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GEMPAC GAS, Modbus Manual, 4189340679, Rev. A, UK

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Modbus Manual

SW. version from 3.23.2
Doc. version 4189340679A

• Description of Modbus
• Parameter list
• Data tables
• MCM700 Data
• MCM700 Alarms
• Parameter table
GEMPAC GAS Modbus Manual

Table of contents

1. WARNINGS AND LEGAL INFORMATION ........................................................................... 3

LEGAL INFORMATION AND RESPONSIBILITY .................................................................................... 3
ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE AWARENESS ..................................................................................... 3
SAFETY ISSUES ............................................................................................................................ 3
DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................................ 3
2. DESCRIPTION OF OPTION .................................................................................................. 4
ANSI NUMBERS ........................................................................................................................... 4
CONNECTION ............................................................................................................................... 4
HARDWARE SETTINGS .................................................................................................................. 4
3. DATA TABLES ...................................................................................................................... 5
CONFIGURABLE AREA (READ ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 04H) ............................................................ 5
MEASUREMENT TABLE (READ ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 04H) ......................................................... 12
ALARM AND STATUS TABLE (READ ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 04H) ................................................... 15
CONTROL REGISTER TABLE READ(03H)/WRITE(10H) .................................................................... 19
COMMAND FLAGS TABLE (WRITE ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 0FH) ..................................................... 21
STATUS FLAGS TABLE (READ ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 02H) .......................................................... 22
DIGITAL INPUT TABLE (READ ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 02H) ........................................................... 23
RELAY OUTPUT TABLE (READ ONLY) (FUNCTION CODE 02H) .......................................................... 24
MCM700 SYSTEMS ERRORS TABLE ........................................................................................... 25
SSM558 – BANK A AND B SYSTEMS ERRORS TABLE ................................................................... 45
IRS MODBUS PARAMETERS ........................................................................................................ 53
4. PARAMETER TABLE .......................................................................................................... 59
PARAMETER TABLE READING AND WRITING .................................................................................. 59
PARAMETER ADDRESSES ............................................................................................................ 62
LIMITS AND VALUE UNIT .............................................................................................................. 62

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1. Warnings and legal information

Legal information and responsibility

DEIF takes no responsibility for installation or operation of the generator set. If there is any doubt
about how to install or operate the generator set controlled by the unit, the company responsible
for the installation or the operation of the set must be contacted.

The units are not to be opened by unauthorised personnel. If opened anyway, the
warranty will be lost.

Electrostatic discharge awareness

Sufficient care must be taken to protect the terminals against static discharges during the
installation. Once the unit is installed and connected, these precautions are no longer necessary.

Safety issues
Installing the unit implies work with dangerous currents and voltages. Therefore, the installation
should only be carried out by authorised personnel who understand the risks involved in working
with live electrical equipment.

Be aware of the hazardous live currents and voltages. Do not touch any AC
measurement inputs as this could lead to injury or death.

Throughout this document, a number of notes and warnings will be presented. To ensure that
these are noticed, they will be highlighted in order to separate them from the general text.


The notes provide general information which will be helpful for the reader to
bear in mind.


The warnings indicate a potentially dangerous situation which could result in

death, personal injury or damaged equipment, if certain guidelines are not

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2. Description of option

ANSI numbers
Function ANSI no.
RS485 Modbus communication -

A standard computer null-modem cable can be used (9-pole SUB-D female/female plugs), or a
cable can be tailored:

At the Gempac is.: Pin 2 RX, Pin 3 TX and Pin 5 GND.

Hardware settings
To establish the Modbus communication, it is necessary to use the service port (RS232)

The address is fixed to ID 1 and has following settings:

• 9600 bps
• 8 data bits
• None parity
• 1 stop bit

When using the service port is the address fixed to ID-1.

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3. Data tables

- Par. Refers to parameter
- Reserved Means not available for GEMPAC GAS
- Not Used Means not used in GEMPAC GAS
- Empty field Means no information available
Configurable area (read only) (function code 04h)
Address Content Description
0 UL1-L2 Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
1 UL2-L3 Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
2 UL3-L1 Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
3 UL1-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
4 UL2-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
5 UL3-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
6 fL1 Generator freq. Measured in [Hz/100].
7 IL1 Generator current. Measured in [A].
8 IL2 Generator current. Measured in [A].
9 IL3 Generator current. Measured in [A].
10 PGEN Generator active power. Measured in [kW]. Negative
value means reverse power.
11 QGEN Generator reactive power. Measured in [kVAr]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
12 SGEN Generator apparent power. Measured in [kVA].
13 cos phi -99...0...100 generator cos phi. Measured in cos phi:
100. Negative value means capacitive cos phi.
14 [HI] RGEN Reactive energy counter. Measured in [kVArh]. Max.
15 [LO] 300000 MVArh.
16 [HI] EGEN Energy counter. Measured in [kWh]. Max. 300000
17 [LO] MWh.
18 UBBL1-L2 Busbar voltage. Measured in [V].
19 UBBL2-L3 Busbar voltage. Measured in [V].
20 UBBL3-L1 Busbar voltage. Measured in [V].
21 UBBL1-N Busbar voltage. Measured in [V].
22 UBBL2-N Busbar voltage. Measured in [V].
23 UBBL3-N Busbar voltage. Measured in [V].
24 FBB Busbar frequency L1. Measured in [Hz/100].
25 PHIBBL1-L2 +/-180 deg. busbar phase angle. Measured in [deg.].
26 PHIBBL1-DGL1 +/-180 deg. busbar/generator phase angle. Measured
in [deg.].
27 DG Alarms Number of generator alarms.
28 DG Alarms Number of unacknowledged generator alarms.
29 Start attempts Generator start attempts.
30 [HI] Abs. run. hours Hour.
31 [LO]
32 GBoper GB operations counter.

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Address Content Description

33 MBoper MB operations counter.
34 USUPPLY Supply voltage. Measured in [V/10].
35 USUPPLY M4 M4 supply voltage. Measured in [V/10].
37 Multi-input 102, unscaled*.
38 Multi-input 105, unscaled*.
39 Multi-input 108, unscaled*.
40 Control register table address 0.
41 Control register table address 1.
42 Control register table address 2.
43 Control register table address 3.
44 Control register table address 4.
45 Control register table address 5.
46 Control register table address 6.
47 Control register table address 7.
48 Protection Bit 0 Par.1000 G -P> 1
alarms Bit 1 Par.1010 G -P> 2
Bit 2 Reserved
Bit 3 Par.1030 G I> 1
Bit 4 Par.1040 G I> 2
Bit 5 Par.1050 G I> 3
Bit 6 Par.1060 G I> 4
Bit 7 Reserved
Bit 8 Reserved
Bit 9 Par.1130 G I>> 1
Bit 10 Par.1140 G I>> 2
Bit 11 Par.1150 G U> 1
Bit 12 Par.1160 G U> 2
Bit 13 Par.1170 G U< 1
Bit 14 Par.1180 G U< 2
Bit 15 Par.1190 G U< 3
49 Protection Bit 0 Par.1210 G f> 1
alarms Bit 1 Par.1220 G f> 2
Bit 2 Par.1230 G f> 3
Bit 3 Par.1240 G f< 1
Bit 4 Par.1250 G f< 2
Bit 5 Par.1260 G f< 3
Bit 6 Par.1270 BB U> 1
Bit 7 Par.1280 BB U> 2
Bit 8 Par.1290 BB U> 3
Bit 9 Par.1300 BB U< 1
Bit 10 Par.1310 BB U< 2
Bit 11 Par.1320 BB U< 3
Bit 12 Par.1330 BB U< 4
Bit 13 Par.1350 BB f> 1

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Address Content Description

Bit 14 Par.1360 BB f> 2
Bit 15 Par.1370 BB f> 3
50 Protection Bit 0 Par.1380 BB f< 1
alarms Bit 1 Par.1390 BB f< 2
Bit 2 Par.1400 BB f< 3
Bit 3 Par.1410 BB f< 4
Bit 4 Par.1420 df/dt (ROCOF)
Bit 5 Par.1430 Vector jump
Bit 6 Par.1440 BB pos. seq. volt
Bit 7 Par.1450 G P> 1
Bit 8 Par.1460 G P> 2
Bit 9 Par.1470 G P> 3
Bit 10 Par.1480 G P> 4
Bit 11 Par.1490 G P> 5
Bit 12 Par.1500 G Unbalance I
Bit 13 Par.1510 G Unbalance U
Bit 14 Par.1520 G -Q>
Bit 15 Par.1530 M Q>
51 Synchronisation Bit 0 Par.2120 Sync. window
alarms Bit 1 Par.2130 GB sync. failure
Bit 2 Par.2140 MB sync. failure
Bit 3 Par.2150 Phase seq. error
Bit 4 Par.2160 GB open failure
Bit 5 Par.2170 GB close failure
Bit 6 Par.2180 GB pos. failure
Bit 7 Par.2200 MB open failure
Bit 8 Par.2210 MB close failure
Bit 9 Par.2220 MB pos. failure
Bit 10 Par.2270 Close before excitation failure
52 Digital input Bit 0 Par.3130 Idle Speed Selected
alarms Bit 1 Par.3140 Dig. input 44
Bit 2 Par.3150 Dig. input 45
Bit 3 Par.3160 Battery Charger error
Bit 4 Par.3170 Dig. input 47
Bit 5 Par.3180 Dig. input 48
Bit 6 Par.3190 Dig. input 49
Bit 7 Par.3200 Dig. input 50
Bit 8 Par.3210 Dig. input 51
Bit 9 Par.3220 Dig. input 52
Bit 10 Par.3230 Dig. input 53
Bit 11 Par.3240 Dig. input 54
Bit 12 Par.3250 Dig. input 55
53 Not Used
54 Digital input Bit 0 - 5 Reserved
alarms Bit 6 Par.3430 Fire+gas alarm

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Address Content Description

Bit 7 Par.3440 Safety wire lo.
Bit 8 Par.3450 Fire+gas Fault
Bit 9 Par.3460 Oil Level Fault
Bit 10 Par.3470 Dig. input 116 (Spare)
Bit 11 Par.3480 Fan tripped
Bit 12 Par.3490 Dig. input 118, emergency stop
55 Not Used
56 Analogue input Bit 0 Par.4000 DE RTD 1
alarms Bit 1 Par.4010 DE RTD 2
Bit 2 Par.4020 W. fail analogue 91
Bit 3 Par.4030 NDE RTD 1
Bit 4 Par.4040 NDE RTD 2
Bit 5 Par.4050 W. fail analogue 93
Bit 6 Par.4060 4-20 mA No95.1
Bit 7 Par.4070 4-20 mA No95.2
Bit 8 Par.4080 W. fail analogue 95
Bit 9 Par.4090 4-20 mA No97.1
Bit 10 Par.4100 4-20 mA No97.2
Bit 11 Par.4110 W. fail analogue 97
57 Analogue input Bit 0 Par.4160 Winding U 1
alarms Bit 1 Par.6170 Winding U 2
Bit 2 Par.4240 W. failure, Winding U
Bit 3 Par.4290 Winding V1
Bit 4 Par.4300 Winding V1
Bit 5 Par.4370 W. failure, Winding V
Bit 6 Par.4420 Winding W 1
Bit 7 Par.4430 Winding W 2
Bit 8 Par.4500 W. failure, Winding W
Bit 9 Par.4510 Overspeed 1
Bit 10 Par.4520 Overspeed 2
Bit 11 Par.4530 Crank failure
Bit 12 Par.4540 Run feedback fail
Bit 13 Par.4550 MPU wire failure
Bit 14 Par.4550 Generator Hz/V failure
Bit 15 Par.4570 Start failure
58 Relay outputs Bit 0 Par.5000 Relay 5
Bit 1 Par.5010 MB OFF/relay 8
Bit 2 Par.5020 MB ON/relay 11
Bit 3 Par.5030 GB OFF/relay 14
Bit 4 Par.5040 GB ON/relay 17
Bit 5 Par.5050 Relay 20
Bit 6 Par.5060 Relay 21
Bit 7 Par.5070 Relay 29
Bit 8 - 10 Reserved
Bit 11 Par.5110 Relay 57

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Address Content Description

Bit 12 Par.5120 Relay 59
Bit 13 Par.5130 Relay 61
Bit 14 Par.5140 Relay 63
59 Modes Bit 0 Block
Bit 1 Manual
Bit 2 Semi
Bit 3 Auto
Bit 4 Test
Bit 5 Island
Bit 6 AMF
Bit 7 Peak shaving
Bit 8 Fixed power
Bit 9 Mains power export
Bit 10 Load take over
Bit 11 - 14 Reserved
Bit 15 AMF active
60 Communication Bit 0 Par.7570 EIC comm. error
Bit 1 Par.7580 EIC warning
Bit 2 Par.7590 EIC shutdown
Bit 3 Par.7600 EIC overspeed
Bit 4 Par.7610 EIC coolant temp. 1
Bit 5 Par.7620 EIC coolant temp. 2
Bit 6 Par.7630 EIC oil pressure 1
Bit 7 Par.7640 EIC oil pressure 2
61 EIC Alarms Number of EIC faults
62 - 499 Not Used

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*Multi-input – unscaled values

A short description of the unscaled values and how to interpret these according to the input type
selected is made in this document.

