FULL EXP 3.5 Capacity Analysis On Signalized Intersection

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3.5.0 Introduction 2

3.5.1 Objective 2

3.5.2 Apparatus 3

3.5.3 Procedure 3-4

3.5.4 Results and Analysis 5

3.5.5 Calculations 6-8

3.5.6 Discussion 9

3.5.7 Conclusion 10

3.5.8 Appendix and References 10

3.5.0 Introduction

Capacity at signalized intersection is based on saturated flow rate. The term

Saturation Flow is used to describe the constant maximum rate of discharge from the
approach road, which is expressed in veh/hr of green time for existing intersections
and pcu/hr for new intersections. At an intersection, the maximum number of vehicles
that can enter from an approach road is affected by the amount of green time available
to approach. When the green period commences, vehicles in the traffic queue to take
some time to accelerate to a constant turning speed. When this speed has been reached,
the queue discharges into the intersection at a more or less constant rate as illustrate in
figure 5.1 At the end of the green period, some of the vehicles in queue make use of
the amber period to enter the intersections and the discharge rate falls away to zero
during this period.

The term saturation flow is used to describe the constant maximum rate of
discharge from the approach road, which is expressed in veh/hr of green time for
existing intersections and pcu/hr for new intersections.

3.5.1 Objective

The objective of this experiment is to determine the capacity and LOS at signalized
intersection by first determining the saturation flow rise and the start-up delay.

3.5.2 Apparatus

Some of the apparatus required are:

1. Stopwatch
2. Field data survey form

Figure 1: Stopwatch

3.5.3 Procedures

General Task

1. An observation point is picked where the STOP line or crosswalk and the
signal observation are clearly visible.
2. a reference point is chosen which usually is the crosswalk or STOP line.
Vehicle should consistently stop behing this reference point once it enters the
3. A study for each cycle is performed.
4. Any unsual event that may affect the saturation flow rate such as busses,
stalled vehicles, unloading trucks is noted.
5. The area type is measured and recorded and the width and grade of the lane is

Recorder Task

1. The last vehicle that stopped queue when the signals turn green is noted
2. The last vehicle is prescribe to the timer
3. The volumes for each momement according to the class of vehicles is
4. The time called out by the timer is recorded.

Timer Task

1. The stopwatch starts when the light turns green and is called out to the
2. The time when the rear of the fourth vehicle crosses the reference point is
3. The timing continues without resetting the clock until the rear axle of the last
vehicle in queue crpsses the reference point or when the green phase ends
4. Vehicles that still enter the intersection after the end of the green, the vehicles
are numbered and the time is recorded until the last vehicles enters the
5. When the stream of vehicles stops entering the intersection the clearance time
is recorded.
6. The time of total green rime, cycle time lentgh, amount of clearance ime is
also recorded.
7. The cycle is skipped if the queue contains a high percentage of trucks or heavy

3.5.4 Result and Analysis





Survey Station Decentrum Mall

Traffic Light No 1 at Jalan At the end of the road of
From To
IKRAM-UNITEN Traffic Light no 2

Azyan Afiqah, Putri Nur Iman, Nur

Enumerator Date 20-Nov-17
Fareha, Nastenka and Ahmad Azad

Start 16:00
Time Weather Sunny and windy
End 17:00
Movement Allowed Thru and Right Turn

Vehicle in
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6
1 - 3.80 - - - -
2 - - - - - -
3 - - - - - -
4 12.03 - 9.27 9.10 9.56 10.01
5 - - 13.45 13.65 14.53 -

Total Cars 4 1 5 5 5 4
End of Green 35.14 34.11 39.86 34.46 30.48 39.08
End of Saturation 2.69 3.27 3.41 2.90 2.24 2.26
No of Vehicle on Yellow 0 2 3 1 1 0
Cycle Length 84.00 82.02 64.07 64.04 62.09 30.00

Total No of Cars : Cycle 1+ Cycle 2+ Cycle 3+ Cycle 4+ Cycle 5+ Cycle 6

: 24

3.5.5 Calculations

Hourly Volume, V = Nt/ttotal

Nt = Total number of vehicles

Ttotal = Total time (hour)

Hourly Volume, V = [24/524] x 60mins x 60s

= 165 veh / hr

A. Corrected saturation flow (Ref. 2)

Peak Hour Factor, PHF = V / [NT (60/T)]

V = Peak Hour Volume

NT = Maximum number of vehicles at a given time

T = Total time at which the vehicle are counted

Peak Hour Factor, PHF = V / [NT (3600 / T)]

= 165

5 (3600/64)

