Exit Interview Form
Exit Interview Form
Exit Interview Form
We value your association with TEKsystems, A DIVISION OF ALLEGIS SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD and
request you to provide us with frank inputs on how you feel about TEKsystems, A DIVISION OF ALLEGIS
SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD. This would help us to identify what we need to do to make TEKsystems, A
DIVISION OF ALLEGIS SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD a better place to work at. (Please hand over this form to
the HR Team if you are at Bangalore or courier the same in a confidential cover.)
Location: ................................................................................................
1. Crucial Reasons that made to look out for a change / reasons for leaving TEKSYSTEMS, A DIVISION
Dissatisfaction with Recognition system /
Monotonous work
Dissatisfaction with Company’s Overall
Salary / compensation
Good Job content Overseas employment
2. What is your opinion about the following at TEKsystems, A DIVISION OF ALLEGIS SERVICES INDIA
PVT. LTD? (Please be as detailed as possible)
a) Your Job Content: .......................................................................................................................................
b) Career Opportunities at TEKSYSTEMS, A DIVISION OF ALLEGIS SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD: .......................
d) HR Policies: ................................................................................................................................................
3. In your opinion, what are the major areas for improvement for TEKsystems, A DIVISION OF ALLEGIS
SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD as an organisation?
(Pls specify at least 3 reasons).
a) ....................................................................................................................................................................
b) ....................................................................................................................................................................
c) .....................................................................................................................................................................
4. Did the organization treat you well after you decided to quit? (Please tick)
If you have ticked (a), please tell us know where did it go wrong ................................................................
5. If in future, if you are provided with the opportunity to rejoin TEKsystems, A DIVISION OF ALLEGIS
SERVICES INDIA PVT. LTD, would you? (Please tick)
6. What types of projects/skills are you interested in pursuing after this assignment?
8. Are there any specific companies and/or other groups at your current customer that I can start
looking into for you?
Date: .............................................................................................
Place: ............................................................................................