Course Title: Computer Fundamentals & MS Office

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Course Title: Computer Fundamentals & MS Office

1 .What is data processing? Differentiate between data and information.Which is more usefuk and
2. List out the various computer “generation” in computer terminology?How many computer
generation s are there until now?
3. What is an IC? How does it help in reducing the size of computer?
4. What are five basic operations performed by any computer system?
5. How many types of storage are normally there in the storage unit of computer system?
6. Differnetiate between the characteristics of primary and secondary storage of a computer system?
7. What is a system why is computer often referred to as a computer system?
8. What are the diiferent applications of a computer system?
9. Differentiate among a bit, a byte, and a word?
10. In the context of magnetic disk storage, define the following terms and give the relationship among
them (if any)
a) Track b) Cylinder
c) Sector d) Disk address.

11. Define the following terms in context of a disk storage:

a) Access time b) Latency
c) Seek time d) Transfer rate
12. What is disk formatting ? Why is it needed?
13. Write short notes are:
b) WORM disk
c) Uses of optical disk
e) Advantages and limitations of optical disks.
14. What are input device? Name some of the commonly used input devices.
15. Write short notes on:
a) Mouse b) Electronic pen
c) Track ball d) touch screen
e) Joystick f) Information kiosk
16. What is an image scanner?
17. What is an output device? Name some of the commonly used output device?
18. Write short notes on:
a) Dot-matrix printer
b) Inkjet printer
c) Drum printer
d) Chain\band printer
e) Laser printer
19. Write short notes on:
a) Hardware
b) Software
c) Firmware
d) System software
e) Application Software
20. What is a utility program? List out some of the commonly tasks performed by utility programs.
21. What is a program planning tool? How is it useful? Name two commonly used planning tool.

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