Accounting Manual
Accounting Manual
Accounting Manual
10.5 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Financial Reporting Procedures) 68 11.0 BUDGETING AND BUDGETARY
12.2 REPORTS 73
This Accounts and Operations Manual is designed specifically for Profile Group Ltd and its Subsidiaries,
to be used as a guide in its daily financial operations.
1.1 Scope of the Manual:
The focus of this manual is to outline guidelines and procedures that will enable all officers of the
company (Management and Staff) to:-
a. Operate with uniformity and consistency in the discharge of their duties. b. Ensure that satisfactory
authorization is obtained before any expenditure is incurred. c. Ensure that adequate records are
maintained. d. Ensure that adequate internal controls are maintained, with timely rendition of
management report.
The manual contains main sections and sub-sections, dealing with various accounting procedures,
actions and follow up actions necessary for comprehensive operation and meaningful Management
Information and Reports.
The responsibility for maintaining and operating this accounting Manual rests on the Accounting Officers
of the Company hereinafter referred to as Head of Finance irrespective of the Official designation.
The authority to modify-add, amend, or delete, any sections or sub sections of this Accounting Manual
rests on the Chairman/CEO or Management Director at the recommendation of the Head of Finance.
This accounting system has been designed elaborate enough to fit the expected growth in scope of the
company‟s operation, management size, and the attendant internal controls necessary for a rapidly
growing company.
The overall responsibilities of the Finance and Account Department are as follows:
(a) To Maintain proper books of accounts and other records of the Company.
(b) To operate satisfactory accounting control over the assets and liabilities of the Company.
(c) To monitor the effectiveness of the accounting system and of the control maintained
(d) To provide management information containing accounting and statistical information as required by
management and to assist them in planning and controlling the activities of the Group.
(e) Ensures compliance with accounting standards and the Company‟s requirements.
(f) Ensuring that there is high degree of financial justification for investment and disinvestment
(g) Advising on the evaluation of alternative proposals and ensuring that information is available to
those charged with the responsibility of monitoring progress.
(h) Initiate amendment and extension of the accounting principles and procedures in the light of
changing circumstances.
Specific policies and procedures are used by company to prepare its financial statements. These include
any methods, measurement systems and procedures for presenting disclosures. Accounting policies
differ from accounting principles in that the principles are the rules and the policies are company‟s way
of adhering to the rules.
2.1 The Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 1990 requires every Company to produce Annual
Financial Statements. To ensure consistency in the preparation and common understanding and
interpretation of these statements, standard accounting policies have to be adopted.
The policies for the company have been developed on four fundamental concepts of Accounting – Going
Concern, Accrual, Consistency and Prudence. Going Concern - that the company will be able to exist for
the next Foreseeable future Accruals - That Revenue (Income) and costs (Expenditure) will be
Recognized in the books as they are earned or incurred and not as money is received or paid.
Consistency - That there will be consistency of accounting treatment of Like terms within each
accounting period and from one period to the next.
Prudence - That neither income nor profit will be anticipated but will be recognized by inclusion in the
profit and loss account only when realized, whilst provision will be made for all known liabilities.
ii. Stock and Work-In-Progress: That stocks and work in progress shall be valued at the lower of cost or
net realizable values, with costs determined on a first-in first out basis.
iii. Investment: That investment shall be stated at cost or net realizable value.
iv. Foreign Currency Items: That transactions ensuring in foreign currency shall be converted into Naira
at the appropriate rates of exchange ruling at the time of transactions. Balances in foreign currency shall
be translated into Naira at the exchange rate ruling at the Balance sheet date or the Company shall
maintain a Domiciliary Account. Realized exchange gains or losses shall be credited to or charged against
income for the period in which they arise.
v. Fixed Assets: That all expenditure of capital nature shall be capitalized as fixed assets, depreciation on
fixed assets shall be provided to write off the cost of the assets over their estimated useful lives on a
straight line bases, and hence fixed Assets shall be valued at cost less accumulated Depreciation.
- Leasehold land 2% - Building 5% - Plant and Machinery 15% - Boreholes 10% - Office Furniture
& Equipments 15% - Household Furniture & Equipments 15% - Motor Vehicles/Bikes 20%
3.1 Accounting Routines: The accounting transactions of the company are to be processed through the
double entry accounting system commencing with Manual Accounting Records and subsequently to
Computerized accounting records. The principal books of accounts to be maintained and their purposes
are: (a) Cash Book - To record all cash/cheque receipts and disbursements on a day to day basis. It
forms the foundation and interlink to all other books of account. (b) Sales Day Book - To record all sales
for each day. It relates closely with the cash book and the Debtors Ledger.
(c) Purchases Day Book - To record item by item all purchases for each day. It relates closely with the
Cash book and the Debtors Ledger. (d) General and Cost Ledgers - Is the summary control of all
accounts- assets, liabilities, income and expenditure. (e) The Subsidiary Ledgers - Is the detailed
ledger for specific accounts e.g. Debtor – detailed by debtors. Creditors
ledger – detailed by creditors. Stock ledger – detailed by each stock items.
To ensure effective internal control of all accounting transactions, the management must
define from time to time levels of authority in the approval of expenditure. The Head of
Account has the overall responsibility for ensuring that the various authority limits are
enforced. Officers who authorize or approve any document must ensure that the documents
and the relevant attachments are in order and conform to established procedures and
approve any expenditure for himself, but must obtain the approval of a superior officer.
Where an authorized Officer has delegated his powers to another, he nevertheless remains responsible
for the efficient performance of the delegated authority. No Officer is permitted to delegate his
authority to a junior without the approval of the Managing Director.
- It is properly signed, authorized and approved by the appropriate signatories. - All computations and
relevant attachments have been properly checked and certified. - It bears the appropriate account and
100 – FIXED ASSETS 20100/1 Land 20100/2 Factory Building 20100/3 Office and Residential Buildings
20100/4 Roads, Drains and Fencing 20100/5 Plant and Machinery 20100/6 Utilities – Borehole etc.
20100/7 Motor Vehicle 20100/8 Office Furniture Equipments 20100/9 Residential Furniture &
Equipments 20100/10 Laboratory & Workshop Equipments 20100/11 Computer & Electronic
101 – PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION 21101/1 Land 21101/2 Factory Building 21101//3 Office and
Residential Buildings 21101/4 Roads, Drains and Fencing 21101/5 Plant and Machinery 21101/6
Utilities – Borehole etc. 21101/7 Motor Vehicle 21101/8 Office Furniture Equipments
21101/9 Residential Furniture & Equipments 21101/10 Laboratory & Workshop Equipments 21101/11
Computer & Electronic Equipment
30200/2 Stock of Raw Material B 30200/3 Stock of Raw Material C 30200/4 Stock of Uniforms/Kits
30201 Production-in-Progress 30202 Stock of Finished Goods 30203/1 Stock of Bottles 30203/2 Stock
of Cartons 30203/3 Stock of Labels 30204 Stock of Oil and Lubricants 30205 Goods-in-transit 30206
Accounts Receivable (Debtors) 30207 Repayments 30208 Staff Loans and Advances 30209 Travelling
Advances 30210 Deposits for Goods 30220 Banks 30220/1 Unity Bank Plc 30220/2 XYZ Bank – Local
30220/3 KBC Bank – Foreign 30221 Main Cash 30222 Imprest Account 30223 Inter Branch Control
40300 CURRENT LIABILITY 40300 Accounts Payable (Creditors) Control 40301 Staff
Creditors 40301/1 Salaries Control A/C 40301/2 Outstanding Salaries A/C 40302 Federal Inland
Revenue Services (FIRS) 40303 Board of Customs & Exercise
40304 National Pensions Board 40305 Refundable Deposit 40400 Stakeholders Funds 40401 Share
Capital 40402 Retained Profit 40403 Directors Loan 40404 Directors Current Account
INCOME 51500 Income Control 51501 Sales Income 51502 Non-Refundable Deposits – Distributors
51503 Interested Earned 51504 Dividend / Other Investment Income 51505 Sales of Assets
COST LEDGER CODES 611000 Water Processing Expenses Control 611001 Raw Material used A 611002
Raw Material used B 611003 Raw Material used C 611009 Raw Material used - Sundries 611010
Excise Duty Paid 611016 Staff Salaries /Wages Factory
611017 Staff / Call / Overtime Allowances 611018 Pensions Fund Paid (employer‟s contribution)
611019 Housing Allowance 611020 Transport Allowance 611022 Traveling Expenses (Local) 611023
Traveling Expenses (Overseas) 611024 Medical Expenses
621100 PACKAGING COSTS CONTROL 621101 Bottle used 621102 Carton used 621103 Label used
621104 Glue used 621105 Pallets used 621106 Washing Materials used 621107 Cost/guard
631200 LABORATORY / QUALITY CONTROL 631201 Chemical used 631202 Other Consumables 631203
Depreciation of Laboratory Equipments
641300 ENGINEERING & PRODUCTION OVERHEAD 641301 Electricity and Power 641302 Water Supply
641303 Maintenance of Plant & Machinery 641304 Maintenance of Factory Buildings 641305
Maintenance of Factory staff Residential Buildings. 641306 Oil and Lubricants 641307 Waste Water
Treatment 641308 Motor Running Cost & Maintenance 641309 Hire of Equipments 641310 Small Tools
Write off. 641311 Description of Engineering/Waster Equipment. 641312 Uniforms & Factory
Clothing‟s 641313 Factory Insurance - Building 641314 Factory Insurance – Plant & Machinery 641315
Breakages – Honey Processing Unit
651400 SELLING, DISTRIBUTION AND ADVERTISING EXPENSES 651401 Hire of Transport 651402 Motor
Running Expenses 651403 Ware-House rent 651404 Sales Promotion Expenses 651405 Advert and
Publicity 651406 Printing & Stationery 651415 Staff Salaries & Wages 651416 Overtime Expenses
651417 National Pension Fund Board (employers contribution) 651418 Traveling Expenses (Local)
651419 Traveling Expenses (Oversees) 651420 Depreciation Marketing Equipments 651421
Commissions 651422 Trade Fair/Special Campaign
- Printing & Stationery 72303 / 5 - Utility Expenses – NEPA / Water 72303 / 6 - Transport & Travels
(Oversees) 72303 / 7 - Maintenance of Vehicle / Running Cost 72303 / 8 - Maintenance of Fixed Assets
(Building) 72303 / 9 - Telephone & Postages 72303 / 10 - Bank Charges 72303 / 11
- Insurance Expenses 72303 / 12 - Board Members Sitting Allowance 72303 / 13 - Rent of Staff
Accommodation 72303 / 14 - Staff Training / Development 72303 / 15 - Entertainment / Hospital
72303 / 16 - Board Members Hotel Accommodation 72303 / 17 - Staff Hotel Expenses 72303 / 18 -
Staff Medical Expenses 72303 / 19 - Maintenance of Guest House 72303 / 20 - Management
Consultancy 72303 / 21 - Library / Publications 72303 / 22 - Research Expenses 72303 / 23 -
Advert/Public Enlightenment 72303 / 24 - Board Members Transport Allowance 72303 / 25 - Audit
Fees 72303 / 26 - Zonal Office Expenses 72303 / 27 - Maintenance Staff Quarters 72303 / 28 -
Computer Accessories 72303 / 29 - Other Professional Expenses 72303 / 30
NOTE: The above accounting codes are designed to be easily adapted in both manual and computerized
operation. It can be also be easily adapted to a diversified Service/production process under the same or
separate management.
on the two major ingredients of Internal Control. i. Authorization ii. Compliance with laid down
sequence of processing documentation. Liability for payments starts when goods or services have been
received and accepted.