The unscaled values have a full range of 0 to 1023 bit.

4-20 mA
0 mA: 0 bit
4 mA: 170 bit
20 mA: 853 bit
25 mA: 1023 bit

Linearity between the unscaled value and the scaled value yields.

0-40V DC
0V DC: 0 bit
40V DC: 925 bit

Linearity between the unscaled value and the scaled value yields.

Linearity between the unscaled value and the input resistance yields according to the following

Ω = (x + 509) * 100/771

x: Unscaled value.
Ω: PT resistance value.

Linearity between the unscaled value and the input resistance yields according to the following

Ω = (x + 519) * 10/79

x: Unscaled value.
Ω: PT resistance value.

Linearity between the unscaled value and the input resistance yields according to the following

If maximum resistance on the sensor is less than or equal to 90.0 Ω:

Ω = ((x * 1000) + 300)/10330

x: Unscaled value.
Ω: VDO resistance value.
If maximum resistance on the sensor is above 90.0Ω and less than or equal to 190.0 Ω:

Ω = ((x * 1000) - 800)/5160

x: Unscaled value.
Ω: VDO resistance value.

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If maximum resistance on the sensor is above 190.0Ω and less than or equal to 490.0 Ω:

Ω = ((x * 1000) + 1000)/2070

x: Unscaled value.
Ω: VDO resistance value.

If maximum resistance on the sensor is above 490.0 Ω:

Ω = ((x * 1000) + 294)/520

x: Unscaled value.
Ω: VDO resistance value.

Input high: < 50 bit
Input low: ≥ 50 bit
Cable failure: > 950 bit

It is recommended to use the scaled values for Pt100/1000 and VDO readings.

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Measurement table (read only) (function code 04h)

Address Content Description
500 Application version
501 UL1-L2 Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
502 UL2-L3 Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
503 UL3-L1 Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
504 UL1-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
505 UL2-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
506 UL3-N Generator voltage. Measured in [V].
507 fL1 Generator freq. Measured in [Hz/100].
508 fL2 Generator freq. Measured in [Hz/100].
509 fL3 Generator freq. Measured in [Hz/100].
510 φL1-L2 -180° to +180° Generator phase angle L1 – L2. Measured
in [deg.].
511 φL2-L3 -180° to +180° Generator phase angle L2 – L3. Measured
in [deg.].
512 φL3-L1 -180° to +180° Generator phase angle L3 – L1. Measured
in [deg.].
513 IL1 Generator current. Measured in [A].
514 IL2 Generator current. Measured in [A].
515 IL3 Generator current. Measured in [A].
516 PL1 Generator active power. Measured in [kW]. Negative value
means reverse power.
517 PL2 Generator active power. Measured in [kW]. Negative value
means reverse power.
518 PL3 Generator active power. Measured in [kW]. Negative value
means reverse power.
519 PGEN Generator total active power. Measured in [kW]. Negative
value means reverse power.
520 QL1 Generator reactive power. Measured in [kVAr]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
521 QL2 Generator reactive power. Measured in [kVAr]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
522 QL3 Generator reactive power. Measured in [kVAr]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
523 QGEN Generator total reactive power. Measured in [kVAr].
Positive value means generated inductive reactive power.
524 SL1 Generator apparent power. Measured in [kVA]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
525 SL2 Generator apparent power. Measured in [kVA]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
526 SL3 Generator apparent power. Measured in [kVA]. Positive
value means generated inductive reactive power.
527 SGEN Generator total apparent power. Measured in [kVA].
Positive value means generated inductive reactive power.
528 [HI] RGEN Reactive total energy counter. Measured in [kVArh]. Max.
529 [LO] 300000 MVArh.
530 [HI] Eday Daily energy counter. Measured in [kWh]. Max. 300000
531 [LO] MWh.

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Address Content Description

532 [HI] Eweek Weekly energy counter. Measured in [kWh]. Max. 300000
533 [LO] MWh.
534 [HI] Emonth Monthly energy counter. Measured in [kWh]. Max. 300000
535 [LO] MWh.
536 [HI] EGEN Total energy counter. Measured in [kWh]. Max. 300000
537 [LO] MWh.
538 Cos φ -99...0...100 Generator cos φ. Measured in cos φ x 100.
Negative value means capacitive cos φ.
539 UL1-L2 Mains/bus voltage. Measured in [V].
540 UL2-L3 Mains/bus voltage. Measured in [V].
541 UL3-L1 Mains/bus voltage. Measured in [V].
542 UL1-N Mains/bus voltage. Measured in [V].
543 UL2-N Mains/bus voltage. Measured in [V].
544 UL3-N Mains/bus voltage. Measured in [V].
545 fL1 Mains/bus freq. L1 Measured in [Hz/100].
546 fL2 Mains/bus freq. L2 Measured in [Hz/100].
547 fL3 Mains/bus freq. L3 Measured in [Hz/100].
548 φ BBL1-L2 -180° to +180° busbar phase angle. Measured in [deg.].
549 φ BBL2-L3 -180° to +180° busbar phase angle. Measured in [deg.].
550 φ BBL3-L1 -180° to +180° busbar phase angle. Measured in [deg.].
551 φ BBL1-DGL1 -180° to +180° busbar/generator phase angle. Measured
in [deg.].
552 φ BBL2-DGL2 -180° to +180° busbar/generator phase angle. Measured
in [deg.].
553 φ BBL3-DGL3 -180° to +180° busbar/generator phase angle. Measured
in [deg.].
554 [HI] Running time Absolute running hour counter.
556 [HI] Relative running hour counter.
558 Number of alarms
559 Number of unacknowledged alarms
560 Number of acknowledged active alarms
561 Running minute counter (shutdown override)
562 Running hour counter (shutdown override)
563 GBoper Generator/circuit breaker operations counter
564 MBoper Mains breaker operation counter
566 Start attempts Number of start attempts
567 USUPPLY Supply voltage. Measured in [V/10].
568 USUPPLY M4 M4 supply voltage. Measured in [V/10].
569 Service timer Service timer 1 (running hours)
570 Service timer Service timer 1 (days)
571 Service timer Service timer 2 (running hours)
572 Service timer Service timer 2 (days)
576 RPM Running feedback RPM
580 Multi-input Multi-input 102, unscaled*
581 Multi-input Multi-input 105, unscaled*

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Address Content Description

582 Multi-input Multi-input 108, unscaled*
583 Multi-input Multi-input 102, scaled
584 Multi-input Multi-input 105, scaled
585 Multi-input Multi-input 108, scaled
586 4 -20mA Analogue input no. 91, scaled
587 4 -20mA Analogue input no. 93, scaled
588 4 -20mA Analogue input no. 95, scaled
589 4 -20mA Analogue input no. 97, scaled
592 Mains power, scaled value for multi-input 102
593-641 Not Used
642 Reg Addr. Control register table address 0
643 Reg Addr. Control register table address 1
644 Reg Addr. Control register table address 2
645 Reg Addr. Control register table address 3
646 Reg Addr. Control register table address 4
647 Reg Addr. Control register table address 5
648 Reg Addr. Control register table address 6
649 Reg Addr. Control register table address 7
650 Reg Addr. Control register table address 8
651 Reg Addr. Control register table address 9
652 Reg Addr. Control register table address 10
653-999 Not Used

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Alarm and status table (read only) (function code 04h)

Address Content Description
1000 Protection Bit 0 Par. 1000 G -P> 1
alarms Bit 1 Par. 1010 G -P> 2
Bit 2 Reserved
Bit 3 Par. 1030 G I> 1
Bit 4 Par. 1040 G I> 2
Bit 5 Par. 1050 G I> 3
Bit 6 Par. 1060 G I> 4
Bit 7-8 Reserved
Bit 9 Par. 1130 G I>> 1
Bit 10 Par. 1140 G I>> 2
Bit 11 Par. 1150 G U> 1
Bit 12 Par. 1160 G U> 2
Bit 13 Par. 1170 G U< 1
Bit 14 Par. 1180 G U< 2
Bit 15 Par. 1190 G U< 3
1001 Protection Bit 0 Par. 1210 G f> 1
alarms Bit 1 Par. 1220 G f> 2
Bit 2 Par. 1230 G f> 3
Bit 3 Par. 1240 G f< 1
Bit 4 Par. 1250 G f< 2
Bit 5 Par. 1260 G f< 3
Bit 6 Par. 1270 BB U> 1
Bit 7 Par. 1280 BB U> 2
Bit 8 Par. 1290 BB U> 3
Bit 9 Par. 1300 BB U< 1
Bit 10 Par. 1310 BB U< 2
Bit 11 Par. 1320 BB U< 3
Bit 12 Par. 1330 BB U< 4
Bit 13 Par. 1350 BB f> 1
Bit 14 Par. 1360 BB f> 2
Bit 15 Par. 1370 BB f> 3
1002 Protection Bit 0 Par. 1380 BB f< 1
alarms Bit 1 Par. 1390 BB f< 2
Bit 2 Par. 1400 BB f< 3
Bit 3 Par. 1410 BB f< 4
Bit 4 Par. 1420 df/dt (ROCOF)
Bit 5 Par. 1430 Vector jump
Bit 6 Par. 1440 BB pos sequence volt
Bit 7 Par. 1450 G P> 1
Bit 8 Par. 1460 G P> 2
Bit 9 Par. 1470 G P> 3
Bit 10 Par. 1480 G P> 4
Bit 11 Par. 1490 G P> 5
Bit 12 Par. 1500 G Unbalance I
Bit 13 Par. 1510 G Unbalance U
Bit 14 Par. 1520 G -Q>
Bit 15 Par. 1530 M Q>
1003 - 1004 Not Used
1005 Synchronisation Bit 0 Par. 2120 Sync. window
alarms Bit 1 Par. 2130 GB sync failure
Bit 2 Par. 2140 MB sync failure

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Address Content Description

Bit 3 Par. 2150 Phase sequence error
Bit 4 Par. 2160 GB open failure
Bit 5 Par. 2170 GB close failure
Bit 6 Par. 2180 GB pos failure
Bit 7 Par. 2200 MB open failure
Bit 8 Par. 2210 MB close failure
Bit 9 Par. 2220 MB pos failure
Bit 10 Par. 2270 Close before excitation failure
1006 Regulation Bit 0 Par. 2560 GOV reg. fail
alarms Bit 1 Par. 2630 Deload error
Bit 2 Par. 2680 AVR reg. fail
1007 Digital input Bit 0 Par. 3000 Dig. input 23
alarms Bit 1 Par. 3010 Dig. input 24
Bit 2 Par. 3020 Dig. input 25
Bit 3 Par. 3030 Dig. input 26
Bit 4 Par. 3040 Dig. input 27
1008 Digital input Bit 0 Par. 3130 Idle Speed Select
alarms Bit 1 Par. 3140 Dig. input 44
Bit 2 Par. 3150 Dig. input 45
Bit 3 Par. 3160 Battery Charger err
Bit 4 Par. 3170 Dig. input 47
Bit 5 Par. 3180 Dig. input 48
Bit 6 Par. 3190 Dig. input 49
Bit 7 Par. 3200 Dig. input 50
Bit 8 Par. 3210 Dig. input 51
Bit 9 Par. 3220 Dig. input 52
Bit 10 Par. 3230 Dig. input 53
Bit 11 Par. 3240 Dig. input 54
Bit 12 Par. 3250 Dig. input 55
1009 Not Used
1010 Digital input Bit 0-5 Reserved
alarms Bit 6 Par. 3430 Fire +gas alarm
Bit 7 Par. 3440 Safety wire lo.
Bit 8 Par. 3450 Fire + gas alarm
Bit 9 Par. 3460 Oil Level Low
Bit 10 Par. 3470 Dig. input 116
Bit 11 Par. 3480 Fan tripped
Bit 12 Par. 3490 Dig. input 118/Emergency STOP
1011 Not Used
1012 Analogue input Bit 0 Par. 4000 DE RTD 1
alarms Bit 1 Par. 4010 DE RTD 2
Bit 2 Par. 4020 W. fail analogue 91
Bit 3 Par. 4030 NDE RTD 1
Bit 4 Par. 4040 NDE RTD 2
Bit 5 Par. 4050 W. fail analogue 93
Bit 6 Par. 4060 4-20 mA No95.1
Bit 7 Par. 4070 4-20 mA No95.2
Bit 8 Par. 4080 W. fail analogue 95
Bit 9 Par. 4090 4-20 mA No97.1
Bit 10 Par. 4100 4-20 mA No97.2
Bit 11 Par. 4110 W. fail analogue 97
1013 Analogue input Bit 0 Par. 4160 Winding U 1
alarms Bit 1 Par. 4170 Winding U 2

