Molten Metal Level by Heat TRF Analysis
Molten Metal Level by Heat TRF Analysis
Molten Metal Level by Heat TRF Analysis
College of Information Science and Engineering, P.O. Box, No.321, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, Liaoning, P.R.
(Received on April 5, 2011; accepted on June 8, 2011)
Temperature variation rate is different between “molten steel – tundish cover flux(TCF) – air” layers in
tundish because heat transfer between these three materials with different thermal conductivities. Numer-
ical calculation proves that temperature gradient extremums exist at the interfaces of “molten steel – TCF
– air” layers in tundish. At the same time the change of initial temperature, thermal conductivity, convec-
tion coefficient have no effect on the interfaces locating. Thus temperature gradient extremums can be
used for measuring molten steel level in tundish. In the process of measurement, a CCD camera is used
to capture the thermal image of measuring sensor which is inserted into tundish to get the temperature
distribution. By calculating temperature gradients of the measuring sensor in the thermal images, the
interfaces of “molten steel – TCF – air” can be located, finally the molten steel level is obtained. The influ-
ence of measuring sensor adhering by TCF is also solved by gray image projection algorithm. Steel met-
allurgical field experiment shows that the method of molten steel level measurement is authentic and
measuring error is less than 5 mm.
KEY WORDS: molten steel level; measurement; heat transfer; temperature distribution; interface location.
are recognized. The distance between P*AS, P*SS and the top
of measuring sensor is designated as H *ASL and H *SSL. Then
the thickness of the slag layer is:
TTCF = H *SSL – H *ASL ......................... (2)
Finally the molten steel level is:
.......................................... (3)
For isotropic thermal conductivity of materials, kx = ky = km: thermal conductivity of measuring sensor which is 8.7
kz = k, formula (4) can be transferred into: W/(m·K), TTCF: temperature of TCF layer which is 1 200°C,
Ts: temperature of molten steel layer which is 1 530°C, Tev:
⎛ ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ⎞ ∂T ............ (5) temperature of air layer which is 30°C, Tm: initial tempera-
k ⎜ 2 + 2 + 2 ⎟ + qsh = ρ c
⎝ ∂x ∂y ∂z ⎠ ∂t ture of measuring sensor which is 30°C, hss: heat transfer
coefficient between molten steel layer and TCF layer which
The temperature distribution analysis of the measuring
is 200 W/m2·K, hsa: heat transfer coefficient between TCF
sensor is three-dimensional unsteady thermal analysis, fur-
layer and air layer which is 0.4 W/m2·K, hs: heat transfer
ther more there is no heat source inside the sensor, formula
coefficient between measuring sensor and molten steel layer
(5) can be simplified to:
which is 3 000 W/m2·K, hTCF: heat transfer coefficient bet-
∂ 2T ∂ 2T ∂ 2T ρ c ∂T ween measuring sensor and TCF layer which is 40 W/m2·K,
+ + = ................... (6)
∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 k ∂t hf : heat transfer coefficient between measuring sensor and
air layer which is 5 W/m2·K.
Formula (6) is the heat transfer differential equation of
measuring sensor.
3.3. Temperature Distribution of Measuring Sensor
Using finite element method to solve temperature distri-
3.2. Physical Parameters and Boundary Conditions
bution model based on the heat transfer process and definite
Physical parameters of three mediums11,12) in tundish is
conditions, appending loads of temperature, convection,
shown in Table 1 and the thickness of TCF layer is 30 mm.
heat conduction and radiation. After the calculation by
The initial temperature of measuring sensor is described
ANSYS, nephogram of the temperature distribution of the
as formula 7 when heat transfer begins:
measuring sensor is shown in Fig. 3.
T t =0 = ϕ ( x, y) .............................. (7) Because of the thermal conductivity difference between
air, TCF layer and molten steel, temperature variation rate
ϕ (x, y) is the function of initial temperature and in this
is different between three materials. Calculating the temper-
paper measuring sensor is set to 30°C which is supposed to
ature gradients in the region of [A, B] near the TCF layer,
an isothermal body.
the results are shown in Fig. 4.
