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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the jrear 1838, br
in the Clerks office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York.
Columbia College, New York,
26th March, 1838.

I have, at your request, perused the manuscript of your
Treatise on the Gems. It gives me great pleasure to be able to bear
my testimony to the care and labour with which this treatise has been
compiled. The work is one which may be usefully employed by
teachers of Mineralogy, and particularly in its useful applications.
To the practical man it cannot fail to be of great value, from its
opening sources of information which, in this country, are as yet
confined to but few persons, and from the reputation of the authori
ties whence you have drawn your facts. It is, however, in reference
to the native minerals and rocks of the United States, that I conceive
your treatise to be most likely to be eminently useful. I observe that
you have collated the descriptions and localities of American speci
mens, which are now to be sought in scientific periodicals, or in the
transactions of learned societies. For such searches practical men
have not the opportunities, and scientific men, although well aware of
the value of our native treasures, are rarely so circumstanced as to be
able to render them objects of commercial speculation. This part of
your task has been laboriously and faithfully accomplished.
I am aware that you have experienced a difficulty in being com
pelled to write in a language which to you is foreign. On this head,
however, you need not feel discouraged. The language of science is
universal ; and as I have found no difficulty in understanding every
portion of your manuscript, I do not doubt that it will be equally clear
and intelligible to your readers, when it shall appear in a printed

Dr. Lewis Fecchtwanger.


Among the many publications of the present day on the various

subjects of Natural History, a practical work on mineralogy, as
applied to the Arts, has been much needed in the English language.
Of this general subject the history of the Gems, in reference to their
mineralogical, chemical, and physical characters, and with a view to
serve as a guide to the lapidary, the jeweller, and the amateur, is one
of the most important branches.
The author of the following Treatise has, at the solicitation of his
numerous friends, consented to fill with his feeble means that vacancy
in our literature. Should he therefore have been so successful as to
realize their wishes, and to contribute in guarding against deception
and ignorance, and in pointing out those theoretical and practical
cautions to be observed in the treatment and purchase of Gems, he
would feel satisfied that his humble and imperfect efforts are amply
rewarded. He has considered the Gems in their most extended sense,
and not treated of the mineral productions generally called by that
name alone, but has included the Corals, Pearls, and such Rocks as
promise to prove ornamental and useful to architecture. He has drawn
the attention of the reader to those specific characters which distin
guish the true Gems from all other minerals and false stones, the last
of which are now in such general use, and are palmed upon the igno
rant as precious gems, which in truth are remarkably good imitations,
and often require a practised eye to distinguish the false from the
true. The former are now worn by all classes, either from ignorance
or from the more moderate price at which they can be afforded, and
often present nearly the same appearance as real Gems. In order to
encourage the artist in the manufacture of those pastes, the author
has described the mode of manufacturing them, according to the best
information, and from his own experience.

The author has been very particular in describing all the localities
of the various Gems and mineral productions suitable for ornamental
purposes, and particularly those of this country, upon which the
unbounded blessings of Providence have been spread in the most
liberal manner, in order to awaken the mind of the young observer
to those rich treasures of Nature which are yet principally hidden
beneath the surface of the earth, or which may be left for his future
investigation. It is, however, not at all surprising that those rich
natural productions with which the American soil abounds, are not
yet sufficiently known, or even appreciated, because neither the
naturalist nor the student has, in this country, the opportunity of
examining cabinets of specimens of these rich treasures.
It was the author's intention to accompany this work with plates
in illustration of the lapidary's wheels and tools, as well as of the
forms in which all the Gems and minerals originally crystallize. He
likewise proposed to prepare coloured prints, representing all the colours
of the Gems, such as have been given by Mr. Mawe, in his Treatise
on Diamonds and Precious Stones, printed in London in 1813. He
would at the same time have extended this work to nearly double its
present volume. He has, however, deferred this task to a future
occasion, when, after this first essay will have received the sanction
of an enlightened public, he may feel encouraged to issue another
edition. In the arrangement of the following Treatise, the author
has followed the plan of a small work, published in 1832, by Dr.
Blum, in Germany ; but he has drawn other references from the
following works :—
Haiiy des Pierres Precieuses,
Brard Mineralogie Appliquee aux Arts,
Dumas Chemie Appliquee aux Arts, 1821,
Hitchcock's Report on the Geology of the State of Massa
Comstock's Mineralogy,
Leuch's Waarenkunde,
Sillimann's Journal.



All the phenomena of nature which exhibit themselves to our
senses are of two kinds : those comprised in a space, or which may
be discriminated by our external senses, such as the animal, plant,
&c. ; or those which do not possess a form, and are only comprehended
by the inner senses, such as doubt, belief, &c. : the latter belong to
psychology, and the former to physiology, or what we may call phy
sics in a more extended term. Physics are then divided in natural
philosophy and natural history ; this, again, is divided in the percep
tion and treatment of organic bodies, such as zoology and botany,
and that of inorganic bodies, such as mineralogy.


The crust of the globe we inhabit consists of inorganic bodies:
minerals in their mechanical, simple, solid, or liquid condition ; and
mineralogy, in its nearest sense, treats and considers minerals by
their individual properties, which refer to form, quality, and material ;
and this part of the science is generally called oryctognosy: whereas
that part of mineralogy which treats of minerals that stand in con
stant relation to each other, in regard to their series, or geographical
distances of their layers, is called geology. That part of mineralogy
which applies minerals to the different arts and other purposes of life
is called economical, or mineralogy applied to arts.


Precious stones or gems are such minerals as, either from their
beauty or other valuable properties, have become the subject of the
arts or trade, and are used as ornaments or employed by jewellers.
In order to appreciate more fully such minerals as may possess supe
rior virtue, it is our present object to consider them in reference to
then scientific and practical value.


Gems are generally classed as follows : 1st, real gems, or jewels ;
and, 2nd, in semi, or also precious stones. The first comprise such
minerals as combine, within a small space, either vivid or soft and
agreeable colours, with a high degree of lustre, usually termed fire, as
well as hardness; whereas the second possess these characters in a less
degree, and occur often semi-transparent or translucent, and in larger
formless masses. It is, however, impossible to draw a strict line
between both, as the conventional value put upon one or the other,
also affects their character ; for very often some, which generally are
considered as belonging to the second class, may be valued, for their
peculiar properties, much higher than some of the first class.
Those species of minerals which are generally considered real
gems are—
Diamond, Garnet,
Sapphire, Tourmaline,
Chrysoberyl, Rubellite,
Spinelle, Essonite,
Emerald, . Cordierite,
Beryl, Jolite,
Topaz, Quartz,
Zircon, Chrysolite.
The rest are considered as semi-precious stones. There is another
division, arranged according to the hardness of the different species.
This property will be considered under its proper head.


In order to distinguish the crude and polished precious stones by
their distinctive characters, it is necessary to describe the minerals
more particularly, according to their properties and other peculiarities,
which will now be defined more fully.

All minerals which are distinguished by the form which they
assume within the planes they are included in, are called crystals ;
and such regular individual forms, are said to be crystallized. On the
other hand, such minerals as have not acquired such perfect form,
and which appear to us more irregular, are not crystallized, and are
said to be amorphous.
Crystalography is a highly important character to a practical
relation of the crystallized form of minerals ; for as these forms or
modifications are mostly peculiar to each species, one mineral may
often, with certainty, be distinguished from another by the know
ledge of the difference between the forms of their crystals. The
great variety of forms under which the crystals of different sub
stances appear, may all be reduced to a few fundamental or primitive
forms, which are—
Fig. !• 1st. The Parallelopiped, which includes the cube,
/^^^^ four-sided prism, rhorr\b, or any other figure having six
^^^ S\ faces, the two opposite ones being parallel with each
I i / other. When its angles are equal in every direction, and
^\Jx the size of its planes alike, it is the Cube. When the
same figure is extended, so as to make the length greater than the
breadth, it becomes a four-sided Prism ; and when the angles are
oblique, that is, alternately acute and obtuse, it is a Rhomb.
Fig. 2.
2d. The Octohedron, which has eight triangular
faces, four of which meet at points opposite to each
other, and has the appearance of two four-sided pyra
mids, joined base to base.
Fig. 3.
A\ 3d. The regular Tetrahedron, bounded by four
// \ oblique planes, having four points or angles, and six
/ / \ edges.

Fig. 4.
< P>\ 4th. The regular Hexahedral Prism. A solid con
tained by eight planes ; namely, six rectangular, a hexa
gon, and a six-sided prism, bounded by a terminal plane
at each end.
Fig. 5.

5th. The Dodecahedron, with rhombic faces. A

solid, containing twelve rhombic planes, all similar to
each other.

6th. The Dodecahedron, with triangular faces.

Twelve triangular planes, exhibiting two six-sided pyra
mids, joined base to base. These forms are the basis of
many species of minerals, which may yet entirely differ in
composition from each other; and although their external
armearance may differ from those form?, proper to some

minerals, yet each primitive form will always be found to exist under
precisely the same angles.
There are, besides, a vast number of forms under which minerals
appear in nature ; but the object of the present essay is only to refer
to mineralogy as to the most important point bearing upon precious
stones: and we will describe, therefore, the crystallization of the
different minerals under their proper heads, when treating of the
individual minerals used as gems. The non-crystallized minerals
exhibit in their external appearance either—
1 st, A resemblance to certain natural or artificial products ; such
as a tree, a globe, wire, reniform, knotty ; or they appear in particular
forms, unlike other substances, such as a compact, sprinkled, or gran
ular; and are divided then into those which have a free formation; or,
2d, An interrupted formation. Under the first we recognise globu
lar, clustered, reniform, dentiform, arborescent, capillary, foliated,
stalactiform and prongy. To the second we consider as belonging the
pseudo-morphous crystal, the amygdaloid, spectre, form of petrifac
tion or crustation.
All regular formed minerals or crystals are capable of being cloven
or split in certain directions more easily than in others : and this cir
cumstance is of the utmost importance to precious stones, as some of
them may be cloven to the thinnest leaves, and with great facility,
whereas it would require more power to split them in any other direc
tion, and will yet exhibit irregular faces. We may also judge, from
the cleavage, to the external crystalline formation of a mineral, as
the cloven faces run, generally, parallel to one or the other crystal
line planes ; and the cleavage of minerals is of essential benefit to the
mineralogist and lapidary.
Fracture exhibits itself in minerals in directions where no cleavage
may be seen, and which is either—
1st, An even fracture, if the faces are on a plane without elevations
or excavations; *
2d, An uneven;
3d, Conchoidal, exhibiting conchoidal excavations;
4th, Splintry, by showing small splintry parts on the face, which
yet adhere to the mass, but are more transparent;
5th, Earthy, when the faces show earthy parts on the fracture ;
6th, Knotty, or prominent knots, which are left after the fracture.

The surface of the crystallized, as well as non-crystallized mine
rals, exhibits some difference, which is either—
1st, Smooth;
2d, Striped, provided with linear, fine or strong hollows;
3d, Drusy, if small prominent crystals, nearly equal to each other,
are perceived on the mineral ;
4th, Uneven;
5th, Rough; or,
6th, Granular.
The hardness of minerals forms an important character, it being
uniform in the same variety. It is that property by which minerals
or precious stones resist impressions of an instrument, or by scratch
ing one another. There are two modes of testing the hardness of
minerals. 1st, By causing them to scratch such minerals as are
known to be standards for comparison ; or, 2nd, By using such stand
ard minerals for scratching the mineral to be examined. In the first
instance we use such minerals as are well known to have their
hardness; such as Diamond, Sapphire, Topaz, Quartz, Felspar,
Apatite, and Fluorspar : or we may use the file or point of a steel, which
is the mode practised by jewellers, who make use of fine English
files, and acquire sometimes a great skill in it. The soft minerals
and pastes will readily be touched by it ; whereas Diamond, Ruby,
and Sapphire are not at all attacked. In mineralogy, however, a
simple instrument, contrived by Mohs, and called the scale of hard
ness, is made use of; and jewellers might derive great benefit from
its application. This scale consists of a great number of minerals
joined together, each of which, in succession, possesses a degree more
of hardness than the former.
The Standard Minerals are as follows :—
1. Talc. 6. Felspar.
2. Gypsum, or Rock Salt. 7. Quartz, or Rock Crystal.
3. Carbonate of Lime. 8. Topaz.
4. Fluorspar. 9. Corundum.
5. Asparagus Stone, 10. Diamond.
(Phosphate of Lime.)
We see, by the numerical order, that Fluorspar is 4 and Diamond
10 ; and for determining more particularly the hardness of a mineral,
the distance between each degree may be divided into decimals. In
order to test the hardness of any mineral, its corner is applied to the

members of the scale, and in such a manner as to begin from the

hardest : (for not scratching unnecessarily the softer) until we arrive
with it at that degree or mineral which is distinctly scratched. We
compare then, by means of a file, the hardness of the mineral to be
tested, with the last member of the scale that has not been scratched
yet ; and we judge from the resistance which the mineral yields to
the file, and from the noise produced in scratching, whether this mine
ral is as hard or actually softer than the last unscratched member of
the scale. Oriental Topaz, for instance, will not scratch the two
highest members of the scale, but the third, the Topaz = 8 ; and,
tested on the file, we find its hardness not to be under 9 ; since
Corundum, the standard on the scale, gives the same result as the
Oriental Topaz to the file ; whereas the proper Topaz scratches at
No. 7. Precious stones have latterly been divided and arranged
according to their hardness, in the following three classes :—


Diamond. I Topaz.
Sapphire. • Emerald.
Ruby. Hyacinth.
Chrysoberyl. Essonite.
Spinelle. Garnet.
Rock Crystal. Opal.
Amethyst. . Chrysolite.
Chalcedony. Lazulite.
Carneleon, and other simi- Obsidian.
lar ones. Turquoise.
Those softer than Fluorspar; Malachite, Amber, and Jet.

If the smallest particles of a mineral adhere together, that they
represent them either solid or fluid, or in any other similar condition,
then we consider this property the cohesion of a body ; and we find
that in minerals which are brittle, the particles are coherent ; and in
those which are friable, they are slightly : whereas a solid mineral
may be brittle ; that is, if, by trying to separate small particles with a
knife or file, they lose their original condition, detach themselves with
noise, and fly about in form of powder.

2d, Pliable, if the separate particles remain in their condition.

3d. Mild, if those particles, after being detached, remain on the
cutting instrument.
4th. Extensible, if the mineral may be beaten into plates or drawn
into wire.
5th. Flexible, if those detached parts, that have changed their
position, will nor resume the same.
6th. Elastic, if they do resume their former position.
A liquid mineral may be either thus tough or thickly liquid. The
quantity of the cohesion of a mineral depends upon the hardness
which it possesses, and which has been considered above.


The specific gravity of a body is its weight, when compared with
the weight of a quantity of water equal to its own bulk. When a
mineral is suspended in water, and weighed, it is lighter than when
weighed in air, by the weight of a quantity of water equal to the
bulk of the mineral so suspended. It is obvious, that a mineral, bulk
for bulk, heavier than water, could not sink in it ; but if it should
sink, its weight must be diminished by exactly that of the quantity
of water it displaces. In order to find the specific gravity of a sub
stance, it must be weighed in air by a hydrostatic balance, or by a
common balance, and then weighed in water, when its specific grav
ity may be found by calculation, viz : by dividing its weight in air
by its loss in water. Specific gravity in minerals is a very remarka
ble property ; since different substances possess, in most all instances,
a different gravity ; whereas all varieties of one and the same sub
stance possess nearly the same specific gravity. By determining the
specific gravity of minerals with the hydrostatic balance, we proceed,
for instance : an unknown mineral having been weighed first in the
air, and then fastened by means of a hair and weighed in water.
Such as in the air 17.65 ; in water 12.35. The loss in water is,
therefore, 5.30 ; and this number indicates the loss of so much bulk
of water displaced by the mineral putting the specific gravity of
water 1.00 : x dividing 5 into 17.65, make it equal to 3.53, which is
the exact specific gravity of the mineral, and which is that of Esson-
ite. Instead of a hydrostatic balance, we may as well use Nichol
son's hydrometer, a simple and very convenient instrument, consisting
of a hollow glass cylinder (A,) and two dishes (B and C) filled with
lead, in order to keep the instrument upright. The hydrometer is
put in a glass vessel (E,) filled with water, and used as follows :

1st. The weight is determined, which is required to sink the instru

ment to the mark D in water.
2d. The mineral is put in the dish A over the weight noted, that
is required, in addition to the mineral, to sink the hydrometer to D.
3d. The same experiment is repeated by putting the mineral, after
being moistened and washed with water, in the dish C ; and now is
A—B the weight of the mineral in the air, and B— b the weight of
a quantity of water equal in volume to that of the mineral.
For instance, let A — 32.8
B = 7.3
0 = 15.8
there is (A—b) 32.8—7.3= 25.5 the weight of the mineral in the air.
(C—b) 15.8—7.3=8.5 the weight of an equal quantity of water,
and proceed 8.5 : 25.5 = 1 : x


= 3.00, which is the proper specific gravity. For

determining the specific gravity of substances or minerals lighter
than water, or which float in water, it is neccessary to adhere to the
same method by the hydrometer. A heavier body, such as lead, after
determining the difference of weight, within or without the water, of
both together, and then of the heavier body alone, the specific gravity
of the lighter substance is the result. And for determining the spe
cific gravity of liquids, by means of the hydrostatic balance, a glass
ball is applied to one of the arms, (its loss of weight in pure water
being known,) and, dipping the same in the liquid to be examined, any
addition and abstraction will result in the specfic gravity of the liquid.
The hydrometers of Beaume for the different liquids to be examined,
are employed with satisfactory results.
That the specific gravity has been known as far back as the
thirteenth century, and applied by the Oriental nations for determin
ing the character of precious stones, is sufficiently proved by a work
written in that century by Mohammed Ben Manner. In fact, the
specific gravity is often, in connexion with the colour, quite essential
in determining a gem.

The colour of minerals and precious stones is one of the most
obvious and striking properties, but yet it is very difficult to distin
guish accurately a mineral by the value, on account of the colours
very frequently being accidental, and depending upon the presence of
certain metallic oxides. The nature of the colouring principle has
been well known in former ages, where they had but erroneous views
of the same. So, for instance, it was believed that gold and tin were
the colouring principle of garnet ; and Boyle, several centuries ago,
speaks of a metallic spirit that communicates the colour to precious
stones. Mineralogists have fixed eight primary or fundamental
colours, besides all the different shadings from one colour to the
other, on account of the colours being reflected from the different sub
stances. They are generally divided into—
1st, Metallic ; and,
2d, Non-metallic colours.
Metallic colours are the following :—

Copper, red. Silver, white.

Bronze, yellow. Tin, white.
Brass, yellow. Lead, gray.
Gold, yellow. Steel, gray.
Iron, black.

The eight primary of the non-metallic colours are as follows :—

White, Gray, Black, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red and Brown. And
the shades of each of these primary colours are—

Snow-white, Grayish-white,
Reddish-white, Greenish-white,
Yellow-white, Milk-white.
2. GRAY.
Bluish-gray, Greenish-gray,
Pearl-gray, Yellowish-gray,
Smoky-gray, Ash-gray.
Grayish-black, Brownish-black,
Velvet-black, Bluish-black,
4. blue.
Blackish-blue, Prussian-blue,
Lasur-blue, Sky-blue,
Indigo-blue, Violet-blue,
Smalts-blue, Lavender-blue,

Verdigris-green, Grass-green,
Seladon, or Green Earth-green, Epidote-green,
Asparagus-green, Olive-green,
Mountain-green, Blackish-green,
Garlick-green, Oil-green,
Emerald-green, Siskin-green.
Lemon-yellow, Honey-yellow,
Sulphur- yellow, Ochre-yellow,
Straw-yellow, Wine-yellow,
Wax-yellow, Isabel-yellow,
7. BED.
Carmine-red, Rose-red,
Scarlet-red, Brownish-red,
Crimson-red, Flesh-red,
Cochineal-red, Aurora-red,
Columbo-red, Hyacinth-red,
Cherry-red, Brick-red,
Peach-red, Blood-red.
Chesnut-brown, Yellowish-brown,
Reddish-brown, Mica-brown,
Clove-brown, Lignite-brown,
Hair-brown, Silver-brown,

The precious stones possess the colours in their highest perfection,

and their principal and intrinsic value depends mostly upon this prop
erty ; and as most gems occur in various colours, the following table
will exhibit them, along with their specific gravity :—

Zircon, - 4.41 to 4.50
Sapphire, - - - 3.9 4.00
Diamond, -- 3.5 3.6
Topaz, (Pebble) 3.49 3.56
Rock Crystal, (False Diamonds, Lake
George, Trenton Falls,) 2.69
Beryl, Aquamarine, 2.67 2.68

Zircon, Hyacinth, 4.41 to 4.50
Garnet, (Oriental Garnet) 4.0 4.2
Sapphire, Ruby, - ------- 4.0
Garnet, Bohemian Garnet. Pyrop, - - 3.7 3.8
Spinelle, Ruby Spinelle, Ruby Balais, - - 3.5S 3.64
Diamond, 3.5 3.6
Essonite, ------ 3.5 3.6
Topaz. Brazilian Topaz, (often burnt) - 3.52 3.56
Tourmaline, Siberite, Rubellite, - - - - 3.03 3.10
Rose Quartz. Bohemian Ruby, - - - 2.61 2.63
Carneleon, 2.5 2.6

Zircon, 4.41 4.50
Sapphire. Oriental Topaz, ----- 4.0
Chrysoberyl, - - - 3.59 3.75
Topaz. Brazilian, Saxonian, and Syrian
Topaz, - - - 3.50 3.56
Diamond, ---------- 3.5 3.6
Beryl, - - - - 2.67 2.71
Rock Crystal, Citron, 2.60 2.69
Fire-opal, 1.90 2.12

Zircon, 4.41 4.50
Sapphire, Oriental Chrystolite, and Emerald, 3.9 4.00
Malachite, ---------- 3.67
Chrysoberyl, - 3.59 3.75
Spinelle, 3.58 3.64
Diamond, - 3.5 3.6
Topaz. Aquamarine, 3.49 3.56
Chrysolite, 3.33 3.44
Idocrase, 3.08 3.40
Tourmaline, (Brazilian and Maine,) - - 3.00 3.30
Emerald, 2.67 2.73
Beryl, 2.67 2.71
Prase, 2.66 2.68
Heliotrope 2.61 2.63
Chrysoprase, 2.58 2.60
Felspar, Amazon Stone, 2.50 2.60

Sapphire, 3.90 to 4.00
Disthene, (Kyanite,) 3.63 3.67
Spinelle, - 3.58 3.64
Diamond, - - - 3.5 3.6
Topaz. Brazilian Topaz, 3.49 3.56
Tourmaline, Indigolite, 3.00 3.30
Turquoise, 2.S6 3.00
Beryl, Aquamarine, ------- 2.67 2.71
Dichroite (Iolite,) 2.58 2.60
Hauyne, 2.47
Lazulite, - - - - 2.30

Garnet, - 4.0 4.2
Sapphire, Oriental Amethyst, 3.9 4.0
Spinelle, 3.58 3.64
Axinite, 3.27
Tourmaline, - - - - 3.00 3.30
Amethyst, 2.65 2.78

Zircon, - 4.41 4.50
Garnet, - 4.00 4.20
Essonite, 3.53 3.60
Diamond, - 3.50 3.60
Tourmaline, - 3.00 3.30
Smoky Quartz, 2.69 2.70

Diamond, 3.50 3.60
Tourmaline, 3.00 3.30
Rock Crystal, Morion, 2.69 2.71
Obsidian, 2.34 2.39
Pitch Coal, 1-29 1.35
CannellCoal, 1.23 1.27
Garnet, 4.00 4.20
Sapphire, Star Sapphire, ----- 3.90 4.00

Chrysoberyl, - - 3.70 to 3.80

Hypersthene, .---...-. 3.38
Labrador Spar, 2.71 2.75
Dichroite, 2.58 2.60
Cat's-eye, _ 2.56 2.73
Adularia, 2.50 2.60
Felspar, 2.50 2.60
Precious Opal, - - 2.00 2.10
Hydrophane, 1.90 2.00

A number of precious stones do not possess a local colour, but

merely a tinge or a shade of a colour ; and these we distinguish by
the following degrees of dark, high, light and pale coloured or tinged.
Another distinction may be detected in precious stones as possessing
either one or more colours, or a variegated colour ; or as being spotted,
painted, stained with the different colours. These latter characters
are, however, more proper to the semi or common precious stones,
than to gems.

The quantity of light which is reflected from the surface of minerals
and precious stones is indicated by the lustre ; and it is an important
character for distinguishing minerals, inasmuch as it is almost uni
form in the same species. It exhibits itself either—
A, in the strength ; or,
B, in the kind.
The first depends in precious stones from the beauty of the sub
stance, and from the manner in which they are cut and polished ;
and we distinguish—
1, highly lustry ; 4, shining ;
2, lustry ; 5, faint lustre ;
3, little lustry ; and the highe
lustre is called fiery.
The kinds of lustre are—
1, metallic ; 4, vitreous ;
2, adamantine ; 5, pearly ;
3, resinous ; 6, oily lustre.
And often we perceive the transitions from one lustre into the
other: and we describe a mineral as possessing the lustre between the
adamantine and vitreous lustre, and approaching to the pearly lustre.

The capacity of minerals and precious stones to permit the passage
of the rays of light through them, so that an object held on the one
side may be clearly seen on the other, is called transparency : and
according to their power in this property we divide it in—
1st, Transparent, if the object is perfectly visible ;
2d, Semi-transparent, if not distinctly visible ;
3d, Translucent, if the object is but feebly seen through, and yet
clear towards the light ;
4th, Translucent on the edges ; and,
5th, Opaque, if no light at all is transmitted through a mineral.

When the rays of light pass from one substance (rarer medium) into
another, (denser medium,) they are always refracted or bent towards a
perpendicular line passing through that substance (medium) : and so
also when the rays pass from a denser into a rarer medium, they are
refracted in a contrary direction, or from such a perpendicular ; and
objects are multiplied when seen through the inclined contiguous
surfaces of any transparent medium. The light coming from the object
being refracted by the oblique surface, passes to the eye in a different
direction from that of the real object, and there are as many images
seen as there are oblique planes. According to the manner in which
the rays are refracted, the power is divided into—1st, simple ; and, 2d,
double refraction. An object may be seen double or treble ; it is yet
the simple refraction, since the direction of the rays of light are only
changed by the direction in which they happen to strike the transpa
rent surface. When an image of a single object is doubled, if seen
through the parallel surface, it is called double refraction. Almost
all precious stones possess the power of double refraction in a greater
or less degree; and we may distinctly see the single refraction in
quartz of a prismatic form, and that of double refraction in the rhom
bic limestone, called the Iceland spar. But all precious stones do
not possess this property in the same degree ; and on that account we
specify the same by calling it a, treble ; b, moderate ; c, high ; and
d, very high degrees of double refraction. This property, depending
upon the interior structure of the mineral, is of intrinsic value in
testing the most valuable gems. But it has always been difficult in
practice to determine with accuracy this character ; for the observer
is often disappointed in his experiments. Fissures in the substances
partly contribute to the disappointment, and sometimes the general

structure of the mineral will not permit of an accurate test, as it may

not yield the proper face or facette, or the plate may be too thick for
obtaining the proper refraction; it therefore cannot be employed with
out much practical skill.


The property of many precious stones to display different colours
in smaller or greater points of brilliancy, when the rays of the sun
are directed towards them, or by changing the position of the gem, is
called a play of colours : such we perceive it in the Diamond, pre
cious Opal, and Labrador Spar.

If the fissures contained in the interior of a transparent precious
stone, represent coloured rings, resembling colours of the rainbow, it
is called iridescence.


The property of those precious stones, to display two different
colours, if held in different directions, is called the change of colour :
such we observe in the Cat's-eye, Moon-stone, and Iolite; also, in the
Chrysoberyl. This property has generally been called opalescence,
which, in my opinion, is the same as iridescence.


Many precious stones, when exposed more or less to atmospheric
air, and from the oxydation of the colouring principles contained in
them, lose their colour ; which may, however, very often be restored,
either by laying them in a dark or moist place : such as Rose Quartz
and Chrysoprase ; or may be restored by leaving it some time in oil :
such as the Opal.
A soft waving shine of lustre is often perceived in the interior of
several gems ; also that of a star, such as we detect in the Star
Many precious stones possess the property of giving a greater
or less distinct light, either by mechanical means, artificial heat,
or the effect of the rays of the sun: this is called phosphores
cence. The Diamond, for instance, if merely rubbed with wool, or
a brush, exhibits this property. Other precious stones, if rubbed
togethei, such as two pieces of Quartz : others, again, by being
scratched with iron, steel, or copper, such as Dolomite and Blende.
Some of them, such as Diamond, White Topaz, and Fluorspar,
become phosphorescent by warming with the hand ; and others,
again, by exposing them to the rays of the sun ; such as Diamond,
Amber, Fluorspar, and several other gems. The light representing
the phosphorescence is white or coloured, and but momentary in its
Many precious stones become electric by friction, pressure, or heat.
Electricity manifests itself by attracting or repelling light and move
able substances. There are two kinds of electricity—1st, the positive;
2d, the negative, vitreous, or resinous electricity; and according to
their surface, when either smooth or rough, all gems may be made
electric: many of them, such as Quartz, Mica, Sapphire, and
Barytes, when rubbed only with the dry hand, or piece of silk,
woollen, or fur : others, again, such as Tourmaline or Topaz, by
being heated. These are called then pyroelectric. Most crystals
acquire positive electricity at one end and negative at the other.
If they terminate in a different number of faces at each extremity,
the end having the greatest number of faces is always positive.
All polished stones acquire positive electricity by friction ; while, if
the same stones (except the Diamond) have their polish destroyed,
they acquire negative electricity. The most simple apparatus by
which electricity may be ascertained is a brass or copper needle, with
two small balls at each end. and, being isolated, is suspended on a
steel point. In experimenting, the gem to be tested being rubbed,
and then brought near one of the balls, the strength or power of
attracting the same indicates the degree of electricity contained in the
body. The power of retaining the electricity acquired by rubbing,
for a longer time, varies in different minerals and gems; and as the
latter are all electric, this property may sometimes be used as a dis
tinguishing character as to the length of retaining the electricity.
Abbe Hauy found, in his experiments, that many precious stones
lose their electric power after a few moments, whereas some will
retain the same for twenty-four hours longer. The Brazilian Topaz
affected the needle, even after thirty-two hours.

The capacity of minerals to act upon the magnetic needle is called
magnetism. There are but few gems that possess this property; and

the Chrysolite, Essonite, and Garnet owe their magnetic properties to

the metallic oxides they contain. A common magnetic needle is
used for performing this experiment.
§ xxv. TOUCH.
Precious stones produce a peculiar impression to the senses; and
most gems impart a cold feeling when touched, indicating, at equal
temperatures, a much colder feeling than pastes.
Many minerals have a taste, on touching with the tongue, and
they are—
1, As Vitriol ; 4, Alkaline ; 6, Bitter ;
2, Sweetish, as Alum ; 5, Cooling ; 7, Urinous.
3, Saline;
Many minerals produce a smell by rubbing, or merely holding
them in the hand : such as Bitumen, Pyrites, Carbonate of Lime,
Barytes, Gypsum, Quartz, and Coal.
Although mineralogy could not exist, as a science, without the aid
of chemistry, and whole systems, as well as the constituent parts of
minerals, have been established by the knowledge of the chemical
characters, yet it is difficult to apply these characters for distinguishing
the gems or precious stones, which would be destroyed by such an
examination, and we can, for that purpose, only employ splinters or
fragments of any mineral or precious stone. The most simple mode
of proceeding is to test— ,
1st, The greater or less fusibility of the mineral with or without a flux ;
2d, Their behaviour before the blowpipe, an instrument indispensa
ble to the mineralogist, and at the same time highly convenient ; and,
3d, The action of acids upon them.
All these characters, however, have no effect upon gems, as many
of them are either infusible or fusible with the greatest difficulty by
the addition of a flux.
The attention of writers, as far back as 1502, has been directed to
the establishment of some hypothesis as to the composition and origin
of the gems, and many fabulous views were entertained in respect to
their formation.
There was also connected with such hypothesis a species of medical
superstition as to their effect. Boyle (1672) thought that all gems
were originally formed from clear limpid water, and that they received
their colour and other properties from their metallic spirit. Others
considered a peculiar earth, called the noble or precious earth, as the
principal ingredient of the precious stones. Bruckman (1778) recog
nized Quartz as the principle of the gems. Bergman thought that
gems were all composed of the same ingredients, such as alumina,
eilex, and lime, and that the different proportions produced the differ
ent species ; and the older mineralogists determined the character
of the gems by their hardness, lustre, structure, and resistance to acids.
But modern chemistry has ascertained the component parts, and
other characters of the gems, with more certainty; and it is sufficiently
proved that the principles contained are the earths : such as silica,
alumina, and lime ; that some contain their peculiar earth, (such is
the case in Zircon, Emerald, and Chrysoberyl,) and that the Dia
mond, at the head of gems, consists of pure carbon, &c.


The origin, locality, and geological characters of gems are various,
and it was formerly supposed that the trap formation was their
matrix; but it is ascertained that we find them distributed in rocks
of different ages and kinds, either as accidental mixture—such as
Garnet in gneiss and micacious shiste—or in drusy cavities, such as
the Emerald, which occurs in druses of argillaceous slate and mica
cious shiste ; and many precious stones are found in gangues.
Many gems are found at a distance from their original bed, on
secondary or diluvial strata, or in the beds of rivers, mixed with
their sand. Thus, Zircon is found in Ceylon in regular beds ; and
likewise we find in Ceylon, after much rain, the Topaz, Zircon,
and other gems. This happens more frequently in the beds of the
rivers, and then the gems appear often in the shape of pebbles, show
ing that those hard stones, carried away from their original beds,
have been rolled and rounded by the streams and rivers, although
they retain sometimes their crystalline structure, on account of their
The locality of the gems bears some highly interesting characters,
inasmuch as we may sometimes judge, from their appearance, of the
climate of their locality ; and it seems as if the countries of the hot
zones had been particularly favoured by nature in producing the most
precious gems, or that those hot-beds were more propitious to the
formation of the blossoms of the inorganic world. Comparing, for

instance, Spinelles and Zircons, from Siberia, with those of Ceylon and
Peru, we find the first to be dark and of impure colour, as if express
ing the cold, unfriendly northern climate ; whereas the latter glitter
with full brightening, and bear all those properties and beauties for
which gems are so highly esteemed. Often, too, we find the gems
collected in particular countries, or isolated spots of our globe : such as
the most precious gems from the East Indies and Brazil, where, sin
gular enough, they occur with the precious metals : such as, for
instance, the Diamond in company with gold and platina in Brazil.
Some of the gems have likewise been hitherto discovered in one clear
spot of one continent, and are then exhausted : such as the Rubellite,
of Maine, United States ; the Iolite, from Connecticut, United States ;
and the Lazulite, from Persia.


The artists have made no use, in their arrangement and nomen
clature of the gems, of the advanced state of mineralogy, as a science ;
and although they have been newly classified by the mineralogist,
according to their scientific characters, the practical artist arranges
them according to such properties as principally attract the eye: such
as colour, transparency, and lustre. Gems have, in consequence,
received their names from their colour : as Ruby, from its red colour ;
Sardonyx, Yellow Onyx ; since they often call gems by such gloss
or colour as a distinctive property of different species by the same
name, according to their colour. For instance, they call ruby, on
account of their red colour, either the Corundum, the Spinelle, or the
Topaz ; and, on account of its blue colour, the Sapphire ; green, the
Emerald ; yellow, the Topaz ; and violet, the Amethyst : and thus
gems of the same colour, but of different composition, were arranged
under the same head. The artist confounds, under the name of a
Brazilian Ruby, either a light rose-red Spinelle, or a Topaz approach
ing to the red colour. The name of the country, or locality, is often
sufficient to name gems of equal colour, but of different shadings, and
of more or less vivid lustre. That by the name of Oriental Chryso
lite is meant a yellowish-green Sapphire, and by that of Saxonian
Chrysolite, a pale wine-yellow Topaz. Many gems have always
been known under the name of Oriental gems, partly because they
were first obtained in the East, and partly because they stood, from
their excellent properties, in higher estimation than those from any
other country ; and then those gems of any other country which
equalled in quality. Those from the East were likewise called

" Oriental" in opposition to those, less valuable, which were called

" Occidental" gems. Subsequently, all gems distinguished for their
properties were called Oriental gems, even when their locality was
not the East. Thus, for instance, they call that precious Opal, so
well distinguished for its beautiful play of colours, the Oriental Opal,
although never found there ; likewise the purest and most valuable
Emerald, which in such perfection only occurs in Peru, the Oriental
Those precious stones which are now called the gems have been
known in ancient times but very little, or not at all ; and the first
notice given of them is in the Bible, where it is stated that the high-
priest wore one stone on his gold scarf, and twelve gems set in gold
plate, called the Urim and Thumim, each of which represented a
tribe. It appears that the Hebrews borrowed the names of their gems
from the Egyptians, and few of those gems named in the holy
Scriptures correspond in any respect with those at present known in
our mineralogical books, with the exception of the Sapphire. The
Greeks appear to have been but little acquainted with the gems, as
they did not use them as ornaments in the Trojan wars ; and Homer,
when speaking of the treasures of those times, does not make any
mention of the gems. Theophrastus and Pliny have described some
gems of their time but very imperfectly and confusedly; and their
descriptions are so replete with vain fancies, that it is difficult even to
identify any from their descriptions. They began then to attribute
most wonderful powers to the gems ; to give fabulous descriptions ;
the most singular and perverted views in regard to their origin ; and
it was said that they had great influence upon health and beauty,
riches, honour, and good fortune. They were called, when worn,
Amulets. They were brought in connection with the planets, the
twelve constellations, and the seasons of the year ; and a certain gem
was worn every month, which was said to have then its peculiar
influence and healing virtues. Such superstitious ideas have been
transmitted to our times. The gems corresponding to the different
months, and also to the twelve Jewish tribes are the following :—
January .... Hyacinth Dan.
February .... Amethyst Gad.
March Jasper Benjamin.
April Sapphire Issachar.
May Agate Naphtali.
June Emerald Levi.

July Onyx Zebulon.

August .... Carneleon Reuben.
September . . . Chrysolite .... Asher.
October .... Beryl Joseph.
November . . . Topaz Simeon.
December . . . Ruby Judah.
The artists have made certain alterations between some gems cor
responding to the months, and the tribes represented in the Urim and
Thumim, and they consider May to be represented by Emerald ;
June, . . by Chalcedony, Onyx, or Agate ;
July, . . . Carneleon ;
August, . . Sardonyx;
October, . . Aquamarine;
December, . Chrysoprase, Turquoise, or Malachite.
In the early ages similar views were entertained in the East, and
many of them are yet prevalent. Thus, among others, the Persians
believe that Spinelle affords joy, and protects them against bad
dreams. The Indians believe in large Diamonds to bring back to
the family. The Rajah of Mattan, a district of the Western Borneo,
possessed a Diamond of 367 carats. The Ruby possesses a talisman
in the East, which is not shown ever willingly to the friends, but it
is considered ominous if it contain any black spots. The Chinese, on
the contrary, present the same stone as a testimony of friendship.
The Peruvians adore the Emerald as their deity. Many of those
fabulous views were probably brought from the East to Europe ; for
we find, in the middle ages, similar views entertained by Marbodus,
Bishop of Rennes, who wrote a book on the miraculous powers of the
gems. The twelve Apostles were likewise represented symbolically
by the gems, and they were called " the Apostle Gems ;" such as—
Jasper, for St. Peter ;
Sapphire, . St. Andrew ;
Chalcedony, . St. James ;
Emerald, . St. John ;
Sardonyx, . St. Philip ;
Carneleon, . St. Bartholomew ;
Chrysolite, . St. Matthew ;
Beryl, . . . St. Thomas ;
Chrysoprase, . St. Thaddeus ;
Topaz, . St. James the Less ;
Hyacinth, . St. Simeon ;
Amethyst, . St. Matthias.

