Kosa 2015 - Seismic Stratigraphy of Central Luconia
Kosa 2015 - Seismic Stratigraphy of Central Luconia
Kosa 2015 - Seismic Stratigraphy of Central Luconia
Research paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Central Luconia is a geological province of the Sarawak Basin, offshore NW Borneo, characterised by
Received 14 November 2013 extensive development of Miocene to Recent carbonate build-ups. In the subsurface, many of these
Received in revised form build-ups are reservoirs for hydrocarbons. This study focuses on shelf-wide stratigraphic architecture,
7 July 2014
from which implications are drawn for the stratigraphic-sealing potential of the deltaic clastics. A
Accepted 13 July 2014
Available online 29 July 2014
stratigraphic model is proposed whereby clastic sediments surrounding the carbonate build-ups are
interpreted as stacked low-relief deltas deposited in response to high-frequency oscillation of the sea
level. The deltas are shown to have frequently prograded beyond carbonate build-ups. As a result of
Central Luconia
interaction between eustacy and deposition, deltaic topsets are juxtaposed against carbonate build-ups,
Carbonate providing migration routes for hydrocarbons. Most of the carbonate reservoirs are consequently
Deltaic underfilled, with hydrocarbon columns limited to the youngest onlapping stratigraphic sequence.
Seismic stratigraphy © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sealevel changes
Forced regression
0264-8172/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
36 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 1. A. Geographic and geologic setting of Central Luconia (CL). B. Seabed bathymetry and the carbonate province. CeD. Seismic sections and a block diagram highlighting the
key differences between CL and the neighbouring basins. As a result of tectonic stability, eustatic signal is more pronounced in CL than in the rapidly subsiding basins, and effects of
marine transgressions and regressions are preferentially observed.
(Fig. 1AeB; Sathiamurthy and Voris, 2006; Cullen, 2010). The regional highs and lows that are further partitioned into localised
shoreface dips relatively steeply down to the 40 m isobath over extensional horsts and grabens trending systematically SSW-NNE,
10e20 km (2e4 m/km), from where the bathymetric gradient is while compressional structures mostly trend WSW-ENE (Fig. 2).
very gentle (0.44 m/km) down to the 140 m isobath. Below this Seismic data presented here provide evidence for four structural
level, the shelf steepens distally and passes into the continental events to have significantly affected the province: (i) major dilation
slope, which dips sharply (up to 90 m/km, 5 ) down to 2.5 km and and associated growth-faulting in the Middle Miocene, (ii) minor
subsequently tapers out onto the abyssal plain of the South China dilation and differential subsidence in the Late Middle Miocene, (iii)
Sea (Fig. 1B). minor compression resulting in the inversion of regional troughs
and submergence of regional highs in the Early Pliocene, and (iv)
2.2. Structure major compression in the Late Pliocene to Holocene leading to
inversion and denudation in the south concurrent with tilting and
Central Luconia is distinguished from the adjacent tectonic do- rapid subsidence in the north (Fig. 3).
mains on the basis of a relatively shallow burial and structural
simplicity (Fig. 1). The province is flanked by deep basins on the 2.3. Stratigraphy
west, north and east sides: the West Luconia Delta, the North
Luconia Basin and the Baram Delta, respectively. A prominent Owing to a comparatively low and uniform subsidence accom-
lineament known as the West Baram Line separates Central Luconia panied by a relatively uneventful structural history, Central Luconia
from the Baram Delta. The western part of the Baram Delta located displays depositional styles substantially different from the
in Sarawak is known informally as the West Baram Delta (WBD). In neighbouring basins (Madon, 1999a). The West Luconia and the
the south is the compressed Balingian province (Fig. 1A; Ho, 1978; Baram Delta basins are both characterised by high rates of subsi-
Doust, 1981; Mat-Zin and Swarbrick, 1997; Hutchinson, 2005, 2010; dence resulting in a dominant aggradation of the delta-top sedi-
Cullen, 2010). ments and their passing down-dip into the outboard basins via
Although relatively shallow and gently dipping, the Central gigantic clinoforms such as those of the current continental slope
Luconia province is subdivided structurally into a number of with up to 2.5 km of relief (Fig. 1CeD). The deltas are also heavily
E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55 37
Figure 2. Structure map of the Top Cycle III with carbonate build-ups superimposed over the surface. Regional highs and troughs are dissected by densely-spaced extensional faults.
Hydrocarbons are scattered across the province.
compressed and have stratigraphy further complicated by gravity- 3. Previous work e rationale for study
driven extensional growth-faulting on the landward side and
compensational toe-thrusting on the basinward side (Hiscott, In early publications on the geology of the province, Ho (1978)
2001; Tingay et al., 2005, 2010; Gee et al., 2007; Carvajal et al., and Doust (1981) introduced the concept for the inception of the
2009; Cullen, 2010; Hesse et al., 2010; Hutchinson, 2010; King carbonate build-ups during a maximum transgression, marking the
et al., 2010). By way of contrast, clastic strata in Central Luconia turning point in an overall transgressive-regressive cyclothem of
are comparably thinner, flatter and free of large-scale gravity- the Sarawak Basin. A number of important derivative concepts have
driven deformation (Fig. 1C, D). The sediments are dominated by thus been born: (i) carbonates are interpreted to have been at all
prograding clinoforms, which form the basis for the subdivision of times surrounded by open water until ‘smothering’ by advancing
the stratigraphy into 8 ‘regressive cycles separated by major deltas in the south and ‘sub-aquatic drowning’ and burial under
transgressions’ (Ho, 1978; Doust, 1981; Hageman, 1987). These cy- ‘prodelta megaforesets’ in the north, (ii) northward tilting of the
cles, numbered I to VIII and ranging in age from the Eocene to the province is interpreted to have occurred during the deposition of
Present, can be further subdivided into higher-frequency cycles at the carbonate build-ups so as to make room for the ‘megaforesets’,
various scales (Fig. 3). (iii) carbonate build-ups in the centre and north of the province are
Carbonates are found throughout the stratigraphy, although the consequently interpreted to have acquired great heights of several
Middle Miocene appears to have witnessed a major period of car- kilometres above seabed as a result of this tilting, (iv) sediments
bonate inception coincident with a regional extensional event at filling the abysses of the ‘inter-reef canyons and plains’ separating
the end of Cycle III (van Vliet and Krebs, 2009). In general, car- the supposedly high-relief build-ups are consequently interpreted
bonate build-ups are observed to have died earlier and be thinner as deep-marine sediments.
