Book of Abstracts - 2
Book of Abstracts - 2
Book of Abstracts - 2
University ABSTRACTS
10-12 July 2008
Christopher Hart and Dominik Lukeš
University of Hertfordshire
Janice Turner
10-12 July 2008
Christopher Hart and Dominik Lukeš
Scientific Committee
Adrian Blackledge, Paul Chilton, Christopher Hart, Corneilia Ilie, Dominik Lukeš,
Kieran O'Halloran, Bernard McKenna, John Richardson, Christina Schäffner,
Louis de Saussure and Peter Teo
CADAAD ‘08 is hosted at the University of Hertfordshire, supported by the Social Science, Arts and
Humanities Research Institute. The conference is sponsored by
John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Table of Contents
Useful Information
Business Meeting
Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines is an ongoing project which aims to foster
and promote cross-disciplinary communication in critical discourse research. Its platform is - an electronic space providing resources, including a peer-reviewed journal, for
students and scholars critically involved with discourse. CADAAD 2008 is the second international
conference to be organised as part of this project. We are looking for offers to organise another
conference in 2010. The business meeting is an opportunity to discuss possible venues for a third
CADAAD conference as well as the development of the website and ways to take the project forward.
All are welcome.
We are asking the first presenter in each block of the general session to chair the remainder of that
block. Blocks have been thematically organised where possible and no block is greater than four
papers. If you are unable to chair your block please inform an organiser or steward in advance.
Chairs should introduce subsequent speakers and are responsible for tight time-keeping.
Presentations should last twenty minutes with five minutes for questions and feedback, leaving a five
minute change-over period. Time cards are provided in each room.
Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner will take place on Friday 11 July in the Salisbury Suite of nearby Beales Hotel
and is by ticket only. If you signed up for the dinner on the registration form you will find your ticket
included in your conference bag. A limited number of further tickets may be available for purchase from
the Enquiries Desk.
We will meet at the Enquiries Desk at 19.30 prompt to walk to the venue.
Enquiries Desk
The Registration Desk will remain open for the duration of the conference when it will serve as a
general Enquiries Desk.
Internet and Email
Computer stations can be found in the Learning Resources Centre. Residential delegates with their
own laptops can also access the internet via the connection in their rooms. Individual usernames and
passwords are required, which can be obtained from Residential Services. Please be sure to log off
after use.
Notice Board
The Notice Board is located near the Enquiries Desk. All programme cancellations and alterations as
well as any other notices will be detailed here. Please ask at the Enquires Desk if you wish to post a
Posters will be displayed from the beginning of the conference in the R Block Corridor. Each poster will
remain up for one day. Presenters should put their poster up in the morning and must take it down
again at the end of the day.
It is imperative that presenters upload any PowerPoint presentations to the computer in the relevant
room before they are due to present. Please do so on the day either in the morning before sessions
begin or during a break.
If you have any problems uploading your PowerPoint please ask an organiser or steward for
Selected proceedings from the general session will be published in a special issue of the international
journal Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines. Papers should be prepared
following the submission guidelines detailed at All
submissions will be subject to the journal‘s standard peer review process. The deadline for submission
is 1 January 2008.
‗Discussion‘ slots have been allocated at the end of each theme session in the hope that participants
might use this time to organise the compilation of an edited volume. We encourage editors to submit
manuscripts to John Benjamins‘ series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture. For
submission guidelines see Any
manuscripts will undergo the publisher‘s usual peer review process.
The programme is included in your conference bag. This programme is accurate as at the time of print
but is subject to minor changes. You will be informed of any changes to the programme during
Announcements and such changes will be listed on the Notice Board.
Technical Support
Technical support is available throughout the conference. Contact an organiser or steward who will call
for assistance.
Plenary Lectures
Piotr Cap
University of Łódź
Jonathan Charteris-Black
University of West England
Metaphor reflects a common need to gain control over feelings of uncertainty arising from change. In
the public world, metaphors arouse moral beliefs associated with the creation, maintenance or
restoration of control while in the private world they communicate feelings of uncertainty resulting from
a body that has gone out of control. An explanation of metaphor in creating social cohesion and in
therapeutic discourse is that it facilitates an understanding of the complex and frightening processes
associated with change by resolving moral and emotional disharmony. While metaphor can be used by
the powerful to restore balance in the public world, it can be used by the powerless to regain
impressions of control over errant bodies. Metaphor therefore contributes to the moral order by claiming
to reduce uncertainty and to the emotional order by expressing uncertainty.
ways new knowledge is related to given knowledge in various discourse genres (iii) the relevance of
this foundational research for Critical Discourse Studies.
Jonathan Potter
Loughborough University
expression of thoughts, intentions or beliefs. Cognitivism has been subject to powerful conceptual
critiques from linguistic philosophers and ethnomethodologists. However, the current paper discusses
the implications of contemporary developments in conversation analysis and discursive psychology.
These have begun to flesh out a very different way of understanding the nature of cognition which
starts from an understanding of the practical tasks facing language users and the way issues of
understanding, shared knowledge, stance and emotion become live within particular settings. The
presentation will be illustrated with examples of tag questions and emotion in a child protection helpline.
Such research raises profound questions about the ontology and future development of cognitive
science, and how critical discourse researchers should situate themselves with respect to these
Ruth Wodak
Lancaster University
Theme Session 1
Risk as Discourse
Enric Castelló
Rovira i Virgili University
Maria Pereira
Technical University of Lisbon
Sissel H. Jore and Ove Njå
University of Stavanger,
(e.g. Trumbo 1996), others looked at the differences between nations (Grundmann 2007) or sources of
information (Carvalho and Burgess 2004). We want to develop a novel approach that uses corpus
based analysis in order to analyse discursive structures and their change over time and across national
audiences. We seek to download large quantities of text from the Lexis database through the years
1980-2007 and use textual analysis in order to establish differences and commonalities across time
and across countries. This will provide the opportunity to test the hypothesis that national climate
change policies resonate with the public discourse. While there has been some attention paid to highly
visible countries in the international climate change debate such as the US, the UK and Germany, less
is known about other countries. We will first of all examine various claims makers and their claims as
made in the media. We will base our analysis on a large dataset and include countries that have been
neglected. We will include France in the first instance but aim to include other countries that are crucial
in the international process in the future.
Peter Lunt
Brunel University of West London
Georg Marko
Karl-Franzens-University Graz
Michael Page and Laura Spira
University of Portsmouth and Oxford Brookes University,
involve controversial subjects, are taken without public debates or through broad debates between
specialists with different positions.
The risk discourse, a constitutive aspect of the debate concerning technological matters, is built and
managed in different way by the several members of parliament.
Through the analysis of two case studies, the debates in the Portuguese Parliament concerning the
nuclear energy and the medically assisted reproduction, we characterized the ways how the
Portuguese MP‘s use different discourses on the risks concerning the discussed technologies,
presenting different characteristics of the point of view of the referred aspects (economic,
environmental, ethical and social), of the collective or individual dimensions, of the ideological
associations and of the legislative results, having in account, through the chronology of the two case
studies, the historical evolution concerning the role that the risk occupies in each one of them.
