General Specification For The Design of Piping Within Mechanical Packages
General Specification For The Design of Piping Within Mechanical Packages
General Specification For The Design of Piping Within Mechanical Packages
PEDEC Consultant:
PEDEC Consultant:
1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................3
1.2 General Requirements ............................................................................................................................3
1.3 Climatic Conditions..................................................................................................................................3
1.4 Standards and Specifications ..................................................................................................................3
1.5 Drawings .................................................................................................................................................5
2 PIPING GENERAL .................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Selected Nominal Sizes...........................................................................................................................6
2.2 Clearances ..............................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Layout Considerations.............................................................................................................................7
2.4 Maintenance Access ...............................................................................................................................7
2.5 Installation of Pipework and Valves .........................................................................................................7
2.6 Drain and Vent Points..............................................................................................................................8
2.7 Supporting of Pipework ...........................................................................................................................8
3 PIPING ADJACENT TO EQUIPMENT...................................................................................... 9
3.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................9
3.2 Instrument Connections.........................................................................................................................10
4 PIPING COMPONENTS.......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 General .................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Pipe .......................................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Fittings (except branch fittings)..............................................................................................................11
4.4 Branch Fittings ......................................................................................................................................11
4.5 Flanges, Spectacle Blinds and Spades etc............................................................................................12
4.6 Valves ...................................................................................................................................................12
4.7 Bolting ...................................................................................................................................................12
5 FABRICATION, TESTING AND INSPECTION....................................................................... 13
5.1 General .................................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Preparation for Transport ......................................................................................................................13
Client: Document No.:
PEDEC Consultant:
1.1 Scope
This Specification defines the general requirements of piping within packaged units,
designated for installation on the Darquain Oil Field Development Project.
The metric system shall be used for dimensioning, only the piping diameters shall be in
1.2.1 It is the responsibility of Package Supplier to ensure that all materials are supplied
and all work is carried out in accordance with Purchaser fabrication, testing and
installation Specifications.
1.2.2 Package Supplier shall be responsible for the supervision of all fabrication,
flushing, testing and installation of the pipework within the package, which shall be
to the satisfaction of the Purchaser.
Design, fabrication and installation shall take account of the prevailing climatic
conditions as defined in The Basic Engineering Design Data.
All piping components design and fabrication shall meet the requirements of the latest
edition of the following standards and specifications. In the event of conflict between
any of these standards/specifications, the following order of precedence is to govern:-
ASME B31.3 Process Piping – ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
an American National Standard
PEDEC Consultant:
B18.2.4/B18.2.2 Bolting
ASME B16.20/
16.21 Gaskets
PEDEC Consultant:
1.5 Drawings
- Piping line numbers including line size, fluid identity and piping class;
- Spectacle blinds;
- Temporary strainers;
- Instrumentation;
- Special items;
- Battery limits.
PEDEC Consultant:
For all types of piping components the following limitations are imposed:
(a) nominal pipe size in pipe racks and main pipe runs shall not be less than 2”.
(b) nominal pipe sizes 1¼”, 2½” 3½”, 5”, 7”, 9”, 22” and 26” shall not be used for carbon or
stainless steel piping.
These rules may not be applicable where equipment must be connected, e.g., pumps,
compressors, the flanges of which sometimes deviate from the selected sizes, but form an
integral part thereof. If in Supplier’s scope of supply there are any termination points that fall
into this category for connection by Purchaser, Supplier shall provide a suitable companion
weldneck flange with his equipment.
2.2 Clearances
PEDEC Consultant:
2.3.1 The Layout of equipment shall be determined with due consideration to, and
compliance with, process, safety, operability and maintainability requirements.
2.3.2 All Supplier’s pipework shall be run to termination points at the skid/ package
edge for connection by Purchaser. The location of each termination point shall be
agreed with Purchaser.
2.3.3 When the overall equipment package comprises of one or more discrete
packages to be positioned away from the main equipment base area, the Supplier
shall be expected to minimise the interconnecting pipework as follows:
(a) All manifolding such as oil supply and drain headers shall be included within
the base areas of the Supplier’s package.
2.3.4 The Supplier’s design and supply of finished packaged pipework shall take into
account protection against possible damage during transit. Additional
support/package shall be provided as required.
