Citrix Xendesktop Reference Architecture en
Citrix Xendesktop Reference Architecture en
Citrix Xendesktop Reference Architecture en
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Reference Architecture
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Audience ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
SimpliVity Hyperconvergence: Simplifying VDI............................................................................................................ 3
Superior user experience through unmatched VDI performance................................................................ 4
Linear scalability from pilot to production with cost-effective VDI deployments........................................ 4
Enterprise-grade data protection and resiliency for VDI workloads............................................................ 4
3. Technology Overview............................................................................................................................................................ 4
4. Solution Overview.................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop Technology Overview................................................................................................ 6
Citrix XenDesktop Components................................................................................................................................... 6
Citrix Receiver.............................................................................................................................................. 6
StoreFront..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Delivery Controller....................................................................................................................................... 6
Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA)........................................................................................................................ 6
NetScaler Gateway....................................................................................................................................... 6
Director EdgeSight....................................................................................................................................... 6
Studio........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Provisioning methods.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Citrix Provisioning Services 7.6..................................................................................................................... 7
Machine Creation Services........................................................................................................................... 8
Desktop types............................................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Solution Architecture............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Management Infrastructure Design.............................................................................................................................. 9
Desktop Infrastructure Design.................................................................................................................................... 14
2000 Office Worker Block.......................................................................................................................... 14
5. Login VSI...............................................................................................................................................................................20
Testing Methodology..................................................................................................................................................20
Office Worker Workload Definition............................................................................................................................. 21
Test Environment......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Results........................................................................................................................................................ 21
6. Summary/Conclusion........................................................................................................................................................... 24
7. References and Additional Resources.................................................................................................................................. 24
8. Appendix.............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Design Guidelines....................................................................................................................................................... 25
SimpliVity OmniStack Design Guidelines................................................................................................... 25
Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Design Guidelines.................................................................................................. 26
Supporting Infrastructure Design Guidelines............................................................................................ 27
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Reference Architecture
• Simplified deployment with hyperconverged, x86 Many businesses are constrained by legacy IT infra-
building blocks. structure that isn’t well suited for VDI initiatives. Siloed
data centers, composed of independent compute, stor-
• Ability to start small and scale out in affordable age, network and data protection platforms with distinct
increments—from pilot to production. administrative interfaces are inherently inefficient, cumber-
some and costly. Each platform requires support, main-
• Highest density of desktops per node in the hypercon- tenance, licensing, power and cooling—not to mention a
verged infrastructure category. set of dedicated resources capable of administering and
maintaining the elements. Rolling out a new application
• Independently validated, unmatched VDI performance like VDI is a manually intensive, time-consuming proposi-
for a superb end-user experience. tion involving a number of different technology platforms,
management interfaces, and operations teams. Expanding
• Deployment of full-clone desktops with the same data
system capacity can take days or even weeks, and require
efficiency as linked clones. complex provisioning and administration. Troubleshooting
• Enterprise-class data protection and resiliency. problems and performing routine data backup, replication
and recovery tasks can be just as inefficient.
This Reference Architecture provides evidence of these
capabilities and showcases third-party-validated Login VSI While grappling with this complexity, organizations
performance testing. It provides a reference configura- also need to address challenges that are unique to VDI,
tion for implementing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Hosted and including:
Hosted Shared Desktops on SimpliVity hyperconverged 1. Difficulty sizing VDI workloads, due to the inherent
infrastructure, and describes tests performed by SimpliV- randomness and unpredictability of user behavior.
ity to validate and measure the operation and perfor-
mance of the recommended solution. 2. Periodic spikes in demand, such as “login storms” and
“boot storms” that may significantly degrade perfor-
The performance testing demonstrates SimpliVity’s ability mance if not properly handled.
to consistently deliver a high quality end-user experience
in VDI deployments as the environment scales. Highlights 3. Loss of user productivity or revenue in the event of
include: an outage.
1. Performance at scale: In Login VSI testing, consistently SimpliVity addresses each of these challenges by providing
low latency of less than 2000ms average response was a scalable, building block-style approach to deploying
observed for both Hosted and Hosted Shared Desktop infrastructure for VDI, offering predictable cost, and deliv-
implementations. ering a high-performing desktop experience with contin-
ued availability.