Ágnes Sándor
Xerox Research Centre Europe
Parser) dependency parser. Concept-matching systems yield precise results, and their coverage
depends on the coverage of the constituent concepts and that of the bags of words.
The detection of the discourse indicating emerging risks could be applied in combination with statistical
screening of events and methods based on pre-defined event types.
Theme Session 2
Health, Science and Education
Yo Dunn
Lancaster University
Alison Ferguson
University of Newcastle
Veralúcia Guimarães de Souza
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
According to Pithouse and Atkinson (1988: 194) a social work case is a bricolage in which bits and
pieces are picked out and reassembled into a narrative format; in this paper I will deconstruct these
narratives or ‗case talk‘ focussing on client categorisation. Secondly, I analyse the accounts as ways of
justifying the institutional and professional stance (Hall, Sarangi and Slembrouck 1997: 274).
The studied professionals characterize social work as ‗easily accessible‘ for their clients and aiming at
‗linking up where the client stands‘. Yet, from a social policy perspective, their public task of stimulating
self-realisation, self-reliance and participation to society requires a directive attitude as well, which
makes them subject to a political-normative project framing the practices of professionals in the social
sector (De Boer and Duyvendak, 2004). In the last part of the paper, I will relate the categorisations of
migrants and ‗socially weak‘ to the institutional discourse.
Joy Hardy
University of New England
Zhe-yuan Liang
National Cheng Kung University
Zohar Livnat
Bar Ilan University
Jamie Murdoch, Fiona Poland and Charlotte Salter
University of East Anglia
everyday life. Similarly, (person-oriented) coaching represents an institutionalized format of such
infiltration into everyday as well as professional life (Tolan 2003; Whitworth et al. 2003).
The aim of the present project has been to investigate whether the conversational practices and
strategies applied by the psychotherapist and coach in their interactions with clients overlap with what
is commonly referred to as (symbolic) feminine discourse (cf. Cameron 2000b). This, in turn addresses
the question whether the modern selfhood is achieved by reliance on features of feminine discourse
and if so, which of them are the most salient.
For this purpose we have analyzed the recordings of actual psychotherapeutic and coaching sessions
with the methods of Discourse Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis to capture both discourse-
internal patterns of monitoring, grounding and the negotiation of joint projects (Clark 1996) as well as
discourse-external patterns of professionalism or common social practice (Mullany 2007).
At this point we see the mirroring of some aspects of feminine discourse in therapeutic/coaching
discourses in two ways. The first one is exemplified by the therapeutic alliance that should (ideally)
characterize the relationship between a psychotherapist/coach and his/her client, and women‘s
friendship is considered to be a model way how (ideal) relationships should be (Coates 1996).
On the other hand, this friendship, based on talk, enables women to explore both their positive as well
negative experiences. Out of this talk, i.e., in fact by relying on certain communicative strategies,
women in their conversations with one another are able to arrive at a new understanding of themselves
(Coates 1996). This is to say that through talk women are able to challenge the dominant discourses of
femininity and, at the same time, enact more competing or subversive discourses regarding their
positions in society as mothers, daughters, etc. Thus talk is experienced as emancipatory and agentive
(McLeod and Wright 2003). In this sense the women talk resembles very much
psychotherapeutic/person-oriented coaching interaction which similarly offers conversational space
both to female and male clients to challenge, question, resist and perform multiple discourses and
Graham Smart
Carleton University
as comprising the social institution of science, the different scientific disciplines, scientists as individual
personalities, scientific practices, and scientific knowledge—is variously represented in socially
constructed arguments over climate change advanced by different professional organizations.
After reference to a number of key texts that have animated the historical debates over global warming
and climate change, I will outline a theoretical framework for analyzing socially constructed
argumentation within a contested multi-participant discursive field, drawing on theories of discourse
(Dryzek, 1997; Fairclough, 1992; Gee, 1999, Hajer, 1995), genre (Artemeva and Freedman, 2006;
Bazerman and Russell, 2003), intertextuality (Bauman, 2004; Bazerman, 2004; Devitt, 1991;
Fairclough, 1992) and disciplinary knowledge-making in science (Wynne, 2004; Latour, 1988; Knorr
Cetina, 1999; Gross, 2006; Beck, 1999). This theoretical framework is augmented by ―argumentative
discourse analysis‖ (Hajer, 1995), an approach that provides a conceptual framework for examining the
social construction and deployment of arguments by opposing ‗discourse coalitions‘ of social actors.
I will then apply this analytic framework in discussing a corpus of texts produced by a range of
professional organizations in advancing public arguments on climate change. The first part of the
analysis describes two opposing discursive positions regarding climate change: what I term the
‗discourse of global action‘ and the ‗discourse of skepticism‘. The second part of the analysis,
employing theories of genre and intertextuality, looks at differing textual responses by various social
actors—actors holding to one of these two opposing positions mentioned above—to a set of four
reports released sequentially during 2007 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, focusing
on how science is variously represented as authoritative, uncertain, unreliable, or misleading across
these responses.
Anastasia G. Stamou
University of Thessaly
articles on Greek protected areas in a travel magazine. Adopting the systemic-functional grammar of
Halliday (1994), ideational (i.e. transitivity) and interpersonal (i.e. modality) meanings of texts were
Given the educational role of the particular texts, the analysis revealed that a particular emphasis was
put on scientific rhetoric, and especially in the information center of the reserve. Nature was
constructed as the major agent of the texts, while human agency was systematically put at the bottom
of ‗causality scale‘ (Stamou 2001), being obscured by means of passive syntax, nominalizations and
passive non-transactive processes. Consequently, human activities rather than humans themselves
were represented as affecting nature, or human intervention was constructed as a stimulus forcing
nature to respond in a certain way. This systematic suppression and obscurity of human agency
associated with scientific rhetoric generates doubts about whether such texts contribute to the
allocation of human responsibilities for the environment and to environmental awareness
which they are called to raise (Stamou and Paraskevopoulos in press). Moreover, the present
analysis indicates that the use of scientific knowledge for rhetorical exploitation (process of
recontextualization) leads to the naturalization of scientific truth (absence of epistemic modality) as well
as to the insertion of subjective comments on the transmission of scientific information (use of
appreciative modality).
Laura Straková
University of Birmingham and Charles University
Although corpus evidence only gives a glimpse of how this disorder has been defined in the discourse,
the ‗relevance principle‘ (Teubert, in Halliday et al. 2004) of corpus linguistics suggests that those
definitions picked up by subsequent texts will be the most important to establishing what is known
about the disorder, and the most powerful to fixing its place in psychiatric research, practice, and
treatment. By extracting and tracing definitions diachronically, we go some way towards determining
what the mainstream understanding of this disorder is for the psychiatric research establishment, if
there is any. Defining exercitives and defining expositives can hence tell us something about how
‗borderline personality disorder‘ is constituted in the discourse.
Theme Session 3
(Cognitive) Semantics and Pragmatics in CDA
Mona Attia
Helwan University
Sol Azuelos-Atias
University of Haifa
In this lecture I will show that a clever use of one of the general properties of discourse processing –
the context models of the participants – can be manipulative. In the pragmatics of discourse approach,
the notion of context models is based on a broad definition; for example, Wodak distinguishes between
different concentric circles of contextual influence, beginning with the discourse itself and stretching
towards societal and historical contexts. Context models define what prior knowledge is relevant,
therefore, without adequate context models, contextually sensitive discourse is impossible.
