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Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Sixth Edition for o rather quick survey o f m ~ t m m e n t a ltechniques, hut these
rhnpters nrr nor intended 38 a replacement for a wxtbook in in-
Douglas A Skoog Donald M West and F James Holler strumental nnalyrical chemistry In addition, the ladt sut chapters
S a ~ n d e r Colege
s l ng New York, hY, 1992. xv + 976
P ~ bsh deal with practical problems related to sampling, interferences,
pp Ffgs and tables 20 8 A 26 cm unit operations, analytical reagents, and standard methods of
This 1s the s x t h edttwn of a pupulur wxtbwk fur u n d e r ~ a d u a u analysis. The hwk also mntains 12 appendices ranging in content
courses of analytical chemistry. It is designed for one- or rwo-sc- from the customary tables of thermodynamic values to practical
mester courses for chemistry majors. The content of analytical data, such as the designations and porosities of filtering crucibles.
chemistry courses varies substantially from institution to institu- One appendix is devoted to volumetric calculations using normal-
tion due to the diversity of instrumental resources available as itv and eauivalent weizht because the authors onlv use the con-
well as to fundamental differences in the approach to teaching cepts of k o l a r i t y an; mole far stoichiometric~caleulations
analytical chemistry. One approach emphasizes traditional (wet) throughout the book. Personally, I applaud this choice, but I do not
analytical techniques because the study of these techniques pro- helieve that it will be unanimously popular.
vides the students with a solid knowledge of chemical equilibrium. Major changes from the fifth to the sixth edition are as follows:
In the laboratory portion of the course wet analytical techniques
reouire that the students develon oractieal skills that are indeed
of general importance for quantnatwe lahorstmy work. Thp iec-
.Chapters 14 (Introduction to Electrochemistry) and 19
(Voltammetry) have been largely rewritten,
Molecular fluorescence spectroscopy is now the subject of a n
ond approach emph;wires murk thb instrumenwl a3pects ut m a -
independent chapter,
Iyttcnl chemist^ due tothecurrent prcdominonceofinstrumentol
techniques in the workplace. Ideally, both approaches should he A b o u t one-third of the uroblems are new or revised. and
Marginal notes, features, and biographical sketchei are now
represented in the curriculum, hut conflicts arise in institutions
where the students are required to go through only one semester part of the book format.
of analytical chemistry. Because of its clear focus in providing a An instmdor's manual and a set of 50 overhead transparencies
strong background in chemical principles, this b w k is suitable for are also available to the instructor. The book is attractive from the
either one of the two following curriculum situations: student's standpoint, because of the clarity of the presentation,
a ane-semester course emphasizing traditional analytical the polished format, and the ahundance of worked-out numerical
techniaues. or

a two-semester course in which a g w d portion of the second

examples. Each chapter offers a large collection of end-of-chapter
exercises that should also be useful to the students. Overall, this
edition maintains the high quality that is already expected from
semester is devoted to instrumental techniques.
these authors and should be considered i n the texthook selection
~ ~~~~~~~

The book obviously is not intended for a course in instrumental prnerss hg i n t ~ c t o r s o3nalyticol
f chemistry u,ursedemphasizing
analytical chemistry. In fact, Skoog is also the author of a popular the tradmmal vnching npproarh.
instrumental analysis textbook t h a t is now in its fourth edition.
The current edition maintains the high standards of quality Angel E. Kaifer
that were found in the previous editions. The material is clearly University of Miami
presented using easy-to-understand, short sentences. The first 16 Miami, FL 33124
chapters are devoted to the discussion of errors and statistical
. -
evaluation of exuerimental data.. eravimetric and titrimetrie
~ ~~

methods of analysis, ~neludingall t h r newssary principles of

~ ~

Organic Chemistry, Slxth Edition

ehen~wnlincid-base, complexatwrt, precipitatiurl, and redox cqul- Robert Thornton Morrisonand Robert Neilson Boyd. Prentlce-
lihria. A< a prnctirioner of the field, I wns imprmscd hy rhe cxcrl- Hall: Englewood Cliffs,NJ, 1992. xxvii + 1278 pp. Figs. and ta-
l e n t , extremely clear, a n d very r e a d a b l e introduction t o bles.
electrochemistry given i n Chapter 14. The authors definitely suc-
Thr sixth dirion ofMomson and Buyd'sOrgonre Chemzsrry can
ceed a t presenting the fundamental concepts of electrochemistry,
trace i t s oripln hack to 1958 The new edition fi~lluw~
in the foot-
a refreshing change from the rather obscure presentations found
steps that made the warher edmnns the standard in the field fur
in many hooks. The next 12 chapters discuss the fundamentals of
electroanalytieal, spectroscopic, and chromatographic techniques. the sophomore one-year organic course for many years. Chapters
on particular functional groups continue to include the summary
As indicated before. the deoth of the oresentation here is suitable

Reviewed in This Issue


Douglas A. Skoog, Donald M. West, ano F. James Holler, Angel E. Kaifer A305
F~ndarnentalsof Analytical Chemistry, Sixtn Eoition
Robert Thornton Morrison and Robert Neilson Boyd, Mel Mosher A305
Organic Chemistry, Sixth Edition
Titles of Interest A306
Monographs A307
New Volumes in Continuing Series A307

Volume 69 Number 11 November 1992 A305

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