Pipework shall be suitably flanged and valved to allow for the following:
(a) Dis-jointing for normal maintenance of equipment such as bearing or seal replacement on
a pump.
The pipework on package units shall be installed in accordance with the guidelines laid down
in the following specifications:
PEDEC Consultant:
2.6.1 Vents and/or drains shall be installed at high and low points of all lines. Due
regard shall be given to a facility for blanking/spading off.
2.6.2 Vent and drain arrangements are included in the Piping Assemblies Specification,
as defined in the Piping Material Specification.
(a) All piping component, fittings and their interconnecting piping and associated
supports shall be substantial enough or so protected that they can both
perform their normal duty and be pulled or stood on by a man without causing
either breakage or permanent deformation. In case of dispute a static load of
250 kgf will be applied on any direction to the component concerned.
(b) Piping, attachments and supports shall comply in all cases with the minimum
strength requirements above. This requirement effectively prohibits the use
of unsupported pipe and/or unprotected runs of small bore pipework, and the
use of unreinforced vents, drains and branch connections on all pipework and
2.7.2 Where it is the Supplier’s intention to install a valve or other component on a pipe
branch, the adequacy of the branch connection design for this purpose shall be
checked by the Vendor and additional support or reinforcement provided if found
(a) Where stress due to static load and/or fatigue stress due to vibration could
cause failure of a pipe branch at the point of attachment, gusset plates shall
be used to reinforce or stiffen small branch connections (1½” and below).
Gussets when used, shall be additional to and not a substitute for branch
reinforcement. Gusset reinforcement shall comprise two gusset plates per
branch connection; one gusset shall be installed in-line with the branch
connection and main pipe centre lines, the second gusset shall be installed at
right angles to the first. Gussets shall be neatly cut and installed and made of
the same nominal material composition as the pipe and branch.
(b) Gussets of carbon steel shall have a thickness equal to at least the wall
thickness of the pipe or 8mm (0.32 inch), whichever is the greater. Gussets
of stainless steel shall have a thickness equal to at least the wall thickness of
the pipe or 6mm (0.24 inch), whichever is the greater.
Client: Document No.:
PEDEC Consultant:
(a) Piping components and pipework shall be designed and installed so that their
natural vibration frequencies in operation, are not excited by a regular forcing
frequency from other system equipment such as the pump or fan.
2.7.5 Flexibility
(a) Pipework shall be designed with sufficient flexibility so that it will not overload
terminating nozzles or flanges either on the main equipment or ancillary
components. Overload shall be interpreted as a load sufficient to cause
unacceptable high stress or strain in the pipe or mating equipment, or a load
which causes unacceptable indirect distortion such as may be caused by a
pipe load on a bearing housing which results in detectable shaft
(c) Factors which shall be taken into account when considering pipework
flexibility shall include but not be limited to the following:
3.1 General
3.1.1 Minimum size pipework for drains connecting to equipment shall be 1”.
Client: Document No.:
PEDEC Consultant:
3.1.2 When more than one pump is installed on a common suction and/or discharge
header, each pump shall be isolated in such a manner that, when shutdown for
maintenance occurs, one pump can be isolated without affecting the operation of
the other pump(s).
3.1.3 Connections in equipment casings intended for venting, draining, cooling, flushing,
warming up, etc., shall, when connected, be provided with a branch nipple,
schedule 160, to which a valve is to be connected.
3.1.4 All piping shall be installed in a neat and orderly fashion. Piping immediately
adjacent to a machine shall be adapted to the contours of the machine and shall
not obstruct bolting or access for normal operation and maintenance.
3.1.5 Set-on branches shall be properly designed with the appropriate branch
reinforcement and shall be attached by full penetration welds. For small piping
sizes, the minimum wall thickness and branch components required shall not be
less than those specified in the Piping Material Specification. Wherever possible,
threaded connections shall not be used for either pipework joints or for connection
of pipework to the equipment. They may only be used with the specific approval
of the Purchaser and where other more satisfactory connections are impractical
and the contained material is non corrosive.
3.1.6 For connections 1½” and below a minimum 600# rating must be used irrespective
of line rating.