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Address Content Description

Bit 2 Par. 4240 W. failure, Winding U
Bit 3 Par. 4290 Winding V 1
Bit 4 Par. 4300 Winding V 2
Bit 5 Par. 4370 W. failure, Winding V
Bit 6 Par. 4420 Winding W 1
Bit 7 Par. 4430 Winding W 2
Bit 8 Par. 4500 W. failure, Winding W
Bit 9 Par. 4510 Overspeed 1
Bit 10 Par. 4520 Overspeed 2
Bit 11 Par. 4530 Crank failure
Bit 12 Par. 4540 Run feedback fail
Bit 13 Par. 4550 MPU wirebreak
Bit 14 Par. 6250 Generator Hz/V failure
Bit 15 Par. 4570 Start failure
1014 Analogue input Bit 0 Par. 4580 Stop failure
alarms Bit 1 Par. 4960 U< aux. supply term. 1
Bit 2 Par. 4970 U> aux. supply term. 1
Bit 3 Par. 4980 U< aux. supply term. 98
Bit 4 Par. 4990 U> aux. supply term. 98
1015 System/general Bit 0 Par. 6110 Service timer 1
alarms Bit 1 Par. 6120 Service timer 2
Bit 2 Par. 6270 Stop coil failure
Bit 3 Par. 6280 Int. comm. failure
Bit 4 Par. 6330 Engine heater, alarm
Bit 5 Par. 6410 Battery test
Bit 6 Par. 6440 Battery asymmetry 1
Bit 7 Par. 6450 Battery asymmetry 2
Bit 8 Par. 6470 Max. ventilation 1
Bit 9 Par. 6480 Max. ventilation 2
Bit 10 Par. 6500 Switchboard error, block
Bit 11 Par. 6510 Switchboard error, stop
Bit 12 Par. 6540 Not in Auto
Bit 13 Par. 6550 Fuel fill check
1016 Relay outputs Bit 0 Par. 5000 Relay 5
Bit 1 Par. 5010 MB OFF/relay 8
Bit 2 Par. 5020 MB ON/relay 11
Bit 3 Par. 5030 GB OFF/relay 14
Bit 4 Par. 5040 GB ON/relay 17
Bit 5 Par. 5050 Relay 20
Bit 6 Par. 5060 Relay 21
Bit 7 -
10 Reserved
Bit 11 Par. 5110 Relay 57
Bit 12 Par. 5120 Relay 59
Bit 13 Par. 5130 Relay 61
Bit 14 Par. 5140 Relay 63
1017 Relay outputs Bit 0 -
11 Reserved
Bit 12 Run coil
Bit 13 Start prepare
Bit 14 Start relay
Bit 15 Stop coil
1018 Status Bit 0 Mains failure

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Address Content Description

Bit 1 MB pos ON
Bit 2 DG ramp down
Bit 3 Start regulation
Bit 4 GB pos ON
Bit 5 GB synchronising
Bit 6 Engine running
Bit 7 Running detection, timer expired
Bit 8 DG Hz/V OK, timer expired
Bit 9 Battery test
Bit 10 Printing log
1019 Modes Bit 0 Block
Bit 1 Manual
Bit 2 Semi
Bit 3 Auto
Bit 4 Test
Bit 5 Island
Bit 6 AMF
Bit 7 Peak shaving
Bit 8 Fixed power
Bit 9 Mains power export
Bit 10 Load take over
Bit 11-
14 Reserved
Bit 15 AMF active
1020 Engine Bit 0 EIC Comm. error
communication Bit 1 EIC Warning
Bit 2 EIC Shutdown
Bit 3 EIC Overspeed
Bit 4 EIC Coolant temp. 1
Bit 5 EIC Coolant temp. 2
Bit 6 EIC Oil pressure 1
Bit 7 EIC Oil pressure 2
1021 - 1023 Not Used
1024 Engine Bit 0 EIC DEC communication error
communication Bit 1 EIC Low oil pressure, warning
Bit 2 EIC Low oil pressure, shutdown
Bit 3 EIC High coolant temperature, warning
Bit 4 EIC High coolant temperature, shutdown
Bit 5 EIC Low coolant level, warning
Bit 6 EIC Low coolant level, shutdown
Bit 7 EIC Intake manifold temp, warning
Bit 8 EIC Intake manifold, shutdown
Bit 9 EIC Fuel temp., warning
Bit 10 EIC Fuel temp., shutdown
Bit 11 EIC Coolant pressure, shutdown
Bit 12 EIC Oil temp., warning
Bit 13 EIC Oil temp., shutdown
Bit 14 EIC Overspeed, shutdown
Bit 15 EIC Crankcase press., shutdown
1025-1499 Not Used

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Control register table read(03h)/write(10h)

Address Content Description
0 Power regulator 0...100% of nominal power
setpoint Activated in menu 7501
1 PF regulator 60...100 stated as PF value/100. The value 100 means PF = 1
setpoint Activated in menu 7504
2 Reactive power +/-100% of nominal power. A negative value means capacitive
regulator reactive power, and a positive value means inductive reactive
setpoint power. Activated in menu 7505

3 Frequency +/-100% corresponding to +/-10.0% of nominal frequency.

regulator Activated in menu 7502
4 Voltage +/-100% corresponding to +/-10.0% of nominal voltage.
regulator Activated in menu 7503
5 Control Bit 0 This bit must be 1 when writing the
command command word. If the bit is 0, the
control command is ignored
Bit 1 Start
Bit 2 GB ON
Bit 3 GB OFF
Bit 4 Stop
Bit 5 Reset analogue regulation outputs
Bit 6 Reserved
Bit 7 Alarm inhibit 1
Bit 8 Alarm inhibit 2
Bit 9 Alarm inhibit 3
Bit 10 Alarm ack. This bit is automatically reset.
Bit 11 Nominal setting 1
Bit 12 Nominal setting 2
Bit 13 Nominal setting 3
Bit 14 Nominal setting 4
Bit 15 Reserved
6 Control Bit 0 This bit must be 1 when writing the
command command word. If the bit is 0, the
control command is ignored
Bit 1 Island
Bit 2 Automatic mains failure (AMF)
Bit 3 Peak shaving
Bit 4 Fixed power
Bit 5 Mains power export (MPE)
Bit 6 Load take over (LTO)
Bit 7 - 8 Reserved
Bit 9 MB ON
Bit 10 MB OFF
Bit 11 Auto start/stop
Bit 12 Manual mode
Bit 13 Auto mode
Bit 14 Semi-auto mode
Bit 15 Test mode

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Address Content Description

7 Bit 0 This bit must be 1 when writing the
command word. If the bit is 0, the
control command is ignored
Bit 1 External frequency control
Bit 2 External voltage control
Bit 3 External power control
Bit 4 External reactive power control
Bit 5 External power factor control
Bit 6 - 12 Reserved
Bit 13 Battery test
Bit 14 Event printer
Bit 15 Synchronise clock to 4:00 a.m.
8-13 Not Used

When using Control register table write (10h), remember to write a value
between 0.6...1 to address 1 (PF regulator setpoint), otherwise the write
command will be ignored.

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Command flags table (write only) (function code 0Fh)

Address Content Description

0 Start These bits, are automatically reset
3 Stop
4 Alarm inhibit 1
5 Alarm inhibit 2
6 Alarm inhibit 3
7 Reset analogue regulation
8 Not Used
9 Alarm ack.
10 Nominal setting 1
11 Nominal setting 2
12 Nominal setting 3
13 Nominal setting 4
14 - 15 Not Used
16 Island
17 Automatic mains failure AMF
18 Peak shaving
19 Fixed power
20 Mains power export MPE
21 Load take over LTO
22 - 23 Not Used
24 MB ON
26 Auto start/stop
27 Manual mode
28 Semi-auto mode
29 Auto mode
30 Test mode
31 External frequency control
32 External voltage control
33 External power control
34 External reactive power control
35 External power factor control
36 - 43 Not Used
44 Battery test
45 Event printer
46 Synchronise clock to 4:00 a.m.

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Status flags table (read only) (function code 02h)

Address Content Description

0 GB position ON
1 MB position ON
2 Not Used
3 Running
4 Generator voltage/frequency OK f/U OK
5 Mains failure
6 Block mode
7 Manual mode
8 Semi-auto mode
9 Auto mode
10 Test mode
11 - 12 Not Used
13 Island
14 Automatic mains failure AMF
15 Peak shaving
16 Fixed power
17 Mains power export MPE
18 Load take over LTO
19 Not Used
20 Any alarms
21 - 28 Not Used
29 Battery test
30 Event printer
31 Ready auto-start
32-38 Not Used

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Digital input table (read only) (function code 02h)

Address Content Description

22529 Idle Speed select
22530 Dig. input term. 44
22531 Dig. input term. 45
22532 Battery Charge err
22533 Dig. input term. 47
22534 Dig. input term. 48
22535 Dig. input term. 49
22536 Dig. input term. 50
22537 Dig. input term. 51
22538 Dig. input term. 52
22539 Dig. input term. 53
22540 Dig. input term. 54
22541 Dig. input term. 55
22542 CB Tripped
22543 Dig. input term. 24
22544 Dig. input term. 25
22545 Dig. input term. 26
22546 Dig. input term. 27
22547- Not Used
22584 Terminal 118 Emergency stop
22585 Fan tripped
22586 Terminal 116
22587 Oil Level Low
22588 Fire + gas Fault
22589 Safety wire lo.
22590 Fire + gas alarm

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Relay output table (read only) (function code 02h)

Address Content Description

23000- Not Used
23016 Relay 57 Terminal 57/58
23017 Relay 59 Terminal 59/60
23018 Relay 61 Terminal 61/62
23019 Relay 63 Terminal 63/64
23020- Not Used
23025 Relay 5 Terminal 5/6
23026 MB OFF/Relay 8 Terminal 8/9
23027 MB ON/Relay 11 Terminal 11/12
23028 GB OFF/Relay 14 Terminal 14/15
23029 GB ON/Relay 17 Terminal 17/18
23030 Relay 20 Terminal 20/22
23031 Relay 21 Terminal 21/22
23032- Not Used
23049 Run coil
23050 Start prepare
23051 Start relay Crank
23052 Stop coil
23053- Not Used
23055 Led USB

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MCM700 Systems Errors table

Address Bit Indication Cummins Content GEMPAC GAS

fault code Description
Electronic Control
Module (ECM)
0 Warning 2217 Microprocessor Error ECM Error
Fuel Shutoff Valve Circuit
1 Shutdown 2864 - Shorted High FSV Short Hi
Fuel Shutoff Valve Circuit
42000 2 Shutdown 254 - Shorted Low FSV Short Lo
Emergency Engine
Shutdown Indication
Circuit Voltage - Out of
3 Warning 1769 Range (High) - Critical EMG SD Hi
Emergency Engine
Shutdown Indication
Circuit Voltage - Out of
4 Warning 1771 Range (Low) - Critical EMG SD Lo
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
5 Notice 427 Error
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
6 Notice 427 Error
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
7 Notice 427 Error
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
8 Notice 427 Error
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
9 Notice 427 Error
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
10 Notice 427 Error
J1939 Data Link Exhaust
Port Message 1 Timeout
11 Notice 727 Error
Engine Oil Temperature
Sensor Circuit - Shorted
42001 6 Warning 212 High OilTempSensorHi
Engine Oil Temperature
Sensor Circuit - Shorted
7 Warning 213 Low OilTempSensorLo
8 265 Not Used
Fuel Temperature
9 Warning 263 Sensor - shorted low FuelSensorHi T
Fuel Temperature
10 Warning Sensor - shorted high FeulSensorLo T
Engine Derate request - Derate Shutdown
13 Shutdown 3584 Shutdown
14 Notice 427 SAE J1939 Data link