(<500 m) in the south, while they become gradually longer-lived, These concepts, which have governed the geological thinking
thicker (up to 3000 m) and reaching higher in the stratigraphy in Central Luconia for over three decades, have important impli-
northwards (Ho, 1978; Epting, 1980, 1989; Doust, 1981; cations for hydrocarbon exploration. ‘Pro-delta muds’ down-
Vahrenkamp et al., 2004). Carbonate strata are highly cyclic on lapping onto ‘drowned’ carbonate build-ups imply unlimited
various scales, with cycles generally consisting of argillaceous stratigraphic seals around the build-ups. Central Luconia is, how-
transgressive carbonate facies dominated by rodoliths, echinoids ever, notorious for very short hydrocarbon columns relative to the
fragments and lime mud overlain by cleaner highstand carbonate relief of the carbonate build-ups, many of which have been
facies composed principally of coral fragments and capped by explained to result from stratigraphic leakage (Yamin Ali and
exposure surfaces. Laterally within cycles, primary-facies variations Abolins, 1999). Figure 4A depicts prominent sands forming a ma-
typical of Cainozoic tropical carbonate build-ups are observed: jor ‘thief zone’ controlling hydrocarbon-water contacts in many
coral framestones and fringing grainstones-rudstones dominate carbonate build-ups. The nature of these ‘thief sands’ has been
the high-energy edges of the build-ups, while the interiors are interpreted widely differently, however, from coastal (Madon,
prone to mudstone-wackestone facies deposited within sheltered 1999b), shallow ‘fluviomarine’ and ‘holomarine inner neritic’
lagoons (Epting, 1980, 1989; Doust, 1981; Sun and Esteban, 1994; (Ho, 1978; Doust, 1981) to deep-marine ‘prograding inter-reef
Yamin Ali and Abolins, 1999; Bracco Gartner et al., 2004; turbidites’. Numerous palaeogeographic reconstructions exist for
Zampetti et al., 2004a; Warrlich et al., 2010; Zampetti, 2010). the province, and virtually all concur in palaeocoastlines being
38 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 3. Sequence stratigraphy and associated geological time scale applied in this paper.
Figure 4. Regional sections (see Fig. 1B for location). The stratigraphy is consistent across the province; comprising a series of progradational units with clinoforms indicating
migration of palaeocoastlines by up to 200 km. Note gas-water contacts in (A) coincident with major stratigraphic surfaces. Also note the location of the terminal slopes of most
sequences in the vicinity of the current shelf-break, on the seaward side of most carbonate build-ups.
depositional sequences and lithology domains within the Cycles them to the palaeobathymetry envisaged. This is particularly
(Fig. 5). important for back-stripping exercises, where flattening on sur-
The stratigraphic architecture is complemented by surfaces faces with complex palaeobathymetry would lead to unrealistic
approximating the sea level at important timelines (Fig. 6). These scenarios. Second, they allow inter-carbonate correlation and
surfaces serve two purposes. First, seismic can be flattened on precise timing, via linkage to clastic biostratigraphy, of carbonate
40 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 5. Seismic section through Central Luconia (see Fig. 1B for location), illustrating the seismic-interpretation methodologies and stratigraphic principles employed by this
study. A. Sequence stratigraphy. Note location of terminal shelf edges and slopes within 50 km of the current shelf-margin. B. Section flattened on top of Cycle III. Cycle III is
isopachous and pinches out across a terminal slope. Cycle IV thickens across syndepositional faults. Cycles VeVI are of uniform thickness and pinch out across terminal slopes.
Cycles VIIeVIII are wedge-shape, resulting from tectonic tilting. CeD. Key geometric patterns and stratigraphic components. E. Seismic amplitudes and well-log data. Bright
amplitudes correspond with sand in wells. F. Evaluation of stratigraphic sealing capacity of the clastic strata.
strata and intra-carbonate events such as karst, exposure and stratigraphy in the shelf-top settings. Bottomsets are virtually ab-
flooding surfaces. sent on the shelf, as the foresets tend to downlap and pinch out
against the underlying flooding surfaces. Only in front of the ter-
minal slopes and in the basins surrounding Central Luconia are
4.2. Seismic facies and depositional domains
bottomsets significantly developed (Figs. 4 and 5).