4.2 INITIATING PURCHASES 4.2.1 All purchases of goods or services whether of capital or consumable
nature must be made against the authority of any of the following: a. Local Purchase Orders (LPOs) b.
Letter of Intent c. Contacts / Services Agreement d. Job Orders e. Any other instruments that may be
approved by management
4.2.2 Sequence: i. The user department originates a purchase requisition note addressed to the
Managing Director through the Accounting Officers. ii. The Accounting Officers liaises with the stores to
confirm what quantity is available in the stores and what quantity need be purchased. iii. Subject to
availability of funds or credit worthiness of the company the Accounting Officer obtains the approval of
the Managing Director.
iv. The Accounting Officers prepares the Local Purchase Order (LPO) or issues the letter of intent which
must be signed by him and the Managing Director.
Note: a. No Officer of the department should be allowed to issue LPOs to avoid abuse
4.2.3 Where the items required are of a routine nature such as stationery, the requisition may originate
from the stores unit and the appropriate sequence above must be followed. 4.2.4 The issued
pre-numbered LPO must be distributed as follows - Original copy to the supplier - 2nd copy to the
requisition (user) Department - 3rd copy to the stores unit - 4th copy attached to the Purchase
Requisition Note retained by the Accounts Department.
All issued LPO must be registered in the LPO Register. Cancelled orders should also be registered, stating
reasons for the cancellation.
4.3 RECEIVING THE GOODS 4.3.1 Sequence: i. The supplier must register the goods in his vehicle at the
gate house register, specifying the Date, Vehicle Number, suppliers name, invoice number and date, LPO
number and signature of the security officer who checked the vehicle. ii. The store officer, the Internal
Auditor and the quality control officer shall receive the goods into store after certifying the quality and
total compliance with the specifications on the LPO. iii. The store officer issues the store‟s receipt/reject
voucher – SRRV. iv. The Internal Auditor stamps the SRRV, the suppliers invoice and Original LPO
returned by the supplier with “checked and correct stamp”. v. The SRRV is distributed to the Processing
Units by the stores officer thus: a. Original attached with LPO and invoice of Accounts for payments b.
Copy to the stores ledger for updating c. Copy to stores Bin Card Files for updating Bin Cards. d. Copy left
in the booklet vi. The stores officer updates the stores register similar to that present at the gate with
additional column for “inspected by”.
4.4 INVOICE PROCESSING 4.4.1 The Accounts Department must ensure that the Purchases invoice
forwarded to them are complete for payment thus: - SRRV plus invoice plus original LPO attached -
Match quantities and value on invoice to same on LPO - Check arithmetical accuracy of figures on the
various documents - If the invoice being processed is for services not requiring an LPO or SRRV, there
should be a certificate of satisfactory completion of the work issued by the user department and
certified by the internal audit.
4.4.2 JOURNAL VOUCHER PROCESSING Where the invoices are not for immediate payment, journal
vouchers using the proper account codes are raised to update the stock and creditors ledger. Debit raw
materials purchased. Credit the supplier accounts.
4.4.3 PAYMENT VOUCHER PROCESSING Where the company is ready to effect payment, the following
must be done: - Raise the payment vouchers - Attach all the relevant documents specified in 4.4.1 above
- Code the voucher with appropriate codes - Chief Account Officer to certify the voucher as accurate
and proper. - Register the voucher in the payment voucher register. - Pass to the Internal Audit Unit foe
vetting. - After Internal Audit vetting and approvals, prepare cheque for each payment voucher.
4.4.4 CHEQUE PAYMENTS The cheques for payment of invoices shall be signed by the Accounting Officer
or Chairman/CEO as signatory “A” and the Managing Director or his delegates as signatory “B” to serve
as a reminder to the MD of settlements of earlier or current commitments. - All issued cheque must be
restrictively crossed “Account payee only”. - All signed cheque and payment vouchers are to be locked in
safe until the cheque are collected by the payees. - Payee collects the cheque, signs the cheque dispatch
register and completes payee‟s acknowledgement column at the bottom of the payment voucher.
4.5 LETTER OF INTENT In situations where items are required for urgent use some aspects of the
detailed procedures enumerated above may be waved. The user department applies for the supply of
needed items by way of formal memo in a file to the Accounts Officer. If items required are not available
in the store.
- The Accounts Officer obtains confirmation as to Price, Quantity from the Stores, still by memo in a file.
- The Accounts Officer obtains the approval of the Managing Director via the same file, issues letter of
intent to the supplier. - The Stores, invoice processing and payment procedure here remains the same as
with LPOs.
4.6 CASH PURCHASES PROCEDURE Often, demands are made by staff for urgent supply of small value
items not available in the Stores. Cash is usually advanced to a staff for such off-the-shelve purchase via
cash payment voucher. The cash advance release to the staff must be Debited to his personal ledger
4.6.1 When full evidence of purchase is certified, the particular Expense Account e.g. Stationery &
Printing shall be debited and his personal account credited by raising Journal voucher to clear the
earlier debit.
4.6.2 The Stores and invoice processing procedure must be followed, and fully certified, before a Journal
voucher is raised.
4.7 STORES PROCEDURE Receiving Procedure Sect. 4.3 gave an outline of Stores Receiving Procedure.
Administrating the stores requires careful procedural approach as fully stated below. After the detailed
checking of duplicate copy of Stores Receipt/Reject Voucher (SRRV) by the Store‟s Officer or his
delegate, it is passed to the ledger Stores Clerks who will enter the particulars of the SRRVS in
appropriate stock items. The actual quantity received, the unit price and total amount thereof will be
entered on the „receipt‟ side of the stock ledger card for the particular item.
Each item of stock is allocated a definite storage space in the store. To facilitate this, adequate storage
facilities and equipment such as bins are usually provided at each store. For bulky goods, definite floor
spaces are allocated for each type of goods, within the available store space.
Reference/Code Numbers are allocated to each stock item by the store officers. Due Care/Diligence is
usually taken to ensure that these numbers are not duplicated, especially, that no two items have the
same number; nor different numbers allocated to the same single item. The reference numbers are
clearly indicated on the Bin Cards and all documents with which the items are received and issued.
The store officer should maintain master lists of all items handled by the store which show all the
allocated Code/Bin Card Number, and descriptions. These details are promptly notified to the Stores
Accounting Unit as soon as a new item is received.
(b) Issuing Procedures The procedures for issuing of stock items from the store usually commence from
the user department. The Head of a particular section (of the user department) or any other duly
authorized officer of the department requiring the items will, raise a Store requisition Voucher in
duplicates from the booklet obtained by the section. Each
Department or section obtained a booklet of stores requisition voucher from the stores or any available
sources with which requisitions originating from the department would be initiated. The sectional head
or the authorized officer will indicate the descriptions and quantities of each item required and pass it to
his head of department of his delegate for approval.
On approval, the signed requisition voucher, both original and duplicate copies are passed in a file to the
stores for issue. The store officer in charge of stores, on
receiving the stores requisition voucher vets them and ascertains the actual quantity of items in stock.
He will enter in the “Quantity Supplied? Column of the stores requisition voucher actual quantity to be
issued depending on the availability of the items. The quantity may be lower but cannot be higher than
the quantity requested for, in the requisition voucher.
The Officer in charge of stores would then authorize the actual quantity to be supplied by signing on the
appropriate column and passing it over to the storekeeper. The storekeeper extracts the original copy
of the approval stores requisition voucher and enters the particulars on a Store Issue Voucher. The Store
Issue Voucher (SIV) will also record the rank of the officer making the requisition, date of issue, and (SIV)
serial number. The duplicate copy of Store Requisition Voucher is retained by the requisitioner. The
Storekeeper then issues the approved quantities and signs the appropriate column of the SIV. The
representative of the user department or the requisitioner who collects the items will count them to
agree with the indicated quantities and sign the Receipt Column as well as indicate his name and
Department r room number as evidence of collection of the goods.
The storekeeper will then attach the original copy of the stores requisition voucher to the copy of the
SIV that is to be retained in the booklet copy. The SIV is prepared in triplicates distributed as follows:
1st Copy (White) - Retained by the stores; 2nd Copy (Pink) - To used department as confirmation of
actual Quantity issued; 3rd Copy (Blue) - Should go to Store Accounting Unit
The storekeeper will post the bin cards for the items using the information on the original copy of the
SIV, entering in the appropriate columns, the date of issuing the items, the SIV, serial number, to whom
issued, quantity issued running balance and his initials. At the Store Accounting Unit, in the Final
Account Section, on receipt of the copy of SIVs sent by the stores unit the head of the unit will check the
SIVs to ensure completion of entries in their appropriate columns after which he would pass it to the
Ledger Clerks responsible for the Stores Ledger. The Store Ledger Clerks will post the respective ledger
cards for each stock item, entering such information as the date of issue, SIV number, the particulars of
user department/section or person to whom goods were issued and the actual quantity issued.
The unit price of the item, being the unit price of the oldest existing stock item, will be taken as the unit
price of the items issued, which will be entered in the “Rate” column of the Issue Section of the ledger
card, in accordance with the Fist-in-Firstout (FIFO) method of pricing adopted by the company.
