Mohd Fawaz Resume
Mohd Fawaz Resume
Mohd Fawaz Resume
ROV : I designed the electrical control system of the remote operating vehicle during participating in
AAST ROV competition.
Brain Computer Interface : Worked on the data acquisition part which view and save EEG data sets
in real time. I designed the biomedical circuit system for analog signal processing interfaced with a
ATMEL AVR microcontroller interfaced to a computer to process further using MATLAB for digital signal
processing and real time display then saving the data to apply the SVM algorithm made by my project
partner. Eventually after differentiating the data we would send the decision in HEX format via optical
devices for speed convenience to receivers which control other electronic devices.
Home Automation to regulate the tempreture of house : Using PIC microcontroller with
some other sensors and relays I designed a system to control the Heater and AC/Fan. also it has user
interface buttons and a graphical LCD to show current temperature and other information.
Industrial IOT projects : I was responsible for designing whole embedded hardware system in my
internship in India for industrial purpose to automate machines/factories/homes/hotels..etc on the back
end server on TI microcontrollers.
Other projects : I had done some other courses for online platforms like Edxز
COMPETITIONS ROV competition in AAST 2014 . IET project presentation competition in Cairo 2014
TECHNOLOGIES C, Eclipse, Keil, Linux, C++, IOT and others (I’m able to work on any new interesting technology
and I can learn it quickly)
Responsible for managing events for entrepreneurs to discuss start ups.
Founder of AAST Calisthenics , Alexandria, Egypt
I built the metal bars play ground and guided the bodyweight workout community in the college.