The seismic strata are subdivided into four depositional do-
mains or ‘gross depositional environments’ commonly distin- 4.3. Sequence stratigraphic philosophy
guished in the context of deltaic sedimentology: (i) topsets, (ii)
foresets, (iii) bottomsets and (iv) channel fills (Figs. 4e6). Identifi- The stratigraphic framework based on ’regressive cycles sepa-
cation of these stratigraphic components has been assisted by rated by major transgressions' coincidentally conforms to the
automated extraction from the seismic of geometric attributes of Galloway (1989) convention of sequence stratigraphy whereby
‘divergence’, ‘convergence’ and ‘unconformity’ (Fig. 5C; van Hoek ‘genetic depositional units’ are separated by flooding surfaces.
et al., 2010). Parallel strata landward of clinoforms are branded Erosional unconformities are typically found in the upper part of
‘topsets’. Inclined strata immediately basinward of the topsets are each regressive unit, and could alternatively be used as sequence
identified as ‘foresets’. Parallel strata basinward of the foresets are boundaries as per the more commonly applied sequence-
marked out as ‘bottomsets’. In accordance with the concept of stratigraphic concept by Vail et al. (1977). However, erosional
‘shelf-top’ and ‘shelf-edge’ deltas (e.g., Hiscott, 2001; Mellere et al., scours tend to have limited extent and to pass laterally into
2002; Burgess et al., 2008; Carvajal et al., 2009), foresets prograding conformable horizons that are difficult to distinguish as sequence
over older topsets are said to be in ‘shelf-top’ settings, while those boundaries. The forced-regressive and lowstand parts of the
draping over contemporaneous continental slopes are considered depositional sequences also tend to be similar in scale, shape,
to be in ‘shelf-edge’ settings. Topsets and foresets dominate the amplitude patterns and lithology to the preceding highstand
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Figure 5. (continued).
regressive sediments. In contrast, major changes in lithology and 5.1. Cycle III
seismic facies tend to occur across flooding surfaces (e.g., Figs. 4 and
5), which are therefore retained as the basis for sequence- Cycle III covers the whole of Central Luconia, and is charac-
stratigraphy. terised by a remarkable consistency in thickness (500e600 m) and
Downlap terminations of clinoforms in the seismic data are lithology, consisting of shales interbedded with thin silts and sands
interpreted to indicate flooding surfaces. The width of belts of (Figs. 7, 8F). The unit terminates in a corridor, 10e15 km wide, of
seismically resolvable clinoforms is considered to indicate the well-developed clinoforms. These are up to 300 m thick and un-
minimum extent of marine transgressions. Terminal slopes (i.e., usually steep, dipping at c. 95 m/km or 5.5 along the NE edge of the
the most basinward clinoforms below flooding surfaces) provide province (Fig. 7AeC). The terminal slope approximates the West
the outer limits for surfaces of maximum regression (Fig. 5A). Baram Line, and extends into North Luconia (Fig. 7A). Low-relief
Terminal shelf edges, at the upper limits of the terminal slopes, are carbonate platforms, 50 me200 m thick and characterised by
taken to approximate the position of the palaeocoastlines at the steep, aggradational margins, are found at various levels within
time of maximum regressions (Fig. 5B). Coastal onlap (i.e., land- Cycle III (Figs. 7DeE, 8F; Epting, 1989). In 3D seismic, areas sepa-
ward onlap terminations of down-stepping clinoforms; Fig. 6B) is rating the Cycle III carbonate platforms resemble straight to low-
also taken to indicate palaeo-sea-levels. The height of clinoforms is sinuosity channels, hinting towards fluvial and/or tidal influence
considered to reflect the depth of the basin at the time of depo- on the location of carbonate factories (Fig. 7DeE).
sition (e.g., Fig. 6C).
5.2. Cycle IV
5. Results e stratigraphy
Cycle IV is a rather poorly understood and broadly defined unit,
The stratigraphic concepts developed in this paper for the clastic owing to the fact that all post-Cycle III carbonate build-ups grow
overburden of the carbonate province are summarised in Figure 3. into it, while very few wells penetrate it (Fig. 8A). In this study,
The key characteristics of the deltaic and carbonate systems at Cycle IV is defined as a growth unit bounded by the faulted top of
specific time intervals, from the Middle Miocene to the Present, are Cycle III at the base and a prominent flooding surface at the top. The
described in the following sections. unit is up to 600 m thick in the south of Central Luconia, and thins
42 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 6. A composite line linking West Baram Delta (WBD) with SW Luconia Delta (SWLD). Highlighted are the key sequence-stratigraphic principles and methodologies
entertained by this study. WBD prograded from the SE, and is portrayed in dip-orientation, showing ubiquitous clinoforms. In contrast, strata of the SWLD are shown in a strike-
orientation, and thus generally appear parallel, although being punctuated by erosional unconformities and channels.
outwards via onlap onto the top of Cycle III (Figs. 4e6). It can be regional highs, carbonate build-ups are separated by low to
internally subdivided into various thinner units on the basis of low- moderately sinuous gaps resembling fluvial or tidal channels
relief shingling clinoforms indicating flooding and regression, and (Fig. 8A, D, E). In contrast, build-ups in the troughs are elongated
erosional unconformities indicating exposure (e.g., Fig. 8F). The li- along SSW-NNE-trending extensional faults (Figs. 2, 8A). Towards
thologies observed from well cuttings and cores include mostly the top of Cycle IV, carbonate build-ups evolved significantly from
claystone, calcareous shale and marlstone, with intercalations of these early contours. Some back-stepped and turned into conical
thin, blocky siltstone and sandstone. The latter are difficult to pinnacles. Others expanded laterally in the form of ‘stringers’ or
correlate between wells, and seem to be poorly connected. The low-relief clinoforms, 20e30 m high, into the ambient basins
terminal slope of the unit closely approximates that of Cycle III, (Epting, 1980, 1989; Bracco Gartner et al., 2004; Zampetti et al.,
near to the West Baram Line and the current shelf-edge, although it 2004a,b). Coalescence of initially separate platforms is also
does not seem to extend into North Luconia (Fig. 8A). A narrow observed in the upper part of Cycle IV (e.g., Fig. 8F).
corridor of small (up to 160 m) seismically resolvable clinoforms,
generally very gentle but locally dipping at up to 70 m/km or 4 , is 5.3. Lower Cycle V
developed at the seaward end of the unit (Fig. 8BeC).