Accordingly, the figure entered in the “amount” column of the Issue Section will be the product of the
Quantity issued, and the unit price. The figures of quantity and amount of the issues portion will be
deducted from the figure of quantity and amount of the „Balance‟ column of the previous transaction
respectively, to derive the current running balances resulting from the issue. The unit price entered in
the „Rate‟ column of the “Balance” portion of the ledger will be the unit price of the latest batch of
stock receipt remaining in stock. Where the balance of stock on hand is made up of batches received at
different prices, these will be duly noted on the “Remark” column of the ledger, for subsequent
reference and application in the valuation of the stock balances.
4.8 STORE ACCOUNTING AND CONTROL PROCEDURES The Stock Accounting Unit provides a link
between the Final Accounts Section and the Stores and Supplies section of the department. The
accounting and control functions of the department over stock purchasing and handling, is usually
exercised by the unit. These controls are exercised through the following procedures: (a) The unit
controls the purchasing of stocks through the insistence on adherence to approved guidelines and stock
level budgetary allocations and stock levels. (b) It also control payment for goods purchased, by
withholding approval for payment of goods considered unacceptable or goods procured without full
compliance with laid down procedures. (c) The unit monitors the issuing of stock items to user
departments with detail collation of all SPVs and SIVs and ensures proper record keeping and accounting
for stock items. At the end of every week/month, the Store Ledger Clerks prepares collation sheets
listing all items of stock in the store, and summarizing the values of movement on each item for the
month. The sheets will show the opening balance brought forward, total receipt and issues and closing
balances at the end of the month. Total receipts and issues are cumulated and transferred to a monthly
analysis/summary of stock position of stocks as per the stores ledger cards. The monthly
summary/analysis schedules will be passed to the head of Stores Accounting Unit.
The Head of Stores Accounting Unit would check the various ledger posting; certify the correctness of
the balances, agree them to the figures on the monthly analysis schedules and transfer the information
to the Monthly Stock Status Return Schedule for the month, to derive the cumulative stock movement
figures for the month and total stock position as at the end of the month. This schedule is prepared in
The original copies of the Monthly Stock Status Return Schedule, with the monthly analysis/summary of
stock position attached, would be sent to the Head of Finance, who will review the figures and pass
them to the General Ledger Unit for posting in the Control Accounts. The duplicate copies are filled and
retained by the Head Stores Accounting Unit.
At irregular intervals, the Head of Stores Accounting Unit or a Store Ledger Clerk delegated by him,
would select randomly any item of stock and cross check the quantity, balance the Store Ledger Card
with the physical and bin card balances of the same item in the stores. Any difference arising from the
check will be investigated and resolved as promptly as possible.
The Internal Audit Unit also carries out similar pot checks, cross checking balances on the stores ledger
cards with those of the physical stock and bin cards at the stores to ensure their accuracy and perpetual
Also at the end of the year, physical stock count exercises are carried out by the Stores Accounting Unit
in conjunction with the Internal Audit Unit and the Stores Unit, to verify the actual quantities physically
in stock, which would be compared with bin card and stores ledger card balances. This physical balance
would then be priced in accordance with FIFO method and collated to form the basis for the value of
closing stocks in the year-end final account.
There shall be a Cash Office, which shall be properly secured under lock and key for keeping all monies
and security documents of the company in an iron and fireproof safe. The Cash Office can be likened to
an internal bank or treasury of the company. The ultimate receiving of all monies due to and payments,
either by cash or cheques
of all amount relating to all transaction of the company, shall be handled by the Cash Office.
5.1 The following books shall be maintained in the Cash Office:- - Analytical Cash Book;
- All receipt booklets shall be pre-numbered serially and printed in triplicate - When receipt booklets are
„received in large quantities, there shall be kept a register where recipients of receipt books shall sign
for them. - All receipt booklets must be kept in properly locked up safe.
- In case of loss of a receipt booklet or leaflet, the Managing Director must be informed for immediate
investigation and action to stop its improper use. - All monies received on behalf of the company must
be properly receipted, Temporary, unofficial receipts are unacceptable. - Receipts must be issued serially
for all cash/cheque collected and recorded serially in the receipt cashbook. - All cancelled receipts, must
have the original attached to other copies for accountability. - All monies collected must be paid into
bank intact within 24 hours. In case of money collected on Fridays or on day proceeding a public holiday,
such money must be banked on the first working day following the weekend or public holiday.
- Bank tellers must indicate the receipt numbers and cheque number of the amount being banked on
the reverse side of teller.
- All cheques received by post must be crossed as soon as the envelope is opened and receipts must be
entered in a Register designed for that purpose. Receipts issued for any amount by post shall be pasted
to the payer without delay.
- Original and duplicate copies of the bank teller must be stamped and the bank duplicate copies must
be kept in the office safe.
- Daily cash and cheque receipts shall be checked by the head of Finance or his delegate weekly/monthly
to ensure that all collections are correctly received and bank.
- Any officer who is away from his/her station, and who collects money particularly cash, on behalf of
the company shall pay in the amount immediately at the nearest bank and obtain bank cheque or draft.
- Unless expressly approved no Officer shall retain in his personal possession or house, any money
received on behalf of the company.
- For all monies paid directly to the bank or where the bank credits the company‟s account with interest
or other money, bank credit advice shall be recorded immediately as a receipt in the Receipt Cash Book.
- Money, which has not been banked, should be kept in the safe under no circumstances shall personal
money be kept in the safe. Where money is found on a check in the safe, it shall be regarded as
belonging to the company.
- Any unexplained surplus cash shall be brought promptly into the account. If subsequently, the error,
which caused the apparent surplus, is discovered, adjustments shall be made.
- It is mandatory that all material cash movements must be escorted by at least two armed policemen
depending on the amount involved. Any case of cash shortage shall be brought promptly to the notice of
Head of Finance and the cashier involved shall be made to refund it unless otherwise waved by the
Managing Director.
The monies received by the Cashier are usually in the form of credit to the company‟s account with any
of her Banks as cheques and cash payments. At the point of receiving the payment, the cashier will
count or ensure the accuracy of the cash or other medium of payment, and thereafter issue an official
receipt for the amount collected.
The cashier in writing the receipt ensures that the relevant information is entered in the appropriate
spaces indicating:
- Name of person or source of payment; - The amount in words and in figures; - The purpose or
description of payment; - Whether cash or cheque or credit to the bank account; - Name and signature
of cashier.
At the end of the day, the cashier would balance the Cash Book and the balance on the cash column of
the cash book must agree with the physical cash balance held by the cashier.
The Cashier will then enter the total collections in the bank paying slips, cash and cheques lodgments in
different slips, and pay them into the bank on daily basis. Cash returned by staff as unspent balances of
advances, are however left in the cashier‟s safe. All other monies received on behalf of the company
must be paid into the bank intact, not later than the next working day following the day they are
The lodgment slips are prepared in triplicates, all copies of which would be stamped at the bank. The
bank retains one copy. The second copy will be filled, while the book copy will be retained until the
booklet is exhausted, when it would be passed to the Internal Audit Unit.
All payments out of the Company‟s account by the cashier must be based on approved Payment
Vouchers. No payment may be made on verbal instructions. Payment Vouchers are usually raised by a
voucher clerk who passes them through the
authorization and approval procedures and vetted by the Internal Audit Unit from where it would then
be passed to the cashier for payment.
The payment may be made by cash or cheque. Cash payments are usually made to staff while cheque
payments are made to outsiders irrespective of amount involved.
All Payment Vouchers shall be given reference numbers that run serially for the whole year. This is
known as the PV number. Also account codes should be quoted on every PV to indicate the nature of
transaction being paid for.
(a) Cash Payments The cashier usually makes cash payment to payee for such items as: - Cash Advances
to staff. - Salaries to Junior staff
When the cashier receives a payment voucher for settlement, he/she would check to ensure that:
- The payment has been duly authorized and approved; - The relevant documents are attached to the PV
and also that they are duly approved and arithmetically accurate; - The approved PV has been cleared by
the Internal Audit Unit.
The Cashier will cancel the PV and supporting documents attached by affixing a “PAID” stamp on them.
This is to avoid double payment of an already Paid Voucher.
At the close of business each day, the cashiers will write-up the Cash Book, which records the income
and Disbursement of the Company. The debit (or receipts) side shows the following:
- Serial Number of Receipts Issued - Serial Number of Bank Credit - Amount Received; - Columns for
analysis of amount into the various Sources of Fund.
While the Credit (or payments) side shows:- (i) Date; (ii) Department Number; (iii) Particulars of payee;
(iv) Description/Classification Code (v) Serious Number of cheques Issued; (vi) Amount Paid; (vii)
Columns for analysis of amount into the appropriate Account Heads.
(b) Cheque Payments All the payments to Suppliers and non-staff of the company are made by cheque.
When payment vouchers are passed to the cashier, he would scrutinize the vouchers to ensure their
arithmetic accuracy, adequate authorizations, attachment of supporting documents and clearance by
Internal Audit Unit.
The Cashier will write the cheque on the cheque book, ensuring that the vital particulars such as date,
name of payee and amount in words and figures are legibly and correctly written. The cheque will
usually be crossed except in cases of cheques issued for Office cash. All cheques to contractors, suppliers
and other outsiders must be crossed “ACCOUNT PAYEE ONLY”. If for any reason a cheque has to be
cancelled, such cancelled cheque will be attached to the cheque stub.
Payment Voucher will also be attached to any subsequent payment voucher raised for the same
The cashier will pass the cheque booklet with the payment voucher attached with the supporting
documents to the authorized signatories. Each cheque must be signed by two signatories. Before
signing the cheques, each of the signatories will ensure that all relevant documents supporting the
payment are attached to the voucher, that the bills or invoices have been duly approved and cleared by
the Internal Audit Unit and that funds are available in the bank sufficient to settle the payment. Where
any of these points is not satisfactory, the cheque may not be signed and the payment will be delayed or
even suspended until the point is cleared to the satisfaction of the signatories.
The signed cheque together with documents attached, will be returned to the cashier, who will then
enter the particulars of the cheque in the Cheque Delivery Register. The payee shall complete the
receiver‟s portion of the Payment Voucher and collect the cheque. The cashier would, of course
establish or satisfy himself as to, the identity of the payee or his authority to collect the payment.
