RLJ) EL° ND2 tM8: Division of Cebu Province
RLJ) EL° ND2 tM8: Division of Cebu Province
RLJ) EL° ND2 tM8: Division of Cebu Province
Department of Education
Region Vll, Central Visayas
Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City
TO : Assistant superintendents
Chiefs of SGOD and CID
Division Supervisors/Coordinators
SEPS and EPS 2
District Supewisors/OICs
Elementary and Secondary School Heads
1. For the information and guidance of all concerned, attached herewith is a letter from
the Commission on Population Region V]l dated June 5, 2018 inviting all interested
students from the schools in our division to participate in the free film festival
orientation workshop on June 22, 2018.
F'ROM Ffl* NI. :83241E=559 11 Jun. 2818 a:51F}M P1
Empowering Fil±pf mo Families
05 June Z0i8
Young peaple make up onf fifth of the Eoun8ry's poFulEtion. That means 19,a million yt]uth, half of which
are adDlesfents aged 15-19 sailing for aduitha¢d in the next few ygaf5 (VAFS Z013).
Many critical concerns affect ftdole§cents that make a great impact fin tlie satiety such as early marriage,
maternal death, limiting access to edueatitin and emF!oyment, poverty, domestic vio!enGe, the threat of
STl/HIV and AIH5, and marty others, TheEg issues represent a crtl[]al and unique opportunity for the
Commissici!i on Population (POP€OM) to adtlres5 the diverse nEeds of adoles€erlt5 arid young pe®pla
The Adolescent Health and Development H8aith (AHD) program generally alms to coritribute to the
improvem¢2n? §sed promc!tion Df the total well-being Of young peapla by addressing issues related to
adolescent anf± ¥!T!uth Sexuality and rapreductive health rights.
As an initiathe to strengtiifn the youth advocafty, public attdi private high schools 'm the region are iwited
to I-o`ih the Ad®[ES€enB H§aiBth and YaLitb Deve!apmeHt ffilma Festival. Now 5n its foLf rth year, the festival
foEuses on 5ekual and nan-5exu8I r-rsks that young pcople €Hgage .in. This revolvEs around the theme: "Post
Miiiemial F!IiRTi"Os: ifenew©# iifl89e rs. RI§k " The Dlfqtel Diet". i.he winning film will be tile re8lon`§ entry
to the iiat`ional I:pmpetition. Kindly See enclosed guidfllines arid entry form.
In llne witli the abDverTieBntioned activity, we Would like to request for your support and assistance ln the
invitation cSf the students from s¢hcois in yciur division to participate in the film festlval. Interested partis5
are required to attend a fl.ee film af!entstlon w®rk§ifeop on June 21 (Tagbilaran Efty, Bohol), JLine 2Z !Cebu
City), and June Z5 (Dumaguete Cfty, N@gros Oriental). EfiEct vBnua will he Eommunicat€d later.
Raputrlig of the Phi[ippineg
1) This is an open compatitlg}H for pub!!c and private high schools in BDhul, €ebLl, Negros Clr'iental, and
Siqu!jor. Only tine entry per school, officfally endorsed by the School principal, will be allowed per
2) All members Of the team MusT be bQna Fide Stwdents of the School th§y iare representing, Each
FliirtiqipEiting team shc}uld be compesed of members from either third 6r/and fourth year high fchadl
3) The participating 5chppl§ shall form a network ifl promQtinE Adole5EEnt Health and Davalapment.
from joini ng the regional contest,
5) ThE Script/5crEE!nplav must revolve around thE theme "Pe}§e REBIIennlal Fl![plnos! Renew9d Hope v§,
Rlsk -TIte Digitg]l Bjar',
6) ThEire Eire no limits to the number Of actors and actresses or Elf the produatian team. The fflm must I)a
produced by thg students however actors may hB young or t}ld especially whBn p¢reraying rDleg such
as the mother or father`
7) Officia! entries must bE original and have never heen Swfomitted in any previous cantest5/cclmpetitians.
8] The idea, 5ifery, 5c:ript or Screenplay of the film must be authentic and should not be imitated from any
w®rfes ®f cthers. Thei`e must not D9 a violiition Of @nv copyright.
9) Origintil and royalfty-hoe musi¢ Should he used. Films must have permission/li£grise for the use of
e®mmerGia[ music, copvriEhted vidffl clips, and privately @vVAed locations used therein,
Lieerts6/permi55ion ShBulB be submitted to POPCOM.
Techniq we [¢i ri ematogra ptry, editing) 40%,.
Ov@ral]lmz]act($4}qriddesisn,mtlgicalscchngproductionde6]gn) 309'o;
owned by the COMMISsloN ON P0PuljrmoN.