Cilindros - Incropera
Cilindros - Incropera
Cilindros - Incropera
Cylindrical and spherical systems often experience temperature gradients in the radial direc-
tion only and may therefore be treated as one-dimensional. Moreover, under steady-state
conditions with no heat generation, such systems may be analyzed by using the standard
method, which begins with the appropriate form of the heat equation, or the alternative
method, which begins with the appropriate form of Fourier’s law. In this section, the cylin-
drical system is analyzed by means of the standard method and the spherical system by
means of the alternative method.
r dr 1
1 d kr dT 5 0
dr 2 (3.28)
where, for the moment, k is treated as a variable. The physical significance of this result
becomes evident if we also consider the appropriate form of Fourier’s law. The rate at which
energy is conducted across any cylindrical surface in the solid may be expressed as
Hot fluid
T∞,1, h1
Cold fluid Ts,1
T∞,2, h2
Ts,1 r1 r2
T∞,1 Ts,1 Ts,2 T∞,2
Ts,2 ________
1 In(r2/r1)
________ ________
h12 π r1L 2 π kL h22 π r2L
To obtain the constants of integration C1 and C2, we introduce the following boundary
T(r1) 5 Ts,1 and T(r2) 5 Ts,2
Applying these conditions to the general solution, we then obtain
Ts,1 2 Ts,2
T(r) 5 ln rr 1 Ts,2 (3.31)
ln (r1 /r2) 2
Note that the temperature distribution associated with radial conduction through a cylindri-
cal wall is logarithmic, not linear, as it is for the plane wall under the same conditions. The
logarithmic distribution is sketched in the inset of Figure 3.7.
If the temperature distribution, Equation 3.31, is now used with Fourier’s law, Equation
3.29, we obtain the following expression for the heat transfer rate:
2pLk(Ts,1 2 Ts,2)
qr 5 (3.32)
ln (r2 /r1)
From this result it is evident that, for radial conduction in a cylindrical wall, the thermal
resistance is of the form
ln (r2 /r1)
Rt,cond 5 (3.33)
This resistance is shown in the series circuit of Figure 3.7. Note that since the value of qr is
independent of r, the foregoing result could have been obtained by using the alternative
method, that is, by integrating Equation 3.29.
Consider now the composite system of Figure 3.8. Recalling how we treated the com-
posite plane wall and neglecting the interfacial contact resistances, the heat transfer rate
may be expressed as
Ty,1 2 Ty,4
qr 5 (3.34)
1 ln (r2 /r1) ln (r3 /r2) ln (r4 /r3) 1
1 1 1 1
2pr1Lh1 2pkAL 2pkBL 2pkCL 2pr4Lh4
The foregoing result may also be expressed in terms of an overall heat transfer coefficient.
That is,
Ty,1 2 Ty,4
qr 5 5 UA(Ty,1 2 Ty,4) (3.35)
138 Chapter 3 j One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction
Ts,4 T∞,4, h4
T∞,1, h1
r1 r2
r4 L
T∞,1, h1 A B C
T∞,4, h4
__________ In(r2/r1)
_________ In(r3/r2)
_________ In(r4/r3)
_________ 1
h12 π r1L 2π kAL 2π kBL 2π kCL h42 π r4L
If U is defined in terms of the inside area, A1 5 2pr1L, Equations 3.34 and 3.35 may be
equated to yield
U1 5 1 (3.36)
1 1 r1 ln r2 1 r1 ln r3 1 r1 ln r4 1 r1 1
h1 kA r1 kB r2 kC r3 r4 h4
This definition is arbitrary, and the overall coefficient may also be defined in terms of A4 or
any of the intermediate areas. Note that
The possible existence of an optimum insulation thickness for radial systems is suggested
by the presence of competing effects associated with an increase in this thickness. In partic-
ular, although the conduction resistance increases with the addition of insulation, the con-
vection resistance decreases due to increasing outer surface area. Hence there may exist an
insulation thickness that minimizes heat loss by maximizing the total resistance to heat
transfer. Resolve this issue by considering the following system.
3.3 j Radial Systems 139
1. Whether there exists an optimum insulation thickness that minimizes the heat transfer
2. Thermal resistance associated with using cellular glass insulation of varying thickness.
h = 5 W/m2•K
Ti Air
Insulation, k
1. Steady-state conditions.
2. One-dimensional heat transfer in the radial (cylindrical) direction.
3. Negligible tube wall thermal resistance.
4. Constant properties for insulation.
5. Negligible radiation exchange between insulation outer surface and surroundings.
1. The resistance to heat transfer between the refrigerant and the air is dominated by con-
duction in the insulation and convection in the air. The thermal circuit is therefore
Ti T∞
________ 1
2π k 2 π rh
where the conduction and convection resistances per unit length follow from Equations
3.33 and 3.9, respectively. The total thermal resistance per unit length of tube is then
ln (r/ri )
R9tot 5 1 1
2pk 2prh
140 Chapter 3 j One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction
1 2 1 50
2pkr 2pr 2h
To determine whether the foregoing result maximizes or minimizes the total resis-
tance, the second derivative must be evaluated. Hence
d 2R9tot
5 2 1 2 1 13
dr 2 2pkr pr h
or, at r 5 k/h,
d 2R9tot
dr 2 1
5 1 2 12 1 5
p(k /h) k 2k
2pk 3/h2
Since this result is always positive, it follows that r 5 k/h is the insulation radius for
which the total resistance is a minimum, not a maximum. Hence an optimum insulation
thickness does not exist.
From the above result it makes more sense to think in terms of a critical insulation
rcr ; k
which maximizes heat transfer, that is, below which q9 increases with increasing r and
above which q9 decreases with increasing r.
2. With h 5 5 W/m2 z K and k 5 0.055 W/m z K, the critical radius is
R't (m•K/W)
0 6 10 20 30 40 50
r – ri (mm)
1. The effect of the critical radius is revealed by the fact that, even for 20 mm of insula-
tion, the total resistance is not as large as the value for no insulation.
2. If ri , rcr, as it is in this case, the total resistance decreases and the heat rate therefore
increases with the addition of insulation. This trend continues until the outer radius of
the insulation corresponds to the critical radius. The trend is desirable for electrical
current flow through a wire, since the addition of electrical insulation would aid in
transferring heat dissipated in the wire to the surroundings. Conversely, if ri . rcr, any
addition of insulation would increase the total resistance and therefore decrease the
heat loss. This behavior would be desirable for steam flow through a pipe, where insu-
lation is added to reduce heat loss to the surroundings.
3. For radial systems, the problem of reducing the total resistance through the application of
insulation exists only for small diameter wires or tubes and for small convection coeffi-
cients, such that rcr . ri. For a typical insulation (k < 0.03 W/m z K) and free convection
in air (h < 10 W/m2 z K), rcr 5 (k/h) < 0.003 m. Such a small value tells us that, normally,
ri . rcr and we need not be concerned with the effects of a critical radius.
4. The existence of a critical radius requires that the heat transfer area change in the direction
of transfer, as for radial conduction in a cylinder (or a sphere). In a plane wall the area per-
pendicular to the direction of heat flow is constant and there is no critical insulation thick-
ness (the total resistance always increases with increasing insulation thickness).