QC Casing Installation Guide
QC Casing Installation Guide
QC Casing Installation Guide
Pull Test
Purpose: To test the performance of QC casing joints
under tensile loads.
Materials: QC casing section samples, loading frame, and
NIST-traceable equipment including a calibrated hydraulic
ram and pressure gauge.
Procedure: The casing section samples were assembled
and mounted in the loading frame. The samples were
loaded until the casing joints failed.
Results: Both 85 mm (3.34 inch) and 70 mm (2.75 inch)
casing sample joints withstood 635 kg (1400 lb) of tension.
Torque Test
Purpose: To test the performance of QC casing joints
under twisting forces that could cause misalignment of
casing grooves.
Materials: QC casing section samples, torque test frame
with lever arm, NIST Class F traceable weights.
Procedure: The casing section samples were assembled
and mounted in the torque test frame. The weight sus-
pended from the lever arm was increased until the casing
joints failed.
Results: Both 85 mm (3.34 inch) and 70 mm (2.75 inch)
casing sample joints withstood 33 N.m (25 ft.lb) of torque.
Bending Test
Purpose: To test the performance of QC casing joints
under bending moments.
Materials: QC casing sections, a test frame, and NIST
Class F traceable weights.
Procedure: Casing sections were assembled and then sup-
ported at opposite ends, with the unsupported joint in the
middle. Weights were suspended from the casing sections
on both sides of the joint to create a bending moment
across the joint. Weight was then increased until the joint
Results: Both 85 mm (3.34 inch) and 70 mm (2.75 inch)
casing joints withstood a bending moment of 186 N.m
(140 ft.lb).
Pressure Test
Purpose: To test the O-ring seals and the collapse strength
of the QC joint by subjecting them to compressive forces.
Materials: QC casing sections, a water-filled pressure
vessel, and an NIST-traceable pressure gauge.
Procedure: Casing sections were assembled and placed in
the pressure vessel, which was designed to apply pressure
to the casing wall and joint, but not to casing ends, which
were left open to atmosphere. Water pressure was
increased until the casing failed.
Results: The 85 mm (3.34 inch) casing joints withstood a
minimum of 12.4 bar (180 psi). The 70 mm (2.75 inch)
casing joints withstood 16.5 bar (240 psi).
Assembling QC Casing
Assembling QC Casing
QC Casing Sections
Each section of casing has a male end with an alignment
key, an O-ring, and a lock ring, and a female end with a
keyway. It takes about 30 pounds to snap two sections of
casing together.
The O-ring and lock-ring are greased at the factory and
protected by a cap. At assembly time, remove the cap and
check that the O-ring and lock ring are still greased. Be
sure to keep casing ends clean.
Speed Hint
You may find this alternative
assembly procedure easier:
1. Push the sections together until
the end of the casing touches the
alignment key.
2. Turn the casing into alignment.
3. Snap the joint closed.
Reassembling QC Casing
1. Remove burrs and rough edges.
2. Glue and rivet the reassembled joint. Place rivets at 90
degree intervals around the joint, starting the first rivet
just above the keyway.
3. Seal the entire joint with tape.
Splicing QC Casing
Damaged QC casing can be repaired using a QC casing
splice kit. Splice kits include a male or female coupling,
self-tapping screws, and vinyl tape. You will need a hack-
saw, drill, and screwdriver.
1. Cut off damaged casing. Remove burrs.
2. Slide the splice coupling onto the end of the casing and
align it with the grooves in the casing.
3. Drill holes in the casing using the pre-drilled holes on
the splice coupling as a guide.
4. Insert the self-tapping screws into the pre-drilled holes
and screw them into the casing.
5. Seal the joint with vinyl tape.
6. The casing section now has a good QC end and can be
used normally.
Installing QC Casing
Casing Buoyancy
Casing will float in water-filled boreholes, so you must fill
it with water to install it down hole. However, when you
pump grout into the borehole, the water-filled casing
becomes buoyant again, because the grout is denser than
To counter this buoyancy, use a casing anchor or apply a
down force at the bottom of the casing. For example, lower
a steel pipe to the bottom of the casing.
If you apply a down force at the top of the casing, the cas-
ing will go into compression and loose its straightness. For
this reason, we recommend that you do not park a drill rig
over the casing or apply any other top-down method of
counteracting buoyancy.
You will need a mixer, a grout pump, a pipe or hose for
delivering the grout, and optionally, a grout valve installed
in the bottom section of the casing. We recommend that
you do not mix the grout by hand. We also recommend that
you do not use a water pump to place the grout, since
pumping grout would damage it.
Properly mixed grout should be free of lumps. It has to be
thin enough to pump but thick enough to set in a reason-
able length of time. If the mixture is too watery, it will
shrink excessively, leaving the upper portion of the bore-
hole ungrouted. Also, avoid the use of admixtures and
grouts that cure at high temperature since these may dam-
age the casing.
During mixing, monitor the temperature of the grout. If the
temperature exceeds 92 F (33 C), consider remixing with
ice rather than water. Casing will become weak if the heat
of hydration later exceeds 190 F (88 C).
Grouting continued
Grout Mixes for Inclinometers
Mix cement with water first. Then mix in the bentonite.
Adjust the amount of bentonite to produce a grout within
the consistencey of heavy cream. If the grout is too thin,
the solids and the water will separate. If the grout is too
th8ick, it will be difficult to pump.
The mix for hard and medium soils has a 28 day compres-
sive strenth of about 100 psi, similar to hard clay. The mod-
ulus is about 10,000 psi.
The mix for soft soils has a 28 day compressive strength of
about 4 psi, similar to very soft clay.
Installation Methods
Pre-Grouting the Borehole
1. Clear the borehole of debris. Check the borehole depth.
Lower the grout pipe to the bottom of the borehole.
Pump in the grout and then retrieve the grout pipe.
2. Attach the bottom cap to the bottom section of casing.
3. Install casing to the specified depth. Keep casing filled
with water to counteract buoyancy and grout pressure.
4. Lower a steel bar or drill pipe to the bottom of the
casing to counteract buoyancy. Allow the grout to set.
Later, top off the borehole with grout and install a
protective cover.
Stage Grouting
In stage grouting, grout backfill is placed in stages, so that
the pressure of grout never exceeds the collapse strength of
the casing. In general, you should consider stage grouting
when the depth of the borehole exceeds 200 feet.
• Grout can be delivered by hose or pipe. Hose must be
installed with the casing, but it is disposable and can be
left in place after grouting.
• Stage grouting with hoses requires at least two hoses.
The first pipe should extend to the bottom of the bore-
hole. The next pipe should extend to bottom of the the
next stage, and so on.
• During grouting, you must keep a balance between the
hydraulic pressures inside and outside the casing. If the
casing is already full of water, no further action is
needed. If the borehole is dry, raise the water level
within the casing to match the level of the grout.
• Be sure to label or color-code each grout pipe to avoid
accidentally pumping grout or water down the wrong
• Make some provision to counter buoyancy of the cas-
ing. This is best done by applying a down force at the
bottom of the casing.
Locking Caps
Monument Case