Exam Reviewer (Students Copy)

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Topic 1:

1. What is the primary func6on of a computer?

a) Processing data
b) Storing data
c) Producing results
d) All of the above

2. What are the two main components of a computer?

a) Hardware and soDware
b) Monitor and keyboard
c) RAM and CPU
d) Input and output

3. What does it mean to be "computer literate"?

a) Knowing how to write code
b) Being able to assemble a computer
c) Efficiently using computer hardware and soDware
d) Having a degree in computer science

4. Which type of soDware uses a graphical user interface (GUI)?

a) Applica6on soDware
b) U6lity soDware
c) System soDware
d) Command-line soDware

5. What is the role of an opera6ng system?

a) To process data
b) To coordinate computer resources and ac6vi6es
c) To create graphics for soDware
d) To design user interfaces

6. What is virtual memory?

a) A type of computer monitor
b) Part of a computer's storage used as addi6onal memory
c) A type of printer
d) A programming language

7. What are the two main types of soDware a computer runs?

a) Hardware and firmware
b) System soDware and applica6on soDware
c) RAM and ROM
d) Input and output soDware
8. What is the purpose of a u6lity program?
a) To help the opera6ng system set up and maintain the computer
b) To run applica6ons
c) To create graphics
d) To protect the computer from viruses

9. Which type of opera6ng system is designed for handheld devices like smartphones?
a) Personal computer opera6ng system
b) Mobile opera6ng system
c) Server opera6ng system
d) Embedded opera6ng system

10. What is the key difference between single-user, single-tasking and single-user mul6tasking
opera6ng systems?
a) The number of users they support
b) The number of tasks they can handle simultaneously
c) The type of devices they run on
d) None of the above

11. What is the purpose of a buffer in an opera6ng system?

a) To store data securely
b) To control hardware resources
c) To manage memory
d) To temporarily hold data before transferring it to a device

12. What is a device driver?

a) A type of computer virus
b) A small program that tells the opera6ng system how to interact with a device
c) A component of the CPU
d) A type of input device

13. What type of opera6ng system allows mul6ple users to run programs simultaneously and
share computer resources?
a) Personal OS
b) Server OS
c) Mul6user
d) Mobile

14. What is the term for ending a computer session and logging out of an opera6ng system?
a) Shuang down
b) Restar6ng
c) Signing out
d) Locking the computer
15. What does RAM stand for in the context of computer hardware?
a) Random Access Memory
b) Read-Only Memory
c) Redundant Array of Memory
d) Randomized Alloca6on Module

16. Which component of a computer manages start-up processes and controls hardware
a) CPU (Central Processing Unit)
b) Hard Drive
c) Opera6ng System
d) Monitor

17. What is the primary func6on of an embedded opera6ng system?

a) To run personal computers
b) To manage server networks
c) To control electronic devices with par6cular purose
d) To support mul6tasking

18. Which type of opera6ng system is commonly used on personal computers?

a) Mobile opera6ng system
b) Embedded opera6ng system
c) Server opera6ng system
d) Personal computer opera6ng system

19. What term describes the parts of memory or storage where data waits un6l it can be
transferred to a device?
a) Device driver
b) Buffer
c) Cache
d) Directory

20. What is the primary role of the graphical user interface (GUI) in soDware?
a) To process data
b) To accept data and commands using icons and graphics
c) To manage memory
d) To control hardware resources
21. Which of the following best defines the term "digital divide"?

A) A type of computer virus

B) The gap between people with access to technology and those without
C) The difference between soDware and hardware
D) The speed at which data travels on the internet
22. Which of the following was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, completed
in 1945?
D) Macintosh
23. Which genera6on of computers is characterized by the use of integrated circuits (ICs) for the
first 6me?

A) First Genera6on
B) Second Genera6on
C) Third Genera6on
D) Fourth Genera6on

23. Which computer, introduced in the 1950s, was known for its ability to handle business data
processing and was used by various government agencies and corpora6ons?
C) Apple II
D) Lenovo
24. Which genera6on of computers is characterized by the use of microprocessors, making
computers smaller and more affordable for personal use?

A) Second Genera6on
B) Third Genera6on
C) Fourth Genera6on
D) FiDh Genera6on

Topic 2

24. What components are housed in the system unit of a computer?

a) Motherboard, processor, memory
b) Monitor, keyboard, mouse
c) Hard drive, power supply, CD/DVD drive
d) Printer, scanner, USB ports

25. What are the two primary sec6ons of a CPU?

a) Arithme6c/Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit
b) RAM and ROM
c) Input Unit and Output Unit
d) Motherboard and Processor

26. Which opera6ons make up the machine cycle of the CPU?

a) Fetching, decoding, execu6ng, storing
b) Arithme6c, logical, comparison, storage
c) Input, output, processing, storing
d) Loading, saving, dele6ng, upda6ng

27. What does clock speed measure in a CPU?

a) Instruc6ons processed per second
b) Memory capacity
c) Energy consump6on
d) Number of cores

28. What is the advantage of a mul6core processor in a computer?

a) Mul6processing, mul6-tasking and mul6-threading
b) Can handle mul6ple tasks simultaneously
c) Smaller physical size
d) Longer baiery life