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Superior user experience through unmatched VDI • Accelerated Data Efficiency: Performs inline data
performance deduplication, compression and optimization on all
data at inception across all phases of the data lifecycle,
The SimpliVity solution enables high performance at very all handled with fine data granularity of just 4KB-8KB.
high desktop density. It absorbs VDI login storms, deliver- On average, SimpliVity customers achieve 40:1 data
ing 1,000 logins in 1,000 seconds – nearly 3x faster than efficiency while simultaneously increasing application
the standard Login VSI benchmark provisioning speed and performance.
unparalleled in the hyperconverged infrastructure solution
market. • Built-In Data Protection: Includes native data protec-
tion functionality, enabling business continuity and
Linear scalability from pilot to production with cost-
disaster recovery for critical applications and data,
effective VDI deployments
while eliminating the need for special-purpose backup
SimpliVity’s scale-out architecture minimizes initial capi- and recovery hardware or software. The solution’s
tal outlays and tightly aligns investments with business inherent data efficiencies minimize I/O and WAN traf-
requirements; SimpliVity building blocks are added incre- fic, reducing backup and restore times from hours to
mentally providing a massively-scalable pool of shared minutes, while obviating the need for special-purpose
resources. WAN optimization products.
Enterprise-grade data protection and resiliency for • Global Unified Management: A VM-centric approach
VDI workloads to management eliminates manually intensive, error-
prone administrative tasks. System administrators are
SimpliVity provides built-in backup and disaster recovery
no longer required to manage LUNs and volumes;
capabilities for the entire virtual desktop infrastructure.
instead, they can manage all resources and workloads
The solution also ensures resilient, highly available desktop
centrally, using familiar interfaces such as VMware
operations with the ability to withstand node failures with
vCenter Server.
no loss of desktops and minimal increase in latency.
The SimpliVity solution includes its OmniStack software
3. Technology Overview
and related technologies, packaged on popular x86
SimpliVity’s hyperconverged infrastructure solution is platforms—either on 2U servers marketed as SimpliVity
designed from the ground up to meet the increased OmniCube, or with partner systems from Cisco or Lenovo,
performance, scalability and agility demands of today’s marketed as OmniStack with Cisco UCS and OmniStack
data-intensive, highly virtualized IT environments. The with Lenovo System x, respectively.
SimpliVity solution transforms IT by virtualizing data and
An individual OmniStack node includes:
incorporating all IT infrastructure and services below the
hypervisor into compact x86 building blocks. With 3x total • A compact hardware platform - a 2U industry-standard
cost of ownership (TCO) reduction, SimpliVity delivers the virtualized x86 platform containing compute, memory,
best of both worlds: the enterprise-class performance, performance-optimized SSDs and capacity-optimized
protection and resiliency that today’s organizations require, HDDs protected in hardware RAID configurations, and
with the cloud economics businesses demand.
10GbE network interfaces.
Designed to work with any hypervisor or industry-standard
• A hypervisor such as VMware vSphere/ESXi.
x86 server platform, the SimpliVity solution provides a sin-
gle, shared resource pool across the entire IT stack, elimi- • OmniStack virtual controller software running on the
nating point products and inefficient siloed IT architec- hypervisor.
tures. The solution is distinguished from other converged
infrastructure solutions by three unique attributes: accel- • An OmniStack Accelerator Card – a special-purpose
erated data efficiency, built-in data protection functionality PCIe card with an FPGA, flash, and DRAM, protected
and global unified management capabilities. with super capacitors; the accelerator card offloads
CPU-intensive functions such as data compression,
deduplication and optimization from the x86 processors.
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Storage Switch
SSD Array
Storage Caching
Enterprise Cloud
Data Protection
Data Protection Application
Capabilities Economics
Data Protection Apps
Legacy Comparison
The solution outlined in this document provides guidance • Windows Server 2012 R2 for Hosted Shared Desktops
for implementing SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastruc- and server workloads
ture to enable a single VDI building block, supporting
2,000 office workers. This architecture can be used to • N+1 design for management workloads and infrastruc-
scale up to many thousands of users, by replicating the ture where possible
building blocks as outlined below.