Some 250 carbonate build-ups originated on the top of Cycle III Cycle V is separated from the underlying Cycle IV by a major
and persisted partly or completely through Cycle IV (Fig. 8A). On flooding surface, with downlapping clinoforms indicating a
E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55 43
Figure 7. A. Distribution and facies of Cycle III. BeC. Geometry of the Cycle III shelf margin. DeE. Carbonate build-ups revealed by seismic amplitudes extracted 20e50 ms TWT
below the top of Cycle III. Carbonate platforms seem to be separated by braided channels, indicating fluvial and/or tidal control on carbonate inception.
landward shift of the coastline by at least 200 km. Two prominent The overlying ‘West Baram Delta Lobe 3.1’ (WBD3.1; Fig. 9C) is
deltaic sequences numbered 2.6 and 3.1, respectively, were similar in lithology to the underlying strata. The outboard slope
deposited in the SE of Central Luconia, while the rest of the prov- corridor of the delta is composed of moderately steep clinoforms
ince appears to have been temporarily starved of clastic deposition (42 m/km, 2.4 ), up to 80 m thick, prograding over the edge of the
as a result of the back-stepping (Fig. 9). Another consequence of this underlying WBD2.6 and downlapping onto ET3.1 (Fig. 9B).
general back-stepping of the delta was that carbonate build-ups
over most of the province were left to grow unhindered by clas- 5.4. Upper Cycle V
tics for some 3.5 MA, while at the same time ample accommodation
space was created on the shelf for the subsequent clastic strata. In In general, the Upper Cycle V is more sand-rich than the older
contrast with the underlying Cycle IV, no synsedimentary tectonic strata. Sediments derived from SW Luconia are comparatively
deformation is observed during Lower Cycle V (Figs. 4, 5 and 9E). shalier, however, than those originating in the West Baram Delta.
The ‘West Baram Delta Lobe 2.6’ (WBD2.6) is some 200 m thick The Upper Cycle V is of uppermost Miocene age. It is subdivided
and comprises two lobate delta bodies prograding in a generally vertically into genetic sequences numbered 3.2 and 3.3 (Figs. 4 and
NW direction from the West Baram Delta area (Fig. 9A). Litho- 5), although a much finer vertical and lateral subdivision can be
logically it is similar to Cycle IV, consisting of calcareous shale and made on the basis of flooding surfaces and erosional un-
marlstone intercalated with thin, blocky siltstone and sandstone conformities punctuating the numerous delta-lobes that build up
layers that cannot easily be correlated between wells. In seismic, this most complex part of the stratigraphy (e.g., Figs. 3, 6, 10 and 11).
the unit displays parallel topsets with channels and scour surfaces Avulsion and abandonment surfaces are widespread, identified by
passing down-dip into steep (75 m/km, 4.3 ) clinoforms (Figs. 8F, angular discordances between obliquely downlapping clinoforms
9B, D, E). The clinoforms are up to 150 m thick and downlap of deltas prograding in various directions (e.g., Fig. 6). Shelf-edge
directly onto the top of Cycle IV (Fig. 9B). Several erosional un- trajectories, truncation surfaces, and coastal onlaps provide evi-
conformities, with relief of up to 150 m, are found in the upper dence for rapid sea-level changes and deposition commonly gov-
part of the unit (Figs. 6AeB, 9D). In the southern lobe, the terminal erned by forced regression (Fig. 10). Back-stepped delta bodies are
slope has been eroded away; a coastal cliff-like scar has been mostly confined to the West Baram Delta area, while the down-
formed in its place (Fig. 9B). The erosional scar is onlapped stepped bodies generally extend all the way to the contempora-
discordantly by clastic strata interpreted as the lowstand systems neous continental slopes (Figs. 10 and 11).
tract of WBD2.6 marked as ‘East Trough Lobe 3.1’ (ETL3.1) in In the lower part of the succession, various low-relief back-
Figure 9BeC. stepped deltas are found in the SE, while across the shelf down-
44 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 8. A. Distribution and facies of Cycle IV. BeC. Geometry of the Cycle IV shelf margin. DeE. Seismic amplitudes extracted 20e50 ms TWT above the top of Cycle III. Carbonate
platforms seem to be separated by meandering channels, indicating fluvial and/or tidal control on deposition. F. Semi-regional section through the southern part of Central Luconia.
