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A Walk In Customers’ Shoes
The Experience Matters To Airline Customers Just As Much As The Destination
illions of customers have
boarded airplanes this year
and have embarked on a physi-
cal journey to a destination for
multitudes of reasons — busi-
ness travelers, families with
children, couples traveling on adventure
vacations, guests with special needs. Each
one of these, and myriad other travel “per-
sonas,” has a very different expectation of
the brand promise that an airline presents.
An airline’s brand exhibits its commit-
ment to customers so they know what to
expect. However, for many, the first time
customers interact with an airline’s brand
in person, when it feels real, is when a gate
agent or a flight attendant greets them as
they are boarding the aircraft.
Based on this reality, how do you know
if your customers have the same expecta-
tions of your brand at this touchpoint as
they did when they were searching for the
best itinerary, making their reservation or
attempting to check bags? Are you willing
to take the chance that you did not meet
their needs and they are sharing their less-
than-desirable experience with others?
Social media allows customers to share
the good and the bad with the world.
Customers advocate when things are good,
and they promote your product to others
through recommendations. They also have
a story to tell when things do not go so
A bad customer experience posted on
twitter, Facebook and various other social
media channels can be very detrimental to
your brand. In fact, statistics show that:
It takes 12 positive experiences to make
up for one negative one.
91 percent of unhappy customers will
not return to your airline after a bad
As an airline executive, do you know
what your customers expect from your
company from the moment they are
inspired to travel through to the end of the
journey when they are reminiscing with
their friends and family? How many oppor-
tunities has your airline had to interact
with customers before they get to the end
of their journey? How important are your
customers to your airline, and how do you
recognize the needs of each one?
Airlines today are clearly starting to
“organize” around the customer. Titles
such as vice president of guest experience
and chief customer experience officer,
which have existed in many industries
since the 1990s, are now emerging in the
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Customer Value
Some customers drive more value to your Interacting With Customers Customer journey mapping enables an airline to identify the touchpoints
airline than others. An airline can determine for which individual customers want and expect airline interaction. This approach helps airlines verify
customer value in a number of ways, including: what is working well, what isn’t and where they need to invest.
Customers who drive additional revenue for
the airline through the purchase of ancillaries
and upgrades; needed and where to invest in solutions customers, collect and distribute customer
Existing customer value based on the data to enhance the customer experience, information for operational decisions, and
derived from information about the most increase revenue and grow brand loyalty. provide a holistic view of your customers
recent trips, the frequency of trips and the Persona creation and customer journey to aid your airline in fulfilling its customer
price paid; mapping are just two elements that can promises. a
Likelihood to recommend; help customer experience professionals
A combination of all of the above. create a sound customer-centric strategy.
To be completely successful, chief cus-
Interdependent Channel Transitions tomer experience officers need a coalition
In the ever-connected online world, cus- of top executives who take an active role
tomers want data and information that is in transforming the organization through
customized, aggregated, relevant and social. customer experience governance.
They also want to travel with an airline that While most executives support the
knows them, offers them the right information idea of customer centricity, many fail to
when they need it, and respects and helps act because they don’t understand the
them. Customers want effortless experiences business value or don’t know how to help.
that are simple, responsive, highly contextual, Shifting the entire airline to become more
proactive and personal. They also expect that customer focused and its employees to
the experience across channels is consistent. become active supporters of customer
In a previous issue of Ascend, we intro- experience, those responsible for the
duced the typical touchpoints where an airline strategy should identify top influencers,
can capture the heart of the guest. However, rate their current level of support and
with customer journey mapping, airlines can develop a customized plan to bring each
go deeper and uncover previously untapped department along.
opportunities to interact with customers, However, much more is needed than
providing that seamless experience across just a shift in mindset and processes. An
all channels. airline should find an experienced busi-
ness partner, such as Sabre Airline
Shift To Customer Journey Solutions ®, that can help develop the cus-
Mapping tomer journey mapping strategy and drive
Ultimately, the process of customer it forward. And equally important, it must Julie Dent is a customer experience
journey mapping enables an airline to hone identify the right technology to support director for Sabre Airline Solutions.
in on the touchpoints that emerge as the the strategy, such as SabreSonic ® For additional information about
most important to interact with customers Customer Sales & Service, a fully inte- customer journey mapping or
from the customer’s point of view. This grated customer-centric portfolio. This SabreSonic Customer Sales & Service
enables the airline to determine what it advanced technology provides the capabil- solutions, please send her an email
is doing well, where improvements are ity to identify and recognize your message at
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