• 199GB – 455GB usable memory per OmniStack node Two 5 nodes Simplivity OmniStack
• 10GbE networking
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NetScaler Gateway
A data-access solution that provides secure access inside
or outside the LAN’s firewall with additional credentials.
Server Director
Hosted EdgeSight Director EdgeSight
Director provides real-time trend and diagnostic informa-
tion on users, applications and desktops to helpdesk staff
Any Location Controller with troubleshooting. It is a web-based tool that allows
administers access to real-time data from the Broker agent,
historical data from the Site database, and HDX data from
NetScaler for troubleshooting and support.
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A management console that allows administers to config- • Read only during streaming
ure and manage Sites, and gives access to real-time data
from the Broker agent. Studio communicates with the Con- • Shared by many VMs, simplifying updates
troller on TCP port 80.
Write cache attributes:
Provisioning methods • One VM, one write cache file
XenDesktop 7.6 feature pack 2 has two integrated solu-
• Write cache file is empty after VM reboots
tions, Provisioning Services and Machine Creation Services
to provide different benefits to business needs. • Recommended storage protocol: NFS for write cache
Citrix Provisioning Services 7.6 • The write cache file size is 4GB to 10GB for Hosted
Traditional image solutions cost time and money to setup, Desktops and 20GB -60GB for Hosted Shared Desk-
update, support and decommission on each computer. tops; if PvDisk is used in the deployment, the write
Citrix Provisioning Service is based on software-streaming cache size will be smaller.
technology. This technology allows computers to be provi-
PVS File Layout
sioned and reprovisioned in real time from a single shared
disk image (vDisk). In doing so, administrators can elimi-
nate the need to manage and patch individual systems. This is what the user Visible file on another
sees as Drive C:\ disk, typically D:\
Instead, all image management is done on the master Windows OS
image vDisk. This centralized management enables organi-
zations to reduce operational and storage costs.
PVS Stream
Virtual Desktop 1
After PVS components are installed and configured, a Streamed vDisk Write Cache
vDisks can be assigned to a single target device in private- • 256MB for Hosted Windows 7 32-bit
image mode, or to multiple target devices in standard-
image mode. • 512MB for Hosted Windows 7 64-bit
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VHD Chain
Virtual Desktop 1
Diff Disk ID Disk
VHD Chain
Virtual Desktop 2
Diff Disk ID Disk
VHD Chain
Virtual Desktop 3
Diff Disk ID Disk
Desktop types
• Hosted Shared Desktops (XenApp/RDSH): This is many users to one server. Users get a desktop interface, which can
look like Windows 7 but it is a published desktop on one XenApp server. Every user is sharing the XenApp server and
we can configure restrictions and redirections to allow users to have a smaller impact on each other. These are inexpen-
sive, locked-down Windows virtual desktops hosted from Windows server operating systems. They are well suited for
users, such as call center employees, who perform a standard set of tasks.
• Hosted Virtual Desktops (XenDesktop/VDI): A Windows 7/XP desktop running as a virtual machine where a single user
connects remotely. One user’s desktop is not impacted by another user’s desktop configuration. Think of this as one
user to one desktop. There are many flavors for the hosted virtual desktop model (existing, installed, pooled, dedicated
and streamed), but they are all located within the data center. These virtual desktops each run a Microsoft Windows
desktop operating system rather than running in a shared, server-based environment. They can provide users with their
own desktops that they can fully personalize.
XenApp/RDSH XenDesktop/VDI
Virtual Machine VM VM VM VM
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4. Solution Architecture
vSphere Design
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vSphere HA – Advanced Settings das.vmmemoryminmb – Both are set to averages of the workloads in the cluster.
9137MB This serves to set the percentage of cluster resources in
das.vmcpuminmhz – 1000MHz HA calculation to that of an average VM.