Context models are crucial, then, since as Van Dijk emphasises knowledge is defined relative to the
communities in which it is ratified and shared. The context model defines what knowledge should be
included in the explicit semantic representation of a discourse and what knowledge may be left implicit
as unspoken assumptions. In order to elucidate the manipulative use of implicit presentation of
information, I will analyse two cases of clever use of semantic triggers that direct hearers to the
pragmatic inferences that evoke unspoken assumptions.
I will elucidate one presentation of implicit information in Israeli legal discourse from the text of an
indictment from a criminal file. In the community of speakers of lawyers' language, this text presents the
implicit information in bona fide. What is manipulative about it is the fact that it is presented in the
indictment which is supposed to be understood by the defendant and should be written, therefore, in
plain language. In van Dijk's terms, it may appear that the use of lawyers' language is one of the
discursive social practices of lawyers geared towards the reproduction of their power. I will elucidate
another manipulative use of implicit information from the wording of the text of an advertisement of an
insurance company. What makes this advertisement manipulative is the fact that it misuses a certain
widespread but baseless belief to direct hearers who entertain the belief in question to a pragmatic
inference that evokes in them an urge to yield to the scheme of the advertiser.
assumptions than the expressions of ―Absalom‖ and ―Absalom, my son,‖ which the hearer could infer
and process further. Meanwhile, not all the usage of repetition will bring the hearer a wide range of
weak implicatures and produce poetic effects (Pilkington 1992: 38-40). Since poetic effects suitably
illustrate the reasoning and pragmatic inference towards emotions via larger units of utterance/text
processing and inferred implicit meanings, the current study centres on the audience‘s inferential
processes over long(-er) texts (Blakemore 1992: 165-6; macrostructure, van Dijk 1977: 130) against
institutionalised discourse, advertising.
The rhetorical strategies of syntactic parallelism and repetition of name and metaphor are artfully
manipulated through literary styles within the ads to attract the audience‘s attention, to initiate cognitive
poetic effects and advertising literariness, and to perform diverse pragmatic/communicative functions.
Placing little emphasis on target commodity, they invite/encourage an active/imaginative audience to
consume the texts and spell out a variety of weak implicatures involving feelings, attitudes, emotions
and impressions along the textual lines. They too invisibly persuade her to recognise the significant
inter-/cultural values and shape the corporate image as a landmark of cultural empowerment.
People often mean more than they say. Grammar on its own is typically insufficient for determining the
full meaning of an utterance, the assumption that the discourse is coherent or ‗makes sense‘ has a vital
role to play in determining meaning as well (Asher and Lascarides 2005). Just as syntactic surface
structures display complexity of underlying structures, we can well appreciate the implicit meanings
conveyed and enriched by lexical items and syntactic-semantic-pragmatic interplay in media discourse,
as shown in this study. The dialogic relations between form and function in advertising language reflect
the social cohesion/interaction and cognitive dynamics of communicator and audience, thus
maintaining the dialectical relationship between sociocultural structures and social practice (Fairclough
Katherine Duda
Old Dominion University
In conceptual blending theory, two or more input spaces combine to form an emergent structure, or
blend, whose information did not previously exist in any of the input spaces (Turner and Fauconnier,
1999). Turner and Fauconnier emphasize that blending is a ―basic mental operation‖ that plays a pivotal
underlying role in human understanding (1999:417). Conceptual integration plays a pivotal role in
humor (Coulson, In Press); moreover, discourse can exploit carefully constructed blends in order to
have a persuasive effect (Coulson and Oakley, 2006). When the blended impostor assumes the role of
World Trade Organization representative, he is lent the power normally accorded to such a personage,
but the discursive tables have now been turned. Conceptual blending presents an interesting avenue
and strategy of institutional critique. In the case of the Yes Men, the surface level humor of their hoaxes
belies a more powerful rhetorical force that relies on recursive conceptual blends to structure and
―perform‖ (Butler, 1988) a discursive critique of the current course of neo-liberal globalization propelled
by the World Trade Organization.
Christopher Hart
University of Hertfordshire
Katarina Löbel
Humboldt-University in Berlin
Dominik Lukeš
University of East Anglia
recovered. They postulate that full-fledged speaker meaning, in cooperative communication, results
from some cognitive calculus aimed at recovering what the speaker meant (i.e. the informative intention
encoded in the utterance).
We posit that these approaches might not successfully cope with cases of uncooperative
communication on three counts. First, it is difficult to assess and calculate an (uncooperative) intention
which, by definition, should not be retrievable from the utterance, for instance in standard cases of
manipulation. Second, one would be hard-pressed to determine the uncooperative intention in cases of
‗second-hand manipulation‘ where some credulous disciple repeats some manipulative creed. Third, it
is not always clear how any specific uncooperative content could be retrieved at all that would be
distinct from the propositional meaning (e.g. when uncooperativeness aims at distracting the hearer
from relevant information, as is the case of semantic or pragmatic illusions, discussed for instance by
Allott 2005 and Barton and Sanford 1993).
Instead of looking at uncooperativeness from the perspective of intentionality, we will argue that
uncooperative communication as instantiated in manipulative discourse aims at constraining the set of
contextual assumptions against which the hearer will process the information so as to prevent her/him
from deriving those which are not meant to be communicated, and whose recognition would defeat the
manipulative attempt.
We will illustrate the proposed model with a variety of attested examples which try either to deviate
interpretation to a marginally relevant context (i.e. not optimal) or to force the interpretation in a
maximally irrelevant context. We make the claim that constraining context relevance allows to maintain
the manipulative utterance‘s informational inconsistencies covert and, consequently, prevents the
hearer from spotting uncooperativeness.
Subjectivity has been characterized by Langacker (1991, 2002) as the extent to which the information is
implicitly grounded in the perspective of the speaker as subject of conception. Nuyts (2001) conceives
the dimension of subjectivity vs. intersubjectivity as the degree to which the speaker assumes personal
responsibility for the evaluation of the evidence or whether the assessment is 'potentially' shared by
On the basis of these notions, I elaborate a framework for the analysis of speaker/writer's stance in
discourse which incorporates fine-grained distinctions in the domains of effective and epistemic stance,
and which systematically relates stance choices with differing degrees of subjectivity/intersubjectivity
(Marín Arrese 2006, in press).
This paper presents results of a case study on the use of these linguistic resources by the former
British Prime Minister Anthony Blair, and by the present British Prime Minister Gordon Brown in three
distinct types of communicative events: parliamentary statement, political speech and party conference
speech. The paper aims to characterize the interpersonal style of the two politicians and to reveal
similarities or differences in the expression of stance and subjectivity in political discourse.
Begoña Núñez-Perucha
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Martin Reisigl
University of Vienna
Christine S. Sing
University of Regensburg
Kim Kwang Sung
Kyoto University
Magdalena Szewczyk
University of Dublin
Such an approach gave rise to my research, the aim of which is to investigate both nature and role of
metaphorical conceptualization in EU-related discourse in Poland.