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fault code Description
Circuit Abnormal Update
Engine Derate Request
42002 Derate Hi Err
0 Warning 1772 Circuit – High Error
Engine Derate Request
1 Warning 1773 Circuit – Low Error Derate Lo Err
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Control Circuit – High
2 Warning 1774 Error PrimePump Hi
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Control Circuit – Low
3 Warning 1775 Error PrimePump Lo
Radiator Fan Control
8 Warning 2377 Circuit – High Error
Radiator Fan Control
9 Warning 245 Driver – Low Error
Alternator Heater Control
14 Warning 2859 Circuit – Shorted High AltHeater Hi
Alternator Heater Control
15 Warning 2861 Circuit – Shorted Low AltHeater Lo
42003 Power Relay Battery
Conservation Control
2 Warning 3362 Circuit – High Error BattConserve Hi
Power Relay Battery
Conservation Control
3 Warning 3363 Circuit – Low Error BattConserve Lo
Engine Oil Pre-heater
Control Circuit – High
4 Warning 1815 Error OilPreHeat Hi
Engine Oil Pre-heater
Control Circuit – Low
5 Warning 1816 error OilPreHeat Lo
Engine Block/Coolant
Pre-Heater Control
6 Warning 1778 Circuit – High Error
Engine Block/Coolant
Pre-Heater Control
7 Warning 1779 Circuit – Low Error
Engine Controlled
Shutdown Request
8 Warning 1781 Circuit – High Error Ctrl SD Hi
Engine Controlled
Shutdown Request
9 Warning 1782 Circuit – Low Error Ctrl SD Lo
Engine Coolant
Circulating Pump Control
10 Warning 1783 Circuit – High Error CoolantPump Hi
Engine Coolant
Circulating Pump Control
11 Warning 1784 Circuit – Vlow Error CoolantPump Lo
42004 SAE J1939 Data link
Circuit Abnormal Update
0 Notice 427 Rate

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fault code Description
SAE J1939 Data link
Circuit Abnormal Update
1 Notice 427 Rate
Battery #1 Voltage Low -
2 Warning 441 Warning Batt 1 Volt Hi
Battery #1 Voltage High -
3 Warning 442 Warning Batt 1 Volt Lo
Turbocharger 1
Compressor Inlet
Pressure - Out of Range
5 Warning 741 (High) CompInPres oor
Engine Fuel Shutoff
Valve Proving System
Test Control Circuit –
10 Warning 1811 High Error VPS Hi
Engine Fuel Shutoff
Valve Proving System
Test Control Circuit –
11 Warning 1812 Low Error VPS Lo
Starter Relay Driver
12 Warning 584 Circuit – Shorted High Starter Hi
Starter Relay Driver
13 Warning 585 Circuit – Shorted Low Starter Lo
42005 Exhaust Gas
Temperature Sensor 1
Circuit - Voltage above
2 Warning 246 normal, or shorted high
Exhaust Gas
Temperature Sensor 1
Circuit - Voltage below
3 Warning 247 normal, or shorted low
Turbocharger 1
Compressor Inlet
Pressure - Voltage below
4 Warning 742 normal, or shorted low CompInPres oor
Engine ECM Partial
5 Warning 346 Powerdown Data Lost ECM Data Lost
Engine ECM All
6 Warning 346 Powerdown Data Lost ECM Data Lost
Engine ECM Not Able to
7 Warning 343 Powerdown ECM Powerdown
Engine Speed/Position
8 Warning 121 Sensor Circuit Error SpeedSensorErr
42006 Generator Total Real
11 Warning 3586 Power – Data Incorrect kW Error
SAE J1587/1922 Data
13 Notice 412 link Cannot transmit
SAE J1587/1922 Data
link Circuit - Abnormal
14 Notice 414 Update
SAE J1939 Data link -
15 Notice 426 Cannot transmit
42007 SAE J1939 Data link
0 Notice 427 Circuit Abnormal Update

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Address Bit Indication Cummins Content GEMPAC GAS

fault code Description
42008 415 Not Used
42009 Engine Oil Pressure Low
0 Shutdown 2456 - Serious Lo OilPress
3 Warning Speed Bias High Error SpeedBias Hi
4 Warning 2455 Speed Bias Low Error SpeedBias Lo
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Control Maintenance
Lubrication – Least
5 Warning 1788 Severe Level PrimePump Err
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Control Post-Lubrication
– Moderately Severe
6 Warning 1787 Level PrimePump Err
7 Warning 2455 Speed Bias Lost Error SpeedBias Err
Engine Oil Pressure Low
9 Shutdown 415 - Critical LoLo OilPress
10 Warning 2453 Kilowatt Load High Error kW High Err
11 Warning 2454 Kilowatt Load Low Error kW Low Err
Starter Air Over Pressure
12 Warning 2143 Error AirO/Pres Err
Engine Crankshaft
Speed Error - Root
13 Shutdown 1821 Cause Unknown CrnkSpeed Err
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Manual On Switch –
14 Warning 1785 Root Cause Not Known OilPrimeManual
15 Shutdown 1794 Fire Detected Fire Detected
42010 Permanent FS Camshaft
1 Warning 689 Sync Lost CamshaftSyncErr
Turbocharger 1
Compressor Inlet
Pressure - Out of Range
2 Warning 741 (High) CompInPres oor
Turbocharger 1
Compressor Inlet
Pressure - Out of Range
3 Warning 742 (Low) CompInPres oor
Engine Coolant
Temperature 2 (LT) -
Data Valid but High -
5 Warning 2113 Moderately Severe LT Temp Hi
Engine Coolant
Temperature 2 (LT) -
Data Valid but High -
6 Shutdown 2114 Serious LT Temp HiHi
Engine Coolant
Temperature 2 (LT) -
Data Valid but High -
7 Shutdown 2114 Critical LT Temp HiHi
Engine Oil Level - Data
8 Shutdown 253 Valid but Low - Critical Oil Level Lo

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fault code Description
Engine Oil Filter
Restriction High -
9 Shutdown 3491 Warning Oil Fltr Block
Generator Electrical
Load (kW) Signal - Data
10 Shutdown 1838 Valid but High - Serious kW Hi
Common AC Auxiliaries
12 Warning 1819 Breaker Tripped
Engine Oil Pressure High
13 Warning 142 - Warning Oil Pres Hi
Engine Oil Pressure Low
14 Warning 143 - Warning Oil Pres Lo
Engine Drive-end Air
Filter Restriction - Data
Valid but High -
0 Warning 618 Moderately Severe Air Fltr Block
42011 Fuel Supply Pressure
1 Shutdown 2568 (absolute) High - Critical Fuel Pres Hi
Fuel Supply Pressure -
Data Valid but Low -
2 Shutdown 2569 Serious Fuel Pres Lo
ECM Internal
Temperature High -
9 Shutdown 2544 Critical ECM Temp Hi
FSO Engine Speed -
Data Valid but High -
10 Shutdown 234 Critical Eng Speed Hi
Engine Crankshaft
Speed - Data Valid but
11 Shutdown 234 High - Critical Crnk Speed Hi
42012 ECM Internal Air
Temperature Sensor
0 Warning 697 Circuit - Shorted High AirTempSnsr Hi
ECM Internal Air
Temperature Sensor
1 Warning 698 Circuit - Shorted Low AirTempSnsr Lo
Battery #2 Voltage High -
2 Warning 478 Warning Batt 2 Volt Hi
Battery #2 Voltage Low -
3 Warning 477 Warning Batt 2 Volt Lo
42013 Engine Oil Filter Inlet
Pressure - Out of Range
0 Warning 136 (High) OilFltrInPresHi
Engine Oil Filter Inlet
Pressure - Out of Range
1 Warning 137 (Low) OilFltrInPresLo
Engine Oil Pressure
Sensor Circuit - Shorted
2 Warning 135 High OilPresSnsr Hi
Engine Oil Pressure
Sensor Circuit - Shorted
3 Warning 141 Low OilPresSnsr Lo
Engine Coolant Pressure
4 Warning 231 (HT) - Out of Range HT Pres oor

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fault code Description
Engine Coolant Pressure
(HT) - Out of Range
5 Warning 232 (Low) HT Pres oor
Engine Coolant Pressure
2 (LT) - Out Of Range
6 Warning 2115 (High) LT Pres oor
Engine Coolant Pressure
2 (LT) - Out Of Range
7 Warning 2116 (Low) LT Pres oor
Ambient Air Pressure
8 Warning 222 Low Error Air Pres Lo
Ambient Air Pressure
9 Warning 221 High Error Air Pres Hi
Starter Air System Line
Pressure - Out of Range
10 Warning 2142 (Low) Strtr Air oor
Starter Air System Line
Pressure - Out of Range
11 Warning 2141 (High) Strtr Air oor
42014 Engine Blowby — Critical
0 Shutdown 556 Level Blowby Pres Hi
Engine Coolant
Temperature (HT) - Out
5 Warning 144 Of Range (High) HT Temp oor
Engine Coolant
Temperature (HT) - Out
6 Warning 145 Of Range (Low) HT Temp oor
Engine Coolant
Temperature 2 (LT) - Out
7 Warning 2111 Of Range (High) LT Temp oor
Engine Coolant
Temperature 2 (LT) - Out
8 Warning 2112 Of Range (Low) LT Temp oor
42015 Sensor Supply Voltage
1 Warning 239 #3 Circuit - Shorted High SSV 3 Short Hi
Sensor Supply Voltage
2 Warning 238 #3 Circuit - Shorted Low SSV 3 Short Lo
Sensor Supply Voltage #
3 Warning 227 2 Circuit - Shorted High SSV 2 Short Hi
Sensor Supply Voltage
4 Warning 187 #2 Circuit - Shorted Low SSV 2 Short Lo
Sensor Supply Voltage
5 Warning 386 #1 Circuit - Shorted High SSV 1 Short Hi
Sensor Supply Voltage
6 Warning 352 #1 Circuit - Shorted Low SSV 1 Short Lo
Engine Failed To Start
9 Shutdown 359 (automatic start) Start Fail
15 Shutdown 2482 Start Before Ready Error Start B4 Ready
42016 Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 1
(A1) - Data Valid but
0 Warning 2121 High - Moderately Ex Temp Hi A1

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fault code Description
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 3
(A2) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
1 Warning 2122 Severe Ex Temp Hi A2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 5
(A3) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
2 Warning 2123 Severe Ex Temp Hi A3
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 7
(A4) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
3 Warning 2124 Severe Ex Temp Hi A4
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 9
(A5) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
4 Warning 2125 Severe Ex Temp Hi A5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 11
(A6) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
5 Warning 2126 Severe Ex Temp Hi A6
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 13
(A7) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
6 Warning 2127 Severe Ex Temp Hi A7
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 15
(A8) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
7 Warning 2128 Severe Ex Temp Hi A8
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 2
(B1) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
9 Warning 2131 Severe Ex Temp Hi B1
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 4
(B2) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
10 Warning 2132 Severe Ex Temp Hi B2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 6
(B3) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
11 Warning 2133 Severe Ex Temp Hi B3
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 8
12 Warning 2134 (B4) - Data Valid but Ex Temp Hi B4

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fault code Description
High - Moderately
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 10
(B5) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
13 Warning 2135 Severe Ex Temp Hi B5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 12
(B6) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
14 Warning 2136 Severe Ex Temp Hi B6
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 14
(B7) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
15 Warning 2137 Severe Ex Temp Hi B7
42017 Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 16
(B8) - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
0 Warning 2138 Severe Ex Temp Hi B8
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 1 (A1) Deviation
2 Shutdown 2484 Error Ex Temp Dev A1
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 3 (A2) Deviation
3 Shutdown 2485 Error Ex Temp Dev A2
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 5 (A3) Deviation
4 Shutdown 2486 Error Ex Temp Dev A3
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 7 (A4) Deviation
5 Shutdown 2487 Error Ex Temp Dev A4
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 9 (A5) Deviation
6 Shutdown 2488 Error Ex Temp Dev A5
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 11 (A6)
7 Shutdown 2489 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev A6
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 13 (A7)
8 Shutdown 2491 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev A7
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 15 (A8)
9 Shutdown 2492 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev A8
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 2 (B1) Deviation
11 Shutdown 2494 Error Ex Temp Dev B1
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 4 (B2) Deviation
12 Shutdown 2495 Error Ex Temp Dev B2
Exhaust Temperature
13 Shutdown 2496 Cylinder 6 (B3) Deviation Ex Temp Dev B3