ESXi – Advanced Settings
SunRPC.MaxConnPerIP 256 (max) Avoid hitting NFS connection limit
NFS.MaxVolumes 256 (max) Increase number of NFS volumes per host
NFS.MaxQueueDepth 256 Performance consideration
NFS.SendBufferSize 512 Performance consideration
NFS.ReceiveBufferSize 512 Performance consideration
Net.TcpipHeapSize 32 Performance consideration
Net.TcpipHeapMax 512 Performance consideration
Misc.APDHandlingEnable 1 Turn on All Paths Down handling in ESXi
• (2) OmniStack Integrated Solution with Cisco UCS C240 Management vCenter Server
Management Datacenter/Cluster
• Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 (Haswell 12-core, 2 sockets per
vCenter Servers – All roles were installed onto a single vir- 4xC240-M4SX 2x 2TB NFS
16 core 2.6GHz each OmniStack Datastores
tual machine, including the vCenter Server Service, vCen- 256GB RAM usable each
ter Single Sign On (SSO), Inventory Service, and Update
Manager. No CPU or memory pressure were observed
during testing, so dedicating servers for each service was
unnecessary. If an embedded database server had been
utilized in this infrastructure, it would be advised to have
dedicated servers for the SSO and Inventory services to
avoid resource contention.
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It is a perfectly acceptable alternative to the Windows version of vCenter Server, and is permissible to use with the caveat
that any Windows-based features will require a stand-alone Windows server to support. Please see
kb/2005086 for more details.
XenDesktop Delivery Controllers – A single Delivery Controller supports up to 5000 users. Two Delivery Controllers were
deployed in an N+1 configuration for high availability.
XenDesktop StoreFront Servers – A single StoreFront Server supports up to 10000 users. Two StoreFront Servers were
deployed in an N+1 configuration for high availability.
Provisioning Servers – A single PVS server can support up to around 500 virtual machines. Given our environment of 800
Hosted Desktop VMs and 40 Hosted Shared Desktop VMs, three PVS servers were deployed in an N+1 configuration for
high availability.
For the vDisk Store, local disk was leveraged on the PVS servers. This was done to support vDisk RAM cache.
Infrastructure Services (Domain Controllers/DNS/DHCP) – These services were all co-located on the same virtual
machines. While no CPU or memory pressure was observed during testing, in-depth Active Directory design and recom-
mendations are outside the scope of this document. Please see for
more information and best practices.
When PVS PXE boot is used, DHCP option 66 and 67 must be configured to enable TFTP boot. Please see
en-us/provisioning/7-6.html for more details.
Microsoft SQL Server – All supporting databases for this reference design, were run on a single virtual machine. These
databases are referenced in the table below.
Sizing – Compute, Storage, and Network resources for each infrastructure VM were selected using Citrix best practices as
a baseline and modified based on their observed performance on the OmniStack systems.
SimpliVity Arbiter Placement – Please refer to the SimpliVity OmniCube Deployment Guide for further guidance.
vStorage API for Array Integration (VAAI) – VAAI is a vSphere API that allows storage vendors to offload some common
storage tasks from ESXi to the storage itself. The VAAI plugin for OmniStack is installed during deployment, so no manual
intervention is required.
Datastores – A single datastore per server is recommended to ensure even SimpliVity storage distribution across cluster
members. This is less important in a 2 OmniStack server configuration; however, following this best practice guideline will
ensure a smooth transition to a 3+ node OmniStack environment, should the environment grow over time. This best prac-
tice has been proven to deliver better storage performance and is highly encouraged.
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Networking – The following best practices were utilized in the vSphere networking design:
• Segregate OVC networking from ESXi host and virtual machine network traffic
• Leverage 10GbE where possible for OVC and virtual machine network traffic
These best practices offer the highest network performance to VMs running on OmniStack 3.0. Taking this into consider-
ation, a single vSphere Standard Switch is deployed for management traffic, and a single vSphere Distributed Switch is
deployed for the remaining traffic, including:
• Virtual Machines
• SimpliVity Federation
• SimpliVity Storage
• vMotion
Parameter Setting
Load balancing Route based on Port ID
Failover detection Link status only.
Notify switches Enabled.
Failback No.