Note initially separated carbonate build-ups in the centre of the section prograding over surrounding clastics and eventually coalescing at the top of Cycle IV.
stepped strata are lumped together as the ‘Main Lobe 3.2’ (Main3.2; been created by the back-stepping of the underlying WBD2.6-
Fig. 10AeB). This composite stratigraphic unit consists of parallel WBD3.1 deltas (Fig. 9). Main3.2 is overlain by a smaller delta
topsets punctuated by numerous erosional unconformities and body termed ‘West Baram Delta Lobe 3.2’ (WBDL3.2). This is similar
passing down-dip into steep (up to 63 m/km, 3.6 ) clinoforms, in scale, shape and spatial extent to WBDL2.6 and WBDL3.1
which are up to 600 m thick and prograde over more than 150 km (Figs. 4B, 6, 10A). The deposition of WBDL3.2 coincided with an
(Fig. 10A, F). The considerable thickness of the clinoforms devel- episode of pronounced subsidence associated with growth faulting
oped in the shelf-top setting within this unit reflects syndeposi- and slumping in the East Trough (Fig. 4B).
tional subsidence in the regional troughs, as well as progradation of The terminal slope of WBDL3.2 is onlapped by ‘Main Lobe 3.3’
the Upper Cycle V deltas into the accommodation space that had (Main3.3; Figs. 3, 6). This composite genetic depositional unit
E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55 45
Figure 9. Lower Cycle V stratigraphy. A. Distribution and facies of TB2.6-age strata. B. Geometry of TB2.6-TB3.1 delta-edges. West Baram Delta Lobe 2.6 (WBD2.6) terminates in the
form of a coastal cliff, which is onlapped by lowstand sediments of East Trough Lobe 3.1 (ET3.1). This is downlapped by the subsequent highstand West Baram Delta Lobe 3.1
(WBD3.1). C. Distribution and facies of TB3.1-age strata. D. Erosional surfaces in the northern part of the deltas. E. Semi-regional section illustrating the clinoformal geometry at the
front of WBD2.6 and WBD3.1 deltas. Note intercalation of carbonates and clastics at major stratigraphic surfaces, and the demise of the carbonate platforms coincidental with
stratigraphic breaks in the clastics.
extends over the entire shelf, abutting the flanks of contempora- ubiquitous coastal onlaps indicate frequent oscillation of the sea
neous carbonate build-ups. Low-relief clinoforms, 50e70 m high level and prevailing deposition under forced regression in the outer
and dipping at 22 m/km or 1.3 , dominate the outer part of the unit. reaches of the deltaic systems (Fig. 10C). When mapped out,
Numerous truncation unconformities, up to 90 m deep, and erosional unconformities reveal extensive drainage networks
46 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 10. Upper Cycle V stratigraphy. A. Distribution and facies of TB3.2-age strata. B. Clinoforms in the outer fringes of Main3.2, which can be correlated between 2D seismic lines,
extend seaward of contemporaneous carbonate build-ups. C. Distribution and facies of TB3.3-age strata. D. Terminal slopes of Main3.2 and Main3.3. E. Drainage network on top of
Main3.3. F. Down-stepping of clinoforms in the outer part of Main3.2 and Main3.3 indicating deposition under forced regression.
terminating at the shelf edge (Fig. 10EeF). Various smaller delta- clinoforms, truncation surfaces, channels and steep erosional
lobes, including ‘East Trough Lobe 3.3’ (ETL3.3) and ‘West Baram scars at the delta fronts (Fig. 11).
Delta Lobe 3.4’ (WBDL3.4; Figs. 3, 10C, 11), overlie Main3.3. These Carbonate-build-up morphology at the stratigraphic levels cor-
are separated by flooding surfaces and arranged in an overall back- responding to Upper Cycle V is characterised by widening-upward
stepping manner, however their stratigraphy also includes ele- of the build-ups in the form of ‘wings’, ‘stringers’ and low-relief
ments of forced regression and erosion, such as down-stepping carbonate clinoforms prograding chiefly towards the oncoming
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Figure 11. Upper Cycle V stratigraphy. A. Cross-section of East Trough Lobe 3.3 (ET3.3). Note erosional unconformities and down-stepping of clinoforms indicative of forced
regression. B. Steep, low-relief (c. 100 m) clinoforms of West Baram Delta Lobe 3.4 (WBD3.4). Note down-stepping of clinoforms at the terminus of the delta. C. Laterally the
clinoforms at the edge of WBD3.4 are eroded, and instead a coastal cliff is preserved.
clastics (Figs. 4CeD, 6). Platforms on the Central Ridge were prograding over the edges of the older ones (Figs. 5, 12 and 13).
considerably enlarged during this time, to the extent of becoming Although separated by pronounced transgressions, these deltas
effectively linked into a single coalesced entity (Fig. 4CeD). Build- also contain multiple erosional unconformities near their tops
ups in the south of Central Luconia have mostly expanded during (Figs. 6B, 12C).
this period and subsequently died, buried under conformable ‘Main3.4’ is a mud-dominated clastic system derived generally
deltaic topsets. In contrast, build-ups located on major highs in the from South-West Luconia and filling up the depositional space
centre and north of the province survived into later times, having created by the back-stepping of the delta-lobes in the upper part of
been saved from clastic cover by distance and elevation. Cycle V (Figs. 11, 12A, C). It is characterised by very gently dipping
clinoforms (6 m/km, 0.33 ), which are up to 90 m thick and pro-
5.5. Cycle VI grade over more than 150 km (Fig. 12A, C). The strata become
slightly silty/sandy upwards. The overlying Main3.5 and Main3.6
A major change in lithology occurs across the contact of Cycles V deltas are similar in size and regressive clinoformal architecture to
and VI, from predominantly sandstone and siltstone to mostly Main3.4, however become significantly sandier upwards in
claystone (Figs. 4A, 5F). This change in lithology appears to have response to a gradual renewal of sediment influx from West Baram
been associated with a shift in the provenance of the bulk of the Delta (Figs. 12 and 13). Several delta-lobes, prograding from
sediments to SW Luconia. The seismic character also changes different directions and separated by angular unconformities be-
fundamentally; from highly reflective seismic facies dominated by tween the variably dipping clinoforms, can be distinguished within
steep clinoforms and erosional unconformities in Upper Cycle V to the upper part of Cycle VI, although have as yet not been mapped
transparent, low-amplitude, gently dipping reflectors in Cycle VI out in detail.