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fault code Description
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 8 (B4) Deviation
14 Shutdown 2497 Error Ex Temp Dev B4
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 10 (B5)
15 Shutdown 2498 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev B5
42018 Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 12 (B6)
0 Shutdown 2499 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev B6
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 14 (B7)
1 Shutdown 2511 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev B7
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 16 (B8)
2 Shutdown 2512 Deviation Error Ex Temp Dev B8
Electronic Control
Module (ECM)
4 Warning 2994 Microprocessor Error ECM Error
Bank A CAN Child BankA Comms
9 Shutdown 2769 Message 1 Lost - Critical Err
Bank B CAN Child BankB Comms
10 Shutdown 2769 Message 1 Lost - Critical Err
Engine Coolant
Temperature (HT) High -
11 Warning 146 Warning HT Temp Hi
Engine Coolant
Temperature (HT) High -
12 Shutdown 151 Serious HT Temp HiHi
Engine Coolant
Temperature (HT) High
13 Shutdown 151 - Critical HT Temp HiHi
Engine Oil Temperature
14 Warning 421 High - Warning Oil Temp Hi
Engine Oil Temperature
15 Shutdown 214 High - Serious Oil Temp HiHi
42019 Engine Oil Temperature
0 Shutdown 214 High - Critical Oil Temp HiHi
Engine Coolant Pressure
1 Warning 233 (HT) Low Warning HT Pres Lo
Engine Coolant Pressure
2 Shutdown 228 (HT) - Low Serious Error HT Pres LoLo
Engine Coolant Pressure
Sensor (HT) - Low
3 Shutdown 228 Critical Error HT Pres LoLo
Engine Coolant Pressure
4 Warning 2117 2 (LT) Low - Warning LT Pres Lo
Low Coolant Pressure 2
5 Shutdown 1836 (LT) Serious Error LT Pres LoLo
Low Coolant Pressure 2
6 Shutdown 1836 (LT) Critical Error LT Pres LoLo
Engine Exhaust
7 Shutdown 641 Temperature Cylinder 1 Ex Temp HiHi A1

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fault code Description
(A1) - Data Valid but
High - Serious
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 3
(A2) - Data Valid but
8 Shutdown 642 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi A2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 5
(A3) - Data Valid but
9 Shutdown 643 High -Serious Ex Temp HiHi A3
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 7
(A4) - Data Valid but
10 Shutdown 644 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi A4
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 9
(A5) - Data Valid but
11 Shutdown 645 High -Serious Ex Temp HiHi A5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 11
(A6) - Data Valid but
12 Shutdown 646 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi A6
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 13
(A7) - Data Valid but
13 Shutdown 647 High -Serious Ex Temp HiHi A7
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 15
(A8) - Data Valid but
14 Shutdown 648 High -Serious Ex Temp HiHi A8
42020 Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 2
(B1) - Data Valid but
0 Shutdown 652 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B1
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 4
(B2) - Data Valid but
1 Shutdown 653 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 6
(B3) - Data Valid but
2 Shutdown 654 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B3
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 8
(B4) - Data Valid but
3 Shutdown 655 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B4
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 10
(B5) - Data Valid but
4 Shutdown 656 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 12
(B6) - Data Valid but
5 Shutdown 657 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B6

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fault code Description
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 14
(B7) - Data Valid but
6 Shutdown 658 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B7
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 16
(B8) - Data Valid but
7 Shutdown 2144 High - Serious Ex Temp HiHi B8
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 1
(A1) - Data Valid but
9 Shutdown 641 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A1
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 3
(A2) - Data Valid but
10 Shutdown 642 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 5
(A3) - Data Valid but
11 Shutdown 643 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A3
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 7
(A4) - Data Valid but
12 Shutdown 644 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A4
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 9
(A5) - Data Valid but
13 Shutdown 645 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 11
(A6) - Data Valid but
14 Shutdown 646 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A6
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 13
(A7) - Data Valid but
15 Shutdown 647 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A7
42021 Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 15
(A8) - Data Valid but
0 Shutdown 648 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi A8
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 2
(B1) - Data Valid but
2 Shutdown 652 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B1
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 4
(B2) - Data Valid but
3 Shutdown 653 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 6
(B3) - Data Valid but
4 Shutdown 654 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B3
Engine Exhaust
5 Shutdown 655 Temperature Cylinder 8 Ex Temp HiHi B4

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fault code Description
(B4) - Data Valid but
High - Critical
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 10
(B5) - Data Valid but
6 Shutdown 656 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 12
(B6) - Data Valid but
7 Shutdown 657 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B6
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 14
(B7) - Data Valid but
8 Shutdown 658 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B7
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 16
(B8) - Data Valid but
9 Shutdown 2144 High - Critical Ex Temp HiHi B8
Woodward Speed Bias
Signal - Out of Range
11 Warning 2456 (High)
Woodward Speed Bias
Signal - Out of Range
12 Warning 2455 (Low)
Barber Colman Speed
Bias Signal - Out of
13 Warning 2456 Range (High)
Barber Colman Speed
Bias Signal - Out of
14 Warning 2455 Range (Low)
42022 Continuous Starter
3 Shutdown 2483 Failure Error Starter Fail
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 1
(A1) - Data Valid but Low
4 Warning 2469 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A1
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 3
(A2) - Data Valid but Low
5 Warning 2471 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 5
(A3) - Data Valid but Low
6 Warning 2472 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A3
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 7
(A4) - Data Valid but Low
7 Warning 2473 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A4
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 9
(A5) - Data Valid but Low
8 Warning 2475 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A5
Engine Exhaust
9 Warning 2476 Temperature Cylinder 11 Ex Temp Lo A6

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fault code Description
(A6) - Data Valid but Low
- Moderately Severe
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 13
(A7) - Data Valid but Low
10 Warning 2477 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A7
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 15
(A8) - Data Valid but Low
11 Warning 2478 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo A8
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 2
(B1) - Data Valid but Low
13 Warning 2458 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B1
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 4
(B2) - Data Valid but Low
14 Warning 2459 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B2
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 6
(B3) - Data Valid but Low
15 Warning 2461 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B3
42023 Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 8
(B4) - Data Valid but Low
0 Warning 2462 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B4
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 10
(B5) - Data Valid but Low
1 Warning 2463 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B5
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 12
(B6) - Data Valid but Low
2 Warning 2464 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B6
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 14
(B7) - Data Valid but Low
3 Warning 2465 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B7
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Cylinder 16
(B8) - Data Valid but Low
4 Warning 2466 - Moderately Severe Ex Temp Lo B8
Engine Misfire for
6 Shutdown 2457 multiple cylinders Mltple Misfire
7 Shutdown 2766 Bank A CCD Failed Error BankA CCD Fail
8 Shutdown 2667 Bank B CCD Failed Error BankB CCD Fail
CAN Slave Msg 1 Bank
9 Shutdown 2769 A Lost Error BankA CAN Err
CAN Slave Msg 1 Bank
10 Shutdown 2769 B Lost Error BankB CAN Err
Crankcase Blowby
Pressure Sensor Circuit -
11 Warning 1843 Shorted High BlowbySnsr Hi

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fault code Description
Crankcase Blowby
Pressure Sensor Circuit -
12 Warning 1844 Shorted Low BlowbySnsr Lo
Compressor Intake Air
Temperature - Out of
13 Warning 691 Range (High) CompAirIn oor
Compressor Intake Air
Temperature - Out of
14 Warning 692 Range (Low) CompAirIn oor
Engine Oil Filter Outlet
Pressure - Out of Range
15 Warning 2154 (High) OilFltrOut oor
42024 Engine Oil Filter Outlet
Pressure - Out of Range
0 Warning 2155 (Low) OilFltrOut oor
CAN Slave Msg 5 Bank
1 Shutdown 2769 A Lost Error BankA CAN Err
CAN Slave Msg 5 Bank
2 Shutdown 2769 B Lost Error BankB CAN Err
Vent Gas Valve
Feedback Position
3 Shutdown 1829 Unexpected VentVlve Err
Starter Air Compressor
7 Warning 2567 Breaker Tripped
Operator Interface Mode
Transition to Emergency
8 Warning 1434 Stop
Gas Supply (Regulated)
Pressure Sensor Circuit
9 Warning 1839 – High Error GasPresSnsr Hi
Gas Supply (Regulated)
Pressure Sensor Circuit
10 Warning 1841 – Low Error GasPresSnsr Lo
Engine Coolant Level
(HT) - Data Valid but Low
11 Warning 235 - Critical HT Level LoLo
Engine Coolant Level
(HT) - Data Valid but Low
12 Warning 197 - Moderately Severe HT Level Lo
Engine Coolant Level
(LT) - Data Valid but Low
13 Warning 1822 - Critical LT Level LoLo
Engine Coolant Level
(LT) - Data Valid but Low
14 Warning 1823 - Least Severe LT Level Lo
Fuel Shutoff Valve Leak
Test - Data Valid but Low
15 Warning 1813 - Moderately Severe FSV Leak Lo
42025 Generator Control
Communications Lost -
0 Shutdown 2863 Critical
1 Warning 1471 Generator AC Output

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fault code Description
Current - Data Valid but
High - Moderately
Generator Electrical
2 Warning 1444 Overload (kW)
Generator and Electric
Bus Phase Sequences
3 Warning 1458 Differ
Synchronisation to
4 Warning 1457 Electric Bus Failed
Generator Breaker
5 Shutdown 1452 Failed to Close
Alternator First Start
6 Warning 2862 Signal Error
Operator Interface Mode
Transition to Emergency
7 Shutdown 1434 Stop (Remote EStop)
Generator AC Output
Voltage - Data Valid but
8 Shutdown 1446 High - Serious
Generator AC Output
Voltage - Data Valid but
9 Shutdown 1447 Low - Serious
Generator AC Output
Frequency - Data Valid
10 Shutdown 1448 but Low - Serious
Alternator Short Circuit
11 Shutdown 1445 (on GenSet)
High Reverse Power kW
(from Electric Bus into
12 Shutdown 1459 Generator)- Serious
Generator AC Output
Current - Data Valid but
13 Shutdown 1472 High - Serious
Engine Oil Temperature -
14 Warning 1824 Too Cold for High Idle Oil Temp Lo
Fuel Shutoff Valve Leak
Test - Data Valid but Low
15 Shutdown 1814 - Serious FSV Leak LoLo
42026 Engine Waste Oil Tank
Level - Data Valid but
0 Warning 1825 High - Least Severe WasteOilLvl Hi
Sump Oil Level Low –
1 Warning 2553 Warning Oil Level Lo
Radiator Fan Control
3 Warning 1842 Circuit Breaker Tripped
Engine Block/Coolant
Pre-heater Breaker
4 Warning 1833 Tripped
Engine Coolant
Circulating Pump Control
5 Warning 1834 (HT) - Breaker tripped

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fault code Description
Engine Coolant
Temperature - Data Valid
but Below Normal
Operational Range -
6 Warning 2789 Moderate Level Coolant Temp Lo
Engine Oil Priming Pump
7 Warning 1835 Breaker Tripped
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Control (Pump Stuck On)
8 Warning 1786 - Root Cause Unknown Prime Pump Run
Failure to Meet Load
9 Shutdown 1791 and/or Speed Demand Speed Fail
Low Idle Order While
Genset Breakers Still
10 Warning 1792 Closed
J1939 Genset/Engine
11 Disable 9113 Communications Error
Incompatible Software
12 Shutdown 1826 found in SSM558 A 558A S/W Err
Incompatible Software
13 Shutdown 1826 found in SSM558 B 558B S/W Err
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Pre-Start Lubrication -
Data Valid but Low -
14 Shutdown 1789 Serious OilPrime Lo
Engine Oil Priming Pump
Intermittent Lubrication -
Data Valid but Low -
15 Shutdown 1789 Serious OilPrime Lo
42027 Engine Oil Pre-heater
Control Circuit Breaker
1 Warning 1817 Tripped
Engine Oil Pre-heater not
2 Warning 1818 Warming
Generator Electrical
Load (kW) Signal (Partial
3 Shutdown 1838 Overload) - Data Valid
Generator Electrical
Load (kW) Signal - Data
Valid but High - Least
4 Warning 2796 Severe
HT Cooling Temperature
(Current Driver) - Out of
5 Warning 2869 range (High) HT Temp OP Hi
HT Cooling Temperature
(Current Driver) - Out of
6 Warning 2871 Range (Low) HT Temp OP Lo
HT Cooling Circuit
7 Warning 2872 Breaker Tripped
LT Cooling Temperature
(Current Driver) - Out Of
8 Warning 2873 Range (High) LT Temp OP Hi
LT Cooling Temperature
9 Warning 2874 (Current Driver) - Out Of LT Temp OP Lo