For general instrument requirements such as standards, materials, installation, etc., see
Specification for Package Instrumentation and Control System.
4.1 General
4.1.2 All pipe threads (when permitted) shall be taper threads in accordance with ASME
Client: Document No.:
PEDEC Consultant:
4.2 Pipe
4.2.1 Wherever practical, metallic pipe shall be specified by reference to the nominal
size and schedule number as per ASME B36.10M and B36.19M.
4.2.2 Schedule numbers 5S, 60 and 140 should not be used, unless required for special
4.2.3 Schedule 10S pipe shall not be used for services at temperatures above 400°C.
4.2.4 Since ASME B36.19M (stainless steel pipe) is limited to only four schedule
numbers (5S, 10S, 40S and 80S) stainless steel pipe may also be indicated by
schedule reference to ASME B36.10M (carbon steel pipe) if required.
4.3.1 Butt welding fittings shall generally be in accordance with ASME B16.9M and
ASME B16.24.
4.3.2 Reducing elbows, straight crosses, reducing outlet crosses and short radius 45 or
90 elbow shall be considered as special fittings. Such specials shall be used only
to suit process or piping requirements if no other design is feasible. Fabricated
fittings, employing intersection welds shall be designed in accordance with the
rules established in the relevant design codes or regulations.
4.3.3 Dimensions of flanged fittings shall generally be in accordance with ASME B16.5
or B16.47.
4.3.4 Threaded fittings shall be used only if specified in the Piping Material
Specification. Pipe thread to be in accordance with ANSI B2.1 – NPT.
4.3.5 The use of welded elbows on lines 1½” and smaller shall be minimised by bending
the pipe rather than use fittings wherever possible. A minimum bend radius of five
times the run pipe diameter shall be used. Bending of pipe shall be in accordance
with, and satisfy the requirements of ASME B31.3.
4.4.1 Branch fittings are understood to be all fittings which are intended to connect a
branch pipe to a run pipe.
4.4.2 Unless required for process or flow reasons branch connections shall be at an
angle of 90º to the run pipe.
PEDEC Consultant:
4.5.1 In general flanges shall be in accordance with ASME B16.5. Flanges not covered
by ASME B16.5 shall be calculated in accordance with the requirements of the
relevant code for Pressure Piping.
4.5.2 Carbon steel flanges over 24” in accordance with ASME 16.47 Series A may be
used, but the carbon content shall be restricted to 0.25% maximum.
4.5.3 Bolted joints developed for special applications shall at least meet with
requirements and service rating of the lowest rated component in the relevant
piping system.
4.5.4 Spectacle blinds shall have the pressure/temperature rating of the connecting
4.5.5 Permanent blanks and spade-type blinds shall have the pressure/ temperature
rating of the connecting piping, except for the spade type blinds which are used
for pressure testing only.
4.5.6 Welding Neck flanges shall be used for diameter 2” and larger.
4.6 Valves
The selection of valve types will be as specified in the applicable Purchaser Piping Classes.
Any deviation or special valve requirements to these classes shall be subject to approval by
the Purchaser.
4.7 Bolting
(a) Threading for pressure bolting shall conform to the ASME B1.1, Unified Inch
Screw Threads.
(b) Bolting materials for pressure joint shall be in accordance with ASTM-A193,
A-194, A-320 whichever is applicable and shall be based on the actual bolting
temperature as defined by ASME B31.3 subject to minimum material
specifications as follows:
PEDEC Consultant:
4.7.3 Studded connections on piping components shall have the stud holes drilled no
deeper than to allow a maximum tapping depth of 1½ times the major thread
diameter. Studs shall have the first 1½ threads removed.
4.7.4 Clearance shall be provided around bolting to permit the use of socket wrenches,
spanners and where applicable, bolt torque tensioning equipment.
5.1 General
5.1.1 Metallic pipework shall be fabricated, inspected and tested at the manufacturer’s
works in accordance with specification for Prefabricated and Testing of Steel
5.1.2 For metallic piping materials not mentioned in the above specification, testing and
inspection shall be done in consultation with the inspector representing the
5.2.1 Preparation and packing for transport shall be in accordance with the Project
Packing and Marking Procedure.