The ancients, induced by the beauty of the gems—such as the pure

and high colour of the Emerald, the vivid and high lustre of the
Diamond, and the agreeable reflections of the Opal—had then begun
to use them as ornaments and jewellery, and to take pains in fitting
them better to their purposes ; and although they did not, in those
times, understand the cutting and polishing in the same manner as
in the present, yet they endeavoured to work them in all possible
shapes, by rubbing off the coiners, or polishing the natural faces.
They generally fixed the gems on strings ; they also tried to carve
figures representing deities, religious costumes, historical events, ex
ploits of celebrated generals, or the heads of great men.


The art of carving was well known to the ancients, and those were
called gems, in the proper sense of the word, which had figures or
letters engraved on a very small compass, the works of which we, at
this day, cannot help admiring.
The gem-sculpture, or the glyptic art, (or lithoglyptics,) is the art
of representing designs upon precious stones, either in raised work
(cameos) or by figures cut into or below the surface (intaglios). The
first were most natural to the rising art, and to the use of seals ;
whereas the latter were used as ornaments, and to which the most
precious materials were employed, and according to the state of the
art. They did not understand engraving in Diamonds, and few in
other gems : they employed only the softer stones, the common
precious stones, such as Oarneleon, Onyx, Jasper, &c. ; they also
used paste, or artificial coloured glass composition, for their engrav
ings. Their mode of working was very simple : the polishers pre
pared their stones on a plate, by means of the powder of harder
stones, either round, oval, flat, or in shield form, according to the
designed subject, and then left to the sculptors the subject of the
engraving, which was done by means of iron, or diamond splinters
mounted in iron. It was not until the year 1500 that Ambrosius
Caradossa was the first who discovered cutting the Diamond. He
prepared the figure of a patriarch for Pope Julien II. He also dis
covered the first traces of sculpture among the Jews, Persians, and
Egyptians ; and in the traditions of the holy Scriptures, Moses, for
instance, had the names of the twelve tribes of Israel engraved in the
gems used by the high-priest. Solomon possessed a seal : Alexander
presented his seal to Perdicas. Augustus had a sphinx engraved on
his seal ; but the Indians and Persians engraved mostly mythological

animals or priests in their gems ; the Egyptians, beetles, which they

adored, and which are called the scarabese. " Abraxes" were the oldest
gems, which had the representation of fantastical animals, with the
above word in Greek language, engraved. The Phenicians, Hetru-
rians, and Greeks learned the art of carving from the Egyptians ; and
from them it was carried to the Romans, where it was lost, with the
decline of the empire, not until the fifteenth century, under the Popes
Martin V. and Paul II. The art was revived again by some fugi
tive Greeks in Italy. Great merit is also due to the Medicians for
the revival of the art ; and Giovani was considered the first in Italy.
The talisman, or those carved gems with the Arabian letters, belong
to those times. Precious stones with layers, veins, or such as Onyx,
Sardonyx, &c., were employed by the ancients, with great skill, in the
carving of cameos, where we find the head of one colour, and hair
and dress carved out of the other layer of the stone. Very often the
subjects were mythological, and this mode of carving or sculpture has
been imitated by modern artists ; and it is sometimes with difficulty
that we are enabled to distinguish the ancient from the modern works,
and the only authentic authority for the antiquity of the cameo or
intaglio is in the excavation from ancient monuments, except in a few
instances, where we may be enabled to judge on their different
antiquity. When they are either of unnatural, stiff drawings, large
heads, hands, and feet, stiff streaks resembling the hair or the eyes
drawn in the length ; or we find that some gods, representing the
peculiar gems, (such we see all sculptures of Bacchus, and what relates
to him.) were executed in Amethyst, being the colour of wine; and all
nymphs, Neptune, or fish, in Aquamarine, <fcc., the colour of water.
We find also, in Germany, traces of sculpture, in the fourteenth and
sixteenth centuries ; and the oldest known artist, Daniel Engelhard,
at Nuremburg, died 1552 ; also Lucas Kilian; and the best artist,
Nater, died in 1705. England and France had likewise very distin
guished artists in carving. A full history of gem-sculpture may be
found in the Encyclopedia Americana, pp. 403-405.

The art of grinding gems is of more modern origin ; it is the art
of cutting the gems, and other precious stones into figures, bounded
by many planes, in order to increase their valuable properties, along
with the lustre and transparency which they already possess : also,
by polishing their faces, is the work of the lapidary. In the year
1290 a society of lapidaries was formed at Paris, and in 1385 there

were diamond-cutters at Nuremburg ; but it was not until 1456 that

Ludwig Van Bergen invented the art of polishing the diamond
with its own powder ; and they then began to cut the gems accord
ing to mathematical principles, and brought the art in modem times
to the greatest perfection. There is a great difference in gems which
are mostly procured from the Indians in the rough or polished state
easily to be detected by the imperfections. They look more upon the
size of the stone than upon the cut, which is generally irregular and
devoid of symmetry. We observe this in the two celebrated Dia
monds of the Dey of Persia, the Dariainur—brilliant sea (1 and
1 a) and the Kuinur—brilliant mountain—(2 and 2 a):


the one is worn on the left arm, and the other on the right knee.
By considering the Diamond belonging to the Crown of France
which weighs one hundred and thirty-six and a quarter carats is four
teen lines long, thirteen and a quarter lines broad, and nine and a quarter
lines thick, and which is known by the name of Regent, we can then
more distinctly discriminate the irregular and unmathematical cut.

The gem-grinders are divided in three classes: 1st, the Diamond ;

2d, the gem ; and, 3d, the jewellery-grinders.
The Diamond-grinder divides his work in—a, slitting or cleaving ;
b, cutting ; c, grinding ; and d, polishing.
Before operating upon the Diamonds, some preliminary experi
ments, as to their soundness, are made : for very fine, imperceptible
fissures may, at the end of a laborious grinding, terminate either in
cracking or spoiling the stone ; and for this purpose the following two
modes are pursued : either the Diamonds, or any other gems to be
examined, are steeped in Canada Balsam, or in oils of sassafras or
anniseed, in which fluids they are well turned around, whereby the
minutest fissure, by its changed refraction of light from that of the
rest of the stone, may be detected ; or the Diamond is exposed to a
great heat, and is then thrown into water, when it will crumble to
pieces should any cracks have been within it. The Diamond,
although the hardest of all known substances, may yet with facility
be cloven with steel tools, the blow being properly applied. The
octohedrons are best fitted for cleaving ; they are generally, however,
somewhat rounded, and in order to cleave them, those planes which
are to be cloven are left bare, and the rest is coated with a composi
tion of rosin and brickdust ; the bare plane is now rubbed with
another sharp-edged Diamond until a furrow is obtained, which will
render the planes suitable for applying the cleaving instrument, and
this operation is repeated with every plane. Diamonds that are not
fit for being cloven are called by the Dutch " divelsteene " (devil-
stones). Large Diamonds, which are too precious to be exposed to a
dangerous cleavage, are sawed by means of a fine steel wire, moist
ened with oil and Diamond-powder.
Mr. Mawe gives the following description of the art of cutting and
polishing Diamonds :—

" The object of cutting and polishing the Diamond is twofold :—

First, to divide the natural surface of the stone in a symmetrical
manner, by means of a number of highly-polished polygonal planes,
and thus to bring out to the best advantage the wonderful refulgence
of this beautiful gem ; and, secondly, by cutting out such flaws as
may happen to be near the surface, to remove those blemishes that
materially detract from its beauty, and consequently from its value.
" The removal of flaws is a matter of great importance : for, owing
to the form in which the Diamond is cut, and its high degree of
refrangibility, the smallest fault is magnified, and becomes obtrusively

visible in every facet. For this reason, also, it is by no means an

easy matter, at all times, to ascertain whether a flaw is or is not
superficial ; and a person with a correct and well-practised eye may
often purchase, to great advantage, stones which appear to be flawed
quite through, but are, in fact, only superficially blemished.
" The first thing the artist has to do, when a rough Diamond is
put into his hands, is to examine carefully in what direction the stone
may be cut, so as to afford the greatest breadth, or spread, as it is
technically termed, after the flaws, if any, shall have been taken out.
So great a stress is laid, by modern fashion, on the superficial extent
of a brilliant, that the old rules for proportioning its dimensions are
now nearly obsolete : the best cutters have entirely discarded the use
of measures, and, in forming the facets, trust wholly to an accurate
and well-practised eye. The direction being determined on, the artist
must be well aware which are the hard points and which the soft
ones ; the former being those solid angles of the original octohedron
which it is necessary to cut directly across, and the latter those solid
angles which are to be obliquely divided. A degree of force which
may be safely applied, and is even requisite in making a section
through the former, will be very apt to flaw and tear up the laminae
when applied to the latter. On these accounts it probably is, that
the fatiguing and even painful process of performing this part of the
business by hand, is not yet superseded by the use of machinery.
" These preliminary matters being settled, the Diamond is imbedded
in strong cement, fixed at the end of a stout spindle-shaped stick,
about a foot long, with that portion only projecting, the removal of
which is to form the first facet. The instrument employed for this
purpose is another Diamond, fixed in a stick similar to the former,
with one of the solid angles projecting. In order to collect the powder
and shivers that are detached during the process, the cuttiug is per
formed over a strong box, four or five inches square, furnished with a
false bottom, perforated with excessively minute holes, in order to sift,
as it were, the dust from the shivers ; and also with two upright iron
pegs, fixed on the sides, for the workman to support and steady his
fingers against, while with a short repeated stroke, somewhat between
scratching and cutting, he is splitting off or more laboriously wearing
away the Diamond in that part where the facet is to be placed. This
being done, the cement is softened by warming it, and the position of
the Diamond is changed, in order to bring a fresh part under the
action of the cutting-diamond. When, in this slow and laborious
way, all the facets have been placed upon the surface of the Diamond,

the cutting is completed. The stone, if examined by a moderate

magnifier, now presents ragged, rough edges ; and a broken, foliated
surface, with a glistening lustre on those facets that are nearly in the
direction of the natural laminae, and on the other facets a more even
surface, but of a dull opaque grayish-white colour.
" The shape of many Diamonds is so irregular, that it is necessary
to remove pieces of considerable magnitude in order to bring them to
a form proper for cutting. Where the lines of these proposed sections
coincide with the natural lamellar structure of the stone, the workman
has recourse to the delicate, and perhaps somewhat hazardous, opera
tion of splitting the Diamond, by which a double advantage is obtained.
In the first place, there is a great saving of time ; and in the second
place, the slices or shivers are themselves sufficiently large to admit of
being cut and polished. The method of splitting is made a great
mystery; thus much, howev.er, may be mentioned, that when the
direction in which the section is to be made has been determined on,
it is marked by a very fine line, cut by the point of another Diamond:
the stone is afterwards fixed by strong cement, in the proper position,
in a block of wood, and then, by the application of a due degree of
force, the section is effected.
"The Diamond being thus, by the joint action of splitting and
cutting, brought to the required form, the next object is to polish the
facets, and at the same time to redress any little inequalities that may
have taken place in the cutting. The polishing-mill is an extremely
simple machine, consisting of a circular horizontal plate of cast-iron,
fourteen or fifteen inches in diameter, called a skive, suspended on a
spindle, and capable of being put into rapid motion by means of a
larger wheel, five or six feet in diameter, and turned by an assistant.
From the centre to the circumference of the iron plate are lines or
shallow grooves, formed by rubbing it in that direction with a fine
grained gritstone : these grooves serve to retain the mixture of oil and
Diamond-powder with which the plate is charged. In order to keep
the Diamond perfectly steady while the polishing of each facet is
going on, the following contrivance is had recourse to :—A copper cup,
(called a dopp,) about three-quarters of an inch in depth and in width,
and furnished with a stem about four inches long of stout copper wire,
is filled with plumbers' solder, which also projects in a conical form
beyond the rim of the cup : in the apex of this cone, the solder being
softened by heat, the Diamond is imbedded, with one of the facets
projecting. The stem of the cup is now put into very powerful
pincers, which screw up with a nut and a wrench or lever, and thus

hold it perfectly tight. The handles of the pincers (called tongs)

are of wood, are broad, and terminated by two feet, about an inch
high, so that when laid horizontally, they are supported exactly as a
pair of candle-snuffers is, the studs fixed to the handles of the snuffers
representing the legs of the pincers, and the single stud near the point
of the snuffers representing the inverted copper cup holding the Dia
mond is placed on the plate, the pincers resting on their legs on the
wooden bench or table that supports the plate, and pressing at the
same time against an upright iron peg ; the broad part of the pincers
between the legs and the Diamond, is then loaded with weights, both
to steady the machine and to increase the pressure of the Diamond
against the skive. Matters being thus adjusted, a little oil and Dia
mond-powder is dropped on the plate, it is set in motion at the rate of
about two hundred revolutions in a minute, and the process of grind
ing down, and at the same time of polishing, is begun. The Diamond
is taken up and examined from time to time, and is adjusted so as to
give the facet its true form. The heat occasioned by the friction is at
all times pretty considerable, and when the pincers are heavily loaden,
it occasionally increases to such a degree as to soften the solder and
displace the Diamond. This is a serious accident, frequently occa
sioning a flaw in the Diamond, and always tearing up the surface of
the skive, so as to damage it very considerably. There is room on
the skive for three or four Diamonds at the same time ; and, to give
each its proper share of attention, is as much as one person can well
manage. The completion of a single facet often occupies some hours."

The polish is often produced by rubbing the Diamond with a cloth

or bare hand. The form which the gems have to receive from the
lapidary varies according to the condition of the stones, and the skill
of the artist depends upon the right selection of the form, which shall
correspond with the natural structure of the gems. A good cut has
the greatest influence on the lustre and beauty of the gems; the
colourless and limpid gems, for instance, require a different treatment
from those which have a play of colours. With a Diamond, the form
must correspond, as much as possible, with its natural or original
shape, in order to save great trouble of grinding, and the waste thereby
produced. Transparent gems ought not to be cut too thick ; the rays
of light might otherwise be refracted too much, or prevented from
penetrating through them at all : in the first instance, the lower facets
do not act in correspondence with the upper, and the rays are much
distributed before reaching the eye. Gems of such description are
called clotty. On the other hand, if the gems are too thin, their
beauty, elements, and general value are likewise diminished. There
is a definite proportion of the thickness to the breadth of colourless or
limpid gems, whereas the cut of the coloured gems depends upon the
intensity of the colour.


Diamonds were formerly cut according to their natural form, and
mostly in the plains of the octohedron. They were called then point
Diamonds (pierris de Nature, or pointes ingenues).
The following forms are now, more or less, adopted by the Dutch
and English Diamond cutters :—

A, The Brilliant. This cut displays to greatest advantage the lustre

of the Diamond : it may be considered as obtained by two truncated
pyramids, united together by one common base, the upper pyramid
being much more deeply truncated than the lower. It is
formed—a, Of the crown, or that part of the stone which
'// remains visible after the stone is mounted ; b, The collet,
or lower part ; c, The girdle, or the common base for the crown and
collet ; d, The table, that plane which is formed by the truncature of
the upper pyramid ; e, The bisel, that space which lies between the
girdle and table ; and, f, The collet-side, that space between the
girdle and collet. The English lapidaries cut the girdle sharp, whereas
the Dutch leave it broad : the crown amounts to one-third and the
collet to two-thirds of the whole height of the Diamond ; the table
amounts to four-ninths of the diameter of the brilliant, whereas the
collet only needs one-fifth of the size of the table. The table and
collet are regular octagons, and the facets occupied by the bisel are
eight lozenges, with twenty-four triangles, and are called the star-
facets ; the facets occupied by the collet-side are four irregular penta
gons, alternating with as many irregular lozenges, radiating from the
collet as a centre, and are bordered by sixteen triangular
facets adjoining the girdle, and are generally called the
pavilion or cross-facets. According to the number of
facets, the brilliants receive their names, either of double
or treble brilliant : the double brilliant is surrounded by
| two rows of facets on the bisel, which are triangular, and
meet each other; the treble brilliant has fifty-eight planes,
fifty-six facets, table and collet, thirty-two facets of which
are in the bisel in three rows ; the star and pavilion facets are trian

gular, the intermediate ones are four-sided, and on the collet-side are
twenty-four facets.
The English double brilliant consists of twenty-four facets, table
and collet, sixteen of which terminate in the form of a star in the biseL
Brillionets or Half-brilliants are those Diamonds the spread of which
is too great in proportion to their depth, and the crown is only cut like
a brilliant, but the collet-side is wanting.
B, The Rose-Diamond has but a crown, and no collet;
it is formed of equilateral triangles, and consists of two rows
of three-sided facets ; those on the girdle are pavilion, and
the others star-facets. But there are variations in the
number of facets : the Dutch roses have eighteen pavilion and six
star-facets; others have six pavilion and six star-facets, or twelve
pavilion and six star-facets ; and some, also, have twenty-four three-
sided pavilion and twelve star-facets. The Rose Diamond is only
that Diamond, the proportion of whose breadth to its depth is too
much extended, and which would not, without much loss, make a
good brilliant. There are fragment Rose Diamonds, which are very
small, and Ear-drop Roses.
C, The Table-Diamond is that stone which is very
flat and of little depth, and which reflects but little lustre :
they have a table with four planes and eight facets; and,
in order to make the best of their lustre, they receive a
brilliant cut.
D, The Bastard-Diamond, is that Diamond whose cut is mixed
up from the above forms.
There are a few more forms given to those Diamonds which are
found unfit for any of the above cuts, such as the Thick-Stones, the
Portrait Diamonds, the Senail Diamonds, which are, however, all
unfit for the above cuts.


The gem lapidary occupies himself not only with grinding the
common and rare gems, but also pastes, &c. : he uses likewise wheels,
but of different material than those for Diamonds. His wheels are
either of copper, if for very hard stones ; of lead or pewter for softer
stones ; and he has likewise polishing wheels. If any wheel is too
soft for very hard stones, he cuts furrows in them, which are then
filled out with rottenstone or tin ashes ; or if very hard stones, such as
Sapphire, are to be ground, the Diamond powder is used for the
same : likewise are tin wheels used for hard stones ; water, or also oil
of vitriol, are used for moistening the wheels. The gems, in order to
grind them or to give their facets, are likewise cemented into a
handle, at the end of which is a composition of rosin and brickdust.
Particular attention is required in grinding the coloured gems, as the
greatest effect may be produced by their thickness, and pale-coloured
gems require to be left thicker than darker ones ; and, on the other
hand, they ought not to be left too thick, as they appear too dark, and
thereby lose their lustre. The same proportion in the manner of
cutting the crown and collet of the coloured gems has to be observed
as with the brilliant, namely, the crown ought to be one-third and
the collet two-thirds in size of the depth of the whole stone ; if the
gem be of a pale colour, the collet ought to be three-fourths of the
size ; and if of a darker colour, much less : the table of those coloured
gems which require to be heightened ought to be waved somewhat,
whereas it ought to be even in darker gems. The forms of the coloured
gems, which they receive in cutting, resemble, in many instances, those
of the Diamond, but the following are the additional cuts they receive,
according to the nature of the shape and colour of the stone :—
A, The Step or Pavilion cut. The planes, which
are long and small, decrease towards the table and collet,
> and terminate in steps ; the crown has usually two and
the collet four or five facets on each side ; the form of the
stones may be of four, six, eight, or twelve sides, or may
be long or round. This cut is particularly applicable to coloured gems,
as it reflects the light in a high degree, by which the play of colour is
much raised ; and it is, at all events, to be preferred in the collet of
coloured gems even to those brilliants in pavilion : the crown may
be of any form whatever.

B, The Mixed-facet cut, is a compound of bril

liant and pavilion cuts, the first being on the crown;
it is a very favourite cut for coloured gems, and con
tributes much in raising the lustre.

C, The Elongated Brilliant-facet cut, which, if

the brilliant facets are on the crown elongated, and the
collet has a pavilion cut, is very appropriate to long
and thin stones.

D, The Table cut, having either an even or conchoidal

table, with one or two rows of facets, in a circular form,
around it ; a very useful form for sealstones.
E, The Double-facet cut, the crown having two
rows of facets, and the collet the pavilion form ; this
cut is well adapted to such stones as may conceal any
faults, flaws, or fissures, by the same.
F, The Cabochon cut is either flat, convex, or double-convex that
is arched ; it may be on both sides, or only on one. This
cut is particularly applicable for semi-transparent gems, or
those which display their peculiar colours : such as the Opal, Moon
stone, &c. ; or collect the light in a small space, on one or several
points, according to the convexity they have received.
The Cabochon cut may have one, two, or more rows of
facets ; and opaque stones receive with advantage the
facets over the whole surface. Garnets, for instance,
which are generally of a dark colour, are cut en cabochon, the lower
plane excavated in a circular form and the upper plane all around
with facets. Other gems, the interior faults of which cannot be con
cealed, may be improved by this cut, giving them more transparency,
vivid colour, and a greater degree of fire.
It mostly depends on the skill and discrimination of the artist in
the choice of the cut in all gems.


Such common precious stones as are suitable to be cut for snuff
boxes, rings, grinding mortars, seals, and ear-rings, are wrought by the
common lapidary by means of copper or iron wheels revolving verti
cally. The tools are generally of iron, and sometimes brass ; some
are flat like chisels, gouges, ferrules, and some others have conicular
heads. The polish is given with rotten stone, on a tin plate; or
with crocus martis, on a wooden plate covered with felt. The cuts
applied by the workman are either even, cup-shell form, excavated,
elevated, or quite simple : facets are not used by him.
Mr. Mawe describes a lapidary's apparatus, fit for polishing mine
rals, shells, &c., and which may be placed in a parlour, where every
operation of polishing, on a scale sufficiently large, may be effected,
and pebbles may be slit of three or four inches diameter : it consists
of the following mills :—
1st, A lead mill, or wheel, to be used with emery and water, for
grinding down substances preparatory to polishing.

2d, A pewter mill, to be used with rbttenstone a little wet, for polishing.
3d, Tin plate, properly prepared, the edge of which is to be used
with Diamond powder, to slit or cut hard stones asunder.
4th, Wood mills, covered with leather, &c., for polishing marble,
alabaster, shells, or other soft substances.

The value of many precious stones is increased by engraving
them. The common gems have, for several centuries, been used in
heraldry. In Italy, Germany, and England, we find the coat of arms
of distinguished or noble families engraved on stone. The machine
used for that purpose is like that of the glass cutters, with this differ
ence, that there are finer and harder instruments, and sometimes
Diamond splinters, required for this work. Before the stone can be
cut or engraved, its surface, after having received the proper shape
and form required, is rubbed with emery, glass, or leaden wheels :
the artist now makes his drawing with a brass pin, and executes it
afterwards with his tools. On hard stones he uses Diamond powder ;
on soft, emery and oil.
The engravings of armorial bearings, single figures, devices, &c.,
on any gem, is performed by the means of a small iron wheel, the
ends of the axis of which are received within two pieces of iron in a
perpendicular position, that may or may not be closed as the operation
requires; the tools are fixed to one end of the axis, and screwed firm;
the stone to be engraved is then held to the tool, the wheel set in
motion by the foot, and the figure or device gradually formed.
Difficult works are executed after models of plaster of Paris, of clay,
or other substances ; the polish is afterward given on wheels, provided
with brushes or with rotten-stone. The semi-transparent and opaque,
stones are more used for engraving than the transparent gems, because
the drawing will not show distinctly through them, on account of the
great refraction of light ; the same is the case with iridescent or shining
stones. The engravings are generally bas-relief or raised; those
having layers are mostly preferred for cameos: for instance, the Onyx,
Sardonyx, and Chalcedony; also, Wood-opal, which is constantly
exported from Germany for the Italian artists in Rome.


Gems and precious stones often require to be sawed in different
directions, which operation is performed on a machine like that of a
lapidary, with the exception of a polishing-plate, which is substituted
by a cutting-plate having sharp ends, or also by fastening the stone
on a stand and moving continually a fine iron or copper-wire stretched
in a bow, which is moistened with emery and oil. Care has, how
ever, to be taken not to let the stone grow too hot, as the heat may
crack or make the stone spotty. The Chinese use strings spun over in
preference to the wire, they having the advantage of keeping the emery
sticking to them and of accelerating thereby the operation. For drill
ing the gems or other precious stones, a Diamond set in steel is made
use of to move to and fro by a bow, or also of the common engraving
machine, the drilling instrument of which consists of an iron point, to
which is fastened a Diamond-splinter, which is pressed upon the stone
while it is revolving on the plate.


The materials for grinding and polishing, vary according to the
hardness of the gem : the Diamond-powder is obtained by grinding real
Diamonds, which are unfit for use, with each other in a hollow cylinder
of cast-iron, in which another one exactly similar is used for the most
costly and hardest gems. Corundum, Sapphire, Topaz-powder, and
emery-powder, are commonly used for grinding and polishing the
Diamond. It is well to remark that emery is often adulterated by a
mixture of quartz and oxide of iron, or by garnet or iron-powder.
Emery fit for the use intended, requires to be properly pulverized and
levigated. According to Hawkins, the following method is pursued
in England :—The emery is pulverized in an iron mortar and passed
through different sieves, one finer than the other, the first is levigated
with oil which keeps it in better suspension above water, and accord
ing to the time in which the powder settles, the different numbers are
hereby obtained.
For polishing the different precious stones, hard and soft gems, the
Diamond-powder and emery are mostly used. Rotten-stone, tin-ashes,
pumice-stone, oxide of iron, English jewellers red, all of which are used
in their finest pulverized state : but a great deal depends upon the polish
which a gem has received, all of its other superior qualities being
thereby called forth.


Since the colour is one of those characters which is the most tempt
ing in the sale of the gems and jewellery, all means are necessarily
employed for heightening the same and covering any real defect. Foil
of small thin metallic substance coloured or uncoloured, either of fine
silver or copper, is placed under the gem in the back of the mounting,
which heightens the colour and lustre, particularly of the transparent
gems. Almost all gems were formerly set in black coloured backs,
composed of burnt ivory-black and gum mastic, but are now mostly
set a jour, which is, leaving the lower part of the stone uncovered in
setting, and only mounting around the girdle, an old method, and
very applicable to perfect stones where no defects require concealment.
Foiling materially heightens the lustre ofgems. The Rose Diamond
always requires it on account of its flat form. There are many
gems which would not produce any effect without the foil. It is
therefore used whenever a pale or impure colour is to be raised, or
where the gems are to be protected against dust or moisture in order to
produce a uniform shade of colour ; the foil forms then a suitable
The colouring of the foil is generally performed by the jewellers.—
Isinglass first dissolved in water and afterwards boiled in spirits of
wine, and then strained, is the mass or body to which the colours are
afterwards added, which are also soluble in water.
For producing a red colour, the best material is Carmine,
" Blue, .... Litmus,
" Yellow, - Saffron.
To produce the different shades and various colours, the above are
united with each other. Very clear stones are sometimes painted on
the back, such as Chrysoprase, Carneleon, &c. The Paris jewellers
are very skilful in painting ^tones of inferior value so as to deceive
even professional men ; it is for this reason that gems when set, ought
not to be purchased ; the valuable gems which have a foil on their
back are mostly set in such a manner that they may be examined
without the same. Foiled gems may likewise be distinguished by
holding the table of the set gem on the nail of the thumb and observ
ing the passage of the light through the crown.
In the East, rubies are never set with foil, but a cavity is made from
below and filled with finely polished gold, which raises its lustre
Fissures, flaws, or veins in the interior of the gems are mostly con
cealed by the foil, and when near the girdle, are covered by the
The defects of stones are sometimes concealed by colouring the
case with mastic and ivory-black, and according to circumstances leave
blank the spot of the faulty stone, or covering only the spot, for pro
ducing a uniform colour. Another and not unusual method of con

cealing fissures, flaws, or other faults, is to cut those stones with many
faults, the momentary detection being thereby prevented from the play
of the refracting light and the lustre. The colour of many gems is
raised by the fire, which acts in a peculiar manner on many of them;
thus the Brazilian Topaz assumes a very fine, pale red coluor by
burning ; the process of affecting this colouring is very simple, viz :
after wrapping the topaz in a sponge, ignite the same and keep it
burning until consumed.
The Zircon sometimes assumes a better colour after having been
subjected to a high degree of heat. Amethysts having dark spots,
may be calcined for a short time in a crucible containing sand and
iron-filings, under which process they mostly lose those faults; but if
exposed to an excess of heat, they will lose their colour altogether and
become as white as quartz. The Oriental Carneleon assumes, after
burning, a fine colour, and in Hindostan those carneleons which are
found detached in the mines, are cut up and burnt on the spot. Very
fine cracks are sometimes produced in mounting the stones, which
may be repaired and concealed successfully by means of garlick juice.
When the stones are broken by the same operation, they may be
cemented by gum mastic.


The gems are generally fastened or set at the girdle in a box or rim
of metal : limpid and faultless gems are always set a jour, (i. e.) with
out backs, since they appear then to the best advantage, and if the
gem is intended to display its full size and colour, the a jour setting is
only fastened by small shanks or claws. The good setting of a gem
very much increases its value and beauty. The material for mount
ing the limpid gems is silver, which displays to more advantage than
gold. In order to increase the colour or lustre of large gems, they are
often surrounded by smaller gems, such as small Roses, Rubies, Eme
ralds, Garnets, Turquoise, &c.
The jewellers wax used for mounting the gems, is made of three
parts rosin, one part bees-wax, and four parts fine brick-dust.


The following composition I have found to be the best material for
thoroughly cleaning the gems, particularly when set :—Take one part
flower of sulphur, and two parts rotten-stone or bone-ashes, which
when mixed is used by rubbing it on a piece of buck-skin and with
that on the gems, alternately with a stiff hair-brush, and at last with a
softer skin or cloth, which will remove the dust.


Pliny mentions the imitation of jewels by glass fluxes, and it is
sufficiently proved that the ancients were far advanced in this art.
The Egyptian mummies were provided with glass-buttons of green
and blue colour, and during the reign of the Roman empire, coloured
glass was very general ; and we find antique cameos carved in various
coloured glass, representing the Onyx, likewise coloured-glass cemented
with real Onyx, but they never attained such perfection in their art
as to set at defiance the skill of the artist and jeweller to distinguish
between the genuine and spurious ones. The imitation of gems may
be divided into three classes :—
A, The Pastes. The basis of these imitations is a fine, pure, and
white glass composition, called Strass, after its inventor, Strass of Stras-
bourgh, in the seventeenth century, who first conceived the necessity
of imitating the real gems by their hardness, specific gravity, and re
fraction of light. He accomplished the task sofar that in many instan
ces, either all three, or one or the other of his objects were attained.
The strass is composed of silex, (quartz, flint, or pure sand,) potash,
borax, red-lead, and sometimes arsenic. To three-hundred parts of
silex add ninety-six parts potash, twenty-seven parts borax (prepared
from the Boracic acid,) and five-hundred and fourteen parts of white-
lead, and one part arsenic : or in another method, mix seven ounces and
twenty-four grains quartz with ten ounces seven and a half drachms
red-lead, three ounces and six drachms pure pearlashes, three twenty-
seven-thirtieth drachms borax, and twelve grains arsenic ; the mixture
is put into a covered hessian crucible and kept at a great heat in a pot
tery furnace for twenty-four hours. The longer the mass is kept in a
fluid state, the harder and clearer it will be when turned out and cooled.
This discoloured strass is used by the lapidaries for imitating the
Diamond, rock-crystal, and white Topaz.
For imitating the coloured gems, various colouring ingredients are
employed. To obtain that intensity of colour approaching nearest to
the original gem, it is experience alone which can guide the manufac
turer. In order to imitate the uniform and intense colours, the Strass
colouring ingredients are to be of the finest powder, and very closely
mixed, the mass to be exposed to a very great heat, in that state left
for nearly thirty hours, so that the cooling is gradual. Numerous
establishments in Germany and France, are now engaged in the manu
facture of the Strass and coloured pastes, each of which possess secrets
acquired by their experience, for producing these articles in the greatest
perfection. I will now quote a few imitations of some of the most

precious gems, and shall in the second part of this essay always allude
to those which are imitated, with the receipts for producing such imita
tions, obtained from the best sources and my own experience, viz :—

A, Artificial Topaz. Take of perfectly white Strass one ounce and

six drachms, glass of Antimony thirty-seven grains, and cassius pur
ple one grain ; or take to six ounces Strass, half a drachm of crocus
B, Artificial Ruby. This may either be obtained from the first
mixture for the Topaz with an addition of eight parts more of Strass,
and left for thirty hours in fusion ; when taken out and fused before
the blow-pipe, it yields a most beautiful Oriental Ruby. Five ounces
Strass and one drachm oxide manganese yield likewise, but not so
fine a Ruby.
C, Artificial Emerald. To one pound Strass, take one drachm of
verdigris and fifteen grains crocus martis.
D, Artificial Sapphire. Take to eight ounces Strass, fifty-two
grains pure oxide of cobalt.
E, Artificial Amethyst. To eight ounces Strass, add thirty grains
oxide of manganese, twenty-four grains oxide of cobalt, and forty
grains cassius purple ; or to one pound Strass, twenty grains oxide
manganese, and one grain oxide of cobalt.
F, Artificial Aquamarine. To six ounces Strass, add twenty-four
grains glass of antimony, and one and a half grains oxide of cobalt.
G, Artificial Syrian Garnet. To one thousand grains Strass
add five hundred grains glass of antimony, four grains cassius purple,
and four grains oxide of manganese.

It will now be necessary to know the distinguishing characters be

tween the real and artificial gems, as they so closely resemble each
other that a superficial inspection will not always enable the inspector
to discriminate between them ; they are as follows :—
1. The hardness, which may be tested on the grinding machine,
on which the fine quartz sand will immediately attack the pastes, or
by scratching on it with a real onyx, to which the pastes will imme
diately yield.
2. The small air bubbles in the pastes, may more or less be detected
with a good magnifying glass.
3. The cold touch will never remain for any length of time on the
pastes as on the real gem.
4. The breath remains much longer on the pastes, on account of

their bad conducting power, than on real gems. The specific gravity
and electricity, may likewise indicate the difference,—but I never
depended upon them alone, and I will mention that I once examined
the specific gravity of an artificial Topaz which fully corresponded
with that of a Brazilian Topaz. The electricity will indicate the
difference between real and artificial gems from the time ; for real gems
retain, after being rubbed, their electricity for from six to thirty-two
hours, whereas, the artificial ones only retain it from forty to sixty

6, The Doublets. This mode of imitating the real gems is called

the doubling, when a quartz, cut and polished, is cemented by means
of gum mastic to another coloured paste, whereby the whole stone
assumes the colour of the lower paste. If a real gem is employed
instead of the quartz, as the surface and the quartz or paste is cemented
below, it is called half doubling. This adulteration is carried on to a
very great extent in the East Indies, where they paste any thin gem
to a paste corresponding in colour. The concave doubling is effected
by excavating the inside of a quartz or paste. The cavity being filled
with a coloured fluid, and the other part afterwards cemented on it,
will, when well executed, present so uniform a colour that it is difficult
even for a judge to detect the deception. The surest method of
detection is to put the specimen in question in hot water or alcohol, by
which the gum mastic will be dissolved. When set, the only way of
finding out the adulteration, is to put it reversly on the nail of the
thumb, when the false refraction of light or the rainbow colours will,
with certainty, determine their identity.

C, The Burning. This mode of adulterating the real gems, is

performed by colouring cut and polished quartz specimens and throw
ing them into a solution of permanent pigment, such as a solution of
indigo, decoction of cochineal, solution of ammoniacal copper; the
small cavities produced by the heat will absorb the fluids. The Topaz
is burnt by itself, with or without the absorption of a pigment, as also
the Spinell, and the Quartz ; Chalcedony is, however, frequently burnt
for imitating the Onyx, and to engrave therein the Cameos and the

It may be remarked, however, that since the introduction of coloured

pastes, very few adulterations of this kind are now practised, and we
see but rarely such doublets and burnt stones.


It is difficult to determine the price of gems without reflecting upon
all the circumstances, such as beauty and uniformity, the play, the
lustre, and the vivacity of the colours, as also on the perfect cut, the
polish, the rare locality or the size of the individual gems. It de
pends upon the trade of the various countries from whence they come,
and are sent to the staple, and what quantity of such valuable gems
may be had at one time at any of the great cities : so we find that
diamonds were often sold at a much less price in London and Paris
than in Brazil. The principal trade, however, is as yet carried on in
Brazil and the East Indies, although in no comparison so prosperous
as in former years. The gems are sold by weight, such as carat and
grain. One carat is ;equal to four grains, and forty-four carats are
equal to one ounce. The name carat is derived from the word
Kuara, the coral tree, (Erythrina,) the red pods of which, when dry,
were formerly used for weighing gold dust, and each of them weighs
four grains, which is equal to one carat.


A few years ago, Messrs. Trecourt and Oberhauser laid before the
Parisian Academy lenses of diamond, sapphire, and ruby, which were
used in connection with glass lenses in microscopes ; they were of
nine-tenths millim, in diameter. The diamond lens magnified two
hundred and ten times, that of sapphire two hundred and fifty-five
times, and that of ruby two hundred and thirty-five times, in a linear

A letter was lately published from Sir David Brewster, on a curious

optical phenomenon that had occurred in the construction of diagonal
lens. The Diamond, previous to working, had all the appearance of
internal brilliancy ; but, after being polished, it presented a series of
stratified shades, which rendered it useless for the required purpose.
It afterwards appeared that lapidaries were acquainted with this
appearance, which rendered them extremely unwilling to take the
risk on themselves, of cutting up Diamonds for optical purposes. On
a minute examination of this phenomenon, it appeared that these
different shades occurred in regular strata, each section being about
one-hundredth part of an inch, and each stratum having a different
focus, and being of different degrees of hardness and specific gravity.
The inferences drawn from the above facts were :—that the Diamond
was a vegetable substance, and that its parts must have been held in

solution and subjected to different degrees of pressure at different

stages of its existence. If, on the contrary, as it has been generally
believed, subject to the laws of crystallization, its crystals must neces
sarily have been homogeneous.