(Fig. 5). Three major depositional units are distinguished, An important compressional event took place during the
numbered 3.4-3.6 (Fig. 3). These are arranged in an overall deposition of Main3.5, leading to the inversion of the regional
transgressive-regressive manner, with the younger units troughs and the sinking of the Central Ridge. This was an important
48 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 12. A. Distribution and facies of TB3.4-age strata. B. Distribution and facies of TB3.5-age strata. C. Regional section illustrating the gently-dipping clinoformal stratigraphy of
the succession. DeE. Clinoforms developed at the outer reaches of the TB3.5-age delta. The maximum relief of the clinoforms is 120 m.
event as it has facilitated early consolidation of the stratigraphic became subjected to renewed compression. This has resulted in a
seal of some of the largest hydrocarbon accumulations in the northward tilting leading to rapid subsidence and deposition along
province. The onset of another major structural event subsequently the fringes of the province, and a coeval uplift and denudation in
took place during the deposition of Main3.6, when Central Luconia the inboard areas (Figs. 4D, 5, 15). The tilting was initiated
E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55 49
Figure 13. A. Distribution and facies of the TB3.6-age strata. B. Geometry of the TB3.6 delta-front. Some 3 MA ago, CL began to tilt northwards. A discrete wedge-shaped body, ‘Bijan
Apron 3.6’, marks the onset of this tectonic tilting. C. Distribution and facies of the TB3.7-age strata. D. Geometry of the TB3.7-equivalent shelf-edge. Aggradational topsets and km-
scale foresets dominate the outer reaches of the stratigraphy.
approximately 3 MA ago with the deposition of a distinct wedge of in Figure 14. The following generalisations can be made. Carbonate
sediment designated as ‘Bijan Apron 3.6’ (Figs. 12C, 13A-B). build-ups are found in older strata, however Cycle III provides the
foundation of the economically exploited carbonate province
5.6. Cycles VII-VIII studied here. The trend of the terminal slope of Cycle III along the
West Baram Line testifies to the existence of this lineament at that
Cycles VII and VIII are both characterised by wedge-shape ge- time. In contrast, no bathymetrical break seems to have then
ometry, expanding rapidly basinward and pinching out landward existed between Central and North Luconia (Fig. 7). The uniform
(Figs. 4, 5, 13D). The strata are predominantly aggradational, thickness of Cycle III indicates uniform subsidence and flat ba-
responding to continuous tectonic tilting. The aggradation has thymetry. Carbonate platforms are found at various levels inside
produced oversteepened continental slopes, c. 2.5 km high and Cycle III (e.g., Figs. 7DeE, 8F), indicating very shallow water depths
dipping at up to 5 . The deltaic topsets are characterised by high repeatedly allowing the establishment of carbonate-producing
sand content and distinct cleaning-up cyclicity (Figs. 4A, 5E, 13B, D). ecosystems. Channel-like features extracted from 3D seismic far
Numerous erosional unconformities dot the stratigraphy. Seabed inboard of the terminal slope (Fig. 7DeE) also hint towards
topography, shallow cores and seismic amplitudes provide evi- shallow-water and periodically perhaps even subaerial conditions.
dence for widespread fluvial deposition. Several carbonate build- Cycle III is consequently interpreted to have been deposited on a
ups currently thriving in the north of the province were initiated frequently flooded, muddy coastal plain (Yamin Ali and Abolins,
at the base of Cycle VIII (Fig. 1B). 1999).
The deposition of Cycle III terminated in response to a major
6. Synthesis and interpretation extensional tectonic event. The flat surface of Cycle III has been
fragmented into fault blocks over which the growth strata of Cycle
6.1. Synthesis IV were deposited (Fig. 14A). Subsequently, during Lower Cycle V,
deltaic deposition was largely confined to the inner parts of the
The stratigraphic evolution of the clastic overburden of the shelf, allowing for large carbonate build-ups to grow outboard of
carbonate province of Central Luconia is schematically summarised the back-stepped deltas. During Upper Cycle V, prolific clastic
50 E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55
Figure 14. Stratigraphic evolution and resulting lithological variations in the clastic overburden of Central Luconia. AeB. Back-stepping of Lower Cycle V deltas created deep ac-
commodation space on the shelf, resulting in high-relief clinoforms in Upper Cycle V. C. Following a major transgression at the onset of Cycle VI, a series of muddy ramps have filled
the basin. D. Tectonic uplift in the south and rapid subsidence in the north resulted in a thick wedge of young sediments. EeF. Gross depositional environments and lithological
composition of the Luconia shelf.
