Rolling Ball C72IP001EN-K_Brochure_Lovis_2000_screen
Rolling Ball C72IP001EN-K_Brochure_Lovis_2000_screen
Rolling Ball C72IP001EN-K_Brochure_Lovis_2000_screen
Lovis 2000 M/ME
Lovis 2000 M/ME:
1 Touchscreen 2 Flow-through filling 3 Capillary block 4 Air cooling 5 Versatile capillaries Option Low Temperature
The color touchscreen display Use flow-through filling to The auto-angle function and Peltier elements provide fast and Standard length capillaries are Use the Option Lovis 2000 M/ME
makes user interaction easy. enhance your sample throughput. auto-distance function optimize stable temperature control. The suitable for flow-through filling Low Temperature to reach a
The flexible instrument software Even in manual operation, flow- the duration and stability of built-in fan provides sufficient or for manual filling outside the minimum temperature of -30 °C
allows you to adapt the display through filling makes your work your measurement. The moving air cooling for measuring capillary block. For small sample (-22 °F).
to each measuring method. Set easy: Just fill the syringe, plug it capillary block covers an angle temperatures as low as 5 °C amounts as low as 100 µl, use
your favorites for quick access to into the filling support and fill the range from 15° to 80° in either (41 °F). short capillaries. Capillaries are
your most important functions. sample into the system. direction. Lovis 2000 M/ME also available made of borosilicate
displays shear rate and supports glass or PCTFE. Break-proof
automated zero-shear viscosity PCTFE capillaries enable you to
extrapolation. test chemicals as aggressive as
hydrofluoric acid.
Lovis 2000 M Lovis 2000 ME & DMA M
Shear rate
Temperature: Viscosity
0.5 s-1 to 1000 s-1 influenced by capillary size and inclination
- 0 g/cm³ to 3 g/cm³
Maximum uptime Warranty program Short response times A global service network Viscosity: Repeatability s.d. 0.1 % 2)
One Viscometer,
Sample volume 0.1 mL to 0.8 mL 1 mL to 3 mL
Many Combinations
Power supply AC 100 V to 240 V; 50 Hz to 60 Hz; 190 VA
1) specified temperatures are valid for a max. ambient temperature of 35 °C (95 °F). Lower measuring temperatures are achieved in lower
ambient temperatures and/or with special equipment.
2) verified with a 1.59 capillary at 70° angle and Ethanol 96 % at 20 °C using the same ball for all repeated measurements.
3) verified with a 1.59 capillary with a single-point adjustment performed on site at 70° angle; adjustment and all measurements performed
with distilled water at 20 °C with the same ball.