RM 10 S. 2018
RM 10 S. 2018
RM 10 S. 2018
ot- t
Jonuory 5, 20'18
l. The Deportment of Educotion {DepEd) ensures ihe continuous improvement of its systems lo ensure
ihol oll leorners hove occess to quolity bosic educoiion. In odherence to DepEd Order No. 29, s.2017,
"Policy Guidelines on System Assessment in the K to l2 Bosic Educotion Progrom," the Philippines sholl
porlicipqle in internotionol ossessments, one of which is lhe 20'18 Progromme for lnlernotionol Sludent
Assessmenl (PISA) for inlernotionol benchmorking.
2. PISA is the lorgesl internolionol study designed ond developed by the Orgonisotion for Economic
Cooperolion ond Developmenl (OECD), Fronce. The gool of P|SA is to evoluote educolion syslems
worldwide by testing lhe skills ond knowledge of l5 yeor old studenls on three cognitive domoins: Reoding,
Mothemoiics ond Science, who ore opprooching the end of their compulsory educotion.
3. The Moin Survey (MS) of Piso will be conducled from Morch 5 - 23, 2018 in 188 somple schools oll
over the country. Further, o totol of 42 students sholl be rondomly selecled per school by PISA internotionol
controclors. The schools in Corogo Region selecled os somple ore:
4. Io ensure quolity qnd successful conduct of PISA in Corogo Region, the Regionol Testing
Coordinotor, Division Testing Coordinotors, School Heods, lnformotion ond Technology Offlcers ond Testing
Coordinotors sholl oliend lhe followin PISA meetin srn rotion for the Moin Surv
Activity Dqtes ond Venue Porticiponls
PISA Jonuary 29 - Februory 2, RTC: Edmund D. Mendozo, Ph.D.
Advococy 20r 8 DTCs: Nilo R. Verdon, Morio Tereso Ajos, Ph.D.. Morcus
Venue: NCR/Rizol Sulopos, Alexonder D. Dopor Jr.
School Heods: Elvino G. Moron, Roger Lozodq, Emmo Ulbis,
Joce n Minervo Alon Bonete
Troining on Februory 21 -24,2018 RTC: Edmund D. Mendozo. Ph.D.
the Venue: NCR/Rizol DTCs: Nilo R. Verdon, Morio Tereso Ajos, Ph.D., Morcus
Sulopos, Alexonder D. Dopor Jr.
Administrotion School Heods: Elvino G. Moron, Roger Lozodo, Emmo Ulbis,
of PlsA 20'18 Jocelyn Minervo, Alon Bonete
Moin Survey ITO: Eugene Godfrey Socrenos, Cheryl Deleno, Christopher
John Morlol, Morvin Minguillon
Tesl Adminsiirotors: Luzmindo Penus, Ronold Arnego. Trisho
Homocillo, Elwin Dumper, Joson M. Orozco
5 Trovelexpenses ls chorged ogoinst BEA Funds subject to lhe usuol occounting rules ond reguloiions.
6 This memorondum will serve os Troyel Authodly for lhe persons involved.
7 lmmedioie ond wide disseminolion of this memorondum to oll concerned is highly desired.
OIC - Regionol Dneclor fl