The cashier will stamp “PAID” on each payment voucher and all documents attached to it, and pass the
PV to the officer who will make entry into the Cheque Summary Register, after which the PV‟s will be
sent to the Head of Finance, who oversees the Cash Office.
The Head of Finance will sign for the PV‟s and pass them to the officer in charge of bank cash Books who
will use the information there in to write up the payments side of the Bank cash Book.
The original copy of the Bank Cash Book will be sent to the Final Accounts Section at the end of the
week-month for their subsequent analysis and postings to the General Ledger.
In order to ensure convenience in certain cases, an imprest shall be maintained by the Head of Finance.
Such imprest shall be maintained by designated staff of the accounts department and used for payment
of minor expenses with periodical reimbursements from the main office cash.
The impress account holder is required to keep detailed records showing the amounts and date of
advances received by him and details of payments made out of the fund. The payments must be
adequately supported with approve vouchers.
When the imprest amount is about to be exhausted, the account holder will prepare a return in writing
showing details or expenditure made out of the fund, together with supporting vouchers and receipts.
The request will be reviewed and authorized by the Head of Finance before fresh cheque can be issued
for reimbursement.
The Payment Voucher will be passed through the same payment processing procedures as earlier
described. That is, the processing at the Checking Unit, Internal Audit, and final transfer to the Cash
Office where the payments will be incorporated into the payment side of the main Cash Book and
posted from there to the General Ledger in weekly/monthly totals along with other payments.
The imprest account holder will have a personal account in the subsidiary ledger to which the various
amounts advanced to him will be debited. The personal accounts are also credited by journal entries of
the amount properly disbursed by him as in his
expenses returns. Thus, the personal accounts would always show the actual amount held by the
imprest holder.
The imprest account holder is required to retire his imprest on or before 20th day of every December for
the end of the year account purposes. All unspent amounts should be paid back into bank and receipts
obtained. The amount on the receipt and the journal entries of the amount disbursed will be credited to
the personal account in the subsidiary ledger, and the account is expected to have a nil balance at the
end of the year.
- The cash in-hand must be verified by another authorized officer other than the cashier and the
cashbook initialed by such Officer after every check. The cashbook balance shall always agree with the
physical cash in hand.
- The Internal Auditor shall carry out from time to time spot-checking of cash; such checks shall be at
irregular but frequent intervals
The Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared monthly by the Officer in charge of Final Accounts. The
exercise is aimed at reconciling the records of bank transactions in the statement produced by the Banks
(with which the company may operate an account) which the records of cashbook as kept by the Cash
Office in respect of that particular bank account. The Reconciliation officer collects the relevant bank
statements, Cheque Summary Register, Bank tellers and cheque stubs, monthly from the cash office for
reconciliation exercise.
The procedure for the reconciliation starts will the checking of the entries made into the cashbook by
the Cash Office with the available cheque stubs and tellers to ensure that the cheque summary register
is correctly balanced. Each of the figures in both receipts and payment sides of the Cheques Summary
Register is ticked to agree with the items in both debit and credit sides of the Bank Statements. Any
amount found not ticked on the credit side of the cheque Summary Register will be regarded as
(Schedule A) – “Unpresented cheques” for the month, while items not ticked at the debit side of the
bank statement will be regarded as (Schedule D) – Debits in Bank not in the Cash Book”, after due
verification from the previous reconciliation statement.
Also, item at the receipt side of the Cheque Summary Register would be ticked against items at the
credit side of the Bank Statements. Any outstanding figure in the debit side of the Cheque Summary
Registry will be regarded as (Schedule C) – “Receipts in the Cash Book not in the Bank Statements”,
while any unticked figure in the bank statement is regarded as (Schedule B)O – “Credit in Bank not in
Cash Book”.
Add cheques issued but not presented to bank xx Add credit in bank not in the cash book xx
Deduct debits in bank not in the cash book xx Deduct credits in cash book not in bank xx
The outstanding items are followed up and resolved as prompt as possible by the reconciliation staff
together with staff of the Cash Office. When necessary however, a tripartite meeting comprising
members of the Bank, a staff representative from the Internal Audit Unit and the Final Accounts Section
may be held to resolve any serious reconciling items.
At the end of a reporting period, it is essentially to ensure that all significant expenditure incurred by the
company have been correctly recorded, whether invoices have been received and settled or not.
Therefore, there is need for liabilities in all those cases where:-
- Invoice has been received, but not yet settle during the accounting period; - An invoice has not yet
been received, in which cases the exact amount to be charged in the accounts is not known and will
have to be based on a reasonable estimate. - Work has been carried out against a contract, the value of
which is estimated as outstanding for payment.
Accruals are short-term liabilities (such as interest, taxes, utility charges, wages) which continually
occur during an accounting period but are not supported by an invoice or a written demand for
payment. When preparing financial statements for that accounting period, such liabilities are estimated
on the basis of experience (based on previous payments). Similar increases in the assets of the firm
(which may also continually occur) is not taken into account in order to comply with accrual basis
accounting rules.
It is the responsibility of the Head of Finance to ensure that all expenditure are brought into accounts of
the relevant accounting period to which they apply, whether they are paid or not. It is also the
responsibility of the Head of Department to advice the Head of Accounts of all commitments entered
into every final year.
Accruals shall be set up monthly. These accruals shall be reversed as soon as invoice showing actual
expenditures have been received and processed.
A separate Accruals Registers shall be maintained: At least one month before the due date. The Head of
Finance shall enquire from Managing Director whether there shall be continuation of contracts or
whether the terms and conditions are to remain the same or to be altered. If the agreement is to
continue, and no payment has been made on the expiry date, then all accruals shall be made for the
current accounting period.
When accruals are set up, raise Journal Vouchers and make the following accounting entries:- - Dr
Relevant Expenditure Account - Cr Accruals Accounts (Credits) When invoice are received in respect
of items that have been accrued, the Accruals are reversed by Journal entries as follows:- - Dr
Accruals Accounts (Creditors) - Cr Relevant Expenditures Account The following accounting entries
are made for the amounts with invoice:- - Dr Relevant Expenditure Account - Cr
Suppliers/Creditors Account When payment are made: - Dr Suppliers/Creditors Account - Cr
6.3.1 Definition
It is the responsibility of the Head of Finance to ensure that although payments have been made for
commitments entered into, they are only charged out in proportion to the months they apply in the
accounting period, any excess being carried forward to the next accounting period as prepayment.
In the prepayment Register, a note shall be made of the period of notice to be given for exercising the
option to renew the items e,g, rent, lease, insurance etc.
When payments are made, the following accounting treatment will be made:
At the end of each month, journal Vouchers will be raised for the following entries to be made in respect
of the proportion of the amount spread over the relevant period:-
- Dr Relevant Expenditure Account - Cr Prepayment Accounts At the end of the year, the
applicable proportion of prepayment shall have been charged from the prepayment accounts, shall then
represent prepayments to be carried forward to the following year.
A set of subsidiary accounts shall be maintained for Debtors. The individual Debtors Accounts shall be
updated with client debts, loans as well as Unretired Advances. Also cash/cheques receipts from the
Debtors will be updated accordingly.
Journal Vouchers shall be raised for Unpaid Fees Notes periodically and the following accounting entries
will be made.
Similarly, Journal Vouchers shall be raised periodically for receipts from Debtors as follows:-
The Head of Finance shall ensure that at the end of each month all Debtors Accounts are reconciled with
the balance of the Debtors Control Account in the General Ledger.
4.4.5 LEDGER PROCESSING When invoices that have earlier been journalized as per 4.4.2 (pg.16) are now
processed and paid the Bank and Creditors Ledger are updated through the usual daily or weekly Journal
of the cash book: Dr. Creditors. Cr Bank.
- The Journal Voucher (JV) must be checked as to proper coding and Accuracy by a Senior Accounts
Officer. - The Journal Voucher should be registered and numbered serially in the Journal Voucher
Register - The processed JV shall be posted into the General / Cost Ledger it relates.
7.00 SALARIES, ALLOWANCE AND ADVANCES 7.1 INTRODUCTION Salaries are amounts paid to
employees of the company as reward for labour. These shall be paid monthly, in arrears. Allowances
are entitlement that may be paid along with salaries when due.
Advances are sums of monies granted to officers for specific purposes, which are either retirable or
The following shall be the main functions of the Salaries officer in the Finance Department: i.
Registration of the employees of the Company ii. Maintenance of Personal Emoluments (P.E) Cards for
iii. Computation of wages sheet for factory workers whose wages are based on time rate. iv.
Computation and deduction of tax payable monthly from staff salaries, based on taxable pay
assessment; v. Compilation of pay roll summary and writing of journals for posting into the Ledgers; vi.
Maintenance of salaries and allowance Variation Advance File in the Finance Department.
7.3 SALARIES AND ALLOWANCES RECORDS Records to be maintained by the office:- - Payroll Register; -
Groups Register; - Salaries and Allowance variation Advice File; - Personal Emolument Card; - Salaries
Payment Voucher Register; - Advice of Deductions; - Bank Payment Advice (Scheduled); - Pay Slips.
7.3 SALARIES AND ALLOWANCE PROCEDURES On appointment of an officer, the Personnel Officer shall
raise Pay roll Variation Advice showing the following details: i. Name of Officer; ii. File iii.
Designation/Department; iv. Grade / Step; or rate of daily or hourly wages v. Salaries and Allowances; vi.
Effective Date of Employment; vii. Any other terms of employment.
The Variation Advice prepared in triplicate shall be distributed as follows:- - Officer‟s Personal File -
Internal Audit Unit; - Salaries Section. Variation Advice must be raised to give effect to increments,
promotions, acting appointments, dismissals, terminating of appointments, resignations, etc. no
addition or amendment should be made on Payroll without a variation advice. The officer‟s personal
files containing the Variation Advice approved by the Head of the Personnel Administration shall be sent
to the Head of Finance and Supplies, who would pass them to the Salaries Section for processing.
Personal Emoluments Card shall be opened for each officer, stating the details of all the information
contained in the Variation Advice and officers personal files e.g. Name of the Officer, Rank, Salary and
allowance per annum etc.
Thereafter, the officer‟s files, together with Personal Emoluments (P.E) Cards, and Group Register shall
be sent to the Internal Audit Unit for further processing. Subsequently, the officers‟ files are returned to
the Personnel Office. After processing, the Internal Audit Unit shall return the audited P.E. Cards,
variation Advice and Group Register to the salaries section.