supply has resulted in the filling of the accommodation space on 6.2. Interpretation
the shelf by large clinoforms commonly reaching the continental
slope (Fig. 14B). Cycle VI initiated with another major flooding Clastic deltas in Central Luconia are observed to have frequently
event associated with a profound change in lithology and related migrated beyond contemporaneous carbonate build-ups all the
clinoform morphology (Fig. 14C). Finally, compression initiated way to their respective continental slopes (e.g., Figs. 4, 5, 8, 10, 12,
during the latter part of Main3.6's deposition has lead to tectonic 13). Given the sensitivity of Miocene reef-building organisms to
uplift in the south and to rapid subsidence and aggradation of Cy- turbidity, this observation requires explanation as to how the
cles VII-VIII in the north (Fig. 14D). carbonate-producing ecosystems survived such repeated clastic
Tracking down these shifts of depocentres, clinoform belts and intrusions into their territory. Forced regression is proposed to have
terminal depositional slopes through time allows the interpretation enabled this apparent sedimentological paradox (e.g., Figs. 5D, 12B,
of an overall stratigraphic architecture in terms of basic elements of F, 13). Since carbonate factories have a tendency to grow up to the
deltaic stratigraphy (Fig. 14E). Although long-distance landward sea level, any fall of the sea level would inevitably expose the build-
migrations of the facies-belts and their respective palaeocoasts are ups, allowing regressive clastics to march past the exposed struc-
apparent, most of the terminal slopes reside in the vicinity of the tures and temporarily to incorporate them into the out-building
current shelf-edge near the structural boundaries of Central Luco- shelves. Topographic relief of erosional unconformities and down
nia. The lithologies within the stratigraphic framework can be stepping of points of coastal onlap indicates exposure of the shelf
described as follows (Fig. 14F). Cycle III consists of clays encapsu- by up to 120 m (e.g., Figs. 9e11). The exposed part of the build-ups
lating low-relief carbonate platforms at regional highs. Cycle IV and would be protected from clastic cover and later serve as nuclei for
Lower Cycle V comprise predominantly clay and marl, with thin future generations of carbonate growth after re-flooding.
and poorly connected sands and silts. In the Upper Cycle V, silt- and Compaction of the surrounding clastics, along with differential
sand-rich lithologies dominate. The lower part of Cycle VI consists subsidence between the highs, on which the build-ups were
virtually of clay, with thinly developed, though laterally persistent, generally formed, and the adjacent basins, would greatly enhance
silts and sands found in the highest portions of each regressive the likelihood of survival of the build-ups. On the other hand,
depositional unit. Finally, the Upper Cycle VI and younger strata are carbonate build-ups that were covered by clastics during high-
composed of laterally persistent sands and silts separated by clays stands of the sea level, or those within areas subsiding sufficiently
plastering high-frequency flooding surfaces. rapidly to be buried during lowstands, seem to have been unable to
E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55 51
Figure 15. Sub-recent and fossil analogues to the stratigraphic concept presented in this study. A. Pleistocene, Eastern Australia. B. Pennsylvanian, NortheCentral Texas.
Red Sea (Purser et al., 1987), and the continental shelves offshore maximum regression, associated with extremely low bathymetric
Belize (Esker et al., 1998; Elmer Ferro et al., 1999) and Costa Rica gradients and shallow water depths, which had been instrumental
(Bauch et al., 2011). in providing a suitable foundation for extensive carbonate growth
Studies of the sub-recent sub-sea geology provide evidence for when the coastal plain developed during Cycle III became
juxtaposition of sediments produced by fluvial and carbonate dismembered into gentle growth grabens and horsts (Fig. 14A;
depositional systems, which are not normally considered close Yamin Ali and Abolins, 1999; van Vliet and Krebs, 2009).
relatives, in unexpected places that at present may lie several 100s This change in paradigm, from ‘maximum transgression’ to
of km offshore and in waters up to 140 m deep. These observation ‘maximum regression’, is important as it sets a different stage for
are used here as analogues to the past depositional settings, in the interpretation of the subsequent depositional settings. In the
which carbonate build-ups in Central Luconia are interpreted to ‘maximum transgression’ scenario, it is intuitive to expect the post-
have become repeatedly onlapped by shallow-marine and fluvial Cycle III carbonate build-ups to have developed in isolation from
sediments. The Plio-Pleistocene succession of the Sunda shelf forms clastics, which would have been pushed landward first and only
a prime part of this analogy. Hannebuth et al. (2003) argued that gradually return to cover the province under much younger ‘pro-
the bulk of the deposition of these strata occurred under regimes of delta muds’ and ‘megaforesets’. The alternative, ‘maximum
forced regression, by-passing contemporaneous carbonate build- regression’ scenario, on the other hand, opens the door for an
ups that were temporarily exposed on the shelf. Pigott et al. interpretation of the clastics as of regressive deltaics filling up a
(2011) also stress the importance of forced regression for realign- limited accommodation space and frequently prograding beyond
ment of fluvial morphologies and deposition of down-stepping contemporaneous carbonate build-ups (Fig. 14). The resulting flat
terraces on the inner Sunda shelf during recessions of the Pleisto- bathymetries developed prior to marine transgressions are then
cene sea levels. Hiscott (2001) demonstrated forced regression to interpreted to have accentuated the effect of flooding, with coast-
have strongly affected the deposition of the young strata of the lines travelling over 100s of km landward of their lowstand shelf-
Baram Delta. Hence, the models outlined in this study for the edge positions (Figs. 7e13). Frequent variations of the sea level
buried carbonate province of Central Luconia are not at all unique in are thus understood to have been associated with rapid and long-
the context of geoscience, but merely shed a fresh light onto deeper distance migrations of the palaeoshorelines, analogous to those
subsurface inspired by the recent advances in our understanding of observed in the Quaternary of the Sunda shelf (Sun et al., 2000; van
the shallow subsea geology in similar, albeit younger, settings. den Bergh et al., 2001; Miall, 2002; Hannebuth et al., 2003, 2011;
In contrast with the abundance of presently submerged coastal Sathiamurthy and Voris, 2006; Pigott et al., 2011; Reijenstein
plains interacting with carbonates, which are easily imaged by et al., 2011).