Recent findings seem to suggest that not all metaphors are transferred with fixed meanings. Admittedly,
development of some of them is dependent on socio-cultural situatedness, which means that they
cannot be fully explored in separation from local history, culture or geopolitical situation.
The aim of this presentation will be to arrive at questions about culture-specific discourse-based
metaphorization through analysing EU-related discourse revealing tendency to employing such
schemata as, for example, CENTER-PERIPHERY, BLOCKAGE and COUNTERFORCE.
In addition to drawing on cross-cultural differences, the framework generated in the process of
analysing the data will be also introduced to investigate conceptual metaphorization as a diplomatic tool
of legitimization via proximization. Addressed here will be Paul Chilton‘s Discourse Space Theory and
its importance in analysing metaphorical discourse.
General Session
Emad Abdul-Latif
Cairo University
Décio Bessa
Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Universidade de Brasília
Monika Bogdanowska
University of Silesia
Chris Bunn
University of Cambridge
Eleni Butulussi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Observations are presented on the following discourse properties, which are characteristic of mass
media debates on topics of immigration, and which provide evidence that makes for a purposeful
a) The changes of meanings and uses of key words. For example, recently the meaning of ρατσισμός
(racism) in the Greek language has become more expanded than what it refers to in the English or
German languages (Wodak/Reisigl 2001: 372-397).
b) Argumentation strategies (e.g. of positive/negative self- and other-presentation) and the different
uses/kinds of topoi (e.g. the topoi of danger/threat/uselessness vs. the topoi of humanitarianism/justice/
usefulness), topoi which people employed whenever they argue either for or against discrimination
(Reisigl/Wodak 2001: 69-85).
c) Conceptual and linguistic metaphors which refer to the concepts (target domains) of the OTHERS
and the STATE (Lakoff 2001, Kövecses 2002), and metaphor (implicit meaning) changes which mark
the diversity and struggle of ideologies in this turbulent area of multiculturalism, so providing evidence
for the dialectical relationship between discourse and society (Butulussi 2007).
Given that the mass media both reflect and form the public opinion, thus reproducing racism and
antiracism, the aim of this research is to understand the positioning of several groups within this new
situation and thereby learn to cope with these continuously changing
interpersonal/social/political/economic relationships of dominance, discrimination, power and control.
names, faces, roles and objectives to activity carried out at the European Union will be examined and
the social impact of such attribution discussed within the framework of critical discourse analysis.
Kamila Ciepiela
University of Lodz
expectations about the way in which language operates in legal contexts but they are not stated clearly
anywhere but in legal culture. In order to include all the peculiarities of the presumed culture, legal texts
often contain qualifications ― [...] inserted in various points in the syntax of legislative sentences where
they introduce syntactic discontinuities which become formidable obstacles to an effective processing
of legislative statements‖ (Bhatia 1997:208). Moreover, archaisms and ambiguous verbal forms may
create barriers to an effective understanding of legal issues.
Due to all these reasons, a process of easification in drafting texts is crucial, in order to make them
accessible from one audience to another and from one language to another as well. Our study will
investigate ambiguity of verbs and phrases that can be found in international legal texts and the
consequent difficulties in translating them. More specifically, our attention will be focused on the
modals shall and should, translated into Italian in some very different ways. In particular, shall has been
considered ―ubiquitous‖ in legal texts since it expresses a deontic modality intrinsically projected toward
situations and behaviour located in the future (Williams 2007:116). Also the modal should has been
translated into the Italian language as present tense but hypothetical sentences have also been
Thus, in translation process, understanding the pragmatic values in the communicative interaction
between the legal authority and the addressees is crucial. As Williams (2005 2007: 11) asserts:
―Interpreting the intention of the lawmakers and those who drafted a particular law inevitably
entails a detailed scrutiny of the language used [...] the mere absence of a definite article in an
expression can give rise to heated and prolonged interpretative debate‖.
A contrastive analysis of the English and the Italian versions of international treaties will provide
evidence of difficulties in mediating between two languages and cultures.
qualitative levels (ie. socio-semantic categories). Because we are interested in exploring changes and
continuities our research covers a rather long period of time of twenty years (1986-2006).
The identification of social problems and their solutions is particularly interesting for the critical
discourse analyst as they are polarizing elements in the scientific discourse. Not only will sociology
disagree on the solutions to problems but it will also largely differ on the identification of what is
problematic and what is the nature of these problems (ie. gender and economic inequalities,
international dependency and globalization, cultural and technological lag, etc.). The existence of a
close relationship between Mexican sociology and political, cultural and economic decision makers is
well documented. Therefore, a critical analysis of sociology‘s identification of Mexico‘s problems is a
great way to better understand the different - and sometimes contradicting - waves of efforts by various
decisions making institutions to shape contemporary society in Mexico.
Jennifer Eagleton
Macquarie University
Philip Eubanks
Northern Illinois University
Laura Filardo-Llamas
University of Valladolid
Stefan Gandler
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
distinguishes between four "historical ethe", different ways of living within the ―unlivable‖ capitalist
reality: the ―realistic,‖ ―romantic,‖ ―classical‖ and ―baroque‖ ethos. They result from the potential
combinations of recognition and denial of the contradiction between the logic of value and the logic of
use-values, on the one hand, and the importance given to the value and/or the use-value, on the other.
The realistic ethos denies this contradiction while attributing greater importance to value. The romantic
ethos also denies this contradiction, but leans more toward use-value. The classical ethos
acknowledges the existence of this contradiction and submits to the logic of value, while the baroque
also recognizes this contradiction, but attempts to preserve the dynamics of the use-value.
The baroque and realistic ethe coexist in Latin America, particularly in Mexico, it is a paradoxical
combination of soberness and rebelling. The today dominating realistic ethos, based on the principle of
non-ambiguity, is unable to attain the highest ideal of Enlightenment – the recognition of the other as
conditio sine qua non for the constitution of subjectivity of the self. The baroque ethos, on the other
hand, borrows its name from the baroque art movement, with its capacity to combine and mix diverse
elements and styles which, seen form a ―serious‖ point of view can not be combined or mixed. It was
the only art form in Nueva España capable of integrating elements of indigenous art. A mutual lack of
―comprehension‖ exists on both sides of this ethos; the elements do not "understand" one another but
have agreed to peacefully coexist by turning a blind eye and a deaf ear when necessary. They do not
comprehend or recognize one another; yet, neither seeks to destroy or aggressively exclude the other.
It is this incongruous attitude, garmented in ambiguous speech, that enables the baroque ethos to
tolerate differences among people – what makes it in certain sense more ―modern‖ (open towards other
cultures) than the other ethe.
M. Ghiasian
Payam Nur University
Anna Gustafsson
Lund University
Helena Halmari
Sam Houston State University
Ourania Hatzidaki
Hellenic Air Force Academy
Anita Hemmilä
University of Jyväskylä
Lise-Lotte Holmgreen
Aalborg University
attacked with many questions (Jucker 1986). The collocations in this corpus shed light on the way the
interviewer attempts to trap the politician, forcing her/him to defend herself/himself by using modalities
as part of his/her counterattack.
