Anti-Bacterial Effect of Caffeine On Escherichia Coli
Anti-Bacterial Effect of Caffeine On Escherichia Coli
Anti-Bacterial Effect of Caffeine On Escherichia Coli
21 148
4 authors, including:
Arunas Ramanavicius
Vilnius University
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Almira Ramanavièienë1, The aim of this study was to investigate the direct effect of caffeine on
Gram-negative bacteria cultures. For this purpose we have selected Escheri-
Viktoras Mostovojus2,
chia coli as widely distributed in the environment and within human intesti-
Irina Bachmatova3, nes, and Pseudomonas fluorescens as commonly found in a wide range of
Arûnas Ramanavièius 2,4 terrestrial and aquatic habitats.
Our investigations showed that caffeine affects the growth of E. coli DH5α
Laboratory of Ecological and Ps. fluorescens 5443 bacteria. At high a caffeine concentration (1%) in
Immunology, Institute of the culture medium the growth of both bacteria was inhibited. The optical
Immunology of Vilnius University, density of E. coli and Ps. fluorescens cultures decreased 2.7 and 3.1 times
Molëtø pl. 29, (p < 0.001), respectively, in comparison with the control samples, where these
LT-2021 Vilnius, Lithuania bacteria were growing in the culture medium without any caffeine. Caffeine
Department of Analytical and concentration decrease influenced the growth of bacteria in a different way.
Environmental Chemistry, The growth of E. coli was inhibited more significantly as compared to Ps.
Vilnius University, fluorescens at caffeine concentrations 0.1-0.5%.
Naugarduko 22, Different concentrations of E. coli DH5α and Ps. fluorescens grew on a
LT-2006 Vilnius, Lithuania solid medium without or with 1% of caffeine. It was shown that caffeine
present in the solid medium suppressed the growth of E. coli and Ps. fluo-
Department of Molecular
rescens bacteria 6.4 and 5.3 times (p < 0.05), respectively.
Microbiology and Biotechnology, Our findings show an antibacterial effect of caffeine. In addition to it, the
Institute of Biochemistry, sensitivity of different bacteria to caffeine can vary greatly depending on
Mokslininkø 12, caffeine concentration. Further, E.coli bacteria are more sensitive to caffeine
LT-2600 Vilnius, Lithuania in comparison to Ps. fluorescens bacteria.
Sector of Immunoanalysis and
Key words: caffeine, E. coli, Ps. fluorescens
Informatics, Institute of
Immunology of
Vilnius University,
Molëtø pl. 29,
LT-2021 Vilnius, Lithuania
Almira Ramanavièienë, Viktoras Mostovojus, Irina Bachmatova, Arûnas Ramanavièius
timicrobial activity of lysozyme, we decided to in- cose, 2% agar (control plates) medium and on the
vestigate the direct effect of caffeine on Gram-ne- same solid medium with 1% of caffeine (experi-
gative bacteria culture. For this purpose we have mental plates). For this experiment different dilu-
selected Escherichia coli DH5α as a model strain tions of E. coli and Ps. fluorescens bacteria (10, 100,
frequently used in microbiological experiments, and 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000) were prepared in phy-
Pseudomonas fluorescens 5443 for comparison and siological solution, and 20 µl of each bacteria solu-
estimation of caffeine effect. tion was poured into control and experimental pla-
E. coli bacteria are widely distributed in the en- tes. Bacteria were growing at 30 °C for 48 hours.
vironment. The presence of E. coli and other spe- Afterwards the plates were visually estimated and
cies of bacteria within our intestines is necessary bacteria colonies counted. The pictures were taken
for us to develop and operate properly and to re- by an Olympus C2020Z digital camera.
main healthy, as along with other species of bacte- The data obtained in all tests were compared
ria, E. coli provide us with many necessary vitamins with the control. Sigma Plot for Windows (8th de-
(10). However, some of these different strains of mo version) Students t-test was used for determi-
bacteria (there may be several within given species) nation of the significance (p < 0.05) and evaluation
can be harmful to human (11). of the experiments.
Ps. fluorescens encompasses a diverse group of
bacteria that are commonly found in a wide range RESULTS
of terrestrial and aquatic habitats. There are over
200 species of Pseudomonas bacteria. Some of them Our investigations show that caffeine affects E. coli
are pathogenic to plants, animals and human (12). DH5α and Ps. fluorescens 5443 strains. At a high
However, only three species are known to be patho- caffeine concentration in the culture medium (1%)
genic for man; they are resistant to most antibiotics both bacteria were growing at a comparable rate.
(13). Their main targets are immunocompromised In the flask with E. coli, the optical density decre-
individuals, burn victims, and individuals on respira- ased 2.7, while in the flask with Ps. fluorescens 3.1
tors or with indwelling catheters. times (p < 0.001) in comparison with the control.
The aim of this study was to investigate the di- The growth of Ps. fluorescens was practically not
rect effect of caffeine on bacteria (E. coli and Ps. influenced by lower than 1% caffeine concentrations,
fluorescens). Our finding could be taken into ac- the optical density increased at 0.5% caffeine up to
count in medical practice. 3.54 OD units and remained very similar at lower
caffeine concentrations if compared with control me-
MATERIALS AND METHODS dia (Fig. 1). At 1% and 0.5% caffeine concentra-
tions, the optical density of E. coli was very similar
E. coli DH5α and Ps. fluorescens 5443 bacteria and approximately 2.7 times lower (p < 0.01) if
strains were obtained from the Institute of Bioche- compared with control samples. We also observed
mistry. For estimation and confirmation of
the results, bacteria were grown in a liquid
and on a solid medium. Two different esti- 5
Pseudomonas fluorescens
Pseudomonas fluorescens
mation methods were used and the experi- Escherichiacoli
Esherichia coli
ment were repeated three times. These bac-
teria were growing in Nutrient Broth (NB)
culture medium.
To start the growth, 2 ml of overnight 3 ***
OD600 nm
Anti-bacterial Effect of Caffeine on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens
Almira Ramanavièienë, Viktoras Mostovojus, Irina Bachmatova, Arûnas Ramanavièius
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Received 7 July 2003 17. ttp://
Accepted 19 September 2003 ber%20newsletter%20-%20CHI.doc
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