= 0.587

B. Capacity ratio for each approach and signal phase

Green Phase, CG = Ng/tg

Ng = Total number of vehicles that pass thru on Green

tg = Total time (hour) pass in time frame of Green

Green Phase, CG = 24


= 80 veh / hr

Yellow Phase, CY = Ny / ty

Ny = Total number of vehicles that pass thru on Yellow

ty = Total time (hour) pass in time frame of Yellow

Yellow Phase, CY = 7


= 23 veh / hr

Reserve capacity for the intersection

Since, S = 2.69 + 3.27 + 3.41 + 2.9 + 2.24 + 2.26 = 16.77

CG = 80

CY = 23

Reserve Capacity, CR = S (CG / CY)

CR = 16.77 (80 / 523)

CR = 2.57 veh / hr

C. Queue delay

Queue Delay = 12.03 +9.27 + 9.10 +9.56 +10.01

= 9.994 sec

D. Vehicular delay
Normal Speed = 50 km / h
Desired Speed = 90 km / h
Distance Traveled = 0.02 km

Actual Time Spent = Queue Delay = 9.994 sec

ᇐ᪠⛸‫ۄ‬弨‫ۄ‬䁀 ᇐ᪠⛸᪠弨ᓀ‫ۄ‬
Speed Difference = ᓀ⛸⛸᪠弨 ᇐh‫ ۄ‬t‫ۄ‬弨⛸
t t
= t

= 7.20 km / h

Reduced Speed = Normal Speed – Speed Difference

= 50 .00– 7.20

= 42.8 km / h

Desired Speed Difference = Desired Speed – Reduce Speed

= 90.00 – 42.8

= 47.2 km / h

ᇐ᪠⛸᪠弨ᓀ‫ ۄ‬ᇐ᪠⛸‫ۄ‬弨‫ۄ‬䁀
Vehicular Delay = ‫ۄ‬᪠ᇐᇐ‫ۄ‬䁀 t‫ۄۄ‬䁀 ᇐ䗟䗟‫ۄ‬ᇐ‫ۄ‬弨ᓀ‫ۄ‬

t t
= tt

= 1.53 sec

Stopped Delay (Start-up delay) = Queue Delay + Vehicular Delay

= 1.53 sec + 9.994 sec

= 11.52 sec

Referring to Level of Service corresponding to Stopped Delay (Open ended lab

handout for CETB411, Table 5.1, pg 26) of 11.52 sec is LOS B which is reasonably
free flow.

3.5.6 Discussion
This experiment of signalized intersection capacity and level of service was
carried out to determine the capacity and level of service of UNITEN signalized
intersection. On this experiment 3 intersections were observed. The lanes observed
were based on the length of counting period for one hour per lane. Every data is then
segregated based on classes which is class 1, class 2, class 3, and class 4 which
classified as motorcycles, cars, vans and medium truck, and heavy truck and buses.

Based on the obtained result of our collected data from the chosen location,
Direction 1 which is from Traffic light 1 at Decentrum Traffic Light to Uniten, Jalan
IKRAM-UNITEN, several properties of the traffic information were determined. This
signalize intersection have an Hourly Volume of 165 veh / hr with Peak Hour Factor
of 0.587. According to our collected data, the capacity ration for each approach and
signal phase was also determined. The green phase of this intersection is 80 veh/hr
and the yellow phase is 23 veh/hr. Reverse capacity of the intersection is 2.57 veh/hr.

The Queue Delay and Vehicular Delay for this intersection are 9.994 sec and 1.53
sec respectively. This includes delays where Stopped Delay can be determined by
summing both queue and vehicular delays. Therefore, the Stopped Delay for this
intersection is 11.52 secs. From the calculated Stopped Delay of 11.52 seconds which
fall between 5.1 – 15.0, Level of Service of the signalized intersection is found to be
LOS B. (Referring to the summary above in page 2, we have concluded that our
experiment is under level B).

3.5.7 Conclusion
In conclusion, objective of the test is achieved by analysing capacity and Level of
Services of the signalized intersection by first determining the start-up delay. Based
on the collected and analysed data, the start-up delay (stopped delay) of 11.52 seconds.
With the aid of Level of Services Criteria for Signalized Intersection (Ref. 1, Table
5.1, pg 22) and stopped delay, it shows that this signalized intersection is fall on LOS
B. Therefore, this section of signalized intersection for improvement or upgrade does
not required due to short stopped delay for the vehicle which shown above.

3.5.8 Appendix

Figure 2:Site area where the experiment is conducted

3.5.9 References
1. James H.Banks, Introduction to Transportation Engineering, 2nd Ed.,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 2002.

2. Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A. Hoel, Traffic and Highway Engineering,

2nd Ed., PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1997.


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