4132 en
4132 en
4132 en
Remotely adjustable thres holds 1,5 µm(c) sensitivity according to ISO 11171
REV 03/2018
I n t h e w o r l d o f pa r t I c l e s pa m a s c o u n t s
PAMAS 4132
Standardised ß-ratio analysis
The PAMAS 4132 is used as counters allows simultaneous Single particle counting Technical data
a particle counting system for upstream and downstream meas- system using volumetric
Power supply:
Single & Multipass Filter test rigs. urements. During the Multipass sensor cells 100 - 240 V AC / 50-60 Hz
The standard system is designed Filter Test, the liquid continuously A highly sophisticated sensor Data transfer:
to fit perfectly in the test rig of flows through the system. cell and optics guarantees best via Ethernet
all manufacturers. With Multi- resolution and accuracy even Volumetric particle sensors:
pass filter testing, the oil circu- The online particle counting under high pressure conditions. PAMAS HCB-LD-50/50
lates in the test stand; with system PAMAS 4132 analyses Particle counting can be achieved Calibration range:
1-400 µm according to ISO 21501
Single Pass filter testing, the liquids of various viscosity degrees using many methods, but only 1-100 µm according to ISO 4402
liquid passes the filter only once (e.g. oil, fuel, water, etc.). The the use of volumetric cells, like 4-70 µm(c) according to ISO 11171
and is then deviated to the out- system is adaptable to any filter those used in PAMAS sensors, Maximum particle concentration:
test application. 24,000 p/ml* at a flow rate of
flow. can guarantee that all particles
25 ml/min**
passing through the sensor are
For ß-ratio analyses, the Single Calibration of counted. This results in better PAMAS HCB-LD-25/25
Calibration range:
Pass Filter Test is performed particle sensor: statistical analysis and prevents 1-200 µm according to ISO 21501
with two particle counters. Two The particle sensor is calibrated the loss of information compared 1-100 µm according to ISO 4402
instruments - equipped with according to International Calibra- to in-situ cells that detect only a 4-70 µm(c) according to ISO 11171
tion Standards which are traceab- Maximum particle concentration:
32 size channels each - are also small portion of the whole sample
120,000 p/ml* at a flow rate of
used for the Multipass Filter Test. le to the NIST (National Institute flow, especially as the samples are 25 ml/min**
The test rig with two particle of Standards and Technology). getting cleaner.
Calibration range:
1-100 µm according to ISO 21501
1-100 µm according to ISO 4402
4-70 µm(c) according to ISO 11171
Maximum particle concentration:
200,000 p/ml* at a flow rate of
10 ml/min**
Calibration range:
0.5-20 µm according to ISO 21501
1-20 µm according to ISO 4402
1.5-25 µm(c) according to ISO 11171
Maximum particle concentration:
13,000 p/ml* at a flow rate of 10 ml/
Registered trademarks are properties of their individual owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice.
* Coincidence error of 7.8%.
**Various flow rates are available.
Fluid temperature: 0-60° C
Calibration temperature: 20 or 40° C
200 mm x 300 mm x
330 mm (L x W x H)
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