Kta38 G3 PDF
Kta38 G3 PDF
Kta38 G3 PDF
Typical picture
Description Features
The KTA38-Series benefits from years of technical Aftercooler – Large capacity after cooler results in cooler,
development and improvement to bring customers an denser intake air for more efficient combustion and reduced
innovative and future proof diesel engine that keeps pace internal stresses for longer life.
with ever changing generator set requirements.
Fuel System - Cummins exclusive low pressure PT™ system
Recognized globally for its performance under even the with wear compensating pump and integral dual flyweight
most severe climatic conditions, the KTA38-Series is governor. Camshaft actuated fuel injectors give accurate
widely acknowledged as the most robust and cost- metering and timing. Fuel lines are internal drilled passages in
effective diesel engine in its power range for the cylinder heads. Spin-on fuel filter.
generator set market.
Cooling System – Gear driven centrifugal water pump. Large
volume water passages provide even flow of coolant around
This engine has been built to comply cylinder liners, valves and injectors. Bypass thermostats
with CE certification. regulate coolant temperature. Sp in -o n co r r o sio n r esist o rs
ch eck ru st an d co r ro sio n , co n t r o l acid it y an d rem o ve
This engine has been designed in Im p u rit ies.
facilities certified to ISO9001 and
manufactured in facilities certified to Cylinder Block – Alloy cast iron with removable wet liners.
ISO9001 or ISO9002. Cross bolt support to main bearing cap provides extra strength
and stability.
Fuel Consumption 1500 rpm (50 Hz) Fuel Consumption 1800 rpm (60 Hz)
% kWm BHP L/ph US gal/ph % kWm BHP L/ph US gal/ph
Standby Power Standby Power
100 895 1200 221 58.3 100 1000 1340 238 62.9
Prime Power Prime Power
100 806 1080 198 52.3 100 910 1220 217 57.2
75 604 810 151 39.9 75 683 915 168 44.3
50 403 540 104 27.3 50 455 610 119 31.4
25 201 270 54 14.3 25 228 305 73 19.4
Continuous Power Continuous Power
100 656 880 164 43.3 100 776 1040 190 50.1
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