BS Chennai 04-03-2024
BS Chennai 04-03-2024
BS Chennai 04-03-2024
the next
SPECIALS MONDAY to directly engage with the next government, the detailed action
Biz took 40% hit after 8 of 10 delisted
apps back
Jamshedpur, 3 March
Google delisting: Startups
ARYAMAN GUPTA, ASHUTOSH MISHRA what Google calls a consumption-only
on Play Store
& SHIVANI SHINDE model, wherein any products or services,
Tata Sons Chairman N New Delhi/Mumbai, 3 March whether digital or physical, cannot be pur- SURAJEET DAS GUPTA commissions being demand-
Chandrasekaran on Sunday chased from within the app. This allows New Delhi, 3 March ed will force them to pass on
said the conglomerate would he Google versus Indian applica- developers to not pay Google the 11-30 per the burden as a “Google tax”
continue to uphold the legacy tion (app) developers’ tussle cent service fee. Apps of eight of the 10 start- if they want to survive.
of its founder Jamsetji Tata, reached a new height after the The apps can, on the other hand, ups that were delisted from Startups and other app
and remain committed to the global search giant banned apps from 10 undertake transactions through their Google Play Store on Friday developers argue that Google
principles of integrity, developers from its Play Store. Although respective websites. are now back on the platform, is giving differential treatment
innovation and social respon- several of these apps were reinstated with- The absence of a billing system on the with the remaining two also to Indian developers. They
sibility. in a day, the impact of the ban has been Play Store would, however, take a toll on in the process of their return point out that the new formu-
He was addressing a gath- immense. Many told Business Standard the companies’ operations, several — after they accepted a la offered has already been
ering at the Postal Park in Tata Sons Chairman that business has been impacted by as founders said. compromise formula implemented or is in
Bistupur in Jharkhand’s N Chandrasekaran was much as 40 per cent. Sincedelisting,ourbusinessis According to industry sources, Indian offered by the US the process of being
Jamshedpur after paying addressing a gathering in The parties concerned have sought a downaround30-40%,which founders and app developers have sought technology giant. implemented in the
homage to Jamsetji Tata on Jamshedpur on Jamsetji meeting with the government on Monday meanswewentfrombeinga a meeting with the government on The relisted apps European Economic
his 185th birth anniversary. Tata’s birth anniversary to discuss the contentious issue, sources Monday, led by Communications Minister include, Area and the UK. In
He was accompanied by aware of the development said.
profitable,growingcompanytoan Ashwani Vaishnaw, to discuss the issue., the EU, as a pre-
Tata Steel Chief Executive inception,” Chandrasekaran “Since delisting, our business is down unprofitable,de-growing Vaishnaw, who intervened on the, and emptive compliance
Officer (CEO) and Managing said. 30-40 per cent, which means we went company.Ithascausedcomplete issue, made it clear that India is very clear Bharat Matrimony. measure, Google has
Director (MD) T V Narendran. “We will continue to work from being a profitable, growing company valuedestruction in its policy that startups will get the pro- Ashwini Govt to meet allowed app devel-
“Our founder, Jamsetji together with the community to an unprofitable, de-growing company. tection that they need, and this kind of Vaishnaw, the Google, app opers to offer only
Tata, envisioned a future to build a brighter, more pros- It has caused complete value destruction,” ANUPAM MITTAL delisting cannot be permitted. Union minister for developers their preferred pay-
where industry would be a perous future for Anupam Mittal, founder and chief exec- Founder & CEO, The development comes amid an communications, today ment processes and
force for positive change, and Jamshedpur and its resi- utive officer of People Group ongoing spat between Indian developers electronics, and IT, not offer the Google
it is with great pride that we dents,” he added. (, told Business Standard. and Google over its billing policy. After who intervened in the con- payment system at all. Many
continue to uphold his legacy. Later, he inaugurated an As many as 50 per cent of People the Madras High Court dismissed pleas of tentious issue on Saturday, startups have argued that, in
In this occasion, we reaffirm exhibition at Steelennium Group’s apps, Mittal said, had been delist- several Indian startups against Google’s has scheduled a meeting with addition to being large adver-
our commitment to the prin- Hall at Jamshedpur Works of ed from the Play Store. billing policy last year, app developers the two sides for Monday. tisers on Google, they are now
ciples of integrity, innovation, Tata Steel, where various Snehil Khanor, chief executive officer, escalated the issue to the apex court. Speaking to Business also paying commissions for
and social responsibility that departments presented their TrulyMadly, a matchmaking app, said that Although the Supreme Court (SC) Standard, Vaishnaw stated: being on the app store and
have guided us since our technology-led initiatives. their business as well as its user experi- agreed to hear the appeals filed by 10 “We will continue to support conducting transactions,
ence were “deeply impacted” by Google’s developers, it refused to provide any inter- the startup ecosystem. App which they deem unfair.
move. “The impact of the ban on im relief to them. developers and Google teams Sources say that Google
TrulyMadly’s business was 20-25 per cent “What was the hurry? Why couldn’t will meet tomorrow (Monday) took action on delisting only
IN BRIEF on Day One. Until Saturday the platform Google have waited for a few more weeks and explain their viewpoints.” after the Supreme Court did
has seen a dip of almost 40 per cent,” until these matters are fully heard in the Under Google’s new for- not grant any interim relief to
Khanor said. Theimpactofthebanon courts,” Mittal said, adding, “The interim mula, it will relist the apps on the petitioners, including
Byju’s says it is beneficial Google had, on Friday, announced that
it had removed apps from 10 developers
TrulyMadly’sbusinesswas protection went away recently, but that
does not mean that the Competition
Play Store for free, provided these startups, challenging
any transaction on those apps the tech major’s billing policy,
owner of $533 mn US fund from the Play Store for alleged non-com-
pliance with its user choice billing system. theplatformhasseenadipof
Commission of India or SC has said that
you (Google) can go back to the status quo
does not take place through against delisting the apps.
Google’s billing system. These Even then, Google waited for
Ahead of a US court hearing on the whereabouts of the $533 These include apps like Shaadi, Bharat almost40% and charge whatever you want.” apps can use any third-party a substantial period and start-
million funds Byju’s had parked in an American investment Matrimony, Balaji Telefilms’ Altt (formerly Google, on the other hand, claims that payment channel through ed to delist from March 1, leav-
firm, the edtech company on Sunday evening said its ALTBalaji), audio platform Kuku FM, and
SNEHIL KHANOR developers have had more than three their respective websites and ing a significant amount of
CEO, TrulyMadly
subsidiary in the US remains the beneficial owner of the fund. dating service Quack Quack. years to prepare, including three weeks are not obligated to pay a com- time in between, they said.
On Saturday, Byju’s stated that it had no money to pay salaries Two apps from the Sanjeev after the recent SC order, saying that the mission of 15 to 30 per cent In their discussions with
to employees after just-raised funds through the rights issue Bikhchandani-led Info Edge Group — developers in question “have chosen to (which includes 4 per cent for app developers, the sources
were locked (in a separate account) after a dispute with and — were also Store ecosystem. This, in turn, breaks the not pay for the immense value they transactions through Google's said, Google has made it clear
investors. It is not clear if Byju’s is the beneficial owner of $533 taken down. Bikhchandani claimed that user experience. receive on Google Play by securing interim own billing system). that the commission is based
million, then why it could not use them for paying salaries. these apps were delisted without any “We had to modify our apps according protections from the court”. However, those that con- on their business expectations
“Camshaft, in its latest submission, has disclosed to the notice from Google about them being to Google’s directions. We removed all “Only 3 per cent of developers in India tinue to use Google's payment and is a commercial contract,
Delaware Court that the $533 million was transferred from non-compliant. payment methods and billing systems sell digital goods or services and therefore system will still have to pay and that developers have a
Byju’s Alpha to another 100 per cent Think & Learn owned Several of these apps are now back on from our apps. They are now operating need to pay a service fee, the vast majority the commissions. Startups choice not to use its app store.
subsidiary, Inspilearn LLC (a Delaware firm),” Byju’s said in a the Play Store after being modified to fit without payment gateways. None of our of whom pay 15 per cent or less — the low- have expressed dissatisfaction It further argued that the
statement. “As Byju’s has indicated previously — the funds Google’s payment policy. But many are on apps are directly monetised. Business is est of any major global app store. In fact, with Google’s action of delist- startup ecosystem does not
continue to remain in a Think and Learn subsidiary, contrary to a consumption model, which means for bound to take a hit,” said another app in India, less than 60 developers on ing without providing ade- get impacted as the majority
the false allegation made by a select list of investors before the any transaction or payment, a user has to developer. Google Play are subject to fees above 15 quate notice. They are con- of the app developers don’t
NCLT in India,” Byju’s said. According to reports, the Florida go to the app’s website or out of the Play The re-listed apps are now running on per cent,” the company said in a blog post. cerned that the hefty pay in any case.
hedge fund has been asked to reveal where the money is
located or face possible sanctions from a federal judge
on Monday. PTI
CHENNAI : Printed and Published by S Jayaraam on behalf of Business Standard Private Limited and printed at MNS Printers Private ltd,76/1,Noombal Village , Poonamallee High Road, Velappanchavadi, Chennai-600 077 and published at Business Standard Private Limited, C/o. Regus Citi Centre, Level 6, 10/11, Dr.RadhakrishnanSalai, Mylapore,
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iddled with increasing imports, India’s will grant permission on another petition. It missioning of full capacity or plans for incre-
copper industry is gearing up for a indicates that this is a step in the ongoing mental capacity in wake of the Supreme
change in market dynamics — while a process,” said Jidesh Kumar, managing COPPER PRODUCTION Court order last week.
new entrant is planning to add capacities, an
older player is facing legal hurdles.
partner, King Stubb & Kasiva,
Advocates and Attorneys. However,
AND IMPORTS He added, “We are committed to
exploring opportunities that align
Amid this, raw material imports, commer- this may not be an easy task, accord- Period Domestic Imports % of imports with the nation’s priorities to help
cial viability, and capacity ramp-ups will be the ing to an industry analyst. production (kilo in total us achieve our growth objectives.
deciding factors on how the industry fares, “In case Sterlite Copper re-opens (kilotonnes) tonnes) demand met We regularly evaluate various pos-
going forward, said analysts. the facility, the key monitorable sibilities to determine their poten-
Last week, the Supreme Court dismissed a would be the costs involved in
Q3FY23 142 54 27.55 tial to support our vision and
plea by the Vedanta Group to reopen its copper ensuring higher environment com- Q1FY24 137 57 29.38 enhance our overall success.”
smelter plant at Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu. pliance and commercial viability,” Q2FY24 145 56 27.86 Filling in the vacuum left by
The decision comes at a time, when India’s
imports of copper are rising (see table) and a
new entrant — Adani — is preparing ground
the analyst said.
Even as Sterlite struggles to get its
capacity re-opened, Adani’s Kutch
Q3FY24 133 64 32.32
Source: Hindalco Industries
Sterlite’s closure may not be an easy
task, industry experts said.
“India does not have a sufficient
Hospitals’ revenue
per bed sees healthy
Investor Presentation
to start operations. Copper, the latest entrant in the market, domestic source of copper ore, and so,
“We are awaiting the order from the Hon’ble is preparing to commission its first phase. we rely on imports. In the absence of
Supreme Court and will evaluate our next steps Earlier, Hindalco Industries and Vedanta Vedanta’s Sterlite capacity going on-stream,
increase in 9MFY24
once our legal team has examined it,” Vedanta’s were the two major producers. it is an opportunity for other players. However,
Sterlite Copper had said on Thursday. But with Sterlite Copper operations sus- any new player will have to navigate the same
Concerned spokespersons at the company pended, Hindalco now contributes most of cost viability concerns,” said Hitesh Avachat,
said they have no further comments to make. India’s current production. associate director with CareEdge.