We will now proceed to the consideration of the different gems,
which have mostly been arranged according to their hardness.
Diamond : Diamant (German), Adamant (of the ancients), Almas
(Oriental), Diamant (French). The name' Diamond is derived from
the Greek, Adamas, meaning invincible, and referring to the hardness
of the Diamond. The Syrians are said to have first known the
Diamond, and it was in early ages the subject of trade to the people
of the East. The Carthagenians are said to have carried on their
trade with the Etrurians, who procured their Diamonds from the inte
rior of Africa. Pliny mentions six species of Diamonds, among
which, however, the Indian are to be considered the true, in contra
distinction to the quartz crystals, which were likewise called Diamonds
in those times. The Diamond was highly esteemed, and many
medicinal virtues were attributed to them, particularly against mania,
and as an antidote for poisons ; and the Diamond was worn in the
rough state. The art of cutting it with its own powder was discovered
in 1476, by Lewis Van Berghen. In the beginning they cut it in
the table form, with one row of facets on the surface : afterwards,
in 1520, they made use of the Rhomb cut ; and the form of brilliants
was invented in the reign of Louis XII. The cardinal Mazarin was
the first who had the Diamond polished in this form, and some of
which yet belong to the crown of France. For a long time philoso
phers vainly speculated as to the nature of the Diamond : first it was
considered as a mineral, consisting of Silica ; but Newton was the
earliest (1675) who expressed himself as to the constitution of
Diamonds. He judged, from the great refraction of light, that it
must be a combustible body ; and a series of experiments with it,
tested afterwards by different naturalists, proved the same to be pure

carbon. The first trial was made in 1694, by the members of the
Academy at Florence, where Diamonds were volatilized within the fo
cus of a mirror ; and Bergman first classified the Diamond to the com
bustible bodies, and mentions of having cut the head off the gems.
Various views existed in regard to the origin of the Diamond : some
considered it as a secretion of a vegetable substance ; others as origi
nating from volcanic or plutonic revolution. The Indians believe
Diamonds are continually regenerating and growing to this date ; and
the inhabitants of Pharrah, in Hindostan, affirm that the quantity of
Diamonds by no means decrease, but that on the contrary the soil
will yield a supply after fifteen or twenty years, which was then
Numerous experiments have been instituted to produce an artificial
Diamond from several substances which contain carbon, and by the
application of a high degree of heat. Dr. Hare, in Philadelphia,
succeeded in melting down mahogany charcoal so as to produce a
metallic appearance, by his deflagrator. Professor Silliman likewise
made similar experiments with plumbago, which produced small
globules, some of which were so transparent that they could not be
distinguished from the genuine Diamond. Vannuxen, who examined
the globules obtained from fused charcoal, found them to contain
iron and carbon, which led him to the conclusion that the
charcoal had not undergone a real fusion. Cagniard de Latour
pretended to have discovered the ingredients for imitating Diamonds
of some size, but Thenard proved those small chrystals of the appear
ance of Diamond, to be some silicates of peculiar composition, which,
according to Arago, polarized the light in a different angle than
Diamonds. All speculative experiments to imitate this most precious
gem, by all the compounds of carbon, have as yet been frustrated.
The Diamond is found chrystalized mostly of the form of an
Octahedron, (composed of two four-sided pyramids, united by their
bases) or rhombic dodecacedon, rarely of a cube ; but the planes of
the angles are often rounded or bevelled. The foliated passages are
distinctly parallel to the faces of the octahedron, in which direction
they may always be slit. Fracture is conchoidal ; surface is smooth,
often rough or striped, and sometimes covered with a scaly crust ;
transparent, also semi-transparent; exceedingly vivid lustre, called
the Diamond, or adamantine lustre ; and when polished of splendid
fire ; limpid, and likewise passing into the greatest variety of shadings
from white and gray, sometimes from yellow, green and brown, but
more rarely tinged from orange, red, blue or blackish.

The Diamond being the hardest of all substances, yields to no file ;

its streak powder is white or greyish ; it becomes phosphorescend
by the rays of the sun, and electric by rubbing, which property it
retains for half an hour ; its specific gravity is 3, 5—3, 6 ; it does not
alter before the blowpipe ; it burns however at a high degree of heat,
and in atmospheric air with a bluish flame ; its touch is very cold ;
it consists of carbon. The Diamond bears the same name in trade,
but is changed according to its cut: the blackish and brownish
Diamonds are called the Savoy Diamonds (Diamand Savayards.) The
original bed of the Diamond is not yet known, and the opinions are
much divided : in the East Indies we find it in a conglomerate of
sandstone, consisting of quartz grains, and disintegrated by the fer
ruginous sand ; and in the mountain chain Ralla-Malla, in Hindostan,
between the 95° and 98° E. L. Some of the most celebrated Diamond
mines consist of a Breccia from argillacious slate, quartz, lime and
sandstone ; the Boulters and the sand of desserts and rivers yield
Diamonds mostly rounded or in granular form. The richest Diamond
mines are : Roalcorda, at the junction of the rivers Bimah and
Ristna; Golconda, along the shore of the Pennar, Sumbhulpra;
Bundelkened, in the neighbourhood of Pannah, where one thousand
labourers are kept employed. Visapur, Hydrabad, &c., on the Island
of Borneo, yield likewise Diamonds; and, according to Jameson,
Diamonds were found in the Indies in the coal formation.
In Brazil, they were discovered in 1728, by chance, having pre
viously been always thrown aside with the flint and other refuse ob
tained by the washings of gold, until an inhabitant, who had some
knowledge of rough Diamonds, collected a large parcel and carried
them to Portugal, and acquired by its sale a large fortune. Another,
who was informed of the operations of the first, shared an equally
good luck. The government's attention was drawn to it, and de
clared, in 1730, that all Diamonds found there belong to the crown.
Diamonds are found in the Talcose Chlorite Shiste, and in a
Breccia, consisting of ferruginious clay, quartz pebbles, sand, and
oxide of iron fragments ; and are found in a secondary bed,
accompanied by gold, platina, topaz, beryl, chrysoberyl, or tourmaline.
They are found particularly in the valley of Sejues, along the rivers
Jequetinhonha and Pardo, which run into the Diamond district ;
these carry most Diamonds by. The dykes and brooks of the district
contain more or less rich Diamonds, which are found there in recent
and older beds. Beyond the diamond district, the Diamond is likewise
found in the province of Minas Geraes, on the Serro de St. Antonio,
in the Serro Frio and in the rivers Aboite, Andaja, da Saneno, da
Prata, and in several other places.
In Russia, the first Diamond was discovered in July, 1829, by
Humboldt and Rose, when on their journey to Siberia, on the west
side of the Uralian mountains, in the gold washing establishments of
Krestowosdwisheaski, belonging to Count Schuwalow. The locality,
in connection with the other circumstances of the place where the
Diamond was found, bears a striking resemblance to the Diamond
district of Brazil. The predominating rock of the spot on the Uralian
mountains is a quarzose chlorite, talcose shiste (ita columnite) with
an admixture of iron pyrites and mica, and wherein we find beds of
red oxide of iron, talcose shiste, limestone and dolomite. In the val
ley of Poludenka and Aedephskoi the Diamonds are found in the
debris of the mountains, accompanied by quartz, ita columnite, brown
hematite, talcose slate, dolomite, chalcedony, anatas. gold, or platina ;
it is not yet decided to what formation this rock originally belongs.
The production of the Diamond is two-fold ; either they are dug out
from the earth, or they are collected in the sand of the rivers. If by
the latter way, they are more or less rounded, wedged and rubbed off:
whereas the former appear coated with an earthy, pale gray, yellow or
rose-red ; rarely, however, with a blue or green crust. Many valua
ble mines have been relinquished in the East Indies since the discove
ry of the Diamonds in Brazil. The locality of the finest Diamonds
is at present the neighbourhood of Sumbhulpore. Two tribes, called
the Thata and Tora, living in sixteen villages, occupy themselves
particularly with searching for Diamonds, beginning in the month of
November, till the beginning of the rain time, particularly in the bed
of the Mahanudi on its left shore, where some other small rivers,
Maund, Reloo, Eeb, &c., pour into the same. Four or five hundred in
number, consisting of men, women and children, are examining
continually all the spots of the river from Cauderpoor to Longpoor,
a distance of about 120 miles, till the stream is impeded by the rocks ;
and likewise all excavations or other cavities of the beds where any
alluvial deposites may be traced. All their implements consist in
a pickaxe (ankova), in a board of five feet long, excavated three
inches in the middle, but provided with its border (daer) and in a
smaller similar impliment, called by them kootla, but both of the
shape of a shovel. The process is very simple : they first dig the
earth with the axe and let it accumulate in heaps along the shore ;
the women afterwards take it on their large shovels and allow the
water to ran over the earth ; they then pick the flints and coarse

gravel out of it, and bring the residue on the^smaller shovels, spread
ing it out, and examining it very carefully, separating from it the
Diamonds and grains of gold. Another method pursued in the East
Indies is to surround a small plain, where the Diamonds are expected
to be found, with a wall of two feet high, under which, however,
water is permitted to run by several openings ; and after having
thrown a good deal of earth within the wall, and the water passed
through two or three times, the larger stones are picked out and the
residue dried, and the Diamonds selected as before.
The washing establishments of the Diamond in Brazil, particu
larly in the celebrated district Tejuco, on the Rio San Francisco and its
adjoining smaller rivers, are conducted in the following manner :—
In order to get at the bottom, or soil, of the river, means are used
for leading the water at a certain spot to a different direction, and
then that bed of the river is allowed to dry out, and the sediment
. found, consisting of a conglomerate of quartz pebbles, kept together by
oxide of iron, is brought to one place for washing it out. It is a large
bench of triangular form, so as to keep from twenty to thirty negroes
busy : in the middle of this bench is a gutter, to which is connected
a trough, all inclined somewhat, in order that the water may run
down voluntarily, but which may be stopped by putting loam at the
end ; and another gutter, with a trough, is joined further down. The
negro, who has collected in the dry season a large quantity of the
sediment, is occupied in the rainy season in putting from fifteen to
eighteen pounds at the time in the trough, spreading it there and
allowing so much water to run over it, until it runs off quite clear
from the lower trough, but at the same time keeping the trough con
tinually moving. He begins then to pick out the larger stones from
the earthy part, and then the smaller stones, until he comes to such
grains, fully suitable to pick the smallest particles, which he examines
with the greatest care, on account of the Diamonds. As soon as a
negro has found a Diamond, he must make it known by clapping his
hands, and the surveyor, who is seated on an elevated chair around
the bench, takes the same and deposites it in a dish filled with water,
and in which all the Diamonds found during the day, are collected.
They are then delivered over to the superintendant, who counts and
weighs them, and enters them, with other particulars, in a book kept
for that purpose : he keeps them together in a bag, until he delivers
them, which he does twice a week, to the government, at Tejuco.
Every superintendant has to live in the neighbourhood of the prin-
ciplal washing establishments, which were formerly leased for a cer

tain sum by the government ; but the impositions practised were so

great that she took the superintendance upon her own account in
1772, and has guarded the diamond districts along their lines by
strong sentinels, who will not allow strangers to pass through without
the permission of the general superintendant ; and even the inhabi
tants, when crossing the line of the diamond districts, have to procure
written permissions from the above authority ; and every body must,
on leaving the district, submit, without any dispensation, to a personal
and strict examination and search by the soldiers ; and foot passen
gers are always arrested by sentinels and spies continually on the
alert. St. Antonio de Tejuco, forty leagues from Villa Rica, is the
capital of the Diamond district, and the seat of the superintendence
of the Junta Diamontina, consisting besides, of a confiskal, two
cashiers, one inspector-general and a book-keeper. All the procured
Diamonds are delivered up yearly, to the government, at Rio
From four to five thousand negroes were engaged in the years
1772 to 1775 ; and in the year 1818 but one thousand : among them
were the feitores or surveyors, one hundred in number, in the latter
year ; likewise ten superintendants, whose business it is to conduct
the mining department and the collection of the Diamonds.
In order to encourage the negroes, presents of tobacco, cloth, &c.,
are awarded, according to the price of the Diamonds which they find ;
and the one who finds, for instance, an Eighth (17 carats and 2
grains) receives his total liberty ; but they are severely punished for
any offence, and if repeated, are not allowed to be at this work.
Notwithstanding the most watchful and scrutinous rules and attention
of all the officers, the fraud with stolen Diamonds is very considerable;
and it is estimated that the smuggling amounts to one-third of the
whole income. The smugglers, who are runaway slaves, examine
the most remote parts of the district, or steal the Diamonds at night
from the working establishments ; others, again, who understand it,
will take the stolen Diamonds from the negroes, and devise means of
escaping with them, either in the soles of their boots, or in hollow
canes, &c. ; and it is a remarkable fact, that all Diamonds obtained
from the smugglers are invariably larger and more beautiful than
those which are brought into market by the government. The
thieves practice all manners of tricks and impositions, even in the
presence of the surveyors : for instance, they conceal the good
Diamonds, during the washing hours, between the fingers, the toes,
in the ears, in the mouth or in the hair : they also throw them away

with other stones, in order to pick them up in the night ; they often
even swallow them.
The soldier, arresting any smuggler, receives a reward ; the property
of the latter is confiscated, and he is sent to Angola, as a prisoner,
for upwards of ten years.
The pure transparent Diamond, which is cut in the different
forms already mentioned, looses generally one-third to one-half of its
original weight by this operation.
In purchasing rough Diamonds, every precaution ought to be used
to prevent getting false Diamonds instead of real ones, and faulty ones
instead of pure Diamonds. The officers of the Junta Diamontina test
the rough stones by holding them, in rubbing together, close to the
ear, and listen to the tune produced by it, which gives them sufficient
satisfaction of their being genuine, as it is only to be observed in real
Diamonds. It requires, however, considerable practice for distinguish
ing with accuracy this test. Strangers particularly, are imposed upon
by the negroes in Brazil, by purchasing from them gems cut and
polished with the facets, resembling those of the Diamond; and
although any one acquainted with the Diamond will soon detect the
imposition by the want of specific weight, the peculiar lustre, fire and
hardness, it requires to be on his guard. If, however, the Diamond is
ascertained to be genuine, we have to look particularly after its purity,
colour, form, and size, which are the conditions for the price of a
rough Diamond.
It requires considerable experience to determine from a rough
Diamond whether any of its faults are at the surface or in the interior,
whereby, often, the Diamond, in removing all its faults, may be
diminished to half its size. We often, however, judge the rough
stones by their colour ; those turning towards the green colour are
considered to be the best ; those of a reddish colour to be good stones ;
the black colour indicates a hard stone ; and we judge a yellowish
or grayish colour as making bad Diamonds. The natural form
of a Diamond likewise gives a characteristic to the purchaser of
rough stones ; for a flat, thin, or triangular stone would loose much
in the grinding, and not be so high as to give it sufficient fire ; and
likewise we are not sure of the result of the cutting, and the hemi-
trope crystals are very difficult to work. The best forms of Diamonds
for cutting are the octahedron, which is principally found in the East
Indies, and is called Pint by the diamond-grinders, and the rhombic
dodecahedron, which is found principally in Brazil ; cheese-stones are
the names of amorphe Diamonds, given by the diamond grinders.

According to the quality of the Diamonds they are divided in

Sumbhulpur into four classes, which are corresponding with the
deities of the Hindoos; the Bramins, Tschettri, Wassiers (Bysh)
and Tschadrie. The native jewellers are very expert in estimating
the value of these Diamonds.
The value of the polished Diamonds is depending on the following
conditions :
1st, The Colour. The limpid Diamonds command the highest
price, and twice as much as those that are coloured ; the blackish,
brownish, yellowish, brown, steel-gray, and impure blueish ones, stand
in no value, and are often rejected for working.
2d, The Purity, Faultlessness and Transparency. The
Diamonds ought to be, according to the technical terms of the jewel
ers, free from ashes, gray spots, rusty or knotty places, veins, fissures,
scratches, feathers, flaws, sand, grains, and of faint yellow or vitreous
spots. The Brazilian Diamonds exhibit, sometimes, in their interior,
designs resembling mosses, like those of the Mocha stones and agates ;
and we may often observe it in the green Diamond; if a limpid
Diamond plays somewhat in the brown colour, it is called shrugging,
and diminishes its value : paunched, are those Diamonds which are
neither pure nor clear.
The transparency and clearness of the Diamond is divided into
three classes, viz :—
A, of the first water, are those Diamonds which are free of the
slightest faults whatever, and stand highest in price.
B, of the second water, are those Diamonds which, although clear
and limpid, possess pome dark spots, clouds, or flaws.
C, of the third water, are those Diamonds possessing a gray, brown,
yellow, green, blue, or blackish colour ; or they are limpid, but possess
several material faults.
In order to determine accurately the Diamond, it is well to breathe
on them, whereby they loose, for a moment, their lustre, and the eye
is then better enabled to examine them and distinguish their faults.
The real Diamond becomes clear much sooner than the false.
3d, The Cut. The perfect and regular cut of the Diamond increases
its value considerably; a Brilliant, for instance, of one carat, is
worth twice as much as a rough Diamond of equal weight. It
depends upon the proportions of the height to the circumference of
the Diamond, and that the planes and faces stand in a regular pro
portion, for should this not be the case, the Diamond would loose
much of its fire. Likewise the form of the Diamond influences the

price. A Brilliant is dearer than the Rose Diamond, and this again
is dearer than the thick and tablestone. Likewise the faces of the
. Brilliant influence the price : once cut, is a Brilliant that possesses no
cross facets on the lower, part of the stone : twice cut if there is one
row of facets on the collet-side ; thrice cut, if the Brilliant possesses
the facets on the bizel and collet-side, according to the rule of cutting.
The more rows of facets a Brilliant displays the higher price is put
upon it.
4th, The Size and Weight. The price of a Diamond depends
considerably upon its size ; those Diamonds of great splendour and
size are called Paragons or Nonpareils, the Ne Plus Ultra ; and the
other less weighty ones according to their actual weight. The
weight employed in Sumbhulpuf is the rutta and masha. Seven
rutts is equal to one mash, and one rutt is equal to two grains. In
Brazil the weight is specified by carats (quilates.) Seventeen and a
half quilates are equal to one dram (octava) ; thirty-two vintenes are
equal to seventy grains (graos) ; one carat is equal to four grains.
The price of Diamonds is determined in trade by examining accu
rately their character as above stated, and then the price is fixed :
the weight of the Diamond is at first multiplied by itself, and the
sum obtained multiplied again with the price of one carat. A Bril
liant, for instance, would weigh two carats, and on examining its
properties, its price would be found to be forty-four francs. We pro
ceed in the following manner for getting at the total value of the
Diamond:—2x2x44=176 francs. We do not always, however,
arrive at the correct result. If the Brilliants are very large, and
exceed the weight of 8 or 10 carats, it is difficult to arrive at a
standard. I will endeavour to give below a table of the prices of the
Diamond in Holland, France, England, and Germany, as far as ascer
tained, and as near to the actual price current as I could be informed.
Rough Diamonds fit for cutting, are worth ten or twelve francs per
carat : any Diamond exceeding the weight of one carat is estimated
by the square of its weight multiplied with eleven or twelve francs as
the average price.
For a Brilliant of one carat and first water, the value in Germany
i s forty-four francs ; of the second water, twenty eight francs.
Rose Diamonds of first water and one carat 20 francs.
" " second, " 13 "
Tablestone, - - - 14 «
Brilliants, 30 to 35 pieces to the carat 22 "
20 " " " 40 "

Brilliants, 10 pieces to a carat 38 francs.

5 " " " 35 "
4 " " " 36 "
Brilliants of three grains are in much demand, and are worth fifty
francs per carat. Those of three carats, used for centre-pieces in
necklaces, are sometimes worth four hundred francs. Rose Diamonds
for mounting, and forty to the carat, are worth twenty francs the
carat ; if a little larger, thirty-five francs per carat.
Diamonds unfit for cutting, and used by glass-cutters or glaziers,
are worth from ten to fifteen francs per carat, and still smaller ones are
worth less ; they are now employed by the lithographers for their
engravings and etchings.
According to Netot, Pujoux, and Lucas, the price of the Diamonds
of the first water, were three hundred francs per carat, and second
water, one hundred and fifty.
Diamonds of one grain and less 96 francs per carat.
The double cut, first water, 125 « "
« " 6 to a grain, 150 " "
Of 2 grains, - - - 170 « «
Of 3 grains, - - - 200 " "
Of one carat, - - 260 to 280 " "
of 6 grains, 600 u ((

8 « - - 1000 (! ((

- 1400 a a
10 " -
12 '• - - 1800 11 ((

<L f(
15 " - - 2400
11 ((
18 " - - 3500
of 6 carats - 5000 francs per carat.
The above prices are from Brards Mineralogie appliquee aux Arts.
A great sale of Diamonds took place in the summer of 1837, at the
auction of Randell and Briggs, London, a report of which is curious
as exhibiting the facetious and extrinsic value of these costly gewgaws.
There were twenty-four lots which producedforty-jive thousand eight
hundred and eighteen pounds—nearly two hundred and twenty-
nine thousand dollars ! ! Some of the prices were as follows :—
The celebrated Nassauck Diamond, which weighs three hundred fifty
seven and a half grains, and is of the purest water, was purchased for
thirty-six thousand dollars. It is considered to have fetched a price
considerably under its value. A magnificent pair of brilliant ear
rings, weighing two hundred twenty-three and a half grains, formerly
the property of Queen Charlotte, were bought for fifty-five thousand

dollars, a price infinitely below their usually estimated value. A

sapphire, seventy-five and a half carats, set with brilliants for a brooch,
two thousand four hundred and sixty-five dollars, j Brilliant ear-rings,
three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. A brilliant necklace,
four thousand three hundred dollars. Drop emerald ear-rings, two
thousand three hundred and twenty-five dollars. Brilliant ear-rings,
four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. A Turkish dagger,
mounted with brilliants and rubies, four thousand dollars. A single
brilliant, eight hundred dollars. A brilliant drop, seventy-nine and a
half grains, five thousand nine hundred dollars. An oblong brilliant,
one hundred fifty-one and a quarter grains, fourteen thousand dollars.
A brilliant necklace, eight thousand dollars. Brilliant ear-rings, twelve
thousand five hundred dollars. Brilliant necklace, twelve thousand
five hundred dollars. Brilliant drops, formerly belonging to Maria
Antoinette, eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-five dollars. A
rose Diamond, eight thousand five hundred. A brilliant drop, ten
thousand five hundred. A round brilliant, seventeen thousand five
hundred dollars. A lozenge brilliant, three thousand five hundred
dollars, etc. etc.
On comparison with prices now in market, it is certain it has much
declined, partly on account of the immense stock which has been
brought from their native locality. According to Spix and Martius,
there have been produced in Brazil, from 1772 to 1818, 1,298,037
carats Diamonds, that is in the time of the Royal Administration ; but
that during the Lease, only 1,700,000 carats were produced, which
together make 2,998,037 carats, or 1301 1-4 pounds ; thus averaging
from fourteen to fifteen pounds per year ; those brought into market by
contraband being excepted. The value of the above Diamonds,
(8,000 reis per carat,) produced in Brazil, amounts to 23,984,276,000
reis, or about 40,000,000 francs ; this sum bears no comparison to the
expenses of producing them, since the government lately paid forty
francs, fifty cent, per carat, whereas they only yielded from eighteen to
nineteen francs. On this account, the administration at Rio de Janeiro
has been induced to leave the mines to private individuals. Owing
to this decrease in the production, the number of labourers are reduced.
The richest production was in 1784, when fifty-six thousand one
hundred and forty-five carats were washed out, and the poorest in
1818, when they procured nine thousand three hundred and ninety-
six carats. In Brazil, large Diamonds are much rarer than in the
East Indies, where they are in general of much better quality than
in Brazil. In the latter country, from 1772 to 1811, they found but

thirty-six Diamonds weighing upwards of seventeen carats, and from

1812 to 1818, but eighty-three Diamonds weighing over eight carats.
In the East Indies, according to Breton, from the year 1804 to
1818, there were found in Mahanues twenty large Diamonds, the
aggregate weight of which amounted to four hundred and thirty-six
carats and one grain. The largest was found in 1809, and weighed
six hundred and seventy-two grains, but of the third water ; another
of three hundred and eight grains, and another of two hundred and
eighty-eight grains.
As it has already been stated that the artist and amateur have to
be on their guard against imposition in the purchase of Diamonds,
it may be well to state that there is the one-half brilliant, having the
form of a brilliant above (the upper pyramid) and have no lower
pyramid ; or another stone is pasted on by means of mastic. The
character of the stone is readily detected when taken out of the
Or Sapphires, Hyacinths and Topazes are sometimes slightly cal
cined and sold for Diamonds. The first two are heavier than the
Diamond ; they are, however, harder, and possess more fire. The
Topaz is distinguished by its property to become electric when heated.
And Rockcrystal is much lighter, but brilliant and hard ; and the
same character is applicable to the Strass.
' The following list shows the size and weight of the most interesting
Diamonds in the possession of different sovereigns.
I. The largest Diamond is in the possession of the Grand Mogul,
and according to Tavernier, resembles in form and size half a hen's
egg. Its weight is two hundred and ninety-seven and three-six
teenths carats. It was found in 1552, in the mine of Colore, a short
distance to the east of Golconda, and is valued at four millions francs.
It is cut as a Rose Diamond, and is perfectly limpid, except a small
flaw at the end of the girdle.
II. The Diamond in the possession of the Rajah of Mattan, in
Borneo, weighs three hundred and sixty-seven carats : and it was
found on that island. It is of an egg form, has a cavity towards the
thinner end, and is of the first water.
III. The Diamond belonging formerly to Nadir Shah, Sultan of
Persia, and now in the possession of the Russian crown, weighs one
hundred ninety-four and three-fourths carats. It is of the first water,
without flaws or faults of any kind. Its form is that of a flattened
oval, about the size of a pigeon's egg, cut in a pyramidal form ; is
one inch three lines in diameter, and ten lines high. It was purchased

by the Empress Catharine for about ninety thousand pounds, cash,

and an annuity of four thousand pounds, but is considered of more
IV. The Diamond in the treasury of Rio Janeiro was found in
1771, at Rio Abaite, by three criminals, who delivered it to the
government, for which they were pardoned. It weighs one hundred
and thirty-eight and a half carats.
V. The Austrian Crown possesses a Diamond which weighs one
hundred and thirty-nine and a half carats, and is valued at one
hundred and nine thousand two hundred and fifty pounds. It is
beautiful and well formed, but its colours turn towards the yellow.
There is another Diamond belonging to the crown, which was
formerly in the possession of Charles the Bold, of Burgundy, who
lost his all in the battle of Granson, and likewise this Diamond,
which was at that time the largest in Europe. A Swiss soldier, who
was the robber of the Diamond, sold it for a crown dollar to a priest ;
and, after passing through several hands, was purchased by Pope
Julian II, for twenty thousand ducats.
VI. The Regent or Pitt Diamond, now belonging to the crown of
France, is said to have been found in Malacca, and was purchased
by Mr. Pitt, then Governor of Bencoolen, in Sumatra, and sold by
him to the Regent Duke of Orleans, by which it was placed among
the crown jewels of France. It weighs one hundred and thirty-six
and three-quarters carats ; is cut in the form of a brilliant, and is of
the first water, being absolutely faultless. When rough it weighed
four hundred and ten carats, took two years labour for cutting, and
is worth, according to the value put by a commission of jewellers, in
1791, twelve millions of livres.
VII. Another Diamond, the Sancy, one of the largest and most
beautifully coloured, likewise belongs to the crown jewels of France.
It is of a pear form, cut as a double Rose Diamond and weighs one
hundred and six carats. It was bought for six hundred thousand
VIII. Another Diamond, belonging to the crown jewels of France,
is of a rich sky-blue. It weighs sixty-seven and an eighth carats,
and is valued at three millions of livres.
IX. A rough Diamond found in the river Abatio, in Brazil, is in
the possession of the Prince Regent of Portugal, which weighs an
ounce troy.
X. The two large Diamonds belonging to the Shah of Persia have
already been mentioned in the first part, with accompanying figures.

XI. The Turquish crown has two very large Diamonds ; one of
eighty-four carats, and the other of one hundred and fourty-seven
carats. The latter is estimated at eighty thousand ducats.
XII. A Diamond found in Brazil, in 1780, weighs seventy-two
carats and three-fourths grains. Another, found in 1803, weighs
seventy carats. They are both at Rio Janeiro.
XIII. The largest of all known Diamonds is said to be in the
possession of the king of Portugal. It was found in Brazil, in the
Diamond District, and is as yet in its rough state. It is of the size
of a chicken's egg, weighing one thousand six hundred and eighty
carats (above eleven ounces) ; and is estimated at fifty-seven million
pounds sterling. This is now believed to be a white Topaz, on the
general opinion of jewellers and mineralogists.

The above name was applied to a different species from that of
Sapphire ; but these terms are now generally acknowledged as syno
nymous ; not so, however, the emery, which does not belong to this
Both occur in rhomboids, often too in crystals of secondary form.
They scracth all other gems except the Diamond. Their streak
and powder are white ; and the specific gravity is 3,9—4. They
acquire electricity by rubbing, which is retained for several hours.
They are not fusible before the blowpipe. With difficulty, by means
of borax, they form a clear limpid glass. Acids have no effect on
them. Their chemical constituents are alumine, silica and oxide
of iron.
A sapphire. This name is derived, probably, from the Hebrew,
as it is often mentioned in the Bible. It is not certain whether the
ancients understood merely the blue variety of this gem, and at
the same time be ignorant of other blue stones, such as Lasulite,
Fluorspar, &c. It was not used by them as a gem, probably on
account of the difficulty in working it ; but as a medicine, many
peculiar virtues were ascribed to it. This species has hitherto been
usually divided by means of its different colours. The name of
Ruby has reference to a red colour, and was applied by the ancients

I have been informed by Mr. Featherstonehaugh, the U. S. Geologist, that he has

discovered perfect crystalized Diamonds (a green and a white) south of the Potomac;
and Mr. Thomas G. Clemson, of Philadelphia, kindly exhibited to me his Diamond,
found in North Carolina, weighing one and a half carats, with distinct octahedral

to .the Carbuncle. Sapphire occurs in crystals, in rounded grains and

pebbles. It is generally transparent; but sometimes only translu
cent, or displaying a shine of light of six rays, resembling the form
of a star. It possessess double refraction in a slight degree, and a
vivid vitreous lustre, which sometimes turns to that of mother of
pearL Its fracture is from conchoidel to uneven. Its principal
colours are the blue and red, with their various shadings ; sometimes
white, grey, yellow, green, brownish-green, and black.
If the red Sapphire (Ruby) is exposed to a great heat, it becomes
green, but when cold returns to its original colour : the green Sapphire
undergoes no changes.
The various names given to Sapphire, according to its colour are :
1st. Ruby, (oriental Ruby) of a dark crimson-red, cochineal or
carmine, and rose-red mostly inclining to the violet-blue.
a. Oriental Hyacinth, aurora-red.
2d. Oriental Amethyst, paleish violet-blue. Playing sometimes in
rose and purple-red, like the common Amethyst, except in its superior
3d. White Sapphire, limpid and perfectly transparent ; vivid lustre,
resembling the Diamond.
4th. Sapphire, Oriental Sapphire, from the darkest to the lightest
blue with different shadings, whence it is denominated by different
terms, such as Male Sapphire, of a perfectly blue and clear Berlin
or Smalts blue; Female-Blue, full blue, with a tinge of white;
sometimes sky-blue, with streaks or specks. Water Sapphire, very
pale-blue, and sometimes discoloured. Cat-Sapphire, blackish or
greenish-blue, often not transparent.
5th. Oriental Topaz; lightly yellow, lemon or brownish straw-
yellow ; sometimes playing in the green colour ; it is distinguished
from the common or Proper Topaz by colour and lustre ; but it occurs
likewise much larger, and seldom less free from faults than any other
species of Sapphire.
6th. Oriental Aquamarine ; greenish blue, pure and transparent ;
possessing a higher lustre and greater hardness than the common
7th. Oriental Chrysolite, or Peridote ; yellowish-green, resembling
in colour the Chrysoberyl, but may be distinguished from it by its
higher lustre.
8th. Oriental Emerald ; green, more or less dark, inclining to
yellow ; it does not equal in colour the real emerald, but possesses
a higher lustre, and is at the same time very rare.

The Sapphires which sometime displays a peculiar play of light,

are divided into :—
1st, Star-Sapphire (Asteria, Opalescent, or Chatoyant Sapphire).
Some translucent Sapphires display, if held before the light of the
sun or burning taper, a white shine, running' in six rays, resembling
three white planes, or stripes crossing themselves in one point. This
property is thus visible when the Sapphire is cut convex (or cabouchon)
and when the principal axis of the crystal stands perpendicular on
the base of the convex cut stone ; these Star-Sapphires are either
called Ruby Asteria, Sapphire Asteria, or Topaz Asteria, according
to the colour it bears.
2d, Girasol-Sapphire, Oriental-Girasol, Sunstone, Sapphire, or Ruby
cat's-eye are of a yellowish, reddish, or bluish shine, or reflection of
light, generally of a lighter colour than the stone itself, displayed
when moved or turned on the convex surface. The different varieties
of Sapphires are found in the sand of rivers, or in boulders, with
Garnets, Zircons, and other gems, in Ceylon, China, Siam, Brazil,
Bohemia, France, Saxony and the United States. It has been
observed that the blue Sapphires are frequent in Ceylon and not
the Rubys ; and that in Pegu it is the reverse. We also find the
Sapphire in Basalt. The most celebrated mines of Sapphire are at
Mo-gaot and Kyat-Pyan, five days journey from Ava. The Boa, or
Emperor of the Birmans, retains all the larger Sapphires.
For the cutting of a Sapphire an iron mill is used, and for polish
ing, a copper mill, or of an alloy of lead and tin, to which a horizontal
motion is given by very simple machinery ; its surface is charged
with Diamond powder and oil, or with fine emery and water. A
thick peg or guage of wood, pierced with small holes in all directions,
is set upright on the lapidary's bench, close to the mill. The stone,
being placed on the surface of the mill, the opposite end of the stick
to which it is cemented, being inserted in one of the holes of the
guage, the mill is put in motion by turning a winch, and the stone
kept steady on it.
When the stone has all the facets, the cutting mill is taken out
and replaced by one of brass, on which the polishing is performed by
means of fine emery and rottenstone, in the same manner as before.
A good judgment is required in determining the form and proportions
best adapted to set off any particular stone to the best advantage. If
the colour is full and rich, its transparency perfect, and its refractive
power considerable, the best form to give it is the brilliant. If, on
the contrary, the colour is dilute, the most advantageous method of

cutting it is to cut the table side (pavillion) brilliant fashion, and the
collet side (culasse) in steps ; by this means the table itself will be
left dark, while all the light reflected from the steps on the under side
of the stone will be thrown up into the facets, by which the table is
surrounded. The French lapidaries cut the most perfect Sapphires
in a square or octagon form, with a single delicate step between the
table and the girdle, and three or four steps between the girdle and
the collet.
If the Sapphires possess a varying chatoyant lustre, or are of a
small size, their form is always hemispherical or elliptical, without
any flat facets ; the flatter the ellipse, the more the varying lustre is
diffused over the surface of the stone ; whereas with a high ellipse it
is condensed on a single spot.
In setting Sapphires, we always use foil answering to their colour.
The Ruby is set with a reddish gold foil, or a foil of copper or red
glass : the blue Sapphire with a silver foil, or.blue-coloured foil, or with
feathers of blue ducks, pigeons, or peacocks, and the water Sapphire
in a black back ; but all perfectly pure Sapphires are set a jour.
Many Sapphires may be deprived of their specks by a careful cal
cination in a crucible filled with ashes or clay, and they assume then
a more agreeable and purer colour and greater transparency.
The Sapphires are very favourite gems, and are extensively used by
jewellers for setting pins, rings &c. In China the ladies' slippers are
mounted with Rubies.
The blue Sapphire has of late been employed as lenses for micro
scopes with great success. According to Brewster, it is, for its refract
ing power, second only to the Diamond, and superior to all other gems.
A new use has lately been made of the Sapphire for drawing wires,
it being cut in the form of a wedge, through which, by means of a
Diamond-point, a circular hole is drilled and then fastened on a brass-
plate ; the wire is then drawn through the narrow aperture of the Sap
phire towards the wider, by which process it is reduced to a thinness
never otherwise attained.
The price of Sapphires is very relative, but their proportional value
is placed next to the Diamond. The Oriental Ruby stands highest
in value, and when perfect, and exceeding three carats, is generally
as dear as a Diamond of equal weight and quality. After the Ruby,
blue Sapphire stands next in value ; and as this is not so rare, and
occurs in larger specimens, it is not so high in price. Some put the
price of the blue Sapphire equal to that of the coloured Diamonds.
Others put the price at half that of a Brilliant under similar circum

stances. Sometimes the value is fixed by multiplying half the price

of a Sapphire weighing a carat, with the square of its weight. It is
therefore very difficult to come at an exact price current ; and the
following average prices come nearest to their commercial value.

Of 1 grain weight 2 francs.
2 " " 5 "
3 " " 12 "
1 carat " 20 "
2 " 60 "
3 " 150 "
4 " 250 "
5 " 350 "

1 carat 10 francs.
2 " 20 "
3 " 30 "
4 " 45 "
5 " 60 "
6 " 80 "
8 " - 100 "
10 " 200 "
Smaller stones 8 to 1 carat are worth - - - 8 francs.
12tol " " - - - 6 "
16 to 24 to 1 " " ... 4 «
In order to show the various prices of the Rubies, we cite the sale
at auction of the Marquis de Dree's collection, at Paris.
For a cherry-red Ruby of - 2 - carats, - 1000 francs.
For a darker Ruby of - - 11-2 " - - 400 "
For a bluish-red Ruby - - 2 1-2 " - - 1400 "
For a lighter Ruby - - - 3 - " - - 1200 "
For a blue Sapphire - - 6 - " - - 1760 "
For an indigo-blue do. - 63-4 « - - 1500 "
For a light blue do. - - 4 - « - - 123 "
For a white do. - - - 4 1-2 « - - 120 "
For an Oriental Amethyst 11-2 " - - 400 "
For a fine yellow Topaz - 6 1-2 " - - 620 "
For a lighter Topaz - - 61-4 " - - 71 "
There are numerous faults or defects to which Sapphires are sub

ject, and which always influence their price, such as clouds, milky or
semi-transparent specks, like Chalcedony, white stripes, fissures or
knots, &c. The Sapphire, particularly the red and blue varieties,
being great favourites in commerce, are often adulterated, not only by
other coloured gems resembling them, but also by substituting pastes.
Instead of Ruby, we sometimes get the Spinelle, Garnet, Hyacinth,
red Quartz, calcined Amethyst, red-burnt Brazilian Topaz, red Tour
maline ; and instead of the blue Sapphire, we get the Disthene, Cyan-
ite, and the Cordierite,—the hardness is the best test.