We collected the corpus from the radio station website (
where all morning interviews are transcribed. The spoken corpus of interviews with politicians has
256,548 words. We used two tools for the analysis: Sketch Engine and AntConc. The three most
frequent modal expressions in Polish that express necessity are: MUSIEC, TRZEBA and POWINNO
The numbers in the Table 1 indicate the number of tokens of the most frequent collocations with the
modal expressions in the spoken corpus of interviews. The choice of different modal expressions in the
interview aids the speaker's argumentation.
Table 1: The distribution of modal expressions for interviewer and interviewee.
Interviewer 3 1 21
Interviewee 46 20 3
Total 49 21 24
Furthermore, the speaker can choose different features of modality to alter the meaning of his/her
utterance. In the Table 2, there are different modalities for POWINNO SIE/should found in the spoken
Table 2: Powinien/should
Modality Tokens
Evidential 10
Necessity 7
Deontic 4
Common knowledge 3
The corpus-based study and discourse analysis methods combined together make a new contribution
to the research on modality. Previously done research in discourse analysis have rarely used corpus
linguistics tools in the data analysis. This study shows how to combine these two approaches in order
to describe the strategies of the interviewer and interviewee. Unlike other studies on modality (Simon-
Vandenberger 1996, Edwards 2006, Lorda 2006) this research combines discourse analysis methods
and corpus based methodology (Palmer 2001, Frazier 2003, Squartini 2004, Nokkonen 2006).
John E. Ingulsrud and Kate Allen
Meisei University and Meiji University
Dejan Ivkovic
York University
which belong French and German; central (e.g., Danish, Dutch, Italian, Russian, (former) Serbo-
Croatian, Spanish, Swedish), peripheral (most of national languages not mentioned so far, e.g.
Bulgarian, Icelandic, Latvian). To this classification I add the local type, to which belong languages
spoken exclusively by a particular ethnic community within a state or across state borders (e.g. Basque,
Romani, Romansh, Ruthenian, Sámi), and are not a medium of inter-ethnic communication.
Using critical discourse analysis, semiotics and systemic functional linguistics, I analyse language use
in the multilingual context through a number of taxonomies of its social functions including Jakobson‘s
emotive, conative and referential functions and Halliday‘s ideational and interpersonal functions.
My analysis shows that a) the choice of languages on the web presentations reflects the linguistic
communicative groupings or constellations across Europe; b) the choice of language(s) is determined
by the roles that actors in a communicative act play: voice (who speaks and in whose name), the
represented (who is represented), and the addressee (to whom the message is addressed). In other
words, the type of website is consistent with the voice, the represented and the addressee in the
communicative act; c) the prominence and saliency of linguistic markers of individual languages on
websites, together with the presence/absence dichotomy, also determine the relations within a
language grouping or constellation.
I argue that, at a critical point, linguistic markers become semiotic markers. Second, marked language
choice is potentially premeditated, coercive, strategic, while unmarked language choice is primarily
informative, communicative and pragmatic. Third, language choice may influence beliefs, attitudes and
perceptions about socio-political relations and linguistic power of particular languages.
Olaf Jäkel
University of Flensburg
Competing cultural models to be compared in this context include the traditional/ conservative model as
well as different versions of a more tolerant model and a liberal/ progressive model. As idealized
cognitive models, none of these have their bases in metaphor or metonymy, but instead they can be
analysed as of the image-schematic kind (cf. Lakoff 1987). The analysis will focus on authentic
language data from the recent socio-political discourse in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and
Germany. This primary linguistic material will be supplemented by a diachronic comparison of dictionary
definitions as well as the results of a survey done with young informants of US-American and German
In this as well as in many other cases of contested concepts, what is at issue is the dislocating or
relocating of denotational boundaries. From a linguistic perspective, contested concepts like marriage
do not only provide a brilliant chance to witness the natural diachronical change of field patterns
happening 'in quick motion'. They may also give us a real insight into the complex and dynamic
interplay between language and ideology. Thus, with the cognitive semantic field analysis of contested
concepts, I hope to provide another useful tool for critical discourse research.
Alona Jumaquio-Ardales
De La Salle Canlubang
instruments of power in order to manipulate and control the whole process of spoken discourse. The
main speakers in this study were the oldest among the participants and the mother. Quantitative data
showed that the main speakers used more words and performed more linguistic acts than the other
participants. The main speakers‘ perspective and given information were considered by the group as
their standard of truthfulness and correctness respectively. Furthermore, the controlled speaker
produced linguistic acts which were merely ―shadows‖ and ―echoes‖ of the main speaker while the
autonomous speaker was very participative in terms of initiative to nominate new topics and to give
comments and reactions. Lastly, the passive receiver was a full-time listener due to her complete
silence during the entire conversation. It was the teenage girl who was identified as a passive
The topics discussed by the urban poor women in their umpukan (local term for informal and face-to-
face conversation) were not limited to their traditional role of reproduction and domestic duties. Most of
the matters discussed were about their personal experiences in earning money for the family as sales
vendor, wash lady and house helper. They also talked about the housing project of the local
government, their neighbor who was killed and the legal case against them filed by a government
agency. Thus, it served as clear indicators of cultural, economical and political problems of Filipino
Takanori Kawamata
Meisei University
Majid KhosraviNik
Lancaster University
Veronika Koller
Lancaster University
Nelya Koteyko
University of Nottingham
Inger Lassen
Aalborg University
positions. My analysis will explore how identities are constructed, and how social roles are stereotyped
and evaluated (Martin and White 2005) by the focus group participants themselves; in the process I
shall pay particular attention to membership categories and focal themes such as uncertainty and
confidence (Roberts and Sarangi 2005).
Le Cheng Jian Li
City University of Hong Kong
Diana MacCallum
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
decision-making/legitimising practices in an Australian case of participatory local planning, placing
these practices within a context of multi-scalar governance and power relations.
Nicola MacLeod
Aston University
Danijela Majstorović and Maja Mandić
University of Banja Luka,
about themselves/each other and their profession in a corpus of British media texts, was chosen
because the research question was of interest for both the authors and seemed well suited to analysis
using the combined approach of CL and CDA. It is a clearly defined research question, with could be
operationalised through a close set of lexical items, at the same time it touches on issues which are
relevant to critical linguistics, i.e. how newsmakers frame their own trade. The corpus is a collection of
approximately 33 million words, containing the complete output of four British newspapers (the
Guardian, the Daily Telegraph, the Western Mail and the Scotsman) over a three month period and of
two TV news programs (from BBC news and ITN) over a two month period, both sets of data were
collected in 2007. Each analyst will interrogate the corpus employing concordance software (Wordsmith
tools and Xaira). The results of the analysis will not be shared in progress and interpretations will be
compared only as final phase of the process.
Alexei Medvedev
University of South Australia
Karin Milles
Stockholm University
Gerrard Mugford
Universidad de Guadalajara
advancement within Mexico, knowledge of English has become so important educationally that
students who have a low proficiency in the subject may not graduate from university. Within this context
and reflecting a reproductive ideology (Giroux 1983), the teaching of English aims to make students
into useful and productive members of society.