Failover order Active/Active
Security Promiscuous Mode – Reject
MAC Address Changes – Reject
Forged Transmits – Reject
Traffic Shaping Disabled
Maximum MTU 1500
Number of Ports 128
Number of Uplinks 2
Network Adapters 1GbE NICs on each host
VMkernel Adapters/VM Networks vmk0 – ESXi Management – Active/Active – MTU 1500
M – vCenter Server – Active/Active – MTU 1500
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Parameter Setting
Load balancing Route based on physical NIC load.
Failover detection Link status only.
Notify switches Enabled.
Failback No.
Failover order Active/Active
Security Promiscuous Mode – Reject
MAC Address Changes – Reject
Forged Transmits – Reject
Traffic Shaping Disabled
Maximum MTU 9000
Number of Ports 4096
Number of Uplinks 2
Network Adapters 10GbE NICs on each host
Network I/O Control Disabled
VMkernel ports/VM Networks vmk1 – vMotion
vmk2 – Storage
vMotion – Active/Standby – MTU 9000
Federation – Standby/Active – MTU 9000
Storage – Standby/Active – MTU 9000
Management VMs – Active/Active – MTU 9000
Port Binding Static
Management VLAN A
vMotion VLAN B
SVT Federation VLAN C
VM Networks VLAN E
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Attribute Specification
Operating System Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
Virtual Hardware VM virtual hardware version 10
VMware Tools Latest
Number of vCPUs 1
Memory – including PVS RAM cache 2048MB
PVS RAM cache size 512MB
Virtual Disk – VMDK 25GB
NTFS Cluster Alignment 8KB
SCSI Controller VMware Paravirtual
Virtual Floppy Drive Removed
Virtual CD/DVD Drive Removed
NIC vendor and model VMXNET3
Number of ports/NIC x speed 1x 10 Gigabit Ethernet
OS Page file 1.5GB starting and max
Number deployed 800
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Attribute Specification
Operating System Windows Server 2012 R2
Virtual Hardware VM virtual hardware version 10
VMware Tools Latest
Number of vCPUs 6
Memory – including PVS RAM cache 22528MB
PVS RAM cache size 2048MB
Virtual Disk – VMDK 60GB
NTFS Cluster Alignment 8KB
SCSI Controller VMware Paravirtual
Virtual Floppy Drive Removed
Virtual CD/DVD Drive Removed
NIC vendor and model VMXNET3
Number of ports/NIC x speed 1x 10 Gigabit Ethernet
OS Page file 20GB starting and max
Number deployed 40
Users per server 30
• 327GB usable memory per OmniStack system for Hosted Shared Desktops
• 10GbE networking
SimpliVity Federation and vSphere Cluster/Datacenter Sizing – The decision was made to split the workload into multiple
vSphere Clusters, with the 800 Hosted Desktop workloads in one vSphere Cluster and the 1200 Hosted Shared Desktop
workloads in the other.
To support multiple vSphere Datacenters in a single vCenter Server, both Datacenters must belong to a single SimpliVity
Federation, as a vCenter Server supports a single Federation. A Federation can span multiple vCenter Server instances,
but that configuration is outside the scope of this document.
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Hosted Desktops PVS (800 Office Workers) Hosted Shared Desktops PVS (1200 Office Workers)
Template Write Write Write Write Template Write Write Write Write
Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache Cache
Master Write Write Write Write PVS Write Write Write Write
Image Cache Cache Cache Cache vDISK Cache Cache Cache Cache
Note: This solution architecture was designed based on a standard workload size. When sizing a production environment,
proper assessment and use case definition should be done to accurately size the environment.
vSphere Design
OmniStack Servers – Two 5-host vSphere Clusters comprised of OmniStack Integrated Solution with Cisco UCS C240 M4
systems to support the Office Worker desktop workload.
The table below shows steps on how to calculate useable physical CPU:
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In this configuration, each OmniStack system has 384GB or 512GB of available physical memory. We used 384GB memory
for hosted shared desktops and 512GB for hosted desktops. The table below shows steps on how to calculate useable
physical memory:
Total 4 node usable memory Hosted Shared Desktops: 327GB x 4 Multiple usable desktop memories by the
nodes = 1308GB number of nodes. N+1 is calculated so we
Hosted Desktops: 455GB x 4 nodes = use 4 instead of 5.