Tavernier describes two large Rubies said to have belonged to the
king of Visapur, one of which weighed fifty and three-quarter carats,
and the other seventeen and a half carats. The first was valued at
sixty thousand francs, the other at seventy-four thousand five hundred
and thirty francs.
The king of Pegu and the monarchs of Siam monopolize the fine
Rubies, as the sovereigns of the peninsula of India have done with the
The finest Ruby in the world, is in the possession of the first ; its
purity has passed into a proverb, and its worth, when compared with
gold, is inestimable.
The Subah of the Divan is also in the possession of a prodigiously
fine one, a full inch in diameter.
The empress Catharine of Russia, possessed one Ruby of the size
of a pigeon's egg.
Blue Sapphires are described by the English Embassy to Ava, to be
of the weight of nine hundred and fifty-one carats. Mr. Mawe saw
a blue Sapphire of two hundred and ten carats, (two ounces.) In the
crown jewels of France, there is one rhomboidal crystal of one
hundred and sixty-six carats.*


This mineral was formerly brought from China only, when not so
•well known, and bore the name of Common Corundum, but now
belongs to the general family of Corundum. It occurs in crystals

* The most valuable collection of roughjand polished gems, and particularly of the
Sapphire family, I have seen in the possession of Robert Gilmore, Esq., of Baltimore.
Mr. Featherstonehaugh exhibited to me a rough Ruby with a native grain of Platina
from North Carolina. In Mr. Clemson's collection of Cameos is an antique head cut
in a large Sapphire of about twelve carats.
. «
which are generally coated with some crust, and has a conchoidal
fracture ; is translucent, and has a lustre between unctuous and mother
of pearl, either gray, red, blue green, brown, or whitish in different
shadings. It is mostly enclosed in granite, mica slate, dolomite, or mag
netic iron, and is found in Piedmont, Cananora, Campo Longo, the
East Indies and Sweden.
All the Corundums, possessing fine and pure colours, are used and
cut as jewels, and the impure pieces are pulverized and used for cutting
and polishing harder stones, or glass and metals, particularly so in the
East Indies and China, and it is called in Madras, the grinding spar.

The name of this gem is derived from the Greek explaining its
colour ; it is also called Cymophane. It was formerly classed with
the Beryl family, but was separated from that by Werner.
It occurs, crystalized, in a prismatic form, also in boulders and grains ;
is transparent to translucent, and possesses the double refraction in a
high degree ; its lustre is between unctuous and vitreous ; fracture is
conchoidal ; asparagus, and olive-green with a tinge of brown, yellow,
grey or white colour. Some specimens display, sometimes, a milky or
blueish-white shine of lustre. Crysoberyl scratches Topaz'and Rock-
crystal very distinctly, but is attacked by Sapphire ; the streak-powder
is white, specific gravity, 3.59—3.75. It becomes electric by rubbing,
and retains this property for several hours : it is infusible before the
blow-pipe, but is slowly fusible into a glass-bead with borax. Its com
ponent parts are,—Alumina, silica, and glucia, with some oxide of
iron and titanium. In commerce Chrysoberyl is called Oriental Chry
solite, and that displaying the shine, is called Opalescent Chrysolite.
Chrysoberyl is mostly found in loose crystals or in boulders of the sand
of rivers in company with other gems, such as Spinelle, Sapphire,
Topaz, Beryl, &c. In Brazil, particularly in the diamond district,
and more frequently in Termo Minas Novas, Pegu, Ceylon, and
Siberia : likewise in Connecticut, (Haddam), and New York, (Sara
toga), embedded in coarse granular granite, and accompanied by
Garnet and Beryl.
The Chrysoberyl is cut on a brass wheel with emery, and polished
on a pewter wheel with rotten-stone ; it is very often cut on cabou-
chon, and if perfectly pure and transparent in other forms, is set with
gold foil, and is used for rings and pins.
The Chrysoberyl is in no great estimation on account of its indif
ferent fire and colour, but taking a high polish, and occurring trans

parent and pure in colour, those of varying lustre, are of some value,
and particularly it is worn in Brazil. At Paris, a Crysoberyl of fine
green colour, oval cut, of seven lines length, and five and three-
quarters breadth, was sold for six hundred francs, and a very fine
Opalescent Chrysoberyl nearly five lines long and four broad, cost six
hundred and three francs.
For Chrysoberyl has been substituted Apatite, Fluorspar, and Pastes,
but it is harder than all ; but Chrysolite bears a great resemblance to
Chrysoberyl in its external appearance, but is much lighter and softer
than the latter. A green Chrysoberyl was found in Terno, of Minas
Novas, which weighed sixteen pounds, the largest known, and is in
the possession of the crown at Rio de Janeiro.

This gem was called by the ancients, Carbuncle. It only occurs
crystalized, and mostly in the form of an octahedron, and its modifi
cations. The crystals are smooth, solitary, and grown together as
hemitrapes, loose, often rounded like grains ; fracture is conchoidal ;
transparent and translucent ; possesses simple refraction of light, of a
high vitreous lustre, is red, turning in the greatest variety of shadings
of blue, brown and yellow. Sometimes we find, likewise, blue, black,
and green Spinelle, which, however, have no commercial value on
account of their impure colour and want of transparency.
Spinelle scratches Quartz and is attacked by Sapphire ; becomes
electric by rubbing ; its specific gravity, 3,48—3,64; is infusible before
the blow-pipe. According to Berzelius, the Spinelle of Ceylon, when
heated, grows first brown, then black, and then opake, which on cool
ing, passes into the green and limpid, and ultimately into its original
red. Acids do not effect it ; its component parts are :—Magnesia and
Alumina. The Spinelle is classed by the jewellers and lapidaries
according to its various colours.
1, Ruby Spinelle, or Spinelle Ruby, of a light or dark red, and no
milky lustre ; shows, if held near the eye, a tinge of rose-red colour.
2, Ruby Balas, or Balas Ruby, pale-red or rose-red, sometimes a
tinge in the brownish or violet.
3, Almandine Ruby ; of a cochineal-red colour, touching on blue,
violet-blue, and reddish-brown ; is distinguished from the Garnet, like
wise called the Almandine, by its lighter colour, stronger lustre, and
greater hardness.
5, Goutte de Sang, is a fine cochineal or blood-red Spinelle.
Spinelle is found in clay, and in sand of rivers, with Sapphire, Gar

net, Tourmaline, and other gems. In Ceylon, Pegu, and Cananore, it

is cut on an iron or brass wheel, with emery or pulverized diamond,
and is polished either on the same or on a copper wheel, with oil of
Spinelle is cut in the same form as the Diamond, and is set with a
foil of copper or gold. Its colour is often made more intense, and its
faults, such as flaws and specks removed, by calcining them carefully.
Lustre, colour, and hardness, have made the Spinelle a very favour
ite gem, which is used in a great variety of ways, as in rings, pins,
necklaces, &c.
As to the price of Spinelles, it is likewise difficult to determine with
accuracy, as so much depends on their properties. If, in perfection, it
exceeds four carats, it is usually worth half the price of an equally
large Diamond. The Spinelle Ruby and Balais Ruby are the most
esteemed Spinelles, and are worth from two hundred to four hundred
francs of twenty-four to thirty carats, and such gems are often sold
for the true Rubys, (Sapphire.)
Zircon is of greater specific gravity and less hard than the Spinelle,
and shows strong and double refraction of light. Calcined Topaz is
distinguished by its electric properties. Burnt Amethysts are lighter,
and are scratched by Spinelle. Pastes are likewise substituted for the
Spinelle, such as glass coloured with gold-purple, but as the Spinelles
are always harder and heavier, the adulterations may soon be detected.

It is not determined whether the ancients meant the same gem
as we describe, since the Greeks understood the Topaz to be a trans
parent gold-yellow, and the Romans, a transparent green-yellow.
The name which, according to Pliny, is derived from Topazos, an
island in the Red Sea, has no reference to its colour. Topaz was,
in former times, thought to possess great medicinal virtues, such as a
remedy for mania, andja strengthening medicine. The Topaz occurs
crystalized as a rhombic prism, but mostly in very complicated forms,
such as the Brazilian, Siberian, and Saxonian, and is also formed in
boulders. Its fracture is conchoidal; transparent and translucent ;
possesses some double refracting powers, but very vivid vitreous lustre ;
clear, straw, sulphur, wine and gold-yellow colours, sometimes with a
tinge of violet-blue, greenish and white. Topaz scratches distinctly
the Quartz, but is attacked by Sapphire. Its streak-powder is white ;
specific gravity is—3,49 to 3,56 : is phosphorescent when heated, with
a blueish or yellowish lustre, in small fragments. It becomes electric

either by rubbing, heating, or by pressure, and retains the property for

more than twenty-four hours. Before the blow-pipe at a strong heat,
it is covered with many small bubbles, and partly looses its colour.
It is dissolved, fuses slowly with borax, into a white bead : acids have
no effect upon it. Its component parts are,—Alumina, Silica, and
Fluoric Acid.
In commerce, Topaz is distinguished by the following names :—
1. Water Drops, pebbles (gouttes d'eau) clear, limpid.
2. Siberian Topaz, white, with a blueish tinge.
3. Brazilian Topaz, gold-yellow, with a touch of the reddish.
4. Saxon Topaz, pale wine-yellow.
5. India Topaz, saffron-yellow.
6. Brazilian Ruby, light rose-red.
7. Brazilian Sapphire, light blue.
8. Aquamarin, sea and mountain green.
Topaz belongs to the primitive rocks, and is found in chlorite slate,
gneiss on gangues, argillaceous shiste, &c. : in Siberia, (Mursinsk
and Miask), Brazil, Scotland, Saxony, Bohemia, and in the United
States, (Huntington, Connecticut.)
In Brazil it is found in a decomposing chlorite slate, and is there
called Malacheta, on the Brown Hematite cavities or Quarts gaugues,
and are, of one inch to one and a half feet thick, and are overlaid by
indurated Talc, and of white and brown Kaolin, which is sometimes
intermixed with quartz crystals and micaeous iron, which are the
surest indications of Topaz. Such Topaz localities are at Villa Rica
and Capao and Lana. Little attention is paid during the dry season
to the digging of Topaz ; but with the beginning of the rainy season,
the searches for Topaz are undertaken, and the operation for washing
and procuring them is performed like that of the Diamond, mentioned
under its proper head.
On places where the Topaz is found in company with tin ore, it is
picked out, but where it forms a part of the rock, it is wrought by the
mining operations, as in Saxony. <
Topaz is cut on a leaden wheel, either with emery or pulverized
Topaz, and is polished on a copper wheel with rotten-stone. Care has
to be taken in slitting the foliage. The forms which it is to receive,
depend upon its qualities and purposes. The white Topaz is cut in
brilliant form with a small table ; the blueish Topaz, however, is cut
with a mixed form, but it is to be observed that the table-side requires
to be higher than usual, the table smaller, and the collect side, with its
steps, must be attentively wrought in proportional distance. The yel

low Topaz is mostly cut as brilliant or table-stone, and in setting its

back, is supplied with a gold foil, and the pale, with ared coloured foil.
Many species of Topaz are set a jour. Topaz assumes, by calcining,
a different colour, as also by colouring fluids, as already stated in the
The Topaz is in general use of the jewellers for setting rings, pins,
ear-rings, seals, or necklaces. Its fragments are pulverized and used
for grinding the softer precious stones ; this is affected by calcining
them first, throwing them in water and pulverizing them aftewards.
Topaz is generally of less value now than formerly, owing to the
yearly supplies obtained from Brazil, which is about forty pounds.
The mine at Capao has yielded about twelve thousand dollars worth,
and the supply has been accumulating at Rio de Janerio and Bahia,
to such a degree, that it is disposed of at a less price there than at the
Those most esteemed are the rose-red and the white, or wat«r drops
Pingos oVagoa. A Topaz of the size of a bean, is sold at Chapada
in the Termo of Minos Novas, at one dollar ; one of one carat, is, at
an average rate, for eight dollars, a yellow one for three dollars, and a
yellow burnt one, for five dollars. In Brazil, very large, fine, and lustry
ones bring thirty dollars.
The Saxonian Topazes are less valued,—yet, good yellow or crim
son coloured ones, of nine lines long and seven broad, bring four
hundred and twenty francs.
Aquamarin and Chriysolite are sometimes substituted for Topaz ;
but they may easily be distinguished from them, not alone by its
hardness, fracture and specific gravity, but most particularly by its
property to become electric by rubbing. This will prevent the substi
tution of either of the above, or those most resembling them ; such
as the yellow quartz, chalcedony, or other yellow coloured stones.
According to the account of Tavernier, the Grand Mogul possesses
an octangular polished Topaz of one hundred and fifty-seven and
three-quarters carats weight, which has been purchased for sixty
thousand dollars.
Mr. de Eshwege notices a Topaz crystal of ten inches length and
four inches diameter. The United States (Connecticut) yield Topazes
of an opaque colour, pale, dark orange, and yellow, of twelve inches
in length. One of the finest Brazilian Topazes I have seen is in
the rare collection of Robert Gilmore, Esq., of three inches length,
and perfectly terminated.

The proper Emerald and the Beryl belong to this mineral species,
and thus are distinguished by their colour and crystalline form. The
Emerald occurs in six-sided prisms with its modifications ; it scratches
Quartz, and is scratched by Topaz. The streak powder is white ;
its specific gravity is 2,73 to 2,67 ; it becomes electric by rubbing ;
it is rounding before the blow-pipe, and forms an opaque black, but
becomes a green or limpid glass, with the hardness of Borax. Its
constituents are glucia, alumine and silica.


The Emerald appears to have been known in the most remote
ages, and was the third stone, according to Calmet's arrangement, on
the High Priests breast-plate of judgment, with the name of Zebulon
inscribed on it. In the time of Pliny this stone was held in such
high estimation, that it was seldom or never engraved upon. The
moderns, however, did engrave on the same, as we find in the royal
collection at Paris, a head of Henry IV., and one of Louis XIV.
It has been excavated from the ruins of Rome and from Hercula-
neum and Pompeii. But the ancients often included, under this
name, other gems of the same colour ; such as the Green Fluor,
Aquamarin, Jasper, Malachite, &c. They appear to have obtained
the Emerald from Egypt. Cailloud has in modern times succeeded
in finding the old Emerald mines in the Theban desserts, on the
Arabian Gulf, which have been noticed by the ancient authors and
by the traditions of the Arabs as coming from the mountains of the
Zaharah, when sent on an exploring expedition by the Pasha of
Egypt. He describes as having found subterranean mines capable
of allowing four hundred men to work ; and he likewise found tools,
ropes, lamps, and other utensils. He judged from the ruins of the
architecture of the temples of a city which he discovered, to be of
Egyptian or Grecian form, and about one thousand years old.
Among the Church treasures of the ninth and tenth centuries we
find the Emerald, and the same came into particular notice after the
conquest of Peru, where an Emerald of the size of an austrich egg
is said to have been idolated by the savage inhabitants. The
Emerald was formerly used as medicine and was worn as a prevent
ative against epilepsy.
The Emerald occurs in somewhat depressed six-sided prisims ; the
latral faces of which are smooth ; the fracture is conchoidal to
uneven ; is transparent to translucent ; displays the double refraction

in a slight degree ; has a vitreous lustre ; is green and Emerald-

green with its different shades.
It is scratched by an English file, and scratches strongly, white
glass, and slightly quartz. Its specific gravity is 2,73 to 2,77. Its
colours owing to the oxide of chrome. An Emerald when calcined
and thrown into water, crumbles into pieces of different colours.
The purest Emeralds are called the Peruvian.
The Emerald is found in micaceous Shiste at Salzburg, in the
Zaharah mountains, on Gangues in Peru, in the Argillaceous and in
Hornblendeslate. Formerly, the finest Emeralds came from Warta,
in Peru, but the mine is either exhausted, or the Indians have filled
up the mines before they left them, at the conquest. The best are
now found in the valley of Tunca, in Santa Fee, where they occur
in granite. The emerald has lately been discovered in Siberia, in
the micaceous shiste and is equal to the Peruvian in every respect.
The Emerald is sawed in pieces with emery, cut on the copper
wheel, and polished on a finer wheel with rotten-stone, pumice-stone,
tin ashes and water. The step cut and the mixed-step cut, or the
table-cut, are mostly used, yet it is sometimes cut as a Brilliant or
rose-cut. They are set with a green foil or green satin on their back ;
or sometimes in a back coloured with mastic, and very black ; but
if perfectly pure and of fine colour, they are set a jour. On ex
posure to air the Emeralds grow by degrees paler.
The Emerald is, on account of its agreeable green colour, a very
favourite ornament; and is used for the most expensive kind of
jewellery, but its value depends altogether upon its pure and fine colour,
vivid lustre, and size of the specimen. ■ The price of Emeralds was
much higher before the discovery of Mexico, but the mines of Peru
reduced their price considerably ; but now they are getting again
dearer, and command always a good price. . A small box of fair
Emeralds, from Peru, which I saw a few years ago, at the office of
the American and Foreign Agency, in this city, which weighed from
three to four pounds, was sold afterwards at Paris for nine thousand
francs*. A good Emerald of fine colour is worth twelve dollars per
carat; and the price increases according to its interior qualities.
The prices of the best Emeralds of
4 grains is 18 dollars
8 « « 30 "
16 " u 200 «
24 " <<
300 "
48 " (( 1000 «

An Emeralds of 24 grains and good colour was sold at the auction

of the Marquis of Dree for two thousand four hundred francs.
Emeralds of indifferent pale colour are sold for two dollars per carat.
The faults which the Emeralds are subject to are, inequality of colour
and transparency, dark or white spots, fissures and feathers.
For Emerald, there is sometimes substituted the green Turmalin
and Apatite ; the first is easily detected by its property to become
electric by heating ; but in general, all these stones do not possess
the lustre and the hardness of the Emerald. The pastes, in imitation
of the Emerald, are so well manufactured, that it is often difficult to
discriminate the genuine from the false. The following yields the
best imitation of Emerald :—
1000 parts of discoloured Stratss,
8 pure oxide of copper,
02 oxide of chrome.
An Emerald is said to have existed at the Chapel of Our Lady at
Lorretto, in Italy, larger than a man's head, and for which an
Englishman offered ninty thousand crowns.
The sultan of Onde, in the East Indies, is said to have given to the
king of England, among other presents, an Emerald of the size of
a hen's egg.
The treasury of Vienna is said to contain an Emerald of two
thousand two hundred and five carats, which is said to be valued at
three hundred thousand crowns.
The most magnificent specimen of Emerald was presented to the
cathedral of Loretto by one of the Spanish kings. It consists of a
mass of white Quartz, thickly implanted with Emeralds more than
an inch in diameter. An Emerald belonging to the crown of Russia
is noticed in the Meuiorres de regne de Catherine, Imperatru de Russie,
to be of the size of a hen's egg. A fine crystal in the matrix, is in
the museum at Dresden.

This gem was likewise known to the ancients, who considered and
described it as a sea-green precious stone, and called the yellow varieties
of this mineral, the Chrysoberyl. It was used by the Romans as
ornaments for cups, also for Cameos. The crystals of the Beryl are
six-sided, terminated by six-sided pyramids, they also taper gradually
from one end to the other ; the lateral faces are straited ; the fracture
is conchoidal or uneven ; transparent or translucent at the angles, with
indistinct double refraction, vitreous lustre : the colours are, green blue

ish green, yellowish green or greenish white, bluish, sky, smalts or

indigo-blue, straw, wax, or honey yellow ; all pale colours ; specific
gravity—2,67—2,71. According to its colour and transparency, it is
designated the common and precious Beryl ; under the first are gene
rally comprised the greenish and blue varieties, which are also called
the Aquamarine, whereas the yellowish varieties are exclusively called
the Beryl, and they are generally divided thus :—
1. Aquamarine, pure pale sky blue.
2. Siberian Aquamarine, pale greenish yellow, of a vivid lustre,
faint colour.
3. Aquamarine Chrysolite, greenish yellow, and yellowish green,
vivid lustre.
The Beryl belongs to the primitive formation, is found in quartz
veins and granite, (graphic granite), is associated with Garnets, Quartz,
Chrysoberyl, Shorl, Topaz, &c. The most magnificent Beryls come
from Siberia and Rio de Janerio in Brazil, and Aberdeenshire in
Scotland, and Limoges, France. The common and translucent Beryl
occurs all over the globe, and in the United States in great abundance,
where it is without mercantile value. The granite rocks of New-
hampshire, (Acworth) have brought forth gigantic Beryls, perfect six-
sided crystals, three feet in length and four feet in circumference, and
weighing upwards of three hundred pounds, and some with a distinct
termination of the crystals. Specimens of this description may be
seen in the collection of the Lyceum of Natural History, New York,
in Mr. Gilmore's collection at Baltimore, and in the authors collection.
Large quantities of Beryl crystal have also been found in Chester
county, Pennsylvania.
The Beryl is cut on a leaden plate with emery, and polished with
rotten-stone on a tin plate, and generally of the brilliant cut, on
account of its not possessing much lustre in the interior.
The foil that is required in mounting, depends upon the colour of
the stone ; the greenish variety, for instance, is set with a greenish
blue foil, the pale is set in a black ground, like the Diamond, or on a
silvery foil.
Beryl is employed in jewellry for rings, pins, ear-drops, seals, &c. :
but on account of its softness, it is rendered less lasting, and, as by
wearing, it loses all its beauty, it does not command a high price in
market, being much below that of the Emerald.
A Beryl of a carat, averages about one dollar and fifty cents, and
the price increases in the same ratio with the number of carats. The
Beryl is subject to such faults as spots, feathers, and fissures.

For the Beryl, is sometimes substituted Chrysolite, which is softer,

however ; it is also imitated by paste, which is likewise softer than
One of the largest transparent Beryls, weighing five hundred and
ninety five carats, was once in the possession of a mineralist at Vienna.
In 1811 a Beryl of fifteen pounds and one of four pounds pure, were
discovered in Brazil. In 1825, a beautiful rounded Brazilian Beryl
of four pounds weight was offered for sale for six hundred Lst.
Mawe describes a pure transparent Beryl altogether free of faults,
seven inches long and three-quarters of an inch thick.

Zircon and Hyacinth were formerly separated, until the improve
ment in chemical analysis, which proved the same constituents to exist
in both, particularly the Zirconia, a peculiar earth : they have, there
fore, ever since been considered as two varieties of one and the same
mineral. Zircon is also called Jargon, and this name is either of
Ceylonese or French origin. The ancients considered the Hyacinth as
that gem which is now known by the name of Carbuncle, and meant
by their true Hyacinth a dark Amethyst. The Zircon was formerly
used as a celebrated medicine.
The Zircon crystallises in four-sided prisims, terminated by four-
sided pyramids, and with various modifications ; the crystals are
either smooth, rough, or uneven ; it occurs likewise in rounded
pebble ; is transparent and translucent ; double refraction in a great
degree ; of a vivid vitrous lustre, approaching sometimes to adaman
tine. Hyacinth red to yellow and brown colour ; also red, gray,
white, brown, and greenish-gray. It scratches, tolerably, quartz, but
is attacked by the Topaz ; its streak yields a white powder ; specific
gravity is 4,41 to 4,60 ; becomes electric by friction ; is infusible
before the blowpipe, but looses its colour at a low heat : the yellowish-
brown, however, becomes redder ; acids do no act upon it. Its chem
ical constituents are Zirconia and Silica, with about two per cent
oxide of iron, which is the colouring principle.
lst. The Zircon, called by the jewellers Celylonian Zircon, fire-red
yellow, yellowish-green, and gray.
2d. The Hyacinth is called by the jewellers the Oriental Hyacinth,
which is of a Hyacinth-red, deep-red with a touch of the brown, and
sometimes orange-yellow colour. The Zircon occurs in primitive
rocks, and forms a part of the Zircon Syenite of Norway and other
countries. It is also found in the Gneiss, Granite, Amygdaloid, and

Basalt. It is likewise found in the beds of rivers ; and the localities

are Ceylon, Pegu, Madras, France, Bohemia, Saxony, Italy, Siberia,
Scotland, Canadas, North Carolina, &c.
The Zircon is cut with Diamond powder, or emery on a copper
wheel ; and is polished with rotten-stone on a tin plate, and generally
in the rose, table, or thick-stone cut, and sometimes the Brilliant form.
The foil generally used in mounting, is that corresponding to its
colour ; or it is mounted in a black ground. If the Zircon is calcined
in a crucible filled with lime, it looses its colour almost entirely, and
has then the appearance of a pale straw-yellow Diamond, for which
it may also be substituted. It is employed in jewellery for rings,
breastpins, and ear-rings, or for ornamenting watch cases and snuff
boxes ; also for jewelling watches and for supporting fine balances.
The value of the Zircon depends principally upon the purity of the
colour, and that of the Hyacinth is preferable to that of the Zircon :
and a carat of the first is worth from fifteen to twenty dollars. The
Zircon is imitated by pastes, which may easily be detected by their
lustre, hardness and specific gravity ; likewise the burnt Topaz may
be substituted for it.
The garnet was well known to the ancients, who considered the
Carbuncle as the same mineral, representing the whole species. It
was found among the ruins of old Rome in a variety of cut forms.
But the name Garnet is of modern origin, and probably on account
of its being found mostly in grains.
The Garnet crystallises in dodecaedal forms with many modifica
tions. The crystals are sometimes flattened into tables , also in round
angular grains, and massive ; the structure is imperfectly lamellar ;
fracture more or less conchoidal, sometimes uneven and brittle ; lustre
shining vitreous; transparent and translucent; the colour is blood,
cherry, or brownish-red, but almost invariably mixed with a violet,
or blue tinge ; sometimes, however, we find the Garnet of a yellow,
green, brown, or black colour.
The red Garnet scratches quartz faintly, but is attacked by Topaz,
and even by the file ; its powder is reddish-green ; specific gravity
is from 4 to 4, 03 ; becomes electric by friction ; heated by itself, the
Garnet grows darker, but resumes its colour when cooled ; fuses before
the blow-pipe to a black pebble. Its chemical constituents are Silica,
Alumina, Protoxides of iron and Manganese.
The Garnet has its names according to the different shadings of
the colour.

1st. Syrian Garnet, which is also called the Oriental and orecious
Garnet, Almandin, Carbuncle, which is of a blood-red, dark crimson
2nd. Bohemian, or Ceylonese Garnet is called the Pyrope ; wine-
red, nearly orange-yellow, deep coloured.
3d. Vermeille or Aplome, with a deep shade of orange-yellow.
The red Garnet occurs in granite, gneiss, mica talcose and chlorite
shistes, and serpentine ; also in loose crystals, small boulders, grains,
and in alluvial. It is found in Saxony, Bohemia, Tyrol, Syria,
Corinthia, Spain, Norway, Greenland, Ceylon, Hindostan, and in the
United States, viz :—New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, and other places.
The Garnet is mostly obtained from the digging and collecting the
alluvial, which grains are more useful to the lapidary than those
occurring in the rocks. In Bohemia, where there is a considerable
trade in Garnets, they are seperated from the earth by levigation,
and then assorted in different sizes, afterwards washed over again,
assorted as to colour and quality, and according to the quantity
required for balancing a certain weight, such as half an ounce;
they are called 32, 40, 76, 100 to 40 ; very seldom they find them
16—20 weighing together half an ounce.
The larger Garnets are cut on the leaden wheel with emery, or
their own powder, and polished with rotten-stone or oil of vitriol, on
a tin plate in the form of Brilliants, Roses, Tablestones, or en
cabochon, or with two rows of facets at the girdle ; and very often
Garnets are brighter, and more agreeable by excavating them circular
on the bottom, when they are then called Garnet Cups. I have in
my possession several large excavated Garnets, and I have seen at
Berlin, in 1828, such Garnets of two and three inches size.
Fine Garnets are set a jour, others are set with a gold or violet
foil at the base. Smaller Garnets are wrought on a large scale in
-manufactories for that purpose. They are first perforated by the
Diamond, by means of a small point, and then of a larger, and at
last a finer point of the Diamond ; they may perforate daily one
hundred and fifty Garnets.
The finest Garnets are cut in Brilliant form, and with regular
facets, on a plate of fine sand-stone, with sweet oil and emery. One
man can finish thirty such Garnets in one day. The polishing on
wooden or leaden plates, with rotten-stone or oil of vitriol, is performed
by women and children. More than twenty thousand Garnets are
yearly brought to market from a single manufactory.

Garnets are much worn in jewellery, such as rings, breast-pins,

ear-rings, necklaces ; and sometimes snuff-boxes are also cut out of
the larger ones from Greenland, Syria, or Tyrol ; and the inferior
pieces, unfit for cutting, are calcined and reduced to powder, and
employed as material for polishing other gems.
The value of the Garnet is determined by the degree of perfection
as well as colour, purity, and size. On account of their peculiar
deep colour, they are to be cut very thin ; and all such Garnets as
retain their fine colour, without being cut too thin, are held in high
estimation, and stand in value near the Sapphire. A Syrian Garnet
eight and a half lines long, and six and a half lines broad, and cut
octangular, was sold at the auction of the Marquis de Dree for three
thousand five hundred and fifty francs. A fire-red oval Ceylonese
Garnet, eleven lines long and seven broad, was sold for one thousand
and three francs. They are generally sold by the pound holding
from sixty to four hundred, valued at about eight to ten dollars
per pound. But a set of one thousand of the best selected Garnets,
well cut, is sold at about sixty dollars. The Garnet is harder than
the Idocrase, and the oxide of tin ; but the latter is heavier.
The Garnet is very well imitated by pastes, which are, however,
softer and lighter, and may likewise be distinguished in many other
The following composition yields a superior 7 imitation of the
Syrian Garnet :—
To 1000 parts Strass
500 " glass of antimony,
4 " cassius purple
4 " oxide of manganese.


This gem was formerly considered identical with the Hyacinth,
under which name it passes yet in commerce, and among the manu
facturing jewellers ; and in France it is called Hyacinth de Ceylon ;
it also is called in mineralogical works Cannel or Cinnamon Stone,
which name it received from the Dutch gem dealers, on account of
its resemblance to the oil of cinnamon. Werner was the first who
named this stone by the above name.
Essonite occurs in crystals and grains ; fracture is conchoidal and
uneven ; it is transparent and translucent ; has the simple refraction
of light ; the lustre is between vitreous and resinous ; is deep-red,
hyacinthed, and orange-yellow ; it scratches glass and quartz indiffer

ently, but is attacked by Topaz ; its powder is white ; specific gravity

is 3.5 to 3.6 ; it becomes electric by rubbing ; acts sometimes on the
magnetic needle ; fuses easily before the blow-pipe into a clear green
ish glass ; borax and acids do not affect it.
Essonite is found in the sand of rivers, and in the primitive rocks
of Ceylon ; also in Scotland.
It is treated like the Garnet, by being cut on a copper plate with
emery, and polished on a tin wheel with rotten-stone. It also receives
the form of other gems, and when set it is mounted with a foil
answering to its colour.
For rings and breast-pins Essonite is distinguished from the Zircon
by its smaller hardness, less specific gravity, diminished lustre, and
simple refraction of light. Garnet is heavier, and Idocrase is lighter
than Essonite.
This mineral is as yet very little known among jewellers, and the
trade in general, although it has been in commerce for a number of
years past, but under other names, such as Red Tourmaline, or the
Siberite, brought from Siberia, and sold in the trade as Oriental Ruby.
The Tourmaline was first introduced as a gem by the Dutch, who
imported it from Ceylon. The Tourmaline occurs in crystals and
crystalline masses, and its forms are six,—nine and twelve sided
prisms, with various truncations and terminations, which commonly
differ in the number and size of the faces at the two ends. The
crystals are long, striated and complete ; or aggregated into irregular
masses ; the fracture is conchoidal and uneven, semi-transparent to
opaque. It has a double refraction of light, which, however, is only
visible in small pieces ; has a vitreous lustre ; the colours are blue,
red, green, and brown in their different shades. Several colours may
often be observed in one and the same crystal ; as, for instance, in
the Rubelite from Paris, in Maine, and Chesterfield, Massachusetts,
enclosed by the green Tourmaline ; and the colour often changes by
its different layer.
Tourmaline scratches glass slightly, but is scratched by Topaz ; its
powder is white ; its specific gravity is 3.0 to 3.3 ; it becomes electric
by rubbing, that end having the greatest number of faces being posi
tive, the other negative. Before the blow-pipe it intumesces more or
less, does not fuse, but vitrifies on the edges and then turns green,
and then yellow, then red, then milk-white, then blue, and then
black. Borax dissolves it pretty easy, efferversing in a clear bead.
The chemical composition of the Tourmalines is at great variance—

alumine, silica, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese, and boracic acid ;

those from different, localities contain, either potash, soda, lithia, or calcia.
The following are the different varieties, not reflecting, however on the
white, yellow, and black Topaz or Shorl, they not being used as gems.
1. Siberian Tourmaline, (Siberite, Rubellite, Apyrite,) which is of
a carmine or hyacinth red, purple or rose-red into the violet ; sometimes
by looking through in one direction, the red colour changes in another
to the blue colour.
2. Indicolite, (Brazilian Sapphire), of indigo, lasulite, or prussian
blue colour.
3. Brazilian Tourmaline, (Brazilian Emerald), of a grass-green
or olive-green colour.
4. Ceylonian Tourmaline, (Ceylon Chrysolite) of a greenish yellow
5. Electric Shorl, of a yellowish, reddish, liver, or blackish brown
The Tourmaline occurs in rocks, such as granite in layers and
gangues and in boulders ; it also occurs in the beds of rivers, and the
localities are—Siberia, St. Gothard, Ceylon, Brazil, Sweden, Saxony,
Moravia. In the United States, Tourmalines are abundant, but there
are very few localities of the better varieties, as Paris, Maine, and
Chesterfield and Goshen, in Massachusetts.
The Tourmaline is cut on a brass or leaden wheel with emery, and
polished with rotten-stone on a tin plate ; it receives various forms,
such as the step and table-cut. If of a pure colour it is set a jour,
otherwise it is done with a foil corresponding to its colour ; but the
Electric Shorl is sometimes set so as to remove from its mounting in
order to perform experiments. The value of the Tourmaline depends
upon its colour, purity and size. The Siberite and Rubelite stands
highest in estimation. A Siberite as large as five lines, is worth about
an hundred and fifty dollars ; and one of four to twelve lines, good
colour and pure, is worth about fifteen hundred dollars. The Rube
lite from Paris, Maine, has become very rare, and it is much to be
regretted that not more attention is paid to obtaining a fresh supply,
as they are of an exceedingly fine purple colour, and perfectly trans
parent. I have a few polished Rubelites and green Tourmalines, in
my cabinet, which I value equally as high as any gems.
The dark green Tourmalines of six lines long and four broad, are
sold in Paris for eighty francs, and the light green of the same size,
for forty francs. The most splendid Siberite is at the British Museum,

having been presented by the king of Ava to colonel Symes ; it is

valued at one thousand pounds sterling.
The Tourmalines may at all times be readily distinguished from
other gems or pastes which are sometimes substituted, by its property
of assuming polaric electricity after being heated.

This mineral is diffused all over the globe. Its varieties are very
numerous and various, and many of them are employed for different
purposes in jewellery and ornaments. It occurs massive, in concretions,
in confused crystaline masses, and in crystals, of which the form
is the six-sided prism, terminated by six-sided pyramids ; also, the
dodecahedron, or double six-sided pyramids. Quartz scratches glass
and Felspar, but is attacked by Topaz. Its hardness is 7.0, and its
specific gravity, 2.5 to 2.7 ; is by itself transparent, and possesses a
vitreous lustre ; becomes electric by rubbing ; it is infusible before the
blow-pipe. Acids, except the fluoric acid, do not act upon it. Silica
is the only essential component part of quartz : but some varieties
contain iron, alumine or lime.

This mineral was known in early ages. It was highly esteemed
by the Greeks on account of its purity and very regular formation.
Theophrastes states that it was cut principally as seals, and the ancients
made great use of it for ornaments, particularly before the art of
making glass had reached to much perfection. Among the many
vessels which were cut in the form of cups, vases, &c., were two fine
bowls and chalices in the possession of the tyrant Nero, who had
purchased them at a large sum. The Rock Crystal was also used as
a medicine.
It is found either crystalized, the primitive form of which is the
rhomboid, extended to a six-sided prism, and a great variety of forms
and modifications, such as truncation or re-placement of their edges,
or solid angles, &c. It is also frequently found in groups, also in the
cavities of other minerals, or in incrustations, as small, but very per
fect crystals, the pyramidal terminations of which have a high polish,
and the specimen appearing as if it was studded with gems. Many
specimens of this description were brought from Vermont but a
few years ago, and were eagerly purchased by the jewellers of this
city for rings, ear-rings, and breast-pins. Rock Crystal has a con-
choidal fracture ; is translucent and transparent ; double refraction of

light ; perfect vitreous lustre ; is limpid, white, brown, black or yellow ;

scratches glass ; specific gravity, 2.65. The electricity acquired by
rubbing lasts for thirty minutes. Before the blow-pipe, when coloured,
it is made limpid. The following varieties of it are made known by
their names and characters :—
1. The Pseudo Diamond, (Bohemian or occidental Diamond,) which
is the limpid, colourless Rock Crystal cut and polished.
2. The iridescent Quartz is that variety of Rock Crystal, the interior
of which is replete with fissures and cracks, so that the refraction of
the rays of light produce the rainbow colours.
3. Citrin, (Bohemian Topaz, Occidental Topaz, yellow Quartz,
Scotch Pebble), which is of a pale, ochry, gold, white, lemon yellow
or brownish yellow colour. The false Cairn gouram of Brazil is a
beautiful variety of yellow Quartz.
4. Smoky Topaz, (Cairngouram or true Scotch Pebble, brown
Quartz, Smoky Quartz), is of smoky or brown colour.
5. Morion, is of charcoal black or brownish black colour.
6. Hair or Needlestone, or such Rock Crystal as has, in its interior,
foreign substances, as Rutil (red oxide of Titanium) manganese, iron,
chlorite, amianthos or asbestos, and when the stone is so cut as to
represent the hair or needle in upright position, they are then called
either Venus hair (cheveux de Venus) or Love's arrows (fleches tf
Rock Crystal occurs on gangues, rock cavities in the oldest geolo
gical formations ; it is also occasionally found in some modern rocks.
The principal localities are, the highlands of Tyrol and Switzer
land, Madagascar, Dauphiny, Cornwall, Hungary, Scotland, Ceylon,
and Siberia ; in the United States, on Lake George and Trenton Falls,
in the state of New York, very perfect and completely terminated trans
parent crystals with their endless modifications, and some of five inch
size, and some containing drops of water. It is also found in Wind
ham, Vermont, where the drusy variety occurs, which is extremely
beautiful and of variegated colours. About two years ago, it had a
great, many admirers, and was quite generally worn in broaches, rings,
&c. It is also found in Maryland, Massachusetts, and on the Cats-
kill mountains.
It is obtained in Switzerland and some other countries by mining
after it, which is those cavities geologically or mechanically traced by
the veins from the Quartz veins, are sounded by them in granite veins
or other rocks by means of instruments, and when hollow, extensive
preparations are made for procuring the whole produce of the cavities

which sometimes amounts to several tons. It is likewise procured from

the sand of rivers, and it passes then under the name of Flints ; also
in gangues or veins of other minerals. The smaller and clearer trans
parent ones are generally employed in jewellery and ornaments ; but
the larger specimens are first assorted and then split or cleaned, and
the smaller pieces are then sawed through with a copper wire, emery
and oil, into the desired sizes, when they are ready for being cut on
copper or leaden discs, with emery and water, and then polished on
tin plates with rotten-stone, putty, bol, or other fine powder ; or they
may be polished on wooden wheels lined with fur or leather. The
forms which they generally receive from the lapidary, are the brilliant,
rose, or table. The Iridescent Quartz, and the Hair or Needlestones,
are only cut concave. Those specimens that have a full pure wine
yellow colour, is best cut in steps. When mounted, they are either
a jour, or with a black foil. Those which are spotted or of irregular
colour, may be discoloured by careful calcination in crucibles, with
lime, sand, or pearlash, which likewise increases the lustre. The crys
tal may be bored with a diamond point, also engraved, and figures
may be etched in it by means of fluoric acid. It is mostly used for
pins and rings, also for the base of the doublets, likewise for a very
great variety of ornaments, such as seals, gems, snuff-boxes, cane
heads, &c. : likewise for imitating the real gems, by being coloured
and immediately immersed in a solution of colouring water, whereby
the colour is very closely imitated. It is likewise the base of all the
pastes or Strass.
Its value is by no means as high as formerly, when the demand
for it was great for setting them in buckles, buttons, &c. Articles made
of large pieces of it, or those containing slender needles, hair, moss, or
other incrustation, or imitation of other substances, are yet somewhat
esteemed. In their natural state, if quite clear, as they are received
from Madagascar, Switzerland, and Brazil, they are sold for from one
to ten dollars per pound ; but when cut for seal-stones, or breast-pins,
they are sold mostly by the jewellers of this country, as white Topaz,
and commands a fair price. Well cut seal-stones are sold at from
five to twenty dollars. Those of the brilliant cut are sold from fifty
cents to a dollar a piece. The largest Rock Crystal is said to be in
the collection of Mr. Rafaelli, artist at Rome, and a large Candelabre of
Iridescent Quartz, in the Vatican. The proprietors of the American
Museum of this city, can boast of having one of the largest speci
mens of Rock Crystal from Brazil. It weighs two hundred and
twelve pounds, is two feet and a half high, and one foot in diameter,
of a perfect six-sided prism.

