Excel Workbook No. 04 Mechanical Analysis

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Appendix A © Feb 2017 YMALMADHOUN

Mechanical Analysis of Soil (USCS)

(Data Sheet)
Sample Description: ___________________________________________________________
Sample Number: ______________________________________________________________
Location: ____________________________________________________________________
Tested By: ___________________________________________________________________
Test Date: ___________________________________________________________________

Mechanical Sieve Analysis

Item / Trial Sample Data
MC = Mass of container (grams) 100.0000
MCD = Mass of container + dry soil sample (grams) 167.6000
MD = Mass of dry soil sample (grams) 67.6000

Sieve Cumulative Percent Percent

Sieve No. Opening Retained Cumulative Cumulative
(mm) (grams) Retained Passing

3" 76.2000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000

2" 50.8000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
1 1/2" 38.1000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
1" 25.4000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
3/4" 19.0500 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
1/2" 12.7000 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
3/8" 9.5250 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
4 4.7500 0.0000 0.0000 100.0000
10 2.0000 0.3000 0.4438 99.5562
16 1.1800 0.6000 0.8876 99.1124
30 0.6000 1.2000 1.7751 98.2249
40 0.4250 3.3000 4.8817 95.1183
50 0.3000 8.5000 12.5740 87.4260
100 0.1500 19.0000 28.1065 71.8935
200 0.0750 24.5000 36.2426 63.7574
Pan 0.0000 24.5000 36.2426 63.7574
From the grain-size distribution ogive
Item / Trial Sample Data
D10 = Size of grains that accounts for 10% (mm) 0.0450
D30 = Size of grains that accounts for 30% (mm) 0.0550
D60 = Size of grains that accounts for 60% (mm) 0.0700
Percent passing the 76.2-mm (3") sieve 100.0000
Percent passing the 4.75-mm (#4) sieve 100.0000
Percent passing the 0.075-mm (#200) sieve 63.7574
Percent gravel 0.0000
Percent sand 36.2426
Percent fines 63.7574
Cu = Uniformity coefficient 1.5556
Cz = Coefficient of gradation/curvature 0.9603
Mechanical Hydrometer Analysis
Item / Trial Sample Data
Hydrometer number ASTM 157H
GS = Specific gravity of solids (ratio) 2.6000
Mass of dispersing agent (grams) 5.0000
Mass of soil sample ratained on the pan (grams) 24.5000
Zero correction factor 8.0000
Meniscus correction factor 1.0000

Computaion for Mechanical Hydrometer Analysis

t (min) T (°C) Ra Rcm L (cm) K D (mm)
0.00 20.0000 - - - 0.0139 -
1.00 20.0000 47.0000 48.0000 8.4000 0.0139 0.0403
2.00 21.0000 42.0000 43.0000 9.2000 0.0137 0.0294
4.00 20.0000 37.0000 38.0000 10.1000 0.0139 0.0221
8.00 20.0000 32.0000 33.0000 10.9000 0.0139 0.0162
16.00 20.0000 29.0000 30.0000 11.4000 0.0139 0.0117
30.00 21.0000 26.0000 27.0000 11.9000 0.0137 0.0086
60.00 20.0000 24.0000 25.0000 12.2000 0.0139 0.0063
120.00 21.0000 23.0000 24.0000 12.4000 0.0137 0.0044
240.00 22.0000 21.0000 22.0000 12.7000 0.0135 0.0031
480.00 20.0000 20.0000 21.0000 12.9000 0.0139 0.0023
960.00 21.0000 19.0000 20.0000 13.0000 0.0137 0.0016
1440.00 20.0000 22.0000 23.0000 12.5000 0.0139 0.0013
2160.00 21.0000 22.0000 23.0000 12.5000 0.0137 0.0010

Variation of grains sizes with percent passing

Sieve Opening (mm) Percent Passing (Finer)

76.2000 100.0000
50.8000 100.0000
38.1000 100.0000
25.4000 100.0000
19.0500 100.0000
12.7000 100.0000
9.5250 100.0000
4.7500 100.0000
2.0000 99.5562
1.1800 99.1124
0.6000 98.2249
0.4250 95.1183
0.3000 87.4260
0.1500 71.8935
0.0750 63.7574
0.0403 1.0251
0.0294 0.8989
0.0221 0.7622
0.0162 0.6308
0.0117 0.5520
0.0086 0.4784
0.0063 0.4205
0.0044 0.3995
0.0031 0.3522
0.0023 0.3154
0.0016 0.2944
0.0013 0.3680
0.0010 0.3732
P e rc e n t P a ssin g (F in e r)