English is all too often taught in Mexico through what Freire identified as the ‗banking‘ concept of
education (1993: 53) as students amass a stock of grammar structures and topic vocabulary and
practise the four ‗skills‘ – speaking, listening, reading and writing. In contrast, teaching practice largely
overlooks the need to develop contextually meaningful understandings so that second-language (L2)
users can interact on individual, social and cultural planes in the target-language environment where
they often need to confront difficult and awkward interpersonal situations, public displays of disrespect
and rudeness and, at a deeper level, racial intolerance and discrimination. Instead of helping students
deal with the stressful and sometimes traumatic challenges of interactional language use, teachers
safely focus on transactional language (i.e. presenting and practising the exchange of linguistic
information) in a conflict-free and syrupy utopian world where using English is naturally a constantly
pleasant and inviting experience.
Given the need to help learners negotiate the stark and sometimes uncomfortable realities of L2 use, I
examine whether teacher trainees are being educated to help their future language students engage in
contextually meaningful interactional language use. In this paper, I study the ideology underpinning a
BA programme in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at a Mexican university. Following a critical
discourse approach, I examine how teachers perceive the dual task of having to help language learners
succeed within Mexico‘s educational system and, at the same time, to empower them to confront and
successfully negotiate real-life social contexts.
that serve to blank out basic social rights. The study argues that this is due to the repetition of these
discourses in different institutional environments and in various text types.
Dr Gerard O‟Grady
Cardiff University
Claudia Ortu
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Emi Otsuji
University of Technology
One critique of CDA is that it is not able to give a comprehensive account of the accidental and
idiosyncratic nature of discursive practices (Luke 2002), having a tendency to give exclusive
responsibility to ideological and macro factors when interpreting discourse. CA, on the other hand, fails
to consider the impact of macro level socio-cultural factors on language. Performative theory is seen to
be able to bridge the gap between them and avoid being either too deterministic or too micro-centric.
With reference to recorded workplace casual conversation, this paper proposes that the incorporation
of performativity theory can offer a more comprehensive account of what is occurring, and what is being
perpetually constructed socio-culturally and linguistically.
Pan Zhangxian
Zhejiang Gongshang University
Tryntje Pasma
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
115). Using Biber‘s (1988) quantitative multi-dimensional / multi-feature framework of variation, Steen
showed that editorials changed linguistically over time, moving towards a more involved structure of
discourse. One of the general conclusions was that editorials have a tendency for conversationalization
that is in accordance with the general judgments advanced by Fairclough (2003: 123).
The abovementioned studies have predominantly concentrated on the manifestation of linguistic
features such as identified by Biber in relation to conversationalization. The VU-Ster project on
‗metaphors in public discourse‘ has as an aim to see if similar claims can be made in relation to
metaphorical language. Since Lakoff and Johnson‘s (1980) work on conceptual metaphor we know that
metaphorical language is ubiquitous in natural language production. Not all registers of discourse
produce the same kind of metaphorical language, however. Face-to-face conversation, for instance,
seems to contain more fixed expressions such as idioms than other registers, and a higher number of
linguistic metaphors that are manifestations of skeletal mappings such as the ABSTRACT IS CONCRETE
For the VU-Ster project, we are conducting a comparative study of 50,000 words of current news
articles and 50,000 words of face-to-face conversations, concentrating on the linguistic and conceptual
structure and the use of metaphorical language. In the current stage of the project, we lay out the
conceptual structures underlying the numerous linguistic metaphors that have been identified. At the
same time, we want to get an overview of how words are used metaphorically in the two registers, and
to what extent they can be compared in the light of the conversationalization hypothesis. What we have
seen so far is that idiomatic expressions do not only occur regularly in conversations, but are also
prominent in news. Moreover, skeletal mappings seem to be pervasive in conversations as well as
news, and may point to a shift to vaguer language use in news. Also important in the light of
conversationalization is the type-token ratio, specifically for metaphorically used words. All the above-
mentioned issues and examples related to possible conversationalization of public discourse will be
discussed extensively in the current paper.
Oksana Pervezentseva
Moscow Pedagogical State University
modal aspect. The zone conception of intonation and the application of a specific prosodic criterion will
help determine the prosodemic status of speech acts and provide the basis for the development of L2
learners‘ communicative competence thus contributing to their adequate interpretation of emotional-
modal connotations of utterances.
Michelle Picard
University of Adelaide
Sharon Pinkney
Open University
analysis with collection of further updated texts from several Departments and organisations where I
interviewed staff involved in children‘s participation policy and practice.
The analysis provides fresh insight into the construction of children and young people within the social
policy process. I identify the discourses of protectionism, developmentalism, rights and managerialism
as most significant. I explore how they are made visible, articulated, negotiated, produced and
reworked throughout social policy texts. I show how the settlement reached represents a new
configuration within the specific policy frameworks relating to children where a version of children‘s
rights is being absorbed, appropriated, mainstreamed and represented.
I am interested in how these specific constituencies of children and young people are being constructed
as ‗victims‘ and ‗villains‘ and show how these images and representations are prevalent in normative as
well as within policy discourses. I explore the emergence of ‗voice‘ within children‘s participation in
social care. Exploration of the relationship between children and agency is central to the analysis and
the active/passive binary is developed to a formulation including subject positions for children of
normalised absence, pathologised presence and constrained/subordinated voice.
I engage with UK contemporary social policy and social care discourses within the Quality Protects
(1998) and Every Child Matters (2003) policy frameworks relating to children‘s services. I argue that
there is a dynamic interaction between children‘s rights, managerialism and professional discourses
about children within the policy texts. Based on the analysis, the paper argues that the challenges of
the New Social Movements, feminism and children‘s rights are destabilised under the influence of
managerialism, though they continue to unsettle and disrupt it. Analysis of this possibly unique
collection of policy and interview texts illustrates well the policy process of constructing unique positions
within a field of discourses.
Amalia Plaskasoviti
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
informants were not treated as stable mental predispositions but rather as recognizable discursive
entities. The analysis and interpretation were not limited into the content of the discourse, but also
searched for patterns of variability and consintency in content and form, focusing on lexical,
grammatical and rhetorical choices as well as micro- and macro-textual parameters.
The data collection was operated through non-standardized interviews and consequent formation of a
corpus. The analysis brought up some interesting observations about the use of ethnic adjectives, the
usual ‗we/them‘ polarization, the verbal equations of Maltese and Catholics, indicating the predominant
role of religion for the community, as well as the appearance of repeated topics and arguments in the
discourse of the informants. Although the community seems to be implying a self-definition as a
religious minority, the ethnic consciousness has not totally disappeared. At the same time, they seem to
be constructing a ‗hybrid‘ identity, true to its postmodern definition.
Virginijus Purvys
Ljubljana Graduate School of the Humanities
Sylvia Reitmanova
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Jenny K. Rodriguez
University of Strathclyde
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the implications of the use of reflexivity strategies on the way a
researcher (re)constructs her identity throughout the research process.
The paper uses personal research notes as well as the notes that informed the reflexivity process while
conducting doctoral research. A reading of these notes will be made using discourse analysis. The
analysis will focus on how the process of reflection impacts the articulation of discourses of the self.