Rock Crystal may be easily distinguished from white paste, called

Strass, as the latter is heavier on account of the metallic oxides con
tained in the composition.

This gem has been known since the earliest ages of Greece and
Rome, the name of which is of Greek origin. Its colour being con
sidered that of new wine. The ancients believed that wine drank
from an Amethyst cup would not intoxicate. Its name occurs in
Scripture, being the ninth stone in order on the High Priest's breast
plate of judgment, with the name Isachar engraved thereon. Amethyst
was always used for engraving. The bust of Trojan, in the Royal
Library at Paris, and the Apollo Belvidere, the Farnese Hercules, and
the groups of Laocoon, are splendid specimens of it. It occurs mass
ive in boulders, or in hexahedral prismatic crystals, terminated by hex-
adral pyramids. Its crystals are rarely as distinct as those of quartz,
being, for the most part, laterally aggregated by the whole prism, the
terminal pyramids alone being separate from each other ; conchoidal
to splintry ; fracture, transparent and translucent ; vitreous lustre, of
high and dark violet blue, and from its richest tinge to almost colour
less, one and the same specimen. It scratches white glass, gives fire
with steel, but yields to the file. Its specific gravity, 2.75 ; becomes
electric by rubbing, which lasts, however but half an hour. Before
the blow-pipe it loses its colour. Its component parts are pure quartz,
coloured by manganese and iron. It occurs in veins of the older
formations, and forming the interior parts of agate balls or Geods in
the mygdaloid and trapp rocks of Hungary, Silesia, Saxony, Tyrol,
Oberstein, and as boulders of the splendid specimens in Ceylon,
Siberia, and Brazil. It is wrought in the same manner as the Rock
Crystal, being cut on a copper wheel with emery, and polished on a
tin plate with rotten-stone. In order to raise its lustre, many faces,
and very frequently those of a rose diamond, are given to it in cutting.
It is sometimes cut in the form of a brilliant, and when set, it is sup
plied with a blue or red foil, provided the Amethyst is pale, for the deep
coloured ones do not require any artificial assistance. It is used in
almost every description of jewellery, such as rings, ear-rings, and
breast-pins ; but to its best and showy advantage, it is set in necklaces,
and it is the only coloured gem which may be worn with mounting,
an advantage which adds to its value. The Amethyst, likewise, is no
longer in such estimation as formerly, but the colour, when intense
and uniform, as also the size, contribute greatly to its value, and good

well cut Amethysts, of one carat, are worth from three to five dollars,
and so on in proportion to size : an Amethyst of 15 lines long and 11
lines broad, exquisitely fine, was valued at five hundred dollars.
The best Amethysts now in commerce come from Ceylon, Siberia
and Brazil ; the first are commonly called Oriental Amethysts, which
however must be carefully distinguished from a much more valuable
gem, the true oriental Amethyst, which is the violet Sapphire. I have
in my collection a quantity of the Brazilian Amethysts which are of
an intense violet colour, and very large specimens.
The Amethyst is often imitated by fluorspar or violet-blue lime-
spar; both however are softer than Amethyst: the lime is lighter, and
the first is heavier than Amethyst. But it is imitated very strikingly
by pastes, so that with great difficulty the real is to be distinguished
from the imitation ; which however is somewhat heavier, on account
of the metallic oxides contained in the composition. The following
is the best receipt for imitating the Amethyst : add to
1000 parts of Strass
8 " of oxide of manganese,
0.2 " purple of Cassius, and
500 " oxide of cobalt.
One of the largest geodes of Amethyst was brought into England
in 1819, weighing one hundred and fifty pounds ; two feet long and
fourteen inches broad, containing the most magnificent crystals and of
the deepest violet colour. On account of having been set down at too
low a price at the custom house, which was sixty-five pounds sterling,
it was confiscated.

But a few varieties of the common Quartz are used in jewellery,
which are :
1, the Rose Quartz,
2, the Cat's Eye,
3, the Prase, and
4, the Avanturin.

This mineral generally occurs massive ; is but semi-transparent,
and translucent on the edges ; has a vitreous lustre ; conchoidal and
splintry fracture ; is of rose-red colour ; sometimes giving a shine of
mother-of-pearl. . It scratches glass, has a specific gravity of 2.64 to

2.67, grows paler before the blow-pipe ; it owes its colour to the oxide
of manganese.
Rose Quartz occurs in gangues of granite and gneiss, particularly
fine in Sweden, Bavaria, Bohemia and Siberia, as also of a beautiful
dark colour in New-Hampshire and Massachusetts.
Rose Quartz is cut and polished for jewellery, such as rings, breast
pins and snuff-boxes ; it is cut on a copper wheel with emery, and
polished with rotten-stone and putty on a tin plate, receiving the form
of a cabochon or table, and when set requires a foil coloured by car
mine or solution of gold, as it fades when exposed a long time to the
light. The Rose Quartz is not held in great estimation ; but the
colour as well as the lustre may be resuscitated in the faded Rose
Quartz by being left for some time in a moist place.
A vase of Rose Quartz was in the possession of the Marquis de
Dree, of nine inches high and two inches diameter.

2. cat's eye.
The name of this mineral is derived from the peculiar play of light
perceptible on its surface, by which it resembles the rays of the eyes
ofa cat ; it is not ascertained whether the ancients knew the same, and
whether it was comprised in their Asterias ; but it is well known that
Cat's Eye is in high estimation among the Malabars and Moors ; and
it is worn through the whole East, where it is employed as an amulet,
being believed to possess the virtue of enriching the wearer.
Cat's Eye occurs massive, and in more or less roundish pieces ; has
a conchoidal fracture, is translucent and transparent sometimes on one
end ; shining lustre, between vitreous and resinous ; gray and brown,
green, red and yellow colour; it presents a peculiar floating light, which
is particularly visible when cut in high cabochon, as it usually is when
brought to market ; it scratches glass ; has a specific gravity of 2.56
to 2.73, and contains besides the silex, some alumina, calcia and oxide
of iron, as 95 silex, 1.75 alumina, 1.50 lime, and 0.26 oxide of iron.
In many specimens there may be observed small parallel white fibres,
which are supposed to be the cause of its peculiar play of light ; but
the semi-transparent varieties, which are equally chatoyant as the more
opaque ones, offer no such appearance. This leads to the conclusion
that the amianthus in its finest fibres displays the phenomenon, and
the chemical analysis of the latter corresponds with the additional
constituents of the Cat's Eye. By exposure to a strong heat it loses
its lustre and transparency ; and in small fragments is fusible before
the blow-pipe. Cat's Eye is found, in the fragments of gangues and

boulders, of very small size, never larger than a hazel-nut ; Ceylon,

the coast of Malabar, Hartz mountains, Bavaria, and in this country,
in Vermont, New-York, &c. Ceylon, where the finest Cat's Eyes
are found, sends them abroad already cut and polished en cabochon ;
but very often they are cut over again on a copper wheel with emery,
and polished on a tin plate ; it receives in setting a gold-foil. The
value depends principally upon its intrinsic properties, size, colour and
degree of play of light. Of the nearly opaque varieties, the red and
the almost white are the most esteemed, and such are sold usually
from ten to twenty dollars ; and a stone of the size of a square inch,
and otherwise perfect in its properties, is worth from eighty to one
hundred dollars.
In the imperial cabinet of Vienna, a five inch long Cat's Eye, of
yellowish brown colour may be seen.

This mineral is mentioned by Pliny ; but it is not certain whether
he meant the same substance, and more probably he alluded to the
Emerald ; for the same mineral is at the present time called the
Emerald Mother or Matrix by the jewellers. Prase occurs massive
and crystalized ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is translucent on the
edges ; between vitreous and resinous lustre ; garlic-green colour, the
origin of which is actinolite intermixed in the silex. It scratches glass,
has a specific gravity of 2.66 to 2.88, and is composed of silex and
alumina, oxides of iron and manganese. It is found in Saxony,
Tyrol, Styria, Hartz and the island of Elba. It is used for rings and
pins, also for snuff-boxes and other jewellery, and is cut en cabochon,
and set with a gold foil at the base, by which its colour is heightened
and rendered more agreeable. It is used in mosaic works, as in the
foliage, and likewise in the mounting of Rubies, in order to raise their
colour. Prase does not stand in great estimation; for although it
assumes a very good polish, yet loses the same on long exposure to
the air, and grows spotty.

This mineral, bearing a resemblance to a glass paste, formerly
manufactured in Italy, has always had the above name. It is a
brown or red quartz, which is massive and translucent, to opaque ;
has a resinous lustre, and its fracture is splintry and uneven : it is
penetrated with gold or brass yellow glistening fissures, caused by the
refraction of light, or by innumerable mica leaves. It scratches white

glass, has a specific gravity of 2.64 to 2.68 : silex, with some alumina
and water are its constituents.
The Avanturine is found in the Uralian mountains, Styria, near
Madrid, Nantes, Scotland, &c. It is used for ring stones, ear-rings,
and snuff-boxes. It is cut on a copper wheel with emery, and polished
with rotten-stone on a tin plate ; it is cut semi-lenticular or oval, does
not take easily a good polish, but may be improved by rubbing the
stone with oil of almonds. The value of the Avanturine is much
depreciated of late, and its imitation of glass paste, which is generally
called the Goldstone, is by far superior to the real stone, which has
nothing but hardness in its favour. This paste is manufactured in
great quantities in France, by throwing the finest impalpable powder
ed brass into a quantity of colourless strass, or into a composition of
105 parts quartz,
85 " purified potash,
230 " tin and lead alloy,
50 " brass powder.

This mineral is of oriental origin, and is very often mentioned in
the Bible. It was the sixth stone in the plate of the high priest.
Jasper was well known to the Greeks and Romans ; and according to
Pliny, who has described several varieties, the best came from Scythia,
Cypria and Egypt. The lapidaries formerly made much use of it in
their works ; and particularly the Egyptian Jasper afforded them
great material ; as for instance the column of Memnon ; the founda
tion of the column of Pompey : and we find daily among the exca
vations of Herculaneum and Pompeii fragments of ruins composed
of Egyptian Jasper.
Jasper occurs in enormous masses : has a conchoidal fracture and
is opaque ; its lustre slightly resinous like wax, often dull ; of white,
red, yellow, green, blue, brown and black colours. It scratches glass,
but yields to rock crystal. Its specific gravity is 2.31 to 2.67.
It is found in gangues, more seldom in strata, in Egypt, Bohemia,
Saxony, Tyrol, Hungary, France, Italy, Spain, Siberia, and in the
United States, principally in Florida, North Carolina, Massachusetts,
&c. ; also in Nova Scotia.
According to their varieties, which are very numerous, that is in
colour and structure, they receive their names ; but they may yet be
classified into the following two divisions :
a, Egyptian Jasper, (Egyptian Pebble), which occurs in spheroidal

pieces, and of gray-brown or red colour, and the form of which may
mostly be cut and polished in annular representations around its cen
tre. It is found in Baden, Upper Egypt, and other places; among the
pebbles of the river Nile it is frequently discovered ; and in the year
1714, it was found near the village of Incheric by Paul Lucas.
6, Ribband, or Striped Jasper. It occurs in masses with nearly
conchoidal fracture, around which parallel straight or twisted stripes of
gray, green, yellow, red or brown colour may be perceived : it is
principally found in Siberia, East Indies, Corsica, Tyrol, and Hartz
mountains; also some of the West India islands produce most splendid
Jasper is principally used for seals, snuff-boxes, vases, table-plates,
and for some architectural purposes.
When in lumps, it is divided by means of copper saws and fine
sand, and then cut on copper or leaden wheels with emery, and polished
on tin plates with rotten-stone, colcothar or charcoal ; or it may first be
polished on wood with pumice-stone, and lastly on a tin plate with
rotten-stone and water.
The yellow Jasper is often employed in mosaic works in Italy,
and the striped Jaspar as cameos. The Jasper has no great value in
trade, except it be of exquisite quality, and fine objects made of the
same. It generally commands the best price in China, where the
emperor has a seal cut of it. A vase of red Jasper with white veins,
and one of black Jasper with yellow veins may be seen in the Vatican.
Chatouilles and other boxes of considerable size, are frequently found
in the jewellery stores of France, England, and the United States.

Hornstone occurs massive, globular, stalactiforme, and in pseudo-
morphous crystals of the 'carbonate of lime, and also in the form of
petrified wood (wood-stone or agatized wood). Its fracture is either
conchoidal or splintry, opaque or transparent on the edges ; dull or
shining lustre ; deep gray, brown, red, yellow, or green colour, and
rarely a pure colour. Often it has several colours in one and the same
specimen, such as points, spots and stripes. It scratches glass and
has a specific gravity of 2.53 to 2.65.
It is mostly found in gangues of the older formation ; also in the
old red sand stones and alluvial formations ; in Bohemia, Saxony,
Sweden, Siberia, Hungary, and a number of other places ; in the
old red sand stone of Thuringia. I have traced one stem of the
red agatized wood of eighteen feet in length and two feet in diameter.

The price of the Hornstone is very small, and it is used for snuff
boxes, seals, crosses, mortars, and principally as knife and fork handles,
which are now used by the silver-smiths to mount butter and dessert
knives and forks, and which are imported from Germany in conside
rable quantities.

a, Chalcedony.—This mineral was held in great estimation by

the ancients, who received their principal supplies from Egypt and
other parts of Africa. In Rome, much use was made of it for
cameos, many of which may yet be seen in collections. The inha
bitants of Iceland are likewise said to value it very highly, and to
attribute many medicinal properties to ihe same. It is found in
crystals, such as cubes, but mostly massive, botryoidal, stalactiform,
globular, or reniform, &c. The fracture is even, sometimes running
into conchoidal or splintry ; is semi-transparent or translucent, of
little lustre or dull ; of white, gray, blue, yellow, brown, or green
colours, which are all of a light shade andvariously figured, striped,
spotted, etc.
It scratches white glass, and has a specific gravity of 2.58 to 2,66.
It is distinguished by the following varieties, viz :—
1. Chalcedony proper, or Chalcedonyx, wherein white and gray
stripes interchange each other.
2. Moccha or Tree Stones, which are such Chalcedonies as display
black, brown or red dentritical figures.
3. Rainbow or Agate Chalcedony, is Chalcedony of thin and cen
tric structure, and cut across and kept towards the light, displays an
4. Cloudy Chalcedony, light gray and transparent base with dark
and cloudy spots.
5. Plasma, dark grass-green. This mineral was very often em
ployed by the ancients for cutting.
6. Semi-carneleon or Ceregat, which is generally called the yellow
7. Sapphirine, which is the sky or sapphire blue Chalcedony.
8. St. Stephen's Stones, is the white Chalcedony with blood-red spots.
There are many more varieties, and in my own collection I have
polished Chalcedonies, where, perhaps, as many again may be enu
Chalcedony is found in gangues, and in the cavities of many rocks,
also in boulders and pebbles. Saxony, Hungary, Faroe Islands,

Ceylon, the shores of the Nile, Nubia, Nova Scotia ; in the United
States, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New-Jersey,
Missouri, Florida, and other countries are the localities of the same ;
but the best specimens are brought from Oberstein, Iceland, and the
Faroe Islands.
The finer specimens are employed in jewellery, for rings, pins, brace
lets, necklaces and seals ; the more common is employed for snuff
boxes, vases, buttons, &c. The larger lumps are cut by means of a
copper wire, with emery and oil on a copper wheel ; it is polished on
a tin plate with rotten-stone, putty powder and pumice stone. The
cutting is generally done on a large scale like the agate. Many are
susceptible of receiving figures artificially, by means of the nitrate of
silver. Under Oriental Chalcedony is generally understood the better
qualities ; those Chalcedonies of two or three divisions, called Onyx,
are used for cameos.
The value of the Chalcedony depends on its quality, such as purity,
colour, and figures and drawings displayed on it ; and among all the
varieties of Chalcedony, the Moccha stone stands the highest in price,
and also the Onyx, which is principally employed for making cameos,
and according to its size, commands a high or low price. Moccha
Stones are sold in France at from five to eight francs. The cabinet
of Dresden contains a plate of Onyx, about three inches broad and
long, which is estimated at twenty-five thousand dollars.
b, Carneleon.—This stone was known to the ancients by the name
of Sarda ; which, according to some, is derived from a place in Lydia
or Sardinia, and according to others from the Arabic word sarda,
meaning yellow, and has been employed very frequently for cutting
intaglios or bas relief gems.
Carneleon occurs massive or in pebbles ; its fracture is conchoidal ;
resinous lustre ; semi-transparent and translucent ; of blood-red and
yellow, brown and yellow colour ; frequently dark at the outside and
growing paler towards the inside ; the colours are sometime changing
striated ; scratches white glass ; has a specific gravity of 2.59 to 2.63.
There are two varieties known by the lapidaries and jewellers which
are better; those having a pale colour or yellowish tinge, or those
having a dark-red colour ; the latter are in highest value, and are
called by the French Cornalines de vieille roche.
Sardonyx is called a Carneleon, having as its principal colour the
dark-brown or orange-yellow, and interchanged with layers of white
Carneleon Onyx, such as having a blood-red base interchanged

with white stripes. The finest Carneleons come from Siberia, India,
Arabia, Nubia, Surinam, Oberstein in Germany, and Tyrol; mostly
as pebbles or in cavities of rocks ; in the United States near Lake
Superior, Missouri . and Massachusetts. The Carneleon is used in
numerous articles of jewellery, such as seals, rings, watch-keys, &c. ;
it is cut on a leaden plate with emery, and is polished on wood with
pumice-stone, and obtains its highest polish on a plate composed of
lead and tin with rotten-stone and water. The form of its cutting is
that of pavilion or step cut on the upper part, and either quadrangular,
hexagonal or octangular, or also round ; and for raising its lustre or
colour it is furnished with a silver or gold foil, or with a red paint on
its base. The colour of the Carneleon is also improved by calcination ;
the yellowish kind, for instance, by calcining it in a moderate heat
and cooling it slowly, may assume a good red colour. It is said that
ancients boiled the Carneleon in honey in order to heighten its colour.
Coloured figures or drawings may successfully be represented by a
mixture of white-lead, colcother, or other, metallic oxides mixed with
gum-water, which is the material for drawing on it, and by burning
the same under a muffle.
The faults of the Carneleon are fissures, unequal colour and flaws
from other stones. The Carneleon is, on account of its being less
brittle, more useful for engraving and cutting cameos ; and generally
the white layers are used for the figures of the cameos and the red for
the base. Sometimes such Carneleons which are cut with bas-relief
objects, are filled out with coloured Strass ; and we receive from India
very frequently cameos with the most singular drawings, and which
are made by the inhabitants in the following manner: the whole
Carneleon is covered with carbonate of soda and then exposed to the
fire for a few minutes, whereby a Strass is formed, which serves for
cutting such figures. The value of the Carneleon is much higher
than any chalcedony, but yet depending on all its accomplishments
of colour, transparency, equal division of colour, or whether it is free
of any faults, such as fissures, clouds, dark spots, &c. For a perfect
Sardonyx a very high price is generally given, particularly when the
layers are very distinct and run quite parallel, and are pretty thick, so
that they are fit for cutting cameos or intaglios. The blood-red is
second in value, and the pale red third in price ; but the cheapest are
the yellowish, brownish or whitish kinds ; the prices vary from twenty
dollars to twenty cents per piece. There is a cameo of Sardonyx,
representing the portrait of the celebrated father Fontanarosa, having
its face white, with the base, cap and cloak black, so that it may dis
tinctly show the Dominican monk.

This stone derives its name from the Greek language, having been
used in ancient times for observing the sun ; and Pliny speaks, like
wise, of the Heliotrope. It occurs in massive and obtuse angular lumps,
conchoidal fracture, translucent on the edges, resinous lustre, leak-
green colour, with red and yellow spots. It scratches white glass, has a
specific gravity of 2.61 to 2.63. The Heliotrope is found in the
Amygdaloid, in Tyrol, in the United States, (in New York, near
Troy), Scottish .Islands, Siberia, Faroe Islands, Egypt, Barbary,
Tartary, &c. It is principally employed in rings and seals ; as gems,
watch-keys, snuff-boxes, and other articles of jewellery ; also for sword
and dagger handles, and is wrought like the Chalcedony, but some
times cut on brass plates ; and its forms are various, either en
cabochon or en pavillion.
The Heliotrope has found great admirers in modern times, and the
price depends upon the colour and quantity of red spots contained in
the same. From one to twenty dollars is the usual price for good
specimens. _
It is said that the superstitious people in the middle ages valued the
Heliotrope with many red spots, very high, thinking that Christ's
blood was diffused in the Heliotrope stone.

This stone was well known to the ancients for the various purposes
of jewellery. In Rome it was principally used for cutting cameos
from the striped kind, the onyx. It has also been worn as an amulet,
with the different characters engraved in it. Its name is derived
from a river in Sicily, where the ancients procured it. The Agate is
a mixture of several species of quartz, which are combined variously
together ; Chalcedony or Carneleon usually form the principal part,
and are mixed with Hornstone, Jasper, Amethyst, quartz, Heliotrope,
Cachelong and flint ; and according to the predominating substances,
it is sometimes called Chalcedony, Jasper, or Carneleon Agate. Its
colour, as well as its other characters, depend upon the nature of the
mixed parts ; likewise the hardness, but it usually scratches white
glass, and has a specific gravity of 2.58 to 2.66 to the utmost.
According to the different figures represented in the Agate, it receives
its various names.
1st. Ribbond, or striped Agate, representing layers variously coloured
and changing with another. Onyx, or Agate Onyx are such Agates
the colours of which are beautiful and distinct, and the layers run

with the larger surface in a parallel form ; whereas the common

Ribbond Agates display their various layers on their surface without
being parallel. If the stripes run together around the centre, it is
called the Circle Agate, and if in the same stone the centre shows
more coloured spots, it is called the Eye Agate, or Eyestone.
2d. Fortificational Agate is that brownish Agate, the various
coloured stripes of which run in zig-zag, or irregular angles, repre
senting the ground plan of fortifications.
3d. Rainbow Agate ; the curved stripes have the property of dis
playing rainbow colours when held towards the sun, or candle light,
and the more distinctly if the stone is cut very thin.
4th. The Cloud, Landscape, Dentritic, Figure, Moss, Punctated,
Star, Petrifact, Shell, Coral, Tube, Fragment and Ruin Agates are
all the various forms the Agate is displayed in according to its figure
or drawing ; and a Ruin, or Fragment Agate may be pasted together
from the fragments of a common Ribbond Agate, and make it repre
sent old walls, whereby it receives the name of Breccia Agate, and
sometimes the Rainbow Agate is in connection with the Shell Agate,
where the moss surrounding the petrified shells forms the Rainbow
The Agate is found on gangues, gneiss or porphyry, and amygda
loid; also as boulders and pebbles, in rivers, &c. It is found in Baden,
Oberstein, Saxony, Bohemia, Hungary, Faroe Islands, Siberia, West
Indies, and in the United States, (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New
Jersey, Indiana, Missouri, Maryland, Georgia.) Those occurring in
the amygdaloid are mostly in the form of geods or balls, hollow at
the inside, and coated at the same time with quartz or amethyst ;
and when the rock begins to disintegrate, these balls becoming loose,
fall scattering around the soil, and are then collected by persons who
make it a business of either selling or cutting them.
The Agate is used not only for the various purposes of jewellery
and ornaments, such as seals, snuff-boxes, crosses, cases of various
descriptions, ear-drops, &c. but also for numerous other useful
purposes, on a large scale ; such as slabs, mortars, vases, instruments,
knife and fork handles, playballs, &c. The mode and manner for
cutting the same, forms a considerable branch of the industry in a
part of Germany. The Agate, after having been assorted into large
and suitable lumps by means of a saw, chisel, or hammer, is then
cut on a copper wheel, by means of emery, powdered garnet or topaz,
and is afterwards polished on a tin plate, with rotten-stone, putty or

Oberstein, a small place in Rhenish Bavaria, in the north of

Germany, has five large manufacturing establishments for the sole
purpose of cutting and polishing the common gems or semi-precious
stones ; and it is the only place where this branch of business is
carried to any great extent. Twenty mills are constantly driven by
water, and more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of work
is turned out yearly for export ; a sum which is small in comparison
to the enormous quantity of goods manufactured and set afloat, but
pretty considerable for such places, where labour is so cheap, and the
best of workmen may be had for one dollar and fifty cents per week.
The works are carried on by means of water power. At Oberstein
the business is divided into two trades ; the one is devoted to the
cutting and polishing of the Agate, and the other to the boring ; and
they are called the Agate lapidaries and the Agate borers. The
cutting is performed in the large Agate mills on sandstone ; each
mill has generally five large sandstones, of five feet diameter, and
fourteen to fifteen inches in thickness, fastened upon a shaft, which
causes them to revolve vertically, and which are continually moisten
ed by a stream of water. The workman leans with his body on a
peculiar bench, the seat of which is called the cuirass, and with his
feet presses himself against a pole, whence he continually pushes the
larger lumps of the Agate towards the mill-stone ; this, however, is
often made so smooth, from the friction, that it is necessary to make
it rough by knocking it with a sharp hammer, according to the kind
of work, whether fine or coarse. They are either polished on sand
stone or on wood, by means of fine clay or powdered chalk ; they
are polished sometimes, also on wooden wheels, covered with lead or
tin. Snuff-boxes and other articles of Agate which are hollow, are
polished on smaller sandstone wheels, which diminish in size as the
work advances. Agates which require to be bored, belong to a
particular branch, distinct from the other. The boring is performed
by means of a Diamond point, and as described by Mr. Maw. The
Onyx varieties are mostly employed for cutting cameos, and are pre
pared there in such a manner that the darker layer is cut for the
base, and the lighter for the intended objects.
Next to Oberstein, in Germany, there is in Siberia, at Katherineburg,
a large manufactory for grinding and polishing the Agate and other
gems. Many varieties of the Agate are used for engraving other
stones, and also for the Florentine or stone mosaic work. Since the
Agate has always been, and is yet, a favourite stone, it has been
attempted to improve either its colour or other external appearance

by artificial or mechanical means ; these are either by metallic solu

tions or by boiling in oil of vitriol. The colour has often been im
proved also by imparting to the stone before it is polished some strokes
in succession, the small fissures thereby produced display an iridescence
or other phenomena if held towards the light ; this operation however
may easily be detected by wetting the stone, when the water, entering
into the fissures will destroy the effect ; it will show itself again when
dry. On some Agates black and white layers are produced, in order
to use or sell them in the place of real onyx ; this operation is per
formed by the lapidaries, who boil certain varieties in oil of vitriol,
which turns some very soon into a black colour, and renders others
clear or still paler ; the polished Agates are, however, only used for
this purpose, and the cause appears to lie in the oil absorbed by them
during the operation of polishing ; on which account Agates are by
some first boiled in oil before submitting them to the operation of the
oil of vitriol.
The value of the Agate, although much reduced in comparison to
former days, and a good deal depending upon the purity and perfection
of colour and peculiar figures, commands a pretty good price in the
market ; and it is particularly the Onyx which is yet at high sums,
and on that account the same is imitated by pasting thin plates of
Chalcedony, Jasper, Agate, &c. together, and make them by their
different colours appear like real onyx; this adulteration may however
be easily detected by putting it in hot water, which disengages the
plates one from another; the Onyx is likewise imitated by pastes, and
very happily, but may likewise be detected by the hardness and other
characters prominent in real stones.
The greatest collections of antique Onyx engraved as cameos and
entaglios are in Vienna and Berlin ; in the first is to be seen the
apotheosis of Augustus, which is 10 lines broad and 6 high, and con
tains twenty perfect figures ; this was purchased by the emperor Ru
dolph at Frankfort on the Maine for fifteen thousand ducats. The
celebrated cameo in the Vatican Museum at Rome is of Agate, and
represents Augustus. Italy has always been the great emporium for
genuine antique Onyx and cameos, and occasionally we still behold
fine specimens of art from travellers coming from Europe. A very
fine collection of antique cameos and entaglios in precious gems and
antique pastes, likewise cameos and entaglios of modern artists I have
seen in this country in the possession of Thomas G. Clemson, Esq.
of Philadelphia.
I have in my collection a good Onyx of the emperor Vitellius, a

splendid cameo of Bacchus of two one-fourth inches long and one-

half inch thick, one of Anthony and Cleopatra, also a splendid en-
In Paris are several celebrated cameos worth the notice of travellers
going to Europe ; the Brunswick Vase, representing Ceres in search
of Proserpine ; Agrippina and her two children, having two layers,
brown and white ; the quarrel of Minerva with Neptune, which has
three layers ; Venus on a sea-horse, surrounded with Cupids, &c.
Some modern works of cameo from the hand of the celebrated
Piickler are in the collection of Robert Gilmore, Esq. at Baltimore,
and in that of W. J. Lane, Esq. of this city.

The ancients by this name designated a stone of a green colour
with a yellowish tinge ; but it is not certain whether that which goes
by this name at the present day is the same. We find in the fourteenth
century this stone used as ornaments in churches and other places ;
but it was not known by that name until 1740, when it was discovered
by a Prussian officer in Silesia, and Frederick the Second has orna
mented his palace Sansouci with the same mineral.
The common people of Silesia wear the Chrysoprase around the
neck as a charm against pains.
Chrysoprase occurs massive and in plates; the fracture is even and
splintery; is translucent; resinous lustre, sometimes dull. Apple-green,
grass-green, olive-green and whitish-green colour. It scratches white
glass distinctly, but is not so hard as true Chalcedony. Specific gra
vity is 2.56, is infusible before the blow-pipe, but loses its colour when
heated. It consists of silex with a little carbonate of lime, alumina,
oxide of iron and nickle; its colour is imparted by the latter substance.
This mineral is found in the Serpentine of Silesia, also in Siberia and
in the United States in New-Hampshire.
Chrysoprase is used for various purposes in jewellery and ornament,
such as breast-pins, rings, bracelets, necklaces, seals, (fee. ; and the
larger lumps are used for snuff-boxes, cane-handles, table-plates, &c.
The cutting is pretty difficult, and the greatest care is required for
finishing the same with facets, as it- easily receives fissures : it is
done on tin or lead plates with emery, keeping the first constantly wet
with water ; it is polished on a tin plate with rotten-stone, but the la
pidary has always to be cautious not to let it become hot, as it easily
splinters, grows opaque and gray. The usual cut is the table or en
cabochon, with facets on the border ; in setting, a foil of green satin is

often used for a back, but when pure and of good colour it is mounted
a jour. Inferior specimens are painted on the back with a mixture
of verdigris, white-lead and gum-mastic, or with sapgreen.
The Chrysoprase loses its colour by wearing, heat and sunlight
likewise cause it to fade, and render it dark and cloudy ; but the colour
may be restored by keeping it in a wet or moist place, such as a cellar,
in wet cotton or sponge, or even by dipping it in a solution of nitrate
of nickle, which serves likewise for improving inferior qualities.
Very fine imitations in paste may be made by mixing to
1000 parts of Strass
5 " of oxide of iron, and
8 " of oxide of nickle.
The Chrysoprase is subject to a great many faults, such as fissures
either natural or received in cutting ; oily whitish spots ; pale gray
flaws and stripes, and sometimes small grains of clay of reddish colour
intermixed in the interior of the stone ; but if pure, the Chrysoprase
has always been a great favourite. A good seal or ring-stone may be
worth from twenty-five to thirty dollars, and smaller specimens from
one to five dollars. The apple-green variety is most valued, and a
specimen of one line long by one-half broad has been sold at from
fifty to one-hundred and fifty dollars. At Paris, an oval Chrysoprase
of eight lines long and seven lines broad was sold for three-hundred
and ten francs. The price generally has decreased of late on account
of the great quantity cut from the mines, which have lately been
covered up in order to raise its value again. At the Royal Palace of
Potsdam in Prussia are two tables of Chrysoprase, the plates of which
are three feet long, two feet broad, and two inches thick.

The name of this stone is of Greek origin, and was well known to
the ancients, although it is undecided whether they understood the
same mineral by the same name as at the present time, for they bring
it in their writings to be either the Topaz or Goldstone, or the trans
parent gold-yellow stone.
The Chrysolite occurs in prismatic forms, generally a right prism
with rectangular bases ; also in angular rounded crystalline grains or
massive ; the fracture is conchoidal; it is transparent and translucent;
powerful double refracting power ; lustre is vitreous and resinous ; the
lateral planes of the crystals are sometimes striated ; the colour is olive-
green turning to yellowish and brownish ; it scratches glass indistinctly,
and is attacked by topaz ; its specific gravity is 3.33 and 3.44 ; be

comes electric by rubbing ; is infusible by itself before the blow-pipe,

but is dissolved into a transparent pale green bead with borax ; acids
do not affect it ; it consists of magnesia, silica, and oxide of iron.
The Chrysolite is found particularly in the basalt, trapp, greenstone,
porphyry and lava, sometimes in alluvial deposits and the sands of
rivers; its principal localities are Brazil, Upper Egypt, Isle of Bourbon,
and Bohemia.
The Chrysolite is cut on a leaden wheel with emery, and is polished
on a tin plate with rotten-stone or oil of vitriol. Sometimes pale stones
are finally polished with some olive-oil, which raises the colour consi
derably; this last operation is applied to restore its lustre after the
Chrysolite becomes dull by wearing. The form is that of a rose or
table-cut, also en pavilion, and when set, gold-foil is used for its base ;
the pale coloured Chrysolites look well with a green coloured copper-
foil ; dark Chrysolites may be rendered clearer by a careful calcination.
The Chrysolite is used for rings and pins, but does not stand in
high estimation, not possessing either a distinguished colour, strong
lustre, or great hardness, and losing its polish by wearing; on account
of its softness it wears off at the edges. Very good specimens of the
Peridote from Brazil were brought into this country from France, and
commanded a good price a few years ago, viz. from ten to fifteen
dollars a carat.

This mineral has for a long time been brought from Spain, but has
lately been made more known and brought into notice by Cordier,
and received its name Cordierite, likewise iSteinheilite, and many
more names which I will mention in order, that the reader may not be
confused when the same mineral is brought as a gem under different
names : the most appropriate name is Dichroite, from its property of
displaying two colours when held in different directions ; also Peliome
and prismatic quartz.
It occurs in regular six and twelve sided prisms, also in chrystaline
grains, massive and in pebbles ; its fracture is conchoidal and uneven,
is transparent with indigo-blue colour when held towards its axis, or
transmitted light and brownish yellow when held at right angles ;
possesses some double-refracting power ; sometimes a ray of light re
sembling that of the Star-sapphire, may be perceived in the Iolite,
particularly when cut ; it has a vitrous lustre ; its colours are violet-
blue, indigo-blue, sometimes with a tinge of black and bluish gray.
It scratches glass, and is attacked by Topaz ; its streak-powder is

white ; has a specific gravity of 2.88 ; by rubbing it becomes electric,

and assumes polarity by heating ; is difficult to fuse on the edges, and
becomes then a grayish green enamel, but borax dissolves it into a
diaphanous glass ; acids have no effect upon it ; it consists of magne
sia, alumina and silica, with some oxide of iron and water.
It is often found under the names of Lynx and water-sapphire, the
first of a pale and the latter of a darkish blue colour. It is found in
primitive rocks, also in blue clay, in copper pyrites, in quartz or fel
spar, and in small detached masses ; the localities are Spain, Sweden,
Norway, Greenland, Siberia, Ceylon, Brazil, Bavaria and the United
States at Haddam, Connecticut. If the stone is perfectly pure, it is
used for rings and breast-pins ; is cut on a copper wheel with emery,
and polished on a tin plate with rotten-stone, and receives the form of
a cabochon, in order to let it display its proper colours in a cube form :
its price is not very high ; the jewellers value it as an inferior quality
of the Sapphire, without taking any regard for its phenomena of light.
Good sized specimens are sold at about eight to ten dollars a piece ; at
Paris a good Iolite of 10 lines long and 8J broad, was sold for one
hundred and sixty francs. When, a couple of years ago, the Iolite
was discovered by Professor Mather, at Haddam, Connecticut, it
promised to be a valuable acquisition for the American gems ; but the
supply was very scant, and that, with its original locality appear to be
exhausted again. Professor Torrey possesses a fine seal in the form of
a cube, from that locality, which displays its properties to the greatest
A blue quartz is occasionally sold for Iolite, but it may easily be
distinguished by its colours and hardness ; sapphire is also considerably
harder than the Iolite.