Grain-Size Distribution Ogive

100.0000 10.0000 1.0000 0.1000 0.0100 0.0010

Grain Size (mm)



rometer Analysis
CT Rc a %P %Pa
0.0000 - 1.0100 - -
0.0000 39.0000 1.0100 1.6078 1.0251
0.2000 34.2000 1.0100 1.4099 0.8989
0.0000 29.0000 1.0100 1.1955 0.7622
0.0000 24.0000 1.0100 0.9894 0.6308
0.0000 21.0000 1.0100 0.8657 0.5520
0.2000 18.2000 1.0100 0.7503 0.4784
0.0000 16.0000 1.0100 0.6596 0.4205
0.2000 15.2000 1.0100 0.6266 0.3995
0.4000 13.4000 1.0100 0.5524 0.3522
0.0000 12.0000 1.0100 0.4947 0.3154
0.2000 11.2000 1.0100 0.4617 0.2944
0.0000 14.0000 1.0100 0.5771 0.3680
0.2000 14.2000 1.0100 0.5854 0.3732
0 0.0010
Table 5.01: Variation of L with Hydrometer reading ─ ASTM 152H Hydrometer.
Rcm L (cm)
0 16.3
1 16.1
2 16
3 15.8
4 15.6
5 15.5
6 15.3
7 15.2
8 15
9 14.8
10 14.7
11 14.5
12 14.3
13 14.2
14 14
15 13.8
16 13.7
17 13.5
18 13.3
19 13.2
20 13
21 12.9
22 12.7
23 12.5
24 12.4
25 12.2
26 12
27 11.9
28 11.7
29 11.5
30 11.4
31 11.2
32 11.1
33 10.9
34 10.7
35 10.6
36 10.4
37 10.2
38 10.1
39 9.9
40 9.7
41 9.6
42 9.4
43 9.2
44 9.1
45 8.9
46 8.8
47 8.6
48 8.4
49 8.3
50 8.1
51 7.9
52 7.8
53 7.6
54 7.4
55 7.3
56 7.1
57 7
58 6.8
59 6.6
60 6.5
Table 5.02: Variation of K with the test temperature and the specific gravity of soil solids.
T (˚C) Gs
2.5 2.55 2.6 2.65 2.7 2.75 2.8 2.85
16 0.0151 0.0148 0.0146 0.0144 0.0141 0.0139 0.0139 0.0136
17 0.0149 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
18 0.0148 0.0144 0.0142 0.014 0.0138 0.0136 0.0134 0.0132
19 0.0145 0.0143 0.014 0.0138 0.0136 0.0134 0.0132 0.0131
20 0.0143 0.0141 0.0139 0.0137 0.0134 0.0133 0.0131 0.0129
21 0.0141 0.0139 0.0137 0.0135 0.0133 0.0131 0.0129 0.0127
22 0.014 0.0137 0.0135 0.0133 0.0131 0.0129 0.0128 0.0126
23 0.0138 0.0136 0.0134 0.0132 0.013 0.0128 0.0126 0.0124
24 0.0137 0.0134 0.0132 0.013 0.0128 0.0126 0.0125 0.0123
25 0.0135 0.0133 0.0131 0.0129 0.0127 0.0125 0.0123 0.0122
26 0.0133 0.0131 0.0129 0.0127 0.0125 0.0124 0.0122 0.012
27 0.0132 0.013 0.0128 0.0126 0.0124 0.0122 0.012 0.0119
28 0.013 0.0128 0.0126 0.0124 0.0123 0.0121 0.0119 0.0117
29 0.0129 0.0127 0.0125 0.0123 0.0121 0.012 0.0118 0.0116
30 0.0128 0.0126 0.0124 0.0122 0.012 0.0118 0.0117 0.0115
Table 5.03: Variation of CT with the test temperature.
T (˚C) CT
15 1.1
16 -0.9
17 -0.7
18 -0.5
19 -0.3
20 0
21 0.2
22 0.4
23 0.7
24 1
25 1.3
26 1.65
27 2
28 2.5
29 3.05
30 3.8
Table 5.04: Variation of correction factor a with unit weight of soil solids.
Gs a
2.85 0.96
2.8 0.97
2.75 0.98
2.7 0.99
2.65 1
2.6 1.01
2.55 1.02
2.5 1.04
2.85 0.96

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