Total desktop memory requirement Hosted Shared Desktops: 20GB x 40VM Each Hosted Desktop VM has 2GB of
=800GB memory, and each Hosted Shared Desk-
Hosted Desktops: 2GB x 800VM=1600GB top VM has 20GB of memory.
Check memory overcommitment Hosted Shared Desktops: 1308GB per And both cases, no memory overcommit-
cluster - 800GB required = 428GB spare ment.
Hosted Desktops: 1820GB per cluster –
1600GB required = 220GB spare capacity
NOTE: For our testing, we used OmniStack systems with 384GB of memory, so there was some memory overcommitment
with Hosted Desktops. We also did not set memory reservations for desktop workloads. We did not notice any adverse
effects, e.g., VMkernel swap to disk; however, we recommend 512GB per OmniStack system for Hosted Desktops in this
case to avoid overcommitment of memory.
vStorage API for Array Integration (VAAI) – VAAI is a vSphere API that allows storage vendors to offload some common
storage tasks from ESXi to the storage itself. The VAAI plugin for OmniStack is installed during deployment, so no manual
intervention is required.
Datastores – An equal number of SimpliVity datastores to the number of OmniStack systems in each vSphere Cluster were
deployed. In this 5+5 Federation configuration, five SimpliVity datastores were created for each vSphere Cluster. This is
done to more evenly distribute storage load across the OmniStack systems in the vSphere Cluster, as well as increase the
likelihood any given desktop has locality with its VMDK disk.
Each datastore contains a virtual machine template and write cache files for every virtual machine. The write cache file con-
tains all disk writes of a target device when using a write-protected vDisk (Standard Image).
Networking – The following design patterns were observed in the design of the vSphere networking for the solution:
• Segregate OVC networking from ESXi host and virtual machine network traffic
• Leverage 10GbE where possible for OVC and virtual machine network traffic
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With those ideals in mind, a single vSphere Standard Switch is deployed for management traffic, and a single vSphere Dis-
tributed Switch is deployed for the rest of our network needs, including
• Virtual Machines
• SimpliVity Federation
• SimpliVity Storage
• vMotion
Parameter Setting
Load balancing Route based on Port ID
Failover detection Link status only.
Notify switches Enabled.
Failback No.
Failover order Active/Active
Security Promiscuous Mode – Reject
MAC Address Changes – Reject
Forged Transmits – Reject
Traffic Shaping Disabled
Maximum MTU 1500
Number of Ports 128
Number of Uplinks 2
Network Adapters 1GbE NICs on each host
VMkernel Adapters/VM Networks vmk0 – ESXi Management – Active/Active – MTU 1500
Parameter Setting
Load balancing Route based on physical NIC load.
Failover detection Link status only.
Notify switches Enabled.
Failback No.
Failover order Active/Active
Security Promiscuous Mode – Reject
MAC Address Changes – Reject
Forged Transmits – Reject
Traffic Shaping Disabled
Maximum MTU 9000
Number of Ports 4096
Number of Uplinks 2
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5. Login VSI
All performance testing documented utilized the Login VSI ( benchmarking tool. Login VSI is
the industry-standard load testing solution for centralized virtualized desktop environments. When used for benchmark-
ing, the software measures the total response time of several specific user operations being performed within a desktop
workload in a scripted loop. The baseline is the measurement of the response time of specific operations performed in the
desktop workload, which is measured in milliseconds (ms).
There are two values in particular that are important to note: VSIbase and VSImax.
• VSIbase: A score reflecting the response time of specific operations performed in the desktop workload when there is
little or no stress on the system. A low baseline indicates a better user experience, resulting in applications responding
faster in the environment.
• VSImax: The maximum number of desktop sessions attainable on the host before experiencing degradation in host
and desktop performance.
SimpliVity used Login VSI 4.1.4 to perform the tests. The VMs were balanced across each of the servers, maintaining a
consistent number of VMs on each node. For the Login VSImax test, a Login VSI launcher was used per 500 desktops. The
Login VSI launcher was configured to launch a new session every 2.88 seconds. All Hosted and Hosted Shared Desktops
were powered on, registered, and idle prior to starting the actual test sessions.