29. What type of memory is considered vola6le?

a) RAM
b) ROM
c) Flash memory

30. What is the purpose of level 1 and level 2 cache memory?

a) To speed up processing by providing quick access to frequently used data
b) To store the opera6ng system
c) To hold virtual memory
d) To manage input and output opera6ons

31. How can you track CPU and RAM usage in Windows?
a) Task Manager
b) Control Panel
c) System Proper6es
d) Disk Cleanup

32. What happens if your computer does not meet an applica6on's system requirements?
a) The applica6on will not run or may run ineffec6vely
b) The computer will automa6cally upgrade its hardware
c) The applica6on will run smoothly but with limited features
d) The applica6on will prompt for necessary upgrades

33. What is a special hardware feature that allows finger6p interac6on with a computer?
a) Touchscreen
b) Mouse
c) Keyboard
d) Speaker

34. What is the primary func6on of the control unit in a CPU?

a) Performs arithme6c calcula6ons
b) Coordinates processor ac6vi6es
c) Manages RAM storage
d) Controls the computer's power supply

35. What is the role of the BIOS stored on a ROM chip in a computer?
a) It manages RAM storage
b) It controls the computer's power supply
c) It provides essen6al instruc6ons for system startup
d) It handles data encryp6on

36. Which type of memory cache is smaller and located directly on the CPU?
a) Level 1 cache
b) Level 2 cache
c) RAM
d) ROM

37. Which component is responsible for coordina6ng the flow of informa6on through the CPU?
a) RAM
b) ALU
c) Control unit
d) ROM

38. What is the primary func6on of a CPU's arithme6c/logic unit (ALU)?

a) To manage memory
b) To perform arithme6c calcula6ons and logical opera6ons
c) To control the flow of data in and out of the CPU
d) To store data temporarily

39. What is the purpose of a cache memory in a computer?

a) To store the opera6ng system
b) To manage input and output opera6ons
c) To provide quick access to frequently used data
d) To control the power supply

40. What type of memory does not lose its contents when the computer is turned off?
a) ROM
b) RAM
c) Cache
d) Virtual memory

41. What is the machine cycle composed of in a CPU?

a) Fetching, execu6ng, storing, upda6ng
b) Loading, saving, dele6ng, comparing
c) Fetching, decoding, execu6ng, storing
d) Prin6ng, scanning, copying, faxing

42. Which of the following is NOT a part of a computer's system unit?

a) Motherboard
b) Processor
c) Monitor
d) Memory

43. What happens when a computer is thrashing?

a) The computer operates at maximum efficiency
b) The computer shuts down automa6cally
c) The opera6ng system spends more 6me swapping data between RAM and virtual
memory, causing it to slow down
d) The CPU enters sleep mode

Topic: Powerpoint

1. In which view can you work on crea6ng and edi6ng your presenta6on?
a) Slide Show view
b) Normal view
c) Slide Sorter view
d) Slide Show Sorter view

2. What is the primary purpose of Slide Show view?

a) Crea6ng slides
b) Edi6ng slide content
c) Presen6ng the show to an audience
d) Rearranging slide order

3. Which commands can you use to delete, move, or copy slides in a presenta6on?
a) Slide and Sorter commands
b) Cut, Copy, and Paste commands
c) Slide Layout commands
d) Slide Show commands

4. What should the design features for layouts and formats emphasize in a presenta6on?
a) Overwhelming content
b) Consistent appearance and content emphasis
c) Unique fonts and features on every slide
d) Maximum special effects

5. What is the purpose of a slide theme in a presenta6on?

a) To apply anima6ons to slides
b) To ensure consistent design with color schemes and fonts
c) To add annota6ons to slides
d) To hide slides in Slide Show view

Visual Communica6on/ Graphic design principles:

1. What is the primary purpose of visual communica6on in conveying messages

a. To use words effec6vely
b. To create visually appealing designs
c. To emphasize repe66on
d. To make messages longer

2. Which graphic design principle focuses on the arrangement of elements to create a

sense of order and consistency in a design?
a. Alignment
b. Repe66on
c. Hierarchy
d. Balance

3. When evalua6ng a design, what does the principle of alignment refer to?
a. The use of repea6ng elements
b. The arrangement of elements along a common line or axis
c. The organiza6on of elements in a hierarchy
d. The distribu6on of elements evenly on a page

4. What is the purpose of the repe66on principle in graphic design?

a. To add variety to a design
b. To create a sense of order and consistency
c. To make a design visually complex
d. To use different fonts and colors

5. Which principle of graphic design helps establish the order of importance and guides the
viewer's eye through the design?
a. Alignment
b. Repe66on
c. Hierarchy
d. Balance
6. What does the balance principle in graphic design aim to achieve?
a. An equal distribu6on of elements in a design
b. A sense of chaos and disorder
c. Random placement of elements
d. A central focal point in a design

7. When cri6quing a design, how can you iden6fy the effec6veness of the hierarchy
a. By assessing the use of color
b. By evalua6ng the alignment of elements
c. By recognizing the order of importance of elements
d. By measuring the balance of the design

8. What is the purpose of applying the graphic design principles of alignment, repe66on,
hierarchy, and balance?
a. To make a design visually complex
b. To create chaos in a design
c. To convey a message effec6vely and make a design visually appealing
d. To use as many elements as possible

9. Which principle helps create a clear and organized visual path for the viewer to follow in
a design?
a. Repe66on
b. Balance
c. Hierarchy
d. Alignment

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