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Inventors are individuals who have developed a Birth name:

process or product for the first time. Long, the Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci
inventors have made our much richer and better Birth:
world through their scientific observations, April 15, 1452; Anchiano
studies and research. (Republic of Florence)
Italian Renaissance

Italian scientist and

mathematician artist. He
invented many machines and devices drew
planes could be completed centuries later.
Among them were parachutes, tanks, flying
machines and drawbridges.

Galileo (1564 - 1642)

Birthdate:February 15,
What would the world be without Thomas Alva 1564,Pisa, Italy
Edison, one of the most prolific inventors in Death:January 8, 1642,Arcetri,
history? Today we can not imagine a world Italy
without electricity lighting. Mankind is now so PhD students:Giuseppe
dependent technology to communicate largely Biancani,Benedetto
by the invention as telephone devices. CastelliYVincenzo Viviani
Some medications may have been accidentally
discovered, but there is no denying the fact that
revolutionized the world of medicine. Read on to Discoveries:Ganimedes,calisto,Europe,Saturn's
learn more about the inventors who changed the rings,Ío
course of history. Italian scientist,GalileoHe developed a powerful
telescope that served to confirm revolutionary
theories about the origin and nature of our world.
Archimedes (287-212 AC) He also developed an improved compass.

Birthdate:288. C.,Siracusa,
Italy Isaac Newton (1642 - 1726)
Death:212. C.,Siracusa, Italy
Full name:Archimedes of Birthdate:January 4,
Syracuse 1643,Woolsthorpe Manor, United
Archimedesa Kingdom
mathematician, physicist Death:March 31, 1727,Kensington,
old, engineer, astronomer London, United Kingdom
and inventor Greek. PhD students:Roger Cotes;William
Among other things, it determined the value of
Pi and developed the Archimedes screw that
English origin,NewtonHe invented the reflective
served to lift water in mines or wells.
telescope, which allowed greatly increase the
ability of telescopes era and reduced optical
Cai Lun (50-121) distortion.

Birthdate:50 d. C.,Leiyang,
Hengyang, China Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662)
Death:121 d. C.,Luoyang, China
Parents:Dad: Persico Humanil Mom: Birthdate:June 19,
Shinahua sukani 1623,Clermont-Ferrand, France
Chinese inventor of paper, was a Death:August 19, 1662,Paris
political manager who developed France
the papermaking process. The same was the use
of plant fibers compacted and suspended in notable works:pensées
water, which is subsequently dried.
French mathematician,
scientific contributions Blaise
Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) PascalThey include the
development of statistical probability theory and
Pascal's law or the principle of pressure
transmission fluids. He created a mechanical

Thomas Savery (1650 - 1715)

Birthdate:1650,Modbury, United Kingdom

Death:May 1715,London, English colonizer inventor and businessman
United Kingdom
Darby developed a process for producing large
English inventor patented amounts of iron from ore coke. Its creation was
one of the first steam that a key raw material in the industrial revolution.
was used to pump water Birthdate:April 14, 1678,Woodsetton, United Kingdom
from mines. It served as a Death:March 8, 1717,Madeley Court, United Kingdom
Spouse:Mary Sergeant(M. 1699-1717)
basis for further
Parents:Ann Baylies,John Darby
development of modern
Children:Abraham Darby II,Edmund Darby,Mary
steam. Darby,Anne Darby

Thomas Newcomen (1664 -


1664,Dartmouth, United
Death:August 5, 1729,London,
United Kingdom
Spouse:Hannah Waymouth(M.
Influenced:James Watt
Parents:Elias Newcomen,Sarah Newcomen
Brothers:John Newcomen

Based on the initial design of Savery, Thomas

NewcomenHe created the first practical version
of the steam to pump water. He used the
atmospheric pressure, which was safer and more
effective to remove water from mines.

Jethro Tull (1674 - 1741)

Birthdate:March 30,
1674,Basildon, United Kingdom
Death:February 21,
1741,Hungerford, United
known for:Agricultural Reforms
and Invention: such as the seed
drill and horse-drawn hoe
Parents:Jethro Tull Mr.,Dorothy
Education:Saint John's
College,City Law School,Oxford University
English agricultural entrepreneur, Tull invented
the seed drill and plow driven by horses. His
creations dramatically increased farm efficiency
and crop production. He served as a bridge to
the industrial revolution.

Abraham Darby (1678 - 1717)

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