This mineral was known to the ancients by its precious variety, and
received its name on account of the play of colour. The Opal has a
great many varieties, which are all considered more or less gems, and
find their application in jewellery, they will therefore be treated sepa
rately ; but as general character may now be mentioned, Opal scratches
glass but slightly, while it is marked by rock-crystal ; it has a specific
gravity of 2.06 to 2.11. It is infusible before the blow-pipe, but de
crepitates and falls in splinters ; it also dissolves with borax. Opal
consists of silica with water, some oxide of iron, and sometimes

This Gem derives its name from the Greek, the eye ; for the
ancients believed that this stone had the power of strengthening the
eye. It was highly esteemed by them, as we learn from Pliny, who
thought that the play of colour originates from the beautiful colours
of the Carbuncle, Amethyst and Emerald. He also states that the
Roman Senator Nonius chose to suffer banishment, rather than part
with a valuable splendid Opal to Mark Anthony. A similar beautiful
large Opal was in modern times excavated from the ruins ofAlexandria.
The phenomenon of play of colours of the Precious Opal has not
yet been satisfactorily explained. Haiiy attributes it to the fissures of
the interior being filled with films of air, agreeably with the law of
Newton's coloured rings, when two pieces of glass are pressed together.
Mohs contradicts this theory, upon reasonable grounds, which are,
that the phenomenon would present merely a kind of irridescence.
Brewster concludes that it is owing to the fissures and cracks in the
interior of the mass, not accidental but of a uniform shape, and
which reflects the tints of Newton's scale ; but it is, in my opinion,
too plausible, that the unequal division of smaller or larger cavities
which are filled with water, produce the prismatic colours, and for the
simple reason that the Opal that grows, after a while, dull and
opaque, may be restored when put for a short time in water or oil.
Although the Precious Opal was never found in the East, yet it
bears the name of Oriental Opal among the jewellers ; for in former
times the Opals were carried by the Grecian and Turkish mer
chants from Hungary, their native locality, to the Indies, and were
brought back by the way of Holland to Europe as Oriental Opals.
The Precious Opal is found on small irregular gangues, nests of the
trachytic porphyry formation, and its conglomerates, in Hungary,
particularly in the neighbourhood of the village of Czerwinceza ;
also in the Faroe Islands, Saxony and South America. The
Hungarian Opal is found in its various qualities, and obtained in
mines which have been wrought for several centuries ; and according
to the archives of that part of the country, there were, in the year
1400, more than three hundred workmen engaged at the mines near
the above village ; whereas there are but thirty at present engaged
there, on account of the scarcity of larger suitable specimens.
The Precious Opal is principally used for rings, ear-rings, necklaces
and diadems ; the smaller specimens for mounting snuff boxes, rings,
chains, &c. It is ground on a leaden wheel with emery, and is
polished with rotten-stone and water on a wooden wheel ; and in order

to increase its lustre it is lastly rubbed with putty by means of buck

skin or a woolen rag and red chalk. Its form is generally that of
semicircle, lens or oval ; sometimes of a table, and then also with
some facets ; but then great care has to be taken that the edges, on
account of the softness of the stone, will not wear off. It is also apt
to spring in a temperature suddenly changing. When mounted it
receives a coloured foil, or a variegated silk stuff, or a peacock feather
on the back, but it looks best in a black casing.
Cracks and fissures may be removed by leaving the Precious Opal
for some time in oil. Very frequently the Precious Opal is distributed
in small particles in the matrix, called Mother of Opal, which is cut
by the jewellers as boxes, and other ornaments ; and very often too
this matrix is plunged in oil, and is exposed to a moderate heat,
whereby the base grows blacker, and the true Precious Opal retains
its ray of colours. In order to preserve the surface of the Precious
Opal against wear and tear, it is covered with a thin plate of quartz-
crystal. The Precious Opal still stands in very high estimation, and
is considered one of the most valuable Gems ; the size and the beauty
displayed by its colours determine its value ; those playing in the
red and green colours bear the highest price. Its value has latterly
increased on account of the scarcity of the larger specimens.
Formerly a solitary large Precious Opal, playing in the red colour,
was sold for two to three hundred ducats ; and one playing in both
red and green colours, of about five lines long, was sold at Paris for
two thousand four hundred francs ; and lately a single Opal, of fine
colours, and the size of a dollar, was sold near the locality for three
hundred thousand florins ; but in this country the Precious Opals are
sold by the importers at the rate of four to ten dollars per carat, and
single specimens, suitable for pins or rings, from two to twenty dollars.
The mother of Opal is, however, much cheaper ; one of five lines
size is sold for three to five dollars.
All experiments for imitating the Precious Opal have hitherto
proved fruitless ; they were either by preparing an enamel and adding
several metallic oxides, or by affixing to the back of a clear or com
mon Opal or Enamel, a polished thin plate of the mother-of-pearl,
which may sometimes deceive the ignorant.
The imperial mineralogical cabinet at Vienna, contains the most
distinguished specimens of Precious Opal ; one particularly, may be
mentioned here, which is the largest known : it is four and three-
quarters inches long, two and a half inches thick, and weighs seven
teen ounces. It was discovered about 1770, at the above locality,

and transported to Vienna. It displays the most magnificent colours ;

is perfectly pure, and not accompanied by any matrix. Half a million
of florins were offered for it by a jeweller of Amsterdam, and refused
on account of its unity ; and the Viennaians have not yet dared to
put even any approximative value upon it.

This mineral was first brought into notice by Baron Humboldt,
who found it in Mexico.
It occurs massive ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is transparent ; of
strong vitreous lustre ; hyacinth red, running into honey ; wine yel
low ; showing carmine-red and greenish reflections ; sometimes con
taining dentritic drawings. Its specific gravity is 2.02 ; loses one and
a half per cent, by calcination, and leaves pale flesh-red fragments.
It is found in the trachytic porphyry, in Mexico, and in the amygda
loid of the Faroe Islands.
Since the Fire Opal is very little known, it has not yet been
employed in jewellery, but bids fair to find applications. It is ground
on a leaden wheel with emery, and polished with rotten-stone on a
wooden wheel. The forms of cabochon, table, or pavillion, might
suit very well as ring-stones.
The cabinet of the University of Bonn possess a very large and
fine Fire Opal, of the size of a fist. The largest specimen I have
seen is in the Mineralogical Cabinet at Berlin, which was deposited
by Baron de Humboldt on his return from South America, and which
if I reccollect it well enough from the year 1827, must be at least six
inches long and four inches thick. This is the largest specimen he
ever found. A collection of six shades of Fire Opal, with six more
varieties of the other Opals was presented to me in the year 1828,
when in Berlin, by the Counsellor Bergeman, who received at that
time a considerable quantity of polished specimens from the Faroe
Islands, but all of small size. A splendid collection of Fire Opals
was brought from Guatimala some years ago to this country.

This mineral occurs massive and in rolled pieces ; also as
stalactites ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is translucent and semi-trans
parent ; has a strong vitreous and resinous lustre ; its colours are
milky, yellow, reddish, greenish-white, honey-yellow, wine-yellow,
flesh, red-brick and olive-green; sometimes dentritic (Moss Opal)
Its specific gravity is 1.9 to 2.1.

The Wax and Pitch Opal are subordinate to this variety. It is

found in the same rocks as the Precious Opal, in Hungary ; in the
hematite rocks of Saxony ; in the Serpentine of Silesia ; in cavities
of trapp and the amygdaloid rocks of Iceland ; Faroe Islands ; and
in the United States, (Pennsylvania and Connecticut.)
It is used for rings, pins, and cane heads ; but is on the whole not
a favourite among the jewellers, and has no great value, because it is
soft and brittle ; the paste, which may be made from white enamel,
is sometimes much prettier than the real stone.

' The name of this variety of Opal relates to the peculiar property
of becoming transparent, and opalescent after immersion in water.
The ancients called this stone lapis mutabilis, and achates oculus
mundi. It is a common or precious Opal, of porous texture ; adheres
strongly to the tongue ; is translucent, and absorbs water with
avidity, giving off at the same time air bubbles ; it thus assumes a
high degree of transparency, and sometimes the property to play the
finest prismatic colours, equal to the Precious Opal. This phenome
non tends strongly to explain the display of the prismatic colours of
the Precious Opal ; the more so as the Hydrophane loses this property
on getting dry.
It has, when dry, a white, yellowish, or reddish colour ; has a
specific gravity of 1.95 to 2.01 ; and according to Haiiy, a Hydro
phane having been immersed for four minutes in water, thirty-four
The Hydrophane is found in the porphyry of Hungary, France,
Iceland and Faroe Islands. Large lumps, of good and fine speci
mens of Hydrophane are wrought and used in the same manner as
the Precious Opal.
It is said that the Hydrophane becomes much quicker transparent
in warm than in cold water ; the quickest in spirits of wine, when it
looses this property the sooner, but retains some for years when
boiled in oil.
If the Hydrophane is well dried and soaked in melting white wax,
or spermaceti, it assumes the property, when warmed, to become
translucent, and to display brownish-yellow or gray colours, and is
then called Pyrophane.
The Hydrophane was once coloured violet or red, by means of a
decoction of logwood and alumn.
The price of the Hydrophane is very high, on account of its great
scarcity, and because it is very seldom found in large lumps.

This specimen of Opal was formerly considered to be a pitch stone,
and if it assumes the form of petrified wood, it is called Wood Opal.
It has a conchoidal and even fracture ; it is translucent and opaque ;
resinous and vitreous lustre ; its colours are yellowish, grayish,
and brownish, the colours running mostly in one another ; sometimes
the colours divide themselves ribband-like. The Wood Opal is
mostly brownish, and displays, more or less, a ligneous aspect, with
the forms of asts, or branches.
The Semi-Opal is found on gangues, in the trachytic porphyry in
Hungary, in the serpentine in Silesia, in the Amygdaloid on Iceland
and the Faroe Islands ; likewise in Moravia, Saxony, France, Green
land ; and in the United States, (Maryland and Pennsylvania.)
The Semi-Opal, on account of its taking a high polish, is used for
many purposes in jewellery. There is an establishment for manufac
turing snuff-boxes from Wood Opal, in Vienna, and lately the
varieties of Wood Opal, with layers of Chalcedony, or Semi-Opal,
have found a useful application in the cutting of Cameos. The
Semi-Opal is ground and polished like the Precious Opal, but with
more difficulty, on account of its being more brittle. The form
which it quickly receives is en cabochon, but without facets. The
price of the Semi or Wood Opal is low.

According to Blumenbech, the name of this mineral is of Mongolian
derivation, and meaning " a pretty stone ;" and according to Philipps
it bears its name after the river Cach, in Bucharia, on whose shores it
occurs frequently in loose conglomerates. This mineral was hitherto
arranged under the head of Chalcedony, but properly belongs to Opal.
It occurs massive, as a covering of other minerals, rarely reniforme,
often transpersed with fissures in different directions. It has a
conchoidal fractue ; is opaque, and of a pearly lustre ; milky-white,
turning sometimes to yellow or red colour ; with dentritic figures of
manganese, or green earth. It scratches white glass ; has a specific
gravity of 2.2 ; it decrepitates when first brought before the blowpipe,
but yet undergoes no change; dissolves with borax, slowly, to a
white heat.
It is found in the same manner as the Chalcedony, sometimes

encrusting or penetrating it ; in the amygdaloid of Iceland, Greenland

the Feroe Islands, the Hematite of Corinthia, the United States,
(Massachusetts,) Nova Scotia ; and in Buchary, in the sand of the
river Cach, it is found loose.
Cachlong is much used in jewellery for rings, seals, &c. The
Calmucks of the Bucharia manufacture of it tools and other domestic
articles. It is cut on a copper wheel with emery, en cabochon, and
receives the polish on lead plates, by means of rotten-stone and putty.
The price of the Cachelong is pretty considerable, on account of its
beauty and scarcity ; as the specimens most frequently found in the
above localities are seldom in layers of more than one-quarter lines,
interchanging with the Chalcedony.

This mineral stands between the Jasper and Opal ; and, although
considered by Werner as belonging to the first, ought, nevertheless,
to be more properly arranged to the Opal, on account of its containing
water in its composition.
The Jasper Opal occurs massive, in specks, stalactiform, in geody
masses ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is translucent on the edges, or
opaque ; of strong resinous lustre ; its colours are gray, yellow, red
and brown. Its specific gravity is 2.0 to 2.1. It consists of silica,
water and oxide of iron, amounting to forty-seven per cent. It is
found in the trachytic breccias of Hungary, also in Saxony and
Siberia. The best light and pure specimens are used for dagger and
sword handles in Turkey. The price of Jasper Opal is low.

This mineral was very familiar to the ancients, and its name is
said to be derived from a Roman, who first brought it to Rome from
Ethiopia. Pliny states that the Romans manufactured mirrors and
gems from it ; and the Mexicans and Peruvians manufactured their
knives, razors and sword blades from the Obsidian, which appears to
have served as a complete substitute to those nations who were yet
unacquainted with the use of gems as weapons and utensils of
various purposes. The Baron Humboldt says, that Cortez mentioned
in his letter to the Emperor Charles V., of having seen razors of
Obsidian at Tenochittan ; and the above naturalist likewise discov
ered, himself, on the Serro de las Nabajaz, in New Spain, the old
shaft what was used for raising the rough Obsidian, with relics of
the tools and half finished utensils.

The inhabitants of Quito manufactured magnificent mirrors from

Obsidian, and those of the Astor and Assencion Islands, and Gueiana
used splinters of the Obsidian as points for their lances, razors, &c.
Specimens of arrows and other articles, such as octangular wedges,
were presented a few years ago to the New York Lyceum of Natural
History, as relics from the ruins of Palanque. In the collection of
Columbia College are some razors, or sacrificial knives, the gift of the
Hon. J. R. Poinsett.
Obsidian occurs massive, in roundish or obtuse lumps, balls and
grains ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is semi-transparent and translu
cent on the edges ; strong vitreous, and sometimes even metallic
lustre ; its colours are either pure black, grayish, brownish, greenish-
black, yellow, blue or white, but seldom red ; it sometimes displays a
peculiar greenish-yellow shine, when it is called the iridescent Obsi
dian ; but there are rarely more than one colour in the same speci
men with stripes and specks. Obsidian scratches white glass indif
ferently, but is scratched by Topaz ; its streak powder is white ; has
a specific gravity of 2.34 to 2.39. Obsidian is sometimes magnetic,
so that small pieces show their magnetic poles. Before the blowpipe
the black variety is fusible with much difficulty ; and at white heat
it does not even melt into a solid glass ; but the gray and brown
variety (Marekanite) swells readily into a spongy mass.
Obsidian consists of silex, alumina, with a little potassa, soda and
oxide of iron.
The names Iceland Agate, lava, black glass lava, volcanic lava,
are all synonymous, and the mineral called Bottlestone, in round
grains of the size of a pea, is nothing but a green Obsidian.
The Obsidian, sometimes, forms the cement of whole mountain
chains, often deposites in the Trachyt and the streams at the foot of
some volcano ; also among the volcanic ejections, and in loose lumps
in the sand of rivers, and at the foot of mountains. It is found in
Iceland, Teneriffe, Lipari Islands, Peru, Mexico, Sicily, Hungary,
Asiatic Russia, Assencion Islands, and on all the volcanos of former
and present times.
In the New York Lyceum of Natural History are several interest
ing specimens, presented by Don Correa, of Tobasco, coming from
the ruins of the city of Palanque ; such as concave, or triangular
wedge, and other masses of Obsidian from various other localities.
It is used for several purposes in jewellery ; such as ear-rings,
necklaces, broaches, snuff-boxes, knife handles, &c. It is particularly
worn as mourning jewellery ; it requires, however, much care in

working it, being extremely brittle. It is ground on lead wheels with

emery, and polished with rotten-stone. It is kept in favour of the
jewellers on account of its high polish ; but its value is very indiffer
ent, except the iridescent Obsidian, which commands a high price,
and is sometimes seen cut en cabochon, and set in rings.
There is no doubt but what Obsidian is of volcanic origin, being
mostly found in the neighbourhood of volcanos, and that it is a
glass, produced by the volcanic fire, as it is a combination of silex
and alcaline substances. The Neptunic theorists have endeavoured
to prove that it is- occasionally found with the remains of decomposed
granite, gneiss and porphyry, with which it even alternates in layers.

The name of this mineral is derived from the Greek, meaning an
axe, on account of the resemblance of its crystals to a hatchet ; it is
also called by some English mineralogists Thumerstone, on account
of its first locality. The Axinite occurs in a variety of crystaline
forms, to be reduced to the rhombic forms, viz : an oblique rhomb,
or four sided prism, so compressed that the edges appear sharp, like
the edge of an axe; likewise massive and in specks; fracture
uneven; is translucent on the edges, or transparent; has a simple
refraction of light ; lustre is vitreous, also resinous ; its colours are
violet-blue, brown, gray and yellow ; scratches white glass, but is
scratched by Topaz ; has a white streak powder ; its specific gravity
is 3.27 ; becomes electric by rubbing or heating ; before the blowpipe
it fuses into a grayish-brown glass ; acids have no effect upon it ; it
consists of lime, alumina and silex, with oxide of iron and manganese.
It is found on gangues and layers of various formations, principally
the primitive ; is found in the Dauphinee, Pyrenees, Gothard, Saxony,
(Thum) Norway, &c.
This mineral takes a very high polish, particularly those from the
Dauphine, but has hitherto, on account of its scarcity, not found
much application in jewellery, but will hereafter make a great acqui
sition, as it may be used for rings, pins, and other small ornaments.

The varieties of this mineral are mostly chrystallized, and in very
numerous forms ; but they are all distinguished by two great charac
ters, which are, the foliated structure and peculiar lustre ; the principal
form is an oblique prism with unequal sides. Felspar scratches glass
and is scratched by rock-crystal ; its streak-powder is white, has a

specific gravity of 2.5 to 2.6 ; before the blow-pipe it fuses with diffi
culty; on the charcoal it becomes vitreous and white; fuses with
difficulty on the edges to a translucent white enamel ; the acids have
no effect ; it consists of potash, alumina and silex.

This mineral occurs in crystals, crystalline fragments, and solid
masses ; its fracture is uneven ; is translucent on the edges, with
double refraction of light ; the lustre is vitreous and pearly, more
especially when cut and polished ; it throws out greenish and bluish
white chatoyant reflections from the interior ; it cleaves in two direc
tions ; the crystals often present the hemitrope form, which in polished
specimens becomes obvious from the different directions of the laminae;
its colours are limpid white, greenish, grayish, and bluish, frequently
with a peculiar pearly shine, and sometimes irridescent.
In commerce the Adularia goes under various names, such as
Moonstone, Sunstone, Girasol, Fisheye, Ceylon or Water Opal. In
the Moonstone the colour is white, with small bluish or greenish shades,
but the base is semi-transparent and milky ; whereas the Sunstone
shows a yellow and reddish play of colours. The Adularia is found
in gangues and cavities of the granite and gneiss, and limestone, and
in pebbles from Ceylon, Greenland, Bavaria, St. Gothard, Tyrol,
Dauphinee, and in the United States, particularly at Ticonderoga,
New York, near Lake Champlain, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connec
ticut, and Massachusetts. The Adularia from St. Gothard is found
in very large masses ; and I have seen, in 1827, in the cabinet at
Zurich, in Switzerland, groups of crystallized Adularia, measuring
two feet in length, and one foot in thickness, which for splendour
dazzled my eyes.
Adularia, displaying a good colour, and strong pearly reflections, is
much used now in jewellery, for rings, pins, and other smaller orna
ments. Generally specimens which possess these qualities are cut out
of larger lumps, then ground on a lead wheel, en cabochon form, and
polished with rotten-stone ; they are in general mounted in a black
case, whence it best shows its reflections. The Moonstone commands
a good price ; exquisitely fine specimens of the size of a bean, are
worth from five to ten dollars, and some of them were sold at Paris, of
six lines diameter, for seven hundred and five francs, and four lines for
two hundred and three francs.
The largest Moonstone, in a brooch, of three-fourths of an inch
in length, I have seen in the possession of Francis Alger, Esq. of

Boston ; and rough specimens, with most splendid reflections, I have

admired in the collection of Dr. M. Gay, in the same city. Both these
gentlemen are fortunate in possessing uniques in this country, which
are of no ordinary scientific and commercial value.


This Felspar occurs in crystals, massive and disseminated ; fracture

uneven and splintry ; translucent ; pearly and vitreous lustre ; its
colours are white, gray, red, yellow and green, in their various shades,
sometimes with variegated bluish, greenish or reddish play of colours :
its texture is compact, or minutely foliated.
The Amazon Stone, or green Felspar, is from Siberia ; likewise
were found splendid grass-green Felspar in the United States, at
Southbridge and Hingham, Massachusetts, and Cow-Bay, New York;
of apple-green colour at Topsham, Maryland, and near Baltimore.
Also the American glassy or vitreous Felspar from Delaware, which
latter ought properly to be quoted as a distinct species, belong to this
Felspar is widely diffused all over the globe, and with a few ex
ceptions is more common than any other mineral ; it forms a consti
tuent part of most primitive rocks, such as gneiss, granite, &c. ; is
the principal ingredient of the Synites, Porphyry, and, in fact, with a
small per centage of other minerals, forms whole mountain ranges and
chains in various parts of the globe ; such we see in Siberia, the north
and west of Scotland, &c., all which are surrounded by Felspar.
Immense beds exist in the United States. Around Wilmington in the
State of Delaware, is an inexhaustible deposit of exquisite and per
fectly pure Felspar ; and in Connecticut and on the North River we
see beds of the foliated Felspar extending for miles : Sweden, Nor
way and Greenland are likewise great depositories for the common
The Amazon stone is used in jewellery for rings, pins, seals, snuff
boxes, &c. It is principally cut at Katharineburg, Siberia, where it
is ground on a leaden wheel with emery, and polished with rotten-
stone on a wooden wheel ; its form is that of en cabochon, sometimes
the mixed and pavilion cut, then the table is to be cut pretty large, and
arched, in order to display more distinctly its peculiar colours.
Common Felspar is of no great value, and only the Amazon stone
is used in jewellery, which commands a good price. Cut specimens,
suitable for ear-rings or brooches, are worth from three to five dollars.
A very fine specimen of the Amazon stone in its rough state, may

be seen in the New York Lyceum of Natural History. The imperial

cabinet of St. Petersburg possesses two vases of this stone, which are
nine inches high and five and one half inches in diameter. Although
our vitreous Felspar has not yet been brought into use for the purposes
of jewellery and other ornaments, yet it bids fair to contribute at one
day, much to the national wealth of this country, for it is the best ma
terial for porcelain, china and earthenware. Already have many
cargoes of this beautiful mineral been shipped to France and England,
(six hundred tons of the Connecticut, Middletown, Felspar, were, ac
cording to Professor Shephard, last year shipped to Liverpool, and one
hundred tons to the Jersey porcelain manufactory,) where the manu
facturer appears to appreciate better the purity of ingredients for the
purposes just mentioned ; and instead of receiving, as hitherto, the
manufactured goods from abroad, made of our own raw material, it
is seriously to be hoped that we shortly will muster skill and industry
enough to compete in the art of making porcelain with the superior
material nature appears to have provided this continent. I possess a
splendid slab of the vitreous Felspar of one square foot, free from any
admixture, and imposing in appearance.


This mineral was hitherto considered as a variety of Felspar ; but

has latterly been separated from it, and ought, therefore, no more be
called the Labrador Felspar, the name by which it is specified in all
the mineralogical works.
The Labrador was first discovered by the Moravian missionaries on
the island of St. Paul, on the coast of Labrador ; and according to
others, by Bishop Lauritz, in 1775, when it was brought to Europe.
The Labrador occurs in crystalline masses, massive, and in boulders ;
uneven and conchoidal fracture ; the lustre is vitreous, and in one
direction pearly ; translucent ; its colours are gray, with its various
shades, such as blackish or whitish gray, with spots of opalescent or
irridescent vivid play of colours, consisting of blue, red, green, brown,
yellow or orange, according to the direction the light is falling upon
the specimen ; sometimes several of these colours are perceptible at the
same instant, but more commonly they appear in succession as the
mineral is turned towards the light. These colours are said to origi
nate in fissures which intersect the texture of the mineral, as they are
only perceptible from that side where they fall together with the foliated
structure, and not like the Opal, whose mass is supplied with fissures
running through all directions.

The Labrador scratches white glass, is scratched by rock-crystal, is

somewhat less hard than Felspar ; its specific gravity is 2.71 to 2.75 ;
before the blow-pipe it fuses with difficulty, and is said to lose its play
of colours ; it consists of silex, alumina, lime, soda, with some oxide
of iron and water. The Labrador is found as a rock and boulder, in
St. Petersburg, Norway, Bohemia, Saxony, Sweden, St. Paul's island
on the coast of Labrador, and in the United States, in Essex county,
New Jersey, on the mouth of the North River, and near Lake Cham-
plain, New York, where, according to the description given me by
Archibald Mclntyre, Esq. its splendid colours are seen on both sides
of the river, but a few yards apart, and the rays of the morning sun
falling upon the rock and river at the same time, are said to equal the
prismatic colour thrown in a dark room.
The Labrador is used for rings, pins, buttons, snuff-boxes, letter
holders, cane heads, and other ornaments, such as vases and larger
utensils ; but care has to be taken in grinding, that the direction where
the play of colours is visible is kept straight, and that it is cut en
cabochon. The price of the Labrador is not very high, but soon after
its discovery, a Doctor Anderson having described the mineral as
displaying all the variegated tints of colour that are to be seen in the
plumage of the peacock, pigeon, or most delicate humming bird, and
specimens having been brought to England, so great was the avidity
to possess it, that small pieces were sold for twenty pounds sterling.
The present price of good specimens is from two to ten dollars ; and
a few years ago I purchased some letter-holders, which are beautiful
specimens, for which I paid four dollars a-piece. The largest speci
mens of Labrador are in the collections of the Mineralogical Society,
and in the museum of the Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg,
which were found on the shore of the Pulkouka ; one of them weighs
ten thousand pounds. I have in my possession a rough specimen of
the Labrador of this State, merely rubbed off on the surface, and its
colours, I venture to say, compete in every respect with that from St.
Paul's island, if not superior ; and I anticipate the day when the citi
zens of New York will find a glory in possessing Labrador table and
mantel slabs, in the same ratio as the Italian and Irish marble is now
generally employed ; for the resources appear to be inexhaustible in
that rocky county of Essex. We do not see many specimens brought
from the coast of Labrador, and I was informed by Mr. Audubon, on
his return from that quarter, that he could not detect any specimens.
Mr. Henderson, of Jersey City, who presented me the above rough
specimen of Labrador, had likewise splendid small polished specimens

in breast-pins, displaying all the elements in their full beauty. The

same gentleman, who travelled last summer in company with several
scientific State geologists, states that they picked up beautiful specimens
at the height of five thousand seven hundred feet above the level of
the sea.
In the collection of Columbia College is a fine specimen of Labrador,
brought from Gaspy, Lower Canada, by the Hon. Mrs. Percival.

This mineral was formerly annexed to Hornblende, but has latterly
been separated ; its name is derived from the Greek, meaning " above
the stone," in reference to the great hardness and specific gravity
which it possesses.
The Hypersthene is found in crystalline masses ; has an uneven
fracture ; is opaque, and the colours are dark brown, red, greenish or
grayish black ; cleavage parallel to the sides, and shorter diagonals of
a rhombic prism ; its lustre is metallic, and when viewed in one cer
tain direction, copper-red, light brown, or gold-yellow, and in others a
greenish play of colours. It scratches glass, has a darkish green
streak-powder, and has a specific gravity of 3.38 ; is easily fusible
before the blow-pipe on charcoal to a grayish dark bead ; acids have
no effect, and it consists of magnesia, silex, alumina and lime, with
some water.
It is found forming a constituent of the Labrador rock, on the coast
of Labrador, Greenland, and in the United States, on Brandywine
Creek in Pennsylvania, and in Essex county, New Jersey ; fine spe
cimens have been found in Hingham, Massachusetts. The French
jewellers have lately begun to introduce this mineral for rings, pins,
and other ornaments, on account of its high polish and beautiful colour.
The best coloured pieces are cut out of the mass, and ground on a
lead wheel with emery en cabochon, and polished with rotten-stone.
Beauty of colour and other qualifications determine the price of this
stone ; at Paris a Hypersthene, en cabochon cut, and of 8 to 10 lines
long and 6 lines broad, was sold for one hundred and twenty francs.
The mineral is, however, pretty rare, and has not yet been fully

This mineral occurs mostly crystallized in the form of a four-sided
prism, terminated by four-sided pyramids, also massive; cleavage
parallel to all the planes of the prism ; is transparent and opaque ;

possesses strong double reflection of light; the lustre is between

vitreous and resinous ; cross fracture conchoidal ; the crystals are all
striated in length ; its colours are yellowish or brownish green, orange
yellow, sometimes blue and black. It scratches white glass and
Felspar, but is scratched by Topaz. Its streak powder is white, and
has a specific gravity of 3.8 to 3.4. Before the blow-pipe, fusible to
a brownish glass. It consists of lime, alumina, silex, with some oxide
of iron and manganese.
Idocrase is found in different geological positions in primitive and
volcanic rocks, in the cavities of the Serpentine in the Alps, in Pied
mont, Mount Somma, Vesuvius, Etna ; also Norway, Sweden, Spain ;
in the United States, Worcester, Massachusetts ; Salisbury, Connecti
cut; Cumberland, Rhode Island.
The Idocrase of pure green and brown colours, and transparent, is
used for rings and pins, and at Naples and Turin, it is principally cut
for jewellery on a leaden wheel, and is polished on wood with pumice
stone. The forms it receives are the brilliant, table and pavilion, and
if perfectly pure, it is mounted a jour, and otherwise, with a suitable
foil. The price of the Idocrase is not very high, as it is but little
known among the jewellers.
The Chrysolite and green Garnet are often substituted for Idocrase:
but the first has a greater specific gravity and is of a more vivid colour;
the latter is harder and likewise of greater specific gravity.
The Italian Idocrase, which is cut at Naples, is mostly called the
Italian Chrysolite.


The name of this mineral was given in honour of the celebrated

French mineralogist, the Abbe Haiiy. It occurs in crystals, in a
dodecahedron with brilliant faces, also in grains and massive ; of con
choidal fracture ; transparent and translucent ; strong vitreous lustre ;
structure imperfectly foliated. Its colours are indigo, sky, and smalt-
blue, also white, green, gray, and black. It scratches white glass and
is scratched by quartz: white streak powder; specific gravity is 2.47.
Before the blow pipe it loses its colour and fuses into a porous glass,
and with borax into a diaphanous glass, which turns yellow on cooling;
forms a jelly with acids. It consists of lime, alumina, silex, prot
oxide of iron, sulphuric acid, and soda or potash.
it is found in slacked basalt, and ejections of Mount Vesuvius, on
Bodenmais, on the Laach Lake, in Italy, and on the island Tiree,

The Hatiyne is not much known yet, but has lately been used for
rings, ear-rings, brooches, &c. ; it is cut like the Idocrase, but the price
will always be high on account of its scarcity.


The name of this mineral is derived from the Persian language,
meaning blue colour. The ancients were well acquainted with it,
and have employed it for other gems. The Greeks and Romans are
said to have called it by the name of Sapphire, calling that with specks
of iron pyrites the Sapphirus regilus ; Pliny called it the Cyanus. It
was formerly used as a strengthening medicine.
The Lapis Lazuli very seldom occurs crystallized, and its form is
the oblique four-sided prism ; mostly occurring compact and in grains
and specks, with uneven and conchoidal fracture ; it is translucent on
the edges ; lustre is nearly vitreous and shining ; structure is foliated ;
its colours are, the fine azure-blue, with different shades, and often in
terspersed with spots or veins of pyrites. It scratches glass, but is at
tacked by quartz and by the file; its specific gravity is 2.3 : before the
blow-pipe and on charcoal with difficulty runs into a white glass, but
with borax fuses with effervescence to a limpid glass. It consists of
lime, magnesia, alumina, and silex, with soda, protoxide of iron and
sulphuric acid.
It is generally called in trade the Armenian stone.
It is found in gangues of the older formations, and on the Buchary,
it exists in granite rocks, and is disseminated in all sizes of veins of
thin capacity ; and on the Baikal Lake it is found in solid pieces ; also
in Siberia, Thibet, China and Chili.
The Lapis Lazuli is much used for jewellery, such as rings, pins,
crosses, ear-rings, &c. The best pieces are generally cut out from
larger lumps by means of copper saws and emery, then ground with
emery on a lead wheel, and polished with rotten-stone on a tin wheel.
The rocks which yield the Lapis Lazuli, where it is contained in
specks, is likewise cut for ornamental purposes, such as snuff-boxes,
vases, candlesticks, cups, columns, cane-handles, &c., likewise for
architectural ornaments and stone mosaic ; the manner of cutting the
larger specimnes is by selecting those having the specs regularly dis
seminated on a white ground of the rock. The most important use
of this mineral is that of furnishing the celebrated and beautiful
pigment called Ultramarine blue, used by painters in oil, and said
never to fade. The Lapis Lazuli takes a very high polish, but be
comes soon dull again after being used for some time. It is sometimes

imitated by the Lazulite or Azure-stone, the blue carbonate of copper,

which, however, is not near so hard, and effervesces by testing with
nitric acid. Those specimens having the iron pyrites enclosed are
difficult to polish well, on account of the unequal hardness of both
The value of the Lapis Lazuli, although depending upon its purity
intensity of colour and size, has nevertheless much diminished when
compared with its former prices.
The Chinese, who for a long time have employed the Lapis Lazuli
in their porcelain painting, call the pure and sky-blue stone Zuisang,
and the dark blue, with disseminated iron pyrites, the Tchingtchang,
preferring the last to the former, and work the same for many orna
ments, such as vases, snuff-boxes, buttons and cups.
In the palace which Cathrine II. built for her favourite Orlof, at
St. Petersburg, there are some apartments entirely lined with Lapis
Lazuli, which forms a most magnificent decoration. I have several
slabs of three inches long, and fine azure-blue colour, in my posses
The production of Ultramarine has been known since 1502, and
was already employed, under the name of Azurum Ultramarinum, by
Camillus Leonarius.
The process of preparing the Ultramarine was known as early as
the fifteenth century. The colour is now mostly prepared at Rome,
in the following manner ; those pieces which are free from pyrites
specs, are first calcined and pulverized ; the powder is now formed into
a mass with a resinous cement (pastello), and fused at a strong heat ;
this is now amalgamated with the hands in soft water, whereby the
finest colouring particles are disengaged in the water, which will soon
be impregnated with the blue colour ; a fresh portion of water may
now be taken, continuing with this operation until the remains are
colourless. The Ultramarine, after a short time, settles to the bottom
of the vessels, and is then carefully separated and dried. If the
Lapis Lazuli was of the best quality, the product will be from two to
three per cent. That colour which remains yet in the mass is of in
ferior quality, and is called the Ultramarine ashes , it is of a paler and
more reddish colour.
Good Ultramarine has a silky touch, and its specific gravity is 2.36.
It does not lose its colour if exposed to heat, but is soon discoloured by
acids, and forms a jelly. In order to distinguish the pure Ultramarine
from numerous spurious and adulterating colours, such as indigo,
Prussia-blue, mineral-blue, &c., it is only necessary to test the article

in question with some acid, when after a few minutes the real ultra
marine is discoloured, yielding a clear solution and a white residuum.
The real ultramarine has always been at a very high price, on ac
count of the small product obtained from the material. An ounce of
the purest ultramarine is sold in France for two hundred to two hun
dred and fifty francs, which is not within the reach of all painters.
In the year 1828 the discovery was made by Professor Gmelin, in
Tubingen, that sulphuret of soda was the proper material for imita
ting this precious and valuable pigment. By his experiments he
succeeded in preparing this substance from silex, alumina, soda and
sulphur, producing a colour in every respect to correspond with the
genuine colour of the Lapis Lazuli, and bearing the same relation to
acids as the genuine ultramarine; and which for economy has become
a great object to painters and colourmen, since a whole pound of the
artificial ultramarine may be purchased in France for twenty francs.
As it bids fair to have a great consumption, being even substituted for
the colours of cobalt in bluing paper, thread, or any other stuff, several
manufacturers have already been induced to engage largely in this
article ; and there is now a very extensive establishment in full opera
tion by Mr. Guimet, three leagues from Lyons, who likewise claims a
priority of its discovery : the Royal Porcelain Manufactory at Meissen,
in Saxony, also prepares it. The process of preparing the artificial
ultramarine, as it was first described by Gmelin, is herewith given in
the same manner as it was published in the Annales de Chimie.
The whole process is divided into three parts :
1. The pure hydrate of silica is prepared by fusing fine pulverized
quartz or pure sand with four times its own weight of salt of tartar,
dissolving the fused mass in water and precipitating by muriatic acid;
also the hydrate of alumina is prepared from alum in solution, preci
pitated by ammonia.
2. Dissolve the silex so obtained in a hot solution of caustic soda,
and add to seventy parts of the pure silex seventy-two parts of alumina;
then evaporate these substances until a moist powder remains.
3. In a covered hessian crucible a mixture of dried sal soda, one
part, to two parts of sulphur, is heated gradually, until it is fully fused,
and to the fused mass add small quantities of the earthy precipitate,
taking care not to throw in fresh quantities until all the vapours have
ceased ; after standing for an hour in the fire, remove the crucible and
allow it to cool. It now contains the ultramarine, mixed with an
excess of sulphuret, which is to be removed by levigation, and if sul-
phuret is still in excess, it is to be expelled by moderate heat. Should
the colour not be uniform, levigation is the only remedy.

The name of this mineral is derived from the Greek, signifying
blue, on account of its blue colour. It has been known for many
centuries, having been cut by a German lapidary, Cornellius, under
James IV. by the name of Sappare, by which it is yet known among
the French jewellers.
It occurs in masses composed of a confused aggregation of crystals,
and in distinct crystals of four or eight sided prisms, much compressed,
with two broad shining faces. The crystals are generally closely
aggregated, and are crossing or standing on each other in a hemitropic
form, so as to present a singular and curious aspect : some of the crys
tals are curved, others are corrugated or wrinkled, as though they had
been pressed endwise, or had not room to stretch themselves at full
length ; others are pressed into triangular shapes, &c. It has a foliated
structure, uneven fracture ; is transparent and translucent ; simple re
fraction of light ; lustre vitreous and pearly ; its colours are azure-blue
passing into light blue or bluish white and bluish green. It scratches
white glass, and is attacked by Topaz or a good file ; yields a white
streak-powder ; has a specific gravity of 3.63 to 3.67. It becomes elec
tric by rubbing, and often assumes the positive and negative electricity
in one and the same specimen ; is infusible before the blow-pipe, but
with borax it fuses with difficulty to a transparent limpid glass: acids
have no effect.
It consists of alumina and silex, sometimes combined with oxide of
iron and water.
The Kyanite is found in the micaceous, talcose and argillaceous
slate, at St. Gothard, and on the Tyrol, in Switzerland, in Styria,
Corinthia, Bohemia, Spain, Siberia, and in the United States of the
purest azure-blue colour, and large specimens, in Litchfield, Haddam
and near New-Haven, (Connecticut) ; Chesterfield, Conway, Gran
ville, Deerfield, and Plainfield, (Massachusetts) ; Grafton, Norwich,
and Bellows Falls, (Yermont); Oxford (New Hampshire); East Brad
ford, East Marlborough, and Chester county (Pennsylvania.)
The Kyanite has not yet been received as a favourite among the
jewellers, else it would long have been cut for the various purposes of
ornaments, more particularly in this country, where the localities are
so numerous and the colour so beautiful, and when well cut it may be
substituted for the Sapphire. I indulge the hope, that some jewellers

or lapidaries may take a hint from this remark. In France and Spain
it has for some years past been used for rings, brooches, and other jew
ellery. It is generally ground with emery on a lead wheel, and with
pumice-stone polished on a wood plate, receiving the last polish with
rotten-stone. The form it receives is en cabochon or table-cut. Usually
the best parts of good uniform coloured specimens are picked out for
the cutting.
The price of this stone depends upon the hardness, colour and po
lish : perfect specimens command a good price. Very fine cut specimens
were brought from the East Indies, and sold in France as Sapphires.

