Hs CD 17 00159-Conditions 10 14 22-598281 1
Hs CD 17 00159-Conditions 10 14 22-598281 1
Hs CD 17 00159-Conditions 10 14 22-598281 1
Your Reference:
Date: 20 March 2018
Please ask for: Mr A Jolly
Telephone direct: (01424) 783250
Email: ajolly@hastings.gov.uk Development Management Team
Web: www.hastings.gov.uk/planning Muriel Matters House, Breeds Place
Hastings, East Sussex TN34 3UY
Fulcrum Design
Studio 7
Design House
Guildford Road
KT23 4HB
Dear Mr Skipper,
I refer to the above application received on 16 March 2017 and write to inform you that these details
pursuant to conditions have been considered under my delegated powers and are hereby discharged:
Condition 10 states:
Whitecroft Lighting Levanter lamps (LEVH24KGF) and ASD lighting stealth SE2/BLED16 wall mounted
lights are proposed along the access road and car parking areas only. The number of lights, type, height
and direction of illumination is appropriate for this location and would be in accordance with best practice
recommendations by the Bat Conservation Trusts (2014) Interim Guidance on Artificial Lighting. No new
lighting is proposed to be installed along the woodland edge to safeguard bats, badgers and the adjacent
nature reserve. The northern and eastern site boundary is to be retained as a dark area.
Condition 14 states:
“No works which include the creation of trenches or culverts or the presence of pipes shall commence until measu
A Badger Construction Method Statement has been submitted by the Ecology Consultancy dated 7
February 2018. Protective non-intervention fencing was erected around the site as evidenced in the
Method Statement and remained in place for the duration of the construction. The Method Statement also
sets out a number of safeguarding measures to protect badgers during the course of the development.
Condition 22:
‘Prior to the landscaping of the Biodiverse Gardens, details of the management and the responsibility of the
Biodiverse Garden to be submitted in writing and approved by the Local Planning Authority. Thereafter,
management of the garden to be carried out in accordance with the approved details’.
The biodiverse garden is located on a south facing slope in the eastern extent of the site. The area will be
re-seed with compatible wild flower seed mixes and a strip of woodland seed mix approximately 2m wide
adjacent to the woodland edge, sown with Emorsgate Woodland Mixture or similar. It is also proposed to
install three hibernacula along the woodland edge within the biodiverse garden to enhance wildlife / reptile
habitats. A native species scrub buffer is proposed on the sloping ground along the northern boundary.
Grassland buffer are proposed within the site around the edges of the buildings in the northern part of the
site. Landscaping is proposed within the site surrounding the car parking areas and will be planted with
mainly native species. Bird boxes will be installed on the buildings and within the adjacent woodland. The
report includes an appropriate five year management schedule for the whole site including the biodiverse
The conditions cannot be fully discharged until the works are completed in accordance with the approved
Yours faithfully,