Tour and Travel Midterm
Tour and Travel Midterm
Tour and Travel Midterm
Description of the Benefit. The more unique your product the more flexibility you will have to decide your pricing.
Tell your potential customers not only what you are offering, but why they will enjoy it. What value added services do you provide that enhance the perceived value of your
This will require knowledge of your target audience, so research this if you haven't offering?
already. Create a personal message to that audience letting them know why they
specifically should participate in your offering. Some examples include free parking, a purchase incentive such as champagne on arrival
or discounted tickets to a particular attraction or eatery.
Call to Action.
Your brochure should focus on one specific objective. If you are announcing new What market do you want to attract and what position in that market do you want
offerings, make sure the brochure explains them and their benefits. A brochure that is to establish?
intended to describe a travel product should be detailed and provide plenty of pictures
Research your target market in relation to product needs, price sensitivity, length of stay
and descriptions. You should include a statement telling people what you want them to
do next and how they can become involved.
What are your operating costs?
Product Explanation.
Describe the facilities completely and include attractive photographs. Include Calculate your break-even point and therefore what your minimum pricing should be for
information about special services, promotions and events. Tell them what differentiates profit goals (estimates of revenue, occupancy rates etc will be needed).
you from the competition.
What do competitors with similar products and services charge within your
Recreational Activities. market?
List not only the facilities and activities available to your guests but also any public sites
that they may be able to take advantage of during their stay. Entertainment is an Competitors’ prices do influence the maximum rate at which your product can be sold
important part of travel, so be sure you include all the fun things your guests will but you must be aware of your own financial position (debt levels, cash flow etc) before
experience with your travel product. you can decide whether you should compete on price.
Geographic Information.
List the address, contact details and a map to help people find you. If you are located in
When launching it may be necessary to set prices lower than your longer term pricing Towered
expectations in order to attract volume, credibility and establish your brand. As you
become more established with regular bookings you can consider increasing prices.
What is your overall marketing strategy? If you cater for the luxury traveler pricing The TOWER controls the air traffic and monitors the departure / arrival of air crafts.
may not fluctuate much at all but if you are targeting the budget traveler you will rely on
volume of bookings. Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground-based controllers who direct
aircraft on the ground and in the air.
Mark Up Pricing Strategy. Set the prices of your holidays, tours and activities to ensure
that you make a profit on each sale. Identify all of the costs associated with running your IMMIGRATION
business which includes the time spent developing and promoting a holiday or Responsible for the ADMISSION and REMOVAL of travelers entering the country.
An authority or agency responsible for the collection of duties & for
THE AIRPORT controlling the flow of people, animals & goods in and out of the country.
A public facility where aircrafts can take off and land. Check-In Counters
Consists of runways. Retail Stores and Restaurants
Usually owned and/or operated by the national government. POST SECURITY ZONES
Duty Free Shops
• Runways. a strip of land on an airport, on which aircraft can take off and land. Baggage Claim
• Taxiways. a path on an airport connecting runways with ramps, hangars,
terminals and other facilities
• Ramps / apron. Flight line, ramp, or tarmac is the area of an airport where Banks, Money Changers, & ATMs
aircraft are parked, unloaded or loaded, refuel, or boarded. Although the use of
the apron is covered by regulations, such as lighting on vehicles, it is typically
more accessible to users than the runway or taxiway. Baggage Handling Services (Portage)
• Hangar. an enclosed structure designed to hold aircraft in protective storage. Public Telephone Booths
Medical Clinics
Public transport stations
Access Roads Postal Services
Parking lots
Periods of validity issued by different countries is inconsistent and respectively is one, This is just the first step of the procedure for going abroad. Another necessary thing is
two, three and five-years, though the one issued in some countries may be valid for ten that you should carry your passport and the correlated credential materials to go to the
years. Generally speaking, a period of validity in excess of six months is required by embassies or consulates of your target country stationed in your own country for the visa
countries for visa issue. If the period of validity is insufficient less than six months, you application. When you obtain the visa, you should have an "International Prophylactic
will have to go to apply for extension or renewal. Only then can you go to embassies and Inoculation Certificate". After purchasing the air ticket to your target country and doing
consulates to apply for a visa. some pre-trip preparatory work, you can proceed with your journey abroad.