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fault code Description
Range (Low)
LT Cooling Circuit
10 Warning 2875 Breaker Tripped
Engine Coolant Pump
Outlet Temperature (HT)
- Data Valid but Low -
11 Shutdown 2793 Serious HT Temp LoLo
Compressor Surge
12 Warning 2877 Derate Error CompDerate Err
Compressor Surge
13 Shutdown 2876 Shutdown Error Comp SD Err
Engine Heater
Temperature High -
14 Warning 2868 Warning HeaterTemp Hi
42028 Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 1 (A1) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
0 Maintenance 2837 - Warning A1
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 3 (A2) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
1 Maintenance 2838 - Warning A2
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 5 (A3) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
2 Maintenance 2839 - Warning A3
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 7 (A4) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
3 Maintenance 2841 - Warning A4
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 9 (A5) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
4 Maintenance 2842 - Warning A5
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 11 (A6) Exh Temp Dev
5 Maintenance 2843 Deviation - Warning A6
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 13 (A7) Exh Temp Dev
6 Maintenance 2844 Deviation - Warning A7
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 15 (A8) Exh Temp Dev
7 Maintenance 2845 Deviation - Warning A8
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 2 (B1) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
9 Maintenance 2847 - Warning B1
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 4 (B2) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
10 Maintenance 2848 - Warning B2
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 6 (B3) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
11 Maintenance 2849 - Warning B3
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 8 (B4) Deviation Exh Temp Dev
12 Maintenance 2851 - Warning B4
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 10 (B5) Exh Temp Dev
13 Maintenance 2852 Deviation - Warning B5

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fault code Description
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 12 (B6) Exh Temp Dev
14 Maintenance 2853 Deviation - Warning B6
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 14 (B7) Exh Temp Dev
15 Maintenance 2854 Deviation - Warning B7
42029 Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 16 (B8) Exh Temp Dev
0 Maintenance 2855 Deviation - Warning B8
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 1 (A1) - Out of
2 Maintenance 1618 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A1
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 3 (A2) - Out of
3 Maintenance 1521 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A2
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 5 (A3) - Out of
4 Maintenance 1522 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A3
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 7 (A4) - Out of
5 Maintenance 1523 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A4
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 9 (A5) - Out of
6 Maintenance 1524 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A5
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 11 (A6) - Out of
7 Maintenance 1525 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A6
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 13 (A7) - Out of
8 Maintenance 1526 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A7
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 15 (A8) - Out of
9 Maintenance 1527 Range (High) Exh Temp oor A8
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 2 (B1) - Out of
11 Maintenance 1529 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B1
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 4 (B2) - Out of
12 Maintenance 1619 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B2
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 6 (B3) - Out of
13 Maintenance 1531 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B3
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 8 (B4) - Out of
14 Maintenance 1532 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B4
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 10 (B5) - Out of
15 Maintenance 1533 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B5
42030 Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 12 (B6) - Out of
0 Maintenance 1534 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B6
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 14 (B7) - Out of
1 Maintenance 1535 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B7

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fault code Description
Exhaust Temperature
Cylinder 16 (B8) - Out of
2 Maintenance 1536 Range (High) Exh Temp oor B8
Engine Oil Filter
Restriction - Data Valid
4 Warning 1362 but High - Moderately
Severe OilFltr Block
5 Shutdown 2769 Bank A CAN Child
Message 6 Lost - Critical BankA CAN Err
6 Shutdown 2769 Bank B CAN Child
Message 6 Lost - Critical BankB CAN Err
7 Shutdown 2863 Generator Controller
Message 1 Lost - Critical
8 Shutdown 2863 Generator Controller
Message 2 Lost - Critical
9 Shutdown 781 Generator AC Switching
Message Lost - Critical
10 Shutdown 781 Engine to Genset
Message Lost - Critical
11 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 1
Message Timeout Error -
B Bank J1939 Err
12 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 2
Message Timeout Error -
B Bank J1939 Err
13 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 3
Message Timeout Error -
B Bank J1939 Err
14 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 4
Message Timeout Error -
B Bank J1939 Err
15 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 5
Message Timeout Error -
B Bank J1939 Err
42031 0 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 1
Message Timeout Error -
A Bank J1939 Err
1 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 2
Message Timeout Error -
A Bank J1939 Err
2 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 3
Message Timeout Error -
A Bank J1939 Err
3 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 4 J1939 Err

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fault code Description
Message Timeout Error -
A Bank
4 Warning 781 J1939 2 Data Link
Engine Exhaust Port 5
Message Timeout Error -
A Bank J1939 Err
5 Warning 1243 Engine Derate Engine Derate
6 Maintenance 219 Engine Oil Level Remote
Reservoir - Data Valid
but Low – Least Severe
7 Warning 1793 Engine Crankshaft
Mismatch Between
ECMs – Mechanical
System Not Responding CrnkSpeed Err
8 Warning 3589 Methane Percent Signal
– Data incorrect Methane% Err
9 Warning 3593 Methane Percent Signal
– Out of Range (Low) Methane% oor
10 Warning 3592 Methane Percent Signal
– Out of Range (High) Methane% oor
11 Warning 3587 Methane Percent Signal
– Data Valid but Low –
Least Severe Methane% Lo
12 Shutdown 3588 Methane Percent Signal
– Data Valid but Low –
Most Severe Methane% LoLo
13 Shutdown 3591 Methane Percent Signal
– Out of Range - Methane% oor
Shutdown SD
14 Notice 427 J1939 Data Link -
Methane Percent Signal
Message Lost
15 Warning 3585 Generator Total Real
Power Message Lost

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SSM558 – Bank A and B Systems Errors table

Address Bit Indication Cummings Content GEMPAC GAS
Bank fault code Description
42032 42064 Electronic Control Module(ECM)
0 Warning 2217 Program Memory Error ECM Mem Err
Fuel Shutoff Valve Driver Signal
1 Shutdown 2864 - Out of Range (High) FSV oor
Fuel Shutoff Valve Driver Signal
2 Shutdown 254 - Out of Range (Low) FSV oor
42033 42065 Engine Intake Manifold
Temperature - Out of Range
3 Warning 153 (High) IntakeTemp oor
Engine Intake Manifold
Temperature - Out of Range
4 Warning 154 (Low) IntakeTemp oor
42034 42066 Fuel Valve 1 Input(supply)
0 Warning 2311 Voltage High GasVlv1 Volt Hi
Fuel Valve 2 Input(supply)
1 Warning 2313 Voltage High GasVlv2 Volt Hi
Fuel Valve 1 Input(supply)
2 Warning 2311 Voltage Low GasVlv1 Volt Lo
Fuel Valve 2 Input(supply)
3 Warning 2313 Voltage Low GasVlv2 Volt Lo
42035 42067 GasVlv1
2 Shutdown 2311 Fuel Valve 1 Power up Indication Powerup
3 Warning 2313 Fuel Valve 2 Power up Indication Powerup
42036 42068 Battery #1 Voltage Low -
2 Warning 441 Warning Batt 1 Volt Lo
Battery #1 Voltage High -
3 Warning 442 Warning Batt 1 Volt Hi
Engine Crankshaft Speed
Critical Low – Root Cause
15 Shutdown 1821 Unknown CrnkSpeed Lo
42037 42069 Engine Control Module (ECM)
9 Warning 346 Partial Powerdown Data Lost ECM Data Lost
Engine Control Module (ECM)
10 Warning 346 All Powerdown Data Lost ECM Data Lost
Engine Control Module (ECM) ECM
11 Warning 343 Not Able to Powerdown Powerdown
Engine Speed/Position Signal 1 -
12 Warning 1546 Lost error Speed Snsr Err
42038 42070 SAE J1587/1922 Data link
13 Notice 412 Transmission Error
SAE J1587/1922 Data link
14 Notice 414 Circuit - Abnormal Update rate
SAE J1939 Data link
15 Notice 426 Transmission Error
42039 42071 SAE J1939 Data link Circuit
0 Notice 427 Abnormal Update Rate
Electronic Throttle Control
7 Warning 1739 Actuator Failure Throttle Fail
8 Warning 2311 Fuel Control Valve Command GasVlv Err

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Bank fault code Description
42040 42072 Not used
42041 42073 Fuel (Gas) Mass Flow Signal
7 Warning 751 Error GasFlow Err
CAN Parent Message 1 Lost -
9 Shutdown 2768 Critical CAN Err
Intake Manifold Air Temperature
12 Warning 488 High - Warning Intake Temp Hi
Compressor Outlet Pressure
13 Shutdown 1213 High - Critical CompOutPresHi
Throttle Plate Position Sensor
14 Warning 513 Circuit - Shorted Low ThrottlePos Lo
42042 42074 Engine Speed/Position 2 - Cam
1 Shutdown 1837 Sync Error Speed Snsr Err
Ignition Timing Signal Circuit -
2 Shutdown 459 Shorted Low IgnTiming Lo
Ignition Timing Signal Circuit -
3 Shutdown 458 Shorted high IgnTiming Hi
Ignition Control Mode
(Reference) Signal Circuit -
4 Shutdown 462 Shorted Low IgnCtrl Lo
Ignition Control Mode
(Reference) Signal Circuit —
5 Shutdown 461 Shorted High IgnCtrl Hi
Engine Cylinder 1 (A1)
Knock – Data Valid but High – Light Knock 1
6 Shutdown 2522 Serious
Engine Cylinder 3 (A2)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 3
7 Shutdown 2524 Serious
Engine Cylinder 5 (A3)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 5
8 Shutdown 2526 Serious
Engine Cylinder 7 (A4)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 7
9 Shutdown 2528 Serious
Engine Cylinder 9 (A5)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 9
10 Shutdown 2531 Serious
Engine Cylinder 11 (A6)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 11
11 Shutdown 2281 Serious
Engine Cylinder 13 (A7)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 13
12 Shutdown 1285 Serious
Engine Cylinder 15 (A8)
Knock - Data Valid but High – Light Knock 15
13 Shutdown 1295 Serious
Intake Manifold Air Temperature
15 Shutdown 155 #1 High - Serious IntakeTemp Hi
42043 42075 Intake Manifold Air Temperature
0 Shutdown 155 #1 High - critical IntakeTemp HiHi

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Bank fault code Description
10 Shutdown 234 Engine Speed High - Severe Engine Speed Hi
11 Shutdown 234 Engine Speed High - Severe Engine Speed Hi
Throttle Actuator Error -
6 Shutdown 177 Mechanically Stuck Throttle Stuck
7 Shutdown 2521 Bank Identification Error Bank ID Err
Fuel Control Valve -
8 Shutdown 1761 Mechanically Stuck Gas Vlv Stuck
ECM Internal Temperature High
9 Shutdown 2544 - Critical ECM Temp Hi
42044 42076 ECM Internal Air Temperature ECMTempSnsr
0 Warning 697 Sensor Circuit - Shorted High Hi
ECM Internal Air Temperature ECMTempSnsr
1 Warning 698 Sensor Circuit - Shorted Low Lo
Battery #2 Voltage High -
2 Warning 478 Warning Batt 2 Volt Hi
Battery #2 Voltage Low -
3 Warning 477 Warning Batt 2 Volt Lo
Electronic Throttle Control
6 Warning 175 Actuator Circuit - Shorted High Throttle Hi
Electronic Throttle Control
7 Warning 176 Actuator Circuit - Shorted Low Throttle Lo
Fuel Control Valve Position High
8 Warning 2866 Error GasVlv Pos Err
Fuel Control Valve Circuit -
9 Warning 2867 Shorted Low GasVlv Short Lo
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
(Current Driver) - Out of Range
10 Shutdown 2752 (High) Throttle Hi
Electronic Throttle Control
11 Shutdown 3514 Actuator Circuit - Shorted Low Throttle Lo
42045 42077 Heavy Knock 1
0 Shutdown 561 Heavy Knock Error Cylinder A1
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A1 - Out of Range Low Knock Err 1
1 Shutdown 571
Heavy Knock 3
2 Shutdown 563 Heavy Knock Error Cylinder A2
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A2 - Out of Range Low Knock Err 3
3 Shutdown 573
Heavy Knock 5
4 Shutdown 565 Heavy Knock Error Cylinder A3
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A3 - Out of Range Low Knock Err 5
5 Shutdown 575

