A Successful Treatment Report On Rabbits Infected With Sarcoptic Mange
A Successful Treatment Report On Rabbits Infected With Sarcoptic Mange
A Successful Treatment Report On Rabbits Infected With Sarcoptic Mange
Archana Introduction
Assistant Professor, Dermatological problems are one of the most common clinical entities in domestic pets and fur
Department of Veterinary bearing animals [3] and among them, Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious, non-seasonal,
Pharmacology, BVC, Patna,
pruritic skin condition in rabbits and is caused by mite Sarcoptes scabiei. Overcrowded living
Bihar, India
conditions and poor hygiene are significant factors for infection with Sarcoptes scabiei mites
Nikee Kumari . It is frequently found on the sparsely haired parts of the body such as the face, ears and legs
J.A.R.O, Institute of Animal [5]
, causing intense itching, pruritis, crust formation, scale production, thickening and wrinkling
Health and Production, Patna, of skin of affected area [10]. It is most obstinate, persistent and zoonotically important
Bihar, India
contagious disease [6]. If, it is left untreated may cause significant morbidity and economic
losses. The traditional treatment of sarcoptic mange includes external application of
Organophosphates, Pyrethroid compounds or Amitraz, but its use may be problematic in that it
needs frequent and careful application and may have side effects. The avermectin drug group
includes ivermectin, abamectin, doramectin, eprinomectin and selamectin which can be used to
treat rabbits that are naturally infested with S. scabiei and because of its long acting effect and
easier to apply have therefore replaced the conventional dips, rinses and aerosol sprays [2, 5].
Ivermectin is used as a broad spectrum parasiticide in domestic animals and is also
recommended for treatment of ear mange in rabbits [12]. The present paper reports successful
therapeutic management of sarcoptic mange in a rabbit.
The Pharma Innovation Journal
examined and found negative for the mites after three weeks
of treatment. At the same time, after removal of crusts, hair
growth in previously infested areas was observed in both
infested rabbits and clinical signs like alopecia and intense
itching were also resolved completely.
Mange caused by Sarcoptic species is more common in
rabbits and diagnosis is usually confirmed by microscopic
skin scrapping examination. In the present study,
demonstration of mange under microscope along with skin
lesions was sufficient for confirmatory diagnosis of sarcoptic
mange [10]. Clinical manifestations such as development of
scales, scabs, crusts and alopecia along with a large density of
S. scabiei below crusts as observed in present study were in
accordance with the findings of [9, 5]. Ivermectin, at a dosage
of 0.2-0.4 mg/kg of body weight administered subcutaneously
Fig 1: Picture showing severe dry crusty lesions on around nose,
once every 2 weeks for 2-3 treatments is usually a simple,
eyes, ears and legs. safe, effective treatment [13, 8]. In the present case study,
treatment was carried out with Ivermectin @ 200 μg/kg body
weight, subcutaneously at weekly interval for three week was
found to be effective in treating scarcoptic mange [6, 5]
whereas, Kachhawa et al., [4], Mitra et al. [8] 2014 and Singh et
al. [10] reported that 400 μg/kg body weight introduced
subcutaneously was an effective treatment for the sarcoptic
mange. Ivermectin given subcutaneously selectively binds to
glutamate gated and gamma-amino-butaric acid (GABA)
gated chloride channels in the mites nervous system, resulting
in hyperpolarization of cells, paralysis and finally death of
mites [1]. So, the present observations indicates ivermectin
therapy coupled with supportive treatment and disinfection of
rabbit cages or houses of infected animals is effective in
control of mange in rabbits.
In the present study it is concluded that mange in rabbit has a
Fig 2: Picture showing mild dry crusty lesions on around eyes, nose major constraint and it may be successfully treated with
and ear pinna. ivermectin and supportive therapy.
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betadin solution regularly for 2 weeks. Multivitamins (A to Z 8. Mitra J, Shikari RN, Das AK, Roy BB, Mitra M.
drop) orally @5 drops twice a day as a supportive therapy was Therapeutic management of sarcoptic mange in rabbit
also prescribed to hasten up the recovery. The owner was also with ivermectin. Exploratory Animal and Medical
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