modern remote-sensing tools, comparatively fewer examples of These interpretations provide a framework that can potentially
similar clastic-carbonate constellations have been described in explain limitations imposed by the overburden clastic stratigraphy
published literature from older strata. Well known partial ana- on hydrocarbon containment within carbonate reservoirs. The
logues, albeit of only a limited relevance for the Miocene semi- carbonate play in Central Luconia play has been highly successful,
isolated shelf-top carbonate build-ups described here, are those with 72 discoveries in 126 exploration wells, and 27 commercial
of the Devonian Canning Basin, NW Australia (Holmes and Christie- developments to date (Fig. 2). However, a majority of the carbonate
Blick, 1993; Southgate et al., 1993). Somewhat more fitting are the reservoirs are underfilled with respect to their thickness (e.g.,
examples described from the Upper Palaeozoic intra-cratonic ba- Yamin Ali and Abolins, 1999). A striking coincidence is observed
sins of North America (e.g., Brown et al., 1973; Dutton, 1982; between major sequence-stratigraphic divides in the clastic over-
Galloway, 1989; Olszewski and Patzkowski, 2003) of shelf-top burden and the vertical span of hydrocarbon columns discovered in
fluvial sediments abutting the flanks of contemporaneous carbon- the carbonate reservoirs. Most hydrocarbon columns are encased
ate mounds and eroding into exposed epeiric carbonate platforms within a single genetic unit of the onlapping clastic stratigraphy,
during lowstands (e.g., Fig. 15B). and roughly half of the hydrocarbon-water contacts coincide with
Examples most relevant to the current study are those from major flooding surfaces (e.g., Fig. 4A). In a somewhat counter
nearby SE Asian basins: the Oligocene of Central Kalimantan (Saller intuitive manner, the longest hydrocarbon columns are found
et al., 1993), the Miocene of the Mahakam Delta (Wilson, 2005) and within the lowest-relief carbonate build-ups culminating below the
the Miocene-Pliocene shelf of the Gulf of Papua (Tcherepanov et al., Upper Cycle V, where hydrocarbon columns mostly match the
2010). The early studies of Central Luconia inadvertently also pro- vertical relief of the host carbonate reservoirs, and in some cases
vide fitting analogies for the stratigraphic model proposed in this extend across one or more flooding surfaces in the onlapping
paper. Epting (1989), for example, interpreted ‘shallow marine and clastics. To the contrary, a disappointing trend is observed of the
deltaic clastics’ to flank carbonate platforms expanding into and higher-relief carbonate platforms culminating in the younger strata
over these abutting sediments. Carbonate build-ups in Central to host very short hydrocarbon columns, which generally end at or
Luconia have been commonly e and correctly e depicted with above the highest onlapping flooding surface (Fig. 16A).
feathery edges, with ‘wings’ and small-scale clinoforms extending The observation of most hydrocarbon-water contacts being
away from the main carbonate bodies (e.g., Epting, 1980, 1989; limited to the highest onlapping clastic sequence is interpreted to
Scherer, 1980; Aigner et al., 1989; Lawrence et al., 1990; relate to the shallowing- and cleaning-up character of the deltaic
Vahrenkamp, 1998; Vahrenkamp et al., 2004; Bracco Gartner sediments building up the stratigraphic column. The coarsest-
et al., 2004; Zampetti et al., 2004a, b; Zampetti, 2010; Burgess grained lithology (siltstone to sandstone as indicated by well-log,
et al., 2013). Such carbonate geomorphology unequivocally dem- cuttings and core data) found towards the top of each regressive
onstrates shallow bathymetry of the surrounding basins, which system is considered responsible for the leakage of hydrocarbons
must have been filled with clastics in order to support the overlying from those carbonate build-ups where the hydrocarbon-water
carbonate ‘wings’. contacts coincide with major flooding surfaces (Fig 4A). A direct
Observations gathered here contrast with the notion of the post- evidence for migration of hydrocarbons via silt- and sand-grade
Cycle III carbonate province originating at the time of ‘maximum clastic ‘thief beds’ is found in the Shallow Clastics and Kumang
transgression’, as in the context of an overall transgress-regressive fields in the south of the province (e.g., Figs. 8F, 9E), where the
regime of the Sarawak Basin (Ho, 1978; Doust, 1981; Mat-Zin and Upper Cycle V sands form prolific reservoirs. This relationship be-
Swarbrick, 1997). Instead, it appears that it was the time of tween the cleaning-upward cyclicity of the overburden deltaics and
E. Kosa / Marine and Petroleum Geology 59 (2015) 35e55 53
Figure 16. Summary of overburden sequence stratigraphy and implications for hydrocarbon exploration. A. Discovered hydrocarbon columns vs. vertical relief of carbonate build-
ups. B. Historical exploration success rates. C. Subdivision of the stratigraphy into common-risk segments sharing similar lithological characteristics and exploration history.
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deltaic topsets. An impressively high level of exploration success burial of the carbonate reservoirs, migration pathways, pore pres-
has been achieved recently in the outer fringes of Central Luconia, sure and the mechanical competence of the cap rock, also play part
where carbonate pinnacles are buried under deltaic foresets in the ability of the carbonate structures to contain hydrocarbons.
composed of clay-dominated lithologies (Fig. 16BeC; Wong
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