7.3.2 PREPARATION OF PAYROLL The staff payroll shall be prepared once monthly or forth-nightly for
casual workers, and shall be on standard former detailing the gross pay, deductions from staff salaries
such as Pay-as-You-Earn (PAYE), rent of staff quarters etc. and net pay. Supplementary payrolls shall not
be allowed.
The information contained in the payroll is used to prepare the payroll Summary Voucher, which is a
summary in totals of the various sums of the payrolls. There shall also be a Voucher Certificate where
officers, who are
involved in the preparation of the payroll, are expected to sign their signatures, names and date in their
appropriate columns as follows: i. Prepared by: ii. Checked by: iii. Passed by: iv. Passed by: v. Paid by:
The officer who prepared the Payroll Summary Voucher is expected to sign the column “prepared by”
7.3.3 PAYROLL AUDIT All salaries payment vouchers shall be checked by the checking section and
audited by the Internal Audit Unit before being passed to the cash office. Adequate internal checks shall
be observed in preparation and payment of salaries. In particular, duties shall be sufficiently segregated
to prevent, detect and / or minimize errors and frauds.
Payslips which are produced simultaneously with the payroll shall be distributed to staff a day or two
before actual pay day, information individual staff about various deductions made from their gross
salary and genuine complaints attended to promptly.
7.3.4 PAYMENT OF SALARY Salaries of all staff shall be paid directly to the bank and such bank advice
shall be prepared in duplicate and be receipted by the various bank(s). Salaries of Staff without account
numbers shall be paid by cash, Pay envelopes shall be written out and correct amount enclosed in each
envelope. The officer paying must ensure that all the pay envelopes have been enclosed with the correct
amount and that no salary is left out before he/she starts to pay out. In view of the usual numerous
number of factory and casual workers, payees must identify themselves with valid identity cards before
they sign for their salaries. Each
payee must sign all the copies of the payroll before money is handed over to him/her.
7.3.5 WITH HOLDING SALARY Where an officer‟s salary is to be withheld for official reasons, a memo or
written request to that effect shall be forwarded to the Head of Finance by the Managers or Head of
7.3.6 COLLECTION OF SALARY BY 3RD PARTY Where an officer is unable to come in person to collect
his/her salary, he/she may issue a signed “Authority to collect salary” to another person. The written
authority shall be endorse by the employee‟s Head of Department/Unit certifying that the employee is
still in the employment of the company and that there is no reason known to him/ her why the
employee‟s salary may not be paid, the person authorized to collect the salary shall identify him/herself
before it can be made.
7.3.7 SHORTAGES/ SURPLUSES Paying officers shall exercise due care in handling monies entrusted to
them. If any shortage occurs through the negligence of the paying officer, he/she shall be required to
refund such shortage. If a surplus is observed after paying all the employees such surplus shall be paid
back to bank.
7.3.8 RECOVERY OF ADVANCES The salaries section is responsible for effecting recovery of advance
granted to officers through appropriate deductions from their salaries. In consequence, therefore, the
Salaries Section shall certify on the Voucher that such advance has been deducted
7.3.9 LEAVE ALLOWANCE Officers who are proceeding on annual leave shall have to apply for and obtain
necessary approval. These should be in a standard application form to be submitted to
the relevant Heads of Department. The application should include the following details; Name of
officer; Designation; Period of leave Required; Contact Address The Heads of Department shall
consider the convenience of allowing the officer to proceed on leave at that material time and may
approve the application. On approval the Head of Personnel Administration will prepare letter
authorizing the leave and pass the letter to the Head of Finance to process the leave allowance. Leave
allowances shall be paid along with salaries. Unless otherwise directed by Management in which case
approval is obtained and direct payment voucher raised for cash or cheque payment.
Any salaries remaining and unclaimed five days after the payment shall be paid to the bank concrete
reason(s) must be provided by the Cash Officer for unclaimed salaries and a register will shall be
maintained to record the particulars of unclaimed salaries.
For any cheque remaining unclaimed after two weeks, the officer in charge of cash office shall issue a
receipt and cancel the cheque. All cheques cancelled shall be attached to the cheque stubs, and the
word “cancelled” boldly written at the front and back.
To reclaim such salaries already lodged in the bank or reversed in the books, any staff affected shall
write a letter to the Head of Finance through his/her Department Head stating the reasons for the delay.
The salary section shall attach the original receipt issued to the officer to the application to facilitate the
preparation of fresh voucher for the officer. The staff affected (claimant) shall sign the Unclaimed
Salaries Register and initial the relevant column applicable to him.
Section 2-sub section (b) of the Pensions Reform Act 2004 provides that the scheme applies to private
sector organizations employing 5 or more persons.
Employees and employers contribution of not less than 7.5% each shall be administered through the
company‟s payroll. The Head of Personnel Administration shall maintain a Pension Register. When a
staff retires or leave employment, the Head of Personnel Administration shall ensure that all personnel
records of officers are up to date for verification by the Pensions Commission, the Pension Fund
Administrators and Pension Fund Custodians.
7.5 Accounting Treatment of salaries and allowances The Head of Finance shall maintain a separate
Cashbook for salaries and allowances. This is used to control salary payments for onward transmission to
the Main Cash Book.
At the end of each reporting period, the expenditures on salaries and allowances as well as deductions
and net salaries and allowance payable shall be determined. The following accounting entries are
made:- - Dr. Salaries & Allowances (Gross Pay) according to cost centers:- Production or Administration
- Cr. Cash/Bank Net Pay; - Cr. PAYEE; - Cr. National Housing Board (NPB) - Cr. National Housing Fund
(NHF); - Cr. Staff Housing Scheme - Cr. Motor Vehicle Loans Repayment; - Cr. Other Deductions, etc.
Cheques written in individual staff names remaining unclaimed two weeks after pay day shall be
reversed in the Cash Book with the following accounting entries.
- Dr. Cash/Bank (Net Pay); - Dr. All Deductions - Cr. Salaries and Allowances (Gross Pay).
7.6 STAFF LOANS AND ADVANCES The Head of Finance must pay particular attention to this routine but
problem prone aspect of staff accounting. Where man power structure permits appoint a staff for:-
- Controlling of Application for Advances - Raising of Advances Payment Voucher - Maintenance of Staff
Advances Ledger and other books of accounts in the Advance Section; - Maintenance of Advances and
Retirement Registers; - Extracting monthly balances of staff advances and ensuring that they agree with
monthly advances control balances in the General Ledger.
The various types of staff loans and advances shall be:- - Touring Advances (Touring advances other than
night allowances) - Personal Advances - Motor vehicle/refurbishment loans (including motorcycle and
bicycle); - Salary advances - Housing loans - Rent advances - Furniture loans - Education loan / advances -
Special advances and others etc.
7.6.2 LOANS AND ADVANCES RECORDS The following books shall be maintained in the loans and
advances section:- - Touring Advances Register; - Touring Advances Retirement Register;
The procedures for granting these types of advances shall start with application by the officer assigned
on the tour or to carry out the exercise.
Through the head of his department, the transaction file is passed to the Managing Director who will
give his approval for the payment. On approval the file is passed to the Advances Section where a
payment voucher will be raised showing the following details:
- Name and grade level of the officer to whom the advances are being made; - Nature of the advances; -
Authority for the advances; - Stamped certificate to be signed by the officer taking the advances, to the
effect that the advance will be retired within seven days of his/her return from the tour.
The Payment Voucher (PV) will then be stamped and entered into PV register. Postings are then made to
the debit sides of the Advances Ledgers, which are usually balanced, and returns made at the end of the
month. When the above procedures are completed the PV is entered in a voucher schedule and both
sent to the checking section to undergo the processing of payment.
- On the officer‟s return from the tour, he is expected to retire the advance within seven days failing
which the full amount of the advance may be deducted from his following month‟s salary, on the orders
of the Head of Finance.
- On retirement of the advance, all the bills and receipts issued by the cashier in the case of an unspent
balance paid over by the officer, will be attached to the statement of retirement and submitted to his
Head of Department. The Head of Department would review and approve the statement, attach them to
the transaction file and pass to the Head of Finance.
- The Head of Finance or his/her representative will review the bills and receipts in line with the
authority earlier granted and approve the statement of retirement if satisfied, after which the file is
passed to the Advances Section. Here a voucher is raised bearing the actual amount expended. This
amount and the unspent balance will be credit to the Touring Advance Control and Subsidiary ledgers to
clear the account for the transaction.
Salaries advance shall be granted to officers on the following conditions: - Officers on first appointment -
Officers on transfer; - Officers returning from leave - Officers in dare financial need as may be approved
by the Managing Director
Provided the officers concerned are not having outstanding salaries advances. The salaries advances
shall not exceed the officer‟s one month‟s salary and shall be recovered by the next month salary
ii. Rent Advance Rent advance shall be granted to officers on the following conditions:- - Officer on first
appointment and or transfer - The application for rent advance must be made within one year of
his/her first appointment. - There should be evidence that the applicant has secured the
- It must be recovered in six equal monthly installments or such number of months as the Company may
iii. EDUCATION LOAN This is an advance paid to officers who are receiving approved education courses
while in service. The procedure for this type of advances starts with the needy officer applying to the
Head of Finance through his Head of Department.
Education Loan shall be granted to officers on the following conditions:- - The subjects of the course are
related to the Officer‟s work - The subjects and efficiency of the officer warrant his taking the course. -
The study is likely to increase his efficiency - The course is with an accredited institution. - The officer
will enter into agreement for repayment. If his/her appointment has been confirmed, he will be required
to provide an acceptable surety who will enter into a bond for the amount advanced. - The advance is
granted if the officer is not enjoying any other advance which will stretch his/her monthly deduction
beyond 1/3 of his salary.
iv MOTOR VEHICLES/REFURNISHING LOANS The conditions, terms and amount of these loans shall be
determined from time to time by the Management. For these loans to be granted, officers are required
to complete relevant Motor Vehicle Advance Application Forms and to obtain and attach original
Proforma Invoice for the Vehicles, from the vendors. In the case of vehicle refurbishment advance, the
insurance certificate and the vehicle
license would be attached. Officers whose appointments have not been confirmed with also have to
complete and attach appropriate bond forms. The total recoverable, which will include the principal and
appropriate interest and the number of installments of repayment deductions, will be noted on the
officer‟s Advances Ledger card kept by the Advances Section. When the Payment Voucher gets to the
Cash Office the cheque for Motor Vehicle will be written in the names of the vendor Company as shown
on the Proforma Invoice attached.