Outside the 400 kilotonne per annum Vinay Prakash, chief executive officer pletion of both the phases, the complex will Commenting on Kutch Copper’s ore sourc- SANKET KOUL & ANJALI SINGH BED-WISE REVENUE:
(KTPA) Tamil Nadu unit, Vedanta has little to (CEO), Adani Natural Resources, and managing have a total capacity of 1 MTPA. It will make ing, Prakash said, “The sourcing involves a
show in the copper business. director (MD) of Kutch Copper, in an email Kutch Copper the world’s largest single-loca- strategic mix of short and long-term arrange-
New Delhi/Mumbai, 3 March
The company owns a 216 KTPA capacity response to Business Standard, said, tion copper smelter.” ments with miners and traders worldwide, Major Indian hospital
ARPOB per day
unit at Silvasa (near Gujarat) and Vedanta “Construction of Phase I of the complex is in Analysts with Cantor Fitzgerald, in a report including from Peru, Chile, and Australia. We chains reported an increase n 9MFY23 n 9MFY24 (~)
Resources also owns a majority stake in advanced stages and will be operational in on Adani Enterprises in January, had said, “We are striving to create a base of copper concen- in their average revenue per ICRA figure* 45,300
Konkola Copper Mines in Zambia. March 2024 with 0.5 MTPA refined copper do not forecast the company’s copper smelter trate supply by partnering with major global occupied bed (ARPOB) for 50,000
Not everyone feels it is the end of the road capacity. Following this, we plan to expand to be finished until the third quarter of FY25. players. This will ensure consistent supply in the nine months (9M) of the Apollo Hospitals 51,202
for the company. capacity by 0.5 MTPA in Phase II. Upon com- From then, we expect copper revenue to start desired quantities.” current financial year Enterprise 56,823
(2023-24, or FY24) — 36,100
around ~50,000 per bed per Aster DM (India) 39,300
day in 9MFY24 compared
India Inc pushes capex as capacity use nears 75% to ~45,800 per bed per day Fortis Healthcare
in the same period last
financial year (2022–23, or Max Healthcare 66,300
FY23). According to esti- 74,500
mates by rating agency 9MFY: First nine months of the financial year;
Mumbai, 3 March LEADERBOARD BPCL: Targets ~1.5-1.7 trillion capex
in 5 years
Tata Motors: ~38,000 crore ness. Other conglomerates are also
leading the investment plans. Aditya
ARPOB: Average revenue per occupied bed
ICRA, ARPOB will increase *ICRA’s sample size includes hospital business
Recent private capex UltraTech: Announces third capex Birla announced plans to invest by 8–10 per cent in FY24.
of nine listed companies
Source: ICRA Research, companies
With India Inc’s average capacity util- announcements Maruti Suzuki: ~1.25 trillion round worth ~13,000 crore ~10,000 crore in the paints business. In ICRA’s sample set of
isation touching 74 per cent, spending in 8 years The Adani Group is leading the hospitals, the ARPOB has increased by 10.35 per cent in 9MFY24.
according to the Reserve Bank of Amul: Sets aside ~11,500 crore to capex plans in the infrastructure sec- For the full FY24, ICRA estimates listed companies it tracks to
India (RBI), top Indian conglomer- ONGC/IOC:~1.2trillionforexpansion expand operations across six states tor as it expects to report record witness healthy year-on-year growth of 8–10 per cent — ~49,708
ates are finally pressing the pedal on JSW Steel/EV: Lines up Adani Enterprises: To spend Ebitda (earnings before interest, tax per bed per day from ~45,800 per bed per day reported in FY23.
capital expenditure. and depreciation) of ~80,000 crore ICRA feels that the rise will be aided by improving specialty
~1 trillion to raise capacity $1.5 billion on data centres
According to a report by Motilal for the financial year ended March and case mix, a better payor mix (with a higher contribution from
Oswal Financial Securities (MOSL), Tata Power: ~60,000 crore capex Cairn India: To double annual 2024, with ~1 trillion for 2025. It will cash and insurance patients), and annual price revisions by com-
private sector capital expenditure over 3 years capex to $1 billion in 5 years invest in data centres, airports, roads, panies to offset cost inflation.
(capex) has started ramping up from SOURCE: MOTILAL OSWAL
ports and power generating units in ICRA’s sample set includes the hospital business of nine listed
select sectors, which will get another Powerchip Semiconductor Private Limited announced plans to our entry in semiconductor fabrica- the coming quarters with equity companies, namely Apollo Hospitals Enterprise, Aster DM
leg up from thermal power, produc- Manufacturing Corp (PSMC), invest ~27,000 crore in Assam. tion will add to this legacy,” Tata Sons investments expected from Healthcare (India business only), Fortis Healthcare, HealthCare
tion linked-led capex and semicon- Taiwan, announced plans to invest “The Tata Group has a tradition Chairman N Chandrasekaran said sovereign funds from West Asia. Global Enterprises, Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Max
ductor capex. ~91,000 crore in Dholera, while Tata of pioneering many sectors in the after announcing a slew of invest- Healthcare Institute, Narayana Hrudayalaya, Rainbow Children’s
Last week, Tata Electronics and Semiconductor Assembly and Test country, and we are confident that ments in the semiconductor busi- More on Medicare, and Shalby Hospitals.
This is to inform public that “SONA”, “SONA BLW”
and “SONA COMSTAR” are registered trademarks
of M/s. Sona BLW Precision Forgings Limited.
Promoter(s) of Sona Machinery Ltd. had filed for a
trademark “SONA” (Device) represented as herein
“ ” in Class 07. The said trademark has
been opposed by Sona BLW
Precision Forgings Limited.
Farmers give ‘rail roko’ call for Differences remain amid NPSadded21.5%
Mar 10, to reach Delhi on Mar 6 fewer corporate
Farmer leaders Sarwan Singh Pandher and Jagjit
Singh Dallewal on Sunday gave a call to the
farmers across the nation to reach Delhi on March
6 for a protest while they also gave a four-hour
some headway at WTO MC13 subscribersin’23
‘rail roko’ countrywide call for March 10 in support
of their various demands. The farmer leaders
Issues like subsidies, public stockholding for food security persist Saw 158,212 new subscribers last year
asserted that the farmers’ ongoing agitation will be intensified at SHREYA NANDI
the existing protest points and will continue till their demands are New Delhi, 3 March compared to 201,517 during 2022
met by the government. They were speaking in Bathinda district's
ing to no visible outcomes.
Divergences in positions persisted on
FM to inaugurate meet of GST crucial matters such as curbing subsidies
contributing to overcapacity and overfish-
enforcement chiefs today ing, and public stockholding for food secu-
rity — a foremost priority for India. State Central Corporate
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will While MC13 saw no specific outcomes, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal emphasised that India has Source: MoSPI
inaugurate on Monday a conference of countries resolved to establish a fully func- retained full policy space for the benefit of its farmers
enforcement chiefs of all state and central GST tioning dispute settlement system acces- SHIVA RAJORA Finance Minister Nirmala
officers to tackle tax evasion. In the conference, sible to all members by the end of 2024. New Delhi, 3 March Sitharaman had announced
Goods and Services Tax (GST) formations will Even without a resolution on India’s Jaccard said. impact on other countries. changes in income tax slabs
deliberate on combating GST evasion, including primary demand regarding grain stock- The National Pension and rebate limits.
examining current challenges and delving into holding, Commerce and Industry Minister FISHERIES SUBSIDIES Outcome System (NPS) added 21.5 per Under the new income
successful methods adopted by central and state Piyush Goyal expressed satisfaction, WTO nations agreed to maintain the cur- cent fewer fresh subscribers tax regime, the exemption
tax enforcement officers. PTI emphasising that India has retained full What India wanted rent practice of not imposing Customs under the corporate segment limit was raised to ~7 lakh
policy space for the benefit of its farmers. India acknowledged the negative impact duties on electronic transmissions until in 2023 compared to the pre- from ~5 lakh, indicating that
Business Standard examines the out- of subsidies on the fisheries sector, empha- the next ministerial conference or March ceding year. Government a person who earns less than
‘1st tranche of offshore mineral comes of MC13, highlighting key hits and
misses for India.
sising the need to curb harmful subsidies
for countries engaged in distant water fish-
31, 2026, whichever is earlier. officials and experts attrib-
ute it to the higher exemp-
~7 lakh annually need not
invest to claim exemptions.
auction likely by June-July’ AGRICULTURE
ing. However, such payouts are crucial for
developing countries and small economies
What it means for India
Parminder Jeet Singh, coordinator, Just
tion limit of income tax of ~7
lakh announced in the FY24
And, the entire income
would be tax free irrespective
The first tranche of offshore minerals auctions is to safeguard the food security and liveli- Net Coalition, Global/India, expressed dis- Budget that no more requires of the quantum of invest-
likely to kick off by June-July this year, Union What India wanted hoods of fishermen, particularly those appointment, stating that the extension of employees under this ment made by such an indi-
Minister Pralhad Joshi said. A total of 10 offshore India, along with other devel- fishing up to 200 nautical miles tax breaks for Big Tech denies much-need- income bracket to opt for vidual.
mineral blocks have been short-listed by the oping countries, sought a ‘per- beyond territorial waters. ed tax revenue for developing countries. NPS for tax-saving purposes. Deepesh Raghaw, a Sebi-
mines ministry, and inter-ministerial consultations manent solution’ to the public “This not only denies the much-need- Data collated from the registered investment advi-
are underway to seek necessary clearances for stockholding issue — a policy Outcome ed tax revenue for developing countries Ministry of Statistics and sor, said the move gave more
auctions at the earliest, the Minister for Coal tool used by governments for Member nations failed to pro- but also curtails their policy space for Programme Implementation consumption power to the
and Mines said. He said the auctions are procuring, stockpiling, and dis- duce an outcome document, undertaking their urgently required digital (MoSPI) reveals that the cor- middle-class. They could
likely to kick off by June-July of 2024. PTI tributing food for domestic and the ministerial declaration industrialisation, if they are to escape dig- porate component is volun- spend the entire income
food security. This was India’s did not mention fisheries sub- ital colonisation,” Singh said. tary in nature and saw 158,212 without bothering about
foremost priority in agriculture. sidies. new subscribers in 2023 com- investment schemes.
Calcutta High Court judge Outcome
DECODED What it means for India
MC13 also addressed various plurilateral
pared to 201,517 during 2022.
This segment mainly com-
“Due to lack of awareness,
people mainly deploy NPS to
to resign on Tuesday No agreement was reached on
agriculture due to differences among
India retains full policy space
for the benefit of its farmers, with no
agreement pacts, such as domestic serv-
ices regulation, and non-trade issues such
prises employees in the pub-
lic sector, public sector banks
earn tax rebates available
under various sections of the
Calcutta High Court judge Justice Abhijit Gangopadhyay, whose countries. Developed nations, such as the immediate threat. Olencio Simoes, gener- as investment facilitation. and private limited compa- Income Tax Act. In India,
rulings on various education-related issues in the state stirred European Union, argued that public stock- al-secretary of the National Fishworkers’ An agreement on services domestic nies, among others. where it is absolutely neces-
political debates, said he will resign on Tuesday. Justice holding programmes, if implemented as Forum India, highlighted that these nego- regulation, supported by 72 WTO mem- “People enrolled under sary for people to save and
Gangopadhyay declined to comment on whether he intends to support to producers’ prices, could impact tiations consistently pose a threat to the bers, was adopted. However, a similar pact the corporate component of invest for their future pen-
enter politics, stating that he would address all media inquiries the food security of other countries. livelihoods of small-scale fishers. led by China — Investment Promotion for the NPS to take tax benefits sion needs, the diversion of
after submitting his resignation. “I will resign from the post of “While there had been some improve- Development — was blocked by India and see it as a tax-saving instru- people away from NPS is
Justice of Calcutta High Court on Tuesday,” he told reporters. PTI What it means for India ments to protect artisanal fishers from the South Africa, despite having the backing ment rather than a long-term concerning,” he added.
India faces no immediate threat due to the prohibitions in this text, they weren’t of more than 120 countries. India, in prin- pension or savings product. Managed by the Pension
‘peace clause’, offering a shield to devel- enough to justify a deal,” Simoes said. ciple, has been against plurilateral pacts So, when the finance min- Fund Regulatory and
Spending on paan, intoxicants oping countries from legal challenges over
subsidies or free distribution of grains to E-COMMERCE
on platforms like the WTO, fearing a dilu-
tion of its multilateral trade framework.
istry raised the exemption
limit in the last Union
Development Authority
(PFRDA), the NPS came into
rose in past one decade: Govt the poor. Jonas Jaccard, policy officer of
the Belgian non-governmental organisa- What India wanted
Ajay Srivastava, former trade ministry offi-
cial and founder of the Delhi-based think
Budget, people belonging to
these income slabs saw no
effect from January 2004 for
central government employ-
Consumption of paan, tobacco, and other intoxicants has tion Humundi, noted that the WTO’s India opposed the continued exemption tank Global Trade Research Initiative, incentive to enrol under the ees, except the armed forces.
increased with people spending a bigger portion of their income inability to address farmer demands from of Customs duties on e-commerce or elec- raised concerns about new issues like e- NPS. That is what explains It is designed on a defined
on such products in the last 10 years, according to a survey. The the Global South is concerning for food tronic transmission, arguing that the commerce, investment, and micro, small this sharp decline in enrol- contribution basis as both
Household Consumption Expenditure Survey 2022-23, released security. “This is dramatic because it moratorium adversely affected revenue and medium enterprises quietly entering ment,” an official told the subscriber and employer
last week, revealed that the expenditure on paan, tobacco and leaves millions of farmers without the collections. India also wanted an assess- the WTO agenda through joint statement Business Standard. contribute equally to a per-
intoxicants as a portion of total household spending has increased prospects of improving their livelihood,” ment of the moratorium’s scope and its initiatives by some countries. During Budget 2023, son’s account.
in rural as well as urban areas. PTI
New Rajya Sabha MPs worth over ~4,600 crore Jaishankar’s Japan,
ANOUSHKA SAWHNEY & ASHLI VARGHESE William and Mary. The authors
noted that such politicians do
Korea visits to focus
New Delhi, 3 March
TOP 5 State MP Party Assets (in ~cr)
The majority of states have
elected Rajya Sabha
Uttar Pradesh
Andhra Pradesh
Jaya Bachchan
Meda Reddy
continue to win elections.
“Voters generally lack
information about disclosures
on semicon push
members who are richer than Uttar Pradesh Naveen Jain BJP 441.9 and many weigh wealth SUBHAYAN CHAKRABORTY tial components of electronic
before, with the total value of the ~3K CR Maharashtra Prafulbhai Patel NCP 436.3 accumulation less than other New Delhi, 3 March devices, enabling advances
assets of the new Members of Gujarat Govindbhai Dholakia BJP 279.0 prominent concerns, such as in communications, comput-
Parliament (MPs) performance in office or caste- Strengthening the semicon- ing, healthcare, military sys-
Note: Based on 55 members of parliament (MPs) for which data was available. Parties include
collectively worth more Samajwadi Party (SP), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Yuvajana based appeals,” it said. ductor supply chain and pitch- tems, transportation, clean
than ~4,600 crore. Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) Source: ADR The very wealthy are more ing India as a viable destina- energy, and countless other
The average assets of likely to run for office across the tion for chip manufacturing applications.
Rajya Sabha members in CROREPATIS DOMINATE BOTTOM 5 world, noted another 2023 study will be External Beginning
2024 are higher in 10 of titled, ‘Billionaire Politicians: A Affairs Minister S December 2021,
the 15 states with new State MP Party Assets (in ~cr) Global Perspective’ from Jaishankar's priori- the government
MPs. West Bengal Mamata Thakur AITC 1.4 Northwestern University authors ties during his four- had approved
The average assets are Odisha Subhasish Khuntia BJD 1.2 Daniel Krcmaric, Stephen C. day visit to South $10 billion or
the highest in Uttar Uttar Pradesh Sangita BJP 1.1 Nelson, and Andrew Roberts. Korea and Japan ~76,000 crore
Pradesh (~225 crore) and West Bengal Samik Bhattacharya BJP 1.1 The study examined 2,000 beginning incentives to
Andhra Pradesh (~ 201 crore). billionaires and found that 11 per Tuesday, said peo- build the semi-
Madhya Pradesh Balyogi Umeshnath BJP 0.5
The average MP is worth more cent stood for office. This is higher ple in the know. conductor
than ~1 crore in each of the 15 Note: Based on 55 members of parliament (MPs) for which data was available. Parties than most other groups. While ecosystem in
include Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Biju Janata Dal (BJD) and All India Trinamool
states. Congress (AITC) Soure: ADR, Business Standard calculations “Moreover, billionaires focus Jaishankar will offi- India.
The median numbers show a their political ambitions on cially be visiting Seoul for two While the focus has
similar trend, with the average influential positions, have a days to attend the 10th India- remained on Taiwanese semi-
MPs in each state worth at least ~1 They are worth between ~270 for 2023-24 was ~466.04 crore, Reforms (ADR). strong track record of winning Republic of Korea Joint conductor manufacturers in
crore. Andhra Pradesh tops the crore and ~480 crore. according to the revised figures in Voters tend to disapprove of elections, and lean to the right Commission Meeting, he will India, the government is also
list with median assets of ~118 Four of the bottom five MPs are the Union Budget. wealth accumulation in office and ideologically. We also document also be meeting South Korean eyeing South Korea owing to
crore. Uttar Pradesh numbers are worth ~1 crore. West Bengal’s The average assets of the associate it with corruption and substantial cross-national dignitaries, heads of think its dominance in producing
skewed by a few rich individuals. Balyogi Umeshnath is the poorest, winning candidates in the political violence, according to a variation: a country’s number of tanks and Indian community certain categories of chips.
The richest newly elected MP is worth ~50 lakh. recently concluded Rajya Sabha 2019 study entitled, ‘Getting Rich billionaire politicians is not members. The country commanded
from Uttar Pradesh (Jaya The total value of the assets of elections is ~84.7 crore, an Too Fast? Voters’ Reactions to simply a product of its total “Some of these meetings a 17.7 per cent share of the over-
Bachchan with ~1,578.9 crore). The the 55 MPs is ~4,658 crore. This increase of 23 per cent since 2018. Politicians’ Wealth number of billionaires, but is will discuss how to all $604 billion global semi-
others in the top five include excludes data for Karnataka’s GC In 2018, the average assets of Accumulation,’ from authors instead related to the regime type. bring together the semicon- conductor market in 2022. It
Meda Raghunadha Reddy, Chandrashekar for whom the the sitting MPs from the same 15 including Leiden University’s Specifically, billionaires formally ductor trade between both continued to rank No. 2 in the
Naveen Jain, Prafulbhai information was not available. To states was ~68.9 crore, according Simon Chauchard, Georgetown enter the political sphere at a the nations,” a diplomatic world for 10 straight years
Manoharbhai Patel, and put things into perspective, the to data from the Delhi-based University’s Marko Klašnja, and much higher rate in autocracies source said. since 2013, according to
Govindbhai Laljibhai Dholakia. Election Commission’s spending Association for Democratic SP Harish from the College of than in democracies,” it said. Semiconductors are essen- Invest Korea.
[Under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 36A of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India
(Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016]
1 Name of the Corporate Debtor along with BBT Elevated Road Private Limited
PAN & CIN/ LLP No. U45400WB2014PTC200347
2 Address of the registered office 1, New Bata Road, Maheshtala, Kolkata, Kolkata,
West Bengal - 700140.
3 URL of website Not Available
4 Details of place where majority of fixed Kolkata, West Bengal
assets are located
5 Installed capacity of main products/ services Not applicable
6 Quantity and value of main products/ Not applicable
services sold in last financial year
7 Number of employees/ workmen Zero (As informed by the suspended board of the
Corporate Debtor)
FORM G 8 Further details including last available Balance sheet, P&L, along with schedules available
INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR SHWETA HOUSING AND HOSPITALITY PVT. LTD. financial statements (with schedules) of two for F.Y. 2021-22 &2020-21.
OPERATING IN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS IN MUMBAI years, lists of creditors are available at URL: All other documents can be obtained by
[Under Regulation 36A(1) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India sending email at:
(Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016] List of Creditors also available at-
1. Name of the corporate debtor along Shweta Housing and Hospitality Private Limited 9 Eligibility for resolution applicants under Can be obtained by sending email at:
with PAN/ CIN/ LLP No. CIN: U70100MH2007PTC170053 section 25(2)(h) of the Code is available at URL:
PAN: AAKCS9010K 10 Last date for receipt of expression of interest 04/03/2024
2. Address of the registered office Sharma Bungalow, Hiranandani Complex Bhd 11 Date of issue of provisional list of prospective 29/03/2024
Lake Castle View Bldg, Powai, Mumbai City, resolution applicants
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 400076. 12 Last date for submission of objections to 03/04/2024
3. URL of website https:/ / provisional list
4. Details of place where majority of fixed Sole Asset: Farmhouse located at the revenue 13 Date of issue of final list of prospective 13/04/2024
assets are located estate of Village Jonapur, Tehsil Mehrauli, New Delhi. resolution applicants
5. Installed capacity of main products/ services N/A 14 Date of issue of Information Memorandum, 18/04/2024
6. Quantity and value of main products/ N/A, there is no revenue from operations in the Evaluation Matrix and Request for Resolution
services sold in last financial year company as is evident from its financial
Plans to Prospective Resolution Applicants
statements as on 31-03-2023.
15 Last date for submission of resolution plans 18/05/2024
7. Number of employees/ workmen No information is received from the
management of the Corporate Debtor. 16 Process email id to submit Expression of
8. Further details including last available For details, please contact at: Interest
financial statements (with schedules) of
Sachin Gopal Jathar
two years, lists of creditors, relevant dates Visit website:
Resolution Professional - BBT Elevated Road Private Limited
for subsequent events of the process are
Regn. No.- IBBI/IPA-002/IP-N00640/2018-2019/11968
available at: AFA Certificate No. AA2/11968/02/191024/202936 | valid till 19/10/2024
Date: 04/03/2024
9. Eligibility for resolution applicants under For details, please contact at: B-1/8, Samadrita EKTP, Phase-III EKT, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700107
Place: Kolkata
section 25(2)(h) of the Code is available at:
Visit website:
10. Last date for receipt of expression of interest March 26th, 2024
11. Date of issue of provisional list of April 01st, 2024
prospective resolution
12. Last date for submission of objections to April 06th, 2024
provisional list
13 Date of issue of final list of prospective April 12th, 2024
resolution applicants
14 Date of issue of information memorandum, April 16th, 2024
evaluation matrix and request for resolution
plans to prospective resolution applicants
15 Last date for submission of resolution plans May 17th, 2024
16. Process email id to submit EOI
Mr. Anup Kumar Singh Interim Resolution Professional
IBBI Regn No.:- IBBI/IPA-001/IP-P00153/2017-2018/10322
AFA Valid till: 23-12-2024 Suite 1B, 1st Floor, 22/28A, Manoharpukur Road,
Deshopriya Park, Kolkata - 700029.
Place: Kolkata Date: 04-03-2024 For Shweta Housing and Hospitality Private Limited- Under CIRP
One of the key issues raised solar project Russia, had just died in
custody. The exhausted and
of enterprising Indian defence
equipment manufacturers.
“Rising return on term
deposits has been driving
by the NFRA in its reports is
related to violations of Section SJVN on Sunday said its arm
under equipped troops of
Ukraine were losing ground. EXIM MATTERS To find more resources to
fund higher defence
the compositional shift in
bank deposits: the share of
144 of the Companies Act, SJVN Green Energy has The US Congress had stalled T N C RAJAGOPALAN expenditure, Europe may have term deposits in total
which prohibits firms from bagged a 200 MW solar proj- the aid package to Ukraine. to raise taxes or cut government deposits increased to 60.3
providing certain non-audit ect in an e-Reverse Auction Donald Trump, former US spending on welfare and other per cent in December 2023
SOLUTION TO #4219 services to audit clients. conducted by Gujarat Urja President and the front runner to get the development activities. That can hurt from 57.2 per cent in March
Very hard: The NFRA will reinspect Vikas Nigam. This project is Republican Party nomination to contest the economic growth and demand for goods that 2023,” it said.
the “big four” firms this year to be developed by SJVN Presidential election this November, had are now being imported into Europe. Already, RBI further said that
« ««« « to assess internal changes and Green Energy on a build- sown the seeds of doubt about whether the the attacks by the Yemen-based Houthis on deposits moved to higher
Solution tomorrow improvements following its own-and-operate basis at US will continue to support Ukraine and ships going through the Red Sea have forced interest rate buckets as the
recommendations. the tentative development Europe, if he won the elections. Naturally, the shipping lines to take the longer route share of term deposits bear-
HOW TO PLAY The NFRA is expected to cost of ~1,100 crore, a com- many European leaders who were used to around Africa, raising the costs of imports ing over 7 per cent interest
Fill in the grid so that conduct more inspections this pany statement said. seeing their armed forces and military from Asia for Europe. So, there are reasons for rate rose to 61.4 per cent of
every row, every col- year at audit firms beyond the SJVN bagged the 200 budgets shrink substantially in recent years our exporters to be worried because at the total term deposits in
umn and every 3x3 “big four”. The firms are also MW capacity in the tariff- saw no option but to reverse that process. If present, a little over 17 per cent of our exports December 2023 from 54.7 per
box contains expected to be selected based based competitive bidding they do end up spending 2 per cent of their go to Europe. Unless our exporters diversify cent a quarter ago and 33.7
on various parameters, includ- for the development of solar GDP on defence procurement, that would and increase their penetration in other per cent in March 2023.
the digits 1 to 9
ing the extent and significance projects in the 1,125 MW amount to almost $400 billion. Some markets, any shortfall in exports to Europe It is almost a year that the
of the public interest, such as Gujarat State Electricity countries are spending or planning to spend will be difficult to make good. Reserve Bank has kept the
the number of companies Corporation (GSECL) Solar more than 2 per cent of their GDP. short-term lending rate or
audited by the firm. Park at Khavda, Gujarat. PTI Similar defence expenditures in the next Email: repo rate at 6.5 per cent. PTI
Asansol. Singh has now expressed inability to contest from the constituency DEREK O'BRIEN, TMC leader AMIT MALVIYA, BJP IT cell chief
> .
arly Thursday, West Bengal ing polls? Analysts believe that states and Union Territories,
police picked up Sheikh Sandeshkhali is a setback to TMC, including 151 seats that the party
Shahjahan from Minakhan – which was in an advantageous posi- hadpreviouslywoninthe2019Lok
about 30 km from Sandeshkhali. Clad tion with its welfare schemes. Sabha elections. The party’s focus
in a white shirt and a checked jacket A big strength for the ruling party is on “winnability”, and as such, it
the Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader in South Bengal and all over the state has fielded 108 of its sitting MPs.
marched into Basirhat court and was is the votes of Muslims, who form In 2019, the BJP had dropped
sent to 10 days’ police custody after a almost 30 per cent of the population. 99 of its 268 sitting MPs (of the 282
brief hearing. As the images flashed “The BJP is unlikely to get that vote. seats it won in 2014, a few were lost
on television screens, a section of But if the vote goes to the Left or the in by-elections over the following
Sandeshkhali celebrated with sweets Congress, it would help the BJP a lot,” five years).
and colours, ringing in an early Holi. said political analyst Sabysachi Basu The BJPhas alsoaccommodat-
It could, well, have brought the Ray Chaudhuri. ed recent imports from other par-
curtains down on the nearly two- Analyst Biswanath Chakraborty tiesduetothe“winnability”factor.
month protests by a section of the res- pointed out that the political outcome They include Kripashankar Singh,
idents. But with the general election ofSandeshkhaliintheupcomingelec- a former Congress leader from
looming, the Sandeshkhali pot is tions would have been much bigger Maharashtra,whohasbeenfielded
expected to continue boiling. if the party in Opposition had both from Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur. Workers celebrate after the BJP announced that PM Narendra Modi
On Friday, at a rally in Arambagh, Hindus and Muslims on their side. OthernotablenamesincludeGeeta will contest again from Varanasi in the 2024 LS polls FILE PHOTO: PTI
in the Hooghly district of West “When Singur and Nandigram Kora (Singhbhum, from the
Bengal, Prime Minister Narendra Trinamool Congress leader Sheikh Shahjahan at the Basirhat court, in happened, the challenger was Congress), Jyoti Mirdha (Nagaur, sented by Wrestling Federation of
North 24 Parganas. The party has suspended him for six years FILE PHOTO: PTI the TMC, a ‘secular’ party. There
Modi, who kick-started his political
campaign in the state with a two-day fore, the political dividend from
from the Congress), Ritesh Pandey
(Ambedkar Nagar, from the STATUS CHECK India ex-president Brij Bhushan
Sharan Singh.
visit, said that the entire country is Sandeshkhali will be less than BahujanSamajParty),andBBPatil In the list for UP, the BJP has
sad and angry at what the TMC, Singur or Nandigram,” he said. (Zaheerabad; from the Bharat
2019 not replaced any of the 46 sitting
which beats the drums of Ma, Mati, Chakraborty added that if the CAA Rashtra Samithi). nBJP contested 436 of MPs. In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls,
Manush has done to the sisters of Results for key parties in the 2016 & 2021 West Bengal Assembly polls (Citizenship Amendment Act) Kripashankar joined the BJP in 543 seats the party did not repeat its candi-
Sandeshkhali. “The soul of Raja Ram is implemented, it would be a July 2021, at a time when central dates on 20 seats in UP, including
Seats: 294 (Inbrackets:%voteshare) n TMC nBJP nINC nCPI(M) “big” disaster for the BJP. nBJP dropped 99 of its
Mohan Roy would be weeping seeing probe agencies were investigating senior leaders Murli Manohar
what has happened in Sandeshkhali.” 3 (10.16) Sandeskhali is part of the a case of disproportionate assets
268 sitting MPs, or 37% Joshi, Uma Bharti, and Kalraj
On March 10, the BJP MLA Basirhat Lok Sabha constituency, against him. Kora, the wife of for- nThe party dropped or Mishra. Notably, actor Hema
from Nandigram and Leader of 211(44.91) 215(48.02) which has 46 per cent Muslim mer Jharkhand chief minister changed seats of 20 of its Malini will again contest from
the Opposition in the West Bengal population. Madhu Kora, Pandey, and others 71 MPs in UP Mathura,despitecrossingtheBJP's
Assembly, Suvendu Adhikari, (12.25) But according to the BJP and the have joined the party recently. unwrittenruleofnotfieldingthose
is expected to drill down the 2016 2021 CPI(M), Sandeshkhali is not a stray At the same time, the BJP has 2024 above 75 years. Other highlights
point at a public gathering in SEATS WON 26(19.75) SEATS WON incident; there are many Shahjahans denied party tickets to several include the party fielding Saket
Sandeshkhali. It’s certainly not going nBJP announced 195
*INC and Left parties, including the CPI (M), had an INC: 0(3.03) CPI (M): 0(4.71) lurking across Bengal and the issue Union Ministers and MPs, includ- Misra, son of former principal sec-
to be the last that Mamata Banerjee’s alliance in 2016 and 2021. will spread like forest fire. ing Meenakshi Lekhi, John Barla, seats (45% of the seats retary to the prime minister
party will hear of it, as Sandeskhali “The TMC which came to power Pragya Singh Thakur, Ramesh contested in 2019) Nripendra Misra, from Shravasti.
and corruption are the two main Results for key parties in West Bengal in 2014 & 2019 Lok Sabha polls on the back of land agitation move- Bidhuri, and Jayant Sinha. Ten of nBJP, in the first list, In Delhi, the BJP has
issues for the Opposition. ment is looting land. People are the sitting MPs denied tickets had re-nominated 108, or announced its candidates for five
Seats: 42 (Inbrackets:%voteshare) n TMC nBJP nINC nCPI (M) in a mood to remove the TMC,” won the Assembly polls in of the seven seats, deciding to drop
TMC strongman 71.5% of 151 MPs
2 (17.02) 2 (5.66) said Samik Bhattacharya, chief Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and four of its sitting MPs, including
Shahjahan was arrested 54 days after 4 (9.69) spokesperson for the BJP in West MadhyaPradeshinDecember2023 nThe list has 28 women Lekhi. The New Delhi seat, held by
an attack on Enforcement Directorate 34(39.79) Bengal. The party has set sights on and subsequently quit their Lok (14.35%) the two-term MP, will now be con-
(ED) officials, who had gone to con-
2 (22.96) 18(40.64) at least 24 seats in Bengal, though Sabha memberships. tested by Bansuri Swaraj, a lawyer
22(43.69) n 47 youth (24%), 27 SCs
duct searches in connection with an many believe that the BJP’s leader- A day after the BJP declared its and the daughter of the late
(14%), 18 STs (9.23%) and
alleged ration scam, on January 5. The 2014 2019 ship in Bengal in 2019 was stronger list,itsAsansolcandidate,Bhojpuri Sushma Swaraj.
party convener of the Sandeshkhali SEATS WON SEATS WON and the campaign more aggressive. singer Pawan Singh, expressed his 57 OBCs (29.23%) In Kerala’s Pathanamthitta, the
Assembly constituency and member Source: Election Commission of India CPI (M): 0(6.34) ‘Walking the talk’ inability to contest from the con- nThe list has 34 ministers BJP has fielded Anil Antony, son
of TMC-held North 24 Parganas zilla stituency. This came after the oftheformerDefenceMinisterand
n 7 Union ministers who
parishad had been on the run since. Immediately after the arrest, the TMC Trinamool Congress launched a Congress leader A K Antony. Of its
As Shahjahan fled from the scene, a rebellion against the policies of the land was finally acquired. “Is the land suspended Shahjahan from the party social media campaign against
were RS members also 195 candidates, the party has field-
protests by the villagers against government. And Didi stepped in for here (Sandeshkhali) being acquired for six years. While announcing this, him,labellinghissongsandvideos part of the list editsloneMuslimcandidateAbdul
land grab, conversion of land into the people.” by the state government for any busi- Derek O’ Brien, AITC Parliamentary as“sexist”,“misogynist”,andinsult- nJyotiraditya Scindia, Salam from Malappuram, as part
fisheries, and sexual exploitation Here, the state government is not ness project? No, this is a reversal of Leader in the Rajya Sabha, said there ing to Bengali women. The contro- Bhupender Yadav, of its outreach to Christians and
started to tumble out into the public responsible for Sheikh Shahjahan’s land reforms where small land hold- are two types of political parties – versy has arisen against the back- Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Muslims in the state.
domain. It was a rebellion of sorts activities, she pointed out. “It’s for ings have been forcibly taken.” first, they just talk, talk, and talk. “But, drop of the BJP’s preparations to V Muraleedharan, In Assam, the BJP has replaced
that saw a major participation from the party to look into it and it (the the Trinamool Congress walks the mark International Women's Day five sitting MPs and re-nominated
women causing much embarrass- party) which has suspended him.” Political dividend talk,” and dared the BJP to do the on March 8 and organise political
Parshottam Rupala, four. Meanwhile, in Chhattisgarh,
ment to the ruling party. Panja is also the industry and com- The TMC is pointing fingers at same with its “tainted” members. rallies to highlight alleged sexual Mansukh Mandaviya, the party has announced candi-
The BJP’s Adhikari has drawn a merce minister. Rewindto2006-2007. the Opposition for politicising Albeit, late in the day, corrective harassment of women in North 24 Sarbananda Sonowal datesforall11seats.Ithadwonnine
parallel with the land agitation Nandigram, a rural hamlet in Purba Sandeshkhali for the sake of electoral measures are underway – in Parganas’ Sandeshkhali by are in the list seats in the state in 2019, and of
movementinNandigram.Herecently Medinipur, became the symbol of benefits and the BJP for giving it a Sandeshkhali, the administration Trinamool leaders. nSonowal, along with those, only two MPs have been
said that in Nandigram, people fought land agitation in the country. The land communal colour. is in the process of returning the On Sunday, former Health Shivraj Singh Chouhan repeated. In Gujarat, the BJP has
against land acquisition and here acquisition was for a 14,000-acre Before Sandeshkhali came to light, land that has been grabbed. Police Minister Harsh Vardhan announced 15 candidates, replac-
and Biplab Deb, are three
people are fighting against land grab. chemical hub project, which quickly it was widely believed that the BJP’s camps are registering complaints. announced his retirement from ing five and re-nominating 10. In
turned into a turf war. In March 2007, performancewouldtakeaseverebeat- And prior to Shahjahan’s arrest, his electoral politics on X. The BJP has former CMs on the list Jharkhand, the party has
Déjà vu? a police firing killing 14 people ing from the stellar showing in the aides, Shibu Hazra and Uttam replaced him with Praveen nBJP announced 51 announced 11 candidates, includ-
The comparison with Nandigram has brought things to a head. 2019 Lok Sabha election when it Sardar were arrested. Khandelwal, from the candidates in UP, fielding ing on nine sitting seats, replacing
irked the TMC. Banerjee said at an In a way, it marked the beginning bagged18of42seatsinthestate,snap- The ruling party is hoping that ConfederationofAllIndiaTraders, 46 of its sitting MPs only two of its sitting MPs, includ-
event last week that the land acquisi- of the end of the Left rule in West ping at the heels of the TMC, which Shahjahan’s arrest will help defuse the for the Chandni Chowk seat in ing Hazaribagh MP Jayant Sinha.
tionprotestsinSingurandNandigram Bengal while TMC’s success in got 22; the gap in vote share between tension. At present, preparations are Delhi. Harsh Vardhan won from InMadhyaPradesh,theBJPhas
should not be compared with what thwarting the forcible land acquisi- the two parties was about 3 per cent. in full swing for a mega Jana Garjan Chandni Chowk in 2014 and 2019. 2019, and later two more — announced 24 candidates for the
happened in Sandeshkhali. tion for industry brought it to power But much water has flowed down rally by the TMC at the vast Brigade In Uttar Pradesh, the BJP has Azamgarh and Rampur — in Lok state’s 29 seats, where it had won
Shashi Panja, West Bengal in the state. the Howrah bridge since then. Parade ground on March 10 against announced its candidates for 51 Sabha bypolls. The party is yet to 28 five years back. The party has
minister of Women and Child CPI(M) West Bengal Secretary Banerjee’s party delivered a the Centre’s alleged Bangla Birodhi seats. Prime Minister Narendra announce candidates for 29 seats, repeated 12 sitting MPs and
Development, told BusinessStandard Mohammed Salim said Nandigram stunning victory in the Assembly stance. Whether the age-old cry of Modi will contest from Varanasi, including Pilibhit and Sultanpur, replaced 12. In Rajasthan, the BJP
that in Singur or Nandigram, the and Sandeshkhali cannot be equated. election of 2021. kendrer banchana will be able to and Defence Minister Rajnath whichwererepresentedbyManeka has announced 15 candidates,
issue was the forcible acquisition of The acquisition of land in Nandigram But can Sandeshkhali dent drown out pangs of Sandeshkhali, the Singh will contest from Lucknow. Gandhi and her son Varun in 2014 repeating eight and replacing six
land by the state government. “It was was for an industrial project but no the TMC’s prospects in the upcom- EVM will tell. The BJP won 44 of these seats in and 2019, and Kaiserganj, repre- sitting MPs.
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ILLUSTRATION: AJAY MOHANTY for grid managers to keep improvising is declining.
he World Trade Organization’s (WTO’s) 13th ministerial-level meeting
This is the structural logic for the summer crises
— or MC13, as it is generally known — ended in Abu Dhabi with minimal
that have erupted in recent years. We should see the
consensus. A last-minute deal to extend the moratorium preventing forces at work and expect that, in coming days, the
countries from levying tariffs on digital trade has been extended by fire fighting of grid managers will get harder, and
two years, allowing delegates to claim a small victory. But that was the only good they will drop more balls. While there will always
news available. The declaration, issued after the meeting that had continued into be small fluctuations of varying execution, it is the
the early hours on Saturday, did indicate that member states would continue to strategy that is at fault.
The three forces at work (private desire for cheap
work on reforms essential to the WTO’s functioning. This is one of India’s most
solar in the daytime, global finance blocking new
basic demands. Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal had correctly pointed out that fossil fuel plants, and rising cooling demand) are
until the base functions of the WTO were repaired — such as the dispute-settlement beyond the power of policy makers. There is one
system in particular — there was very little appetite for attempts to expand the powerful tool which can be brought to bear on the
scope of WTO agreements. The central mechanism by which the WTO can move problem, and that is the price system.
forward is if the US administration — of either party — drops its unprecedented Grid engineers today see the price as fixed, so
the demand is a given. They mobilise a supply
objection to the nomination of new judges to the appellate body, which adjudicates
response every evening. They view the gap between
trade disputes between nations. The body was supposed to be reformed by 2024, supply and demand as something which the grid
but that deadline has been missed. The Joe Biden administration bears major manager should solve. The economics perspective
responsibility for this impasse continuing. Its lack of even basic engagement was adds value. Solving gaps between supply and
most visible when the US trade representative chose to leave the ministerial talks demand is what the price system does.
on Friday even as others stayed to try and hammer out a compromise. The supply and demand of tomatoes fluctuate,
and there are no horticultural engineers figuring
For India, the government’s main priority remains the defence of India’s food
out the solution. The heavy lifting is done by the
procurement system, which it is currently in the process of trying to reform domes- price system. The price of tomatoes fluctuates, and
tically. This has not upset the West as much as some fellow developing countries. generates equality between supply and demand at
Brazil led the charge against India, while Thailand’s ambassador to the WTO had to olar energy is growing. But in the evening, the cial system will no longer fund new carbon-intensive every moment. And so it can be with electricity. In
be recalled after India protested his attack on grain stockpiling as affecting global sun goes down, and the big users of solar switch generation plants. Indian energy firms have the afternoon, the sun is shining, and the price of
food prices. Some of India’s demands on the outmoded way in which foodgrain back to the grid. Economic growth and changes therefore pivoted in favour of renewables, and the electricity should go to zero (even if it is a coal ther-
in the built environment are exacerbating cooling addition of capacity in electricity generation based mal supplier). In the evening shortage, the price of
purchases are valued make objective sense and need to be reformed. Further on
demand in the evening. Grid managers are manfully on fossil fuel has stalled. electricity should go up sharply.
fisheries, it is in India’s interests to ban excessive fishing, especially by the giant struggling with this problem of the surge in evening The last piece of the present situation is a revival Everyone will change their behaviour in response
fleets of the People’s Republic of China. In order to do so, it should gather a coalition demand, but it is becoming harder to accommodate. in private investment. In the CMIE Capex database, to the price. Buyers of electricity will shift their activ-
of developing countries with similar small-scale fishing fleets as India’s, and present The only way out is market prices. projects “under implementation” have gone up from ities into the day to enjoy cheap electricity. People
a counter-proposal to the West’s attempted ban on subsidies. This could easily have The price of solar energy has dropped handsome- the trough of ~44 trillion in 2020 to a current level will look at the price of electricity in the evening
been done after MC12 last year failed to reach an agreement on fisheries. ly. For every firm, there is an oppor- of ~55.7 trillion (both values in 2024 before deciding to switch on an AC. The right office
tunity to cut energy expenses in the rupees), a gain of 26 per cent real in attire for Chennai is shorts. The built environment
The danger of such an approach is twofold. First, it means that the ability to
day by obtaining solar electricity about three years. As these projects will favour cooler designs. Two-shift operations will
use the WTO to discipline Beijing’s behaviour is not taken advantage of by New through some contracting mecha- trickle through into completion, be structured with a gap in the evening, so as to do
Delhi. And second, it increases the incentives for other countries, including nism. But the sun is a fickle friend, electricity demand will rise. a day shift (when the sun is shining) and a night
important trading partners of India, to form plurilateral groupings that avoid and every evening solar energy We should all bang the pots and shift (that starts after the evening peak price).
the need for multilateral agreement. These plurilateral groupings will effectively dwindles away while electricity pans out of appreciation for the grid Storage is the business of buying cheap in the
set the trade rules for the future without India being involved. Thus, while India’s demand surges. With economic managers who are valiantly fighting day and selling dear in the evening. The daily price
growth and cheap Chinese manu- this situation. Every evening, the fluctuation will trigger private investments in stor-
desire to raise issues of importance from fisheries to agriculture can be appreci- facturing, air conditioning adoption sun goes down and demand from age. The decision to build a storage plant should be
ated, it is also dangerous for Indian traders and producers to allow breakdowns grows by the day. The built environ- the grid goes up. Grid managers made by a private person — based on the possibility
in the multilateral system to persist for too long. India, as a leader of the Global
South, must instead take the initiative to form coalitions of like-minded countries,
ment is transitioning to heavier
structures, which have more heat
SNAKES & LADDERS scramble to make ends meet. Wind
power (which is itself fickle) is par-
of profit — and not central planners. Wind genera-
tors will reap a bounty every evening, which will
including South Africa and small island nations, which can present sensible and capacity, which irradiate the AJAY SHAH ticularly welcome at this time. Some reshape investments in favour of more wind and
forward-looking alternatives to Western proposals. interiors in the evening, thus moti- small storage facilities have started less solar. Coal thermal plants will earn zero or
vating more use of air conditioning kicking in. Hydel plants and gas low revenues in the day, and reap profits in the
into the evening. plants help. Coal thermal plants are pushed to the evening peak.
But in the day when the sun is shining, there aren’t to do certain things contractually) and coal thermal private persons will solve the bulk of the problem.
recent exchange of communication between the Association of Mutual enough buyers for this electricity. It takes hours for plants (which are an inflexible technology). This gives grid engineers a modest problem to fight
Funds in India (AMFI) and the Securities and Exchange Board of India coal plants to increase or lower their generation: Grid managers have manfully solved these prob- each evening.
(Sebi) culminated in a letter from the AMFI to asset management com- They cannot respond to surges and declines that lems for over a decade now. We tend to extrapolate
panies (AMCs), asking them to plan and implement proactive measures play out over short periods of time. The global finan- from the past into the future; we tend to think that The writer is a researcher at XKDR Forum
to protect investors with high exposures to smallcap and midcap funds. The AMFI
cited Sebi’s concerns about “froth” in smaller stocks and asked fund trustees and
here is something fundamentally broken in to the European Commission data, received €6,700 they face a pincer attack — the government has to
valuation. However, this is the fifth year running when smallcap funds are logging
the world’s agricultural system when you see annually (roughly ~50,000/month) in 2021 as direct procure food for distribution and so it needs to keep
double-digit capital gains and retail investors hold the vast majority of equity units. images of rich European farmers and their income support. Over and above this, there is more the price under control; consumers (all of us) do not
So in the case of correction, individual investors are most at risk. One characteristic poorer counterparts in India straddling tractors to investment made to facilitate agriculture. want to be hit by food inflation.
of small stocks is the lack of liquidity. Hence, large institutional trades have a big block highways to make their anger heard. The fact Over the years, the “nature” of farming has So, even as farmers struggle to make ends meet
impact on prices. Heavy selling may trigger a very sharp correction. is that these farmers are enjoined across continents evolved, and farms have become larger and more in terms of cost and increased risk because of weath-
Valuations and returns on small stocks are elevated. The benchmark Nifty 50 with a serious problem of increased cost of agricul- consolidated. Small agriculturists now struggle to er and pest attacks, and every time the food price
tural production in an age of climate risk and losses. survive because of increased input cost, higher stan- goes up and they could benefit, the option is to cool
has a 12-month return of 26 per cent while the Nifty 250 smallcap has a return of 65
In Europe, the flashpoint ironically was the intro- dards, and bureaucracy. Larger farms are also faced prices through cheaper import. They lose. They can-
per cent. The Nifty 250 smallcap is valued at a trailing price-to-earnings ratio of 28, duction of climate rules, under which farms would with high debt as cost increases. The practice of not then invest in the improvement of soil, water,
while the Nifty is at 23. In April-January FY24 net inflows into smallcap funds be required to halve pesticide use; organic farming — today 10 per cent or biodiversity. In this system, the only way ahead
crossed ~37,360 crore, as against ~22,103 crore in FY23. Most of this is via systematic cut fertiliser use by 20 per cent; dou- of EU land is under this system — is to discount the cost of environmental safeguards.
investment plans (SIPs). When valuations are “frothy”, fund managers can opt to ble organic production; and leave has been designed to increase the They are now being told that they need to
park larger proportions in cash and other assets. But funds are mandated to invest more land for non-agricultural use cost of cultivation. Farming has increase productivity to stay profitable. But this
for biodiversity conservation. In responded by becoming more inten- comes at a higher cost because of expensive inputs
at least 65 per cent of the corpus in the stated equity segment. The mandate itself addition, the Netherlands had pro- sive — more productivity per crop — this food economics makes no sense as the higher
may become a challenge for funds with enhanced cash holdings and high inflows. posed to reduce its livestock num- or livestock — and this means more cost will not be paid for in a country that needs
The funds may consider limiting inflows to avoid being forced to buy at high valua- bers to cut nitrogen pollution and use of chemicals and bio-inputs, affordable food. It is clear that the Indian govern-
tions. However, there is also the consideration that investors may deploy surplus Germany to slash its subsidy on which, combined with adverse envi- ment cannot subsidise individual farmers on the
funds directly in the market, which could actually heighten risks. Many funds have diesel, a fossil fuel. All this is clearly ronmental conditions, results in scale Europe does. It is also clear that even this
limited inflows by capping lump sum investments and SIPs. needed in a world faced with the even higher cost. This spiral of cost whopping financial support would not be enough
Most funds are open-ended. Hence, large-scale redemption can force managers
existential threat of climate change.
Agriculture in the European Union
DOWN TO EARTH is then faced with two realities —
one, the need to keep consumer
in this system of intensive agriculture.
So, we need to discuss how to reduce the cost of
tosellstocks.Thatcanleadtoanegativefeedbackloop:Fundssellingtomeetredemp- (EU), as in other parts of the world, SUNITA NARAIN prices of food under control and, cultivation and yet put money on the table for farm-
tion, leading to price correction, triggering more redemption, and more selling and contributes significantly to green- two, growing crop damages because ers. This is where regenerative or natural farming
so on. The AMFI has asked AMCs to watch out for “first-mover” sellers initiating a house gas emission — one-tenth of its annual emis- of climate exigencies. will play a role, but at scale and with great policy
cascading effect. Portfolio rebalancing — booking profit in stocks which have run sion. If this cost of abatement is high for rich farmers, This is the system of intensive agriculture that is and deliberate practice and science to back it. We
what will it do to farmers in our world, who are at feted in the world — it is held that environmental also need food-procurement policies to work at local
up, in order to buy others trading at more attractive valuation — is another option.
the margins of survival? standards can be built into the system and yet farm- level so that farmers get assured markets for good
But here too, the flexibility to switch assets is limited by the mandate, and the size of The fact is that the European farming system, ers can increase production and make the business food. The Odisha government’s millet procurement
the smallcap/midcap segment. About 150 midcaps and 500 smallcaps already have which epitomises modern agriculture as we know work. Clearly, this is not the case. The cost of food is for mid-day meals is one such practice. The fact is,
significantinstitutionalholdings.Managersmayneedtorebalancewithassetsoutside it today, has survived only because of massive sub- not affordable even in countries of the Western the world has enough food to feed its people; the
thesesegments.Thus,limitingriskproactivelywillbeachallenge.Sebicouldconsider sidy. Since 1962, the EU’s Common Agricultural world. The environment is not protected. problem is that much of this food is going into feed-
a more flexible mandate, perhaps using a sliding scale tied to valuation. It could also Policy (CAP) has provided financial support for agri- In India, farmers protesting on the doorstep of ing livestock or just to waste. This is what needs to
culture — after much criticism, the support was Delhi want higher minimum support price (MSP) be addressed.
brought down but only marginally. Today it consti- for their produce. They face the same challenges as
demand in order to avoid the impact cost of high-volume sales. tutes some 40 per cent of the EU Budget and involves their counterparts in rich Europe, but without the The writer is at the Centre for Science and Environment
direct payment to farmers. Each farmer, according massive subsidy to support food cultivation. Then, X: @sunitanar
n 1975, the French philosopher informants and from cities, or data through apps at As the economy public-private partnerships, not
Michel Foucault published spies. And in the MEANS OF CONTROL: UberMedia and scale to project THE SENTINEL STATE: expanded, the specific technologies. In China, these
Surveiller et Punir, a book popularly United States, Byron How the Hidden Venntel, which sell national power,” Surveillance and government used partnerships are widely publicised, and
translated into English as “Discipline Tau’s Means of Alliance of Tech “consumer data” he writes. the Survival of its prosperity to the names of targeted key individuals
and Punish,” about how societies keep Control documents and Government Is from internet Minxin Pei, an Dictatorship in purchase the same are often known to their communities.
their populations in line with minimal how a federal Creating a New advertising expert in Chinese China tech that the US has In the United States, citizens rarely
violence. At the centre of his argument democracy formed American exchanges that domestic politics Author: Minxin Pei to keep watch over know when they are being targeted, and
lay the panopticon, a prison designed by shady alliances with Surveillance State supply ads to who teaches at its citizens. But the government siphons data from tech
Publisher: Harvard
the 18th-century political reformer private companies Author: Byron Tau thousands of apps. Claremont University Press what Pei reveals is companies in secret.
Jeremy Bentham, in which every to collect data on its Publisher: Crown When you scroll McKenna College, that souped-up But the result is the same. Mass
inmate’s cell door faces a guard tower citizens. The result is through the legalese would no doubt Pages: 321 gizmos are not what surveillance has become the norm, and
Pages: 365
whose windows are opaque. a terrifying form of Price: $32 and hit the “I Agree” agree. In his Price: $35 granted the state its that makes us vulnerable to targeted
Prisonerslivingunderthesetowers convergent social button, you are fascinating, more deeply scapegoating and curtailed freedoms,
neverknowwhethertheguardsarelooking evolution: Two great nations, locked in often agreeing that your data may be meticulously researched book Pei invasive system of control. Instead, whether we realize it or not. You know
atthem,buttheyhavetoassumethatthey an escalating conflict on the world sold to third parties like these focuses on how the Chinese money poured into local and regional you’re being watched, but the dark glass
arebeingwatched.Thissetup,Foucault stage, have taken radically different companies. According to some government upgraded its surveillance police forces, allowing them to beef up of your phone’s touch-screen obscures
explained,isapowerfulmetaphorfor paths to reach eerily similar systems of interpretations of the law, your consent capabilities to prevent another social their considerable network of the authorities who lurk just beyond it.
moderncivilisation:Ourlivesare surveillance at home. makes this data public, even if you don’t movement like the one that inspired the informants and spies.
circumscribedbyafearthatinvisible Tau suggests that the issue here isn’t realise that location-based dating apps 1989 Tiananmen Square uprising. Byinterviewingexileddissidentsand The reviewer is a science journalist
authoritieshaveusintheirsights. really a technical one. Instead, it’s the know where you are and that they can Observers have long suggested that combingthroughlocalwebsites,vaguely ©2024 The New York Times News Service
The Smart
inflation from which we are
(Share price in ~) The stock of ICICI Bank has risen by 9.5 per cent from its emerging is well and
monthly lows. Axis Securities has assigned a ‘buy’ rating to truly over. The growth
situation continues
the firm, citing its strong retail-focused liability franchise,
CHENNAI | promising growth prospects, stable asset quality, along
to improve”
with healthy provision cover, adequate capitalisation, Head of Macro,
and the potential to deliver robust return ratios Lombard Odier
or the fourth consecutive Overall demand trends remain Vedant Fashions 1,022 -13.6 1,303 27.5 39.5 ing profit was 27 per cent higher. F&O segment. Consequently, these stocks
quarter, the apparel retail subdued, and management com- Go Fashion (India) 1,134 19.5 1,368 20.7 37.6 Margins came in at 13.3 per cent, also become ineligible for inclusion in the
sector has delivered a mentary across the board does not S&P BSE Sensex 73,745 23.3 81,005 9.8 18.1 which was 141 bps higher than the benchmark National Stock Exchange Nifty
muted performance. Despite the paint a rosy picture for the near year-ago quarter. index. To be part of the Nifty index, a stock
festival and wedding seasons, term, say analysts at the brokerage, National Stock Exchange Nifty50 22,339 27.0 24,431 9.4 18.1 The beat on operating must compulsorily trade in derivatives. Market
most retail majors saw low single- led by Percy Panthaki. P/E (x): Price-to-earnings (ratio) Source: Bloomberg profit was led by better-than- observers believe that the stalemate will need
digit growth or a decline in same-
store sales. What exacerbated the
(India) also believes THREADBARE TOP LINE expected margin performance
in Pantaloons on the back of
to end soon, as these companies cannot
be kept out of the index for too long.
already-muted demand environ- that growth in 2023-24 October-December quarter cost controls.
ment was rising inflation and an the short term Net sales Chg Y-o-Y Operating Chg Y-o-Y Net profit Chg Y-o-Y Trent remains the top pick in Charting Nifty’s course:
inauspicious period (shradh) will be tough (~ cr) (%) profit (~ cr) (%) (~ cr) (%) the apparel retail segment given 22,700 in sight
during the quarter. to come by. the growth outperformance Market players anticipate that the positive
While revenue growth for the Research analysts Trent 3,466.6 50.5 738.5 78.4 374.4 124.2 amidst a slowdown. While the momentum in the market, fuelled by better-
retail majors was in the 20–25 per Ankit Kedia and Rahul Jain of Page Industries 1,228.8 2.4 235.2 21.0 152.4 23.1 stock is the key pick for Nuvama than-expected domestic gross domestic
cent range year-on-year, this was PhillipCapital state, “Despite the Shoppers Stop 1,237.5 8.8 220.9 -6.9 36.9 -41.3 Research, it is cautious on product growth and softening US inflation
largely driven by new store shift of peak winterwear demand Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail 4,166.7 16.1 604.6 29.4 -77.9 NA Page Industries. data, will propel the benchmark National Stock
additions. The outlier in the listed to January 2024, the short-term For Sharekhan Research and Exchange Nifty beyond the 22,700 level. The
space was Trent, which delivered outlook stays challenging, as the
Vedant Fashions 474.5 7.5 257.5 9.8 157.7 4.9 PhillipCapital, too, Trent remains 50-share benchmark index closed at a new
revenue growth of over 50 per majority of the retailers haven’t Go Fashion (India) 202.1 15.2 71.7 14.9 23.4 -3.7 the preferred pick. PhillipCapital record high of 22,378 after Saturday’s special
cent, led by store additions and seen a substantial shift in the Y-o-Y: Year-on-year Compiled by BS Research Bureau is betting on Shoppers Stop among trading session, marking its third straight
10 per cent like-for-like growth. consumption trend in the fourth smallcaps while it is ‘neutral’ on weekly gain. “The Nifty is resuming its bullish
IIFL Research points out that quarter of 2023–24 (FY24). Hence, ABFRL and Page Industries. momentum after a two-month consolidation
aggregate sales in the coverage we expect like-to-like sales to be some pressure on the raw points (bps) over the year ago, The brokerage points out that IIFL Research has a ‘buy’ on period. The immediate target level is 22,500,
universe grew by 12 per cent, remain flat.” material front. Profitability aided by falling raw material prices the average cotton price corrected Trent and Shoppers Stop, while it while 22,750 is the next target level. On the
excluding Trent, while growth While margins expanded in improved in the quarter as gross for the 18 retail companies tracked by 30 per cent and 15 per cent, has an ‘add’ rating on ABFRL, Page downside, 22,200–22,000 will now act as a
was 7 per cent when comparing the December quarter, there could margins expanded by 28 basis by PhillipCapital. respectively, for the nine months Industries, and Go Fashion (India). strong demand zone,” says Santosh Meena,
head of research at Swastika Investmart.
signals market prudence
WHERE CONCENTRATION The three initial public offerings (IPOs)
that entered the market this week are
Charting an Indian
space odyssey
KRANTI NATION The Gaganyaan mission is
PRANJAL SHARMA ambitious and indigenous.
Shine Jacob explains
Leaning on the nuts and bolts
in its planning
theoretical and
practical sessions at
n January 10, 2007, India Centre and the Indian Air Force's
launched an experimental Institute of Aerospace Medicine. The
space capsule that stayed in United States of America is helping in
orbit for 12 days for a series of manoeu- Gaganyaan preparations and has
vres and was recovered when it the four flight engine for the mission agreed to send an Indian astronaut to
splashed into the Bay of Bengal. astronaut has also cleared the the International Space Station.
The Space Capsule Recovery candidates, Indian acceptance test.
Experiment (SRE-1), which was Air Force test pilots After LVM3 flies to space, an Life in space
launched using a Polar Satellite Prashanth Nair, orbital module comprising the ECLSS is one of the crucial parts in
Improving foundational learning and Launch Vehicle of the Indian Space Angad Prathap, Ajit crew of astronauts will be placed in maintaining life inside a space shuttle
numeracy (FLN) is a critical starting point in Research Organisation (Isro), was the Krishnan and orbit. The astronauts will be for it manages air quality and water
early childhood education. FLN is the ability frontrunner of what is going to be the Shubhanshu Shukla, contained in a pressurised earth-like supply. It also controls temperature,
of a child to read and write with country's first manned space mission were made public last week. atmospheric condition in the waste disposal and fire protection. Air
comprehension and be able to do basic called Gaganyaan. It was a module. quality is maintained using activated
mathematics. Artificial intelligence (AI) and demonstration that India had the Securing the crew opportunities at Isro, told Business "It (the module) should look at charcoal beds, catalytic oxidisers, and
digital tools are being used to focus on technology to send humans to space Gaganyaan will by 2025 send a three- Standard. According to Kumar, how an astronaut's comfort is molecular sieves. Water is reclaimed
education in early childhood. and bring them back safely. membered crew into an orbit of 400 Gaganyaan has three key technology maintained; how he can move around using crew members' urine and cabin
India is aggressively focusing on using The Union Cabinet approved Rs km for three days and bringing them elements: A reliable “man-rated” – bio-toilets, water and food humidity.
emerging and digital technologies to ensure 9,023-crore for the mission in back to the earth. "The speciality of launch vehicle, a livable crew module, availability, waste management is India indigenously developed
better outcomes in early childhood learning. December 2018, five months after our mission is that all the hardware, and an environmental control and life controlled by this," said Kumar. ECLSS as other nations were
“The highest priority of the education system Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke except the space suit, is indigenously support system (ECLSS). The Human "Space suit is very important. During reportedly not keen in sharing such a
will be to achieve universal foundational about the national ambition in his built. In any manned mission, the Space Flight Centre at Isro’s the descending and ascending phase, technology.
literacy and numeracy in primary school by Independence Day speech. India will most important things are crew headquarters in Bengaluru is he (the astronaut) should go around After the success of SRE-1, Isro
2025. The rest of this policy will become be the fourth country, after the United management and crew recovery," N managing the mission. wearing it. During the rest of the mastered the art of crew atmospheric
relevant for our students only if this most States, Russia and China, to conduct a Sudheer Kumar, director for capacity Isro will use its old war horse, things, he should come out of the reentry through a 20-minute
basic learning requirement (i.e., reading, manned space mission. The names of building programme office on space heavy lift launcher Launch Vehicle suit." suborbital flight called the Crew
writing, and arithmetic at the foundational Mark-3 (LVM3), for the mission. LVM The crew module is a double- Module Atmospheric Re-entry
level) is first achieved,” says the government’s was designed to place walled construction comprising a Experiment on December 18, 2014. An
New Education Policy. communication satellites into pressurised, metallic inner structure upgraded test was conducted in
A recent report by the Institute for geostationary orbit and has been and an unpressurised external October last year, when a liquid-
Competitiveness (IFC), an international upgraded for Gaganyaan for a three- structure with thermal protection propelled single-stage Test Vehicle
research initiative centered in India, staged launch. The first stage has two system. It houses human-centric successfully conducted a crew escape
underlines the need for AI in FLN. AI can solid fuel boosters; the second products, a life-support system, system test. The system ensures quick
be used to improve the learning experience comprises two liquid-fuelled engines avionics and deceleration systems. ejection of the crew to reduce
of young children and training teachers and the final stage includes a The module is designed to ensure the potential risks, during reentry.
to adopt new ideas and models. Supported cryogenic engine with liquid astronauts' safety as it descends and The Gaganyaan mission comes 40
by USAID and global non-profit Room to hydrogen and liquid oxygen as fuel. returns to earth. years after Rakesh Sharma became
Read, the IFC report was launched at the In February, Isro conducted Isro is likely to procure space suits the first Indian in space as part of a
India Dialog research initiative at performance tests of the cryogenic from Russia, which trained the Indian Soviet Union mission in 1984.
Stanford University last week. engine and certified it to be human astronaut candidates at the Gagarin According to Isro , Sharma is hand
ready. On February 14, a final vacuum Cosmonaut Training Centre, about 30 holding the four astronaut candidates
test of the cryogenic engine was km north of Moscow. The Indians for the Gaganyaan mission. If all goes
successfully completed at the space completed their Russian training and as per plan, India is expected to create
PM Narendra Modi with the IAF test pilots training for Gaganyaan mission. agency’s High Altitude Test Facility in returned to India in 2021. Since then history by the end of this year or early
(above); a model of the proposed crew module for the mission PHOTOS: PTI Mahendragiri in Tamil Nadu. The they have undergone several next year.
learning experience appropriate
of children and education is crucial 79% 61% 51%
helps teachers to as children need
adopt new ideas continuous support
and models. It is and guidance from Cyberattack Employee Natural
useful in assisting teachers and parents is firms’ top negligence calamities
India’s target in but it must be worry is next is third
improving cautiously applied, Almost 50 per cent of Indian companies
childhood learning says the report. review their business continuity and
Technology has disaster recovery (BCDR) strategy only 49% 43% 37%
limitations and its unplanned use may hinder once in three years, says a report by
children's natural thinking abilities in the information technology (IT) analyst firm
long term. Government systems must Geopolitical Hardware Power
collaborate with specialists and teachers to
ThinkTeal. Nearly 40 per cent of firms do crisis failure outages
bridge the gap between AI-driven technology not have any detailed BCDR strategy,
solutions and effective pedagogical practices according to the report that interviewed TOPREASONSFOR
for lifelong learning. “Numerous countries IT decision-makers at enterprises BCDRSTRATEGY
are dedicating substantial endevaours to employing at least 500 people and
advance the integration of AI education 86% firms say strategy will foil
representing diverse fields. ransomware attacks
within primary and secondary education
system through the development of detailed 71% say it will prepare them for
curriculum designs and guidelines,” it says. disaster recovery
“Recent observations have indicated an 8 out of 10 2-fold more cyberattacks
alarming decline in learning outcomes, companies are on Indian firms compared 63% seek to protect applications
particularly in the aftermath of Covid,” says WHY FIRMS digitising business to global average 57% want to ensure regulatory
Dr Amit Kapoor, the chairman of IFC and a PLAN FOR 41% businesses 73% firms say data gives
lecturer at Stanford University. “Foundational
learning is an integral part of a child’s
DISASTER have limited competitive advantage 42% want to protect remote users
educational journey. To elevate foundational expertise in BCDR and has to be secured
education, it is imperative we recognise and
rectify the prevailing gaps in that impede the
learning journey.” Source: Think Teal’s Tealscope ‘2024 State of BCDR, India’ report; Compiled by Shivani Shinde
This is where the role of teachers becomes
critical. As new learning methods and
curriculum are designed with AI, teachers
have to rethink their approach. Digital
technologies enhance the skills of teachers.
Phones smarter with Qualcomm has introduced a slate
of features for the S24, including
live translation and transcription.
“AI holds enormous potential to offer
significant support educators/teachers. It
enables them to harness predictive analytics
GenAI give industry Google search on the phone is
more intuitive and can be done
with just a gesture. It has Note
to anticipate the trajectory of individual
students learning paths and their learning
potential performance outcomes,” the report
hope to ring in sales Assist, which simplifies and orga-
nises complex texts, and
Generative Edit, which allows a
says. “By analysing individual performances, user to freely resize or reposition
learning styles and historical performance
data, AI-powered recommendation systems
Technology improves videos and photos subjects within photos.
Will GenAI improve
can provide with required suggestions.”
DIKSHA (Digital Infrastructure for
on devices, enables multiple tasks to be smartphone sales? Ankit Malhotra,
senior analyst at CounterPoint
Knowledge Sharing), India’s national portal done in a single prompt from the user said: “If you take a look at the
for school education, is pioneering the use of period from 2016 to 2019, we
AI to improve teachers. It has clocked more moved from single camera devices
than 5.24 billion learning sessions and more ASHUTOSH MISHRA segment and people upgrading to for five megapixel to quad camera
than 61.25 billion learning minutes with more 5G devices. GenAI improves a devices. The display got bigger,
than 22 million average daily page views. As In a flat market for smartphones, smartphone but it eats up more the batteries got bigger,
many as 317,496 pieces of e-content are live the hope is that generative artificial power. AI-enabled smartphones processing power got really fast.
on DIKSHA, according to the government. intelligence (GenAI) will make the have been around for years, but But over the last two years that
Room to Read, which aims to improve difference for better sales. GenAI enables a device is to do growth has not been sustained
literacy and gender equality in education, A preliminary forecast by much more. straints. While Cloud (service) can Technology experts said as because there have not been many
uses DIKSHA to distribute student- and research group IDC said that 170 “GenAI brings several advan- address this issue, confining gener- GenAI improves it can be used to hardware advancements in smart-
teacher-related content. It has developed million smartphones with GenAI tages including seamless perform- ative AI services solely to the Cloud run many apps on a smartphone phones, So, for OEMs this is a very
self-paced digital courses for teachers on FLN will be shipped in 2024, compris- ance, greater privacy, better secu- is both expensive and often restric- with a single prompt by the user. good avenue to attract con-
instructions, library activities, life skills and ing almost 15 per cent of total ship- rity and reliability, lower latency, tive in its application range.” “The experience of using a smart- sumers,” said Ankit Malhotra,
multi-lingual education. It also hosts a ments and compared to 51 million the ability to work in areas with lit- Meditek, at the Mobile World phone becomes more intuitive, senior analyst at Counterpoint.
Literacy Cloud, an online learning platform shipments in 2023. The forecast tle to no connectivity, and lower Congress in Barcelona in February, reducing pain points and merging Experts said the global demand
that provides access to high-quality should cheer up original equip- operation cost,” said Anku Jain, announced a series of GenAI tasks that people undertake. We for GenAI-powered smartphones
children's storybooks. India’s National ment manufacturers (OEM) who managing director at MediaTek features in the AI Processing have not seen smart apps run by will help Indian manufacturing.
Mission on Foundational Literacy and have been struggling with a global India, which is part of the Unit (APU) of its chipset for smart bots yet. It will become one “The local production of these
Numeracy, or NIPUN, is working with states sales slowdown. Taiwanese chipset maker. improving video and animation in instruction running many apps,” smartphones will empower Indian
to ensure that all children in the country Smartphone shipments in India “GenAI needs 10 to 100 time smartphones. APU, along with said Ranjit Atwal, senior director companies to acquire expertise in
attain literacy and numeracy by Grade 3 by were flat in 2023 at 152 million greater performance than conven- Neural Processing Unit, in analyst at Gartner. the development of cutting-edge
2026-27. AI can strengthen this process. units, according to Counterpoint tional AI. Its limitations currently smartphone chipsets accelerate Premium smartphones, such as AI-driven devices, and raise
Research. Sales improved in Q4 of stem more from available memory AI tasks, particularly machine Samsung’s S24 ultra, have on- India's competence as a global
2023 but largely in the premium capacity and performance con- learning algorithms. device GenAI now. Chipmaker manufacturing hub,” said Jain.
A duel of sexagenarians
TACKLING and quadragenarians?
a decade when the global financial crisis, threat? The promoter of the bank in ques-
triggered by the fall of iconic US invest- tion is into fintech, but not the bank that
ment bank, Lehman Brothers Holdings has been punished for the violation of KYC
Inc, changed the track of fintech. (know your customer) norms, among
Bitcoin was born in 2009, followed by other irregularities.
other cryptocurrencies using blockchain “In RBI’s view, Paytm is not system-
WilllegalisingMSP technology. Meanwhile, the proliferation ically important. ‘If it dies, it dies, what do
of smartphones and mushrooming of we care?’” the founder of the fintech com-
edibleoilsandpulses? AGRI TRADE ($bn) Exports
Balance of Trade
Imports startups started redefining products and pany has said.
services in the fintech space. They have Yes, Paytm Payments Bank is not sys-
helped create the so-called neo-banks or temically important. For that matter, no
PULSES VEGETABLE OILS BANKER’S TRUST digital banks and changed the customer payments bank in India is systemically
INDIVJAL DHASMANA 4.5 30 experience. At the forefront of this revolu- important. The maximum money a
New Delhi, 3 March TAMAL BANDYOPADHYAY tion are China and India. depositor can keep with a payments bank
Going by data from the Department for is ~2 lakh, which enjoys insurance cover.
he protesting farmers’ main 1.83 20.84 It’s difficult to pinpoint who invented Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade And 75 per cent of their deposits are
3 20
demand to legalise the minimum the car, but Karl Benz is most often iden- (DPIIT) of the Ministry of Commerce and invested in government securities.
Balance 1.94
support price (MSP) regime has tified as the inventor. He patented the Industry, in seven years between 2016 and Where is the systemic risk? Moreover,
divided opinion. One school of thought of Trade 7.25 three-wheeled motor car — called 2023, the number of startups in India grew such banks have very small balance
1.5 10
says it would lead to crop diversification -1.28 -20.4 “Motorwagen” — in 1886. It was the first from around 300 to at least 117,000, gen- sheets. (Paytm Payments Bank had
-1.59 Balance
and help India keep under check its bur- 0.66 -7.2 modern automobile. erating more than 1.24 million jobs. India posted ~14.5 crore profit on an asset base
geoning import bill on edible oils and 0.24 of Trade 0.44 A century later, in the 1980s, Ernst is home to 10,224 fintech companies work- of ~9,844 crore in FY23.)
0 0.05 0
pulses, while another says it would Dickmanns of Germany converted a ing in diverse sectors and segments, mak- Nonetheless, Finance Minister Nirmala
incentivise farmers to produce low- 2013-14 2022-23 2013-14 2022-23 Mercedes-Benz van into an autonomous ing its fintech ecosystem the third largest Sitharaman’s recent meeting with startups
quality crops. vehicle, guided by an integrated com- in the world. It has been expanding at 14 must be reassuring to the fintech ecosys-
Contrary to popular perception, TOTAL AGRICULTURE AND ALLIED ACTIVITIES (incl. plantation and marine) puter. In 1987, the car managed to travel per cent compound annual growth rate. tem. Following this, we expect the RBI to
India has a trade surplus in agriculture 60 through traffic-free streets at a speed of The driver of all innovations is chang- hold monthly meetings with fintech start-
and allied activities, which stood at 52.35 63 km an hour. ing the customer experience in a secure ups since innovative solutions are essential
$18.65 billion during 2022-23 (FY23) 39.59 Google, Tesla and Uber got into the self- way. In the current stage, going beyond to the financial services sector, while
against $15.92 billion in the previous 18.65 40 driving car business decades later. blockchain and open banking, machine adhering to regulations.
year. However, the surplus was mainly In October 1994, Dickmanns’ team learning is set to redefine both banking A few months ago, the banking regu-
24.96 Balance of Trade
on account of rice, wheat, sugar, spices, 33.7 20 picked up a group of high-profile guests and insurance. Fintech is cha- lator issued a draft framework
and buffalo meat. from the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, nging the way money is col- for the recognition of self-reg-
It was dragged down by vegetable 14.63 drove them to the nearby motorway and lected through a wave of inte- What does a ulatory organisations (SROs)
oils and pulses, which India imported to 0 switched the two cars into self-driving grated payments providers. payments bank for the fintech sector. An SRO
meet the domestic demand. 2013-14 2022-23 mode. A year later, the team took a re- Why am I mixing the have to do with will also come in handy for
The country had a $20.84 billion Note: Individual items don't add to total since all items are not given engineered car on a 1,700-km trip, from invention of cars with fin- innovations that are putting the fintech house in
trade deficit in vegetable oils during Source: Commerce department, UN International Trade Statistics Year Book, 2022 Bavaria to Denmark, at a speed of at least tech? What’s the connection? supposedly under order, maintaining a balance
FY23, up from $18.99 billion in the pre- 175 km per hour. Let’s get to the crux of the threat? Its promoter between adherence to regu-
vious year. The deficit was around three Benz, Dickmanns and others like them matter. The provocation is the has been into fintech lations and innovations.
times as much during FY23, as against “Otherwise, farmers won’t diversify,” wheat, the yields are not comparable. are great innovators and have enor- shock and surprise that has innovations, but not The RBI and DPIIT will
$7.2 billion 10 years ago. This deficit dur- he says. The yields are much higher in rice and mously contributed to the evolution of gripped the fintech industry the bank, which has now start working with the
ing the year alone constituted 7.8 per However, Bank of Baroda Chief wheat, compared to pulses and oilseeds. human civilisation. But did they have the after the Reserve Bank of been punished for finance ministry to examine
cent of the total trade deficit India had, Economist Madan Sabnavis says the This is so because rice and wheat are licence to drive a car violating traffic India’s (RBI’s) action against violating KYC norms, issues relating to change of
at $266.78 billion. MSP does theoretically lead to diversifi- grown on irrigated land, while pulses rules? The same applies to the current fin- Paytm Payments Bank Ltd among other ownership holdings and con-
cation. “We already have MSP every and oilseeds are cultivated on mostly tech sector. Innovations are welcome and and the reactions of some fin- irregularities trol of listed fintech com-
Price versus yield year and there is no need really to legal- dry land. there is no conflict between innovations tech leaders. panies to enable them to be
The enormity of edible oil imports ise it,” he points out. The yield in rice was 2,607 kg per and regulations. The founder of an Indian in sync with regulatory
could be gauged from the fact that India The government does not have the hectare (average of FY17 to FY21), and By the way, what’s fintech? According multinational fintech company that sells compliance requirements.
was the top country to import this food machinery for procuring all the crops for wheat it was 3,384 kg per hectare. On to the Financial Stability Board (FSB), fin- digital payment and financial services to Innovations in the fintech sector will
stuff in the world in 2022, according to anyway, Sabnavis says, emphasising the other hand, the yield in major oil- tech is “technology-enabled innovation in small merchants and grocery stores is not continue, but 40-year-old innovators will
the United Nations trade statistics book. that the problem with MSP is that seeds was 1,242 kg per hectare and that financial services that could result in new happy with the RBI’s “punitive” action never have the freedom to ignore the reg-
India imports pulses too, but the farmers will gravitate to the lowest in major pulses at 805 kg per hectare, business models, applications, processes against the payments bank. According to ulations set by central bankers in their 60s
trade deficit here is not as enormous as acceptable quality and hence it can be according to data by the department of or products with an associated material him, the message being sent out by such so long as their products are meant for the
in edible oils. The deficit here fell to counterproductive. agriculture. effect on the provision of financial servic- an action is that “banks are (systemati- financial system. The message is clear: The
$1.28 billion during FY24, against $1.87 Dev, on the other hand, says the rate Dev says if the assured price is there, es”. FSB, headquartered in Basel, cally) important but fintechs are not”. 60-year-old wise uncles need to handhold
billion the previous year. The deficit of return is dependent on the yield and people will plant pulses and oilseeds on Switzerland, is an international body that “In the RBI, individuals responsible for the 40-year-old entrepreneurs when,
remained less than $2 billion during the price of the produce. If you increase the irrigated areas too. Though the govern- monitors and makes recommendations making decisions and handling calls are obsessed with ambition and greed for
last five years each, but it had risen to as MSP but the yield is low, farmers’ ment does announce MSP for major on the global financial system. typically around 60 years old. They have growth, they become a victim of hubris.
high as $4 billion during FY17. It had income will be low, he points out. pulses and oilseeds, there is very little The first transatlantic cable (1866) and experience managing a system of banks. A sexagenarian banker has been instru-
remained more than $2 billion during “So, we should have policies for both procurement, and therefore it is mean- Fedwire (1918) in the US marked the first However, there seems to be a lack of trust mental in cleaning the balance sheet of
each of the first four years of the yield and price. Then people will shift to ingless. stage of fintech as they enabled the maid- in a 40-year-old individual, especially if the fintech company founded by the gen-
National Democratic Alliance govern- pulses and oilseeds. MSP takes care of That said, won’t increasing procure- en electronic fund transfer, using technol- they are considered a maverick, to run a tleman who is not comfortable with the
ment led by Prime Minister Narendra the price, technology will take care of ment of oilseeds and pulses disturb ogies such as telegraph and Morse code. core system,” the 41-year-old founder said. age of central bankers. And the payments
Modi that came to power in 2014. the yield,” Dev says. export markets for rice and wheat? The second stage kicked off in 1967 The founder of the payments bank in the bank’s promoter has recently appointed a
Farmers are pressing for legalising Dev says it will, but imports of pulses when Barclays set up the ATM. A few years eye of the storm is 45. septuagenarian to strengthen governance
MSP for all 23 crops, among their other Exporting water and oilseeds will come down. Rice, later, in the 1970s, the Society for This gentleman is entitled to have his and regulatory issues involved in the par-
demands. But will legalising MSP, at Rice and wheat are grown on 58 per cent wheat, and sugarcane consume 80 per Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecom- opinion about the inability of sexagenar- ent company. He was not a central banker
least on pulses and oilseeds, lead to of the total land under foodgrain culti- cent of the water used in agriculture and munication (SWIFT) started facilitating ians to appreciate the innovations of quad- but a regulator.
diversification of cultivation? vation. While rice was grown on 43.90 exporting these crops is like exporting large volumes of cross-border payments. ragenarians, but just as car inventors could
In response to a query, S Mahendra million hectares, wheat was grown on water, he explains. SWIFT is a communication protocol not escape traffic rules, fintech innovators
Dev, director and vice-chancellor of 30.28 million hectares (average of FY17 Diversification to pulses and oilseeds between financial institutions. — however great their contributions to the The writer is an author and senior advisor
Indira Gandhi Institute of Develop- to FY21). On the other hand, pulses were is not only good for soil and environ- Digital banking appeared on the scene growth and development of the industry to Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd
ment Research, says if procurement is grown on 29.10 million hectares. Major ment, but also for climate change. If in the 1990s. By 1998, the launch of PayPal, be — are not above the rules that govern His latest book is Roller Coaster:
there, farmers will diversify and shift to oilseeds were grown on 25.65 million there is drought, these crops would be an US multinational financial technology the flow of money. An Affair with Banking
pulses and oilseeds only if the rate of hectares. more resilient, he says, while emphasis- company, laid the path for the new pay- More importantly, what does the pay- To read his previous columns,
return is equal or higher than that of While area under pulses and oilseeds ing that pulses and oilseeds are ments systems in the world that started ments bank in question have to do with please log on to
rice and wheat. each is not much less than that under nutritionally good as well. shifting to online. It continued for exactly innovations that are supposedly under X: @TamalBandyo
Falling foreign
(value of investments, in ~ trn) (LHS) stocks (in %) (RHS)
60 18
40 14
20 10
0 6
Foreign investors Dec ‘13 Dec ‘23
now own a Note: Compiled by BS Research Bureau
Note: Compiled by BS Research Bureau Source: Sebi, Capitaline, Business Standard calculations
smaller Source: Capitaline, NSDL, Business Standard calculations
share in the booming
Indian stock market 0
than before.
Their holdings now account Foreign portfolio flows (trailing 12-month, in $ billion)
for 16.3 per cent of the total market, COMPANIES Dec '23 > 20
likely the lowest in a decade, according to
a report by brokerage firm ICICI Securities.
IN FOCUS FPI holdings 19.9 Equity 23.1
Note: Data based on (in %) 20
However, the value of their holdings continues shareholding of nLargecap
to rise and it touched nearly ~62 trillion as of
top 1,000 stocks by
100 nMidcap 0
IMAGING: market capitalisation.
Source: ICICI Securities 8 9 nSmallcap
January-end (Chart 1). AJAY MOHANTY
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