Effective Area. The effective area is one of important contents. In some countries it A passport with two opposing blank visa pages and validity of at least six-month is
imprinted the words like "this passport is effective toward XX (country name)" or required from the day when you submit the visa application is required before you visit
"citizen who holds it is not allowed to go to X X (country name) and XX (area name)". China.
Make it well-kept. Before you apply for the visa to your destination country, you had Various types of VISA
better keep your prepared passport well in a safe place at home. Do not always carry it There are two over-arching categories of visas that apply to any country:
with you. After obtaining a visa, it is active for that country and holds a high value.
Some international criminal groups and pickpockets specialize in stealing passport and Non-immigrant visas (meaning you do not become a citizen of that country)
consider it more valuable than currency. They will trade it for money, or perform some Immigrant visas (you do become a citizen of that country)
other illegal activities using it as a shield. Therefore, you must keep yours safe under
lock and key, especially after you pass through the customs inspection and go on the
The 4 Types of Travel Visa
oversea trip, be vigilant at all times. Now you should carry yours along with you all the
However, these two overall categories can be best discussed as four main sub-types of
times. Do not put it into your outside pockets or bag then after a while another. It is
much safer to put it into an inside pocket, which allows ready access for any eventuality
you may encounter where it is required. Type #1: Tourist visa (pleasure travel visas)
What to do if it is lost? If you lose it before you go abroad, you should immediately Type #2: Immigration and naturalization visas (including by marriage)
report the case to the security authorities and relevant issuing office in your country,
provide a detailed statement of the time and the place of its loss and state the basic Type #3: Student visas (for studying abroad)
information (name, gender, date of birth, number and so on), Necessarily, you may have Type #4: Business or work visas (for working, which includes both non-immigrant
to go to your local newspaper to report the loss (your name and number should be and immigrant types)
published plainly)
If it is lost abroad, you should rapidly report the case to the local public security organs
These four sub-types apply to every country in the world, though the requirements (or many would agree that all travel, regardless of reason, ends up being an educational
lack thereof) can vary widely, especially depending on which country you’re coming experience, the travel here refers to trips in which you will be attending classes or
from. studying particular subjects. These visas apply to exchange students of just a few weeks,
or those staying a year or more.
Type #1 – Tourist Visa Requirements: The Main Concern of Points Travelers Note: A student visa is also a non-immigrant visa.
When talking about travel visas, it’s important to first understand where you are coming
from, what your citizenship status is (which country you have your passport from), and Type #4 – Work Visa Requirements: Do Your Business Abroad
where you plan on going. For the majority of our readers, the place you’re coming from The fourth and final type of visa is the strictest and most difficult to obtain in any
and citizenship status will both be the U.S., but where you are going can obviously vary country: the work visa. This is for a very simple reason: governments want economic
widely. However, some of you may be coming from one country and traveling to activity in their country to be driven by their own citizens. Overall, the U.S. is
another while holding citizenship in a third! In this case, you must be careful to check particularly stern on these requirements. Many different types of work visas exist, and
travel requirements for your specific situation; otherwise, you could end up finding the they’re all given a not-very-aptly-named letter:
wrong information and being unable to travel.
Note: A tourist visa is a non-immigrant visa. E
Type #2 – Immigration Visa Requirements: Obtaining Permanent Residence in the U.S. H
An immigration visa is one that authorizes another person to permanently reside in a L
country. This is closely related to the naturalization and citizenship process, though
immigration does not necessarily suggest citizenship. If you’ve heard someone mention
the term “Green Card,” they were actually talking about the immigration type of visa. P
Green Cards do not, however, simply grant citizenship. What a Green Card will do is I
allow the holder to both live and work in the United States, as this card is the path to TN/TD
obtaining a citizenship. The citizenship process, also known as naturalization, is the final
step in becoming a full citizen of the U.S. Green Card holders must wait five years
before applying for citizenship. Full rights to all laws (including being subject to them)
are granted upon naturalization, which allows the bearer to travel as a U.S. citizen would Note: Work visas can be either immigrant or non-immigrant in nature.
to all other various countries. TRAVEL INSURANCE
There are multiple paths to getting an immigrant visa, and seven different ways in which Travel insurance is coverage that’s usually effective from the time you purchase your
to obtain it: policy until you return home – designed to protect you, your things, and your
experiences when you travel. Components of travel insurance include emergency
medical insurance, coverage for trip cancellation, trip interruption, delays, medical
Through family evacuation, and lost, damaged, or stolen luggage, and emergency travel assistance.
