Programme: Thursday 29 June, 2006
Programme: Thursday 29 June, 2006
Programme: Thursday 29 June, 2006
= Plenary presentation. All plenary talks and welcome talk delivered in Room Arts2.02.
= Theme Session: Critical Discourse Analysis in Applied and Professional Areas: Health, Environment,
relationship between the ‘state’ and emotions
the ‘citizen’
11.30 – 12.00 MORNING COFFEE
Jamie Murdoch Paul Baker Simo Määttä
12.00 – 12.30 Adherence and preventive Costas Gabrielatos Diversity is unity: a Critical
medicine in the discursive Representation of refugees and Discourse Analysis of the European
construction of health behaviour asylum seekers in UK newspapers constitution
for people with mild to moderate
Arran Stibbe Simon Goodman Alina Pajtek
Critical Discourse Analysis in Constructing Asylum Seeking Susan Strauss
12.30 – 13.00 context: language, society, ecology Families An unwelcoming welcome: public
discourse surrounding Romania’s
accession to the EU
Alison Henderson Sarah Bedford Elena Magistro
13.00 – 13.30 Managing organizational identities: The discursive construction of Promoting the European identity:
a rhetorical and discourse analysis racial identities in business English politeness strategies in the
of industry policy on genetic coursebooks: a critical perspective discourse of the European Union
13.30 – 14.30 LUNCH BREAK
Patricia Almaguer-Kalixto Maryam Ghiasian Kerry Linfoot-Ham
Discourses of a politicised How Islam is shown to the A discourse analysis of
environment: promoting American and the British: a CDA if conversational maxims in
14.30 – 15.00 sustainable development the representations of Islam before encounters with law enforcement
and after 9/11 in British and agencies
American periodicals
Jane Mulderrig Michelle Lazar Kate Haworth
A critical discourse approach to the Policing the new world order Power and resistance in police
15.00– 15.30 political economy of UK education interview discourse
Patricia Mayes Ali Rahimi Marielena Bartesaghi
15.30 – 16.00 A critical analysis of a critical Positive self representation and Therapeutic authority: doing
approach to teaching composition negative other representation in power in interaction
Iranian and Western media
16.00 – 16.30 AFTERNOON COFFEE
16.30 – 17.30 Gunther Kress
From critique to design; from linguistic modes to multimodality
parliamentary discourse
12.30 – 13.00 Mona Attia Alexi Medvedev Hongyan Zhang
A critical cognitive approach: the Critical Discourse Analysis of The pronoun functions in American
Egyptian written media Social Theories: the case for 2004 presidential debates
Eric Johnson David Kaposi Tatjana Felberg
13.00 – 13.30 Sculpting public opinion: From Ahabath to Love – the Inhabiting the theatre of war
understanding the (mis)use of politics of „re-presentation” in the
metaphors in the media Arendt-Scholem exchange
13.30 – 14.30 LUNCH BREAK
Christopher Hart Élisabeth Le Joanne Jung-wook Hong
Containers, conceptual blends and An interdisciplinary Intertextual analysis of two
14.30 – 15.00 discourse space in immigration methodological framework for the competing voices
metaphors study of media identities
Dominik Lukeš Lean Mei Li Raili Põldsaar
15.00 – 15.30 What does it mean, when texts Prasana Rosaline Fernandez Comparative critical linguistic
'really' mean something: Types of “New kids on the block”: the analysis of the gender equality
evidence for conceptual patterns in discursive construction of two new debate in Estonia
discourse premiers by the mass media
Kieran O’Halloran Henrik Rahm Angela Alameda-Hernández
Critical discourse analysis and the Murdering a Prime Minister and a CDA and the construction of
15.30 – 16.00 interpretation of metaphor at the Foreign Minister: journalist genres national identity: The discourse-
register level under pressure historical approach applied to the
Gibraltar context
16.00 – 16.30 AFTERNOON COFFEE
16.30 – 17.30 Louis de Saussure
Theoretical issues in pragmatics and discourse analysis