The case made by this paper relates to the case of women conducting research in male-dominated
environments, where assumptions about their gender identities obscure their research roles, creating
interaction conflicts and possibly compromising data gathering. The paper draws on the author‘s own
experience conducting research on gender construction in the public sector in a developing country.
The paper is keen to argue that the use of reflexivity strategies involves a re-construction of the
researcher. As an ongoing process, reflexivity serves not only the purpose of self-reflection but also
generates processes of self-articulation. As a result of the constant self-awareness brought about by
reflexivity, the researcher produces multiple discourses of herself based on (re)interpretations of
This paper has significant implications for the discussion of the limits of reflexivity and the pressure it
imposes on researchers as a means of legitimisation and validation of research practices and
The paper focuses on discourses of research(er) identity, which are generally acknowledged when
discussing reflexivity but not specifically made the centre of scrutiny. The paper contributes to the
limited discussion on researcher‘s constitution of self and research personhood.
Irina Romanova
Loughborough University
Critical discursive psychology (Edley, 2001) with its focus on language, power and ideology allows a
researcher to grasp the unique ways co-ethnic migrants construct their identity and resist normalization.
The data for this project were collected in 9 semi-structured interviews (14 hours of recording) with 11
Greeks from the former USSR in Cyprus. Four ‗interpretative repertoires‘ (Potter and Wetherell, 1987)
were identified. Firstly, participants often constructed themselves as ‗better Greeks‘ than the locals,
referring to their ‗purer‘ Greek blood, more ancient traditions and dialect, more authentic Orthodox faith
and stronger masculinity. Belonging to the Soviet culture as opposed to ‗capitalist‘ Greece/Cyprus also
marked ‗better Greeks‘. At the same time, the new migrants at times depicted themselves as ‗worse
Greeks‘ using the common in the Greek/Cypriot media clichés about backwardness and criminality of
the repatriates. The repertoire ‗equal Greeks‘ allowed the participants to construct themselves as a part
of the Greek world and hires of the great ancient culture. Finally, the ‗lost identity‘ repertoire enabled
Greek migrants to express confusion about their ethnicity. The four repertoires developed in opposition
to each other and formed ‗ideological dilemmas‘ that reflected the contradictive nature of ‗lived
ideologies‘ (Billig et al., 1988).
and hybridity (Said, 1993; Bhabha, 1994), well-known in the fields of cognition, ethnocriticism, and
postcolonial studies.
Jaffer Sheyholislami
Carleton University
Agnieszka Sowińska
Nicolas Copernicus University
Jeanne Strunck
Aalborg University
interactions occur. Furthermore, the context has an important role to play for the interpretation of what
is polite or not or for knowing if the purpose of the discursive act is e.g. to show solidarity and rapport
among the group. To the discussion of face and politeness Scollon and Wong-Scollon (2001) add two
issues: the notions of involvement and independence, involvement referring to the need people have to
be involved with others and independence referring to a person‘s right not to be dominated by others.
This paper is studying discursive constructions of politeness, involvement, independence and solidarity
among coming bank managers during focus group interviews related to the participants‘ motivations
and possibilities for pursuing manager positions. The study pays attention to the ways in which
discourse displays who the participants are, how they want people to see them and whether politeness
strategies and ‗face‘ may help pursuing career opportunities. The analysis is carried out on the basis of
two sets of data from focus group interviews with female and male employees in a Danish bank.
Toyoko Sato
Copenhagen Business School
Georgina Turner
Loughborough University
hooligan, while the second interview took place this year, when he was still a fan of the same football
club, had managed to keep on abstaining from violence, and when he had just become father for the
first time.
In our analyses, we look at the way the interviewee constructs his identities, among others by his self-
categorizations as a hooligan, which can be regarded as a ‗transient‘ categorization, as opposed to the
more ‗stable‘ categorization of father (Jayyusi 1984: 66). Under the influence of the latter self-
categorization in the second interview, which has been described to be quite powerful (Wortham and
Gadsden 2006), we expect to find a different way of positioning between the two interviews. However,
the data show us that this link between the context and the interviewee‘s identity constructions is not as
clear-cut as expected.
Marco Venuti and Giulia Riccio
Università degli Studi di Napoli ―Federico II‖,
Michael Warner
University of Melbourne
investigates the manipulative aspects of political rhetoric and the linguistic and social-psychological
strategies that shape the dynamic relationship - mediated by fear - between discourse and power. I
identify a number of recurrent motifs (in formulaic phrases, keywords, and metaphorical constructions)
which form a constellation of discursive elements in temporal, spatial, and ideational alignments that
index binary constructions of security and insecurity, certainty and fear, and moral courage and
Yang Mei
Jilin University
Yu Yang
Shandong University
First of all, we have done a corpus-based study on the differences between the standard discourse
(represented by the government discourse) and the emergent discourses (represented by the Super
Girls discourse) through a linguistic and an ideological analysis. The major finding is that the formation
of new words in the Super Girls discourse is a metaphorical mapping from the source FOOD to the
target FANS. It is an ―innovation‖ in word-formation, as well as in people‘s mind. The Super Girls group
achieve an identity by their discourse, which starts to influence the mind of people out of the group. The
popularity of the emergent discourses has brought about people‘s different views on the phenomenon.
Second, we have investigated people‘s attitudes toward the coexistence of the two kinds of discourses
through a questionnaire. Statistics have shown that people tend to accept the emergent discourses in
terms of their new vocabulary words, such as ―PK.‖ Although the standard discourse dominates our
social life, the emergent discourses have the controlling power on informal occasions. They are mainly
used and supported by young students. With regard to the view to purify the Chinese language, we
advocate human concern and tolerance for the coexistence of various discourses.
Third, we have proposed the significance of language harmony within the Chinese language based on
the above research. Its connotation includes the tolerant and open mind of discourse users,
normalization of discourses and their appropriate use, and the healthy development of different
discourses. Language planning, education of national consciousness and guidance of the media are
also important in the realization of language harmony.
The present study enriches the connotation of language harmony, brings about a new perspective in
sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, and provides a linguistic exploration for the construction of our
harmonious society.
Poster Session
Kamila Bialy
University of Łódź
between these ‗internal‘ and ‗external‘ approaches, that is an ethnographic approach. It offers an insight
into rules of formation of speech acts and their interpretation in the real course of communication
processes located in different contexts.
The programme of CDA, however interdisciplinary it seems to be by its very nature, lacks something.
Although there are the types of CDA that come from conversational analysis and are carried out in
institutional contexts, they still remain critical text analyses, aiming at disclosing cultural repertoires,
symbols and argumentations used in specific situations. The narrative interview, one of a large number
of data collection techniques within the discussed biographical sociology, produces texts as well. And
yet these texts may offer something new to this ethnographical and at the same time microsociological
approach to discourse.
They are the records of temporal aspects of the organization of biographical experiences. What is
more, particular stress is laid here on the link between these experiences in terms of their content and
culturally shaped ways of relating them, which are the result of the participation of an individual in
crossing and discussing social worlds. Although this technique is highly structuralised and thus may be
considered far from the natural conversation, the narrative constraints enable to reconstruct interactions
or, to put it more precisely, interactional implications of specific biographical situations.