Through employment
Travel insurance is there to protect you if travel emergencies strike, but also to
Through investment reimburse you for money you’ve already spent on your trip – on plane tickets, hotel
Through the diversity lottery rooms, tours, luggage, and personal items – if you have to cancel before it’s even time to
Through refugee or asylum status leave.
Through “The Registry” Every traveler won’t choose the same kind of insurance. In general, the best travel
Through the director of the CIA insurance for you is going to depend upon a few variables:
+ Where you’re going
Type #3 – Student Visa Requirements: Get Your Education Abroad
The “Study Abroad” visa! If only we all were able to do this. A student visa is obtained + How you’re getting there
when you are visiting a country for the purpose of an educational experience. While
+ How much you’re spending Liquids, Aerosols, Gels and Powders. Security regulations limit the amount of
liquids aerosols and gels permitted in carry-on baggage. The International Civil
+ What you’re doing Aviation Organization, the UN's aviation standard-setting body, has defined
Basic plans. Inexpensive trip policies that cover trip interruption and cancellation, guidelines that more and more governments are adopting. The current restrictions
medical emergencies, and luggage, but may not pay out as much as higher-priced plans. for liquids, aerosols and gels from ICAO and in effect in most countries are that
Comprehensive plans. Mid-priced plans that can offer standard limits for trip they must be in containers 100ml or equivalent, placed in a transparent resealable
interruption/cancellation, medical evacuation, and medical expenses; coverage for pre- plastic bag with max capacity 1-litre. At screening, these plastic bags should be
existing conditions; and coverage for things like missed connections not covered in basic presented apart from other carry-on items. Medications, baby milk/foods, special
plans. dietary requirements are exempt. Some airports also require additional screening of
Luxury plans. More expensive plans that offer higher limits of coverage for medical powders in quantities greater than 355ml/12 ounces.
expenses and medical evacuation. Medical Supplies. If you require the use of medical syringes in flight, such as for
Specialty plans. Medical-only, evacuation-only, or adventure plans, often with higher insulin, you need documented proof of the medical need and ensure that the
limits than might be found in comprehensive or luxury plans. Many times these plans are material is professionally packed and labeled. If it is not, the medication is likely to
bought in cases of obvious need – for instance, an adventurous traveler venturing deep be removed at security screening.
into the Amazonian bush who decides she needs a standalone medical-evacuation in the
event she needs to be air-lifted out. Portable Electronic Devices. We recommend that you keep all your Portable
Electronic Devices with you in carry-on baggage. Laptops, tablets and mobile
WEEK 11 phones may need to be presented separately at Security Checkpoints for additional
Baggage rules and regulations. Airlines set the rules for how many bags you may check screening. If you are traveling with spare batteries, electronic cigarettes/vapes or
in and for possible related charges. These rules can vary according to frequent flyer back-up power supply (power banks), these must always be carried in carry-on
status, the product you have purchased and the route upon which you fly. baggage and not checked baggage. Any spare batteries must be individually
wrapped to prevent short circuit.