The Certificate at the bottom of the Payment Voucher narration; shall be signed by the Payee. This shall
be an undertaking by the officer (Payee) collecting the money, to the effect that the money will be used
for the purpose for which it was approved and in the case of Advance to be retired within 7 days of
completion of the assignment.
All retirement of advances shall be processed through the officer‟s Head of Department to the Head of
Finance except where an Over expenditure of the advance has been incurred. In this case, the
retirement shall be passed through the Head of Department to the Managing Director for approval of
the over-expenditure before processing by the Head of Finance.
When an advance is approved, the Head of Finance or his/her delegate shall ensure that the previous
advance of the staff has been retired and or that the approval satisfies all requirements.
The Staff Advances Section shall keep Advances Ledgers for each type of advance or loan. Postings into
this ledge shall be made from the appropriate advances code in the Payment
Voucher for amount received by the beneficiaries. On payment in respect of advance and loans, the
following accounting treatment shall be made:-
i. By retirement of a Touring or purchase Advance, which is then credited to their individual ledger and
debited to the expense code in the Retirement Register? The individual staff ledger will then be credited
from the Retirement Register. That is:- - Dr Expenses Code - Cr beneficiaries (under appropriate
advances and loans).
ii. By repaying the unretired part of all the advance back to the cashier and obtaining a receipt. The
Cashier shall credit the advance in the receipt Cash Book and this shall be picked up by the Advances
Section and credited to the Advances ledger of staff making the repayment. - Dr Expenses Code with
the amount spent - Dr Cash/Bank with the amount unspent and returned - Cr Beneficiaries (under
appropriate advances and loans). iii. By deductions from the monthly salaries of the staff who is unable
to retire a Touring and Purchase Advance or the normal deduction of Personal Loans. The Advances
Section shall pick up such deductions from the Payroll Register monthly and credit the individual staff
Advances Ledger.
After these postings from the staff, the Advance Section shall extract monthly balances of staff advances
by type, which shall agree with the Advances Control Account in the General Ledger.
NOTICE: The Advances Retirement Register forms a day book and as such it shall be analyzed each
month and summarized in journal form, debiting the various expenses account codes and crediting the
total to the Touring and Purchases Advance Control Account in the General Ledger.
Revenue is currently defined in IFRS as: “Income arising in the course of an entity‟s ordinary activities”
The Company Profile Group Ltd consists of about Six (6) subsidiaries with each engage in different
activities such Real Estate/ properties, information technology, Oil and Gas, Security services and
manufacturing, thus its major source of income is from the sales of its products/ rendering of services.
Other sources of income include: - Diesel sales/distribution, Sales of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) -
Rent/Rates - Distributors Refundable Deposits - Distributors non-Refundable Deposits - Interest earned
on Bank placements - Dividend/other Investment Income - Sale of Assets.
The oil and gas industry is broadly categorized as either upstream or downstream. The upstream oil and
gas sector refers to the oil exploration in oil fields and the recovery and production of crude oil and
natural gas by oil companies. The upstream oil sector is thus commonly known as the exploration and
production (E&P) sector involving drilling oil in exploratory oil wells.
The downstream oil sector, on the other hand, refers to oil refining, and the sale and distribution of
natural gas and products derived from crude oil such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), petrol, gas and
GAAP Recognition of Revenue for Oil Companies Selling Oil and Gas
Here, the full extent of the revenue for oil companies selling oil and gas is recognized when:
delivery has occurred there is persuasive evidence of the sale the fee is fixed or determinable
The accounts receivable are collectible.
Under Guidance of FAS 19: Financial Accounting and Reporting by Oil and Gas,
Full cost
Under the full cost method, typically all costs related to oil exploration such as oil wells are
capitalized at the full cost center level.
Successful efforts
Under the successful efforts method, most costs are capitalized at the field level, except for
geological and geophysical costs (G&G) costs such as the salaries of geologists and costs of drilling oil in
oil wells if no oil reserves are ever proven. Costs of dry holes are charged to the income statement.
Under Guidance of FAS 19: Financial Accounting and Reporting by Oil and Gas,
Full cost
Development costs are capitalized at the full cost center level. Production costs which include the
costs to operate and maintain oil wells are expensed as incurred.
Successful efforts
Development costs are capitalized at the field level. Production costs which include the costs to
operate and maintain oil wells are charged to the income statement. Proved property acquisition
costs are depreciated over total proved reserves. Costs of wells and equipment are depreciated over
proved developed reserves
The objective of IAS 16 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for property, plant, and equipment. The
principal issues are the recognition of assets, the determination of their carrying amounts, and the
depreciation charges and impairment losses to be recognised in relation to them.
assets classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 exploration and evaluation assets (IFRS
6) biological assets related to agricultural activity (see IAS 41) or mineral rights and mineral
reserves such as oil, natural gas and similar nonregenerative resources
The standard does apply to property, plant, and equipment used to develop or maintain the last two
categories of assets. [IAS 16.3]
Items of property, plant, and equipment should be recognised as assets when it is probable that: [IAS
it is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity, and
the cost of the asset can be measured reliably.
This recognition principle is applied to all property, plant, and equipment costs at the time they are
incurred. These costs include costs incurred initially to acquire or construct an item of property, plant
and equipment and costs incurred subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service it.
IAS 16 does not prescribe the unit of measure for recognition – what constitutes an item of property,
plant, and equipment. [IAS 16.9] Note, however, that if the cost model is used (see below) each part of
an item of property, plant, and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to the total cost of
the item must be depreciated separately. [IAS 16.43]
IAS 16 recognizes that parts of some items of property, plant, and equipment may require replacement
at regular intervals. The carrying amount of an item of property, plant, and equipment will include the
cost of replacing the part of such an item when that cost is incurred if the recognition criteria (future
benefits and measurement reliability) are met. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is
derecognized in accordance with the derecognition provisions of IAS 16.67-72. [IAS 16.13]
Also, continued operation of an item of property, plant, and equipment (for example, an aircraft) may
require regular major inspections for faults regardless of whether parts of the item are replaced. When
each major inspection is performed, its cost is recognised in the carrying amount of the item of
property, plant, and equipment as a replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. If necessary,
the estimated cost of a future similar inspection may be used as an indication of what the cost of the
existing inspection component was when the item was acquired or constructed. [IAS 16.14]
Initial Measurement
An item of property, plant and equipment should initially be recorded at cost. [IAS 16.15] Cost includes
all costs necessary to bring the asset to working condition for its intended use. This would include not
only its original purchase price but also costs of site preparation, delivery and handling, installation,
related professional fees for architects and engineers, and the estimated cost of dismantling and
removing the asset and restoring the site (see IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent
If payment for an item of property, plant, and equipment is deferred, interest at a market rate must be
recognized or imputed.
If an asset is acquired in exchange for another asset (whether similar or dissimilar in nature), the cost
will be measured at the fair value unless (a) the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or (b)
the fair value of neither the asset received nor the asset given up is reliably measurable. If the acquired
item is not measured at fair value, its cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up.
Cost Model. The asset is carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment.
Revaluation Model. The asset is carried at a revalued amount, being its fair value at the date of
revaluation less subsequent depreciation and impairment, provided that fair value can be measured
Under the revaluation model, revaluations should be carried out regularly, so that the carrying amount
of an asset does not differ materially from its fair value at the balance sheet date. [IAS 16.31]
If an item is revalued, the entire class of assets to which that asset belongs should be revalued. [IAS
Revalued assets are depreciated in the same way as under the cost model (see below).
If a revaluation results in an increase in value, it should be credited to other comprehensive income and
accumulated in equity under the heading "revaluation surplus" unless it represents the reversal of a
revaluation decrease of the same asset previously recognised as an expense, in which case it should be
recognised as income. [IAS 16.39]
A decrease arising as a result of a revaluation should be recognised as an expense to the extent that it
exceeds any amount previously credited to the revaluation surplus relating to the same asset. [IAS
When a revalued asset is disposed of, any revaluation surplus may be transferred directly to retained
earnings, or it may be left in equity under the heading revaluation surplus. The transfer to retained
earnings should not be made through the income statement (that is, no "recycling" through profit or
loss). [IAS 16.41]
The depreciable amount (cost less residual value) should be allocated on a systematic basis over the
asset's useful life [IAS 16.50].
The residual value and the useful life of an asset should be reviewed at least at each financial year-end
and, if expectations differ from previous estimates, any change is accounted for prospectively as a
change in estimate under IAS 8. [IAS 16.51]
The depreciation method used should reflect the pattern in which the asset's economic benefits are
consumed by the entity [IAS 16.60];
The depreciation method should be reviewed at least annually and, if the pattern of consumption of
benefits has changed, the depreciation method should be changed prospectively as a change in estimate
under IAS 8. [IAS 16.61]
Depreciation should be charged to the income statement, unless it is included in the carrying amount of
another asset [IAS 16.48].
Depreciation begins when the asset is available for use and continues until the asset is derecognized,
even if it is idle. [IAS 16.55]
IAS 36 requires impairment testing and, if necessary, recognition for property, plant, and equipment. An
item of property, plant, or equipment shall not be carried at more than recoverable amount.
Recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and its value in use.
Any claim for compensation from third parties for impairment is included in profit or loss when the claim
becomes receivable. [IAS 16.65]
An asset should be removed from the balance sheet on disposal or when it is withdrawn from use and
no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The gain or loss on disposal is the difference
between the proceeds and the carrying amount and should be recognised in the income statement. [IAS
If an entity rents some assets and then ceases to rent them, the assets should be transferred to
inventories at their carrying amounts as they become held for sale in the ordinary course of business.
