Wi-Fi Technology: Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, Puttur Chittoor Dist, Andhra Pradesh
Wi-Fi Technology: Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, Puttur Chittoor Dist, Andhra Pradesh
Wi-Fi Technology: Siddharth Institute of Engineering and Technology, Puttur Chittoor Dist, Andhra Pradesh
Alliance that manufacturers may use to publishes these standards, but does not test
brand certified products that belong to a equipment for compliance with them. The
class of wireless local area network non-profit Wi-Fi Alliance formed in 1999
(WLAN) devices based on the IEEE to fill this void — to establish and enforce
standards for interoperability and Wi-Fi devices are often used in home or
backward compatibility, and to promote consumer-type environments in the
wireless local-area-network technology. following manner:
As of 2009 the Wi-Fi Alliance consisted of
more than 300 companies from around the Termination of a broad band
the Wi-Fi Alliance, whose products pass which services both wired and
the certification process, gain the right to wireless clients, where cable
mark those products with the Wi-Fi logo. connection cannot be hooked up.
radio standards, the WPA and WPA2 Built into non-computer devices to
Home Wi-Fi clients come in many shapes In Business and Industry current
and sizes, from stationary PCs to digital Technology of Wi-Fi is moving toward
cameras. The trend today and into the 'thin' Access Points, with all of the
future will be to enable wireless into every intelligence housed in a centralized
devices where mobility is prudent. network appliance; relegating individual
Access Points to be simply 'dumb' radios might use signal strength to decide which
utilizing true mesh topologies. of the two APs to make a connection to.
The Wi-Fi standard leaves connection
3.)Wi-Fi in gaming criteria and roaming totally open to the
client. Since Wi-Fi transmits in the air, it
Some gaming consoles and hand helds
has the same properties as a non-switched
make use of Wi-Fi technology to enhance
wired Ethernet network, and therefore
the gaming experience in local multiplayer
collisions can occur , which cannot be
as well as connecting to wireless networks
detected, and instead uses a packet
for online game play or with separate
exchange (RTS/CTS used for Collision
Avoidance or CA) to try to avoid
Wireless Adapter:
Wireless Router:
separate homes. of cyclic prefix protection from 800 nS to
3.2 uS, quadrupling the multi-path
distortion protection. Some commonly
available 802.11a/g chipsets support the
OFDM 'half-clocking' and 'quarter-
clocking' that is in the 2007 standard, and
4.9 GHz and 5.0 GHz products are
available with 10 MHz and 5 MHz channel
bandwidths. It is likely that some 802.11n
D.20 chipsets will also support 'half-
clocking' for use in 10 MHz channel
bandwidths, and at double the range of the
802.11n standard.
The most common wireless encryption Recreational logging and mapping of other
standard, Wired Equivalent Privacy or people's access points has become known
WEP, has been shown to be breakable as wardriving. Indeed, many access points
even when correctly configured. Wi-Fi are intentionally installed without security
Protected Access (WPA and WPA2) turned on so that they can be used as a free
which began shipping in 2003 aims to service. Providing access to one's Internet
solve this problem and is now generally connection in this fashion may breach the
available. Terms of Service or contract with the ISP.
These activities do not result in sanctions
Wi-Fi Access Points typically default to
in most jurisdictions; however, legislation
an open (encryption-free) mode. Novice
and case law differ considerably across the
users benefit from a zero configuration
world. A proposal to leave graffiti
device that works out of the box but might
describing available services was called
not intend to provide open wireless access
warchalking. A Florida court case
to their LAN.
determined that owner laziness was not to
be a valid excuse. g
Piggybacking refers to access to a wireless
Internet connection by bringing one's own
The defect for Wi-Fi is the
computer within the range of another's
hindrance of frequency which can be
wireless connection, and using that service
rectified by using 2 more extra channels
without the subscriber's explicit
or Errecting tall towers. North Eastern
permission or knowledge.
region of India , say Aruchanal ,Nagaland
and Mizoram where most of the villages
During the early popular adoption of
are on high hill tops and at about 5 to 10
802.11, providing open access points for
km at a distance, although which have
anyone within range to use was
little or no connectivity wireless options,
encouraged to cultivate wireless
Long Range Wi-Fi- can well be used.
community networks, particularly since
Research works are done rapidly to
people on average use only a fraction of
decrease the hindrance also .
Therefore, it can be concluded that
Wi-Fi technology will be most use full for
security and Intelegence communication in
hilly area of North East , Orissa, Bihar etc.,
where most of Naxalites, Terrorists etc.,
are taking shelters.