutanoate, and ethyl hexanoate Zketovalerate among other potential exogenousprecursors
were shown to be the most directly responsible for the of volatile compounds (Drawert and Berger, 1982). Feed-
strawberry-like aroma of Pseudomonas fragi (Cormier et ing alanine and addition of ascorbic acid to strawberry
al., 1991). However, a mixture of only these three segment cultures enhanced the formation of methyl
compounds resulted in an artificial candy-like aroma. hexanoate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl butyrate, and ethyl
Results obtained suggest that ethyl butanoate and ethyl decanoate (Drawert and Berger, 1981). The same authors
hexanoats are two of the most important volatiles in concluded that ester biosynthesiswas directly proportional
Chandler aroma for their abundance, observed odor to the concentration of alanine up to 3 mmo4L. A
impression, and low threshold, 0.001 and 0.003 ppm, comparison of ethyl ester concentrations during Chandler
(Pyysalo et al., 1979; Flath et al., 1967). ripening and alanine concentration at each maturity stage
A r m Components In Chandler Strawbeny J. A@. Food Chem., Vol. 40, No. 11, 1992 2 2 1

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