[IAS 16.68A]
For each class of property, plant, and equipment, disclose: [IAS 16.73]
basis for measuring carrying amount depreciation method(s) used useful lives or depreciation
rates gross carrying amount and accumulated depreciation and impairment losses
reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and the end of the period, showing: o
additions o disposals o acquisitions through business combinations o revaluation increases or
decreases o impairment losses o reversals of impairment losses o depreciation o net foreign exchange
differences on translation o other movements
restrictions on title expenditures to construct property, plant, and equipment during the period
contractual commitments to acquire property, plant, and equipment compensation from third
parties for items of property, plant, and equipment that were impaired, lost or given up that is included
in profit or loss
If property, plant, and equipment is stated at revalued amounts, certain additional disclosures are
required: [IAS 16.77]
the effective date of the revaluation whether an independent valuer was involved the
methods and significant assumptions used in estimating fair values the extent to which fair values
were determined directly by reference to observable prices in an active market or recent market
transactions on arm's length terms or were estimated using other valuation techniques for each
revalued class of property, the carrying amount that would have been recognised had the assets been
carried under the cost model
the revaluation surplus, including changes during the period and any restrictions on the distribution of
the balance to shareholders
The ED defines a customer as: “… a party that has contracted with an entity to obtain goods or
services that are an output of the entity‟s ordinary activities.”
8.1 SALES INCOME Income from sales arises from two sources.
8.1.1 CASH SALES: In which case the Credit Control Officer, distributors or Marketing Officers collects
cash/cheque payment for Services rendered or sales of products. Such cash/cheque should be presented
to the Account for issuance of receipts. For Manufacturing Company the customers will be required to
present their cash receipts to the delivery unit to collect the product.
b. The cashier shall maintain the cash book into which daily cash sales are posted for onward lodgment
to bank.
c. The stores unit shall maintain the goods outward register which shall contain details of Goods sold,
the invoice numbers, mode of payment and particularly the Goods Delivery Note number, which will
convince the security that the goods being loaded on any vehicle are actually paid for and properly
issued from the store and not direct from factory.
d. The security shall at the gate maintain Goods Outward Register into which shall be recorded all details
of the sales, payment and delivery documents, including details of the bearer and vehicle numbers.
8.1.3 CREDIT SALES When customers obtain the approval of the Managing Director for credit sales, The
Head of Marketing shall issue the customer with credit invoice attached with the Managing Directors
approval. These copies of the invoice shall be forwarded to the Head of Finance
who will ensure that the sales day book and the customer‟s ledger have been updated. The Head of
Finance will certify the credit sales invoice, hands over original to the customer, keeps a copy and
forwards a copy to the stores unit for the issuance of Goods Delivery Note.
Cr. Sale of Goods Cash Sales Dr. Customers (Debtor Ledger) Credit sale of Goods Periodically Journalize
the sales daybook and debit debtor control
NOTE: Where goods are collected by marketing officers for sales and return of cash, the goods should be
invoiced to the marketing officer as credit sales. All approval and internal control process must be
followed. No marketing officer should be invoice goods more than the value contained in his/her
guarantors form.
8.1.5 PAYMENT FOR CREDIT SALES When customers or Marketing officers pay cash/cheque in respect of
earlier credit sales, the cashier receives the cash/cheque, issues cash receipts to the
customer/marketing officer the cashier shall also update the cash book.
The Accounts Department shall update the customer‟s (debtors) ledger. Thus: Dr. Cash Cr. Customer
(Debtor‟s) ledger,
8.2 OTHER INCOME All other sources of income shall be treated by issuance of receipt to the Actual
Source – A debit to Cash/Bank and a credit to the appreciate income account.
8.3 INCOME FROM DISPOSAL OF ASSETS When any asset of the company is sold as a result of change or
obsolescence, the income accounting is much more detailed than in 8.2 above, thus
a. Credit the appropriate fixed asset Account with the original cost or revalued cost as at the date of
sale. Debit Disposal of Asset Account. b. Debit the appropriate depreciation account with accumulated
depreciation as at year end following the year of sale.
Credit Disposal of Asset Account. c. Debit cash with proceeds of sale Credit Disposal of Asset Account.
d. Credit/Debit Profit and loss Account with profit/loss on Disposal Debit/Credit Disposal of Asset
Account. With such profit/loss.
Unless where depreciation is provided on monthly basis on an asset up to the Month of sale,
Depreciation should not be charged on assets in the year of disposal.
cost of production entails that all identifiable cost of production all must be charged directly to it, and
other related costs apportioned as appropriate.
All raw materials issued from the store to production shall be issued with the Stores Issue Voucher,
quoting the cost ledger code, appropriately signed by the store keeper and endorsed by the Head of
Operation / Production. Same also all other operations consumables, such as Bottles, labels, cartons etc.
shall be issued direct to production, coded and endorsed appropriately.
Issuance of Raw Materials and costing of finished product shall be done in batches to serve as a control
to production effectively, cost determination, price determination and profitability.
9.3 All processed and finished goods shall be returned to finished product store in cartons in relation to
the Process batch number using Finished Goods Transfer Voucher.
9.4 WORK-IN-PROGRESS All raw materials and other production cost, still in factory process not yet
completed, or packed in cartons and returned to store, shall be treated as Work-in-Progress. On
completion of each batch of Work-in-Progress, relevant journals are raised to transfer the total cost
from Work-in-Progress, to Finished Goods Account.
shared jointly by the production and Administrative Cost Centre e.g. Generator / Electricity, Water,
Canteen Service are appointed (share) between Production and Administration, in accordance with
Management Policy as to what is the assumed or measured percentage of cost enjoyed by cash.
10.0 FINAL ACCOUNTS/END OF PERIOD OR YEAR ACCOUNTING This chapter is introducing with the focus
that the organization will grow larger in scope, that activities initially carried out by single officers may
grow into sections and departments headed by well-trained and experienced officers.
Secondly, the Final Accounts Process in any organization is an essential co-ordinating and consolidation
function, which summarized all the company‟s operations in financial terms, showing the true face and
health of the company. therefore, the function of the Final Accounts Section whether manned by a
single officer or a group, are:
- Collating all relevant daybooks, summarizing them into journal before passing into the general or
Expenses Ledgers. - Posting the General and Expenses Ledgers monthly from the daybook summary. -
Extraction of monthly Trial Balance. - Preparation of Final Accounts with supporting schedules - Keeping
and updating the Fixed Assets Register and preparation of monthly additions and disposal‟s schedule. -
Initiation of journal adjustments and posting same into the Ledger.
10.2 BOOKS TO BE MAINTAINED - General and Expenses Ledgers, - Fixed Assets Registers, - Journal Book
The various transactions of the company shall be recorded in the primary books on a daily basis, or as
close to the transaction date as possible. These books of primary entry‟ form the first point for
transaction from the originating documents such as receipts, bill and invoices to the main accounting
books, the Ledgers. Other primary books maintained by the company apart from Cash Books and
Cheque Summary Register includes the Revenue Register, Purchases daybook which record particulars
of goods and services acquired on credit, to facilitate the recognition of the liabilities for them and the
Return Outwards Register which collate the values of goods returned suppliers to enable the recovery of
prices paid or reversal of liabilities taken on them. Other transactions, which do not fall into any of the
above, are entered through the journal may be possible for any of the mentioned transaction to be
entered through the Journal but in order to economize labour, ensure consistency and facilitate analysis
of figures, the above books are used for the collation of the particular types of transactions while the
journal vouchers are used for miscellaneous transactions such as transfer from one account to another,
correction or adjustment of previous accounting entries and other transactions of a special nature.
All Journals Vouchers should be raised from one central point, that is, the Final Accounts Section and
must be authorized/approved by the Head of Finance before they are entered in the Ledger Accounts.
At the end of every month, the Cash Book entries are analyzed, totaled and balanced, the total amounts
of the various account heads are summarized and posted to the respective control accounts in the
general ledger and similar entries are made to individual account in the subsidiary ledger where
The Bills Register recording such bills as electricity, telephone, etc, as analyzed, are totaled and balanced
and the total amounts of the various accounts heads are summarized and posted to the respective
control account in the general ledger, while the unpaid bills incurred within the particular accounting
period are debited to the respective expenses account heads and credited to the corresponding accruals
After the posting exercise, the subsidiary accounts are balanced and schedules listing the accounts and
balances are prepared. The total of the list of balances will be agreed to the respective balances of their
Control Accounts in the general Ledger. Any differences will be investigated and resolved or adjusted as
After all postings to the General Ledger Accounts have been made, the accounts are balanced monthly
after which, a Trial balance will be prepared. This is a schedule listing of all the accounts in the General
Ledger with their respective debit or credit balances as at the balancing date which may be the end of
the accounting month, period or year. As these balances are met figures resulting from double entry
postings of transactions, the totals of the debit balances should agree with the totals of credit balances.
Any disagreement of these balances is an indication of some abnormality, which must be investigated.
Thus the trail balance serves as a means of proving the arithmetical accuracy of the double entries and
the accounts and provides analysis from the final or periodic accounts, operating statements and
balance sheets can be prepared.
10.3.1 All items of fixed assets of the company are classified as per Section 3.5
10.4.2 When expenditure is incurred, it would be analyzed to the appropriate account head in the cash
book and posted to the ledger account for that expenditure. When fixed assets are purchased on credit,
the Final Accounts Section will carry out the posting to the general Ledger by debiting the various asset
accounts and crediting the vendor‟s creditor‟s ledger account. In most cases, however, an item
whether purchased or constructed directly would be classified as fixed assets and capitalized if its
satisfies the following conditions:
i. If it is of physical nature with usefulness that spans many years and falls into any of the above
classifications on Section 3.5
Where expenditure is incurred in modifying or improving as existing fixed asset item, the following
criteria would be applied in determining its accounting treatment.
At the end of each month, the details of all fixed assets acquired, as shown in the summaries posted to
general ledger accounts from the primary books (e.g. cash books purchases Daybook/Project Register,
and Journals) will be obtained from the suppliers invoices attached to the payment voucher or other
source document and passed to fixed assets register clerks who will allocate an appropriate reference
number to the item and enter it in the asset register. The asset register is maintained to collate all
relevant particulars of the assets and facilitate the physical and accounting control for all items existing
and in use even if they are fully depreciated.
The register should have appropriate columns to record the following information for each asset:
iii. Date of purchase; iv. Cost of item and costs of subsequent modifications; v. Name of supplier; vi.
Location of asset; vii. Rate of depreciation and amounts of annual depreciation charges; viii. Date of
disposal and proceeds of disposal, if any.
The allocated code/reference numbers facilitate identification and physical control of the assets. The
numbers are serial and systematic and care is usually taken to ensure that no two items have the same
number irrespective of their similarity of type or location.