The name of this mineral is probably derived from the country
whence it was generally brought into market, which is Turkey. In
ancient times it was used as a remedy for several diseases, and was
also worn as an amulet against disasters. It occurs in reniform
masses and in specs ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is opaque ; dull and
waxy lustre ; its colours are blue and green, from sky-blue to apple-
green, sometimes yellowish ; scratches Apatite, but not Quartz nor
white glass, and is easily attacked by the file ; has a white streak-
powder; its specific gravity is 2.86 to 3.0 ; is infusible before the blow
pipe alone, loses its blue colour and becomes yellowish-brown, but
fuses with borax into a limpid glass. Muriatic acid has no effect upon
it ; and it consists of alumina, phosphoric acid, water, oxide of copper
and protoxide of iron.
There are two kinds of Turquoise used in trade, which differ ma
terially in their composition, and are from different localities ; they are,
1. The Turquoise from the old rock, or the true Turquoise, which
is generally called the Oriental Turquoise, that we receive from Per
sia, and is of sky-blue and greenish colour.
2. The Turquoise from the new rock, the Occidental or bone and
tooth Turquoise, which is either dark-blue, light-blue, or bluish-green ;
the surface of this mineral is sometimes transversed by veins which
are lighter than the ground ; it is of organic origin, probably coloured
teeth of antideluvian animals ; and it owes its colour, according to
Bouillon Lagrange, to two per cent, of phosphate of iron contained in
it. It is easily distinguished from the Oriental Turquoise by its struc
ture, internally foliated and striated, which is an indication of a bony
structure ; it does not take so high a polish, gets discoloured in dis
tilled water, dissolves in acids, and is totally destroyed by aquafortis.
Its localities are Siberia, Languedoc in France, and other places.

The true or Oriental Turquoise is found on small gangues of bog

ore and silicious shiste, in boulders, &c. A mineral by the name of
Kalaite, as a coating to silicious sinter, of Silesia and Saxony, has
some years ago been discovered. The Turquoise is brought to market
by the merchants of Bucharia, ready cut and polished ; and in Mos
cow it is wrought over, being ground on a lead wheel with emery, and
polished with rotten-stone or pumice-stone on a tin-wheel ; and its last
and best polish is received from the jewellers, by rubbing with a linen
rag and rouge. Since it is often transversed with fissures and cracka
in the interior, it requires great caution in grinding. It is mostly cut
in the form en cabochon, also as thick or tablestones, and is used for
numerous purposes in jewellery, such as rings, ear-rings, brooches, and
also for mounting around the most precious gems.
The price of the Turquoise has, for the last ten years, much de
creased ; and that of an Oriental is generally four times higher than
the occidental ; one, the size of a pea, is worth about five dollars ; a
good Turquoise, sky-blue and oval cut, 5 lines long and 4j lines broad
was sold in France for two hundred and forty one francs ; and a light
blue, greenish lustre, and oval cut, 5 \ lines long and 5 broad, was sold
for five hundred francs; whereas an occidental Turquoise of 4 lines
long, and 3\ broad, was only sold for one hundred and twenty-one
francs. The Turquoise is very well imitated artificially, so much so
as to render it difficult to discover the difference between that and the
real, by adding to a precipitated solution of copper and spirits of harts
horn, finely powdered and calcined ivory-black, and leaving the pre
cipitate to itself for about a week, at a moderate heat, and by carefully
drying the same, and exposing to a gentle heat. This artificial Tur
quoise is softer than the real, and cut with a knife in shavings, where
as the genuine yields a white powder. The real Turquoise displays
in the day-time a sky-blue, and at night time a light and greenish
colour, is not attacked by acids, and resists the fire.
In the museum of the Imperial Academy at Moscow is a Tur
quoise of more than three inches in length and one inch in breadth.
A jeweller at Moscow is said to have had in his possession a two
inch long Torquoise of the form of a heart. This formerly belonged
to Nadir Shah, who wore the same as an amulet, for which he asked
five thousand rubles.
A short time ago I beheld a splendid and one of the largest Tur
quoise at a sale, which was one inch in size, and of blue colour, and
which is now in the possession of M. Livingston, Esq.

This mineral is of late date, and receives its name on account of
the soda contained in it ; it occurs reniform, botryoidal and massive,
such as mamillary, and in alternate zones around the centre ; splintry
fracture ; translucent on the edges ; pearly lustre ; colours white,
yellowish-white, or reddish-brown, and the colours often alternate in
different layers ; it scarcely scratches glass, but is scratched by
Felspar ; has a white streak powder ; its specific gravity is 2.16 ;
fuses before the blowpipe to a colourless spongy glass ; it consists of
soda, alumina, silex and water, sometimes a little oxide of iron. Its
localities are Switzerland, Bohemia, Saxony, Scotland, and Nova
Scotia. The Natrolite, on account of its susceptibility of high polish,
has been used for rings and other ornaments in jewellery, but has
not yet found much application, and its value is also very inconside

This mineral was well known to the ancients, but was not particu
larly distinguished until the sixteenth century, when it was introduced
as a flux. As early as 1670 the art of etching in glass by means
of Fluorspar was practised at Nuremberg.
Fluorspar occurs mostly in crystals of various forms, the principal
of which is the octahedron with its varieties, the cube and the
rhomboidal dedacahedron ; also massive and in specks ; uneven or
splintry fracture ; is transparent or translucent on the edges ; simple
refraction of light ; vitreous lustre ; its colours are purple, red, green,
yellow, gray, blue, white, and all its various shades, from the violet to
the rose-red.
It scratches lime but not glass ; yields to the knife ; has a white
streak powder ; its specific gravity is 3.14 to 3.17 ; becomes electric
by rubbing; before the blowpipe it fuses with ebullition into an
opaque globule, but with borax into a transparent glass ; when
pulverized and treated with heated sulphuric acid, it emits fluoric acid
gas, which is employed in etching in glass ; it consists of fluoric
acid and lime ; phosphoresces when thrown on hot iron. On
account of its variety, and beautiful rich colours, it comes when cut,
in trade, under the various names of false Emerald, false Amethyst,
false Ruby, and false Topaz, according to the colour it represents. It
is mostly found in metallifrous veins, and very rarely in the newer
formations. Its localities are Baden, Bohemia, Saxony, St. Gothard,
Derbyshire, Devonshire, and the United States, of a most beautiful

colour and crystals ; and of a late discovery at Russy, in St. Lawrence

Co., State of New York, I have specimens of crystals two feet long
and five wide ; also in Illinois, seventeen miles from Shawneetown ;
Blueridge, Maryland ; Smith, Co., Tennessee ; Franklin Furnace and
Hamburgh, New Jersey ; Saratoga Springs, Alexandria, New York ;
Middletown, Huntington, Connecticut ; Thetford, Southhampton
Lead mines, Massachusetts, and White Mountains, New Hampshire.
Fluorspar is cut for ring stones and shirt buttons, and particularly
in such forms which are intended to be substituted for other gems ;
but in Derbyshire are large mills for grinding, cutting and polishing
the Fluorspar into vases, cups, obelisks, plates, candle-sticks, &c.,
ever since 1765, and there are now more manufactories, princi
pally at Darbey. That Fluorspar, which may be called the
nodular variety, and the colours of which run in bands or zones, and
known by the technical name of Derbyshire-spar or Blue John, is
used for the various purposes of ornaments, which are distinguished
over the world in parlours or mineral collections. In order to heighten
the various colours in the ornamental specimens before they are
polished, they are heated to a certain degree, when the dark spots, or
tints will disappear, and the coloured bands appear more distinct.
Fluorspar is often intermixed with lead ore, called Galena, and
which gives, when polished, a beautiful appearance. Ornaments of
Fluorspar still command a high price, which, however, depends a
good deal on the perfect qualities of the various specimens, according
to colour, size, &c.
A translucent variety of Fluorspar, called Chlorophane, found in
Cornwall, England, and Siberia, and principally in the United States,
in New Stratford, Connecticut, is of beautiful variegated colours, but
principally blue, violet and green, is mostly interesting on account of
its phosphorescence ; when put on hot iron in a dark room, it emits a
most beautiful emerald green light. A beautiful vase of Derbyshire-
spar may be seen in the collection of the New York Lyceum of
Natural History, as also crystalline groups.

The name of this mineral is from the Greek, alluding to its colour,
and was well known to the ancients ; and Theophrastus called it the
Pseudo Emerald ; it was worn also as an amulet.
It occurs tuberose, globular, reniform, mamillary and stalactiform ;
also in fibres ; has an uneven conchoidal and splintry fracture ; is

opaque ; dull and shining lustre ; has an Emerald or verdigris green

colour, alternating sometimes in stripes of the different shades of
green. It scratches lime, but not glass ; its streak powder is of
lighter colour than the mineral ; its specific gravity is 3.67 ; before
the blowpipe it decrepitates and turns black ; with borax it is reduced
to a metallic grain ; it effervesces with nitric acid ; is dissolved, and
forms a blue colour with ammonia ; and it consists of oxide of copper,
carbonic acid and water.
The Malachite is found in various rocks, primitive as well as
secondary, on gangues and strata. The finest specimens are obtained
in Siberia, Tyrol, France, Hungary, Norway, Sweden, England,
Bohemia, and the United States, in a great number of localities, but
either in small specimens, or a coating of other copper ores, which will
ever render it useless for ornamental purposes. The principal locali
ties in this country are in New Jersey, Connecticut, and all the copper
mines ; also in the Island of Cuba, from where I have seen some
good compact specimens.
Some very fine specimens of compact Malachite from Siberia, were
presented to the New York Lyceum of Natural History, by Charles
Cramer, Esq. of St. Petersburg. I also saw some excellent specimens
of Malachite in the collection of Dr. Martin Gay, at Boston.
The Malachite, when cut, takes a high polish, which renders it. so
fit for the various ornaments in jewellery, as rings, pins, ear-rings, &c.
Likewise snuff-boxes, candlesticks, mosaics, &c. are made from it. In
general the specimens are assorted, and the best pieces cut on a leaden
wheel with emery, and polished with rotten-stone on a tin plate. Very
large specimens are used for table plates and large vases.
The value of the Malachite is not high, being very abundant ; yet
much depends upon the size of the various specimens of ornament.
At St. Petersburg, a very large slab, said to be in the former collection
of Dr. Guthrie, of thirty-two inches long and seventeen inches broad,
and two inches thick, was valued at twenty thousand francs. Many
rooms in several European palaces are laid out with Malachite ; and
the Mineralogical Museum at Jena possesses the largest collection of
Malachite I have ever seen, and which was presented by the Grand
Duchess of Saxe Weimar, a Russian princess.
An apartment in the Grand Trianon at Versailles, is furnished with
pier and centre tables, mantel-pieces, ewers and basins, with enormous
ornamental vases of Malachite, the gift of the Emperor Alexander to


This mineral occurs stalactiform, globular, reniform arid massive ;
of fibrous texture, (that is, fine delicate fibres closely adhering together);
pearly lustre ; translucent on the edges : the colours are, snow-white,
yellowish-white, or pale-red, coloured by metallic oxides. It scratches
gypsum, but not glass ; has a specific gravity of 2.70 ; it becomes
electric by rubbing ; before the blow-pipe it is infusible, and changes
into quicklime, but borax reduces it to a clear glass. It effervesces and
dissolves with nitric acid ; and consists of lime and carbonic acid.
Satin Spar is called by mineralogists the fibrous limestone, and is found
in the coal formations, and in the cavities of several limestones. The
finest specimens are found in Cumberland and Derbyshire, England ;
in Hungary ; and in the United States, near Baltimore, in Pennsylva
nia, also at Westfield and Newburyport, Massachusetts, where splen
did specimens of five inches long are obtained, according to Professor
Hitchcock. It takes a fine polish, and is distinguished by its extra
ordinary fine satin lustre, and is therefore used for various articles in
jewellery, such as ear-rings, necklaces, beads, also for inlaid work ;
large specimens are used for snuff-boxes.
Satin Spar beads have been a great favourite as neck-laces and ear
rings, and were sold a few years ago in England at very high prices.
In modern times, the satin beads or pearls have been imitated to a
great extent in France and Germany, in white and deep-yellow co
lours : they are made in the following manner : glass beads, of a
bluish-white tinge, and hollow inside, are made to imitate the reflection
of the Satinspar, by the scales of a small river fish called the bleak,
and which are suspended in dissolved isinglass ; this is now dropped
into the bulbs, which are then turned in all directions in order to spread
it equally over their interior surface, and by those means the glass
bulbs assume the natural colour and brilliancy of the Satinspar; they
are harder, however, and it is easy to detect them on that account.
Fine specimens may be seen at the New York Lyceum of Natural
History, also in the collection of Dr. Gay, of Boston.
The Satin Gypsum, which bears the greatest resemblance to the
Satinspar, and only differs in its chemical constituents, (having sul
phuric acid as a component part,) is much used for the same kind of
ornamental purposes, and is more abundant over the world. I have
seen very splendid specimens at Boston, in the beautiful collection of
minerals belonging to Francis Alger, Esq., who brought them from
Nova Scotia, and who has also given so valuable a description of all
the mineral treasures of that country.

The Satin Gypsum is, however, much softer than the Satin Spar,
and is much easier scratched ; for which reasons it is not so generally

This mineral is a compact Gypsum, and occurs massive, with a
compact fracture ; is translucent ; has a glinimering lustre ; its colours
are white, reddish, or yellowish.
The purest kinds of this mineral are used in Italy for vases, cups,
candlesticks, and other ornaments. It is found at Castelino, in Tus
cany, thirty-five miles from Leghorn, at two hundred feet below the
surface of the earth.
The yellow variety is called by the Italians Alabastro Agatato, and
is found at Sienna ; another variety of a bluish colour, is obtained at
Guercieto, and is remarkably beautiful, being marked with variegated
colours of purple, blue and red. The above Alabasters are carbonates
of lime.
The principal manufactory of Alabaster ornaments is at Valterra,
thirty-six miles from Leghorn, where about five thousand persons live
by this kind of labour. In making, they require great care, and to be
preserved from dust, as the Alabaster is difficult to clean. Talcum,
commonly called French chalk, will remove dirt, but the best mode of
restoring the colour, is to bleach the Alabaster on a grass-plat. Gum
water is the only cement to attach broken parts.
Plaster of Paris is likewise a compact gypsum, but contains a
small portion of carbonic acid, which makes it effervesce by treating
with acids. It was formerly only exported from Montmartre, near Paris,
hence its name ; it is much used in ornamenting rooms in stucco, in
taking impressions of medals, and in casting statues, busts, vases, time
piece stands, candelabras, obelisks, and for many other purposes.
The common Plaster of Paris is ground after being calcined ; and
in this condition it has the property of forming a pliable mass with
water, which soon hardens, and assumes the consistency of stone.

This gem has been known to the inhabitants of remote ages ; the
Phenecians sailed to the Baltic, (the Glessany islands), for the sole
purpose of obtaining 'Amber, which they wrought into chains and
other ornaments, that were sold to the Greeks, who called the same
Electrum. In the Trojan war, as Homer reports, the women wore
necklaces of Amber. Its electric properties were likewise known, for

Thales was so much surprised at that phenomenon, that he attributed

it to a soul in the Amber ; and Pliny says that Amber is revived by
heat, the nature of electricity not being understood. It was also worn
as an amulet, and used for medicine. But they could not agree as to
its origin ; Philemon, according to Pliny, classed it as a fossil ; Tacitus,
however, judging from the insects held in it, concluded it must be a
vegetable juice, whence its name in Latin, Succinum, or juice. Many
naturalists have, until latterly, considered Amber as a mineral ; but it
has been satisfactorily proved by Schweigger and Brewster, from its
chemical characters, and polarising light, to be a gum-resin, and that
it is the juice of a tree, called the amber tree, now extinct.
Amber occurs in nodules or roundish masses, from grains to pieces
the size of a man's head ; sometimes in specks ; has a conchoidal
fracture ; is transparent and translucent ; single refraction of light ;
resinous lustre in a high degree : the colours are wine and wax yel
low, greenish or yellowish white, or reddish brown ; sometimes the
colours vary in layers. It scratches gypsum, but is attacked by car
bonate of lime ; its streak-powder is yellowish-white ; has a specific
gravity of 1.08 to 1.10 ; it becomes electric by rubbing. Before the
blow-pipe it burns with a yellowish and bluish green flame, emitting
at the same time a dense and agreeable smoke, and leaving a carbon
aceous residuum ; heated oil softens and makes it pliable ; it does not
melt as easily as other resins, requiring 517° Fahrenheit ; produces in
dry distillation an acid which is called succinic acid ; also an essen
tial oil, known by the name of oil of amber, and in the retort remains
a brown mass, called the resin of amber, which is used in the arts as
amber varnish ; any essential oil, or spirits of turpentine may be used
for procuring the resin ; fat oils dissolve the amber perfectly ; in its
elementary constituents it consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen,
with some lime, alumina and silex.
Amber is found either thrown out by the sea, or in the small rivers
near it ; sometimes in alluvial deposits of land or gravel in the vicinity
of the sea or in bituminous formations, such as lignite, bituminous
wood, or jet, where crystallized minerals are at the same time found,
such as iron pyrites, &c.
Its geological distribution is the green sand formation, or according
to De la Beche, to the stratified rocks, between the third and fourth
large group. It is found all over the world, but the principal localities
are the shores of the Baltic in Prussia, from Memel to Dantzic, where
it is collected by the inhabitants in various modes. One of the largest
specimens ever found on the Baltic was in 1811, measuring fourteen

inches in length by nine inches in breadth, and weighing twenty one

I had in my own collection in the year 1831, a splendid wax-yellow
Amber, from the Baltic, which measured about sixty cubic inches, and
weighed nearly two pounds ; it is also found on the Danish coast, and
in Greenland, Sicily, Monrovia, Poland, France, and the West Indies.
A sailor is said to have found a remarkable specimen of eighteen inches
in length in a singular manner ; the discoverer accidentally seated
himself on it, when he became so attracted to the amber, excited by
his natural heat, that it was with some difficulty he could detach him
self from it.
In the United States we find Amber at Cape Sable in Maryland, in
a bed of lignite, in masses of four and five inches diameter, also near
Trenton, and at Camden, New Jersey, where a transparent specimen
of several inches in diameter was found ; according to Professor Hitch
cock, it is found at Martha's Vineyard, Gay Head, and at Nantucket
At the latter place, a light coloured specimen was found, of three or
four inches diameter, which is in the collection of P. A. Greene, Esq.
of New Bedford.
The production of Amber depends upon the position of the respective
localities; whether it is found among sand and gravel, in mines called
Amber mines, or in the sea, on the shore, or in smaller rivers n«ar the
sea coast ; and the modes of collecting are three-fold :
1. The Amber mines, which are numerous in Prussia, are wrought
like other mines, and explored to a depth of more than one hundred
feet. Shafts are constructed for raising the product from the interior
of the mines ; and the miners dig until they come to the amber vein,
which is generally found after passing a stratum of sand and a bed of
clay of twenty feet thickness, and another stratum of decomposing
trees or lignite, which may be fifty feet through ; they come then to the
pits, which by the characteristic colour of the soil is the best indication
to search for them.
2. The second mode of collecting the Amber in the sea, is effected
generally after a storm, by the fishermen, who either wade into the
water, provided with leather dresses, to their necks, or they use small
boats, and find at the depth of three fathoms the floating Amber.
3. It is mostly, however, collected in large quantities on the shore,
after having been thrown up in severe storms.
The Amber fishermen are by practice pretty well skilled in finding
out the proper spots where the largest quantities may be obtained.
Amber from the mines does not essentially differ from that of the
sea, 'except that the former is rather more brittle, and is often covered
with an earthy crust.
The Amber is assorted before it comes into the hands of the lapi
dary or merchant, and according to size and clearness of colour, they
have their technical names, either,
1. The exquisite specimens, which are perfectly pure, transparent
and compact, weighing from five to six ounces or more, are employed
in larger ornaments and specimens of the arts, and fetch the highest
2. The ton stones, which are from a quarter to four ounces, the
larger or purest pieces of which go for jewellery, and the impure for
incense or medicine.
3. The nodules are still smaller.
4. The varnish stones are yet smaller than the former, but are very
pure and hard so as to be easily pulverized, and are used for varnishes,
sealing wax, &c.
5. The sandstones are very small, opaque and perforated pieces.
6. The lumps are large but impure specimens, unfit for a lapidary's
use ; they are sold as specimens, or employed as incense or for the
manufacture of succinic acid.
7. Refuse are those pieces falling off at the lapidary's bench.
The pure Amber receives from the lapidary distinct names accord
ing to the shades of colour it possesses, such as egg, pale and light
yellow, and so into its brownish shades. The assorted Amber is then
treated according to the various purposes it is intended for, and receives
its requisite form by cleaving with an appropriate instrument or chisel,
by which, also the external crust is removed. It is generally believed
that the worse the crust is in appearance, the more beautiful is the in
terior of the Amber.
Amber, taking a very high polish, is employed to a [great many
purposes of jewellery and ornaments, such as beads, necklaces, brace
lets, ear-rings, buttons, rosaries, mouth-pieces for pipes, cane-heads,
snuff-boxes, work-boxes, &c. It is generally wrought on the turner's
lathe, by steel instruments, and is easily bored ; it is polished on a
leaden wheel with pumice-stone, then with linen or a hat-body and
rotten-stone, and lastly by rubbing it with the hand. Common spe
cimens are polished with a linen rag, and chalk and water. Beads of
amber must be drilled before receiving the facets. In cutting and
working amber, care must be taken not to overheat it with friction, in
which case it is liable to crack. Amber has occasionally been cut into
cameos, busts, images, &c.

Impure Amber pieces may be much improved by wrapping them

in paper and allowing them to digest for forty hours in hot ashes, in
a pot filled with sand ; or by boiling them with gradually increased
heat in linseed oil. Amber may also be coloured red, blue and
violet, and dissolved in absolute alcohol ; it may be cast into different
ornaments. Broken Amber may be mended by a cement of linseed
oil, gum mastic and litharge ; or by moistening the ends of both
pieces with potash, warming the same and pressing at the same
time the parts together.
The price of Amber has in former times been much higher than at
present, but size, colour and transparency always govern the same.
A pure exquisite specimen of one pound is sold for forty dollars ; but
most good specimens are sent to Armenia, the East and Turkey, to
which places manufactured Amber goods to the amount of fifty to
sixty thousand dollars are exported from one manufactory at Stolpe,
in East Prussia.
Amber is often adulterated in various ways, and most particularly
by gum copal, which is palmed upon the ignorant for Amber, and
which does actually resemble it in many respects ; for both are of the
same colour ; both become negatively electric by friction ; both have
nearly the same specific gravity, and both give a pleasant odour in
burning ; and hence when wrought as jewellery or ornaments, it is
not easy to distinguish the one from another. One mode of detection
was pointed out by the Abbe Haiiy : " If," says he, " a fragment of
Amber be attached to the point of a knife, and inflamed, it will
burn with some noise, and a kind of ebullition, but without liquifying
so as to flow : and if it should fall on any flat surface it rebounds a
little ; whereas the copal, under similar circumstances, melts and
falls in drops, which become flattened." My own experience has
taught me the following distinguishing characteristics : first is the
electro-metre, a small instrument composed of a brass needle, suspended
on a pin, the most essential distinguishing guide ; for Amber, on
being rubbed, will excite the instrument about ten degrees more than
copal ; secondly, Amber on being brought before the fire, requires a
pretty high temperature for melting it, and produces no kind of ebulli
tion ; whereas copal easily liquifies, burns with much smoke, and
decrepidates more than Amber.
Amber is likewise adulterated by gum Arabic, gum thus, shellac,
and glass pastes. The latter can easily be distinguished by their
hardness, and the former by their solubility in hot water.
Amber very frequently has enclosed insects, such as flies, beetles,
&c., in a state of complete preservation. Such specimens are much
sought for, and command a very high price ; and on that account
the adulterations are mosdy practised, and in the following manner :
either by boring a hole in the Amber and introducing the beetle and
filling it up with pulverized gum mastic, and then let it melt over a
charcoal fire ; or by melting the Amber, throwing in the insects and
letting it cool. The first adulteration may easily be detected, since
the mastic will never be^able to combine closely with the Amber, and
shows more or less cracks and fissures ; but the latter is scarcely to be
detected, without a scientific investigation of the enclosed insects,
which in the natural specimens do not exist in the present world
being called antediluvian, or extinct species of animals.
The most extraordinary collection of specimens of Amber may be
seen in the cabinet at Dantzic. A specimen of Amber of fifteen
pounds weight is preserved in the cabinet at Berlin. The inhabitants
of Colberg, in 1576, presented to the Emperor Rudolph II. a speci
men of Amber weighing eleven pounds.

This mineral occurs massive ; has a conchoidal fracture ; is opaque;
shining lustre ; is of jet, velvet or pitch black colour. It is pretty soft,
and yields to the knife ; has a specific gravity of 1.29 to 1.35 ; it burns
with a greenish flame, and emits a strong bituminous smell. In trade
it is also called Black Amber or Pitch Coal. It is found in the brown
coal formation, of the plastic clay, and the lias, with lignite and amber,
in England, France, Silesia, Hessia, Italy, Spain and Prussia.
Jet bears a high polish, and is wrought into necklaces, ear-rings,
crosses, rosaries, snuff-boxes, buttons, bracelets, and particularly for
mourning jewellery. It is at first generally assorted to select the
best pieces, most suitable for working ; such as are free from iron
pyrites, lignite, and have no cracks nor fissures. It is then turned
on a lathe and likewise on horizontal sand stone wheels, which run
unequally on their peryphery, by which the same specimens may
be cut and polished at the same time. During the operation the Jet
must be moistened with water, else it may crack from overheating.
It is polished with rotten-stone or crocus martis and oil, on linen,
or buckskin ; and lastly by the palm of the hand.
Jet was formerly a considerable branch of industry in France,
where, in 1786, the department de l'Aube occupied 1200 workmen ;
but at the present time it is no more worn, and the black enamel is
substituted for it.
Both the above specimens of coal are employed like the Jet for
ornaments ; the first is manufactured in England into various orna
ments, and the latter in the United States. At a late fair of the
American Institute, at New York, large candlesticks and other orna
ments were exhibited, from a manufactory at Philadelphia, and were
beautiful specimens.

This mineral is a compound of several minerals, and is a volcanic
production. It occurs massive, with vesicular or porous marks ; of
splintry and conchoidal fracture; lustre dull or glistening; opaque,
and of gray, brown, red, yellow, black, green and white colours, with
all their shades. It often contains crystals of Felspar, Leucite, Horn
blende, &c. In the arts for ornamental purposes the compact varieties
only are cut and polished. In Naples jewellery and ornaments in
great quantities are manufactured and exported ; such as pins, ear
rings, intaglios, snuff-boxes, vases, candleabras, &c. The different
Lavas are cut with sand and emery, and polished with pumicestone.
Lava is found in all volcanic countries, and particularly at jEtna,
Vesuvius, Hecla, in Mexico, the Lipari Islands, &c. Lava is often
used as the base for Mosaic works. The blue Lava of Mount
Vesuvius has the appearance of artificial blue enamel, and is much
sought for as jewellery and other ornaments. I have inspected fine
specimens of polished slabs at the Boston Society of Natural History.

xxxiv. JADE.
This mineral is called in mineralogical works Nephrite, Hatchet
Stone, Punamu. It occurs massive ; has a splintry fracture ; a
greasy lustre when polished ; is translucent ; scratches glass, and is
attacked by Felspar ; is of mountain grass and sea-green colours ; is
fusible into a greenish glass ; it consists of silex, lime, alumnia,
magnesia and iron. It was originally found in China, Egypt, on
the Amazon River, in an Island in New Zealand, called Pavai
Punamu, and in the United States, (Smithfield, R. I. and Newbury,
It is used for snuff-boxes, cups, &c. ; and in Turkey they use it
for handles to sabres, daggers and hatchets. Deities have frequently
been excavated from ancient ruins. Such I have seen a few years
ago in a collection of Indian curiosities brought from Mexico.
This mineral has its name from its colour, which resembles the
skin of a serpent. It is generally divided into two varieties , the
Common or Opaque Serpentine, and the Precious, Noble or Trans
lucent Serpentine.
Serpentine occurs massive ; the common is occasionally crystallized
in rhomboidal crystals, in Norway, New Jersey, Pennsylvania ; has
a splintry, uneven and conchoidal fracture ; is unctuous to the touch ;
yields to the knife ; colours are green in all its shades, but also
reddish and grayish ; has a specific gravity of 2.5 ; infusible before
the blowpipe, but with borax dissolves into a transparent glass. It
does not belong to the stratified rocks, but to the ophiolithes of
Broginart, and is mostly associated with granite, gneiss, micaceous,
chlorite, argillaceous shistes and limestone ; and therefore belongs to
the primitive formation.
Serpentine, for richness and variety of colours, exceeds all rocks of
the world ; and it abounds all over the globe, in large consolidated
rocks. Its localities are too numerous to be specified. In the Alps
we find the Serpentine nine thousand feet high ; in France the
mountains of Limousin ; in Spain, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, Shet
land Isles, Cornwall, Italy, Bohemia, Saxony, Bavaria, Switzerland,
and in the United States we find it all along the Alantic coast, where
the primary rocks are found, as at Hoboken, New Jersey, opposite
to New York City, Warwick, New Jersey ; as far as] Maryland, at
Bare Hills, through Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massa
chusetts, Vermont, &c. The Serpentine beds of Massachusetts are
inexhaustible. In Middlefield, Massachusetts, the bed is one quarter
mile in breadth and six miles long, which alone would be sufficient to
supply the whole world with a valuable material for ornamental and
architectural purposes. There are other beds at Westfield, Blanford,
Pelham, Zoar, "Windsor, Marlborough, Cavendish and other towns in
Vermont. Another most beautiful specimen is in Newbury, near
Newburyport ; and latterly a new locality was discovered by Dr.
Jackson in Lynnfield, Mass.
Serpentine encloses the chromate of iron in the Shetland Islands,
Maryland, &c. ; and is on that account of the highest importance to
the artist.
It is easily wrought on lathes into various articles ; such as snuff
boxes, vases, inkstands, &c. In a small place at Zoblitz, in Saxony,
several hundred persons are constantly employed in the manufacture
of the various utensils ; such as boxes, trinkits, and chimney pieces.

The locality of Grenada, in Spain, has supplied many churches and

palaces of Madrid with large columns, and other ornaments. It is
really surprising that the inhabitants of those districts where the Pre
cious Serpentine is found, have not yet started it as an article of trade,
as the quality of the American Serpentine is, if not superior to the
English and Spanish, certainly not inferior to any hitherto found :
and I trust that the day is not far distant when our parlours will be
embellished with mantel-pieces, tables, and mantel ornaments. Also,
candlesticks, mugs, pitchers, knife handles, firearm stands, jamb hooks
and many other domestic articles, may be introduced, instead of silver-
plated, steel, and cast iron ware.
Serpentine is often associated with a number of other minerals,
thus : a, Serpentine with Talc ; b, Serpentine with Diallage or
Schiller-spar ; c, Serpentine with Amianthus ; d, Serpentine with
Asbestos ; e, Serpentine with Garnets ; f, Serpentine with Actinolite,
&c. That variety which contains the Amianthus in one layer, is
sometimes exceedingly beautiful ; and when polished has the appear
ance of Satin-spar.

This mineral bears the name of a very extensive family; and
although in the form of limestone used as a building material, would
not deserve a place in these pages, but that a number of species or
varieties of Marble are, for their beauty, structure and rarity, used in
jewellery as ornaments. I will, therefore, out of the large class of
Marble, limestone, or calcareous Spar, enumerate those varieties
which are within the reach of our object.


It occurs in large tuberous, undulated masses ; botryoidal, mammil-
lary or concretional, either in icicles or circles ; of fibrous fracture ;
translucent ; pearly lustre ; colour generally yellowish-white and
white ; its composition is calcareous spar ; it originates in caverns,
through which the water niters, and on its ultimate evaporation
leaves this carbonate of lime in various forms, which sometimes
imitate altars, pillars, animals, &c.
Those pillars or icicles which are pendant from the roof, and those
rising from the base, are sometimes divided into Stalactite for the
first, and Stalagmite for the latter. But the cause of their existence
is the same, and there ought not to be any distinction in their
Ornaments of stalactite in the shape of vases, &c. are often seen
in fancy stores. The greatest localities of this mineral are, the Grotto
of Antiparos , Bauman's Cave in the Hartz, which I visited in 1827,
and which displays gigantic stalactites ; also Derbyshire, and in the
United States, are very celebrated caves, which yield this article.
They have lately been described by my friend Charles Cramer, Esq.
Russian Vice Consul at New York, an enthusiastic and useful mine
ralogist of St. Petersburg, in a pamphlet published by the Imperial
Mineralogical Society of St. Petersburg, in the German language ; and
as this interesting little work is not accessible to all, I will here translate
the index of all the caves enumerated by him as North American.
Canada—Grotto in the Niagara,
A cave in Lanark, Upper Canada,
A smaller cave at the same place.
New-Hampshire—The Devil's Cave.
Vermont—The caves in Bennington,
" " Dorset.
Massachusetts—The Natural bridge and cave at Nahant,
" " over the Hudson brook,
The cave near Sunderland,
" in Berkshire,
Two caves in New Marlborough,
The cave near West Stockbridge,
" in Lanesboro'
" in Adams,
The Purgatories, near Sutton.
Connecticut—The West Rock cave, New Haven.
Rhode Island—The Purgatory, near Newport
The Spouting, near ditto.
New York—Cave near Watertown,
" at the Niagara,
Ball's Cave,
Knox Cave,
The Monito at Wigwam or Devil's Abode,
Esopus Cave.
Pennsylvania—The Devil's Hole, in Bucks county,
The cave on the Swatera river.
Maryland—Hughes Cave,
The cave at Harwell.
Virginia—Weyer's Cave,
Wreast's Cave,

Madison's Cave,
Zane's Cave,
Blowing Cave, near the Panther Dale,
Greenbriar's Cave,
Cave on the Kanhawa River,
Chapin's Cave,
Johnson's Cave,
Allen's Cave,
Ruffner's Cave,
Roger's Cave,
Reid's Cave,
Natural Tunnel in Scott County,
Natural Bridge in Rockbridge County.
Ohio—Mason's Cave,
Nature's Building, or Cave in the Rock.
Indiana—Epsom Salt Cave,
Cave near Corydon.
Kentucky—Boone's Cave,
Russel's Cave,
White Cave,
Mammoth's Cave,
Cave on the Crooked Creek.
Tennesee—Big-bone Cave,
Arched Cave.
South Carolina—Great Flat Rock Cave,
Lover's Leap.
Georgia—Nicojack Cave.
Missouri—Ashley's Cave.
Mississippi—The Abode of the Great Spirit on the North West Coast,
Cave on the Copper River.
Mexico—The Dantoe Cave,
Chamacasapa Cave,
San Fillipe Cave.
Cuba—The Cave near Matanzas.
Hayti—The Cave near St. Domingo.
Peru—The Cave in the Andes.
New Andalusia—The Canipe Cave.
Mr. Cramer mentions the size of the stalagmites in the anti-cham
ber of Weyer's Cave, being twelve feet high ; those in Solomon's
Temple of the same, twenty-five feet high, which are nearly transpa
rent ; and its Hermit Chandelier, four feet high, and twelve feet in

circumference ; the colossal stalagmite in Washington Hall, which is

said to represent the father of his country wrapped in his cloak ; and
the Pompey's column of thirty feet high ; also the Babylon's Tower,
of thirty feet circumference.

Which is generally milk-white or grayish-white and bluish, and also
black and red, which is called the Rosso Antico : it is of a close gran
ular structure, and was a great favourite with the ancient architects.

With these may be counted the Parian marble ; the Pentelian mar
ble; the Venitian or Lombardy marble, which is quite translucent; the
Luni and Carara marble; and the Laconian marble, or Verde Antico.
They have all yielded the materials for the most ancient Greek and
Italian sculptors. The Venus de Medici, the Diana hunting, and
Venus leaving the bath, are of the Parian marble : a Bacchus in re
pose, a Jason, a Paris, and many Grecian monuments, are from the
Pentelian marble, which comes from the vicinity of Athens.

The varieties of marble, which is inexhaustible in the United States,
are very numerous ; and I am proud to assert, that for architectural
and ornamental purposes, they may fully compete with any foreign
country. The colours are variegated from the snow-white to the black
with gold and grass-green veins. A small district in New England,
of about fifty miles in extent, concentrates, I may say, the marbles
which may be collected in Europe through a space of two thousand
square miles ; for we find in the county of Berkshire, and that of New
Haven, the representatives of marbles from Italy and Ireland ; and
the discoveries which are constantly made of additional marble local
ities are a source of great rejoicing. Thirty years ago, the City Hall
of New York city was built of marble from West Stockbridge, Massa
chusetts, which was transported at great expense, a distance of over
four hundred miles ; whereas, afterwards, the same quality of marble
was discovered on New York island, but a few miles distant. Ac
cording to professor Dewey, the county of Berkshire alone turned out
forty thousand dollars worth of marble several years ago. I will here
enumerate a few of the most interesting marble quarries, such as
a, The Philadelphia marble, which is snow or grayish white, and
sometimes variegated with blue veins, which takes a very high polish.
b, The Potomac marble, which is properly called a Breccia, being

composed of rounded and angular fragments from the size of a pea

to that of an ostrich's egg. Its colours are red, white, gray and
blackish brown, intermixed ; which takes a very fine polish, and forms
a most beautiful ornamental stone. It comes from the banks of the
Potomac, in Maryland. Specimens of this may be seen in the columns
of the Chamber of Representatives at Washington, twenty feet high,
and two feet diameter.
c, The Verde Antico, of New Haven, Connecticut. This marble is
intermixed with serpentine veins, and has a most beautiful appearance.
There are inexhaustible quarries of it at New Haven and Milford,
which bid fair to rival any other ornamental stone in the world.
Four chimney-pieces of this mineral were purchased for the Capitol at
Washington ; and I lately examined a splendid centre table, wholly
cut from this marble, that was exhibited at the tenth annual fair of the
American Institute. It is to be hoped that some company may under
take to introduce this marble more extensively into our houses ; for it
appears not yet sufficiently known among the wealthy citizens, and
the enterprise will repay every effort. Large slabs may be seen at the
New York Lyceum of Natural History, at the cabinet of Yale College,
New Haven, and I possess a very fine large slab, polished. Ports
mouth, Vt. likewise possesses splendid Verde Antico, specimens of
which may be seen at the American Institute in New York.
d, Berkshire county in Massachusetts, may justly be called the
marble pillar of the United States ; and, as professor Hitchcock re
marks, that the inhabitants of that county cannot but regard their
inexhaustible deposits of marble as a rich treasure to themselves, and
an invaluable legacy to their posterity. The towns, West Stockbridge,
Lanesborough, New Ashford, Sheffield, New Marlborough and Adams
of that county, keep thousands of hands constantly working in their
quarries. In 1827, two thousand seven hundred tons of marble were
exported from that town ; and in 1828, a block of from fifty to sixty
square feet, and eight thick, was raised by one charge of gunpowder.
e, White, fine, granular marble, bearing the greatest resemblance
to the celebrated Carara marble, is obtained from Smithfield, R. I. and
Stoneham. Massachusetts.