The following information will help you understand the rules regarding checked and
carry-on baggage and the role IATA plays in this area:
Carry-on Baggage
Weight and Size. Carry-on baggage allowance can vary according to the airline, Checked-in Baggage
the cabin class you are traveling in and even the size of the aircraft. As a general Weight, Size and Number. IATA has guidelines for baggage but the number and
guide, carry-on baggage should have maximum length of 22 in (56 cm), width of weight of baggage allowed free of charge can vary by airline, frequent flyer status,
18 in (45 cm) and depth of 10 in (25 cm). These dimensions include wheels, routing and fare. To avoid additional costs, please check with your airline before
handles, side pockets, etc. Some airlines also enforce weight limitations, typically you travel so that you are fully aware of the checked baggage allowance included
starting at 5kg/11lbs. To avoid additional charges, please check with your airline with your airfare. Each bag should weigh less than 23KG/50LBS. This is an
before you travel so that you are fully aware of the carry-on baggage allowance international regulation set for the health and safety of airport workers who have to
included with your airfare. If you are using different airlines throughout your lift hundreds of bags daily. If your bag weighs more than this, you may be asked to
journey, you should check their individual websites for up to date information repack, or have it labeled as "heavy luggage". The maximum weight for one bag is
regarding carry-on baggage allowances. 32KG/70LBS in the EU and the US. Some airlines impose lower limits. The "piece
Sharp Objects. All knives, sharp objects or cutting implements of any kind and of concept" is generally in use on flights within, to and from Canada and the United
any length, whether of metal or other material, and some sporting goods must be States. This concept defines the number of bags entitled by the passenger's ticket.
packed in checked baggage. They cannot be carried in the cabin baggage nor on Where the "piece concept" applies, generally, two pieces of checked baggage are
your person. allowed per passenger, each piece weighing a maximum of 32 kilos (70 lb) and
measuring no more than 158 cm (62 in) when adding the dimensions: height +
width + length.
Identification. Lost baggage is often the consequence of the baggage label having Do you need extra room for souvenirs?
detached from the bag. To allow identification of your bag in all situations, make
sure to have your name, telephone number and email address appear outside of Are you willing to ship them or do you want to have them on you on your way back?
your bag and a copy of your travel itinerary inside your bag. When there is no other Are you able to pack light for this trip? Or are the activities varied enough that you need
way to identify your luggage, the airline will have to break it open and this more?
identification piece will be crucial to returning your belongings.
Do you like to have more with you when you travel? Or does the idea of carrying less
Valuables. We recommend that you do not pack valuable items in checked make you feel freer?
If you attempt to pack light, will you end up spending more money acquiring what you
What Not To Pack In Checked Baggage. We recommend that all portable need on the trip? Or can you pack light and still have all you need?
electronic devices are placed in your carry-on baggage, but if you need to place
them in your checked baggage, you must make sure that they are fully switched off Do you prefer to spend the money for the convenience of packing light? Or will that
and not in sleep or hibernate mode. Electronic cigarettes/vapes, spare batteries and bother you?
portable power supplies (power banks) must not be packed in your checked
Are you okay with carrying all of your bags on the plane versus dropping them off at
baggage. Some items such as gas canisters, lighters, fireworks, bleaches etc. cannot
be carried in checked baggage. If you are concerned that something that you wish
to pack may not be allowed, check with your airline. Items that are considered to
be too dangerous for checked baggage will be removed and probably not returned
to you.
Travel experts from Travel Made Simple are of the strong belief that traveling with
carry-on luggage makes travel easier because “there’s no way the airline can lose your
luggage if you haven’t checked anything”.
According to SITA, the air transport industry has cut down the number of wandering
luggage by 50%. However, if you’ve had the misfortune of falling under the other 50%,
you’ll know that lost or damaged baggage is a traveler’s nightmare.
We recently discussed the importance of knowing your luggage rights and the steps to
take once you realize your baggage has been lost or delayed. Despite this, some travelers
rather skip the risk altogether by opting for carry-on luggage.
Travel writer, Ali Garland is opposed to checked in luggage because she dislikes getting,
“weighed down by heavy bags” and would rather avoid having to “deal with expensive
checked bag fees.”
“I’m of a different opinion. I’m prepared to pay checked bag fees for the pleasure of
being able to forego the nightmare of trying to cram all my travel necessities in a small
carry-on bag.”
When it comes to choosing whether to check your bags or carry on, don’t feel like you
have to come up with a perfect answer for all of your travels. Instead, just decide what
makes the most sense for your next trip.
Ask Yourself the Following Questions: