Rhetorical Analysis On
Rhetorical Analysis On
Rhetorical Analysis On
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Reading through the excerpt Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass, one
observes that Douglas discusses at a greater length about his experiences of being a slave. Slaves
used to live in the homesteads of their masters and Douglas was no exception. He however
struggled to read and write, since many slaves at his time were never allowed to learn the
vocational skills of reading and writing. Apart from being a slave, Douglas was an African
American social reformer, an orator as well as a statesman. His contributions on the work
Learning to Read and Write, Douglas uses the elements of pathos, Kairos and tone in informing
his audience about the struggles he underwent through in the quest of his desire to know how to
read and write. He further narrates his experiences that he underwent through as a slave.
Douglas employs an emphatic tone, metaphors, contrast, specific verbs and imagery
towards informing the white American audience about the perils and misfortunes of slavery. The
audience of Douglas lived in the period of 1850s and he attempts at ensuring that he convinces
the white Americans about the essence of being humane towards their black brothers whom they
had enslaved. Douglas alludes to the intelligence of the enslaved blacks by being very
compassionate and empathic. His tone is one which showcases the blacks as being kind and also
equal human beings and as such, they should not be enslaved(Hoffman 2). Through the
persuasion and conviction that is presented forth by Douglas, the whites who were his target
audience are convinced about the intelligence of the blacks that were enslaved. Furthermore, it is
observed that Douglas undertakes a shift in his writing of the excerpt from a lamb-like
disposition towards a fierceness of a tiger. He aptly convinces the whites of the evils of slavery
A further observation of the text of Douglas reveals that it was most probable that in his
diction, he effectively illustrated the issue of slavery to both the slave masters and the slaves
themselves through using a diction that enabled the target audience perceive the issue of slavery
in a different manner. In the pathos of his passage, he observes and demonstrates the issue of
slavery through his mistress into something that the mistress herself was not. Douglas
comprehensively sets out to depict slavery as a scourge which had spread to the white Americans
and that it had in turn led them into being horrible individuals. Douglas also targets poor white
teenagers and children in his excerpt. He depicts this audience as to how they were instrumental
towards helping him in learning how to read and write in exchange for food. He equips in the
text that “Have not I as good a right to be free as you have”? Douglas points out that these words
used to agitate them and in turn they expressed a lively sympathy towards him(Burt 1-3). It can
be argued out that, by him using the children and teenagers as his target audience, he was
introspecting into the future, whereby these children would in their adulthood look down on
slavery and fight at ending it. In doing, the lives of the blacks who had been subjugated into the
conditions of slavery would be let free and live in a society which recognized that all people
There are instances in the excerpt where Douglass repeatedly uses the word abolition. In
the Kairos on his excerpt, he points out that he really wanted to understand the meaning of this
word since he had heard it being used several times. After learning and understanding what the
word meant, he thereafter uses it again and again, in a manner of trying to exaggerate or express
through this word, how his desire and dedication had been towards the need of learning how to
read and write. Douglas further looked for this word even in the dictionary and in city papers in
the quest of gaining knowledge about it. This shows how his overall rhetoric’s as an activist had
been well developed through him persistently and consistently trying to learn concepts that
touched around the issue of slavery(Marjolein Van 8). Hence, the rhetorical strategies that are
employed by him in this paper create a connection between him and his readers from the
emotions he elicits as well as the repetitions he employs in emphasizing out about the evils of
slavery in the society. This is evident through his usage of the phrase, “Give the reader what they
communicating the issue of slavery. The little education he received, he used into his best
abilities in advocating for an end towards slavery. Douglas was able to vividly paint the anima
that was slavery through using rhetorical strategies and dictions that best captured the horridness
of slavery.
Works Cited
policies, Genre conventions and rhetorical devices in Frederick Douglass’s Major Slave