Boundary conditions include as follows:13)
There are two obvious inflexions in the temperature gra-
(a) boundary between molten steel layer and TCF layer:
dient curve. According to the geometrical relation the first
∂TTCF inflexion at position “a” is the interface of molten steel layer
− ks = hss (Ts − TTCF ) .................... (8)
∂n and TCF layer, the second inflexion at position “b” is the
interface of TCF layer and air layer. So the position of
(b) free surface of TCF layer:
inflexion can be used as criterion for locating the interface.
∂TTCF In order to demonstrate the universality of the conclu-
− ks = hsa (TTCF − Tev ) ................... (9)
∂n sions, change the initial temperature of measuring senor,
(c) ektexine of measuring sensor where contacting with
molten steel layer
− km = hs (Ts − Tm ) ..................... (10)
(d) ektexine of measuring sensor where contacting with
TCF layer
− km = hTCF (TTCF − Tm ) ................. (11)
(e) ektexine of measuring sensor where contacting with
air layer
− km = h f (Tm − Tev ) .................... (12)
In formulas (8)–(12), Fig. 3. Nephogram of calculated temperature distribution of the
ks: thermal conductivity of TCF layer which is 0.6 W/(m·K), measuring sensor.
Thermal conductivity
Density (kg/m3) Specific heat (J/(kg·K))
Air 1.29 1.004 0.023
TCF 1 210 1 172.3 0.6
Molten steel (1 530°C) 7 000 880 48
Fig. 5. Influence of different initial temperature (a) temperature distribution (b) temperature gradient distribution.
paper. By comparing with the interface location distance, image pixel, y is vertical coordinates of image pixel, H is
pseudo interface is identified and removed. The concrete the height of image, W is the width of image, g1(xi, y) is
steps are shown as follows: pixel-gray value of t second image in coordinate (xi, y),
Step 1: get the TCF flow image of t second and t+1 g2(xi, y), is pixel-gray value of t+1 second image in coordi-
second. nate (xi, y), p(xi) is horizontal gray projection of t second
Step 2: calculate the gray projection of the images: image in column i, q(xi) is horizontal projection of t+1 sec-
Horizontal gray projection can be calculated as follow: ond image in column i, ε is noise reduction threshold. The
relationship of coordinate system is shown in Fig. 13.
p( xi ) = ∑ g1 ( xi , y) g1 ( x , y ) >ε (i = 0 ⋅⋅⋅ W ) ........ (13) the integration of p(xi) and q(xi) can be expressed:
y =0 xi
S p ( xi ) = ∑ p( x ) ......................... (15)
q( xi ) = ∑ g2 ( xi , y) g2 ( x , y ) >ε (i = 0 ⋅⋅⋅ W ) ........ (14) x = x0
y =0 xi
Which xi is the i position in horizontal coordinates of Sq ( xi ) = ∑ q( x ) ......................... (16)
x = x0
Fig. 14. (a) TCF flow image at t second (b) TCF flow image at t+1 second (c)gray projection of image (a) and (b).
Fig. 15. Identify pseudo interface (a) real interface and pseudo interface of image at t second (b) real interface and pseudo
interface of image at t+1 second.
Automatic Manual
Measuring condition measuring Measuring
result (mm) result (mm)
784 788 –4
Casting process 1: 787 783 +4
temperature of molten steel:
1 475°C–1 490°C; 747 751 –4
thickness of TCF layer: 719 724 –5
40 mm–60 mm.
(around the ladle change period) 762 758 +4
Fig. 16. (a) schematic of manual measuring method (b) field appli-
cation. 784 789 –5
674 670 +4
field operator believes that exact steel level value is suit for Acknowledgements
continuous casting process and steel quality control, so this The authors would like to thank the field research support
method can meet the requirement of the filed well. by Nanjing Iron & Steel Corporation of China.
5. Conclusion
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