Heavy Knock Error Cylinder A4 Heavy Knock 7

6 Shutdown 567 - Out of Range Low
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A4 Knock Err 7
7 Shutdown 577
8 Shutdown 569 Heavy Knock Error Cylinder A5 - Heavy Knock 9

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Bank fault code Description
Out of Range Low
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A5 Knock Err 9
9 Shutdown 579

Knock (Pre-Detonation) detected Heavy Knock 11

10 Shutdown 2282 in A6
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A6 Knock Err 11
11 Warning 1277

Knock (Pre-Detonation) detected Heavy Knock 13

12 Shutdown 1286 in Cylinder A7
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A7 Knock Err 13
13 Warning 1287

Knock (Pre-Detonation) detected Heavy Knock 14

14 Shutdown 1296 in Cylinder A8
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error A8 Knock Err 15
15 Warning 1297
42046 42078 Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit -
2 Warning 2188 High Error O2 Snsr Hi
Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit -
3 Warning 2192 Low Error O2 Snsr Lo
Bosch Exhaust Gas Oxygen
4 Warning 2188 High Error Gas O2 Hi Err
Bosch Exhaust Gas Oxygen
5 Warning 2192 Low Error Gas O2 Lo Err
Exhaust Back Pressure Sensor
9 Warning 591 Circuit - Shorted High Ex PresSnsr Hi
Exhaust Back Pressure Sensor
10 Warning 592 Circuit - Shorted Low Ex PresSnsr Lo
Fuel Inlet Delivery Pressure
11 Warning 1827 Sensor Circuit - Shorted High GasPresSnsr Hi
Fuel Inlet Delivery Pressure
12 Warning 1828 Sensor Circuit - Shorted Low GasPresSnsr Lo
Fuel Outlet Pressure Fail High
13 Warning 2427 Error GasPres Hi Err
Fuel Outlet Pressure Fail Low
14 Warning 2428 Error GasPres Lo Err
Compressor Outlet Pressure -
15 Warning 2517 Fail High Error CompOutPresHi
42047 42079 Compressor Outlet Pressure
0 Warning 2518 Fail Low Error CompOutPresLo
Sensor Supply Voltage #3
1 Warning 239 Circuit - Shorted High SSV 3 Short Hi
Sensor Supply Voltage #3
2 Warning 238 Circuit - Shorted Low SSV 3 Short Lo
Sensor Supply Voltage # 2
3 Warning 227 Circuit - Shorted High SSV 2 Short Hi

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Bank fault code Description
Sensor Supply Voltage #2
4 Warning 187 Circuit - Shorted low SSV 2 Short Lo
Sensor Supply Voltage #1
5 Warning 386 Circuit - Shorted High SSV 1 Short Hi
Sensor Supply Voltage #1
6 Warning 352 Circuit - Shorted Low SSV 1 Short Lo
7 Warning 2188 Exhaust Gas Oxygen High Error Gas O2 Hi Err
8 Warning 2192 Exhaust Gas Oxygen Low Error Gas O2 Lo Err
Heated Oxygen Sensor Circuit
9 Warning 752 Error O2 Snsr Err
Gas Mass Flow Sensor -
10 Warning 453 Shorted High GasFlowSnsr Hi
Gas Mass Flow Sensor -
11 Warning 454 Shorted Low GasFlowSnsr Lo
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor
12 Warning 354 - Shorted High IntakePres Hi
Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor
13 Warning 355 - Shorted Low IntakePres Lo
Throttle Plate Position Sensor
14 Warning 512 Circuit - Shorted High ThrottlePos Hi
42048 42080 Turbocharger Compressor
Outlet Pressure (5ms) –
Anormal Rate of Change -
8 Shutdown 2799 Critical CompPres Err
Turbocharger Compressor
Outlet Pressure (10ms) –
Anormal Rate of Change -
9 Shutdown 2799 Critical CompPres Err
Turbocharger Compressor
Outlet Pressure – Data Valid but
10 Shutdown 2811 High - Critical CompPres Err
Engine Intake Manifold
Temperature – Abnormal Rate
11 Shutdown 783 of Change - Critical IntakeTemp Err
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
2 Mechanical System Not
12 Shutdown 1746 Responding - Serious Throttle Err
Fuel Shutoff Valve 2 Driver
13 Warning 1753 Signal - Out of Range (High) FSV oor
Fuel Shutoff Valve 2 Driver
14 Warning 2298 Signal – Out of Range (Low) FSV oor
Fuel (Gas) Mass Flow 2 Signal
15 Warning 1758 Error GasFlow Err
42049 42081 Fuel (Gas) Mass Flow 2 Signal –
0 Warning 1758 Out of Range (High) GasFlow oor
CAN Slave Message 1 Lost
6 Shutdown 2769 Error CAN Err
CAN Slave Message 2 Lost
7 Shutdown 2769 Error CAN Err
J1939 Turbo Info 2 Message
9 Shutdown 2769 Timeout Error J1939 Err
12 Shutdown 3111 Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 1

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Bank fault code Description
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 3
13 Shutdown 3113 A2
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 5
14 Shutdown 3115 A3
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 7
15 Shutdown 3117 A4
42050 42082 Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 9
0 Shutdown 3119 A5
Excessive mechanical vibration
A6 Vibration 11
1 Shutdown 3122
Excessive mechanical vibration
A7 Vibration 13
2 Shutdown 3124
Excessive mechanical vibration
A8 Vibration 15
3 Shutdown 3126
CAN Slave Message 4 Lost
5 Shutdown 2769 Error CAN Err
Fuel Inlet Temperature Out of
6 Warning 263 Range High Error Gas Temp oor
Fuel Inlet Temperature Out of
7 Warning 265 Range Low Error Gas Temp oor
CAN Slave Message 5 Lost
8 Shutdown 2769 Error CAN Err
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
(CAN) Commanded Shutdown –
10 Shutdown 3515 Critical Throttle Err
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
(CAN) Failure (Position
12 Shutdown 1737 Demand) Throttle Fail
CAN Throttle Internal Failure
12 Shutdown 1737 Error Throttle Fail
13 Warning 1738 CAN Throttle Internal Fault Error Throttle Fail
CAN Throttle Primary Demand
14 Warning 1739 Error Throttle Fail
42051 42083 CAN Throttle High Temperature
1 Warning 1741 Warning Error Throttle Fail
CAN Throttle Temperature
2 Warning 1742 Limiting Error Throttle Fail
Continuous Light Knock Error Light Knock 2
5 Shutdown 2523 Cylinder B1
Continuous Light Knock Error Light Knock 4
6 Shutdown 2525 Cylinder B2
Continuous Light Knock Error Light Knock 6
7 Shutdown 2527 Cylinder B3
Continuous Light Knock Error Light Knock 8
8 Shutdown 2529 Cylinder B4
Continuous Light Knock Error Light Knock 10
9 Shutdown 2532 Cylinder B5
10 Shutdown 1579 Continuous Light Knock Error Light Knock 12

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Address Bit Indication Cummings Content GEMPAC GAS

Bank fault code Description
Cylinder B6
Continuous Light Knock Error
Cylinder B7 Light Knock 14
11 Shutdown 1581
Continuous Light Knock Error
Cylinder B8 Light Knock 16
12 Shutdown 1582
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B1 Heavy Knock 2
14 Shutdown 562
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B2 Heavy Knock 4
15 Shutdown 564
42052 42084 Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B3 Heavy Knock 6
0 Shutdown 566
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B4 Heavy Knock 8
1 Shutdown 568
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B5 Heavy Knock 10
2 Shutdown 1274
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B6 Heavy Knock 12
3 Shutdown 1281
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B7 Heavy Knock 14
4 Shutdown 1291
Heavy Knock Error Cylinder B8 Heavy Knock 16
5 Shutdown 1583
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
7 Warning 572 B1 Knock Err 2
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error Knock Err 4
8 Warning 574 B2
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error Knock Err 6
9 Warning 576 B3
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error Knock Err 8
10 Warning 578 B4
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
Error Knock Err 10
11 Warning 1275 B5
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
B6 Knock Err 12
12 Warning 1282
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
B7 Knock Err 14
13 Warning 1292
Knock Signal Health Diagnostic
B8 Knock Err 16
14 Warning 1584
42053 42085 9 Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 2
Shutdown 3112 B1

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Address Bit Indication Cummings Content GEMPAC GAS

Bank fault code Description
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 4
10 Shutdown 3114 B2
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 6
11 Shutdown 3116 B3
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 8
12 Shutdown 3118 B4
Excessive mechanical vibration Vibration 10
13 Shutdown 3121 B5
Excessive mechanical vibration
B6 Vibration 12
14 Shutdown 3123
Excessive mechanical vibration
B7 Vibration 14
15 Shutdown 3125
42054 42086 Excessive mechanical vibration
B8 Vibration 16
0 Shutdown 3127
Fuel (Gas) Mass Flow 2 – Out of
2 Warning 1757 Range (Low) GasFlow oor
Intake manifold Temperature 2
3 Warning 1984 High - Moderately Severe IntakeTemp Hi
Intake manifold Temperature 2
4 Shutdown 158 High - Serious IntakeTemp HiHi
Intake Manifold Temperature 2
5 Shutdown 158 High - Critical IntakeTemp HiHi
Throttle Plate Position 2 - Out of
6 Warning 2643 Range (High) ThrottlePos oor
Throttle Plate Position 2 - Out of
7 Warning 2644 Range (Low) ThrottlePos oor
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
2 (CAN) Temperature High -
8 Warning 1751 Least Severe ThrottleTemp Hi
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
2 (CAN) Temperature High -
9 Warning 1752 Moderately Severe ThrottleTemp Hi
Engine Throttle Control Actuator
2 (Current Driver) – Out of
10 Shutdown 3511 Range (High) Throttle oor
11 Shutdown 2768 CAN Master Msg 2 Lost Error CAN Err
Incompatible Software MCM700 MCM700 SW
12 Shutdown 1474 Err
15 Shutdown 2768 CAN_Master_Msg_3_Lost_Error CAN Err
42055 42087 Not Used
– –
42062 42094
42063 42095 Engine Emissions Closed Loop
Fueling Adjustment Limit -
8 Warning 3594 Warning Torq Oboost Err

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IRS Modbus parameters

Address Content Range Units Scale GEMPAC GAS
Factor Description
42096 Not Used
42097 Unfiltered Kilowatt Load 0 to 20 mA 512
Sensor Current Unf kW Current ##mA
42098 Not Used
42099 Oil Filter Outlet Pressure 0 to 275 psig 128 Oil Fltr Out ####bar
42100 Not Used
42101 Fuel Control Valve Position -100 to % 265
Error 100 LB Vlv Pos Err ###%
42102 – Not Used
42107 Calculated Torque-Over- -4 to 4 lambda 4096
Boost Torque O/boost #.#λ
42108 – Not Used
42116 Fuel Inlet Temperature 0 to 255 degrees F 128 LB Fuel Temp ###°C
42117 – Not Used
42126 Filtered Engine Speed 0 to rpm 8
4500 Engine Speed ####RPM
42127 – Not Used
42129 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A1 1500 A1 Exh. Temp ###°C
42130 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A2 1500 A2 Exh. Temp ###°C
42131 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A3 1500 A3 Exh. Temp ###°C
42132 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A4 1500 A4 Exh. Temp ###°C
42133 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A5 1500 A5 Exh. Temp ###°C
42134 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A6 1500 A6 Exh. Temp ###°C
42135 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A7 1500 A7 Exh. Temp ###°C
42136 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
A8 1500 A8 Exh. Temp ###°C
42137 Not Used
42138 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B1 1500 B1 Exh. Temp ###°C
42139 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B2 1500 B2 Exh. Temp ###°C
42140 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B3 1500 B3 Exh. Temp ###°C
42141 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B4 1500 B4 Exh. Temp ###°C
42142 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B5 1500 B5 Exh. Temp ###°C
42143 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B6 1500 B6 Exh. Temp ###°C

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Address Content Range Units Scale GEMPAC GAS