This mineral is a secondary marble, and is called also conchitic
marble, on account of its containing petrified shells, which, when po
lished, communicate to their matrix the marble, a most beautifully
variegated appearance.

a, The Lumachelle marble is a kind which is very scarce ; it has

a gray or brown ground, interspersed with shells of a circular form and
golden colour, and when held towards the reflection of light, displays
red, blue and green tints, like those of the precious opal or iridescent
It is sometimes seen in the form of pins and other jewellery ; but
stands, on account of its scarcity, very high in price ; the only locality
is in Corinthia ; one in Devonshire, England, being exhausted. Some
splendid specimens from Corinthia, are in the collection of the Baron
de Lederer, Austrian consul of this city ; and a very fine specimen of
the Lumachelle, at the Boston Society of Natural History, was marked
with the locality of Neufchatel.
b, The Panno di Morto, or funeral pall, is a deep black marble, with
white shells, like snails, which is only seen at Rome, and very scarce.
c, The Bristol marble, from England, is a black marble, interspersed
with white shells.
d, The Italian shell marbles from Florence, Lucca, and Pisa, are
red, containing white shells (ammonites).
e, The French shell marbles are very numerous ; those from Nar-
bonne are black with white belemnites ; that from Caen is a brown
marble, with madreporites ; and those from Languedoc are of a fiery
red colour, mixed with white and gray univalve shells ; of this Napo
leon's eight columns for his triumphal arch in the Carousel at Paris
are cut.
/, The United States have a good many shell marble quarries ; but
they are all black and gray. Those of Trenton falls and LittlefaJls,
near Seneca lake, Northumberland co. Pennsylvania, Bernardston,
Mass., and Hudson, N.Y., contain either trilobites or enchrinites; some
take a very high polish.


These minerals are likewise composed of carbonate of lime ; occur
massive, and of distinct concretional layers, either in the form of peas
or other round grains or pebbles, and are of a white, yellowish-white,
brownish or reddish colour ; when cut and polished, they present fine
ornamental stone, and make a very effective appearance. The first
is found in alluvial deposits of the hot water mineral springs of Carls
bad in Bohemia, and the baths of St. Philip in Tuscany ; the latter
forms large beds in England and France. The city of Bath, in Eng
land, is mostly built of this limestone.
This is likewise a carbonate of lime, occurs massive, mostly striped;
is yellowish-white, yellow and brownish ; is only found in that rock
from whence it takes its name, and has formerly been a great favourite
in jewellery and other ornaments. At this day we see in shops and
private houses pins, broaches, ear-rings, seals, cane-handles, snuff-boxes,
letter-holders, vases, urns, candelabras, obelisks, &c. It takes a high

This mineral has its name from its colour, meaning deceptive, and
resembling the colour of some more precious gems ; it occurs in six-
sided prisms, of conchoidal fracture, vitreous lustre, is translucent, and
yields to the knife ; its colours are white, yellowish-white, greenish-
yellow, blue, bluish-green, grass-green and reddish. It resembles the
beryl and emerald, but is distinguishable in colour and hardness ; is
found in primitive rocks ; its localities are extended all over the world,
more abundantly in the United States. Specimens of three or four
inch crystals from Etonville, N. Y., have a splendid appearance, ttnd
if cut and polished, would make fine pins, ear-rings, and other orna
ments and jewellery.

This mineral derives its name from the Greek language, from its
scaly structure ; it occurs massive, presenting an aggregate of minute
shining, flexible scales or hexagonal plates; splintry fracture; glistening
and pearly lustre ; translucent on the edges ; its colours are, lilac and
rose red, and pearl gray, greenish yellow and blue ; is scratched by
glass, and yields to the knife ; has a specific gravity of 2.81 ; is fusible
with ease into a transparent globule. It is found in the granite and
primitive lime, in Monrovia, France, Island of Elba, Corsica, Sweden,
and in the United States, in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and
Massachusetts. It is cut in Europe for various ornaments, such as
plates, vases, snuff-boxes, &c., and will, I trust, at some future day, be
more extensively used in jewellery ; for there are some variegated
specimens of the peach-blossom colour, and very fine granular struc
ture, which are extremely beautiful.
This mineral occurs crystallized, in six-sided tables and oblique
rhombic prisms, and massive ; also disseminated ; has a perfectly foli

ated structure, glittering and metallic lustre; is transparent and trans

lucent, very fusible and elastic : its colours are, white, green, black,
brown, peach-red, yellowish and bluish ; has a specific gravity of 2.7.
It is found in primitive rocks, and forms an ingredient in granite
gneiss, mica slate, and other rocks, where it more or less predominates ;
its localities are, therefore, universal, but in Siberia it forms large beds
and is quarried for special purposes, as a substitute for glass windows;
and although the United States afford ample localities for the same,
yet a few years ago quantities were imported here for the doors of
Nott's stoves.
The Plumose Mica is beautiful variety, and derives its name from
its resemblance to a quill or plume, the lamellar or fine delicate crys
tals diverging in such a manner. It is of pearl-gray colour, and is
found in the United States ; in Williamsbury, Mass., Hartford, Con.,
and many other places. The green Mica is of a beautiful grass-
green colour, and is found in Brunswick, Me. The rose-red Mica is
a very beautiful mineral, and is found in numerous places, in this
country ; principally in Goshen, Chesterfield, Mass. ; Acworth, N.
H. ; Bellows Falls, Vt., &c. The Mica may, when of good colours,
be used for jewellery and other ornaments, as well as the Lepidolite.

This mineral is called Sulphuret of Iron, Iron Pyrites and Marka-
site. It occurs crystallized in many forms ; such as the cube, octa
hedron, dodecahedron, massive, disseminated, capillary and cellular ;
has a conchoidal fracture ; brilliant metallic lustre ; its colours are
bronze, yellow, brass-yellow and steel-gray. This mineral takes a
very high polish, and from its brilliant lustre looks extremely well
when cut in the form of a brilliant or rose. It was formerly much
used in jewellery for ear-rings, rings, pins, and necklaces. It was
in former times, considered a great preservative of health. It is now
but seldom seen, except in collections of mineralogical cabinets.


This mineral is called in mineralogical works the Siliceous Oxide
of Manganese, and also the Carbonate of Manganese. It occurs
massive ; foliated structure ; conchoidal fracture ; shining lustre ;
scratches glass ; its colours are the rose-red, reddish and yellowish.
It is found in Siberia, Sweden, Hungary, England ; and in the
United States, at Middlebury, Vt., and at Cummington and Plain-
field, Mass., where, according to professor Hitchcock, the siliceous
oxide, or according to Dr. Thompson, the bisilicate of Manganese is
found in great abundance. Since it takes a very high polish, and is
much wrought at Catharineburg in Siberia, into many ornaments, it
is confidently to be hoped that it may also find its amateurs in this
country, as it is very easy to cut and polish, and the material so
plenty. _,

This mineral forms rocks in a geological sense, but is properly a
compact Felspar. It has various colours and shades, with imbedded
crystals of Felspar and Quartz, or either of them, and is as may be
supposed a very hard stone. It is much used in Europe for orna
mental and architectural purposes ; also for slabs, mortars and other
economical uses.
In the United States, Porphyry has never been used for any
purpose ; and professor Hitchcock remarks, in his Geological Report
of the State of Massachusetts, that it would be strange if an increase
of wealth and refinement should not create some demand for so
elegant and enduring a rock as Porphyry. In the same excellent
work the author classifies Porphyry in four varieties as occurring in
Massachusetts, in the neighbourhood of Boston :
1st. Compact Felspar, with several predominating colours ; the one
with yellow, resembling the Turkey Stone ; one with red, from
brownish to blood-red, closely resembling Jasper ; one with rose-red
colour, resembling the Rose Petrosilex of Europe.
2d. Antique Porphyry ; closely resembling that European Porphyry
which was employed by the ancients in monuments and ornamental
furniture and forms, and when polished a beautiful ornament. It
presents numerous varieties and shades of colour : one of the most
elegant is the light green ; then a deep green ; red of various shades ;
reddish-brown ; black, or nearly so ; gray and purple ; and the imbed
ded crystals are usually of a light colour, sometimes white, brown,
and greenish.
3d. Porphyry with two or more minerals imbedded, and its base
of common Felspar. This mineral is between Sienite and Porphyry,
resembling the Trachytic Porphyry, and is generally unfit for orna
mental purposes ; the Quartz which it contains is hyaline and smoky.
4th. The Brecciated Porphyry, which is composed of angular
framgents of Porphyry and compact Felspar, reunited by a paste of
the same material ; the fragments are also of various colours, usually
however, gray and red ; the rock is very hard, and when polished
presents specimens of great delicacy for ornamental purposes.

This rock is composed of Felspar and Hornblende with Quartz
and Mica, with either of them, or without either of the two latter
ingredients. When polished it forms the most splendid ornamental
stone of all the other rocks ; it is very hard ; and its colour and dis
tribution of the various ingredients are very agreeable to the eye. It
much resembles Granite, and mostly identical : by closer inspection
it may be yet distinguished from the want or addition of the compo
nent ingredients.
Professor Hitchcock describes six varieties of the Sienite :
1st. that Sienite which is composed of Felspar and Hornblende,
when the first is white, greenish, and yellowish, and the latter invari
ably black.
2d. Felspar, Quartz and Hornblende ; the first is foliated, and
commonly of a grayish, bluish or yellowish colour ; the second from
quite light to quite dark colour and hyaline ; and the latter is black.
To this variety the quarries at Quincy and Cape Ann have been
arranged by the author, which are generally called Granite, on
account of the absence of Mica. The Quincy Granite, or rather
Sienite, is that celebrated architectural material used in the cities of
Boston and New York, for those huge and magnificent edifices,
public as well as private, erected within the last six years ; and it
may be supposed that two thousand buildings of the city of New
York have been furnished with this splendid article.
3d. Felspar, Hornblende, Quartz and Mica. This rock, likewise,
has a beautiful appearance, but is, as yet, less wrought than the
other varieties. The Felspar and Hornblende are predominating.
The Quartz is in small grains and the Mica is black.
4th. The Porphyritic Sienite ; its base is Quartz and Felspar, and
the Hornblende is almost entirely absent ; it has a porphyritic aspect ;
the Felspar predominating. It is the most ornamental stone when
5th. Conglomerated Sienite ; it is a quaternary compound of Fel
spar, Hornblende, Quartz and Mica, but all in rounded or conglome
rated masses, having the aspect of a pudding stone ; the nodules are
from half an inch to six inches in size, and may be easily broken out
of the mass, and the Hornblende predominates mostly in them. It
is unfit for architectural purposes.
6th. The Augitic Sienite ; in this rock the Hornblende is present
and Mica absent. It is composed of black Hornblende, greenish
Agate, and yellowish Felspar ; all, except the Felspar, presenting a
crystalline structure, or also composed only of Agate and Felspar.
The name of the rock Sienite is originally derived from Sienna, in
Upper Egypt, from whence the first specimen was identified by
Warner; and many of the Egyptian monuments, such as Cleopatra's
Needle, and Pompey's Pillar, were obtained from there.

This rock is composed of Quartz, Felspar and Mica, and forms
the crust of our globe. It abounds over the whole earth, and the
eastern part of the United States is particularly favoured with this
valuable mineral. As a building material it has been most exten
sively used for the last ten years ; but the great fire, which con
sumed, in December, 1835, seven hundred buildings, among which
about two hundred were erected of Granite, has given a sufficient
proof that Granite is in this changeable climate unfit for building -
material, but may be usefully employed for ornamental and architec
tural purposes, where it is not in constant exposure to the atmosphere
and weather, which make it so liable to decomposition.

The Pearls are concretions consisting of carbonate of lime, of a
roundish, tubercular, or angular form, of a white, gray, blue or green
colour, shining lustre, and of the hardness of lime. They are found
in several bivalve shells, particularly however in the Mother of Pearl,
(ovicula marga vitifera) ; also in the oyster, and several unios. The
origin of the Pearl is by some considered to be unfructified eggs ; by
others, a morbid concretion or calculus, produced by the endeavour of
the animal in the shell to fill up holes therein ; by others again, as
mere concretions of the juice of which the shell has been formed, and
with which the animal annually augments it. It is very plausible,
however, that the animal of the shell is attacked often by enemies,
such as the boring shells, turritella, &c. ; that grains of sand, or any
other pointed substance, which, on such occasions, come within the
shell, stick fast and augment with the growth of the shell ; it is also
known that the Pearls may be produced artificially, by pressing a
sharp body on, or by boring a hole in, the shell. The Chinese are in
the habit of laying a string with five or six small pearls separated by
knots, inside of the shell, when they are exposing themselves to the
sun, and take them out after some years, whereby they obtain very
fine and large pearls, and but a little open on the side where they
were adhering to the shell. The pearl fishers say that when the shell
is smooth and perfect, they never expect to find any Pearls, but always
do so, when it has begun to be deformed and distorted. It is therefore
concluded, that as the fish grew old, the vessels containing the juice
for forming the shell and keeping it in vigour, became weak and rup
tured, and from this juice accumulating in the fish, the Pearl was
formed and the shell brought to decay, as supposed by Mr. Reaumur.
It would be, according to this idea, a sure guide to know from the
form of the shell, whether the Pearl is large or small ; and thus by the
smaller ones being thrown back into the sea, a constant crop of large
Pearls might be obtained. The mother of pearl fish is found in the
East and West Indies, and other seas in warm latitudes, and in rivers
of north and middle Europe. In some parts of the globe, they are
found in clusters of a great number, which places are called pearl
banks. The most famous are near the coast of Ceylon, that of Japan,
and in the Persian Gulf, near the island of Bahreim ; also near the
coast of Java, Sumatra, &c. The finest and most costly pearls are
called the Oriental, and are from the above places : they are all white
or yellowish ; those from the Persian Gulf, on account of their perfect
whiteness, are preferred to those from Ceylon. Pearls are collected in
rivers with the hand, but in seas it is the business of divers, brought
up to this most dangerous occupation from early youth. In the East
Indies there are two seasons for pearl fishing, the first in March and
April, the second in August and September ; and the more rain, the
more plentiful are the pearl fisheries. In the beginning of the season
there are sometimes two hundred and fifty barks on the banks ; the
larger barks have two divers, the smaller one. The divers descend
from their barks with a rope round their body, and a stone of twenty
or thirty pounds attached to one of their feet, so that they may sink
speedily from eight to twelve fathoms, where they meet the shells fas
tened to the rocks : their nostrils and ears are stuffed up with cotton,
to the arm a sponge dipped in oil is fastened, which the diver now and
then brings to his mouth, in order to draw breath without swallowing
water. He also carries down with him a large net, tied to his neck
by a long cord, the other end of which is fastened to the side of the
vessel, to hold the shells, and the cord is to draw him up when the net
is full, or when he wants air ; likewise a knife or an iron rake for de
taching the shells from the rocks. So he precipitates himself to the
desired depth, where he can very distinctly see all that is passing around,
yet cannot escape in time the sudden approach of sharks, to whom
they too often become a prey. When the diver has been in the water
some minutes, and has his net filled, or is unable to stay any longer,
he loosens quickly the stone at his foot, and shakes the line, when he
is drawn up by his companions. The diving-bell is now frequently
used, more so than in former years.
In the Persian Gulf the divers rub their bodies with oil, and fasten
a stone of about fifty pounds to their feet.
The shells thus obtained are piled up in heaps, and left exposed to
the rain and sun until the body of the animal putrifies, and they open
of themselves. Those containing any Pearls have from eight to twelve.

After being picked out, washed and dried, they are passed through
nine sieves of different sizes.
At the Pearl Islands near the Isthmus of Panama and Colombia,
the pearl fisheries have within a few years past become lucrative to
some of the inhabitants. The divers use more simple methods for
collecting the pearl oysters : they traverse the bay in canoes that hold
eight men, all of whom dive. naked into the water from eight to ten
fathoms deep, where they remain about two minutes, during which
time they collect all they can with their hands, and dexterously rise to
deposit them in their canoe, repeating the operation for several hours.
In Sweden they catch the pearl oyster with a pair of long tongs.
The fishermen are in small boats, painted white on the bottom, which
reflects to a great depth, and take hold of them as soon as they per
ceive them passing underneath.
Pearls are esteemed according to their size, form, colour and lustre ;
the largest, of the size of a small walnut, are called paragons, which
are very rare ; those the size of a cherry, are found more frequently,
but still are rare ; they are the diadem or head pearls. They receive
names also according to their form, whether quite round, semi-circular
and drum-form, or that of an ear-drop, pear-formed, onion-formed, or
otherwise irregularly shaped. The small pearls are called ounce pearls,
on account of being sold by weight, and the very smallest seed pearls.
Those of a brilliant white colour, or white water, are most sought for
in Europe ; those of a yellowish colour in some parts of Asia ; and
some of a lead colour, or those of a jet black are preferred among some
nations. They all turn more or less yellow with age, and to restore
the white colour they are either baked in bread, rubbed with boiled
salted rice, or kept for a short time in the gastric juice of fresh killed
Pearls are sold by weight, the Troy or gold weight ; but the dwt.
of twenty four grains is counted as thirty, so that an ounce has six
hundred grains pearl weight, and four Troy grains are equal to five
Pearl grains. The price has, within the last forty years, much dimin
ished, for two reasons :
1st. Diamonds, and particularly brilliants, became more plenty, and
have since been worn, not by the higher classes alone, but also by the
2d. Within the last twenty years, artificial pearls have been man
ufactured in high perfection, and are wqrn to a great extent.
It is my opinion, however, that the price of Pearls will take a fresh
rise among the nobility and richer classes, the Diamond being now so
generally worn ; as persons thinking to invest safely without any future
loss, their surplus capital, purchase brilliants that formerly were pos
sessed exclusively by the rich.
Pearl fisheries were first carried on in remote times in the Persian
Gulf, and the most celebrated formerly were near the island Bahreim.
Five hundred thousand ducats was then the yearly produce. About
one million dollars worth at the present time are exported. The island
Kharack now produces the most considerable quantity. The principal
market is at Maskate ; from thence they are brought to Surat. The
mode pursued in those countries is in canoes, holding fifteen men, six
of whom are divers : the shells caught during the day are delivered to
a surveyor, when they are opened on a white cloth, and whoever finds
one of some value puts it in his mouth, to give it, as they say, a
" better water." The greatest harvests are generally after many rains,
and the largest Pearls are mostly found in the deepest water. At
Ceylon the pearl fisheries are now considerable, particularly in the bay
Condeatchy. The shells are there left to reach the age of seven or
eight years, and in the fourth year they have small Pearls, sometimes
a hundred and fifty. They fish yearly, in the month of May, during
four weeks. In the year 1804, eight hundred canoes, each with two
divers, were engaged. Before the year 1800, the pearl banks were
leased to an India merchant for three hundred thousand pagods ; and
before the arrival of the Europeans to India, the same bank was used
every twenty or twenty four years ; when under the Portuguese, every
ten, and under the Dutch every six years. In 1800, the produce was
from one hundred to one hundred and fifty thousand pounds sterling.
Japan has some pearl banks which are however, not much sought,
just like the Nipthoa lake in Chinese Tartary. America did send
in the sixteenth century, Pearls to the amount of eight hundred thou
sand dollars to Europe. The shells were mostly collected from Cape
Paria to Cape Velo ; round the islands Margaretha, Cubagna, Cocher
Punta, Aragy, and at the mouth of Rio la Hacha, from which latter
locality and the Bay of Panama, Europe is now mostly supplied ; the
former localities having long been relinquished, on account of the small
produce ; too many shells having been removed at one time, thereby
retarding the growth of Pearls. Panama sends, within a few years
past, about one hundred thousand dollars worth of fine Pearls to Eu
rope, the trade being carried on by my friends, Messrs. Plise, of Pan
ama. The coast of Florida is said to have been very lucrative to the
Indians, in a pearl fishery, which, however, does not prove so now
since the settlement of civillized people.

England used to be supplied from the river Conway in Wales ;

and Scotland supplied the London market, between the years 1761
and 1764, to the amount of ten thousand pounds sterling ; but the
supply has failed. Pearls are found in the Elster river, in the kingdom
of Saxony, from its source at the borders of Bohemia to Elsterberg,
where the fishery has been carried on since 1621, with some advan
tage to the sovereign ; some Pearls found there were valued at fifty
Prussian dollars each. In the river Watawa in Bohemia, and in the
Moldau river, from Kruman to Frauenburg, Pearls are found of great
beauty ; so much so as to equal in price the Oriental Pearls. Also at
Rosenberg, Pearls are sometimes found superior to the Oriental in lus
tre ; and at Oelsnitz a considerable pearl fishery is carried on. Most
of the rivers of Sweden, Lapland, Finland, Poland, Norway, Jutland,
Silesia, and other places contain Pearls, but they are not collected.
The price of Pearls used formerly to be determined like that of the
Diamond, from one carat upwards, viz. ; if the carat is fixed at five
dollars, and a Pearl weighs four carats, take the square, or sixteen,
multiplied by five, which is equal to eighty ; so that a Pearl of four
carats was estimated at eighty dollars.
I am informed by Mr. Plise, who just now brought a considerable
quantity of Pearls from Panama, that he receives four dollars per grain
in England, for those of good size and quality. A Pearl which Pliny
valued at three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars of our
money, Cleopatra is said to have dissolved at a banquet, and drank off
to Mark Anthony's health. The Peregrine which was found in 1574
near Margarita, and given to Philip II. of Spain, was of pear-form, the
size of a pigeon's egg, weighed twenty-five carats, and was valued at
fifteen thousand ducats.
Pope Leo bought a Pearl for eighty thousand crowns. Tavernier
describes one belonging to the king of Persia, which is said to have
cost one million six hundred thousand livres. Portugal has a Pearl in
its treasury of the size of a pear. Julius Cesar bought a Pearl from
Servilia, the mother of Brutus, for one hundred and fifty thousand
crowns. Two Greeks residing in Moscow, are in possession of a Pearl
weighing twenty seven seven-eighth carats.
For restoring Oriental Pearls to their original lustre, lost in process
of time, the following process is adopted in Ceylon : the Pearls are
allowed to be swallowed by chickens, which are then killed, and the
Pearls are an hour afterwards taken out of the stomach, when they
are as white and lustry as if just taken from the shell.

Artificial pearls or beads are of various kinds, most generally a solid
mass of glass, and a hole drilled in them ; or they are blown hollow,
and then filled out with metallic lustry grains, wax, or else with the
fine scales of the bleak fish, which have a silvery and pearly lustre.
The same scales are likewise used to coat beads of gypsum or alabas
ter, which is soaked in oil, and then covered with wax for giving to
it a pearly appearance. The Roman beads are made in this manner ;
the scales are dissolved either in liquid ammonia or vinegar, and the
solution or liquid is used for covering those artificial beads. The
Turkish rose beads are made of an odoriferous paste, and are turned
afterwards like those of corals, amber, agate, or other hard substances.
The knitting beads are sold in meshes of one hundred and fifty or
twenty strings, of fifty beads each, of various colours ; and the large
glass-beads in meshes of twelve strings. There are numerous manu
factories in Germany and Italy of the various kinds of beads ; which
are used to a very great extent both in Africa and North and South
America. Germany exports yearly from its different manufacturing
places, such as Heidelberg, Nurenberg, Sonnenberg, Meistersdorf in
Bohemia, and Mayence, more than a million dollars worth. In
Venice are large establishments for the finest cut beads.
Nurenberg manufactures, besides the glass beads, considerable
quantities of amber beads. In Gablontz, in Bohemia, more than six
thousand persons are engaged in the manufacture of beads, that are
made of pure glass or of a composition. From the glass houses, which
are very numerous in Bohemia, the rods of different sizes are delivered
to the glass mills for cutting, which is performed by water power or by
hand. In 1828 there were, in that neighbourhood, one hundred and
fifty-two mills in full operation ; a number of glass blowers were like
wise engaged, who possess great dexterity in blowing the small beads
with the assistance of a small blow-table. In the manufactory of
George Benedict Barbaria, at Venice, six hundred varieties of beads
are constantly making ; and that of Messrs. Gaspari and Moravia,
manufactures, besides the beads, every article of jewellery from the
same material.
The rose beads of Steffansky and Tanssig are made of bread crumbs
which are beaten up with rose water in a wooden mortar, until they
become a uniform mass, to which is added some otto of roses and drop
lake, when it is made into beads with dissolved gum tragacanth ; for
the black rose beads, Frankford black is substituted for the drop lake.

Lamaire, of France, manufactures beads equal in lustre and beauty

to the real pearls. He adds to
1000 ounces of glass beads,
3 " fish scales,
I " fine parchment glue,
1 " white wax,
1 " pulverized alabaster,
with which he gives them an external coating.
Rouyer manufactures his beads also in France, from opal, which he
covers with four or five layers of dissolved isinglass, and then with a
mixture of a fat oil, spirits of turpentine and copal, to prevent their
becoming moist. In order to render them of the peculiar lustre of
the oriental Pearls, they are covered with a coloured enamel. The
opal is fused into rods by a lamp, over which is laid a brass wire to
support it ; the wire is held in one hand and the opal with the other,
and the wire is then kept turning until the bead has the desired size
and roundness ; if a coloured enamel is to be applied, the beads are
made but half the required size, which being done, it is once more
covered with the opal, then the solution of isinglass is used, and lastly
the varnish. Beads made in this manner are with difficulty distin
guished from the oriental Pearls.
The best method of obtaining the artificial Pearls is certainly by
means of pulverized real Pearls. Either the smallest, or the deformed
large specimens, may be reduced to a fine powder, and then soaked in
vinegar or lemon-juice, and the paste made with the gum tragacanth,
may be cut out with a pill machine, or a silver mould of any desired
size, and when a little dry, they are to be enclosed in a loaf which has
to be baked in an oven ; by tin amalgam, or by the silver of the scales
of young fish, the lustre may be obtained.

The Corals are zoophytes, whose calcareous habitations are like
vegetable branches. They live in the sea, adhering to rocks, stones,
or vegetables, and shoot to the surface of the water in tubiform stems
with branches, generally coated with a gelatinous or leathery skin
that encloses a cartilaginous marrow composed of many cells, inha
bited by the animals, which propagate in sprouts from eggs, so fast,
that small reef-rocks are formed, which in the course of time grow to
The Red Coral or Precious Coral, (Iris nobilis,) belongs to that
family of zoophytes which live mostly in the cavities of rocks in the

sea ; the stem is always of a beautiful red colour, rarely white ; quite
compact, striated at the outside, of entire calcareous composition ; it
grows one foot high and an inch thick. The stem is covered with a
leathery crust, containing open warts of eight teeth, in which the
animals or polypus with their eight arms, are situated ; the arms are
whimpered, and the animal grows very slowly.
The red Coral is fished up with nets of strong ropes, fastened on
large wooden cross beams kept in the water over those places where
Corals are known to be fastened, when an expert diver contrives to
entangle the nets in the reefs : the nets are then drawn up, and the
Corals that may be attached, are cleaned, assorted, and sold to the
The Red Corals are distinguished by their native countries ;
1. The Barbarian, which are the thickest and purest.
2. The Corsican, which are the darkest, but not so thick, and
less pure.
3. The Napolitan, and that from Ponza, which are clear, and
pretty thick.
4. The Sardinian, which are thick and clear.
. 5. The Catalonian, which are nearly as dark as the Corsican, but
mostly thin.
6. The Trapanian Corals are procured at Trapani in Sicily,
and are somewhat preferred at Leghorn.
The darkest Corals are most liable to be worm-eaten.
The polished Corals are generally sold in bundles, which consist
of a certain quantity of strings, and a certain weight. They are
strung in Leghorn, either of various or equal thicknesses, which latter
are then of various sizes, and the bundles receive their names accord
ingly; Grossezze, Mezzanie, Filotti, Capiresti, &c. The thickest
Corals are put up in one string, resembling a tail, and are called
Codini ; the smallest are called Smezzati.
At Genoa the various large Corals are called Mezzanie; the uniform
large, Filze ; and the uniform small, Migliari.
According to colour they are distinguished at Leghorn ; the darkest
red are called Arcispiuma, which are the dearest ; and then Primo,
Secundo, Terzo, Quarto, Coloro or Sangue, Chiari, Moro, Nero, &c.
According to form, they are called round (tondi), cylindrical round
(boticelh). The former form are sent to all parts of the world,
whereas the latter are only sent to Poland. The large Boticelh are
put up in meshes of twelve pounds, containing 36 strings ; and the
middle size of the Boticelh are in meshes of six pounds, containing

sixty strings ; those Boticelli which are still larger, are called Olivatti,
and are only sent to Africa ;" those which are globular and not drilled,
are called Pallini altorno, and are sent principally to China, where the
favourite colour is the rose-red, and the most perfect kind.
The sound Corals are called Netti, and the worm-eaten, Camolatti,
which latter are mostly sent to the East Indies.
The tops of the branches are called dog teeth or dent's cane, and
the thick ends of the branches are called maometti ; both kinds are
perforated lengthwise, and are used in Barbary as ornaments for
horses. The fine large Coral Stems which are suitable for specimens
in the cabinets of Natural History are called, in Marseilles, Chouettes.
There are one hundred varieties of shades of Red Coral distin
guished at Marseilles.
The Corals are principally used for ornaments, and although not
highly esteemed in Europe or this country, are much more so in the
East Indies, China and Africa, where they are preferred to the
Diamond. Almost every East India lady wears a bracelet or neck
lace of Corals.
The White Coral has its origin from the eight star Coral (madre-
pora oculta) ; and the Black Coral from the black horned Coral
(gorgonia antipothes). The Medusa head [caput medusa), called
the Sea Polen belongs likewise to the Coral family, and consists of
sixty-two thousand six hundred and sixty-six articulated members.
The Corals are fished for on the coasts of Barbary, between Tunis
and Algiers ; in the latter state is Bona, the principal station, and
the French have it also at Basteon de France.
The monopoly was purchased by France since the beginning of
the 17th century, at eighteen thousand dollars annually, and by
England since 1806 for fifty thousand dollars.
There is, at Bona, a summer fishery, from the 1st of April to the
1st of October, which occupied in 1821 thirty French, seventy Sardi
nian, thirty-nine Tuscanion, eighty-three Napolitan, and nineteen
Sicilian ; in all two hundred and forty one barks, of two thousand and
twenty-three tons capacity, with two thousand two hundred and
seventy-four men, who fished forty-four thousand two hundred pounds
of Coral, at a value of two million four hundred thousand francs.
The winter fishery of the same year occupied three French barks,
each with nine men, and they obtained six hundred and eighty
pounds of Corals.
The principal manufactories of Corals are now at Leghorn, where
this branch of business has been carried on for two hundred years

past, both then and at the present day by the Jews. There were
formerly twenty establishments which have lately been much dimin
They are sent principally to China, the East Indies and Arabia,
partly by the way of London and partly by Moscow, Aleppo and
Alexandria ; many Corals are likewise sent to Poland.
Genoa has a few manufactories, in which the Sardinian Corals are
mostly wrought. At Marseilles is a large manufactory ever since
1780, and at present the only establishment of the kind in France.
The East Indies consume, according to the statement of Le Goux
de Haix, nearly four million francs worth.
The Corals are worn in the East as ornaments in the turbans, and
the Arabs bury the Coral with their dead.
A large Coral from the manufactory at Marseilles was sold in
China, to a Mandarin for twenty thousand dollars.
The price of Coral has, within some years, much depreciated.

page. page.
Adularia 113 Bottlestone - - 111
Agate 97 Brazilian Sapphire
Emerald - - - 7384
Agate-Chalcedony 94
Alabaster 129 Topaz - 73 -
Alabastro Agato - 129 Tourmaline - 84
Almandine Ruby 71 Brecciated Porphyry - 145
Amazon Stone - 114 Brilliants - - 37
Amber - 129 Brillionets - - - 38
American Marbles 140 Bristol Marble - - 142
Amethyst 88 Brown Quartz - - 87
Anthracite Coal - - 135 Burning Gems - - 147
Antique Porphyry - 145 C
Apatite 143 Cabochon Cut 49
Aplome 81 Cachelong - - 109
Apostle Gems - 28 Cairn Gouram - - 86
Apyrite 84 Calcareous Spar - 137
Aquamarine 78 Cannel Coal - - 135
Aquamarine Chrysolite 78 Carara Marble - - 140
Armenian Stone 119 Carneleon - 95
Artificial Aquamarine - 46 Onyx - - 96
Emerald 46 Cat Sapphire 65
Pearls 154 Cat's Eye - - - 138
Ruby 46 Ceregat 94
Sapphire 46 Ceylonian Chrysolite - 84
Syrian Garnet 46 Opal - - 113
Topaz - 46 Tourmalin - 84
Augitic Sienite 147 Chalcedony - - - 94
Avanturin 91 Chalcedonyx - - 94
Axinite 112 Change of Colour [- - 23
B Chemical Characters - 25
Beryl 77 Composition - 25
Black Amber 134 Chlorophane - - 126
Black Glass Lava. * 111 Chrysoberyl - - - 70
Bloodstone 97 Chrysolite - - 102
Bohemian Diamond. - 86 Chrysoprase - 101
Garnet - 81 Cinnamon Stone - - 82
Topaz - 86 Circle Agate - - 98

page. page.
Citrin - 86 Fracture of Minerals 12
Cleaning of Gems 44 Fragment Agate - - 98
Cleavage of Gems - 44 Forms of Diamond 37
Minerals 12 Gems - 38
Cloudy Agate - 98 Minerals 10
Chalcedony 94 French Shell Marble - 142
Cohesion - 14 G
Colouring Materials 43 Garnet - 80
Colours - 16 Gem Grinder 33
Common Corundum
Felspar 69 Gems for Optical Purposes - 48
- 114 Geographical Distribution 26
Opal 107 Geological Characters - 26
Q,uartz - 89 Glyptic Art 30
Corals 154 Gold Stone - 92
Coral Agate - 98 Goutte d' Eau - 73
Cordierite 107 jle Sang 71
Cornalines de vieille roche - 95 Girasol Sapphire - 66
Corundum 107 Green Mica 144
D GrindingMaterials
of Gems - 31
Dariainur Diamond 32 42
Definition of Gems - 9
Dentritic Agate - 98 Hair Stone H
Derbyshire Spar - 126 Haiiyne - 87
Diamond Grinder 32 117
Hard Gems - 14
Diamond - 51 Hardness of Minerals
Dichorite 103 13
Hatchet Stone - 105
Division of Gems - 10 Heleotrope
Minerals 9 History of Gems 97
Drilling of Gems - 41 Hornstone ... - 28
Doublettes 47 93
Hyacinth - 79
Double facet cut - 40 Hydrophane
E - 108
Egyptian Jasper 92 Hypersthene 107
Pebble - - 92 I
Marble 104 Iceland Agate - Ill
Idocrase 117
Electric Shorl - 84 Imitation of Gems
Elongated facet cut 39 - 45
Indian Topaz 73
Emerald - 75 Indicolite
Engraving of Gems 41 - 84
External characters of MineralslO Iolite . - - 103
Iridescence 23
Eye Agate - - 98
Iridescent Quartz 86
Stone - - 98 Italian Marble
- 140
F Shell Marble 142
Felspar - - 112
Figure Agate - - 98
Fish Eye - - 113 Jade 135
Fluorspar - - 125 Jasper • 92
Fortificational Agate - 98 Opal 111
Fire Opal - - 107 Jet 134
page. page.
Jewellery Grinder - 33 Oriental Amethyst 65
Jeweller's Wax - -44 Aquamarine - 65
K Chrysolite 65
Kyanite - - - 122 Emerald - 65
Kuiaur Diamond - 32 Hyacinth 65
L Ruby - 65
Labrador - - 115 Sapphire 65
Laconia Marble - - 144 Topaz - 63
Landscape Agate - 98 P
Lapis Lazuli - - 119 Panno di Morto 142
Lapidary's Apparatus - 40 Pastes - 45
Largest Diamonds - - 63 Pavillion Cut 39
Sapphire - 69 Pearls - 148
Lava ... 135 Pebbles 73
Lepidolite - - 143 Peliome - 103
Limestone - - - 137 Petrefact Agate 98
Lombardy Marble - 140 Philadelphia Marble - 140
Loss of Colour - - 23 Phosphorescence 23
Love's Arrows - - 87 Pisolite - 142
Lumachelle Marble - 142 Pitch Opal 109
Luni do. - 140 Coal - 129
Lustre of Gems - - 21 Plaster of Paris 129
Lustre Shine 21 Plasma - 92
M Play of Colours 23
Magnetism - - 24 Plumose Mica - 144
Male Sapphire - - 65 Polishing Materials 42
Malachite - - 126 Porphyry - 145
Marble - - - 137 Porphyritic Sienite 149
Marekenite - - 111 Potomac Marble 149
Markasite - - 144 Prase - - 91
Mica - - - 143 Precious Gems 9
Mixed Facet Cut - - 39 Opal - 105
Moon Stone - - 113 Serpentine 136
Moccha Stones - - 94 Price of Gems - 42
Moss Agate - - 98 Sapphire 68
N Pseudo Diamond 86
Natrolite 125 Punctated Agate 98
Natural History 9 Panama 135
Needle Stone - - 89 Pyrites 144
Nephrite -
New Haven -
- - 135
141 Quartz
a 85
Nomenclature of Gems - 27 R
O Rainbow Agate 98
Oberstein - 99 Chalcedony - 94
Obsidian - - - 111 Raising the Colour 43
Occidental Diamond - 86 Red Sapphire 65
Topaz - - 86 Refraction 22
Onyx - 97 Regent Diamond 32
Opal - - - - 104 Ribband Jaspar - 93.

page. page.
Ribband Agate 97 Striped Jasper - 93
Rock Crystal - 85 Sulphuret of Iron - 144
Rock of Giberaltar 143 Sun Stone - 66 and 113
Rose Diamond 38 Surface of Minerals - 13
• Manganese 144 Syrian Garnet - 81
Rosso Antico 140
Rubellie 34 T
Ruby Spinelle • 71 Table of Colours -. 20
Ruin Agate 98 Cut - 40
Diamond 38
S Taste - 26
. Sapphire 64 Thumerstone 12
Sapphirine 94 Topaz - 72
Sardonyx 96 Touch 25
Satin Gypsum 128 Tourmaline - 83
Spar 128 Trade in Gems 43
Sawing of Gems * 41 Transparency 22
Saxon Topaz 73 Tree Stones - 94
Scale of Hardness . - 13 Tube Agate 98
Scotch Pebble - ' - 86 Turquoise - 123
Sculpture Gems 30
Semi-Carneleon - 94 U
Hard Gems 14 Ultramarine - - 120
—— Opal - 109 Artificial - 121
Serpentine 136
Setting of Gems 44 Y
Shell Agate - 92 Venitian Marble - 140
1 Marble 141 Venus Hair - - 87
Siberian Aquamarine - 78 Verde Antico - 140
Topaz 73 Vitreous Felspar - 114
Tourmaline - 84 Volcanic Lava - 111
Siberite 84 -
Sienite 146 W
Smell 25 Water Drops - - 73
Smoky Quartz 87 Opal 113
Topaz 87 Sapphire - - 65
Soft Precious Stones 14 Wax Opal - 148
Specific Gravity of Gems 20 White Sapphire - 65
Spinelle 71
St. Stephen's Stone 94 Y
Stalactite 137 Yellow Jasper - - 93
Stalagmite 137 Quartz 86
Star Agate 98
Sapphire 86
Steinhilite 103 Zircon 79
Strass - 45

0. 1

This book is under no circumstances to be

taken from the Building

tarm ii.i 1

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