2. Listen and complete. Use the Word Bank. Then, match the descriptions with the pictures.
Personality Types
a. Realistic people… b. Investigative c. Artistic people…
• are practical . people… • are .
• li e to use their • are • love to
hands. and in uisitive. themselves by creating
• are • are interested in art.
wor ing with learning, analyzing
animals, tools and and
machines. problems.
Word Bank
• follow • solving • e cient • practical • creative
• express • training • friendly • careful • curious
3. Read and complete. Use some of the words in the Word Bank.
I am a very realistic person and I li e using my hands to he is a person who is very b.) with
build things. I am interested in becoming a carpenter money. y mom is a very social primary school teacher.
because I am a very a.) person. y To be a teacher you have to be c.) and
sister, however, is completely different to me. he en oy helping others. y dad is a musician. e has a very
studies accounting. ver since I can remember she li es d.) personality and loves creating art. I
saving her money and calculating how much she has. admire my family.