Cytodiagnostic Copper Pennies in Chromoblastomycosis: Through The Lens
Cytodiagnostic Copper Pennies in Chromoblastomycosis: Through The Lens
Cytodiagnostic Copper Pennies in Chromoblastomycosis: Through The Lens
Cytodiagnostic copper pennies in
Gopikrishnan Anjaneyan, Soumya Jagadeesan, Jacob Thomas
Department of A 45‑year‑old male agriculturist presented subepidermal abscesses, thus confirming the
Dermatology, to the dermatology outpatient clinic with diagnosis of chromoblastomycosis. Tissue
Amrita Institute of asymptomatic slowly progressive exophytic fungal culture grew Fonsecaea pedrosoi, and
Medical Sciences, Kochi,
lesions over the left lower limb since 4 years. was identified as the etiological agent.
Kerala, India
Examination revealed multiple verrucous
plaques and nodules with scaling and a Chromoblastomycosis, a subcutaneous mycoses
few black dots on the surface of some is caused by dematiaceous fungi such as
lesions [Figure 1]. He gave a history of trauma Phialophora verrucosa, F. pedrosoi, Fonsacea
a few years back while farming, preceding the compacta, and Cladosporium carrionii. These
onset of lesions. fungi have been isolated from wood and soil, and
the infection usually results from trauma. Male
Skin scraping with 10% potassium hydroxide agricultural workers from rural areas are most
(KOH)–a simple office diagnostic procedure–was commonly affected.[1]
performed, which showed multiple round
thick‑walled brownish budding bodies Positive KOH smears and skin biopsies are
resembling copper pennies (also known as confirmatory but diagnosis can be missed
sclerotic/muriform/medlar bodies) [Figure 2]. cytologically or histologically due to lack of
L a t e r, h i s t o p a t h o l o g i c e x a m i n a t i o n “clinical suspicion” in many cases.[2] The main
demonstrated similar pigmented sclerotic treatment options include long courses of
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bodies within epithelioid granulomas, within systemic antifungals preferably itraconazole or
Website: Langhans giant cells and also in intra‑ and terbinafine combined with cryotherpy or local heat
DOI: 10.4103/2229-5178.178085 therapy. Potassium iodide also has been used
Quick Response Code: as a cost‑effective treatment option, especially
in India.[3,4]
Address for
Dr. Gopikrishnan
Department of
Dermatology, Amrita
Institute of Medical
Sciences (AIMS),
B Block, Ponekkara,
Kochi - 682 026,
Kerala, India.
drgopikrishnana@gmail. Figure 1: Chromoblastomycosis showing multiple
verrucous plaques and nodules with scaling and a Figure 2: Skin scraping showing classical golden brown
few black dots septate “copper pennies” on 10% KOH mount
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