Periodical physical inspection and verification exercise are regularly carried out by the Final Accounts
Section and internal Audit Section to ensure proper control over the assets and enhance prompt
determination of the location and state of existence. Also, the totals of the values on the asset register
are reconciled with the general ledger account balances at regular intervals.
Provisions for fixed asset depreciation should be charged annually on a straight line basis using rates
estimated to write off the items over the expected useful lives. The recommended rates adopted for
these annual charges are as show in Section 3.5 (Provision for Depreciation).
The depreciation amounts are charged to the Profit and Loss Account for the period and cumulative
charges are netted off from the total costs to derive the net book values shown in the Balance Sheet.
When an item of fixed asset is sold as a boarded item, the difference between the proceeds from the
sale and its net book value is recognized as a gain or loss and credited or charged
to income in the period of the sale; when an asset is scrapped or dismantled its net book value is written
off as loss, net of any proceeds. This includes partially depreciated plant or equipment, which are no
longer in use. Also when only part of fixed asset is disposed of, the proportionate amount is similarly
treated. See also Section 8.3.
(1) Periodically, as and when required by the Managing Director or the Board, and at least at the end of
every year, the Final Accounts Section shall compile financial statements of the company to show the
results of operations for the year or period and the state of the affairs of the company as at the end of
the period or year.
(2) Specifically, the accounting date of the company shall be 31st December of each year and the
financial statements of the company shall be made up as at that date.
(3) The year-end financial statements of the company shall include the following:-
(a) Balance Sheet of the company as at 31 December of every year, showing the state of affairs of the
company as on that date.
(b) Profit and Loss Account Statement, for each year ended 31 December, showing the results of
operations for that year.
(d) Adequate explanatory notes and schedules supporting all major items on the balance sheets and
profit and loss account statements.
The financial statements of the company shall be fully prepared and ready for External Audit in
compliance with Part XI of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.
11.1 Budgeting for every organization is drawing up in advance as a road map for the company‟s
operations for period ahead. This roadmap is reviewed periodically to appraise performance and effect
necessary corrections.
The Head of Finance is usually the Chief Budget Officer and the chairman of the department budget
meetings of the company. An officer or a unit in the Finance Department is assigned with the
responsibility of co-ordinating the budget of various Departments. The function of this unit shall include:
i. Inviting budget proposals from various units by the end of third quarter of each year in preparation for
next years budget. ii. Consolidation of various budget proposals from departments for the review of the
Chief Budget Officer and approval by the Management and the Board of Directors. iii. Control of
expenditure by various departments in accordance with budget. iv. Consolidation of monthly operation
(Production)/Admin expenditure and comparison with budget. v. Preparation of monthly budget and
budgetary reports and variance analysis thereto for management information. vi. Preparation of
quarterly cash flow statement for liquidity watch.
The detail budget preparation exercise is done at the unit and departmental levels where the basic
estimates are compiled, by the officers, taking into account their projections of requirements for the
coming years.
The annual budget activities usually begin towards the end of 3rd quarter of the year with a Budget call
circular issued by the Head of Finance. The circular outlines the guidelines for the compilation of the
proposals for the New Year, based on objectives and policy
direction of the company and the relevant time table and deadlines for submission of proposals.
On receipt of the circulars, the Heads of Departments or units and therefore, compile the departmental
proposal, which they would submit to the Head of Finance.
The submission of the various departments and units are collated at the Budget Section, on completion
of which the Head of Finance and after consultations with the Managing Director would summon a
meeting of the Heads of departments, to discuss the various submission.
At the meeting of Heads of Departments, the various estimates submitted by the departments and units
of the company considered individually to ensure they are in line with the guidelines and corporate
objectives. Also each Head of Department or Unit would be called upon to defend the proposals of his
department. The meeting also serves the purpose of harmonizing the various proposals from all the
Departments and Units of company. The officer in charge of Budget Unit, as Secretary of the meeting
would record the proceedings of the meeting, notice all approved and disallowed proposals.
Based on the record of this departmental budget meeting, the Head of Finance will compile the draft
proposals combining the approved proposals of the various departments, into the single budget
proposal of the company.
The draft proposals would be submitted to the Managing Director by the Head of Finance for his review
and approval. The Managing Director by the Head of Finance for his review and approval. The Managing
Director in reviewing and approving the proposals would take into consideration several factors such as
the priority ratings of the various projects and programmes, the policy direction of the company,
availability of funds, the perspective of
the National and World Economic Horizon, the total amount involved in the overall proposal, and the
acceptability of the proposals by the Board of Directors.
Each Head of Department is held directly responsible for realizing the income and monitoring the
expenditure approved in his budget. It is also his responsibility to raise budget alarm on any material
variance from his operations.
The reviewed and approved budget proposals shall then be submitted to the Board of Directors for their
confirmation. The confirmation of the Budget by the Board of Directors makes it a mandatory guideline
for the operations of the company during the year unless reviewed and modified as necessary during the
At the end of each reporting period, monthly, quarterly, half yearly, the Budget Unit shall prepare
Budget Reports for each Department or Unit. This shows the amount budgeted and actual expenditures
incurred and income realized. In addition the Budget unit shall prepare summarized Budget Report of
the company to management, explaining significant variances and suggesting corrective actions.
The speed of presentation of Budget Report and corrective actions are essential for effective budgetary
control. Budget Reports shall be prepared promptly after the end of a reporting period, so that variances
are discovered on time and corrective action taken.
The whole budget period cannot be effectively used to control expenditure especially those, which must
be rigidly scrutinized at intervals – normally monthly. The Head of Finance shall arrange that the budget
period be divided into months so that actual results
can be compared with those budgeted. The Head of Finance shall ensure that if any adverse variance
has resulted, immediate action is taken.
The Budget Unit shall prepare a Cash Budget for every quarter to enable the management appreciate
the liquidity situation of the company.
Where it disclosed a shortage of liquid resources, management shall be promptly informed to take
remedial actions such as short tem bank borrowing or aggressive debt recovery.
12.1 This chapter recognizes the busy nature of top management and in most cases the
distant nature of top management and the Board from the day to day accounting operations.
This therefore requires that Management and Board should be regularly abreast with the
goings on in the company through regular reports, herein known as, Management
Information Reports.
The General Management including Head of Departments, Units and Sections are to
arrange for departmental reports appropriate to their need e.g. Daily Bank Position, Stock
The Top Management and the Board are concerned with operational reports, which touch
on the overall company policies and corporate objectives. A few of these reports are:-
(i) Quarterly Finance Statements:- This report which comprises the Profit and Loss
Account, the cash flow statement and balance sheet give the management a bird
eye view of its performance and services as an indicator and guide to future
the budget (corporate target) against actual performance. Deviations from plan
are highlighted, reasons for such deviations provided and solution to negative
This is one of the core responsibilities of the Head of Finance in corporation with the Budget Office. The
report shall cover all aspect of the Budget areas such as:- Production:
Special emphasis may have to be made to materials utilization, or supplier as per major indicators and
(iii) Funds Planning Report:- One major lifeblood of any organization is liquidity (Cash available to meet
the company‟s operation needs). As part of Budget appraisal the Head of Finance must produce at least
quarterly a Liquidity Planning Report to guide management as to availability of funds, and if shortfalls
are likely, the probable sources of funding such shortfalls timely. If excess liquidity is envisaged, possible
avenues of investment.
(iv) Monthly Reports:- In addition to the above quarterly report the Head of Finance is expected to
produce for the attention of management a monthly report in their operational areas such as:- a.
Income analyzed as to sources and showing cumulative figures to date. b. Salaried and wages analyzed
as to cost centers and relevant cumulative figures.
c. Maintenance cost analyzed as to types, - vehicles, buildings, equipments etc with relevant comments
as to noticeable variances. d. Production report tailored to the specific need of management and areas
requiring regular emphasis. e. Creditors and debtors Analysis, specifying the nature, age of debt and
necessary comments on overdue debts.
f. Monthly Trail Balance: The Head of Finance is to ensure that this very
(v) Annual Report: While some of the above quarterly or monthly report could still
be prepared for the guideline of management, the comprises and Allied Maters
NAME OF OFFICER:……………………………………………………………………...
PURPOSE OF ADVANCE:………………………………………………………………
I undertake to give a full account of the advance given to me within forty eight hours; failing to do so,
the company is authorized to deduct the amount of the advance enbloc from my salary.
Date confirmed Salary Grade Level Salary P.A. Salary per month Marital Status No of Children
Has the company agreed to liquidate this Yes/No loan as a condition of employment?
Signature Date
It is in your interest to ensure that this form is properly and accurately completed and the relevant
sections endorsed as failure to complete the form ……………. will delay payment of your salaries
Prepared By
Checked By
Authorized By
Accounting Period_______________
Total Value
Special Comments
Certified that the above mentioned articles have been taken on charge
Name of Receiving Officer:____________________ Signature of Receiving Officer:________________
Date____________________ 20_______________
Charge No.
Item Number
Item No Denom
Quantity Receipts
Bin card Material code
Quantity Received
Quantity Rejected
Quantity ordered
Value of Supply N
ORDER No.___________
Delivery Date…………………………………
Received by……………………………………
The Company cannot be held responsible for the settlement of accounts for goods/services supplied
without a properly authorized official order.
Requisition Department:
____________________________________________________________________________ Date
____________________________________________________________________________ Reasons
for purchase
____________________________________________________________________________ Ranking
Priority: Routing Urgent Very Urgent
____________________________________________________________________________ Proposed
purchase date 1………………………… Proposed Suppliers 2………………………… Recommended
Supplier 3…………………………
____________________________________________________________________________ Capital
cost details Total Cost N
____________________________________________________________________________ Budgeted
Cost (Amount included in current Budget) N
Supplier/Purchaser Location Bal B/F Addition Disposal Bal C/F Depreciation Rate % Bal B/F Annual
Cash Summary
N5 ……………………… ………………………
Bank charges
Reconciliation Balance
Prepared by
Reviews by
Department_______________________ Date_____________________________
Amount in words________________________________________________________________
______________________________________Naira_______________________ Kobo
Account Description
Amount N K
Name of Officer……………………………………………………………………………………
Purpose of Advance:……………………………………………………………………………….
Date:………………………… …………………………………….
Applicant‟s Signature
Approved by:………………………………………….
Received by:…………………………………………...
It is hereby declared and agreed that this document shall be binding on the Management and
employees of this company, both now and in the future.
Name:……………………………………………. Name:……………………………………………………