Factor Description
42144 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B7 1500 B7 Exh. Temp ###°C
42145 Exhaust Port Temperature 0 to degrees F 16
B8 1500 B8 Exh. Temp ###°C
42146 Not Used
42147 Engine Oil Temperature 0 to 255 degrees F 16 Eng Oil Temp ###°C
42148 Engine Oil Pressure 0 to 150 psig 128 Eng Oil Pres ####bar
42149 Pre-Filter Oil Pressure 0 to 150 psig 128 Oil Fltr In ####bar
42150 High Temp Coolant 0 to 255 degrees F 128
System Temperature HT Coolant T ###°C
42151 High Temp Coolant 0 to 125 psig 128
System Pressure HT Coolant P ####bar
42152 Low Temp Coolant System 0 to 255 degrees F 128
Temperature LT Coolant T ###°C
42153 Low Temp Coolant System 0 to 125 psig 128
Pressure LT Coolant P ####bar
42154 Manifold Absolute 0 to 75 psia 128
Pressure Manifold P ####bar
42155 Not Used
42156 Sensed Kilowatt Load 0 to KWatts 4 Sensed kW
4000 Load####kW
42157 Not Used
42158 Fuel Control Valve Inlet 0 to 100 psia 128
Pressure Fuel Vlv In ####bar
42159 Not Used
42160 Fuel Control Valve Outlet 0 to 100 psia 128
Pressure Fuel Vlv Out ####bar
42161 Not Used
42162 Intake Manifold 0 to 255 degrees F 128
Temperature Manifold T ###°C
42163 – Not Used
42166 Natural Gas Mass Flow 0 to lbm/hr 32
2000 Gas Flow ####kg/hr
42167 Not Used
42168 Fuel Control Valve Position 0 to 100 % 256 Fuel Vlv Pos ###%
42169 Not Used
42170 Throttle Position 0 to 100 % 256 Throttle Pos ###%
42171 – Not Used
42173 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder A1 5.0 Knock Level A1 ####V
42174 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
CylinderA2 5.0 Knock Level A2 ####V
42175 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder A3 5.0 Knock Level A3 ####V
42176 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder A4 5.0 Knock Level A4 ####V
42177 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder A5 5.0 Knock Level A5 ####V
42178 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512 Knock Level A6 ####V

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Address Content Range Units Scale GEMPAC GAS

Factor Description
Cylinder A6 5.0
42179 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder A7 5.0 Knock Level A7 ####V
42180 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder A8 5.0 Knock Level A8 ####V
42181 Not Used
42182 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B1 5.0 Knock Level B1 ####V
42183 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B2 5.0 Knock Level B2 ####V
42184 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B3 5.0 Knock Level B3 ####V
42185 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B4 5.0 Knock Level B4 ####V
42186 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B5 5.0 Knock Level B5 ####V
42187 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B6 5.0 Knock Level B6 ####V
42188 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B7 5.0 Knock Level B7 ####V
42189 Knock Level 0.5 to Volts 512
Cylinder B8 5.0 Knock Level B8 ####V
42190 Not Used
42191 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A1 Knock Count A1 #####
42192 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A2 Knock Count A2 #####
42193 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A3 Knock Count A3 #####
42194 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A4 Knock Count A4 #####
42195 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A5 Knock Count A5 #####
42196 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A6 Knock Count A6 #####
42197 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A7 Knock Count A7 #####
42198 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder A8 Knock Count A8 #####
42199 Not Used
42200 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B1 Knock Count B1 #####
42201 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535 Knock Count B2 #####

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Address Content Range Units Scale GEMPAC GAS

Factor Description
Cylinder B2
42202 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B3 Knock Count B3 #####
42203 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B4 Knock Count B4 #####
42204 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B5 Knock Count B5 #####
42205 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B6 Knock Count B6 #####
42206 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B7 Knock Count B7 #####
42207 Spark Timing Knock 0 to counts 1
Corrective Action Count 65535
Cylinder B8 Knock Count B8 #####
42208 Not Used
42209 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A1 55 Spark Adv A1 ####°
42210 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A2 55 Spark Adv A2 ####°
42211 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A3 55 Spark Adv A3 ####°
42212 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A4 55 Spark Adv A4 ####°
42213 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A5 55 Spark Adv A5 ####°
42214 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A6 55 Spark Adv A6 ####°
42215 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A7 55 Spark Adv A7 ####°
42216 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder A8 55 Spark Adv A8 ####°
42217 Not Used
42218 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B1 55 Spark Adv B1 ####°
42219 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B2 55 Spark Adv B2 ####°
42220 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B3 55 Spark Adv B3 ####°
42221 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B4 55 Spark Adv B4 ####°
42222 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B5 55 Spark Adv B5 ####°
42223 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B6 55 Spark Adv B6 ####°
42224 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B7 55 Spark Adv B7 ####°
42225 Spark Advance -20 to degrees 16
Engine Cylinder B8 55 Spark Adv B8 ####°

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Address Content Range Units Scale GEMPAC GAS

Factor Description
42226 –
42228 Not Used
42229 Engine State Bit 0 STOP 1
Bit 1 VENT 1
Bit 2 START 1
Bit 3 RUN 1
Bit 4 NORM-SD 1
Bit 5 EMG SD 1 Eng State ######
42230 – Not Used
42234 Compressor Outlet 0 to 75 psia 128
Pressure Compres. Out ####bar
42235 – Not Used
42239 ECM Internal Temperature 0 to 255 degrees F 128
SSM558-A 558A Int Temp ####°C
42240 – Not Used
42254 ECM Internal Temperature 0 to 255 degrees F 128
SSM558-B 558B Int Temp ####°C
42255 – Not Used
42261 Crankcase Blowby 0 to 31 in H2O g 128
Pressure Blowby Pres ####mbar
42262 Not Used
42263 Battery Voltage 0 to Volts 512
42.4585 Battery Voltage ##V
42264 – Not Used
42269 Desired Speed Bias -50 to % 256
50 Speed Bias ###%
42270 Not Used
42271 ECM Internal Temperature 0 to 255 degrees F 128
MCM700 M700 Int Temp ####°C
42272 Compressor Intake Air 0 to 255 degrees F 128
Temperature Comp Intake Air###°C
42273 – Not Used
42275 Fuel Supply Pressure 0 to 50 Psig 128 Fuel Supply ####bar
42276 Engine Oil Lube Status Bit 0 NOT 1
Bit 1 LUBED 1 Lube State ########
42277 Not Used
42278 Valve Proving System Test Bit 0 NOT 1
Bit 1 FAILED 1
Bit 2 PASSED 1 VPS State ########
42279 – Not Used
42286 Methane Percentage 0 to 127 % 128 Methane ###%

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Address Content Range Units Scale GEMPAC GAS

Factor Description
42287 Methane Percent Enable Bit 0 4-20mA 1
Bit 1 J1939 1
Bit 2 DISABLE 1 Meth Enable ########

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4. Parameter table

Parameter table reading and writing

The entire setting of parameters can be made using the Modbus. The combination of function
and address areas used is described below:

Function 01(01hex) read/write flag status

Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete flags in the slave unit

Address area for reading of status flags

Data to request Table
Enable Parameter table 2000 - 3999

The maximum number of data query is limited by the length of the actual table.

Function 02(02hex) read flag status

Reads the ON/OFF status of discrete flags in the slave unit

Address area for reading of status flags

Data to request Table
Alarm active Parameter table 4000 - 5999
Alarm acknowledge Parameter table 6000 - 7999
Timer output Parameter table 8000 - 9999
Timer running Parameter table 10000 - 11999
Digital input Digital input table 22500 - 22999
Digital output Digital output table 23000 - 23499

The maximum number of data query is limited by the length of the actual table.

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Function 03(03hex) read/write registers

Reads the binary of registers in the slave unit

Address area for reading of registers

Data to request Table
Timers used Parameter table 2000 - 3999
Values used Parameter table 4000 - 4999
Values minimum Parameter table 6000 - 7999
Values maximum Parameter table 8000 - 9999
Output a Parameter table 10000 - 11999
Output b Parameter table 12000 - 13999
Fail class used Parameter table 14000 - 15999
Enable Parameter table 16000 - 17999
Inhibit Parameter table 18000 - 19999
MCM system errors 40001 - 40096 42000 - 42095
MCM Modbus parameter 40192 - 40367 42096 - 42271
MCM Modbus parameter 40415 - 40430 42272 - 42287

The maximum number of data query is limited by the length of the actual table.

Function 04(04hex) read registers

Reads the binary of registers in the slave unit

Address area for reading of registers

Data to request Table
Measuring values Measuring values table 0-1999
Configurable area 0 - 499
Measurements 500 - 999
Status/Alarms 1000 - 1699
Power management 1700 - 1999
Timers minimum Parameter table 2000 - 3999
Timers maximum Parameter table 4000 - 3999
Output a minimum Parameter table 6000 - 7999
Output a maximum Parameter table 8000 - 9999
Output b minimum Parameter table 10000 - 11999
Output b maximum Parameter table 12000 - 13999
Fail class minimum Parameter table 14000 - 15999
Fail class maximum Parameter table 16000 - 17999

The maximum number of data query is limited by the length of the actual table.

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Function 15(0Fhex) write multiple flags

Writes each flag (0 x reference) in a sequence of flags to either ON or OFF.

Address area for writing of status flags

Data to request Table
Enable Parameter table 2000 - 3999

Function 16(10hex) write register

Writes values into a sequence of registers

Address area for writing of registers

GEMPAC GAS GEMPAC GAS Table Address area
Data to request
Timers used Parameter table 2000 - 3999
Values used Parameter table 4000 - 4999
Output a Parameter table 10000 - 11999
Output b Parameter table 12000 - 13999
Fail class used Parameter table 14000 - 15999
Enable Parameter table 16000 - 17999
Inhibit Parameter table 18000 - 19999

The maximum number of data query is limited by the length of the actual table.

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Parameter addresses
Chanel and Modbus offset address numbers can be found in the utility software parameter list
for the unit in question.
Channel Modbus offset address

It is not possible to write to Modbus offset address 0. These values are used
for DEIF internal version control.

Limits and value unit

By doubleclicking the requested channel number, the limits for each setting will be shown; also
the value unit, this value is to be used if read/write is to be done via Modbus.

Min. setting Value unit Max. setting

When using Modbus, it is not possible to write the value 50.5, this must be 505.
Also when read via Modbus, this value will be listed as 505, so an external
calculation is necessary to have the value displayed as 50.5 Hz.

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Examples 1
Changes nominal frequency 1 (parameter 6001), from 50 to 60 Hz.

Use the USW to find the Modbus offset address:

To calculate the value to be sent, it is necessary to find the value unit used for the specific

Value used is without any comma or dots, so the used value needs to be
multiplied by 10.

60 Hz = (Value unit) 10 * 60 = 600 Dec = 0258 Hex

Writing values to be used is function code 16(10hex) address 4000 - 4999

Address 4000 + 407 = 4407 Dec = 1137 Hex

The following data in Hex decimal is to be transmitted to the GEMPAC GAS:

Tx: 01 10 10 A2 00 01 02 02 58 AE 49

01 Modbus ID 1 (01 Hex)

10 Function code 16 (10 Hex)
11 37 Addressee 4407 Dec (1137 Hex)
00 01 Numbers of 16 bit, bytes to be send
02h Numbers of 8 bit, bytes to be send
02 58 Value 600 (0258 Hex)
AE 49 CRC, checksum

The following response in Hex decimal will be sent from the GEMPAC GAS:

Rx: 01 10 10 A2 00 01 A4 EB

01h Modbus ID 1 (01 Hex)

10h Function code 16 (10 Hex)
11 37 Addressee 4407 (1137 Hex)
00h 01h Numbers of 16 bit, bytes to be changed
A4 EB CRC, checksum

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Examples 2
Read nominal frequency 1 (parameter 6001)

Offset value and calculated value is the same as for example 1.

Read values to be used is function code 03(03hex) address 4000-4999

The following data in Hex decimal is to be transmitted to the GEMPAC GAS:

Tx: 01 03 10 A2 00 01 21 28

01 Modbus ID 1 (01 Hex)

03 Function code 03 (03 Hex)
11 37 Addressee 4407 (1137 Hex)
00 01 Numbers of 16 bit, bytes to be read
21 28 CRC, checksum

The following response in Hex decimal will be sent from the GEMPAC GAS:

Rx: 01 03 02 02 58 DF F0

01 Modbus ID 1 (01 Hex)

03 Function code 03 (03 Hex)
02 Numbers of 8 bit, bytes to be send
02 58 Value
DF F0 CRC, checksum

The value 02 58 hex correspond to 600Dec = 60.0 Hz.

DEIF A/S reserves the right to change any of the above.

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