Senator Obama Resume
Senator Obama Resume
Senator Obama Resume
PO Box 8102 Office 866.675.2008
Chicago, IL 60680
Advocate for decisive change and action to restore the political, economic, military and social landscape and dominance of the United States
as a global leader. Well-respected for political judgment, integrity, ethical behavior, passion and commitment to America's citizens.
Twice honored by Time magazine as one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" (2005, 2007).
Elected to U.S. Senate to represent the citizens of the State of Illinois. Work across Democratic, Republican and Independent party
lines to develop, craft and pass legislative actions, bills and amendments to best serve the American people.
• ENERGY. Active and highly visible proponent of alternative energy to reduce U.S. reliance on foreign nations.
! Introduced American Fuels Act to increase domestic production of biofuels, expand manufacture of ethanol-capable
vehicles, offer tax credits to spur cellulosic fuel production and provide corporate incentives to expand green technologies.
! Reintroduced Biofuels Security Act calling for 60B gallons of renewable biofuels in nation's vehicle fuel supply by 2030.
! Architected Oil SENSE Act eliminating unnecessary oil industry tax breaks.
! Sponsored FILL UP Act requiring oil companies with $1B+ in profits to invest a minimum of 1% in E-85 pumps (ethanol).
• FOREIGN POLICY. Pioneered innovative legislative actions to protect the citizens of the U.S. and foreign nations.
! One of the first legislators to recognize the dangers of potential avian influenza pandemic and secured $25M for U.S.
agencies working in Southeast Asia to combat and contain widespread disease outbreaks.
! Created Darfur Peace and Accountability Act imposing sanctions for genocide and crimes against humanity.
! Passed bipartisan amendment providing $13M for the Special Court of Sierra Leone to restore national justice.
! Introduced Global Poverty Act, a comprehensive strategy to eliminate global poverty by 50% and achieve the Millennium
Development Goal of reducing the proportion of people worldwide who live on less than $1 per day.
• HOMELAND SECURITY. Instrumental in successful passage of legislation to protect America and its citizens.
! Facilitated Chemical Security and Safety Act establishing a clear set of federal safety and mitigation regulations.
! Co-sponsored amendments to increase rail and transit security by $12B and extend Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.
! Spearheaded development of Spent Nuclear Fuel Tracking and Accountability Act to control nuclear waste.
• CRIME. Lifelong proponent of stricter criminal laws for both violent and non-violent crime.
! Fought for passage of Combat Meth Act providing money to fight methamphetamine manufacture and use/abuse.
! Championed laws to combat sex crimes against children, including Dru's Law (included in the larger Adam Walsh Child
Protection Act) and Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (foundation for National Sex Offender Public Registry).
! Co-sponsored Violence Against Women Act providing funding for domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking.
• ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Staunch advocate for passage of a host of environmental protection laws.
! Co-sponsored Warming Pollution Reduction Act projected to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050.
! Introduced Lead-Free Toys Act requiring Consumer Product Safety Commission to ban products containing lead.
! Spearheaded Lead Poisoning Reduction Act requiring non-home-based child-care facilities be lead safe within 5 years
and establishing $42.6M grant program to help local communities pay to make these facilities safe.
• FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY. Leader of numerous initiatives to reduce government spending and abuse.
! Created Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, resulting in an Internet search engine and database to
track hundreds of billions of dollars in federal grants, contracts, earmarks and loans.
! Wrote amendment to require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, PACs or political parties for whom they collect funds.
! Actively supported amendment to provide for transparency and accountability in military and security contracting.
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Won an intensely competitive Senatorial race. Partnered with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to pass favorable
legislation (e.g., education, health care, government spending, campaign finance, law enforcement).
• Provided $100+ million in tax cuts to families over 3 years through legislative changes to state tax law.
• Provided permanent health care coverage to 154,000 low-income residents (including 70,000 children).
• Reformed the state's notorious death penalty laws to help prevent wrongful convictions.
• Honored as a Keynote Speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer 1992 to 2004
University of Chicago Law School
• Improved living conditions in poor neighborhoods plagued with crime and high unemployment through work with a church-
based group.
J.D., Magna Cum Laude, HARVARD LAW SCHOOL, 1991
President, Harvard Law Review (first African-American ever elected)
B.A., Political Science, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, 1983
• The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, Crown Publishers, 2006
• Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, Times Books, 1995 (reprint 2004)