To illustrate the proposed link between these two perspectives, I would like to present the results of the
research conducted in the field of higher education in Poland. The research focus was on students‘
associations and organizations as they operate as a part of the system under market pressures and as
such have to respond to the demands of the Bologna Process. The interviewees were asked to
produce their life stories as the members of these organizations.
The results of critical discourse analysis of their web pages, that is cultural repertoires, symbols,
ideologies and myths were confronted with experiences and everyday life practices of the students. In
their stories containing some narratives on the individual strategies of adaptation to the institutional life
and its dilemmas one could see the interplay between their individual and collective identity. This
interplay had an impact, as the analyses shown, on the transformations of these organizations
We work on a specific aspect of risk management with the CNES (Centre National d‘Etudes Spatiales –
the French national centre for spatial studies) that involve the notion of evolution through time. Indeed,
the CNES sets projects that can span over a long period of time (sometimes more than 10 years
between the moment when a probe is sent and the moment when it reaches its destination). This
duration can lead to various losses of information because the people involved and the context can
change in the course of the project. To try to anticipate this knowledge loss, we are currently
developing a method using the notion of traceability. Our goal is to identify the objects and processes
considered as hazardous (to a certain degree) at the beginning of a project and to be able to trace them
in time to make sure that this dimension does not get lost. It happens indeed that engineers
acknowledge a particular risk for a given object when the project starts but that this knowledge
disappears at a later stage.
Concretely, from the linguistic point of view, our study can be decomposed in four main parts:
1. The study of the expression modes of risk in a corpus from the CNES and the development of a risk
2. The computational implementation of the grammar.
3. The constitution of a corpus partitioned in time.
4. The utilization of the grammar and the analysis of our results.
Stefania D‟Avanzo
Università di Napoli Federico II
Interpretation is a crucial point in order to investigate the relationship between situational context and
discourse type. In this stage the main questions are: what‘s going on?, who‘s involved?, In what
relations? What‘s the role of language in what‘s going on?
The study will investigate the strong connection between Critical discourse analysis approach and
pragmatic, semantic values of linguistic structures and phrases in Bush‘s radio speeches about
terrorism in 2005. In particular, the attention will be focused on specific lexical choices employed to
refer to the two opposite parties in the war on terror, ie terrorists and American troops, and their
semantic and pragmatic implications, that is, the cultural values and concepts conveyed in the
pragmatic interaction between The President and the American people. Moreover, a part of the analysis
will be devoted to the pronominal system with its pragmatic values. Who are the people involved when
they are referred to by the pronoun we? When is the pronoun I preferred to we? The employ of Corpus
Linguistics approach will provide interesting evidence of the promiscuity and ambiguity of pronouns.
In short, in the texts taken into consideration, linguistic, semantic and pragmatic implications in CDA will
reveal a variety of aspects in political and social interactions.
possible text explanation in the social sciences. Some social theorists have focused on the
constructionist approach which accounts for texts as constructors of realities. Others have opted for the
cognitive approach which draws on member resources and background knowledge to explain texts.
This study rejects this division between constructionist and cognitive approaches. Instead a dialectic
approach is used in order to account for the socio-cognitive dynamics of discourse production.
Understanding the making of meaning (semiosis) and not the meaning of texts is our subject of inquiry.
We suggest a Critical discourse analytic model that harnesses cognitive science and involves different
levels of text production, namely language (text analysis), socio-cognitive relations (discourse analysis)
and ideological contexts (social analysis).
Savitri Gadavanij
The National Institute of Development Administration
people, jeopardizing knowledge-based society movement and potentially marginalizes ordinary people
more than ever before.
Gbenga Ibileye
closer to the citizens. The aim of the paper is to determine the most common conceptual metaphors
and their metaphorical linguistic expressions shaping the EU discourse in the three countries on their
road to Europe. Furthermore, the paper will also try to compare the conceptual metaphors shaping the
EU discourse in Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian with the conceptual metaphors shaping the EU
discourse in English.
Seth Katz
Bradley University
Surinderpal Kaur
University of Malaya
Rachel A Kiersey
Dublin Institute of Technology
E. Dimitris Kitis
King‘s College London
Inge N. Korber-O‟Connor
University of Louisiana
seemingly ideologically-loaded term, seeks to get to the core of the meaning of ‗refugee‘ and answer a
question that is of personal importance to me: Were we refugees?
I will begin by using binary feature analysis on the definitions given in prominent dictionaries and legal
documents, including the definition given by the UN Refugee Convention. I will pay special attention to
the seeming controversy surrounding the crossing an international frontier as a necessary feature,
employing corpus analysis of the discourse environment(s) of the term ‗refugee‘ in contrast to the terms
‗displaced person‘ and ‗evacuee‘ in order to examine in detail the necessity of such a feature. I will
further employ frame analysis to show that the concept of a refugee and the concept of being American
are perceived to be mutually exclusive, before attempting a discourse-based explanation of the social
and economic reasons for the United States government‘s opposition to the label as employed in the
aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Julia Kuhn
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska
Opole University
Raymond Oenbring
University of Washington
I argue that we can look to these legitimation strategies in order to explicate changes that have
occurred in the discourse of human rights over the past half-century.
In the paper I suggest that the prosecution teams in both the Nuremberg trials and international criminal
courts of today recognize the legal precariousness of what they undertake. The prosecutors of the
Nuremberg trial, operating entirely without legal precedent, rely, however, on an entirely different set of
discursive assumptions regarding the legitimacy of the court from international criminal courts operating
today (for which I will use the Milosevic trial as my example). The Nuremberg prosecution constructs
legitimacy through what I shall call a strong rhetorical program, engaging in consciously creative
symbolic formulations and referencing external value systems. Conversely, the prosecution in the
Milosevic trial engages in what I shall call a weak rhetorical program: hiding the agency of the
individuals that brought the trial into existence; using bland, but still value-laden procedural
constructions to describe the court and the atrocities it tries; and accepting the existence of the laws
under which the accused is tried as natural. The language of human rights, I shall argue, has, over the
last half century, become discursivized and disciplinized; the prosecution no longer seeks to explain
their prosecution of the accused in terms of reference to external logics but only in terms of internal
assumptions and systems of precedent.
C. Sánchez
Roosevelt Academy
Sarah Scheepers
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Bernadetta Siara
University of Westminster
Maija Stenvall
University of Helsinki
Untung Yuwono
University of Indonesia
Jan Zienkowski
University of Antwerp
and levels of analysis. Such levels include patterns of word choice, implication, and presupposition-
carrying constructions, interaction profiles and global meaning constructs. Exactly what linguistic tools
are most appropriate for an analysis of ideological patterns of political debates within Moroccan
communities of Antwerp, Belgium, is the principle question informing this poster presentation. The
relevance of this project overflows the porous domains of linguistics and political philosophy. The
poststructuralist concern with open, contingent and productive ideologies is also relevant within other
disciplines informing this project, ranging from oral and poststructuralist history over anthropology and
sociology to political philosophy.