Testing Methodology
For the tests, SimpliVity used the new Login VSI Office Worker workload. The workload simulate the following applications
found in almost every environment, as listed below:
• Internet Explorer
All tests are executed in Login VSI’s Direct Desktop Mode. Since no specific remoting protocol is used, this makes the test
results relevant for everyone. In Direct Desktop Mode, all sessions are started as a console session. The big advantage is
that all comparisons are not influenced by changes on a remoting protocol level. As a result, the results are a “pure” com-
parison of the tests in a VDI context.
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There is a new workload added that has no precursor, called the Office Worker, which is based on the Knowledge Worker
(previously Medium) workload. The main goal of the Office Worker workload is to be deployed in environments that use
only 1vCPU in their VMs. Overall, the Office Worker workload has less resource usage in comparison to the Knowledge
Worker workload.
Test Environment
The test environment is as described in the Solution Architecture section of this document. That includes both manage-
ment infrastructure design for the management workloads used, with an addition of Login VSI launchers, and the desktop
infrastructure design for the desktop workloads tested.
The following results are representative of multiple Login VSI 4.1 runs for office worker users on the infrastructure
described above.
1200 Hosted Shared Desktop sessions – Citrix PVS using cache in device RAM with overflow disk
VSIbase for the environment was 549ms, and VSImax was not reached in any run. VSImax average was 1147ms, and VSImax
threshold was 1550ms.
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800 Hosted Desktops deployed with Citrix PVS using cache in device RAM with overflow disk
VSIbase for the environment was 842ms, and VSImax was not reached in any run. VSImax average was 1630ms, and VSImax
threshold was 1842ms.
VSIbase for the environment was 586ms, and VSImax was hit at 840 sessions. VSImax average was 1481ms, and VSImax
threshold was 1856ms.
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VSIbase for the environment was 847ms, and VSImax was not reached in any run. VSImax average was 1145ms, and VSImax
threshold was 1847ms.
Data Efficiency
One of the key components of SimpliVity hyperconverged infrastructure is data efficiency. By using inline deduplication
and compression to optimize data before it hits the disk, we can reduce I/O and space usage and leaves as much CPU as
possible available to run the business applications. The results for our small scale (600-1200 users per vSphere Datacenter)
testing was above 20:1 data efficiency.
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6. Summary/Conclusion
This Reference Architecture provides guidance to organizations implementing Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 on SimpliVity hyper-
converged infrastructure, and describes tests performed by SimpliVity to validate and measure the operation and per-
formance of the recommended solution, including third-party validated performance testing from Login VSI, the industry
standard benchmarking tool for virtualized workloads.
LoginVSI office workload test results showed that two 5 nodes SimpliVity OmniStack can support 2000 seats XenDesktop
and XenApp with PVS RAM Cache option deployment and 1400 seats XenDesktop and XenApp with MCS deployment.
In Login VSI testing, consistently low latency of less than 2000ms average response was observed for both Hosted and
Hosted Shared Desktop implementations. Native always-on inline deduplication and compression provided a data reduc-
tion rate of above 20:1
PVS RAM cache is critical in eliminating IO on OmniStack storage and lower storage latency. MCS tests shows lighter IO
footprints compared to PVS without RAM Cache.
Utilizing Simplivity OmniStack hyperverged infrastructure dramatically simplifies IT systems management. OmniStack’s
Data Virtualization Platform delivers industry-leading data efficiency, global unified management and built-in data protec-
tion. For VDI environments, Simplivity provides an unmatched user experience without compromising desktop density or
ESG Lab Review Preview: SimpliVity Hyperconverged Infrastructure for VDI Environments
Minimum requirements for the VMware vCenter Server 5.x Appliance (2005086)
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8. Appendix
Design Guidelines
With SimpliVity OmniStack, you can start small with as few as two OmniStack nodes (for storage HA) and grow the envi-
ronment as needed. This provides the flexibility of starting with a small scale proof of concept and growing to large scale
production without guessing the workload and purchasing up front.
The following section covers the OmniStack, XenDesktop, infrastructure and network design guidelines for Citrix Hosted
and Hosted Shared Desktop deployments on SimpliVity OmniStack.
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Reference Architecture
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Reference Architecture
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