Presented here are Benzoflex™ 2088 plasticizer, Benzoflex™ • E astman TXIB provides efficient Tg suppression at lower
50 plasticizer, Eastman TXIB™ formulation additive, and Eastman (<10% on dry polymer content) addition levels for better
Effusion™ plasticizer, which meet all the concerns around non- low-temperature properties combined with a large viscosity
phthalate demand and have the following advantages: increase. We generally only recommend using Eastman TXIB
at these lower addition levels, as in some vinyl acetate
• Suitable for most adhesive systems, providing improved homopolymers, incompatibility is evident at levels above
wet tack, set times, and open times 10% on dry polymer.
• Compatible with PVAc and VAE emulsions • Eastman Effusion provides efficient Tg suppression for better
• Reliability of supply low-temperature properties at both high and low addition levels.
• Eastman TXIB is highly compatible with Benzoflex™ plasticizers It is possible to use the plasticizers alone or in combination
and Eastman Effusion. to optimize the desired Tg suppression and viscosity increase.
You should determine the correct Eastman plasticizer level
for your specific formulation.
Effect of plasticizer on PVAc
Benzoflex Benzoflex Eastman Eastman
2088 50 TXIB Effusion DIBP
90 0
Viscosity change (%)
Tg change (°C)
50 –15
40 –20
0 –35
Benzoflex Benzoflex Eastman Eastman DIBP
2088 50 TXIB Effusion
Viscosity change (%)
Tg change (°C)
0 –25
Benzoflex Benzoflex Eastman Eastman DIBP
2088 50 TXIB Effusion
To find out more about the secure supply and efficiency for
Benzoflex 2088, Benzoflex 50, Eastman TXIB, and Eastman
Effusion, contact your Eastman representative today.
Regulatory status in food contact application
Product regulatory information sheets for Benzoflex 2088, Benzoflex 50,
Eastman TXIB, and Eastman Effusion are available on request. Contact Eastman
at 800-EASTMAN or visit for more information.
Benzoflex™ 50 Lawful for use in certain food contact applications Not listed
Eastman Effusion™ Lawful as a plasticizer in polymers for use: (1) in adhesives, Not listed
plasticizer (2) in pressure sensitive adhesives, and (3) as a coating or
component of paper or paperboard intended for use in contact
with dry foods with no free surface fat or oil
Eastman TXIB™ Lawful for use in certain food contact applications Lawful for use in certain food contact applications
formulation additive
Typical properties
* The plasticizer has the possibility to solidify at 16°C, however, they supercool. The melting point is 16°C. The pour point is <–21°C. Experience indicates that
Benzoflex 50 remains liquid down to 0°C.
Eastman Chemical Company
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U.S.A. and Canada, 800-EASTMAN (800-327-8626)
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